예제 #1
#  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  pyCGNS - Python package for CFD General Notation System -
#  See license.txt file in the root directory of this Python module source
#  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
import CGNS.PAT.cgnslib as C
import CGNS.PAT.cgnserrors as E
import CGNS.PAT.cgnskeywords as K
import numpy as N

data = C.newFlowEquationSet(None)
status = '10.1'
comment = 'Full SIDS with all optionals'
pattern = [data, status, comment]
예제 #2
#  See license.txt file in the root directory of this Python module source
#  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
import CGNS.PAT.cgnslib as CGL
import CGNS.PAT.cgnsutils as CGU
import CGNS.PAT.cgnskeywords as CGK
import numpy as NPY

TESTS = []

#  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
tag = 'flow equation set'
diag = True
T = CGL.newCGNSTree()
b = CGL.newBase(T, '{Base#001}', 3, 3)
f = CGL.newFlowEquationSet(b)
TESTS.append((tag, T, diag))

#  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
tag = 'governing equations'
diag = True
T = CGL.newCGNSTree()
b = CGL.newBase(T, '{Base#001}', 3, 3)
f = CGL.newFlowEquationSet(b)
g = CGL.newGoverningEquations(f)
TESTS.append((tag, T, diag))

#  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
tag = 'diffusion model'
diag = True
T = CGL.newCGNSTree()
예제 #3
import CGNS.PAT.cgnslib as C
import CGNS.PAT.cgnserrors as E
import CGNS.PAT.cgnskeywords as K
import numpy as N

data = C.newZone(None, '{Zone}',
                 N.array([[5, 4, 0], [7, 7, 0], [9, 8, 0]], order='F'))

g1 = C.newGridCoordinates(data, "GridCoordinates")
C.newRigidGridMotion(data, "{RigidGridMotion}")
C.newArbitraryGridMotion(data, "{ArbitraryGridMotion}")
C.newFlowSolution(data, "{FlowSolution}")
C.newDiscreteData(data, "{DiscreteData}")
C.newIntegralData(data, "{IntegralData}")
C.newZoneGridConnectivity(data, "{GridConnectivity}")
C.newBoundary(data, "{BC}", N.array([[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]]))
C.newZoneIterativeData(data, "{ZoneIterativeData}")
C.newConvergenceHistory(data, K.ZoneConvergenceHistory_s)
C.newUserDefinedData(data, '{UserDefinedData}')
C.newDescriptor(data, '{Descriptor}')

status = '6.3'
comment = 'Full SIDS with all optionals'
pattern = [data, status, comment]