예제 #1
def _packDict(val, codec):
	# Pack dictionary whose keys are strings (e.g. 'foo'), Keywords (e.g. k.name) or AETypes (e.g. AEType('pnam').
	record = AECreateList('', True)
	if val.has_key(_classKeyword) or val.has_key(_classType):
		# if hash contains a 'class' property containing a class name, coerce the AEDesc to that class
		newval = val.copy()
		if newval.has_key(_classKeyword):
			value = newval.pop(_classKeyword)
			value = newval.pop(_classType)
		if isinstance(value, Keyword): # get the corresponding AEType (assuming there is one)
			value = codec.typebyname.get(value.name, value)
		if isinstance(value, aem.AEType): # coerce the record to the desired type
			record = record.AECoerceDesc(value.code)
			val = newval
	usrf = None
	for key, value in val.items():
		if isinstance(key, Keyword):
				keyCode = codec.typebyname[key.AS_name].code
			except KeyError:
				raise KeyError, "Unknown Keyword: k.%s" % key.AS_name
			record.AEPutParamDesc(keyCode, codec.pack(value))
		elif isinstance(key, aem.AETypeBase): # AEType/AEProp (AEType is normally used in practice)
			record.AEPutParamDesc(key.code, codec.pack(value))
		else: # user-defined key (normally a string)
			if not usrf:
				usrf = AECreateList('', False)
			usrf.AEPutDesc(0, codec.pack(key))
			usrf.AEPutDesc(0, codec.pack(value))
	if usrf:
		record.AEPutParamDesc('usrf', usrf)
	return record
예제 #2
def _packDict(val, codecs):
    record = AECreateList('', True)
    usrf = None
    for key, value in val.items():
        if isinstance(key, (AEType, AEProp)):
            if key.code == 'pcls':  # AS packs records that contain a 'class' property by coercing the packed record to that type at the end
                    record = record.AECoerceDesc(value.code)
                    record.AEPutParamDesc(key.code, codecs.pack(value))
                record.AEPutParamDesc(key.code, codecs.pack(value))
            if not usrf:
                usrf = AECreateList('', False)
            usrf.AEPutDesc(0, codecs.pack(key))
            usrf.AEPutDesc(0, codecs.pack(value))
    if usrf:
        record.AEPutParamDesc('usrf', usrf)
    return record
예제 #3
def _packDict(val, codecs):
    record = AECreateList('', True)
    usrf = None
    for key, value in val.items():
        if isinstance(key, (AEType, AEProp)):
            record.AEPutParamDesc(key.code, codecs.pack(value))
            if not usrf:
                usrf = AECreateList('', False)
            usrf.AEPutDesc(0, codecs.pack(key))
            usrf.AEPutDesc(0, codecs.pack(value))
    if usrf:
        record.AEPutParamDesc('usrf', usrf)
    return record
예제 #4
def _packDict(val, codec):
    # Pack dictionary whose keys are strings (e.g. 'foo'), Keywords (e.g. k.name) or AETypes (e.g. AEType('pnam').
    record = AECreateList('', True)
    usrf = None
    for key, value in val.items():
        if isinstance(key, Keyword):
                keyCode = codec.typebyname[key.AS_name].code
            except KeyError:
                raise KeyError, "Unknown Keyword: k.%s" % key.AS_name
            record.AEPutParamDesc(keyCode, codec.pack(value))
        elif isinstance(
                key, aem.AETypeBase
        ):  # AEType/AEProp (AEType is normally used in practice)
            record.AEPutParamDesc(key.code, codec.pack(value))
        else:  # user-defined key (normally a string)
            if not usrf:
                usrf = AECreateList('', False)
            usrf.AEPutDesc(0, codec.pack(key))
            usrf.AEPutDesc(0, codec.pack(value))
    if usrf:
        record.AEPutParamDesc('usrf', usrf)
    return record
예제 #5
def _packList(val, codecs):
    lst = AECreateList('', False)
    for item in val:
        lst.AEPutDesc(0, codecs.pack(item))
    return lst