예제 #1
파일: Cad.py 프로젝트: Gaia3D/CadInput
    def initGui(self):
        # CadinputWidget : this widget displays the inputs allowing numerical entry
        self.inputWidget = CadInputWidget(self.iface)

        # CadPointList : this stores all the points
        self.cadPointList = CadPointList(self.inputWidget)

        # CadpaintWidget : this widget displays graphical informations in front of the mapCanvas
        self.paintWidget = CadPaintWidget(self.iface.mapCanvas(), self.inputWidget, self.cadPointList)

        # CadEventFilter : this widget will filter the mouseEvents and constrain them if needed
        self.eventFilter = CadEventFilter(self.iface, self.cadPointList, self.inputWidget, self.paintWidget)

        #We need the canvas's viewport to track the mouse for mouseMoveEvents to happen

        #We install the eventFilter on the canvas's viewport to get the mouse events
        self.iface.mapCanvas().viewport().installEventFilter( self.eventFilter )

        #we install the eventFilter on the canvas itself to get the key events
        self.iface.mapCanvas().installEventFilter( self.eventFilter )

        # Create help action 
        self.helpAction = QAction( QIcon(":/plugins/cadinput/resources/about.png"), u"Help", self.iface.mainWindow())
        self.helpAction.triggered.connect( self.doHelpAction )

        # Create enable action 
        self.enableAction = self.inputWidget.enableAction

        # Add menu and toolbars items
        self.iface.addPluginToMenu(u"&CadInput", self.helpAction)
        self.iface.addPluginToMenu(u"&CadInput", self.enableAction)
예제 #2
파일: Cad.py 프로젝트: Gaia3D/CadInput
class Cad(QObject):

    def __init__(self, iface):
        self.iface = iface

    def initGui(self):
        # CadinputWidget : this widget displays the inputs allowing numerical entry
        self.inputWidget = CadInputWidget(self.iface)

        # CadPointList : this stores all the points
        self.cadPointList = CadPointList(self.inputWidget)

        # CadpaintWidget : this widget displays graphical informations in front of the mapCanvas
        self.paintWidget = CadPaintWidget(self.iface.mapCanvas(), self.inputWidget, self.cadPointList)

        # CadEventFilter : this widget will filter the mouseEvents and constrain them if needed
        self.eventFilter = CadEventFilter(self.iface, self.cadPointList, self.inputWidget, self.paintWidget)

        #We need the canvas's viewport to track the mouse for mouseMoveEvents to happen

        #We install the eventFilter on the canvas's viewport to get the mouse events
        self.iface.mapCanvas().viewport().installEventFilter( self.eventFilter )

        #we install the eventFilter on the canvas itself to get the key events
        self.iface.mapCanvas().installEventFilter( self.eventFilter )

        # Create help action 
        self.helpAction = QAction( QIcon(":/plugins/cadinput/resources/about.png"), u"Help", self.iface.mainWindow())
        self.helpAction.triggered.connect( self.doHelpAction )

        # Create enable action 
        self.enableAction = self.inputWidget.enableAction

        # Add menu and toolbars items
        self.iface.addPluginToMenu(u"&CadInput", self.helpAction)
        self.iface.addPluginToMenu(u"&CadInput", self.enableAction)

    def unload(self):
        # unload event filter
        self.iface.mapCanvas().viewport().removeEventFilter( self.eventFilter )
        self.iface.mapCanvas().removeEventFilter( self.eventFilter )

        # unload input widget

        # unload paint widget (map canvas item)

        #and remove the item menu
        self.iface.removePluginMenu(u"&CadInput", self.helpAction)
        self.iface.removePluginMenu(u"&CadInput", self.enableAction)

    def doHelpAction(self):
        self.aboutWindow = CadHelp()