def __testStatistic(self, classifier1: ExperimentPerformance,
                     classifier2: ExperimentPerformance):
     if classifier1.numberOfExperiments(
     ) != classifier2.numberOfExperiments():
         raise StatisticalTestNotApplicable(
             "In order to apply a paired test, you need to have the same number of "
             "experiments in both algorithms.")
     if classifier1.numberOfExperiments() != 10:
         raise StatisticalTestNotApplicable(
             "In order to apply a 5x2 test, you need to have 10 experiments."
     numerator = 0
     difference = []
     for i in range(classifier1.numberOfExperiments()):
             classifier1.getErrorRate(i) - classifier2.getErrorRate(i))
         numerator += difference[i] * difference[i]
     denominator = 0
     for i in range(classifier1.numberOfExperiments() // 2):
         mean = (difference[2 * i] + difference[2 * i + 1]) / 2
         variance = (difference[2 * i] - mean) * (difference[2 * i] - mean) + (difference[2 * i + 1] - mean) \
                    * (difference[2 * i + 1] - mean)
         denominator += variance
     denominator *= 2
     if denominator == 0:
         raise StatisticalTestNotApplicable("Variance is 0.")
     return numerator / denominator
예제 #2
 def __testStatistic(self, classifier1: ExperimentPerformance, classifier2: ExperimentPerformance):
     if classifier1.numberOfExperiments() != classifier2.numberOfExperiments():
         raise StatisticalTestNotApplicable("In order to apply a paired test, you need to have the same number of "
                                            "experiments in both algorithms.")
     difference = []
     total = 0
     for i in range(classifier1.numberOfExperiments()):
         difference.append(classifier1.getErrorRate(i) - classifier2.getErrorRate(i))
         total += difference[i]
     mean = total / classifier1.numberOfExperiments()
     total = 0
     for i in range(classifier1.numberOfExperiments()):
         total += (difference[i] - mean) * (difference[i] - mean)
     standardDeviation = math.sqrt(total / (classifier1.numberOfExperiments() - 1))
     if standardDeviation == 0:
         raise StatisticalTestNotApplicable("Variance is 0.")
     return math.sqrt(classifier1.numberOfExperiments()) * mean / standardDeviation
예제 #3
 def compare(self, classifier1: ExperimentPerformance, classifier2: ExperimentPerformance) -> StatisticalTestResult:
     if classifier1.numberOfExperiments() != classifier2.numberOfExperiments():
         raise StatisticalTestNotApplicable("In order to apply a paired test, you need to have the same number of "
                                            "experiments in both algorithms.")
     plus = 0
     minus = 0
     for i in range(classifier1.numberOfExperiments()):
         if classifier1.getErrorRate(i) < classifier2.getErrorRate(i):
             plus = plus + 1
             if classifier1.getErrorRate(i) > classifier2.getErrorRate(i):
                 minus = minus + 1
     total = plus + minus
     pValue = 0
     if total == 0:
         raise StatisticalTestNotApplicable("Variance is 0.")
     for i in range(plus + 1):
         pValue += self.__binomial(total, i) / math.pow(2, total)
     return StatisticalTestResult(pValue, False)