예제 #1
def _check_disposition(testdir):
    copyfilelist = []
    for root, _, files in os.walk(testdir):
        for _file in files:
            with open(os.path.join(root, _file), "r") as fd:
                disposition = fd.readline()
            logger.info("Checking testfile {} with disposition {}".format(
                _file, disposition))
            if root == testdir:
                if "move" in disposition:
                    if find_files(os.path.join(testdir, "archive"), _file):
                            "Copied file {} to archive with disposition move".
                            "Failed to move file {} to archive".format(_file))
                if "copy" in disposition:
            elif "ignore" in disposition:
                    "Moved file {} with dispostion ignore to directory {}".
                    format(_file, root))
            elif "copy" in disposition:
                    _file in copyfilelist,
                    "File {} with disposition copy was moved to directory {}".
                    format(_file, root))
    for _file in copyfilelist:
            find_files(os.path.join(testdir, "archive"), _file) != [],
            "File {} was not copied to archive.".format(_file))
예제 #2
def _check_disposition(testdir):
    copyfilelist = []
    for root, _, files in os.walk(testdir):
        for _file in files:
            with open(os.path.join(root, _file), "r") as fd:
                disposition = fd.readline()
            logger.info("Checking testfile {} with disposition {}".format(_file, disposition))
            if root == testdir:
                if "move" in disposition:
                    if find_files(os.path.join(testdir, "archive"), _file):
                               "Copied file {} to archive with disposition move".format(_file))
                               "Failed to move file {} to archive".format(_file))
                if "copy" in disposition:
            elif "ignore" in disposition:
                expect(False, "Moved file {} with dispostion ignore to directory {}".format(_file, root))
            elif "copy" in disposition:
                expect(_file in copyfilelist, "File {} with disposition copy was moved to directory {}"
                       .format(_file, root))
    for _file in copyfilelist:
        expect(find_files(os.path.join(testdir,"archive"), _file) != [],
               "File {} was not copied to archive.".format(_file))
예제 #3
    For a given case check for the relevant input data as specified in data_list_dir/*.input_data_list
    in the directory input_data_root, if not found optionally download it using the servers specified
    in config_inputdata.xml.  If a chksum file is available compute the chksum and compare it to that
    in the file.
    Return True if no files missing
    rundir = case.get_value("RUNDIR")
    # Fill in defaults as needed
    input_data_root = case.get_value(
        "DIN_LOC_ROOT") if input_data_root is None else input_data_root
    input_ic_root = case.get_value("DIN_LOC_IC", resolved=True)
           "Invalid data_list_dir directory: '{}'".format(data_list_dir))

    data_list_files = find_files(data_list_dir, "*.input_data_list")
    if not data_list_files:
            "WARNING: No .input_data_list files found in dir '{}'".format(

    no_files_missing = True
    if download:
        if protocol not in vars(CIME.Servers):
            logger.info("Client protocol {} not enabled".format(protocol))
            return False
        logger.info("Using protocol {} with user {} and passwd {}".format(
            protocol, user, passwd))
        if protocol == "svn":
            server = CIME.Servers.SVN(address, user, passwd)
        elif protocol == "gftp":
예제 #4
def check_input_data(case, protocol="svn", address=None, input_data_root=None, data_list_dir="Buildconf",
                     download=False, user=None, passwd=None, chksum=False):
    For a given case check for the relevant input data as specified in data_list_dir/*.input_data_list
    in the directory input_data_root, if not found optionally download it using the servers specified
    in config_inputdata.xml.  If a chksum file is available compute the chksum and compare it to that
    in the file.
    Return True if no files missing
    rundir = case.get_value("RUNDIR")
    # Fill in defaults as needed
    input_data_root = case.get_value("DIN_LOC_ROOT") if input_data_root is None else input_data_root

    expect(os.path.isdir(data_list_dir), "Invalid data_list_dir directory: '{}'".format(data_list_dir))

    data_list_files = find_files(data_list_dir, "*.input_data_list")
    expect(data_list_files, "No .input_data_list files found in dir '{}'".format(data_list_dir))

    no_files_missing = True
    if download:
        if protocol not in vars(CIME.Servers):
            logger.warning("Client protocol {} not enabled".format(protocol))
            return False
        logger.info("Using protocol {} with user {} and passwd {}".format(protocol, user, passwd))
        if protocol == "svn":
            server = CIME.Servers.SVN(address, user, passwd)
        elif protocol == "gftp":
            server = CIME.Servers.GridFTP(address, user, passwd)
        elif protocol == "ftp":
            server = CIME.Servers.FTP(address, user, passwd)
        elif protocol == "wget":
            server = CIME.Servers.WGET(address, user, passwd)
            expect(False, "Unsupported inputdata protocol: {}".format(protocol))

    for data_list_file in data_list_files:
        logging.info("Loading input file list: '{}'".format(data_list_file))
        with open(data_list_file, "r") as fd:
            lines = fd.readlines()

        for line in lines:
            line = line.strip()
            if (line and not line.startswith("#")):
                tokens = line.split('=')
                description, full_path = tokens[0].strip(), tokens[1].strip()
                if description.endswith('datapath'):
                    # expand xml variables
                    full_path = case.get_resolved_value(full_path)
                    rel_path  = full_path.replace(input_data_root, "")
                    model = os.path.basename(data_list_file).split('.')[0]

                    if ("/" in rel_path and rel_path == full_path):
                        # User pointing to a file outside of input_data_root, we cannot determine
                        # rel_path, and so cannot download the file. If it already exists, we can
                        # proceed
                        if not os.path.exists(full_path):
                            logging.warning("Model {} missing file {} = '{}'".format(model, description, full_path))
                            if download:
                                logging.warning("    Cannot download file since it lives outside of the input_data_root '{}'".format(input_data_root))
                            no_files_missing = False
                            logging.debug("  Found input file: '{}'".format(full_path))
                        # There are some special values of rel_path that
                        # we need to ignore - some of the component models
                        # set things like 'NULL' or 'same_as_TS' -
                        # basically if rel_path does not contain '/' (a
                        # directory tree) you can assume it's a special
                        # value and ignore it (perhaps with a warning)

                        if ("/" in rel_path and not os.path.exists(full_path)):
                            logger.warning("  Model {} missing file {} = '{}'".format(model, description, full_path))
                            no_files_missing = False

                            if (download):
                                no_files_missing = _download_if_in_repo(server,
                                                                        input_data_root, rel_path.strip(os.sep),
                                if no_files_missing:
                                    verify_chksum(input_data_root, rundir, rel_path.strip(os.sep), isdirectory)
                            if chksum:
                                verify_chksum(input_data_root, rundir, rel_path.strip(os.sep), isdirectory)
                                logger.info("Chksum passed for file {}".format(os.path.join(input_data_root,rel_path)))
                            logging.debug("  Already had input file: '{}'".format(full_path))
                    model = os.path.basename(data_list_file).split('.')[0]
                    logging.warning("Model {} no file specified for {}".format(model, description))

    return no_files_missing
예제 #5
def check_input_data(case, protocal="svn", address=None, input_data_root=None, data_list_dir="Buildconf", download=False):
    Return True if no files missing
    # Fill in defaults as needed
    input_data_root = case.get_value("DIN_LOC_ROOT") if input_data_root is None else input_data_root

    expect(os.path.isdir(input_data_root), "Invalid input_data_root directory: '{}'".format(input_data_root))
    expect(os.path.isdir(data_list_dir), "Invalid data_list_dir directory: '{}'".format(data_list_dir))

    data_list_files = find_files(data_list_dir, "*.input_data_list")
    expect(data_list_files, "No .input_data_list files found in dir '{}'".format(data_list_dir))

    no_files_missing = True

    if download:
        if protocal not in vars(CIME.Servers):
            logger.warning("Client protocal {} not enabled".format(protocal))
            return False

        if protocal == "svn":
            server = CIME.Servers.SVN(address)
        elif protocal == "gftp":
            server = CIME.Servers.GridFTP(address)
        elif protocal == "ftp":
            server = CIME.Servers.FTP(address)
        elif protocal == "wget":
            server = CIME.Servers.WGET(address)
            expect(False, "Unsupported inputdata protocal: {}".format(protocal))

    for data_list_file in data_list_files:
        logging.info("Loading input file list: '{}'".format(data_list_file))
        with open(data_list_file, "r") as fd:
            lines = fd.readlines()

        for line in lines:
            line = line.strip()
            if (line and not line.startswith("#")):
                tokens = line.split('=')
                description, full_path = tokens[0].strip(), tokens[1].strip()
                    # expand xml variables
                    full_path = case.get_resolved_value(full_path)
                    rel_path  = full_path.replace(input_data_root, "")
                    model = os.path.basename(data_list_file).split('.')[0]

                    if ("/" in rel_path and rel_path == full_path):
                        # User pointing to a file outside of input_data_root, we cannot determine
                        # rel_path, and so cannot download the file. If it already exists, we can
                        # proceed
                        if not os.path.exists(full_path):
                            logging.warning("  Model {} missing file {} = '{}'".format(model, description, full_path))
                            if download:
                                logging.warning("    Cannot download file since it lives outside of the input_data_root '{}'".format(input_data_root))
                            no_files_missing = False
                            logging.debug("  Found input file: '{}'".format(full_path))

                        # There are some special values of rel_path that
                        # we need to ignore - some of the component models
                        # set things like 'NULL' or 'same_as_TS' -
                        # basically if rel_path does not contain '/' (a
                        # directory tree) you can assume it's a special
                        # value and ignore it (perhaps with a warning)
                        if ("/" in rel_path and not os.path.exists(full_path)):
                            logging.warning("  Model {} missing file {} = '{}'".format(model, description, full_path))

                            if (download):
                                success = _download_if_in_repo(server, input_data_root, rel_path.strip('/'))
                                if not success:
                                    no_files_missing = False
                            logging.debug("  Already had input file: '{}'".format(full_path))

                    model = os.path.basename(data_list_file).split('.')[0]
                    logging.warning("Model {} no file specified for {}".format(model, description))

    return no_files_missing