예제 #1
def locate_ref_dmfile(path=None, filename="Densmat_SCF.txt", prop_key="HF_ref",
                      jsonfile="DMfinder.json", ccpfile="CCParser.json"):
    path = ut.deal_with_type(path, condition=None, to=os.getcwd)
    if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(path, "AB_MP2", filename)):
        abfile = os.path.join(path, "AB_MP2", filename)
        abfol =  os.path.join(path, "AB_MP2")
    elif os.path.isfile(os.path.join(path, "AB_HF", filename)):
        abfile = os.path.join(path, "AB_HF", filename)
        abfol = os.path.join(path, "AB_HF")
        abfile = False
    json_filepath = jsonfile if ut.split_path(jsonfile)[0] else os.path.join(path, jsonfile)
    old = ut.load_js(json_filepath) if os.path.isfile(json_filepath) else {}
    new = {}
    if abfile:
        if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(abfol, ccpfile)):
        raw = ut.load_js(os.path.join(abfol, ccpfile))
        coords = raw["frag_xyz"][-1][0]
        if type(coords) == str:
            coords = ut.vals_from_npz(os.path.join(abfol, coords), "frag_xyz")[-1][0].tolist()
        elconf, cnt = [], 0
        while not elconf:  # if empty because "read", get previous
            elconf = raw["elconf"][-1 - cnt][0] 
            cnt += 1
        elconf = elconf[0] if len(elconf) == 1 else elconf[1]
        bas = find_basfile(abfol)
        new[prop_key] = [elconf, abfile, coords, bas]
        if jsonfile:
            ut.dump_js(old, json_filepath)
    return new
예제 #2
def get_ref_int(path=None, n=0, rawfile="CCParser.json", linenumbers=True):
    if n != 0:
        raise ValueError("Only Ground-State energy")
    path = ut.deal_with_type(path, condition=None, to=os.getcwd)
    return get_non_fdet_int(ut.split_path(path)[0], rawfile=rawfile, linenumbers=linenumbers)
예제 #3
def elst_change_ref(path=None, n=0, rawfile="CCParser.json", linenumbers=True):
    if n != 0:
        raise ValueError("Only Ground-State energy")
    path = ut.deal_with_type(path, condition=None, to=os.getcwd)
    return get_elst_ref(path=path, rawfile=rawfile, linenumbers=linenumbers) - get_elst_int_sum_iso(path=path, rawfile=rawfile, linenumbers=linenumbers)
예제 #4
def elst_change_fdet(path=None, n=0, rawfile="CCParser.json", linenumbers=True):
    if n != 0:
        raise ValueError("Only Ground-State energy")
    path = ut.deal_with_type(path, condition=None, to=os.getcwd)
    return elst_fdet(path=path, rawfile=rawfile, linenumbers=linenumbers) - get_elst_int_sum_iso(path=path, rawfile=rawfile, linenumbers=linenumbers)
예제 #5
def kernel(path=None, n=0, kvar="HF_FDET", knvar="MP_FDET", dmfindfile="DMfinder.json", ccpfile="CCParser.json"):
    path = ut.deal_with_type(path, condition=None, to=os.getcwd)
    if n != 0:
        raise NotImplementedError("Only GS so far!")
    kernel = get_kernel(path=path, n=n, kvar=kvar, knvar=knvar, dmfindfile=dmfindfile, ccpfile=ccpfile)
    return sum(kernel.values())
예제 #6
def get_non_fdet_terms(path=None, rawfile="CCParser.json", linenumbers=True):  # cached=True is omitted, uses default, we can because other funcs checked
    ccdlog = logging.getLogger("ccd")
    path = ut.deal_with_type(path, condition=None, to=os.getcwd)
    E = {}
    # AB
    if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(path, "AB_MP2")):
        raw = ut.load_js(os.path.join(path, "AB_MP2", rawfile))
        E["HF_AB"] = raw["scf_energy"][-1][0] if linenumbers else raw["scf_energy"][-1]
        E["E_2_AB"] =raw["mp_correction"][-1][0] if linenumbers else raw["mp_correction"][-1]
    elif os.path.isdir(os.path.join(path, "AB_HF")):
        raw = ut.load_js(os.path.join(path, "AB_HF", rawfile))
        E["HF_AB"] = raw["scf_energy"][-1][0] if linenumbers else raw["scf_energy"][-1]
        ccdlog.error("Could not find AB_MP2 nor AB_HF")
    # A
    if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(path, "A_MP2")):
        raw = ut.load_js(os.path.join(path, "A_MP2", rawfile))
        E["HF_A"] = raw["scf_energy"][-1][0] if linenumbers else raw["scf_energy"][-1]
        E["E_2_A"] =raw["mp_correction"][-1][0] if linenumbers else raw["mp_correction"][-1]
    elif os.path.isdir(os.path.join(path, "A_HF")):
        raw = ut.load_js(os.path.join(path, "A_HF", rawfile))
        E["HF_A"] = raw["scf_energy"][-1][0] if linenumbers else raw["scf_energy"][-1]
        ccdlog.error("Could not find A_MP2 nor A_HF")
   # A_gh 
    if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(path, "A_MP2_gh")):
        raw = ut.load_js(os.path.join(path, "A_MP2_gh", rawfile))
        E["HF_A_gh"] = raw["scf_energy"][-1][0] if linenumbers else raw["scf_energy"][-1]
        E["E_2_A_gh"] =raw["mp_correction"][-1][0] if linenumbers else raw["mp_correction"][-1]
    elif os.path.isdir(os.path.join(path, "A_HF_gh")):
        raw = ut.load_js(os.path.join(path, "A_HF_gh", rawfile))
        E["HF_A_gh"] = raw["scf_energy"][-1][0] if linenumbers else raw["scf_energy"][-1]
        ccdlog.error("Could not find A_MP2_gh nor A_HF_gh")
    # B
    if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(path, "B_MP2")):
        raw = ut.load_js(os.path.join(path, "B_MP2", rawfile))
        E["HF_B"] = raw["scf_energy"][-1][0] if linenumbers else raw["scf_energy"][-1]
        E["E_2_B"] =raw["mp_correction"][-1][0] if linenumbers else raw["mp_correction"][-1]
    elif os.path.isdir(os.path.join(path, "B_HF")):
        raw = ut.load_js(os.path.join(path, "B_HF", rawfile))
        E["HF_B"] = raw["scf_energy"][-1][0] if linenumbers else raw["scf_energy"][-1]
        ccdlog.error("Could not find B_MP2 nor B_HF")
    # B_gh
    if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(path, "B_MP2_gh")):
        raw = ut.load_js(os.path.join(path, "B_MP2_gh", rawfile))
        E["HF_B_gh"] = raw["scf_energy"][-1][0] if linenumbers else raw["scf_energy"][-1]
        E["E_2_B_gh"] =raw["mp_correction"][-1][0] if linenumbers else raw["mp_correction"][-1]
    elif os.path.isdir(os.path.join(path, "B_HF_gh")):
        raw = ut.load_js(os.path.join(path, "B_HF_gh", rawfile))
        E["HF_B_gh"] = raw["scf_energy"][-1][0] if linenumbers else raw["scf_energy"][-1]
        ccdlog.error("Could not find B_MP2_gh nor B_HF_gh")
    return E
예제 #7
def elst_hf(path=None, rawfile="CCParser.json", linenumbers=True):  # cached=True is omitted, uses default, we can because other funcs checked
    path = ut.deal_with_type(path, condition=None, to=os.getcwd)
    raw = ut.load_js(os.path.join(path, rawfile))
    J = raw["tot_coulomb"][-1][0] if linenumbers else raw["tot_coulomb"][-1]
    V_ne = raw["nuc_attr"][-1][0] if linenumbers else raw["nuc_attr"][-1]
    V_nn = raw["nuc_repu"][-1][0] if linenumbers else raw["nuc_repu"][-1]
    return  J + V_ne + V_nn
예제 #8
def get_fdet_terms(path=None, rawfile="CCParser.json", linenumbers=True, MP=True):
    path = ut.deal_with_type(path, condition=None, to=os.getcwd)
    afol = os.path.join(path, find_emb_A(path=path))
    bfol = os.path.join(path, find_emb_B(path=path))
    d = get_fdet_terms_A(path=afol, rawfile=rawfile, linenumbers=linenumbers, MP=MP)
    d.update(**get_energy_B(path=bfol, rawfile=rawfile, linenumbers=linenumbers, MP=MP))
    return d
예제 #9
def densdiff(path=None, n=0, k1="HF_FDET", k2="HF_ref", rawfile="DMfinder.json"):
    path = ut.deal_with_type(path, condition=None, to=os.getcwd)
    if n != 0:
        raise NotImplementedError("Only GS so far!")
    d1, d2, gridpoints, weights = densities_on_gridpoints(path=path, n=n, k1=k1,
                                                          k2=k2, rawfile=rawfile)
    return 0.5*np.dot(weights, np.absolute(d2 - d1))
예제 #10
def elst_ref(path=None, rawfile="CCParser.json", linenumbers=True):
    path = ut.deal_with_type(path, condition=None, to=os.getcwd)
    if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(path, "AB_MP2")):
        abfol = os.path.join(path, "AB_MP2")
    elif os.path.isdir(os.path.join(path, "AB_HF")):
        abfol = os.path.join(path, "AB_HF")
        raise FileNotFoundError("Could not find AB reference folder")
    return elst_hf(path=abfol, rawfile=rawfile, linenumbers=linenumbers)
예제 #11
def elst_fdet(path=None, rawfile="CCParser.json", linenumbers=True):
    path = ut.deal_with_type(path, condition=None, to=os.getcwd)
    afol = os.path.join(path, find_emb_A(path=path))
    bfol = os.path.join(path, find_emb_B(path=path))
    elst_A = elst_hf(path=afol, rawfile=rawfile, linenumbers=linenumbers)
    elst_B = elst_hf(path=bfol, rawfile=rawfile, linenumbers=linenumbers)
    fdet = get_fdet_terms_A(path=afol, rawfile=rawfile, linenumbers=linenumbers)
    elst_int = fdet["J"] + fdet["V_NN"] + fdet["AnucB"] + fdet["BnucA"] 
    return elst_A + elst_B + elst_int
예제 #12
def get_fdet_int(path=None, n=0, rawfile="CCParser.json", linenumbers=True, lin=True, MP=True):
    path = ut.deal_with_type(path, condition=None, to=os.getcwd)
    if n != 0:
        raise ValueError("Only Ground-State energy")
    E = group_fdet_terms(path=path, rawfile=rawfile, linenumbers=linenumbers, MP=MP)
    E_int = E["Delta_HF"] + E["elst_int"]
    E_int +=  E["nonel,lin"] if lin else E["nonel"]
    if MP:
        E_int += E["Delta_E_2"]
    return E_int
예제 #13
def elst_sum_iso(path=None, rawfile="CCParser.json", linenumbers=True, expansion=None):  # cached=True is omitted, uses default, we can because other funcs checked
    path = ut.deal_with_type(path, condition=None, to=os.getcwd)
    mono = expansion == "ME"
    if expansion is None:
        raise ValueError("You must provide the expansion")
    # A
    if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(path, "A_MP2" if mono else "A_MP2_gh")):
        afol = os.path.join(path, "A_MP2" if mono else "A_MP2_gh")
    elif os.path.isdir(os.path.join(path, "A_HF" if mono else "A_HF_gh")):
        afol = os.path.join(path, "A_HF" if mono else "A_HF_gh")
        raise FileNotFoundError("Could not find isolated A")
    # B
    if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(path, "B_MP2" if mono else "B_MP2_gh")):
        bfol = os.path.join(path, "B_MP2" if mono else "B_MP2_gh")
    elif os.path.isdir(os.path.join(path, "B_HF" if mono else "B_HF_gh")):
        bfol = os.path.join(path, "B_HF" if mono else "B_HF_gh")
        raise FileNotFoundError("Could not find isolated B")
    elst_A = elst_hf(path=afol, rawfile=rawfile, linenumbers=linenumbers)
    elst_B = elst_hf(path=bfol, rawfile=rawfile, linenumbers=linenumbers)

    intfol = False
    for exp in expansion.upper(), expansion.lower():
        suspects = ["FT*{}".format(exp), "FnT*{}".format(exp)]
        for sus in suspects:
            globbed = gl.glob(os.path.join(path, sus))
            if not globbed:
            for fol in globbed:
                if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(fol, "cy0")):
                    intfol = os.path.join(fol, "cy0")
                    break  # Following part breaks all loops.
    if not intfol:
        raise FileNotFoundError("Could not find electrostatic interaction for sum of isolated fragments.\
                                \nGenerally this is in the 0-th cycle of freeze and thaw, please insert in \
                                for A embedded in isolated B")
    raw = ut.load_js(os.path.join(intfol, rawfile))
    J =  raw["J_sum_iso"][0] if type(raw["J_sum_iso"][0]) != list else raw["J_sum_iso"][0][0]  # not trusting linenumbers on this one
    AnucB = raw["AnucB_sum_iso"][0] if type(raw["AnucB_sum_iso"][0]) != list else raw["AnucB_sum_iso"][0][0]
    BnucA = raw["BnucA_sum_iso"][0] if type(raw["BnucA_sum_iso"][0]) != list else raw["BnucA_sum_iso"][0][0]
    V_NN = raw["V_AB"][0][0] if linenumbers else raw["V_AB"][0]
    elst_int = J + AnucB + BnucA + V_NN
    return elst_A + elst_B + elst_int
예제 #14
def find_emb_A(path=None):
    path = ut.deal_with_type(path, condition=None, to=os.getcwd)
    if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(path, "MP2_A")):
        afol = os.path.join(path, "MP2_A")
    elif os.path.isdir(os.path.join(path, "HF_A")):
        afol = os.path.join(path, "HF_A")
        cyfols = [i for i in os.listdir(path) if "cy" in i]
        n_iters = len(cyfols) - 1
        afol = os.path.join(path, "cy{}".format(n_iters - n_iters%2))
    return afol
예제 #15
def M_value(path=None, n=0, k1="HF_FDET", k2="HF_ref", rawfile="DMfinder.json"):
    path = ut.deal_with_type(path, condition=None, to=os.getcwd)
    if n != 0:
        raise NotImplementedError("Only GS so far!")
    d1, d2, gridpoints, weights = densities_on_gridpoints(path=path, n=n, k1=k1,
                                                          k2=k2, b_only=True,
    d = d2 - d1
    pos = np.where(d > 0)
    d[pos] = 0
    return -np.dot(weights, d)
예제 #16
def get_energy_B(path=None, rawfile="CCParser.json", linenumbers=True, find=False, MP=True):  # cached=True is omitted, uses default, we can because other funcs checked
    path = ut.deal_with_type(path, condition=None, to=os.getcwd)
    if find:
        path = os.path.join(path, find_emb_B(path=path))
    raw = ut.load_js(os.path.join(path, rawfile))
    d = {}
    cycles = raw["cycle_energies"][-1][0] if linenumbers else raw["cycle_energies"][-1]
    if type(cycles) == str and re.match(".+npz", cycles):
        cycles = ut.vals_from_npz(os.path.join(path, cycles), "cycle_energies")
    d["HF_B"] = cycles[-1][-1]
    if MP:
        d["E_2_B"]= raw["mp_correction"][-1][0] if linenumbers else raw["mp_correction"][-1]
    return d
예제 #17
def raw_to_complex(path=None,
    Simply copies a raw quantity as a complex quantity. Handles change of key, picks required "state" (n-th value of raw_quantity)
    path: str
        path in which to look for raw quantity
    rawfile: str
        the json file with raw quantities. default is ccp
    raw_key: str
        the key of the raw quantity in the json dictionary
    n: int
        which value to take. Uses fortran/human counting, default is 1
    linenumbers: bool
        Whethere the quantity in the json file will have linenumbers. Default is True.
        e.g. json_dict[raw_key]=[[val1,line1],[val2,line2], ...] => use True
             json_dict[raw_key]=[[val1,val2,val3, ...] => use False
     dictionary item
         generally a float, potentially str.
    if raw_key == "":
        raise ValueError("you didn't specify the raw quantity's key")
    if n < 0:
            "CRITICAL - raw_to_complex: negative index. Most likely you didn't specify that a quantity is in ex_qs"
        raise ValueError  #message in print to appear also when in "try"  statements
    if first_only and n > 0:
        raise ValueError("You want a value only, but are asking for n > 0")
    path = ut.deal_with_type(path, condition=None, to=os.getcwd)
    rawfile = os.path.join(path, rawfile)
    raws = ut.load_js(rawfile)
    vals = group_values(raws[raw_key]) if group_values else raws[raw_key]
    to_return = vals[n][0] if linenumbers else vals[n]
    return to_return
예제 #18
def raw_to_complex(path=None, rawfile="CCParser.json", raw_key="", n=0, 
                   linenumbers=True, first_only=False, group_values=False,
    Simply copies a raw quantity as a complex quantity. Handles change of key, picks required "state" (n-th value of raw_quantity)
    path: str
        path in which to look for raw quantity
    rawfile: str
        the json file with raw quantities. default is ccp
    raw_key: str
        the key of the raw quantity in the json dictionary
    n: int
        which value to take. Uses fortran/human counting, default is 1
    linenumbers: bool
        Whethere the quantity in the json file will have linenumbers. Default is True.
        e.g. json_dict[raw_key]=[[val1,line1],[val2,line2], ...] => use True
             json_dict[raw_key]=[[val1,val2,val3, ...] => use False
     dictionary item
         generally a float, potentially str.
    if not raw_key:
        raise ValueError("you didn't specify the raw quantity's key")
    if n < 0:
        raise ValueError("negative index. Most likely you didn't specify that a quantity is in ex_qs")
    if first_only and n > 0:
        raise ValueError("You want a value only, but are asking for n > 0")
    path = ut.deal_with_type(path, condition=None, to=os.getcwd)
    rawfile = os.path.join(path, rawfile)
    raws = ut.load_js(rawfile, cached=True)
    vals = raws[raw_key]
    if group_values and np.array([type(i) in [float,np.float32,np.float64] for i in vals]).all():
        vals = group_values(raws[raw_key])
    val = vals[n][0] if linenumbers else vals[n]
    if type(val) == str and re.match(".+npz", val):
        val = ut.vals_from_npz(os.path.join(path, val), raw_key)[n]
    if type(val) not in [bool, int, float, str]:
        val = deal_with_array(val, to=arr_type)
    return val
예제 #19
def densities_on_gridpoints(path=None, n=0, k1="HF_FDET", k2="HF_ref",
            b_only=False, rawfile="DMfinder.json"):
    ccdlog = logging.getLogger("ccd")
    first_dec = lambda x: min([n for n, i in enumerate(np.format_float_positional(x).split(".")[-1]) if i != "0"])
    check_int = lambda x: first_dec(round(x) - x)
    path = ut.deal_with_type(path, condition=None, to=os.getcwd)
    expansion = deduce_expansion(path=path)
    raw = ut.load_js(os.path.join(path, rawfile))
    d1, gridpoints, weights = key_to_density(raw, k1, b_only=b_only, expansion=expansion)
    int1 = np.dot(weights, d1)
    ccdlog.info("{} integrates to {}".format(k1, int1))
    assert check_int(int1) >= 3, "Non-integer integration for {}".format(k1)
    d2, *_ = key_to_density(raw, k2, gridpoints=gridpoints, weights=weights, b_only=b_only, expansion=expansion)
    int2 = np.dot(weights, d2)
    ccdlog.info("{} integrates to {}".format(k2, int2))
    assert check_int(int2) >= 3, "Non-integer integration for {}".format(k2)
    return d1, d2, gridpoints, weights
예제 #20
def get_non_fdet_int(path=None, rawfile="CCParser.json", linenumbers=True):
    path = ut.deal_with_type(path, condition=None, to=os.getcwd)
    d = get_non_fdet_terms(path, rawfile=rawfile, linenumbers=linenumbers)
    E_int = {}
    E_int["HF"] = d["HF_AB"] - d["HF_A"] - d["HF_B"]
        E_int["HF_CP"] = d["HF_AB"] - d["HF_A_gh"] - d["HF_B_gh"]
    except KeyError:
        ccdlog.info("at least some HF-ghost value unavailable")
        E_int["MP"] = E_int["HF"] + d["E_2_AB"] - d["E_2_A"] - d["E_2_B"]
    except KeyError:
        ccdlog.info("at least some MP value unavailable")
        E_int["MP_CP"] = E_int["HF_CP"] + d["E_2_AB"]  - d["E_2_A_gh"] - d["E_2_B_gh"]
    except KeyError:
        ccdlog.info("at least some MP-ghost value unavailable")
    return E_int
예제 #21
def get_kernel(path=None, n=0, kvar="HF_FDET", knvar="MP_FDET", dmfindfile="DMfinder.json", ccpfile="CCParser.json"):
    path = ut.deal_with_type(path, condition=None, to=os.getcwd)
    raw = ut.load_js(os.path.join(path, dmfindfile))
    expansion = deduce_expansion(path=path)
    molb, dmb, mola, dma = read_key(raw, kvar, b_only=False)
    mol = mola + molb if expansion == "ME" else mola
    grid = get_grid(mol, obj=True)
    dA, dB = dm_on_grid(mola, dma, grid.coords), dm_on_grid(molb, dmb, grid.coords)
    molb_,dmb_nvar,mola_,dma_nvar = read_key(raw, knvar, b_only=False)
    fols = find_emb_A(path=path), find_emb_B(path=path)
    d = {"fde_Tfunct": "T", "fde_Xfunc": "X", "fde_Cfunc": "C", "fde_XCfunc": "XC"}
    kernel = {}
    for n in range(2):
        ccpdata = ut.load_js(os.path.join(fols[n], ccpfile))   
        kw = {v: ccpdata[k][-1][0].upper() for k, v in d.items() if k in ccpdata.keys()}
        kernel.update({"{}_{}".format(k, ["A", "B"][n]): calc_kernel(v, [dma, dmb][n],
              [dma_nvar, dmb_nvar][n], [dA, dB][n], [dB, dA][n], grid, [mola,molb][n]) for k, v in kw.items()})
    if not kernel:
        raise BaseException("Somehow no kernel obtained!")
    return kernel
예제 #22
def get_fdet_terms_A(path=None, rawfile="CCParser.json", linenumbers=True, find=False, MP=True):  # cached=True is omitted, uses default, we can because other funcs checked
    path = ut.deal_with_type(path, condition=None, to=os.getcwd)
    if find:
        path = os.path.join(path, find_emb_A(path=path))
    raw = ut.load_js(os.path.join(path, rawfile))
    d = {}
    d["J"] = raw["J_int"][0][0] if linenumbers else raw["J_int"][0]
    d["V_NN"] = raw["V_AB"][0][0] if linenumbers else raw["V_AB"][0]
    d["AnucB"] = raw["AnucB"][0][0] if linenumbers else raw["AnucB"][0]
    d["BnucA"] = raw["BnucA"][0][0] if linenumbers else raw["BnucA"][0]
    d["Exc_nad_upd"] = raw["Exc_nad"][1][0] if linenumbers else raw["Exc_nad"][1]
    d["Ts_nad_upd"] = raw["Ts_nad"][1][0] if linenumbers else raw["Ts_nad"][1]
    d["Exc_nad_ref"] = raw["Exc_nad"][0][0] if linenumbers else raw["Exc_nad"][0]
    d["Ts_nad_ref"] = raw["Ts_nad"][0][0] if linenumbers else raw["Ts_nad"][0]
    d["Delta_lin"] = raw["fde_delta_lin"][0][0] if linenumbers else raw["fde_delta_lin"][0]
    d["HF_A"] = raw["scf_energy"][-1][0] if linenumbers else raw["scf_energy"][-1]
    d["expansion"] = raw["fde_expansion"][-1][0] if linenumbers else raw["fde_expansion"][-1]
    if MP:
        d["E_2_A"] = raw["mp_correction"][-1][0] if linenumbers else raw["mp_correction"][-1]
    return d
예제 #23
def group_fdet_terms(path=None, rawfile="CCParser.json", linenumbers=True, MP=True):
    path = ut.deal_with_type(path, condition=None, to=os.getcwd)
    fdet = get_fdet_terms(path=path, rawfile=rawfile, linenumbers=linenumbers, MP=MP)
    ref = get_ref_terms(path=path, rawfile=rawfile, linenumbers=linenumbers)
    E = {}
    E["Delta_HF_A"] = fdet["HF_A"] - ref["HF_A"] if fdet["expansion"] == "ME" else \
    fdet["HF_A"] - ref["HF_A_gh"]
    E["Delta_HF_B"] = fdet["HF_B"] - ref["HF_B"] if fdet["expansion"] == "ME" else \
    fdet["HF_B"] - ref["HF_B_gh"]
    E["Delta_HF"] = E["Delta_HF_B"] + E["Delta_HF_A"]
    E["elst_int"] = fdet["V_NN"] + fdet["J"] + fdet["AnucB"] + fdet["BnucA"]
    E["nonel,lin"] = fdet["Ts_nad_ref"] + fdet["Exc_nad_ref"] + fdet["Delta_lin"]
    E["nonel"] = fdet["Ts_nad_ref"] + fdet["Exc_nad_ref"]
    if MP:
        E["Delta_E_2_A"] = fdet["E_2_A"] - ref["E_2_A"] if fdet["expansion"] == "ME" else \
        fdet["E_2_A"] - ref["E_2_A_gh"]
        E["Delta_E_2_B"] = fdet["E_2_B"] - ref["E_2_B"] if fdet["expansion"] == "ME" else \
        fdet["E_2_B"] - ref["E_2_B_gh"]
        E["Delta_E_2"] = E["Delta_E_2_A"] + E["Delta_E_2_B"]
    return E
예제 #24
def deduce_expansion(path=None):
    path = ut.deal_with_type(path, condition=None, to=os.getcwd)
    basename = ut.path_basename(path).upper()
    if "ME" in basename and "SE" not in basename:
        return "ME"
    elif "SE" in basename and "ME" not in basename:
        return "SE"
        grep = str(sp.check_output("grep -i expansion {}".format(os.path.join(path, "*", "*.out")), shell=True)).lower()
            grep = str(sp.check_output("grep -i expansion {}".format(os.path.join(path, "*", "*")), shell=True)).lower()
            raise FileNotFoundError("Could not determine expansion")
    if "me" in grep and "se" not in grep:
        return "ME"
    if "se" in grep and "me" not in grep:
        return "SE"
        raise FileNotFoundError("Could not determine expansion")
예제 #25
 def __init__(self,
              levelnames=["A", "B", "basis", "calc"],
     if joblist == None:
         raise ValueError("You must specify joblist!!")
         joblist = ut.deal_with_type(joblist,
     self.joblist = joblist
     self.levelnames = levelnames
     if parsername == None:  # process then use other args
         parsername = (''.join([i for i in parsername if i.isalpha()
                                ])).lower()  # removes non-aplhabetic
         self.reqsdict = reqsdict
         self.funcdict = funcdict
         self.all_raws = [
             r[1] if type(r) in [tuple, list] else r
             for r in set(ittl.chain.from_iterable(reqsdict.values()))
         self.parserdict = parserdict
         self.parser_file = parser_file
         self.parserargsdict = parserargsdict
         self.parserkwargsdict = parserkwargsdict
         # TODO: process
     else:  # deduce other args
         self.reqsdict = {
             cq: megadict[parsername]["reqs"][cq]
             for cq in cqlist
         self.funcdict = megadict[parsername]["funcdict"]
         self.all_raws = [
             r[1] if type(r) in [tuple, list] else r
             for r in set(ittl.chain.from_iterable(reqsdict.values()))
         self.parserdict = {
             rq: megadict[parsername]["parser"]
             for rq in self.all_raws
         }  #TODO: change
         self.parser_file = megadict[parsername]["parser_file"]
         self.parserargsdict = {
             parsername: [{
                 rq: megadict[parsername]["parser_args"][rq]
                 for rq in self.all_raws
         self.parserkwargsdict = {
             parsername: megadict[parsername]["parser_kwargs"]
     self.cqlist = cqlist
     self.ex_qs = ex_qs if ex_qs else [
         cq for cq in cqlist if cq in megadict["ex_qs"]
     self.ext = ext
     self.ignore = ignore
     self.to_console = to_console
     self.to_log = to_log
     self.logname = logname
     self.printlevel = printlevel
예제 #26
def locate_iso_dmfiles(path=None, filename="Densmat_SCF.txt", expansion="ME",
                       prop_key="HF_iso_{}", jsonfile="DMfinder.json",
    path = ut.deal_with_type(path, condition=None, to=os.getcwd)
    if expansion == "ME":
        if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(path, "A_MP2", filename)):
            afile = os.path.join(path, "A_MP2", filename)
            afol = os.path.join(path, "A_MP2")
        elif os.path.isfile(os.path.join(path, "A_HF", filename)):
            afile = os.path.join(path, "A_HF", filename)
            afol = os.path.join(path, "A_HF")
            afile = False
        if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(path, "B_MP2", filename)):
            bfile = os.path.join(path, "B_MP2", filename)
            bfol = os.path.join(path, "B_MP2")
        elif os.path.isfile(os.path.join(path, "B_HF", filename)):
            bfile = os.path.join(path, "B_HF", filename)
            bfol = os.path.join(path, "B_HF")
            bfile = False
    elif expansion == "SE":
        if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(path, "A_MP2_gh", filename)):
            afile = os.path.join(path, "A_MP2_gh", filename)
            afol = os.path.join(path, "A_MP2_gh")
        elif os.path.isfile(os.path.join(path, "A_HF", filename)):
            afile = os.path.join(path, "A_HF_gh", filename)
            afol = os.path.join(path, "A_HF_gh")
            afile = False
        if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(path, "B_MP2_gh", filename)):
            bfile = os.path.join(path, "B_MP2_gh", filename)
            bfol = os.path.join(path, "B_MP2_gh")
        elif os.path.isfile(os.path.join(path, "B_HF_gh", filename)):
            bfile = os.path.join(path, "B_HF_gh", filename)
            bfol = os.path.join(path, "B_HF_gh")
            bfile = False
        raise NotImplementedError("Unknown expansion!! Only ME and SE so far!")
    json_filepath = jsonfile if ut.split_path(jsonfile)[0] else os.path.join(path, jsonfile)
    old = ut.load_js(json_filepath) if os.path.isfile(json_filepath) else {}
    new = {}
#    if "{}" in prop_key:
#        prop_key = prop_key.format(expansion)
    if afile:
        if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(afol, ccpfile)):
        raw = ut.load_js(os.path.join(afol, ccpfile))
        coords = raw["frag_xyz"][-1][0]
        if type(coords) == str:
            coords = ut.vals_from_npz(os.path.join(afol, coords), "frag_xyz")[-1][0].tolist()
        coords = [[i[0].replace("@", "X-")]+i[1:] for  i in coords]
        elconf, cnt = [], 0
        while not elconf:  # if empty because "read", get previous
            elconf = raw["elconf"][-1 - cnt][0] 
            cnt += 1
        elconf = elconf[0] if len(elconf) == 1 else elconf[1]
        basA = find_basfile(afol)
        new[prop_key+"_A"] = [elconf, afile, coords, basA]
    if bfile:
        if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(bfol, ccpfile)):
        raw = ut.load_js(os.path.join(bfol, ccpfile))
        coords = raw["frag_xyz"][-1][0]
        if type(coords) == str:
            coords = ut.vals_from_npz(os.path.join(bfol, coords), "frag_xyz")[-1][0].tolist()
        coords = [[i[0].replace("@", "X-")]+i[1:] for  i in coords]
        elconf, cnt = [], 0
        while not elconf:  # if empty because "read", get previous
            elconf = raw["elconf"][-1 - cnt][0] 
            cnt += 1
        elconf = elconf[0] if len(elconf) == 1 else elconf[1]
        basB = find_basfile(bfol)
        new[prop_key+"_B"] = [elconf, bfile, coords, basB]
    if (afile or bfile) and jsonfile:
        ut.dump_js(old, json_filepath)
    return new
예제 #27
def raw_atomic(path=None, atomstring="", n=0, rawfile="CCParser.json", 
               raw_key="", first_only=True, frag=0, all_frag_avail=True,
               linenumbers=True, arr_type="arr"):
    Returns an atomic quantity. Uses the geometry to deduce value index.
    path: str
        the folder path 
    atomstring: str
        a string which determines which atoms to select.
        "O" => every oxygen
        "O1" => the first oxygen
        "O2-O4" => oxygen 2,3,4
        "A1", "A2-A4": atom 1, atom 2,3,4
    n: int
        the state (0=GS,1=ES1, ..)
    rawfile: str
        the name of the raw quantity json file
    raw_key: str
        the desired property's key
    first_only: bool
        if the property is only GS
    frag: int
        what fragment the counting should be in
    all_frag_avail: bool
        whether the property is available only for frag_0 or all
    linenumbers: bool
        whether raw quantities include the linenumber or not
    arr_typ: str/type
        desired type of array-like objects
        the property. if array-like, in the desired format
    if not raw_key:
        raise ValueError("you didn't specify the raw quantity's key")
    if n < 0:
        raise ValueError("negative index. Most likely you didn't specify that a quantity is in ex_qs")
    if first_only and n > 0:
        raise ValueError("You want a value only, but are asking for n > 0")
    path = ut.deal_with_type(path, condition=None, to=os.getcwd)
    rawfile = os.path.join(path, rawfile)
    raws = ut.load_js(rawfile, cached=True)
    if "frag_xyz" in raws.keys():
        geomkey = "frag_xyz"
    elif "xyz" in raws.keys():
        geomkey = "xyz"
        if frag:
            raise ValueError("fragment geometries not available")
        raise ValueError("no type of geometry (frag_xyz/xyz) available")
    geoms = raws[geomkey][0][0]
    if  re.match(".+npz", geoms):
        npzfile = os.path.join(path,geoms)
        geoms = ut.vals_from_npz(npzfile, geomkey)
        if geomkey == "frag_xyz":
            geoms = [np.array(geom, dtype="object") for geom in geoms]
            geoms = np.array(geoms, dtype="object")
    if geomkey == "frag_xyz": 
        frag_atoms = geoms[frag][:,0]
        all_atoms = np.vstack(*geoms)[:,0]
        shift = sum([len(geom) for geom in geoms[:frag]])  # N_atoms in fragments before frag
        frag_atoms = geoms[:,0]
        all_atoms = frag_atoms
    all_vals = raws[raw_key]
    atomlist = all_atoms if all_frag_avail else frag_atoms
    if len(all_vals)%len(atomlist) != 0:
        raise AssertionError("The total number of values available is not a multiple of the number of atoms!")
    idict = get_index_dict(atomstring, atomlist)
    valsdict = {}
    for name,idxs in idict.items():
        idxs = [idx + n*len(atomlist) + shift for idx in idxs]  # adjust for state and previous fragments
            vals = [all_vals[idx][0] if linenumbers else all_vals[idx] for idx in idxs]
            vals = []
        for nv, val in enumerate(vals):
            if  type(val) == str and re.match(".+npz", val):
                vals[nv] = ut.vals_from_npz(os.path.join(path, val), raw_key)[idxs[nv]]
            if type(vals[nv]) not in [bool, int, float]:
                vals[nv] = deal_with_array(vals[nv], to=arr_type)
        valsdict[name] = vals
    if not list(ittl.chain.from_iterable(valsdict.values())):
        raise BaseException("No item in atomstring returned a quantity value")
    to_return = valsdict.copy()    
    for k,v in valsdict.items():
        if not v:
            del to_return[k]
    return to_return
예제 #28
def get_ref_terms(path=None, rawfile="CCParser.json", linenumbers=True):
    path = ut.deal_with_type(path, condition=None, to=os.getcwd)
    return get_non_fdet_terms(ut.split_path(path)[0], rawfile=rawfile, linenumbers=linenumbers)
예제 #29
def get_elst_int_sum_iso(path=None, rawfile="CCParser.json", linenumbers=True):
    path = ut.deal_with_type(path, condition=None, to=os.getcwd)
    expansion = deduce_expansion(path=path)
    return elst_sum_iso(path=ut.split_path(path)[0], rawfile=rawfile, linenumbers=linenumbers, expansion=expansion)
예제 #30
def get_elst_ref(path=None, rawfile="CCParser.json", linenumbers=True):
    path = ut.deal_with_type(path, condition=None, to=os.getcwd)
    mainfol = ut.split_path(path)[0]
    return elst_ref(path=mainfol, rawfile=rawfile, linenumbers=linenumbers)