예제 #1
    def compare(self, ad_user, cb_user):
        Compare Cerebrum user with the AD attributes listed in
        self.sync_attrs and decide if AD should be updated or not.

        @param ad_user: attributes for a user fetched from AD
        @type ad_user: dict 
        @param cb_user: CerebrumUser instance
        @type cb_user: CerebrumUser
        cb_attrs = cb_user.ad_attrs
        dn = ad_user["distinguishedName"]

        # Check if user is quarantined. If so, disable
        if cb_attrs["ACCOUNTDISABLE"] and not ad_user["ACCOUNTDISABLE"]:

        # Check if user has correct OU. If not, move user.
        if self.get_ou(dn) != cb_user.ou:
            self.move_user(dn, cb_user.ou)
            # Object is moved, so dn must be corrected
            dn = dn.replace(self.get_ou(dn), cb_user.ou)
        # Sync attributes
        for attr in self.sync_attrs:
            # Now, compare values from AD and Cerebrum
            cb_attr = cb_attrs.get(attr)
            ad_attr = ad_user.get(attr)
            if cb_attr and ad_attr:
                # value both in ad and cerebrum => compare
                result = self.attr_cmp(cb_attr, ad_attr)
                # Special case: Change name of AD user object?
                if attr == "cn" and result:
                    cb_cn = "CN=" + cb_attrs["cn"] 
                    self.rename_object(dn, self.get_ou(dn), cb_cn)
                    dn = "%s,%s" % (cb_cn, self.get_ou(dn))
                # Normal cases
                elif result: 
                    self.logger.debug("Changing attr %s from %s to %s",
                                      attr, unicode2str(ad_attr),
                    cb_user.add_change(attr, result)
            elif cb_attr:
                # attribute is not in AD and cerebrum value is set => update AD
                cb_user.add_change(attr, cb_attr)
            elif ad_attr:
                # value only in ad => delete value in ad
                # TBD: is this correct behavior?

        # Special AD control attributes
        for attr, value in cereconf.AD_ACCOUNT_CONTROL.iteritems():
            if attr in cb_user.ad_attrs:
                value = cb_user.ad_attrs[attr]
            if attr not in ad_user or ad_user[attr] != value:
                cb_user.add_change(attr, value)
        # Commit changes
        if cb_user.changes:
            self.commit_changes(dn, **cb_user.changes)
예제 #2
    def compare_forwards(self, ad_contacts):
        Compare forward objects from AD with forward info in Cerebrum.

        @param ad_contacts: a dict of dicts wich maps contact obects
                            name to that objects properties (dict)
        @type ad_contacts: dict
        for acc in self.accounts.itervalues():
            for contact in acc.contact_objects:
                cb_fwd = contact.forward_attrs
                ad_fwd = ad_contacts.pop(cb_fwd['sAMAccountName'], None)
                if not ad_fwd:
                    # Create AD contact object
                    self.create_ad_contact(cb_fwd, self.default_ou)
                # contact object is in AD and Cerebrum -> compare OU
                # TBD: should OU's be compared?
                ou = cereconf.AD_CONTACT_OU
                cb_dn = 'CN=%s,%s' % (cb_fwd['sAMAccountName'], ou)
                if ad_fwd['distinguishedName'] != cb_dn:
                    self.move_contact(cb_dn, ou)

                # Compare other attributes
                for attr_type, cb_fwd_attr in fwd.iteritems():
                    ad_fwd_attr = ad_fwd.get(attr_type)
                    if cb_fwd_attr and ad_fwd_attr:
                        # value both in ad and cerebrum => compare
                        result = self.attr_cmp(cb_fwd_attr, ad_fwd_attr)
                        if result: 
                            self.logger.debug("Changing attr %s from %s to %s",
                                              attr, unicode2str(ad_fwd_attr),
                            cb_user.add_change(attr, result)
                    elif cb_fwd_attr:
                        # attribute is not in AD and cerebrum value is set => update AD
                        cb_user.add_change(attr, cb_fwd_attr)
                    elif ad_fwd_attr:
                        # value only in ad => delete value in ad
                        # TBD: is this correct behavior?

            # Remaining contacts in AD should be deleted
            for ad_fwd in ad_contacts.itervalues():