def run(self, edit): connection = ChromeREPLConnection.get_instance(self.view) try: # wrap coffee in a function so we can get the return value coffee = self.view.substr(sublime.Region(0, self.view.size())) coffee = "coffee = ->\n" + re.sub(r'^', ' ', coffee, flags=re.M) # convert coffee to js compiler = Popen(["coffee", "-bps"], stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, universal_newlines=True) js = compiler.communicate(coffee)[0] # wrap js in an awaitable function and then execute it if len(js) > 0: js = js + "\n(async (coffee) => { o = await coffee(); if (o !== undefined) console.log(o) })(coffee)" else: js = "console.log('Invalid CoffeeScript')" connection.execute(js) except Exception as e: sublime.error_message( "Failed to evaluate contents of coffeescript window") return False
def run(self, edit): connection = ChromeREPLConnection.get_instance(self.view) # store selection for later restoration prev = [] for sel in self.view.sel(): prev.append(sel) success = True # evaluate selections in Chrome for sel in self.view.sel(): if sel.a == sel.b: # the 'selection' is a single point sel = self.view.line(sel) self.view.sel().add(sel) try: expression = self.view.substr(sel) connection.execute(expression) except Exception as e: success = False if success: # highlight self.view.add_regions(self.HIGHLIGHT_KEY, self.view.sel(), self.HIGHLIGHT_SCOPE, flags=sublime.DRAW_NO_OUTLINE) # clear selection so highlighting will be visible self.view.sel().clear() # do highlighting sublime.set_timeout(lambda: self.view.sel().add_all(prev), 10) # remove highlight and restore original selection sublime.set_timeout( lambda: self.view.erase_regions(self.HIGHLIGHT_KEY), 50)
def is_enabled(self): return ChromeREPLConnection.is_instance_connected(self.view)
def run(self): connection = ChromeREPLConnection.get_instance(self.window.active_view()) connection.connect_to_tab()
def run(self, ignoreCache='False'): connection = ChromeREPLConnection.get_instance(self.window.active_view()) connection.reload(ignoreCache == 'True')
def is_enabled(self): return ChromeREPLConnection.is_instance_connected(self.window.active_view())
def run(self): connection = ChromeREPLConnection.get_instance(self.window.active_view()) connection.chrome_evaluate('console.clear()')
def plugin_unloaded(): ChromeREPLConnection.close_all_instances() ChromeREPLConnection.clear_statuses()
def is_enabled(self): if not ChromeREPLConnection.is_instance_connected(self.view): connection = ChromeREPLConnection.get_instance( sublime.active_window().active_view()) connection.connect_to_tab() return True