예제 #1
def q2():
    models = ['Bernoulli', 'Gaussian', '4-bins', '9-bins']
    spamData = hw3.pandas_to_data(hw3.load_and_normalize_spambase())
    k = 10
    k_folds = hw3.partition_folds(spamData, k)
    for model_type in range(4):
        print '\nModel: {}'.format(models[model_type])
        train_acc_sum = 0
        nb_models = []
        for ki in range(k - 1):
            alpha = .001 if model_type==0 else 0
            nb_model = nb.NaiveBayes(model_type, alpha=alpha)
            truth_rows, data_rows, data_mus, y_mu = hw3.get_data_and_mus(k_folds[ki])
            nb_model.train(data_rows, truth_rows)
            predict = nb_model.predict(data_rows)
            print predict
            accuracy = hw3.get_accuracy(predict, truth_rows)
            train_acc_sum += accuracy
            print_output(ki, accuracy)
        nb_combined = nb.NaiveBayes(model_type, alpha=.001)
        if model_type < 2:
        truth_rows, data_rows, data_mus, y_mu = hw3.get_data_and_mus(k_folds[k - 1])
        test_predict = nb_combined.predict(data_rows)
        test_accuracy = hw3.get_accuracy(test_predict, truth_rows)
        print_test_output(test_accuracy, float(train_acc_sum)/(k-1))

            #print len(k_folds[0])
    truth_rows, data_rows, data_mus, y_mu = hw3.get_data_and_mus(spamData)
def TreeTest():
    spamDat = spamData()
    k = 10
    all_folds = hw3.partition_folds(spamDat, k)
    num_in_fold = []
    err_in_fold = []
    for i in range(len(all_folds) - 1):
        spam = all_folds[i]
        truth, f_data = decTree.split_truth_from_data(spam)
        tree = decTree.TreeOptimal(max_depth=2)
        #tree = decTree.TreeRandom()
        tree.fit(f_data, truth)
        print 'Prediction...\n'
        predict = tree.predict(f_data)
        print predict
        print truth
        error = 1. - hw3.get_accuracy(predict, truth)
        print 'Tree error is: {}'.format(error)
    spam = all_folds[k -1]
    truth, f_data = decTree.split_truth_from_data(spam)
    tree = decTree.TreeOptimal(max_depth=2)
    #tree = decTree.TreeRandom()
    tree.fit(f_data, truth)
    predict = tree.predict(f_data)
    error = 1. - hw3.get_accuracy(predict, truth)
    sum_training_err = 0
    for i in range(len(num_in_fold)):
        sum_training_err += err_in_fold[i]
        #sum_training_err += float(err_in_fold)/num_in_fold
    average_training_error = float(sum_training_err)/len(num_in_fold)
    print 'Average training error: {}\nAverage testing error: {}'.format(average_training_error, error)
예제 #3
def q2_plots():
    models = ['Bernoulli', 'Gaussian', '4-bins', '9-bins']
    spamData = hw3.pandas_to_data(hw3.load_and_normalize_spambase())
    k = 10
    num_points = 50
    k_folds = hw3.partition_folds(spamData, k)
    for model_type in range(4):
        roc = ROC.ROC()
        print '\nModel: {}'.format(models[model_type])
        train_acc_sum = 0
        nb_models = []
        for ki in [0]:
            alpha = .001 if model_type==0 else 0
            nb_model = nb.NaiveBayes(model_type, alpha=alpha)
            truth_rows, data_rows, data_mus, y_mu = hw3.get_data_and_mus(k_folds[ki])
            nb_model.train(data_rows, truth_rows)
            for ti in range(num_points + 2):
                theta = ti * 1./(num_points + 1)
                predict = nb_model.predict(data_rows, theta)
                print predict
                accuracy = hw3.get_accuracy(predict, truth_rows)
                train_acc_sum += accuracy
                roc.add_tp_tn(predict, truth_rows, theta)

                #print_plot_output(ki, accuracy, theta)

예제 #4
def GaussianNB(X, num_features=None):
    model_type = 1
    train_acc_sum = 0
    test_acc_sum = 0
    k = 10
    nb_models = []
    if num_features is not None:
        y, X = utils.split_truth_from_data(X)
        q4_slct = SelectKBest(k=num_features).fit(X, y)
        X = q4_slct.transform(X)
        X = utils.add_row(X, y)
    k_folds = hw3u.partition_folds(X, k)
    for ki in range(k):
        grouped_fold = hw5u.group_fold(k_folds, ki)
        alpha = .001 if model_type==0 else 0
        mask_cols = check_cols(grouped_fold)
        #nb_model = nb.NaiveBayes(model_type, alpha=alpha, ignore_cols=mask_cols)
        nb_model = BernoulliNB()
        print 'len of kfolds {}'.format(len(grouped_fold))
        #truth_rows, data_rows, data_mus, y_mu = hw3u.get_data_and_mus(grouped_fold)
        truth_rows, data_rows = utils.split_truth_from_data(grouped_fold)
        print 'len of data {}'.format(len(data_rows))
        #nb_model.train(data_rows, truth_rows)
        nb_model.fit(data_rows, truth_rows)
        predict = nb_model.predict(data_rows)
        #print predict
        accuracy = hw3u.get_accuracy(predict, truth_rows)
        train_acc_sum += accuracy
        print_output(ki, accuracy)

        truth_rows, data_rows = utils.split_truth_from_data(k_folds[ki])
        test_predict = nb_model.predict(data_rows)
        test_accuracy = hw3u.get_accuracy(test_predict, truth_rows)
        test_acc_sum += test_accuracy
        print_output(ki, test_accuracy, 'test')

    print_test_output(float(train_acc_sum)/k, float(test_acc_sum)/k)