예제 #1
    def test_statistics_won(self):
        """testing that the statistics are updated accordingly if the user won"""

        cursor = User.db_connect()
        cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM [Users] WHERE [ID]=0"
                       )  # selects the first row in the db (test row)
        rows = cursor.fetchall()

        User.add_score(0, won=True)

        cursor = User.db_connect()
        cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM [Users] WHERE [ID]=0"
                       )  # selects the updated first row in the db (test row)
        updated_rows = cursor.fetchall()

                         rows[0].NumberOfWinnings + 1)
예제 #2
    def test_statistics_lost(self):
        """testing that the statistics are updated accordingly if the user lost"""

        cursor = User.db_connect()
        cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM [Users] WHERE [ID]=0"
                       )  # selects the first row in the db (test row)
        rows = cursor.fetchall()

        User.add_score(0, won=False)

        cursor = User.db_connect()
        cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM [Users] WHERE [ID]=0"
                       )  # selects the updated first row in the db (test row)
        updated_rows = cursor.fetchall()

        self.assertEqual(updated_rows[0].NumberOfGames, rows[0].NumberOfGames +
                         1)  # the number of games should grow by 1
예제 #3
    def play_against_comp():
        """running the game against the computer"""

        Square.length = 40
        player = Player(GameUI.logged_in_user.username)

        opponent = Player("Computer")

        done = False
        clock = pygame.time.Clock()
        pygame.display.set_caption("© Battleship by Shani Daniel ©")  # sets window title

        screen = pygame.display.set_mode(
            (opponent.board.end.x + player.board.start.x + Square.length, opponent.board.end.y + 80))
        screen.fill(BoardUI.color_index["light blue"])

        TextUI.write_title(screen, "Hello %s! Welcome to Battleship! You are going to play against the computer."
                           % GameUI.logged_in_user.username, 0)
        GameUI.placing_rules(screen)  # shows the rules on the game screen

        BoardUI.draw_board(screen, player.board)
        BoardUI.draw_board(screen, opponent.board)

        GameAgainstComp.rand_place_ships(opponent)  # the computer randomly places it's ships

        player_turn = True
        start_game = False
        game_over = False
        stat_check = False

        while not done:
            for event in pygame.event.get():
                if event.type == pygame.QUIT or (event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN and event.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE):
                    if game_over is False:
                        if GameUI.exit_window() is True:
                            done = True
                        done = True

                GameUI.placing_ships(screen, event, player, start_game, game_over)  # lets the player place his ships

                ship_count = 0
                for ship in player.board.ships:
                    if ship.square_start is not None and ship.square_end is not None:
                        ship_count += 1
                if ship_count == 5:  # checks if all the ships were placed
                    start_game = True
                    for line in range(5):
                        TextUI.clear_title(screen, line)

                if player.check_if_lost() is True:  # shows result if the game ended with loss
                    TextUI.clear_title(screen, 0, 110)
                    TextUI.write_title(screen, "You Lost!", 1, 48)
                    start_game = False
                    game_over = True
                    for ship in opponent.board.ships:
                        if not ship.is_ship_sunk(opponent):
                            BoardUI.color_ship(screen, ship, BoardUI.color_index["blue"])
                    for square in opponent.board.ship_shot:
                        BoardUI.color_square(screen, square, BoardUI.color_index["red"])

                if opponent.check_if_lost() is True:
                    # shows result if the game ended with win and adds it to the statistics
                    TextUI.clear_title(screen, 0, 110)
                    TextUI.write_title(screen, "You Won!", 1, 48)
                    if game_over is False:
                        User.add_score(GameUI.logged_in_user.id, won=True)
                        GameUI.logged_in_user.num_of_wins += 1
                    start_game = False
                    game_over = True
                    for ship in player.board.ships:
                        if not ship.is_ship_sunk(player):
                            BoardUI.color_ship(screen, ship, BoardUI.color_index["blue"])
                    for square in player.board.ship_shot:
                        BoardUI.color_square(screen, square, BoardUI.color_index["red"])

                if start_game is True and game_over is False:
                    if stat_check is False:
                        # if the game started and this action wasn't made yet, add the game to the statistics
                        GameUI.logged_in_user.num_of_games += 1
                        stat_check = True

                    if player_turn is True:  # runs the player's turn
                        TextUI.write_title(screen, "Play!", 0.5, 40)
                        TextUI.clear_title(screen, 2, 36)
                        TextUI.write_title(screen, "Your Turn", 2, 36)
                        if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONUP and event.button == 1:
                            pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
                            if BoardUI.get_squares_position(opponent, pos) is not None:
                                if BoardUI.shoot(screen, opponent, pos) == "success":
                                    player_turn = False  # pass the turn to the computer
                                    TextUI.clear_title(screen, 1, 66)
                                    TextUI.write_title(screen, "%s's Turn" % opponent.username, 2, 36)

                    if opponent.check_if_lost() is False:
                        pygame.time.delay(1000)  # delays the computer's response to make the game more interactive

                    if player_turn is False and opponent.check_if_lost() is False:
                        rand_pos_square = GameAgainstComp.rand_shoot(player)
                        BoardUI.shoot(screen, player, (rand_pos_square.x, rand_pos_square.y))
                        player_turn = True
                for coord in player.board.empty_shot:
                    BoardUI.draw_x(screen, BoardUI.get_squares_position(player, (coord.x, coord.y)))
                for coord in player.board.ship_shot:
                    BoardUI.color_square(screen, BoardUI.get_squares_position(player, (coord.x, coord.y)),

예제 #4
    def play_against_player():
        """running the game against another player"""

        Square.length = 40
        player1 = Player(GameUI.logged_in_user.username)

        player2 = Player("Guest")

        done = False
        clock = pygame.time.Clock()
        pygame.display.set_caption("© Battleship by Shani Daniel ©")  # sets window title

        screen = pygame.display.set_mode(
            (player2.board.end.x + player1.board.start.x + Square.length, player2.board.end.y + 80))
        screen.fill(BoardUI.color_index["light blue"])

        BoardUI.draw_board(screen, player1.board)
        BoardUI.draw_board(screen, player2.board)

        player1_turn = True
        start_game = False
        game_over = False
        stat_check = False

        GameUI.placing_rules(screen)  # shows the rules on the game screen

        while not done:
            for event in pygame.event.get():
                if event.type == pygame.QUIT or (event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN and event.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE):
                    if game_over is False:
                        if GameUI.exit_window() is True:
                            done = True
                        done = True

                if player1_turn is True and start_game is False and game_over is False:
                    # lets the first player place his ships
                    if GameUI.player_place_ships(screen, event, player1, start_game, game_over) == "success":
                        player1_turn = False
                        TextUI.clear_title(screen, 4)
                                           "To delete a placed ship, right-click the selected ship. "
                                           "Now, place the ship that is *5* squares long", 4)
                        for ship in player1.board.ships:
                            BoardUI.color_ship(screen, ship, BoardUI.color_index["white"])
                            # after he placed all his ships, they disappear from the screen

                if player1_turn is False and start_game is False and game_over is False:
                    TextUI.clear_title(screen, 2)
                                       "and you must place your ships horizontally or vertically."
                                       " Your board is the RIGHT board.", 2)

                    if GameUI.player_place_ships(screen, event, player2, start_game, game_over) == "success":
                        # lets the second player place his ships
                        player1_turn = True
                        start_game = True
                        for line in range(5):
                            TextUI.clear_title(screen, line)
                                           "%s's Board                                                                 "
                                           "               Guest's Board"
                                           % player1.username, Constants.BOTTOM_LINE)
                        for ship in player2.board.ships:
                            BoardUI.color_ship(screen, ship, BoardUI.color_index["white"])

                if player1.check_if_lost() is True:
                    # sets what happens if the first player loses
                    TextUI.clear_title(screen, 0, 110)
                    TextUI.write_title(screen, "%s Won!" % player2.username, 1, 48)
                    start_game = False
                    game_over = True
                    for ship in player2.board.ships:
                        if not ship.is_ship_sunk(player2):
                            BoardUI.color_ship(screen, ship, BoardUI.color_index["blue"])
                    for square in player2.board.ship_shot:
                        BoardUI.color_square(screen, square, BoardUI.color_index["red"])

                if player2.check_if_lost() is True:
                    # sets what happens if the second player loses
                    TextUI.clear_title(screen, 0, 110)
                    TextUI.write_title(screen, "%s Won!" % player1.username, 1, 48)
                    if game_over is False:
                        User.add_score(GameUI.logged_in_user.id, won=True)
                        GameUI.logged_in_user.num_of_wins += 1
                    start_game = False
                    game_over = True
                    for ship in player1.board.ships:
                        if not ship.is_ship_sunk(player1):
                            BoardUI.color_ship(screen, ship, BoardUI.color_index["blue"])
                    for square in player1.board.ship_shot:
                        BoardUI.color_square(screen, square, BoardUI.color_index["red"])

                if start_game is True and game_over is False:

                    if stat_check is False:
                        GameUI.logged_in_user.num_of_games += 1
                        stat_check = True
                        # when the game begins, adds it to the players statistics

                    if player1_turn is True and player1.check_if_lost() is False:
                        TextUI.clear_title(screen, 0.5, 40)
                        TextUI.write_title(screen, "Play!", 0.5, 40)
                        TextUI.clear_title(screen, 2, 36)
                        TextUI.write_title(screen, "%s's Turn" % player1.username, 2, 36)
                        if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONUP and event.button == 1:
                            pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
                            if BoardUI.get_squares_position(player2, pos) is not None:
                                if BoardUI.shoot(screen, player2, pos) == "success":
                                    player1_turn = False
                                    TextUI.clear_title(screen, 1, 66)
                                    TextUI.write_title(screen, "%s's Turn" % player2.username, 2, 36)

                    if player1_turn is False and player2.check_if_lost() is False:
                        if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONUP and event.button == 1:
                            pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
                            if BoardUI.get_squares_position(player1, pos) is not None:
                                if BoardUI.shoot(screen, player1, pos) == "success":
                                    player1_turn = True
                                    TextUI.clear_title(screen, 1, 66)
                                    TextUI.write_title(screen, "%s's Turn" % player1.username, 2, 36)