예제 #1
def aggregateWindowsReadCounts(infiles, outfile, regex="(.*)\..*"):
    '''aggregate several results from coverageBed
    into a single file.

    *regex* is used to extract the track name from the filename.
    The default removes any suffix.

    coverageBed outputs the following columns:
    1 Contig
    2 Start
    3 Stop
    4 Name
    5 The number of features in A that overlapped (by at least one
      base pair) the B interval.
    6 The number of bases in B that had non-zero coverage from features in A.
    7 The length of the entry in B.
    8 The fraction of bases in B that had non-zero coverage from
      features in A.

    For bed: use column 5
    For bed6: use column 7
    For bed12: use column 13

    Windows without any counts will not be output.

    # get bed format
    bed_columns = Bed.getNumColumns(infiles[0])
    # +1 as awk is 1-based
    column = bed_columns - 4 + 1

    src = " ".join([
        '''<( zcat %s | awk '{printf("%%s:%%i-%%i\\t%%i\\n", $1,$2,$3,$%s );}' ) '''
        % (x, column) for x in infiles
    tmpfile = P.getTempFilename(".")
    statement = '''paste %(src)s > %(tmpfile)s'''

    # build track names
    tracks = [
        re.search(regex, os.path.basename(x)).groups()[0] for x in infiles

    outf = IOTools.openFile(outfile, "w")
    outf.write("interval_id\t%s\n" % "\t".join(tracks))

    for line in open(tmpfile, "r"):
        data = line[:-1].split("\t")
        genes = list(set([data[x] for x in range(0, len(data), 2)]))
        values = [int(data[x]) for x in range(1, len(data), 2)]
        if sum(values) == 0:
        assert len(genes) == 1, \
            "paste command failed, wrong number of genes per line: '%s'" % line
        outf.write("%s\t%s\n" % (genes[0], "\t".join(map(str, values))))


예제 #2
def aggregateWindowsReadCounts(infiles,
    '''aggregate several results from coverageBed
    into a single file.

    *regex* is used to extract the track name from the filename.
    The default removes any suffix.

    coverageBed outputs the following columns:
    1 Contig
    2 Start
    3 Stop
    4 Name
    5 The number of features in A that overlapped (by at least one
      base pair) the B interval.
    6 The number of bases in B that had non-zero coverage from features in A.
    7 The length of the entry in B.
    8 The fraction of bases in B that had non-zero coverage from
      features in A.

    For bed: use column 5
    For bed6: use column 7
    For bed12: use column 13

    Windows without any counts will not be output.

    # get bed format
    bed_columns = Bed.getNumColumns(infiles[0])
    # +1 as awk is 1-based
    column = bed_columns - 4 + 1

    src = " ".join(['''<( zcat %s |
              awk '{printf("%%s:%%i-%%i\\t%%i\\n", $1,$2,$3,$%s );}' ) ''' %
                    (x, column) for x in infiles])
    tmpfile = P.getTempFilename(".")
    statement = '''paste %(src)s > %(tmpfile)s'''

    # build track names
    tracks = [re.search(regex, os.path.basename(x)).groups()[0]
              for x in infiles]

    outf = IOTools.openFile(outfile, "w")
    outf.write("interval_id\t%s\n" % "\t".join(tracks))

    for line in open(tmpfile, "r"):
        data = line[:-1].split("\t")
        genes = list(set([data[x] for x in range(0, len(data), 2)]))
        values = [int(data[x]) for x in range(1, len(data), 2)]
        if sum(values) == 0:
        assert len(genes) == 1, \
            "paste command failed, wrong number of genes per line: '%s'" % line
        outf.write("%s\t%s\n" % (genes[0], "\t".join(map(str, values))))


예제 #3
def aggregateWindowsReadCounts(infiles, outfile):
    '''aggregate tag counts for each window.

    coverageBed outputs the following columns:
    1) Contig
    2) Start
    3) Stop
    4) Name
    5) The number of features in A that overlapped (by at least one base pair) the B interval.
    6) The number of bases in B that had non-zero coverage from features in A.
    7) The length of the entry in B.
    8) The fraction of bases in B that had non-zero coverage from features in A.

    For bed: use column 5
    For bed6: use column 7
    For bed12: use column 13

    Tiles with no counts will not be output.

    to_cluster = True

    # get bed format
    bed_columns = Bed.getNumColumns(infiles[0])
    # +1 as awk is 1-based
    column = bed_columns - 4 + 1

    src = " ".join([
        '''<( zcat %s | awk '{printf("%%s:%%i-%%i\\t%%i\\n", $1,$2,$3,$%s );}' ) '''
        % (x, column) for x in infiles
    tmpfile = P.getTempFilename(".")
    statement = '''paste %(src)s > %(tmpfile)s'''

    tracks = [re.sub("\..*", '', os.path.basename(x)) for x in infiles]

    outf = IOTools.openFile(outfile, "w")
    outf.write("interval_id\t%s\n" % "\t".join(tracks))

    for line in open(tmpfile, "r"):
        data = line[:-1].split("\t")
        genes = list(set([data[x] for x in range(0, len(data), 2)]))
        values = [int(data[x]) for x in range(1, len(data), 2)]
        if sum(values) == 0: continue
        assert len(
        ) == 1, "paste command failed, wrong number of genes per line: '%s'" % line
        outf.write("%s\t%s\n" % (genes[0], "\t".join(map(str, values))))


예제 #4
def aggregateWindowsReadCounts( infiles, outfile ):
    '''aggregate tag counts for each window.

    coverageBed outputs the following columns:
    1) Contig
    2) Start
    3) Stop
    4) Name
    5) The number of features in A that overlapped (by at least one base pair) the B interval.
    6) The number of bases in B that had non-zero coverage from features in A.
    7) The length of the entry in B.
    8) The fraction of bases in B that had non-zero coverage from features in A.

    For bed: use column 5
    For bed6: use column 7
    For bed12: use column 13

    Tiles with no counts will not be output.
    to_cluster = True

    # get bed format
    bed_columns = Bed.getNumColumns( infiles[0] )
    # +1 as awk is 1-based
    column = bed_columns - 4 + 1

    src = " ".join( [ '''<( zcat %s | awk '{printf("%%s:%%i-%%i\\t%%i\\n", $1,$2,$3,$%s );}' ) ''' % (x,column) for x in infiles] )
    tmpfile = P.getTempFilename( "." )
    statement = '''paste %(src)s > %(tmpfile)s'''
    tracks = [ re.sub( "\..*", '', os.path.basename(x) ) for x in infiles ]

    outf = IOTools.openFile( outfile, "w")
    outf.write( "interval_id\t%s\n" % "\t".join( tracks ) )
    for line in open( tmpfile, "r" ):
        data = line[:-1].split("\t")
        genes = list(set([ data[x] for x in range(0,len(data), 2 ) ]))
        values = [ int(data[x]) for x in range(1,len(data), 2 ) ]
        if sum(values) == 0: continue
        assert len(genes) == 1, "paste command failed, wrong number of genes per line: '%s'" % line
        outf.write( "%s\t%s\n" % (genes[0], "\t".join(map(str, values) ) ) )

예제 #5
def aggregateWindowsTagCounts(infiles, outfile, regex="(.*)\..*"):
    '''aggregate output from several ``bedtools coverage`` results.

    ``bedtools coverage`` outputs the following columns for a bed4

    1 Contig
    2 Start
    3 Stop
    4 Name
    5 The number of features in A that overlapped (by at least one
      base pair) the B interval.
    6 The number of bases in B that had non-zero coverage from features in A.
    7 The length of the entry in B.
    8 The fraction of bases in B that had non-zero coverage from
      features in A.

    This method autodetects the number of columns in the :term:`infiles`
    and selects:

    * bed4: use column 5
    * bed6: use column 7
    * bed12: use column 13

    infiles : list
        Input filenames with the output from ``bedtools coverage``
    outfile : string
        Output filename in :term:`tsv` format.
    regex : string
        Regular expression used to extract the track name from the
        filename.  The default removes any suffix.


    # get bed format
    bed_columns = Bed.getNumColumns(infiles[0])
    # +1 as awk is 1-based
    column = bed_columns - 4 + 1

    src = " ".join([
        """<( zcat %s |
              awk '{printf("%%s:%%i-%%i\\t%%i\\n", $1,$2,$3,$%s );}')""" %
        (x, column) for x in infiles
    tmpfile = P.get_temp_filename(".")
    statement = '''paste %(src)s > %(tmpfile)s'''

    # build track names
    tracks = [
        re.search(regex, os.path.basename(x)).groups()[0] for x in infiles

    outf = IOTools.open_file(outfile, "w")
    outf.write("interval_id\t%s\n" % "\t".join(tracks))

    # filter for uniqueness - keys with the same value as the
    # previous line will be ignored.
    last_gene = None
    c = E.Counter()
    for line in open(tmpfile, "r"):
        c.input += 1
        data = line[:-1].split("\t")
        genes = list(set([data[x] for x in range(0, len(data), 2)]))
        values = [int(data[x]) for x in range(1, len(data), 2)]

        assert len(genes) == 1, \
            "paste command failed, wrong number of genes per line: '%s'" % line
        if genes[0] == last_gene:
            c.duplicates += 1
        c.output += 1
        outf.write("%s\t%s\n" % (genes[0], "\t".join(map(str, values))))
        last_gene = genes[0]



    E.info("aggregateWindowsTagCounts: %s" % c)
예제 #6
def aggregateWindowsTagCounts(infiles,
    '''aggregate output from several ``bedtools coverage`` results.

    ``bedtools coverage`` outputs the following columns for a bed4

    1 Contig
    2 Start
    3 Stop
    4 Name
    5 The number of features in A that overlapped (by at least one
      base pair) the B interval.
    6 The number of bases in B that had non-zero coverage from features in A.
    7 The length of the entry in B.
    8 The fraction of bases in B that had non-zero coverage from
      features in A.

    This method autodetects the number of columns in the :term:`infiles`
    and selects:

    * bed4: use column 5
    * bed6: use column 7
    * bed12: use column 13

    infiles : list
        Input filenames with the output from ``bedtools coverage``
    outfile : string
        Output filename in :term:`tsv` format.
    regex : string
        Regular expression used to extract the track name from the
        filename.  The default removes any suffix.


    # get bed format
    bed_columns = Bed.getNumColumns(infiles[0])
    # +1 as awk is 1-based
    column = bed_columns - 4 + 1

    src = " ".join(["""<( zcat %s |
              awk '{printf("%%s:%%i-%%i\\t%%i\\n", $1,$2,$3,$%s );}')""" %
                    (x, column) for x in infiles])
    tmpfile = P.getTempFilename(".")
    statement = '''paste %(src)s > %(tmpfile)s'''

    # build track names
    tracks = [re.search(regex, os.path.basename(x)).groups()[0]
              for x in infiles]

    outf = IOTools.openFile(outfile, "w")
    outf.write("interval_id\t%s\n" % "\t".join(tracks))

    # filter for uniqueness - keys with the same value as the
    # previous line will be ignored.
    last_gene = None
    c = E.Counter()
    for line in open(tmpfile, "r"):
        c.input += 1
        data = line[:-1].split("\t")
        genes = list(set([data[x] for x in range(0, len(data), 2)]))
        values = [int(data[x]) for x in range(1, len(data), 2)]

        assert len(genes) == 1, \
            "paste command failed, wrong number of genes per line: '%s'" % line
        if genes[0] == last_gene:
            c.duplicates += 1
        c.output += 1
        outf.write("%s\t%s\n" % (genes[0], "\t".join(map(str, values))))
        last_gene = genes[0]



    E.info("aggregateWindowsTagCounts: %s" % c)