def MoverTiempo(self): if self.siReloj: self.siReloj = False else: menu = QTVarios.LCMenu(self) menu.opcion("previo", "%s: %0.02f" % (_("Duration of interval (secs)"), self.intervalo / 1000.0), Iconos.MoverTiempo()) menu.opcion("otro", _("Change interval"), Iconos.Configurar()) resp = menu.lanza() if not resp: return if resp == "otro": liGen = [(None, None)] config = FormLayout.Editbox(_("Duration of interval (secs)"), 40, tipo=float) liGen.append(( config, self.intervalo / 1000.0 )) resultado = FormLayout.fedit(liGen, title=_("Interval"), parent=self, icon=Iconos.MoverTiempo()) if resultado is None: return accion, liResp = resultado tiempo = liResp[0] if tiempo > 0.01: self.intervalo = int(tiempo * 1000) else: return self.siReloj = True if self.siMoves and (self.posHistoria >= len(self.historia) - 1): self.MoverInicio() self.lanzaReloj()
def cambiarJuego(self): mateg = self.controlMate.ultimoNivel() ult_nivel = mateg.nivel + 1 ult_bloque = mateg.numBloqueSinHacer() + 1 if mateg.siTerminado(): ult_nivel += 1 ult_bloque = 1 liGen = [(None, None)] config = FormLayout.Spinbox(_("Level"), 1, ult_nivel, 50) liGen.append(( config, ult_nivel )) config = FormLayout.Spinbox(_("Block"), 1, 10, 50) liGen.append(( config, ult_bloque )) resultado = FormLayout.fedit(liGen, title=_("Level"), parent=self.pantalla, icon=Iconos.Jugar()) if resultado: nv, bl = resultado[1] nv -= 1 bl -= 1 self.controlMate.ponNivel(nv) self.ponRotuloNivel() self.refresh() self.jugar(bl)
def tg_append_polyglot(self): previo = VarGen.configuracion.leeVariables("WBG_MOVES") carpeta = previo.get("CARPETABIN", "") ficheroBIN = QTUtil2.leeFichero(self, carpeta, "%s (*.bin)" % _("Polyglot book"), titulo=_("File to import")) if not ficheroBIN: return previo["CARPETABIN"] = os.path.dirname(ficheroBIN) VarGen.configuracion.escVariables("WBG_MOVES", previo) liGen = [(None, None)] liGen.append(( None, _("Select a maximum number of moves (plies)<br> to consider from each game") )) liGen.append(( FormLayout.Spinbox(_("Depth"), 3, 99, 50), 30 )) liGen.append((None, None)) liGen.append(( _("Only white best moves"), False )) liGen.append((None, None)) liGen.append(( _("Only black best moves"), False )) liGen.append((None, None)) resultado = FormLayout.fedit(liGen, title=os.path.basename(ficheroBIN), parent=self, anchoMinimo=360, icon=Iconos.PuntoNaranja()) if resultado: accion, liResp = resultado depth, whiteBest, blackBest = liResp return self.bookGuide.grabarPolyglot(self, ficheroBIN, depth, whiteBest, blackBest) return False
def getNewName(self, title, previous=""): name = previous while True: liGen = [(None, None)] liGen.append(( _("Name") + ":", name )) resultado = FormLayout.fedit(liGen, title=title, parent=self, anchoMinimo=460, icon=Iconos.TutorialesCrear()) if resultado is None: return None accion, liResp = resultado name = liResp[0].strip() if not name: return None name = Util.validNomFichero(name) ok = True for k in self.bookGuide.getOtras(): if k.lower() == name.lower(): QTUtil2.mensError(self, _("This name is repeated, please select other")) ok = False break if ok: return name
def data_new(self): menu = QTVarios.LCMenu(self) menu1 = menu.submenu(_("Checkmates in GM games"), Iconos.GranMaestro()) menu1.opcion( "mate_basic", _( "Basic" ), Iconos.PuntoAzul() ) menu1.separador() menu1.opcion( "mate_easy", _( "Easy" ), Iconos.PuntoAmarillo() ) menu1.opcion( "mate_medium", _( "Medium" ), Iconos.PuntoNaranja() ) menu1.opcion( "mate_hard", _( "Hard" ), Iconos.PuntoRojo() ) menu.separador() menu.opcion("sts_basic", _("STS: Strategic Test Suite"), Iconos.STS()) resp = menu.lanza() if resp: tipo, model = resp.split("_") if tipo == "sts": liGen = [(None, None)] liR = [ (str(x), x) for x in range(1, 100) ] config = FormLayout.Combobox(_("Model"), liR) liGen.append((config, "1")) resultado = FormLayout.fedit(liGen, title=_("STS: Strategic Test Suite"), parent=self, anchoMinimo=160, icon=Iconos.Maps()) if resultado is None: return accion, liResp = resultado model = liResp[0] self.workmap.nuevo(tipo,model) self.activaWorkmap()
def tg_append_pgn(self): previo = VarGen.configuracion.leeVariables("WBG_MOVES") carpeta = previo.get("CARPETAPGN", "") ficheroPGN = QTUtil2.leeFichero(self, carpeta, "%s (*.pgn)" % _("PGN Format"), titulo=_("File to import")) if not ficheroPGN: return previo["CARPETAPGN"] = os.path.dirname(ficheroPGN) VarGen.configuracion.escVariables("WBG_MOVES", previo) liGen = [(None, None)] liGen.append(( None, _("Select a maximum number of moves (plies)<br> to consider from each game") )) liGen.append(( FormLayout.Spinbox(_("Depth"), 3, 999, 50), 30 )) liGen.append((None, None)) resultado = FormLayout.fedit(liGen, title=os.path.basename(ficheroPGN), parent=self, anchoMinimo=460, icon=Iconos.PuntoNaranja()) if resultado: accion, liResp = resultado depth = liResp[0] return self.bookGuide.grabarPGN(self, ficheroPGN, depth) return False
def numPosicion(wParent, titulo, nFEN, pos): liGen = [FormLayout.separador] label = "%s (1..%d)"%(_("Select position"), nFEN) liGen.append((FormLayout.Spinbox(label, 1, nFEN, 50), pos)) liGen.append(FormLayout.separador) li = [ ( _("Sequential"), "s"), ( _("Random"), "r"), ( _("Random with same sequence based on position"), "rk" ) ] liGen.append( (FormLayout.Combobox(_("Type"), li), "s") ) liGen.append(FormLayout.separador) liGen.append( (_("Jump to the next after solve")+":", False)) resultado = FormLayout.fedit(liGen, title=titulo, parent=wParent, anchoMinimo=200, icon=Iconos.Entrenamiento()) if resultado: posicion, tipo, jump = resultado[1] return posicion, tipo, jump else: return None
def grabarTema(self, tema): liGen = [(None, None)] nombre = tema["NOMBRE"] if tema else "" config = FormLayout.Editbox(_("Name"), ancho=160) liGen.append((config, nombre )) seccion = tema.get("SECCION", "") if tema else "" config = FormLayout.Editbox(_("Section"), ancho=160) liGen.append((config, seccion )) ico = Iconos.Grabar() if tema else Iconos.GrabarComo() resultado = FormLayout.fedit(liGen, title=_("Name"), parent=self, icon=ico) if resultado: accion, liResp = resultado nombre = liResp[0] seccion = liResp[1] if nombre: tema["NOMBRE"] = nombre if seccion: tema["SECCION"] = seccion self.confTablero.png64Thumb(base64.b64encode(self.tablero.thumbnail(64))) tema["TEXTO"] = self.confTablero.grabaTema() tema["BASE"] = self.confTablero.grabaBase() self.temaActual = tema self.ponSecciones() return tema
def configurar(self): menu = QTVarios.LCMenu(self) menu.opcion("formula", _("Formula to calculate elo"), Iconos.STS()) resp = menu.lanza() if resp: X = self.sts.X K = self.sts.K while True: liGen = [(None, None)] liGen.append((None, "X * %s + K" % _("Result"))) config = FormLayout.Editbox("X", 100, tipo=float, decimales=4) liGen.append(( config, X )) config = FormLayout.Editbox("K", 100, tipo=float, decimales=4) liGen.append(( config, K )) resultado = FormLayout.fedit(liGen, title=_("Formula to calculate elo"), parent=self, icon=Iconos.Elo(), siDefecto=True) if resultado: resp, valor = resultado if resp == 'defecto': X = self.sts.Xdefault K = self.sts.Kdefault else: x, k = valor self.sts.formulaChange(x, k) self.grid.refresh() return else: return
def empezar(self): regBase = self.liIntentos[0] if self.liIntentos else {} liGen = [(None, None)] liGen.append((FormLayout.Spinbox(_("Level"), 0, self.partida.numJugadas(), 40), regBase.get("LEVEL", 0))) liGen.append((None, None)) liGen.append((None, _("User play with") + ":")) liGen.append((_("White"), "w" in regBase.get("COLOR", "bw"))) liGen.append((_("Black"), "b" in regBase.get("COLOR", "bw"))) liGen.append((None, None)) liGen.append((_("Show clock"), True)) resultado = FormLayout.fedit(liGen, title=_("New try"), anchoMinimo=200, parent=self, icon=Iconos.TutorialesCrear()) if resultado is None: return accion, liResp = resultado level = liResp[0] white = liResp[1] black = liResp[2] if not (white or black): return siClock = liResp[3] w = WLearnPuente(self, self.partida, level, white, black, siClock) w.exec_()
def cambioTutor(parent, configuracion): liGen = [(None, None)] # # Tutor liGen.append(( _("Engine") + ":", configuracion.ayudaCambioTutor() )) # # Decimas de segundo a pensar el tutor liGen.append(( _("Duration of engine analysis (secs)") + ":", float(configuracion.tiempoTutor / 1000.0) )) li = [( _("Maximum"), 0)] for x in ( 1, 3, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40, 50, 75, 100, 150, 200 ): li.append((str(x), x)) config = FormLayout.Combobox(_("Number of moves evaluated by engine(MultiPV)"), li) liGen.append(( config, configuracion.tutorMultiPV )) liGen.append(( None, _("Sensitivity") )) liGen.append((FormLayout.Spinbox(_("Minimum difference in points"), 0, 1000, 70), configuracion.tutorDifPts )) liGen.append((FormLayout.Spinbox(_("Minimum difference in %"), 0, 1000, 70), configuracion.tutorDifPorc )) # Editamos resultado = FormLayout.fedit(liGen, title=_("Tutor change"), parent=parent, anchoMinimo=460, icon=Iconos.Opciones()) if resultado: claveMotor, tiempo, multiPV, difpts, difporc = resultado[1] configuracion.tutor = configuracion.buscaTutor(claveMotor) configuracion.tiempoTutor = int(tiempo*1000) configuracion.tutorMultiPV = multiPV configuracion.tutorDifPts = difpts configuracion.tutorDifPorc = difporc configuracion.graba() return True else: return False
def ggrabarGuion(self): liGen = [(None, None)] config = FormLayout.Editbox(_("Name"), ancho=160) liGen.append((config, self.nomGuion )) resultado = FormLayout.fedit(liGen, title=_("Name"), parent=self) if resultado: resp = resultado[1][0].strip() if resp: self.dbGuiones[resp] = self.guion.guarda()
def reindexarPlayer(self): dic = VarGen.configuracion.leeVariables("reindexplayer") # Select depth liGen = [(None, None)] liGen.append(( _("Player (wildcards=*)"), dic.get("player", ""))) liGen.append((None, None)) liGen.append(( None, _("Select the number of moves <br> for each game to be considered") )) liGen.append((None, None)) li = [(str(n), n) for n in range(3, 255)] config = FormLayout.Combobox(_("Depth"), li) liGen.append(( config, dic.get("depth", 30) )) resultado = FormLayout.fedit(liGen, title=_("Summary filtering by player"), parent=self, icon=Iconos.Reindexar()) if resultado is None: return None accion, liResp = resultado dic["player"] = player = liResp[0] if not player: return dic["depth"] = depth = liResp[1] VarGen.configuracion.escVariables("reindexplayer", dic) class CLT: pass clt = CLT() clt.RECCOUNT = 0 clt.SICANCELADO = False bpTmp = QTUtil2.BarraProgreso1(self, _("Rebuilding")) bpTmp.mostrar() def dispatch(recno, reccount): if reccount != clt.RECCOUNT: clt.RECCOUNT = reccount bpTmp.ponTotal(reccount) bpTmp.pon(recno) if bpTmp.siCancelado(): clt.SICANCELADO = True return not clt.SICANCELADO self.dbGames.recrearSTATplayer(dispatch, depth, player) bpTmp.cerrar() if clt.SICANCELADO: self.dbGames.ponSTATbase() self.grid.refresh()
def dameMinutosExtra(pantalla): liGen = [(None, None)] config = FormLayout.Spinbox(_("Extra minutes for the player"), 1, 99, 50) liGen.append(( config, 5 )) resultado = FormLayout.fedit(liGen, title=_("Time"), parent=pantalla, icon=Iconos.MoverTiempo()) if resultado: accion, liResp = resultado return liResp[0] return None
def editaNombre(self, nombre): liGen = [(None, None)] config = FormLayout.Editbox(_("Name"), ancho=160) liGen.append((config, nombre )) ico = Iconos.Grabar() resultado = FormLayout.fedit(liGen, title=_("Name"), parent=self, icon=ico) if resultado: accion, liResp = resultado nombre = liResp[0] return nombre return None
def nuevaKibitzer(ventana, configuracion): # Datos generales liGen = [(None, None)] # # Nombre liGen.append(( _("Kibitzer") + ":", "" )) ## Motor config = FormLayout.Combobox(_("Engine"), configuracion.comboMotoresCompleto()) liGen.append(( config, "stockfish" )) ## Tipo liTipos = ["M", ( "M", _("Candidates") ), ( "I", _("Indexes") ), ( "S", _("Best move") ), ( "L", _("Best move in one line") ), ( "J", _("Select move") ), ( "C", _("Threats") ), ( "E", _("Stockfish eval") ), ] liGen.append((_("Type"), liTipos)) # Editamos resultado = FormLayout.fedit(liGen, title=_("New"), parent=ventana, anchoMinimo=460, icon=Iconos.Kibitzer()) if resultado: accion, resp = resultado kibitzer = resp[0] motor = resp[1] tipo = resp[2] if not kibitzer: for xtipo, txt in liTipos[1:]: if xtipo == tipo: kibitzer = "%s: %s" % (txt, motor) d = xid = "MOS" + d.isoformat()[2:].strip("0").replace("-", "").replace("T", "").replace(":", "").replace(".", "") fvideo = configuracion.plantillaVideo % xid dic = {"NOMBRE": kibitzer, "MOTOR": motor, "TIPO": tipo, "FVIDEO": fvideo} liKibitzers = listaKibitzersRecuperar(configuracion) liKibitzers.append(dic) listaKibitzersGrabar(configuracion, liKibitzers) return liKibitzers else: return None
def newBookmark(self, move): comment = move.comment() allpgn = move.allPGN() siComment = len(comment) > 0 txt = comment if siComment else allpgn liGen = [(None, None)] liGen.append(( _("Name") + ":", txt )) liGen.append(( _("Copy PGN") + ":", False )) if siComment: liGen.append(( _("Copy comment") + ":", False )) reg = KRegistro() reg.allpgn = allpgn reg.comment = comment.split("\n")[0].strip() reg.form = None def dispatch(valor): if reg.form is None: reg.form = valor reg.wname = valor.getWidget(0) reg.wpgn = valor.getWidget(1) reg.wcomment = valor.getWidget(2) reg.wpgn.setText(reg.allpgn) if reg.wcomment: reg.wcomment.setText(reg.comment) else: QTUtil.refreshGUI() if reg.wpgn.isChecked(): reg.wname.setText(reg.allpgn) elif reg.wcomment and reg.wcomment.isChecked(): reg.wname.setText(reg.comment) if reg.wcomment: reg.wcomment.setChecked(False) reg.wpgn.setChecked(False) QTUtil.refreshGUI() resultado = FormLayout.fedit(liGen, title=_("Bookmark"), parent=self.wmoves, anchoMinimo=460, icon=Iconos.Favoritos(), dispatch=dispatch) if resultado is None: return None accion, liResp = resultado txt = liResp[0].strip() if txt: move.mark(txt) self.ponIconoBookmark(move.item(), move.mark()) self.wmoves.compruebaBookmarks()
def configurations(self): dic = VarGen.configuracion.leeVariables("BLINDFOLD") dicConf = collections.OrderedDict() for k in dic: if k.startswith("_"): cl = k[1:] dicConf[cl] = dic[k] menu = QTVarios.LCMenu(self) for k in dicConf: menu.opcion((True, k), k, Iconos.PuntoAzul()) menu.separador() menu.opcion((True, None), _("Save current configuration"), Iconos.PuntoVerde()) if dicConf: menu.separador() menudel = menu.submenu(_("Remove"), Iconos.Delete()) for k in dicConf: menudel.opcion((False, k), k, Iconos.PuntoNegro()) resp = menu.lanza() if resp is None: return si, cual = resp if si: if cual: dpz = dic["_" + cual] for pz in "kqrbnp": lbPZw, cbPZw, lbPZ, lbPZb, cbPZb, tipoW, tipoB = self.dicWidgets[pz] cbPZw.ponValor(dpz[pz.upper()]) cbPZb.ponValor(dpz[pz]) self.reset() else: liGen = [(None, None)] liGen.append(( _("Name") + ":", "" )) resultado = FormLayout.fedit(liGen, title=_("Save current configuration"), parent=self, anchoMinimo=460, icon=Iconos.TutorialesCrear()) if resultado is None: return None accion, liResp = resultado name = liResp[0].strip() if not name: return None dic["_%s" % name] = self.config.dicPiezas VarGen.configuracion.escVariables("BLINDFOLD", dic) else: del dic["_%s" % cual] VarGen.configuracion.escVariables("BLINDFOLD", dic)
def entrenar(self, fil=None, col=None): if len(self.lista) == 0: return if fil is None: fil = self.grid.recno() # Ultimo entrenamiento dicPar = Util.recuperaVar(self.ficheroParam) if dicPar is None: jugamos = "BLANCAS" repeticiones = 5 else: jugamos = dicPar["JUGAMOS"] repeticiones = dicPar["REPETICIONES"] if not ((col is None) or (col.clave == "NOMBRE")): jugamos = col.clave # Datos liGen = [(None, None)] liJ = [(_("White"), "BLANCAS"), (_("Black"), "NEGRAS"), (_("White & Black"), "AMBOS")] config = FormLayout.Combobox(_("Play with"), liJ) liGen.append(( config, jugamos )) liR = [( _("Undefined"), 0 )] for x in range(4): liR.append((str(x + 1), x + 1)) for x in range(5, 105, 5): liR.append((str(x), x)) config = FormLayout.Combobox(_("Model"), liR) liGen.append(( config, repeticiones )) # Editamos resultado = FormLayout.fedit(liGen, title=_("Train"), parent=self, anchoMinimo=360, icon=Iconos.Entrenar()) if resultado is None: return accion, liResp = resultado jugamos = liResp[0] repeticiones = liResp[1] dicPar = {} dicPar["JUGAMOS"] = jugamos dicPar["REPETICIONES"] = repeticiones Util.guardaVar(self.ficheroParam, dicPar) self.resultado = (self.listaAperturasStd, self.ficheroDatos, self.lista, fil, jugamos, repeticiones) self.accept()
def desdeHasta(self, titulo, desde, hasta): liGen = [(None, None)] config = FormLayout.Casillabox(_("From square")) liGen.append(( config, desde )) config = FormLayout.Casillabox(_("To square")) liGen.append(( config, hasta )) resultado = FormLayout.fedit(liGen, title=titulo, parent=self) if resultado: resp = resultado[1] self.ultDesde = desde = resp[0] self.ultHasta = hasta = resp[1] return desde, hasta else: return None, None
def editarNombre(self, previo, siNuevo=False): while True: liGen = [(None, None)] liGen.append((_("Name") + ":", previo)) resultado = FormLayout.fedit(liGen, title=_("STS: Strategic Test Suite"), parent=self, icon=Iconos.STS()) if resultado: accion, liGen = resultado nombre = Util.validNomFichero(liGen[0].strip()) if nombre: if not siNuevo and previo == nombre: return None path = os.path.join(self.carpetaSTS, nombre + ".sts") if os.path.isfile(path): QTUtil2.mensError(self, _("The file %s already exist") % nombre) continue return nombre else: return None else: return None
def configurar(self): segundos, puntos = self.boxing.actual() liGen = [(None, None)] config = FormLayout.Spinbox(_("Time in seconds"), 1, 99999, 80) liGen.append(( config, segundos )) config = FormLayout.Spinbox(_("Points"), 10, 99999, 80) liGen.append(( config, puntos )) resultado = FormLayout.fedit(liGen, title=_("Config"), parent=self, icon=Iconos.Configurar()) if resultado: accion, liResp = resultado segundos = liResp[0] puntos = liResp[1] self.boxing.cambiaConfiguracion(segundos, puntos) self.ponTextoAyuda() self.grid.refresh() return liResp[0]
def configurar(self): # Datos liGen = [(None, None)] # # Motor mt = self.configuracion.tutorInicial if self.motor is None else self.motor liCombo = [mt] for nombre, clave in self.configuracion.comboMotoresMultiPV10(): liCombo.append((clave, nombre)) liGen.append(( _("Engine") + ":", liCombo )) # # Segundos a pensar el tutor config = FormLayout.Spinbox(_("Duration of engine analysis (secs)"), 1, 99, 50) liGen.append(( config, self.segundos )) ## Pruebas config = FormLayout.Spinbox(_("N. of tests"), 1, 40, 40) liGen.append(( config, self.pruebas )) ## Fichero config = FormLayout.Fichero(_("File"), "%s (*.fns);;%s PGN (*.pgn)" % (_("List of FENs"), _("File")), False, anchoMinimo=280) liGen.append(( config, self.fns )) # Editamos resultado = FormLayout.fedit(liGen, title=_("Configuration"), parent=self, icon=Iconos.Opciones()) if resultado: accion, liResp = resultado self.motor = liResp[0] self.segundos = liResp[1] self.pruebas = liResp[2] self.fns = liResp[3] param = Util.DicSQL(self.configuracion.ficheroDailyTest, tabla="parametros") param["MOTOR"] = self.motor param["SEGUNDOS"] = self.segundos param["PRUEBAS"] = self.pruebas param["FNS"] = self.fns param.close()
def paramPelicula(parent): # Datos liGen = [(None, None)] # # Segundos liGen.append(( _("Number of seconds between moves") + ":", 2 )) # # Si desde el principi liGen.append(( _("Start from first move") + ":", True )) # Editamos resultado = FormLayout.fedit(liGen, title=_("Replay game"), parent=parent, anchoMinimo=460, icon=Iconos.Pelicula()) if resultado: accion, liResp = resultado segundos = liResp[0] siPrincipio = liResp[1] return segundos, siPrincipio else: return None
def configuraciones(self): fichero = self.configuracion.ficheroEntMaquinaConf dbc = Util.DicSQL(fichero) liConf = dbc.keys(siOrdenados=True) menu = Controles.Menu(self) SELECCIONA, BORRA, AGREGA = range(3) for x in liConf: menu.opcion((SELECCIONA, x), x, Iconos.PuntoAzul()) menu.separador() menu.opcion((AGREGA, None), _("Save current configuration"), Iconos.Mas()) if liConf: menu.separador() submenu = menu.submenu(_("Remove"), Iconos.Delete()) for x in liConf: submenu.opcion((BORRA, x), x, Iconos.PuntoRojo()) resp = menu.lanza() if resp: op, k = resp if op == SELECCIONA: dic = dbc[k] self.muestraDic(dic) elif op == BORRA: if QTUtil2.pregunta(self, _X(_("Delete %1 ?"), k)): del dbc[k] elif op == AGREGA: liGen = [(None, None)] liGen.append((_("Name") + ":", "")) resultado = FormLayout.fedit(liGen, title=_("Name"), parent=self, icon=Iconos.Libre()) if resultado: accion, liGen = resultado nombre = liGen[0].strip() if nombre: dbc[nombre] = self.creaDic() dbc.close()
def configurar(self): # Datos liGen = [(None, None)] # # Motor mt = self.configuracion.tutorInicial if self.motor is None else self.motor liCombo = [mt] for nombre, clave in self.configuracion.comboMotoresMultiPV10(): liCombo.append((clave, nombre)) liGen.append(( _("Engine") + ":", liCombo )) # # Segundos a pensar el tutor config = FormLayout.Spinbox(_("Duration of engine analysis (secs)"), 1, 99, 50) liGen.append(( config, self.segundos )) ## Minutos config = FormLayout.Spinbox(_("Minimum minutes"), 0, 99, 50) liGen.append(( config, self.min_min )) config = FormLayout.Spinbox(_("Maximum minutes"), 0, 99, 50) liGen.append(( config, self.min_max )) # Editamos resultado = FormLayout.fedit(liGen, title=_("Configuration"), parent=self, icon=Iconos.Opciones()) if resultado: accion, liResp = resultado self.motor = liResp[0] self.segundos = liResp[1] self.min_min = liResp[2] self.min_max = liResp[3] param = Util.DicSQL(self.configuracion.ficheroPotencia, tabla="parametros") param["MOTOR"] = self.motor param["SEGUNDOS"] = self.segundos param["MIN_MIN"] = self.min_min param["MIN_MAX"] = self.min_max param.close()
def opcionesPrimeraVez(parent, configuracion): separador = (None, None) # Datos generales liGen = [separador] # # Nombre del jugador liGen.append(( _("Player's name") + ":", configuracion.jugador )) # Editamos resultado = FormLayout.fedit(liGen, title=_("Configuration"), parent=parent, anchoMinimo=560, icon=Iconos.Opciones()) if resultado: accion, resp = resultado liGen = resp configuracion.jugador = liGen[0] return True else: return False
def cambiaColoresPGN(ventana, configuracion): liGen = [(None, None)] dicNAGs = TrListas.dicNAGs() config = FormLayout.Colorbox(dicNAGs[1], 80, 20, siSTR=True) liGen.append(( config, configuracion.color_nag1 )) config = FormLayout.Colorbox(dicNAGs[2], 80, 20, siSTR=True) liGen.append(( config, configuracion.color_nag2 )) config = FormLayout.Colorbox(dicNAGs[3], 80, 20, siSTR=True) liGen.append(( config, configuracion.color_nag3 )) config = FormLayout.Colorbox(dicNAGs[4], 80, 20, siSTR=True) liGen.append(( config, configuracion.color_nag4 )) config = FormLayout.Colorbox(dicNAGs[5], 80, 20, siSTR=True) liGen.append(( config, configuracion.color_nag5 )) config = FormLayout.Colorbox(dicNAGs[6], 80, 20, siSTR=True) liGen.append(( config, configuracion.color_nag6 )) resultado = FormLayout.fedit(liGen, title=_("PGN"), parent=ventana, icon=Iconos.Vista(), siDefecto=True) if resultado: accion, liResp = resultado if accion == "defecto": configuracion.coloresPGNdefecto() configuracion.graba() cambiaColoresPGN(ventana, configuracion) else: configuracion.color_nag1 = liResp[0] configuracion.color_nag2 = liResp[1] configuracion.color_nag3 = liResp[2] configuracion.color_nag4 = liResp[3] configuracion.color_nag5 = liResp[4] configuracion.color_nag6 = liResp[5] configuracion.graba()
def reindexar(self): if not QTUtil2.pregunta(self, _("Do you want to rebuild stats?")): return # Select depth liGen = [(None, None)] liGen.append(( None, _("Select the number of moves <br> for each game to be considered") )) liGen.append((None, None)) li = [(str(n), n) for n in range(3, 255)] config = FormLayout.Combobox(_("Depth"), li) liGen.append(( config, self.dbGames.depthStat() )) resultado = FormLayout.fedit(liGen, title=_("Rebuild"), parent=self, icon=Iconos.Reindexar()) if resultado is None: return None accion, liResp = resultado depth = liResp[0] self.RECCOUNT = 0 bpTmp = QTUtil2.BarraProgreso1(self, _("Rebuilding")) bpTmp.mostrar() def dispatch(recno, reccount): if reccount != self.RECCOUNT: self.RECCOUNT = reccount bpTmp.ponTotal(reccount) bpTmp.pon(recno) return not bpTmp.siCancelado() self.dbGames.recrearSTAT(dispatch, depth) bpTmp.cerrar() self.grid.refresh()
def paramAnalisisMasivo(parent, configuracion, siVariosSeleccionados, siDatabase=False): alm = leeDicParametros(configuracion) # Datos liGen = [SEPARADOR] # # Tutor li = configuracion.ayudaCambioTutor() li[0] = alm.motor liGen.append((_("Engine") + ":", li)) liGen.append(SEPARADOR) # # Time config = FormLayout.Editbox(_("Duration of engine analysis (secs)"), 40, tipo=float) liGen.append((config, alm.tiempo / 1000.0)) # Depth liDepths = [("--", 0)] for x in range(1, 31): liDepths.append((str(x), x)) config = FormLayout.Combobox(_("Depth"), liDepths) liGen.append((config, alm.depth)) # Time+Depth liGen.append(("%s+%s:" % (_("Time"), _("Depth")), alm.timedepth)) # MultiPV liGen.append(SEPARADOR) li = [(_("Default"), "PD"), (_("Maximum"), "MX")] for x in (1, 3, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40, 50, 75, 100, 150, 200): li.append((str(x), str(x))) config = FormLayout.Combobox( _("Number of moves evaluated by engine(MultiPV)"), li) liGen.append((config, alm.multiPV)) liGen.append(SEPARADOR) liJ = [(_("White"), "BLANCAS"), (_("Black"), "NEGRAS"), (_("White & Black"), "AMBOS")] config = FormLayout.Combobox(_("Analyze only color"), liJ) if alm.blancas and alm.negras: color = "AMBOS" elif alm.negras: color = "NEGRAS" elif alm.blancas: color = "BLANCAS" else: color = "AMBOS" liGen.append((config, color)) liGen.append( ("<div align=\"right\">" + _("Only player moves") + ":<br>%s</div>" % _("(You can add multiple aliases separated by ; and wildcard * )"), "")) fvar = configuracion.ficheroBooks listaLibros = Books.ListaLibros() listaLibros.recuperaVar(fvar) # Comprobamos que todos esten accesibles listaLibros.comprueba() defecto = listaLibros.lista[0] li = [("--", None)] for libro in listaLibros.lista: if libro.nombre == alm.libro: defecto = libro li.append((libro.nombre, libro)) config = FormLayout.Combobox( _("Do not scan the opening moves based on book"), li) liGen.append((config, defecto)) liGen.append((_("Start from the end of the game") + ":", alm.desdeelfinal)) liGen.append(SEPARADOR) liGen.append((_("Redo any existing prior analyses (if they exist)") + ":", alm.siBorrarPrevio)) liGen.append(SEPARADOR) liGen.append((_("Only selected games") + ":", siVariosSeleccionados)) liBlunders, liBrilliancies = formBlundersBrilliancies(alm, configuracion) lista = [] lista.append((liGen, _("General options"), "")) lista.append((liBlunders, _("Wrong moves"), "")) lista.append((liBrilliancies, _("Brilliancies"), "")) reg = Util.Almacen() reg.form = None def dispatchR(valor): if reg.form is None: if isinstance(valor, FormLayout.FormTabWidget): reg.form = valor reg.wtime = valor.getWidget(0, 1) reg.wdepth = valor.getWidget(0, 2) reg.wdt = valor.getWidget(0, 3) elif isinstance(valor, FormLayout.FormWidget): reg.form = valor reg.wtime = valor.getWidget(1) reg.wdepth = valor.getWidget(2) reg.wdt = valor.getWidget(3) else: sender = reg.form.sender() if not reg.wdt.isChecked(): if sender == reg.wtime: if reg.wtime.textoFloat() > 0: reg.wdepth.setCurrentIndex(0) elif sender == reg.wdepth: if reg.wdepth.currentIndex() > 0: reg.wtime.ponFloat(0.0) elif sender == reg.wdt: if reg.wtime.textoFloat() > 0: reg.wdepth.setCurrentIndex(0) elif reg.wdepth.currentIndex() > 0: reg.wtime.ponFloat(0.0) QTUtil.refreshGUI() resultado = FormLayout.fedit(lista, title=_("Mass analysis"), parent=parent, anchoMinimo=460, icon=Iconos.Opciones(), dispatch=dispatchR) if resultado: accion, liResp = resultado liGen, liBlunders, liBrilliancies = liResp alm.motor, tiempo, alm.depth, alm.timedepth, alm.multiPV, color, cjug, alm.libroAperturas, \ alm.desdeelfinal, alm.siBorrarPrevio, alm.siVariosSeleccionados = liGen alm.tiempo = int(tiempo * 1000) alm.blancas = color != "NEGRAS" alm.negras = color != "BLANCAS" cjug = cjug.strip() alm.liJugadores = cjug.upper().split(";") if cjug else None alm.libro = alm.libroAperturas.nombre if alm.libroAperturas is not None else None alm.kblunders, alm.tacticblunders, alm.pgnblunders, alm.oriblunders, alm.bmtblunders = liBlunders alm.dpbrilliancies, alm.ptbrilliancies, alm.fnsbrilliancies, alm.pgnbrilliancies, \ alm.oribrilliancies, alm.bmtbrilliancies = liBrilliancies dic = {} for x in dir(alm): if not x.startswith("__"): dic[x.upper()] = getattr(alm, x) Util.guardaVar(configuracion.ficheroAnalisis, dic) if not (alm.tacticblunders or alm.pgnblunders or alm.bmtblunders or alm.fnsbrilliancies or alm.pgnbrilliancies or alm.bmtbrilliancies or siDatabase): QTUtil2.mensError(parent, _("No file was specified where to save results")) return return alm else: return None
def remove_worst(self): # color + time liGen = [FormLayout.separador] liJ = [(_("White"), "WHITE"), (_("Black"), "BLACK")] config = FormLayout.Combobox(_("Side"), liJ) liGen.append((config, "WHITE")) liGen.append((_("Duration of engine analysis (secs)") + ":", float(self.configuration.x_tutor_mstime / 1000.0))) resultado = FormLayout.fedit(liGen, title=_("Remove worst lines"), parent=self, icon=Iconos.OpeningLines()) if resultado: color, segs = resultado[1] ms = int(segs * 1000) if ms == 0: return si_white = color == "WHITE" dic = self.dbop.dicRepeFen(si_white) mensaje = _("Move") + " %d/" + str(len(dic)) tmpBP = QTUtil2.BarraProgreso(self, _("Remove worst lines"), "", len(dic)) xmanager = self.procesador.creaManagerMotor( self.configuration.tutor, ms, 0, siMultiPV=False) st_borrar = set() ok = True for n, fen in enumerate(dic, 1): if tmpBP.is_canceled(): ok = False break tmpBP.mensaje(mensaje % n) max_puntos = -999999 max_pv = None dicPV = dic[fen] for pv in dicPV: if tmpBP.is_canceled(): ok = False break FasterCode.set_fen(fen) FasterCode.move_pv(pv[:2], pv[2:4], pv[4:]) mrm = xmanager.analiza(fen) rm = mrm.mejorMov() pts = rm.centipawns_abs() if not si_white: pts = -pts if pts > max_puntos: max_puntos = pts if max_pv: for nl in dicPV[max_pv]: st_borrar.add(nl) max_pv = pv else: for nl in dicPV[pv]: st_borrar.add(nl) tmpBP.cerrar() xmanager.terminar() if ok: li_borrar = list(st_borrar) n = len(li_borrar) if n: self.dbop.removeLines(li_borrar, _("Remove worst lines")) QTUtil2.message_bold(self, _("Removed %d lines") % n) else: QTUtil2.message_bold(self, _("Done"))
def file(self): menu = QTVarios.LCMenu(self) menu.opcion("saveas", _("Save a copy"), Iconos.GrabarComo()) menu.separador() menu.opcion("restorefrom", _("Restore from"), Iconos.Recuperar()) menu.separador() submenu = menu.submenu(_("Create new"), Iconos.Nuevo()) submenu.opcion("new_UNED", _("UNED chess school"), Iconos.Uned()) submenu.separador() submenu.opcion("new_UWE", _("Uwe Auerswald"), Iconos.Uwe()) menu.separador() menu.opcion("savedb", _("Save as database"), Iconos.DatabaseC()) resp = menu.lanza() if resp is None: return if resp == "saveas": liGen = [(None, None)] config = FormLayout.Editbox(_("Name"), ancho=160) liGen.append((config, "")) resultado = FormLayout.fedit(liGen, title=_("Name"), parent=self, icon=Iconos.GrabarComo()) if resultado: accion, liResp = resultado fich = nombre = liResp[0] if nombre.lower()[-4:] != ".wsm": fich += ".wsm" path = os.path.join(self.configuracion.carpeta, fich) ok = True if Util.existeFichero(path): ok = QTUtil2.pregunta( self, _X( _("The file %1 already exists, what do you want to do?" ), fich), etiSi=_("Overwrite"), etiNo=_("Cancel")) if ok: shutil.copy(self.dbwashing.file, path) elif resp == "restorefrom": li = [] for fich in os.listdir(self.configuracion.carpeta): if fich.endswith(".wsm") and fich != self.dbwashing.filename: li.append(fich[:-4]) if not li: QTUtil2.mensaje(self, _("There is no file")) return menu = QTVarios.LCMenu(self) for fich in li: menu.opcion(fich, fich, Iconos.PuntoRojo()) resp = menu.lanza() if resp: if QTUtil2.pregunta( self, "%s\n%s" % (_("Current data will be removed and overwrited."), _("Are you sure?"))): shutil.copy( os.path.join(self.configuracion.carpeta, resp + ".wsm"), self.dbwashing.file) self.wreload = True self.guardarVideo() self.accept() elif resp.startswith("new_"): tactic = resp[4:] if QTUtil2.pregunta( self, "%s\n%s" % (_("Current data will be removed and overwrited."), _("Are you sure?"))): self.wreload = True self.guardarVideo() self.accept() elif resp == "savedb": ext = "lcg" path = QTUtil2.salvaFichero(self, _("Database of complete games"), self.configuracion.ficheroDBgames, _("File") + " %s (*.%s)" % (ext, ext), False) if path: if not path.lower().endswith(".lcg"): path += ".lcg" me = QTUtil2.mensEspera.inicio(self, _("Saving...")) dbn = DBgames.DBgames(path) for engine in self.washing.liEngines: if engine.state == Washing.ENDED: game = self.dbwashing.restoreGame(engine) pc = Partida.PartidaCompleta() pc.leeOtra(game) dt = if engine.color: white = self.configuracion.jugador black = engine.nombre result = "1-0" whiteelo = str(self.configuracion.elo) blackelo = engine.elo else: black = self.configuracion.jugador white = engine.nombre result = "0-1" blackelo = str(self.configuracion.elo) whiteelo = engine.elo tags = [ ["Site", "Lucas Chess"], ["Event", _("The Washing Machine")], ["Date", "%d-%d-%d" % (dt.year, dt.month,], ["White", white], ["Black", black], ["WhiteElo", whiteelo], ["BlackElo", blackelo], ["Result", result], ] ap = game.apertura if ap: tags.append(["ECO",]) tags.append(["Opening", ap.trNombre]) pc.setTags(tags) dbn.inserta(pc)
def borrar(self): tam_dbop = len(self.dbop) if tam_dbop == 0: return current = self.glines.recno() // 2 li = [] if 0 <= current < tam_dbop: li.append([ "current", _("Remove line %d") % (current + 1, ), Iconos.Mover() ]) if tam_dbop > 1: li.append( ["lines", _("Remove a list of lines"), Iconos.MoverLibre()]) if len(li) > 0: menu = QTVarios.LCMenu(self) for key, title, ico in li: menu.opcion(key, title, ico) menu.separador() resp = menu.lanza() if resp == "current": self.dbop.saveHistory(_("Remove line %d") % (current + 1, )) del self.dbop[current] self.goto_inilinea() elif resp is not None: liGen = [FormLayout.separador] config = FormLayout.Editbox( "<div align=\"right\">" + _("Lines") + "<br>" + _("By example:") + " -5,8-12,14,19-", rx="[0-9,\-,\,]*") liGen.append((config, "")) resultado = FormLayout.fedit(liGen, title=_("Remove a list of lines"), parent=self, anchoMinimo=460, icon=Iconos.OpeningLines()) if resultado: accion, liResp = resultado clista = liResp[0] if clista: ln = Util.ListaNumerosImpresion(clista) li = ln.selected(range(1, tam_dbop + 1)) sli = [] cad = "" for num in li: if cad: cad += "," + str(num) else: cad = str(num) if len(cad) > 80: sli.append(cad) cad = "" if cad: sli.append(cad) cli = "\n".join(sli) if QTUtil2.pregunta( self, _("Do you want to remove the next lines?") + "\n\n" + cli): um = QTUtil2.unMomento(self, _("Working...")) self.dbop.removeLines([x - 1 for x in li], cli) self.glines.refresh() self.goto_inilinea() self.show_lines()
def xcolor(txt, tipo): config = FormLayout.Colorbox(txt, 40, 20, siSTR=True) color = QtGui.QColor(palette[tipo]) if palette else palette_std.color( getattr(QtGui.QPalette, tipo)) liColor.append((config, color)) liPalette.append(tipo)
def paramAnalisis(parent, configuracion, siModoAmpliado, siTodosMotores=False): alm = leeDicParametros(configuracion) # Datos liGen = [SEPARADOR] # # Tutor if siTodosMotores: li = configuracion.ayudaCambioCompleto(alm.engine) else: li = configuracion.ayudaCambioTutor() li[0] = alm.engine liGen.append((_("Engine") + ":", li)) # # Time liGen.append(SEPARADOR) config = FormLayout.Editbox(_("Duration of engine analysis (secs)"), 40, tipo=float) liGen.append((config, alm.vtime / 1000.0)) # Depth liDepths = [("--", 0)] for x in range(1, 51): liDepths.append((str(x), x)) config = FormLayout.Combobox(_("Depth"), liDepths) liGen.append((config, alm.depth)) # Time+Depth liGen.append(("%s+%s:" % (_("Time"), _("Depth")), alm.timedepth)) # MultiPV liGen.append(SEPARADOR) li = [(_("Default"), "PD"), (_("Maximum"), "MX")] for x in (1, 3, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40, 50, 75, 100, 150, 200): li.append((str(x), str(x))) config = FormLayout.Combobox(_("Number of moves evaluated by engine(MultiPV)"), li) liGen.append((config, alm.multiPV)) # Priority liGen.append(SEPARADOR) config = FormLayout.Combobox(_("Process priority"), Priorities.priorities.combo()) liGen.append((config, alm.priority)) # Completo if siModoAmpliado: liGen.append(SEPARADOR) liJ = [(_("White"), "WHITE"), (_("Black"), "BLACK"), (_("White & Black"), "BOTH")] config = FormLayout.Combobox(_("Analyze only color"), liJ) if alm.white and color = "BOTH" elif color = "BLACK" elif alm.white: color = "WHITE" else: color = "BOTH" liGen.append((config, color)) config = FormLayout.Editbox('<div align="right">' + _("Moves") + "<br>" + _("By example:") + " -5,8-12,14,19-", rx="[0-9,\-,\,]*") liGen.append((config, "")) fvar = configuracion.ficheroBooks listaLibros = Books.ListaLibros() listaLibros.restore_pickle(fvar) # Comprobamos que todos esten accesibles listaLibros.comprueba() li = [("--", None)] defecto = listaLibros.lista[0] if alm.book_name else None for book in listaLibros.lista: if alm.book_name == defecto = book li.append((, book)) config = FormLayout.Combobox(_("Do not scan the opening moves based on book"), li) liGen.append((config, defecto)) liGen.append(SEPARADOR) liGen.append((_("Redo any existing prior analyses (if they exist)") + ":", alm.delete_previous)) liGen.append((_("Start from the end of the game") + ":", alm.from_last_move)) liGen.append(SEPARADOR) liGen.append((_("Show graphics") + ":", alm.show_graphs)) liVar = form_variations(alm) liBlunders, liBrilliancies = formBlundersBrilliancies(alm, configuracion) liST = [SEPARADOR] liST.append((_("Activate") + ":", alm.stability)) liST.append(SEPARADOR) liST.append((FormLayout.Spinbox(_("Last depths to control same best move"), 2, 10, 40), alm.st_depths)) liST.append(SEPARADOR) liST.append((FormLayout.Spinbox(_("Maximum difference among last evaluations"), 0, 99999, 60), alm.st_centipawns)) liST.append(SEPARADOR) liST.append((FormLayout.Spinbox(_("Additional time limit"), 0, 99999, 60), alm.st_timelimit)) lista = [] lista.append((liGen, _("General options"), "")) lista.append((liVar, _("Variations"), "")) lista.append((liBlunders, _("Wrong moves"), "")) lista.append((liBrilliancies, _("Brilliancies"), "")) lista.append((liST, _("Stability control"), "")) else: lista = liGen reg = Util.Record() reg.form = None def dispatchR(valor): if reg.form is None: if isinstance(valor, FormLayout.FormTabWidget): reg.form = valor reg.wtime = valor.getWidget(0, 1) reg.wdepth = valor.getWidget(0, 2) reg.wdt = valor.getWidget(0, 3) elif isinstance(valor, FormLayout.FormWidget): reg.form = valor reg.wtime = valor.getWidget(1) reg.wdepth = valor.getWidget(2) reg.wdt = valor.getWidget(3) else: sender = reg.form.sender() if not reg.wdt.isChecked(): if sender == reg.wtime: if reg.wtime.textoFloat() > 0: reg.wdepth.setCurrentIndex(0) elif sender == reg.wdepth: if reg.wdepth.currentIndex() > 0: reg.wtime.ponFloat(0.0) elif sender == reg.wdt: if reg.wtime.textoFloat() > 0: reg.wdepth.setCurrentIndex(0) elif reg.wdepth.currentIndex() > 0: reg.wtime.ponFloat(0.0) QTUtil.refresh_gui() resultado = FormLayout.fedit(lista, title=_("Analysis Configuration"), parent=parent, anchoMinimo=460, icon=Iconos.Opciones(), dispatch=dispatchR) if resultado: accion, liResp = resultado if siModoAmpliado: liGen, liVar, liBlunders, liBrilliancies, liST = liResp else: liGen = liResp alm.engine = liGen[0] alm.vtime = int(liGen[1] * 1000) alm.depth = liGen[2] alm.timedepth = liGen[3] alm.multiPV = liGen[4] alm.priority = liGen[5] if siModoAmpliado: color = liGen[6] alm.white = color != "BLACK" = color != "WHITE" alm.num_moves = liGen[7] = liGen[8] alm.book_name = if else None alm.delete_previous = liGen[9] alm.from_last_move = liGen[10] alm.show_graphs = liGen[11] (alm.include_variations, alm.limit_include_variations, alm.best_variation, alm.info_variation, alm.si_pdt, alm.one_move_variation) = liVar (alm.kblunders, alm.tacticblunders, alm.pgnblunders, alm.oriblunders, alm.bmtblunders) = liBlunders (alm.dpbrilliancies, alm.ptbrilliancies, alm.fnsbrilliancies, alm.pgnbrilliancies, alm.oribrilliancies, alm.bmtbrilliancies) = liBrilliancies (alm.stability, alm.st_depths, alm.st_centipawns, alm.st_timelimit) = liST dic = {} for x in dir(alm): if not x.startswith("__"): dic[x] = getattr(alm, x) Util.save_pickle(configuracion.file_param_analysis(), dic) return alm else: return None
def options(parent, configuration): form = FormLayout.FormLayout(parent, _("Configuration"), Iconos.Opciones(), anchoMinimo=640) # Datos generales ############################################################################################## form.separador() form.edit(_("Player's name"), configuration.x_player) form.separador() form.combobox(_("Window style"), configuration.estilos(), configuration.x_style) form.separador() li_traducciones = configuration.list_translations() tr_actual = configuration.translator() li = [] for k, trad, porc, author in li_traducciones: label = "%s" % trad if int(porc) < 90: label += " (%s%%)" % porc li.append((label, k)) form.combobox(_("Language"), li, tr_actual) form.separador() li = [ (_("Play against an engine"), MENU_PLAY_ANY_ENGINE), (_("Opponents for young players"), MENU_PLAY_YOUNG_PLAYERS), (_("Both"), MENU_PLAY_BOTH), ] form.combobox(_("Menu Play"), li, configuration.x_menu_play) form.separador() if Code.is_windows: form.checkbox(_("Show the option to import from version 11"), configuration.x_show_version11) form.separador() form.checkbox(_("Check for updates at startup"), configuration.x_check_for_update) form.add_tab(_("General")) # Sonidos ######################################################################################################## form.separador() form.checkbox(_("Beep after opponent's move"), configuration.x_sound_beep) form.separador() form.apart(_("Sound on in")) form.checkbox(_("Results"), configuration.x_sound_results) form.checkbox(_("Rival moves"), configuration.x_sound_move) form.separador() form.checkbox(_("Activate sounds with our moves"), configuration.x_sound_our) form.add_tab(_("Sounds")) # Tutor ########################################################################################################## form.separador() form.combobox(_("Engine"), configuration.listaCambioTutor(), configuration.tutor.key) form.float(_("Duration of tutor analysis (secs)"), float(configuration.x_tutor_mstime / 1000.0)) form.spinbox(_("Depth"), 0, 40, 100, configuration.x_tutor_depth) form.spinbox(_("Number of moves evaluated by engine(MultiPV)"), 0, 512, 100, configuration.x_tutor_multipv) form.separador() form.checkbox(_("Disabled at the beginning of the game"), not configuration.x_default_tutor_active) li_pos_tutor = [ (_("Horizontal"), POS_TUTOR_HORIZONTAL), (_("Horizontal") + " 2+1", POS_TUTOR_HORIZONTAL_2_1), (_("Horizontal") + " 1+2", POS_TUTOR_HORIZONTAL_1_2), (_("Vertical"), POS_TUTOR_VERTICAL), ] form.combobox(_("Tutor boards position"), li_pos_tutor, configuration.x_tutor_view) form.separador() form.checkbox(_("Work in the background, when possible"), not configuration.x_engine_notbackground) form.separador() form.separador() form.apart(_("Sensitivity")) form.spinbox(_("Minimum difference in centipawns"), 0, 1000, 70, configuration.x_tutor_difpoints) form.spinbox(_("Minimum difference in %"), 0, 1000, 70, configuration.x_tutor_difporc) form.separador() form.separador() form.folder(_("Gaviota Tablebases"), configuration.x_carpeta_gaviota, configuration.carpeta_gaviota_defecto()) form.separador() form.add_tab(_("Tutor")) # Boards ######################################################################################################### form.separador() form.checkbox(_("Visual effects"), configuration.x_show_effects) drap = { 1: 100, 2: 150, 3: 200, 4: 250, 5: 300, 6: 350, 7: 400, 8: 450, 9: 500 } drap_v = {} for x in drap: drap_v[drap[x]] = x form.dial( "%s (%s=1)" % (_("Speed"), _("Default")), 1, len(drap), drap_v.get(configuration.x_pieces_speed, 100), siporc=False, ) form.separador() li_mouse_sh = [ (_("Type fixed: you must always indicate origin and destination"), False), (_("Type predictive: program tries to guess your intention"), True), ] form.combobox(_("Mouse shortcuts"), li_mouse_sh, configuration.x_mouse_shortcuts) form.checkbox(_("Show candidates"), configuration.x_show_candidates) form.checkbox(_("Always promote to queen\nALT key allows to change"), configuration.x_autopromotion_q) form.checkbox(_("Show cursor when engine is thinking"), configuration.x_cursor_thinking) form.separador() x = " - %s Graham O'Neill (" % _("developed by") if Code.is_windows: li_db = [ (_("None"), ""), (_("DGT"), "DGT"), (_("DGT Alternate") + x, "DGT-gon"), (_("Certabo") + x, "Certabo"), (_("Millennium") + x, "Millennium"), (_("Novag Citrine") + x, "Citrine"), (_("Novag UCB") + x, "Novag UCB"), ] else: li_db = [ (_("None"), ""), (_("DGT") + x, "DGT-gon"), (_("Certabo") + x, "Certabo"), ("%s (%s) %s" % (_("Certabo"), _("Bluetooth"), x), "CertaboBT"), (_("Millennium") + x, "Millennium"), (_("Novag Citrine") + x, "Citrine"), (_("Novag UCB") + x, "Novag UCB"), ] form.combobox(_("Digital board"), li_db, configuration.x_digital_board) form.separador() form.checkbox(_("Show configuration icon"), configuration.x_opacity_tool_board > 6) li_pos = [(_("Bottom"), "B"), (_("Top"), "T")] form.combobox(_("Configuration icon position"), li_pos, configuration.x_position_tool_board) form.separador() form.checkbox(_("Show icon when position has graphic information"), configuration.x_director_icon) form.separador() form.checkbox(_("Live graphics with the right mouse button"), configuration.x_direct_graphics) form.add_tab(_("Boards")) # Aspect ######################################################################################################## form.checkbox(_("By default"), False) form.separador() form.font(_("Font"), configuration.x_font_family) form.apart(_("Menus")) form.spinbox(_("Font size"), 3, 64, 60, configuration.x_menu_points) form.checkbox(_("Bold"), configuration.x_menu_bold) form.separador() form.apart(_("Toolbars")) form.spinbox(_("Font size"), 3, 64, 60, configuration.x_tb_fontpoints) form.checkbox(_("Bold"), configuration.x_tb_bold) li = ( (_("Only display the icon"), QtCore.Qt.ToolButtonIconOnly), (_("Only display the text"), QtCore.Qt.ToolButtonTextOnly), (_("The text appears beside the icon"), QtCore.Qt.ToolButtonTextBesideIcon), (_("The text appears under the icon"), QtCore.Qt.ToolButtonTextUnderIcon), ) form.combobox(_("Icons"), li, configuration.tipoIconos()) form.separador() form.apart(_("PGN table")) form.spinbox(_("Width"), 283, 1000, 70, configuration.x_pgn_width) form.spinbox(_("Height of each row"), 18, 99, 70, configuration.x_pgn_rowheight) form.spinbox(_("Font size"), 3, 99, 70, configuration.x_pgn_fontpoints) form.checkbox(_("PGN always in English"), configuration.x_pgn_english) form.checkbox(_("PGN with figurines"), configuration.x_pgn_withfigurines) form.separador() form.checkbox(_("Enable captured material window by default"), configuration.x_captures_activate) form.checkbox(_("Enable information panel by default"), configuration.x_info_activate) form.separador() form.spinbox(_("Font size of information labels"), 3, 30, 70, configuration.x_sizefont_infolabels) form.add_tab(_("Appearance")) # Perfomance #################################################################################################### perf = configuration.perfomance def d(num): return " (%s %d)" % (_("default"), num) form.separador() form.apart(_("Bad moves: lost centipawns to consider a move as bad")) form.spinbox(_("Bad move") + d(90), 20, 1000, 60, perf.bad_lostp) form.spinbox( _("Very bad move") + d(200), 50, 1000, 60, perf.very_bad_lostp) form.separador() form.spinbox( _("Degree of effect of bad moves on the game elo") + d(2), 0, 5, 40, perf.bad_factor) form.separador() form.apart( _("Good moves: minimum depth required from the engine to discover the move" )) form.spinbox(_("Good move") + d(3), 2, 20, 40, perf.good_depth) form.spinbox(_("Very good move") + d(6), 3, 20, 40, perf.very_good_depth) form.add_tab(_("Performance")) # Modo no competitivo ############################################################################################ form.separador() form.spinbox(_("Lucas-Elo"), 0, 3200, 70, configuration.x_elo) form.separador() form.spinbox(_("Club players competition"), 0, 3200, 70, configuration.x_michelo) form.separador() form.spinbox(_("Fics-Elo"), 0, 3200, 70, configuration.x_fics) form.separador() form.spinbox(_("Fide-Elo"), 0, 3200, 70, configuration.x_fide) form.separador() form.spinbox(_("Lichess-Elo"), 0, 3200, 70, configuration.x_lichess) form.add_tab(_("Change elos")) resultado = if resultado: accion, resp = resultado li_gen, li_son, li_tt, li_b, li_asp, li_pr, li_nc = resp if Code.is_windows: ( configuration.x_player, configuration.x_style, translator, configuration.x_menu_play, configuration.x_show_version11, configuration.x_check_for_update, ) = li_gen else: ( configuration.x_player, configuration.x_style, translator, configuration.x_menu_play, configuration.x_check_for_update, ) = li_gen configuration.set_translator(translator) por_defecto = li_asp[0] if por_defecto: li_asp = ( "", 11, False, 11, False, QtCore.Qt.ToolButtonTextUnderIcon, 283, 22, 10, False, True, True, False, 10, ) else: del li_asp[0] ( configuration.x_font_family, configuration.x_menu_points, configuration.x_menu_bold, configuration.x_tb_fontpoints, configuration.x_tb_bold, qt_iconstb, configuration.x_pgn_width, configuration.x_pgn_rowheight, configuration.x_pgn_fontpoints, configuration.x_pgn_english, configuration.x_pgn_withfigurines, configuration.x_captures_activate, configuration.x_info_activate, configuration.x_sizefont_infolabels, ) = li_asp if configuration.x_font_family == "System": configuration.x_font_family = "" configuration.set_tipoIconos(qt_iconstb) ( configuration.x_sound_beep, configuration.x_sound_results, configuration.x_sound_move, configuration.x_sound_our, ) = li_son ( configuration.x_tutor_clave, tiempoTutor, configuration.x_tutor_depth, configuration.x_tutor_multipv, tutor_inactive, configuration.x_tutor_view, workinbackground, configuration.x_tutor_difpoints, configuration.x_tutor_difporc, configuration.x_carpeta_gaviota, ) = li_tt configuration.x_default_tutor_active = not tutor_inactive configuration.x_tutor_mstime = int(tiempoTutor * 1000) configuration.x_engine_notbackground = not workinbackground ( configuration.x_elo, configuration.x_michelo, configuration.x_fics, configuration.x_fide, configuration.x_lichess, ) = li_nc ( configuration.x_show_effects, rapidezMovPiezas, configuration.x_mouse_shortcuts, configuration.x_show_candidates, configuration.x_autopromotion_q, configuration.x_cursor_thinking, dboard, toolIcon, configuration.x_position_tool_board, configuration.x_director_icon, configuration.x_direct_graphics, ) = li_b configuration.x_opacity_tool_board = 10 if toolIcon else 1 configuration.x_pieces_speed = drap[rapidezMovPiezas] if configuration.x_digital_board != dboard: if dboard: if QTUtil2.pregunta( parent, "%s<br><br>%s %s" % ( _("Are you sure %s is the correct driver ?") % dboard, _("WARNING: selecting the wrong driver might cause damage to your board." ), _("Proceed at your own risk."), ), ): DGT.ponON() else: dboard = "" configuration.x_digital_board = dboard perf.bad_lostp, perf.very_bad_lostp, perf.bad_factor, perf.good_depth, perf.very_good_depth = li_pr perf.very_bad_factor = perf.bad_factor * 4 return True else: return False
def import_polyglot_config(owner, configuration, titulo, with_collisions): dic = configuration.read_variables("POLYGLOT_IMPORT") form = FormLayout.FormLayout(owner, titulo, Iconos.Import8(), anchoMinimo=440) form.separador() form.spinbox(_("Maximum half moves (plies)"), 1, 999, 60, dic.get("PLIES", 50)) form.separador() li_options = (("%s + %s" % (_("White"), _("Black")), {True, False}), (_("White"), {True}), (_("Black"), {False})) form.combobox(_("Side to include"), li_options, dic.get("SIDE", {True, False})) form.separador() form.apart_simple(_("Include games when result is")) form.checkbox("1-0", dic.get("1-0", True)) form.checkbox("0-1", dic.get("0-1", True)) form.checkbox("1/2-1/2", dic.get("1/2-1/2", True)) form.separador() li_options = ((_("Discard"), ""), ("1-0", "1-0"), ("0-1", "0-1"), ("1/2-1/2", "1/2-1/2")) form.combobox("%s %s" % (_("Unknown result"), _("convert to")), li_options, dic.get("*", "")) form.separador() form.spinbox(_("Minimum number of games"), 1, 999999, 50, dic.get("MINGAMES", 5)) form.spinbox( _("Minimum score") + " (0-100)", 0, 100, 50, dic.get("MINSCORE", 0)) form.separador() li_options = ( (_("Number of games"), CALCWEIGHT_NUMGAMES), (_("Number of games") + " * " + _("Score"), CALCWEIGHT_NUMGAMES_SCORE), (_("Score") + "% * 100", CALCWEIGHT_SCORE), ) form.combobox(_("Calculation of the weight"), li_options, dic.get("CALCWEIGHT", CALCWEIGHT_NUMGAMES)) form.separador() form.checkbox(_("Save score"), dic.get("SAVESCORE", False)) form.separador() if with_collisions: li_options = ((_("Replace"), "replace"), (_("Add"), "add"), (_("Discard"), "discard")) form.combobox(_("What to do in case of collisions"), li_options, dic.get("COLLISIONS", "replace")) resultado = if not resultado: return None accion, resp = resultado if with_collisions: plies, st_side, r1_0, r0_1, r1_1, ru, min_games, min_score, calc_weight, save_score, collisions = resp else: plies, st_side, r1_0, r0_1, r1_1, ru, min_games, min_score, calc_weight, save_score = resp if not (r1_0 or r0_1 or r1_1 or ru != ""): return None st_results = set() if r1_0: st_results.add(b"1-0") if r1_1: st_results.add(b"1/2-1/2") if r0_1: st_results.add(b"0-1") if ru != "": st_results.add(b"*") dic["PLIES"] = plies dic["SIDE"] = st_side dic["1-0"] = r1_0 dic["0-1"] = r0_1 dic["1/2-1/2"] = r1_1 dic["*"] = ru dic["MINGAMES"] = min_games dic["MINSCORE"] = min_score dic["CALCWEIGHT"] = calc_weight dic["SAVESCORE"] = save_score configuration.write_variables("POLYGLOT_IMPORT", dic) if with_collisions: return plies, st_side, st_results, ru, min_games, min_score, calc_weight, save_score, collisions else: return plies, st_side, st_results, ru, min_games, min_score, calc_weight, save_score
def editar(self, fila): if fila is None: nombre = "" eco = "" pgn = "" estandar = True titulo = _("New opening") else: reg = self.lista[fila] nombre = reg["NOMBRE"] eco = reg["ECO"] pgn = reg["PGN"] estandar = reg["ESTANDAR"] titulo = nombre # Datos liGen = [(None, None)] liGen.append((_("Name") + ":", nombre)) config = FormLayout.Editbox("ECO", ancho=30, rx="[A-Z, a-z][0-9][0-9]") liGen.append((config, eco)) liGen.append((_("Add to standard list") + ":", estandar)) # Editamos resultado = FormLayout.fedit(liGen, title=titulo, parent=self, anchoMinimo=460, icon=Iconos.Apertura()) if resultado is None: return accion, liResp = resultado nombre = liResp[0].strip() if not nombre: return eco = liResp[1].upper() estandar = liResp[2] fen = ControlPosicion.FEN_INICIAL self.procesador.procesador = self.procesador # ya que editaVariante espera un gestor resp = Variantes.editaVariante(self.procesador, self.procesador, fen, pgn, titulo=nombre, siBlancasAbajo=True) if resp: pgn, a1h8 = resp reg = {} reg["NOMBRE"] = nombre reg["ECO"] = eco reg["PGN"] = pgn reg["A1H8"] = a1h8 reg["ESTANDAR"] = estandar if fila is None: self.lista.append(reg) self.grid.refresh() self.grabar() else: self.lista[fila] = reg self.grid.refresh() self.grabar()
def paramAnalisis(parent, configuracion, siModoAmpliado, siTodosMotores=False): alm = leeDicParametros(configuracion) # Datos liGen = [SEPARADOR] # # Tutor if siTodosMotores: li = configuracion.ayudaCambioCompleto(alm.motor) else: li = configuracion.ayudaCambioTutor() li[0] = alm.motor liGen.append((_("Engine") + ":", li)) # # Time liGen.append(SEPARADOR) config = FormLayout.Editbox(_("Duration of engine analysis (secs)"), 40, tipo=float) liGen.append((config, alm.tiempo / 1000.0)) # Depth liDepths = [("--", 0)] for x in range(1, 51): liDepths.append((str(x), x)) config = FormLayout.Combobox(_("Depth"), liDepths) liGen.append((config, alm.depth)) # Time+Depth liGen.append(("%s+%s:" % (_("Time"), _("Depth")), alm.timedepth)) # MultiPV liGen.append(SEPARADOR) li = [(_("Default"), "PD"), (_("Maximum"), "MX")] for x in (1, 3, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40, 50, 75, 100, 150, 200): li.append((str(x), str(x))) config = FormLayout.Combobox( _("Number of moves evaluated by engine(MultiPV)"), li) liGen.append((config, alm.multiPV)) # Priority liGen.append(SEPARADOR) config = FormLayout.Combobox(_("Process priority"), EngineThread.priorities.combo()) liGen.append((config, alm.priority)) # Completo if siModoAmpliado: liGen.append(SEPARADOR) liJ = [(_("White"), "BLANCAS"), (_("Black"), "NEGRAS"), (_("White & Black"), "AMBOS")] config = FormLayout.Combobox(_("Analyze only color"), liJ) if alm.blancas and alm.negras: color = "AMBOS" elif alm.negras: color = "NEGRAS" elif alm.blancas: color = "BLANCAS" else: color = "AMBOS" liGen.append((config, color)) config = FormLayout.Editbox("<div align=\"right\">" + _("Moves") + "<br>" + _("By example:") + " -5,8-12,14,19-", rx="[0-9,\-,\,]*") liGen.append((config, "")) fvar = configuracion.ficheroBooks listaLibros = Books.ListaLibros() listaLibros.recuperaVar(fvar) # Comprobamos que todos esten accesibles listaLibros.comprueba() li = [("--", None)] defecto = listaLibros.lista[0] if alm.libro else None for libro in listaLibros.lista: if alm.libro == libro.nombre: defecto = libro li.append((libro.nombre, libro)) config = FormLayout.Combobox( _("Do not scan the opening moves based on book"), li) liGen.append((config, defecto)) liGen.append(SEPARADOR) liGen.append( (_("Redo any existing prior analyses (if they exist)") + ":", alm.siBorrarPrevio)) liGen.append( (_("Start from the end of the game") + ":", alm.desdeelfinal)) liGen.append(SEPARADOR) liGen.append((_("Show graphics") + ":", alm.showGraphs)) liVar = [SEPARADOR] liVar.append((_("Add analysis to variants") + ":", alm.masvariantes)) liVar.append(SEPARADOR) liVar.append((FormLayout.Spinbox(_("Minimum points lost"), 0, 1000, 60), alm.limitemasvariantes)) liVar.append(SEPARADOR) liVar.append((_("Only add better variant") + ":", alm.mejorvariante)) liVar.append(SEPARADOR) liVar.append((_("Include info about engine") + ":", alm.infovariante)) liVar.append(SEPARADOR) liVar.append( ("%s %s/%s/%s:" % (_("Format"), _("Points"), _("Depth"), _("Time")), alm.siPDT)) liVar.append(SEPARADOR) liVar.append( (_("Only one move of each variant") + ":", alm.unmovevariante)) liBlunders, liBrilliancies = formBlundersBrilliancies( alm, configuracion) liST = [SEPARADOR] liST.append((_("Activate") + ":", alm.stability)) liST.append(SEPARADOR) liST.append( (FormLayout.Spinbox(_("Last depths to control same best move"), 2, 10, 40), alm.st_depths)) liST.append(SEPARADOR) liST.append( (FormLayout.Spinbox(_("Maximum difference among last evaluations"), 0, 99999, 60), alm.st_centipawns)) liST.append(SEPARADOR) liST.append((FormLayout.Spinbox(_("Additional time limit"), 0, 99999, 60), alm.st_timelimit)) lista = [] lista.append((liGen, _("General options"), "")) lista.append((liVar, _("Variants"), "")) lista.append((liBlunders, _("Wrong moves"), "")) lista.append((liBrilliancies, _("Brilliancies"), "")) lista.append((liST, _("Stability control"), "")) else: lista = liGen reg = Util.Almacen() reg.form = None def dispatchR(valor): if reg.form is None: if isinstance(valor, FormLayout.FormTabWidget): reg.form = valor reg.wtime = valor.getWidget(0, 1) reg.wdepth = valor.getWidget(0, 2) reg.wdt = valor.getWidget(0, 3) elif isinstance(valor, FormLayout.FormWidget): reg.form = valor reg.wtime = valor.getWidget(1) reg.wdepth = valor.getWidget(2) reg.wdt = valor.getWidget(3) else: sender = reg.form.sender() if not reg.wdt.isChecked(): if sender == reg.wtime: if reg.wtime.textoFloat() > 0: reg.wdepth.setCurrentIndex(0) elif sender == reg.wdepth: if reg.wdepth.currentIndex() > 0: reg.wtime.ponFloat(0.0) elif sender == reg.wdt: if reg.wtime.textoFloat() > 0: reg.wdepth.setCurrentIndex(0) elif reg.wdepth.currentIndex() > 0: reg.wtime.ponFloat(0.0) QTUtil.refreshGUI() resultado = FormLayout.fedit(lista, title=_("Analysis Configuration"), parent=parent, anchoMinimo=460, icon=Iconos.Opciones(), dispatch=dispatchR) if resultado: accion, liResp = resultado if siModoAmpliado: liGen, liVar, liBlunders, liBrilliancies, liST = liResp else: liGen = liResp alm.motor = liGen[0] alm.tiempo = int(liGen[1] * 1000) alm.depth = liGen[2] alm.timedepth = liGen[3] alm.multiPV = liGen[4] alm.priority = liGen[5] if siModoAmpliado: color = liGen[6] alm.blancas = color != "NEGRAS" alm.negras = color != "BLANCAS" alm.jugadas = liGen[7] alm.libroAperturas = liGen[8] alm.libro = alm.libroAperturas.nombre if alm.libroAperturas else None alm.siBorrarPrevio = liGen[9] alm.desdeelfinal = liGen[10] alm.showGraphs = liGen[11] (alm.masvariantes, alm.limitemasvariantes, alm.mejorvariante, alm.infovariante, alm.siPDT, alm.unmovevariante) = liVar (alm.kblunders, alm.tacticblunders, alm.pgnblunders, alm.oriblunders, alm.bmtblunders) = liBlunders (alm.dpbrilliancies, alm.ptbrilliancies, alm.fnsbrilliancies, alm.pgnbrilliancies, alm.oribrilliancies, alm.bmtbrilliancies) = liBrilliancies (alm.stability, alm.st_depths, alm.st_centipawns, alm.st_timelimit) = liST dic = {} for x in dir(alm): if not x.startswith("__"): dic[x.upper()] = getattr(alm, x) Util.guardaVar(configuracion.ficheroAnalisis, dic) return alm else: return None
def opciones(parent, configuracion): separador = (None, None) # Datos generales liGen = [separador] # # Nombre del jugador liGen.append((_("Player's name") + ":", configuracion.jugador)) # # Estilo liGen.append((_("Window style") + ":", configuracion.estilos())) liTraducciones = configuracion.listaTraducciones() trActual = configuracion.traductor if configuracion.traductor else "en" li = [trActual] for k, trad, porc, author in liTraducciones: rotulo = "%s" % trad if int(porc) < 90: rotulo += " (%s%%)" % porc li.append((k, rotulo)) liGen.append((_("Language") + ":", li)) liGen.append(separador) liGen.append((_("Check for updates at startup") + ":", configuracion.checkforupdate)) # Engines liEng = [separador] liMedidas = [ configuracion.centipawns, (True, "%s = 100 %s -> 64, 19, -19, +23, -120, +130" % (_("One pawn"), _("points"))), (False, "%s = 1.00 %s -> 0.64, 0.19, -0.19, +0.23, -1.20, +1.30" % (_("One pawn"), _("points"))) ] liEng.append((_("By showing scores from the engines") + ":", liMedidas)) liEng.append(separador) liEng.append((_("OS 64bits BMI2 compatible") + ":", configuracion.bmi2)) liEng.append(separador) liEng.append((_("Do not work in background when possible") + ":", configuracion.notbackground)) liEng.append(separador) liEng.append((_("Save engines log") + ":", configuracion.siLogEngines)) # Aspect liAsp = [] liAsp.append((_("By default") + ":", False)) liAsp.append(separador) ## font general liAsp.append((FormLayout.FontCombobox(_("Font")), configuracion.familia)) liAsp.append(separador) ## Menus liAsp.append((None, _("Menus") + ":")) liAsp.append((FormLayout.Spinbox(_("Font size"), 5, 64, 60), configuracion.puntosMenu)) liAsp.append((_("Bold") + ":", configuracion.boldMenu)) ## Toolbars liAsp.append(separador) liAsp.append((None, _("Toolbars") + ":")) liAsp.append((FormLayout.Spinbox(_("Font size"), 5, 64, 60), configuracion.puntosTB)) liAsp.append((_("Bold") + ":", configuracion.boldTB)) li = ((_("Only display the icon"), QtCore.Qt.ToolButtonIconOnly), (_("Only display the text"), QtCore.Qt.ToolButtonTextOnly), (_("The text appears beside the icon"), QtCore.Qt.ToolButtonTextBesideIcon), (_("The text appears under the icon"), QtCore.Qt.ToolButtonTextUnderIcon)) config = FormLayout.Combobox(_("Icons"), li) liAsp.append((config, configuracion.iconsTB)) ## PGN table liAsp.append(separador) liAsp.append((None, _("PGN table") + ":")) liAsp.append((FormLayout.Spinbox(_("Width"), 283, 1000, 70), configuracion.anchoPGN)) liAsp.append((FormLayout.Spinbox(_("Height of each row"), 18, 99, 40), configuracion.altoFilaPGN)) liAsp.append((FormLayout.Spinbox(_("Font size"), 10, 99, 40), configuracion.puntosPGN)) liAsp.append( (_("PGN always in English") + ":", configuracion.siNomPiezasEN)) liAsp.append((_("PGN with figurines") + ":", configuracion.figurinesPGN)) liAsp.append(separador) liAsp.append((FormLayout.Spinbox(_("Font size of information labels"), 8, 30, 40), configuracion.tamFontRotulos)) # Sonidos liSon = [separador] liSon.append(separador) # Si a_adimos sonido tras cada jugada liSon.append( (_("Beep after opponent's move") + ":", configuracion.siSuenaBeep)) liSon.append(separador) liSon.append((None, _("Sound on in") + ":")) liSon.append((_("Results") + ":", configuracion.siSuenaResultados)) liSon.append((_("Rival moves") + ":", configuracion.siSuenaJugada)) liSon.append(separador) liSon.append((_("Activate sounds with our moves") + ":", configuracion.siSuenaNuestro)) liSon.append(separador) # Tutor liTT = [separador] liTT.append((_("Engine") + ":", configuracion.ayudaCambioTutor())) liTT.append((_("Duration of tutor analysis (secs)") + ":", float(configuracion.tiempoTutor / 1000.0))) liDepths = [("--", 0)] for x in range(1, 51): liDepths.append((str(x), x)) config = FormLayout.Combobox(_("Depth"), liDepths) liTT.append((config, configuracion.depthTutor)) li = [(_("Maximum"), 0)] for x in (1, 3, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40, 50, 75, 100, 150, 200): li.append((str(x), x)) config = FormLayout.Combobox( _("Number of moves evaluated by engine(MultiPV)"), li) liTT.append((config, configuracion.tutorMultiPV)) liTT.append(separador) liTT.append((_("Tutor enabled"), configuracion.tutorActivoPorDefecto)) liTT.append(separador) # Mostrando el tutor # kTutorH, kTutorH2_1, kTutorH1_2, kTutorV liPosTutor = [ configuracion.vistaTutor, (kTutorH, _("Horizontal")), (kTutorH2_1, _("Horizontal") + " 2+1"), (kTutorH1_2, _("Horizontal") + " 1+2"), (kTutorV, _("Vertical")) ] liTT.append((_("Tutor boards position") + ":", liPosTutor)) liTT.append(separador) liTT.append(separador) liTT.append((None, _("Sensitivity"))) liTT.append((FormLayout.Spinbox(_("Minimum difference in points"), 0, 1000, 70), configuracion.tutorDifPts)) liTT.append((FormLayout.Spinbox(_("Minimum difference in %"), 0, 1000, 70), configuracion.tutorDifPorc)) # Perfomance perf = configuracion.perfomance liPR = [separador] def d(num): return " (%s %d)" % (_("default"), num) liPR.append((None, _("Bad moves: lost points to consider a move as bad"))) liPR.append((FormLayout.Spinbox(_("Bad move") + d(90), 20, 1000, 60), perf.bad_lostp)) liPR.append((FormLayout.Spinbox(_("Very bad move") + d(200), 50, 1000, 60), perf.very_bad_lostp)) liPR.append(separador) liPR.append((FormLayout.Spinbox( _("Degree of effect of bad moves on the game elo") + d(2), 0, 5, 40), perf.bad_factor)) liPR.append(separador) liPR.append(( None, _("Good moves: minimum depth required by the engine to discover the move" ))) liPR.append((FormLayout.Spinbox(_("Good move") + d(3), 2, 20, 40), perf.good_depth)) liPR.append((FormLayout.Spinbox(_("Very good move") + d(6), 3, 20, 40), perf.very_good_depth)) # Modo no competitivo liNC = [separador] liNC.append((FormLayout.Spinbox(_("Lucas-Elo"), 0, 3200, 70), configuracion.eloNC)) liNC.append((FormLayout.Spinbox(_("Tourney-Elo"), 0, 3200, 70), configuracion.micheloNC)) liNC.append((FormLayout.Spinbox(_("Fics-Elo"), 0, 3200, 70), configuracion.ficsNC)) liNC.append((FormLayout.Spinbox(_("Fide-Elo"), 0, 3200, 70), configuracion.fideNC)) liNC.append((FormLayout.Spinbox(_("Lichess-Elo"), 0, 3200, 70), configuracion.lichessNC)) # Salvado automatico liSA = [separador] config = FormLayout.Fichero(_("Autosave to a PGN file"), "pgn", True) liSA.append((config, configuracion.salvarFichero)) liSA.append((_("Won games") + ":", configuracion.salvarGanados)) liSA.append((_("Lost/Drawn games") + ":", configuracion.salvarPerdidos)) liSA.append((_("Unfinished games") + ":", configuracion.salvarAbandonados)) liSA.append(separador) liSA.append((_("Save as variant tutor's suggestion") + ":", configuracion.guardarVariantesTutor)) liSA.append(separador) config = FormLayout.Fichero(_("Autosave to a CSV file moves played"), "csv", True) liSA.append((config, configuracion.salvarCSV)) # Boards liB = [separador] liB.append((_("Visual effects") + ":", configuracion.efectosVisuales)) drap = { 1: 100, 2: 150, 3: 200, 4: 250, 5: 300, 6: 350, 7: 400, 8: 450, 9: 500 } drapV = {} for x in drap: drapV[drap[x]] = x liB.append((FormLayout.Dial("%s (%s=1)" % (_("Speed"), _("Default")), 1, len(drap), siporc=False), drapV.get(configuracion.rapidezMovPiezas, 100))) liB.append(separador) liMouseSH = [ configuracion.siAtajosRaton, (False, _("Type fixed: you must always indicate origin and destination")), (True, _("Type predictive: program tries to guess your intention")) ] liB.append((_("Mouse shortcuts") + ":", liMouseSH)) liB.append((_("Show candidates") + ":", configuracion.showCandidates)) liB.append( (_("Show arrows of variants") + ":", configuracion.showVariantes)) liB.append((_("Always promote to queen\nALT key allows to change") + ":", configuracion.autocoronacion)) liB.append((_("Show cursor when engine is thinking") + ":", configuracion.cursorThinking)) liB.append(separador) liB.append((_("Enable captured material window by default") + ":", configuracion.siActivarCapturas)) liMat = [ configuracion.tipoMaterial, ("D", _("Difference material")), ("C", _("Captured material at beginning")), ("M", _("Material advantage")) ] liB.append((_("Show material") + ":", liMat)) liB.append(separador) liB.append((_("Enable information panel by default") + ":", configuracion.siActivarInformacion)) liB.append(separador) liB.append((_X(_("Enable %1"), _("DGT board")) + ":", configuracion.siDGT)) liB.append(separador) # liT.append((FormLayout.Dial(_("Opacity of tool icon"), 1, 9, siporc=False), configuracion.opacityToolBoard)) liB.append( (_("Show configuration icon"), configuracion.opacityToolBoard > 6)) liPos = [ configuracion.positionToolBoard, ("B", _("Bottom")), ("T", _("Top")) ] liB.append((_("Configuration icon position") + ":", liPos)) liB.append(separador) liB.append((_("Show icon when position has graphic information"), configuracion.directorIcon)) liB.append(separador) lista = [] lista.append((liGen, _("General"), "")) lista.append((liSon, _("Sounds"), "")) lista.append((liTT, _("Tutor"), "")) lista.append((liB, _("Boards"), "")) lista.append((liEng, _("Engines"), "")) lista.append((liAsp, _("Appearance"), "")) lista.append((liPR, _("Performance"), "")) lista.append((liSA, _("Autosave"), "")) lista.append((liNC, _("Non competitive mode"), "")) # Editamos resultado = FormLayout.fedit(lista, title=_("Configuration"), parent=parent, anchoMinimo=640, icon=Iconos.Opciones()) if resultado: accion, resp = resultado liGen, liSon, liTT, liB, liEng, liAsp, liPR, liSA, liNC = resp (configuracion.jugador, configuracion.estilo, configuracion.traductor, configuracion.checkforupdate) = liGen porDefecto = liAsp[0] if porDefecto: liAsp = "", 11, False, 11, False, QtCore.Qt.ToolButtonTextUnderIcon, 283, 22, 10, False, True, 10 else: del liAsp[0] (configuracion.familia, configuracion.puntosMenu, configuracion.boldMenu, configuracion.puntosTB, configuracion.boldTB, configuracion.iconsTB, configuracion.anchoPGN, configuracion.altoFilaPGN, configuracion.puntosPGN, configuracion.siNomPiezasEN, configuracion.figurinesPGN, configuracion.tamFontRotulos) = liAsp if configuracion.familia == "System": configuracion.familia = "" (configuracion.siSuenaBeep, configuracion.siSuenaResultados, configuracion.siSuenaJugada, configuracion.siSuenaNuestro) = liSon (configuracion.tutor.clave, tiempoTutor, configuracion.depthTutor, configuracion.tutorMultiPV, configuracion.tutorActivoPorDefecto, configuracion.vistaTutor, configuracion.tutorDifPts, configuracion.tutorDifPorc) = liTT configuracion.tiempoTutor = int(tiempoTutor * 1000) (configuracion.eloNC, configuracion.micheloNC, configuracion.ficsNC, configuracion.fideNC, configuracion.lichessNC) = liNC (configuracion.centipawns, configuracion.bmi2, configuracion.notbackground, configuracion.siLogEngines) = liEng (configuracion.efectosVisuales, rapidezMovPiezas, configuracion.siAtajosRaton, configuracion.showCandidates, configuracion.showVariantes, configuracion.autocoronacion, configuracion.cursorThinking, configuracion.siActivarCapturas, configuracion.tipoMaterial, configuracion.siActivarInformacion, siDGT, toolIcon, configuracion.positionToolBoard, configuracion.directorIcon) = liB configuracion.opacityToolBoard = 10 if toolIcon else 1 configuracion.rapidezMovPiezas = drap[rapidezMovPiezas] if configuracion.siDGT != siDGT: if siDGT: DGT.ponON() configuracion.siDGT = siDGT perf.bad_lostp, perf.very_bad_lostp, perf.bad_factor, perf.good_depth, perf.very_good_depth = liPR perf.very_bad_factor = perf.bad_factor * 4 (configuracion.salvarFichero, configuracion.salvarGanados, configuracion.salvarPerdidos, configuracion.salvarAbandonados, configuracion.guardarVariantesTutor, configuracion.salvarCSV) = liSA configuracion.salvarCSV = Util.dirRelativo(configuracion.salvarCSV) return True else: return False
def ta_massive(self): dicVar = self.configuracion.leeVariables("MASSIVE_OLINES") liGen = [FormLayout.separador] config = FormLayout.Combobox( _("Engine"), self.configuracion.comboMotoresMultiPV10(4)) liGen.append((config, dicVar.get("ENGINE", self.configuracion.tutor))) liGen.append( (_("Duration of engine analysis (secs)") + ":", dicVar.get("SEGUNDOS", float(self.configuracion.tiempoTutor / 1000.0)))) liDepths = [("--", 0)] for x in range(1, 51): liDepths.append((str(x), x)) config = FormLayout.Combobox(_("Depth"), liDepths) liGen.append((config, dicVar.get("DEPTH", self.configuracion.depthTutor))) li = [(_("Maximum"), 0)] for x in (1, 3, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40, 50, 75, 100, 150, 200): li.append((str(x), x)) config = FormLayout.Combobox( _("Number of moves evaluated by engine(MultiPV)"), li) liGen.append( (config, dicVar.get("MULTIPV", self.configuracion.tutorMultiPV))) liGen.append(FormLayout.separador) liGen.append( (_("Redo any existing prior analyses (if they exist)") + ":", dicVar.get("REDO", False))) resultado = FormLayout.fedit(liGen, title=_("Mass analysis"), parent=self, anchoMinimo=460, icon=Iconos.Analizar()) if resultado is None: return claveMotor, tiempo, depth, multiPV, redo = resultado[1] ms = int(tiempo * 1000) if ms == 0 and depth == 0: return dicVar["ENGINE"] = claveMotor dicVar["SEGUNDOS"] = tiempo dicVar["DEPTH"] = depth dicVar["MULTIPV"] = multiPV dicVar["REDO"] = redo self.configuracion.escVariables("MASSIVE_OLINES", dicVar) um = QTUtil2.unMomento(self) stFensM2 = self.dbop.getAllFen() if redo == False: liBorrar = [] for fenM2 in stFensM2: dic = self.dbop.getfenvalue(fenM2) if "ANALISIS" in dic: liBorrar.append(fenM2) for fenM2 in liBorrar: stFensM2.remove(fenM2) conf_engine = copy.deepcopy(self.configuracion.buscaMotor(claveMotor)) conf_engine.actMultiPV(multiPV) xgestor = self.procesador.creaGestorMotor(conf_engine, ms, depth, True) mensaje = _("Move") + " %d/" + str(len(stFensM2)) tmpBP = QTUtil2.BarraProgreso(self, _("Mass analysis"), "", len(stFensM2)) done = 0 for n, fenM2 in enumerate(stFensM2, 1): if tmpBP.siCancelado(): break tmpBP.mensaje(mensaje % n) mrm = xgestor.analiza(fenM2 + " 0 1") dic = self.dbop.getfenvalue(fenM2) dic["ANALISIS"] = mrm self.dbop.setfenvalue(fenM2, dic) done += 1 tmpBP.cerrar()
def mas(self): path = QTVarios.select_pgn(self) if not path: return fpgn = PGN.PGN() dicDB = fpgn.leeFichero(self, path) if dicDB is None: return bd = SQLBase.DBBase(dicDB["PATHDB"]) dClavesTam = dicDB["DCLAVES"] dbf = bd.dbf("GAMES", ",".join(dClavesTam.keys())) dbf.leer() nreccount = dbf.reccount() plant = "" shuffle = False reverse = False todos = range(1, nreccount + 1) li_regs = None while True: sep = FormLayout.separador liGen = [] liGen.append((None, "%s: %d" % (_("Total games"), nreccount))) liGen.append(sep) config = FormLayout.Editbox(_("Select games") + "<br>" + _("By example:") + " -5,7-9,14,19-" + "<br>" + _("Empty means all games"), rx="[0-9,\-,\,]*") liGen.append((config, plant)) liGen.append(sep) liGen.append((_("Shuffle") + ":", shuffle)) liGen.append(sep) liGen.append((_("Reverse") + ":", reverse)) liGen.append(sep) config = FormLayout.Spinbox(_("Max moves"), 0, 999, 50) liGen.append((config, 0)) resultado = FormLayout.fedit(liGen, title=_("Select games"), parent=self, anchoMinimo=200, icon=Iconos.Opciones()) if resultado: accion, liResp = resultado plant, shuffle, reverse, max_moves = liResp if plant: ln = Util.ListaNumerosImpresion(plant) li_regs = ln.selected(todos) else: li_regs = todos nregs = len(li_regs) if 12 <= nregs <= 500: break else: QTUtil2.mensError( self, "%s (%d)" % (_("Number of games must be in range 12-500"), nregs)) li_regs = None else: break if li_regs: if shuffle: random.shuffle(li_regs) if reverse: li_regs.sort(reverse=True) li_regs = [x - 1 for x in li_regs] # 0 init dic = {} dic["TOURNEY"] = os.path.basename(path)[:-4] games = dic["GAMES"] = [] for recno in li_regs: pgn = dbf.leeOtroCampo(recno, "PGN") g = PGNReader.read1Game(pgn) pv = g.pv() if max_moves: lipv = pv.strip().split(" ") if len(lipv) > max_moves: pv = " ".join(lipv[:max_moves]) dt = { "LABELS": [(k, v) for k, v in g.labels.iteritems()], "XPV": LCEngine.pv2xpv(pv) } games.append(dt) self.litourneys.append(dic) li = [("%s (%d)" % (tourney["TOURNEY"], len(tourney["GAMES"])), tourney) for tourney in self.litourneys] self.cbtourney.rehacer(li, dic) dbf.cerrar() bd.cerrar()
def trainNewEngines(self): training = self.dbop.trainingEngines() color = "WHITE" basepv = self.dbop.basePV mandatory = basepv.count(" ") + 1 if len(basepv) > 0 else 0 control = 10 lost_points = 20 engine_control = self.configuration.tutor.key engine_time = 5.0 num_engines = 20 key_engine = "alaric" ext_engines = [] auto_analysis = True ask_movesdifferent = False times = [500, 1000, 2000, 4000, 8000] books = ["", "", "", "", ""] books_sel = ["", "", "", "", ""] if training is not None: color = training["COLOR"] mandatory = training.get("MANDATORY", mandatory) control = training.get("CONTROL", control) lost_points = training.get("LOST_POINTS", lost_points) engine_control = training.get("ENGINE_CONTROL", engine_control) engine_time = training.get("ENGINE_TIME", engine_time) num_engines = training.get("NUM_ENGINES", num_engines) key_engine = training.get("KEY_ENGINE", key_engine) ext_engines = training.get("EXT_ENGINES", ext_engines) auto_analysis = training.get("AUTO_ANALYSIS", auto_analysis) ask_movesdifferent = training.get("ASK_MOVESDIFFERENT", ask_movesdifferent) times = training.get("TIMES", times) books = training.get("BOOKS", books) books_sel = training.get("BOOKS_SEL", books_sel) separador = FormLayout.separador li_gen = [separador] liJ = [(_("White"), "WHITE"), (_("Black"), "BLACK")] config = FormLayout.Combobox(_("Play with"), liJ) li_gen.append((config, color)) li_gen.append((_("Mandatory moves") + ":", mandatory)) li_gen.append(separador) li_gen.append((_("Moves until the control") + ":", control)) li_gen.append(separador) li_gen.append( (_("Maximum number of lost centipawns to pass control") + ":", lost_points)) li_gen.append(separador) dic_engines = self.configuration.dic_engines li_engines = EnginesBunch.lista(dic_engines) config = FormLayout.Spinbox( "%s: %s" % (_("Automatic selection"), _("number of engines")), 0, len(li_engines), 50) li_gen.append((config, num_engines)) likeys = [(dic_engines[x].name, x) for x in li_engines] config = FormLayout.Combobox( "%s: %s" % (_("Automatic selection"), _("bunch of engines")), likeys) li_gen.append((config, key_engine)) li_gen.append(separador) config = FormLayout.Combobox(_("Engine that does the control"), self.configuration.comboMotores()) li_gen.append((config, engine_control)) li_gen.append( (_("Duration of analysis (secs)") + ":", float(engine_time))) li_gen.append(separador) li_gen.append((_("Automatic analysis") + ":", auto_analysis)) li_gen.append(separador) li_gen.append( (_("Ask when the moves are different from the line") + ":", ask_movesdifferent)) li = [("--", "")] for key, cm in self.configuration.dic_engines.items(): li.append((cm.nombre_ext(), key)) li = sorted(li, key=operator.itemgetter(1)) li_ext = [] for x in range(16): config = FormLayout.Combobox("%s %d" % (_("Engine"), x + 1), li) key = ext_engines[x] if len(ext_engines) > x else "" li_ext.append((config, key)) liLevels = [separador] list_books = Books.ListBooks() list_books.restore_pickle(self.configuration.file_books) list_books.check() libooks = [(, bookx) for bookx in list_books.lista] libooks.insert(0, ("--", None)) li_books_sel = (("", ""), (_("Uniform random"), "au"), (_("Proportional random"), "ap"), (_("Always the highest percentage"), "mp")) for level in range(5): n = level + 1 title = "%s %d" % (_("Level"), n) # liLevels.append((None, title)) tm = times[level] / 1000.0 if len(times) > level else 0.0 liLevels.append( ("%s. %s:" % (title, _("Time engines think in seconds")), tm)) bk = books[level] if len(books) > level else "" book = list_books.buscaLibro(bk) if bk else None config = FormLayout.Combobox(_("Book"), libooks) liLevels.append((config, book)) config = FormLayout.Combobox(_("Book selection mode"), li_books_sel) liLevels.append((config, books_sel[level])) lista = [] lista.append((li_gen, _("Basic data"), "")) lista.append((li_ext, _("Manual engine selection"), "")) lista.append((liLevels, _("Levels"), "")) resultado = FormLayout.fedit(lista, title=_("With engines"), parent=self, anchoMinimo=360, icon=Iconos.Study()) if resultado is None: return accion, liResp = resultado selMotoresExt = [] li_gen, li_ext, liLevels = liResp for key in li_ext: if key: selMotoresExt.append(key) reg = {} ( reg["COLOR"], reg["MANDATORY"], reg["CONTROL"], reg["LOST_POINTS"], reg["NUM_ENGINES"], reg["KEY_ENGINE"], reg["ENGINE_CONTROL"], reg["ENGINE_TIME"], reg["AUTO_ANALYSIS"], reg["ASK_MOVESDIFFERENT"], ) = li_gen reg["EXT_ENGINES"] = selMotoresExt if (len(selMotoresExt) + reg["NUM_ENGINES"]) == 0: reg["NUM_ENGINES"] = 1 times = [] books = [] books_sel = [] for x in range(5): tm = int(liLevels[x * 3] * 1000) bk = liLevels[x * 3 + 1] bk_mode = liLevels[x * 3 + 2] if tm: times.append(tm) books.append( if bk else "") books_sel.append(bk_mode) if len(times) == 0: times.append(500) books.append(None) reg["TIMES"] = times reg["BOOKS"] = books reg["BOOKS_SEL"] = books_sel self.dbop.createTrainingEngines(reg, self.procesador) QTUtil2.message_bold(self, _("Created"))
def xconfig(label, value): config = FormLayout.Editbox(label, 80, tipo=float, decimales=3) liGen.append((config, value))
def nuevaKibitzer(ventana, configuracion): # Datos generales liGen = [(None, None)] # # Nombre liGen.append((_("Kibitzer") + ":", "")) # Motor config = FormLayout.Combobox(_("Engine"), configuracion.comboMotoresCompleto()) liGen.append((config, "stockfish")) # Tipo liTipos = [ "M", ("M", _("Candidates")), ("I", _("Indexes") + " - RodentII"), ("S", _("Best move")), ("L", _("Best move in one line")), ("J", _("Select move")), ("C", _("Threats")), ("E", _("Stockfish eval")), ] liGen.append((_("Type"), liTipos)) # Editamos resultado = FormLayout.fedit(liGen, title=_("New"), parent=ventana, anchoMinimo=460, icon=Iconos.Kibitzer()) if resultado: accion, resp = resultado kibitzer = resp[0] motor = resp[1] tipo = resp[2] # Indexes only with Rodent II if tipo == "I": motor = "rodentII" if not kibitzer: # para que no repita rodent II kibitzer = _("Indexes") + " - RodentII" if not kibitzer: for xtipo, txt in liTipos[1:]: if xtipo == tipo: kibitzer = "%s: %s" % (txt, motor) d = xid = "MOS" + d.isoformat()[2:].strip("0").replace("-", "").replace( "T", "").replace(":", "").replace(".", "") fvideo = configuracion.plantillaVideo % xid dic = { "NOMBRE": kibitzer, "MOTOR": motor, "TIPO": tipo, "FVIDEO": fvideo } liKibitzers = listaKibitzersRecuperar(configuracion) liKibitzers.append(dic) listaKibitzersGrabar(configuracion, liKibitzers) return liKibitzers else: return None
def polyglotUnir(owner): lista = [(None, None)] dict1 = {"FICHERO": "", "EXTENSION": "bin", "SISAVE": False} lista.append((_("File") + " 1 :", dict1)) dict2 = {"FICHERO": "", "EXTENSION": "bin", "SISAVE": False} lista.append((_("File") + " 2 :", dict2)) dictr = {"FICHERO": "", "EXTENSION": "bin", "SISAVE": True} lista.append((_("Book to create") + ":", dictr)) while True: resultado = FormLayout.fedit(lista, title=_("Merge two books in one"), parent=owner, anchoMinimo=460, icon=Iconos.Libros()) if resultado: resultado = resultado[1] error = None f1 = resultado[0] f2 = resultado[1] fr = resultado[2] if (not f1) or (not f2) or (not fr): error = _("Not indicated all files") elif f1 == f2: error = _("File") + " 1 = " + _("File") + " 2" elif f1 == fr: error = _("File") + " 1 = " + _("Book to create") elif f2 == fr: error = _("File") + " 2 = " + _("Book to create") if error: dict1["FICHERO"] = f1 dict2["FICHERO"] = f2 dictr["FICHERO"] = fr QTUtil2.mensError(owner, error) continue else: return if VarGen.isWindows: exe = 'Engines/Windows/_tools/polyglot/polyglot.exe' else: exe = '%s/_tools/polyglot/polyglot' % VarGen.folder_engines li = [ os.path.abspath(exe), 'merge-book', "-in1", f1, "-in2", f2, "-out", fr ] try: os.remove(fr) except: pass # Ejecutamos me = QTUtil2.unMomento(owner) process = subprocess.Popen(li, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) # Mostramos el resultado txt = if os.path.isfile(fr): txt += "\n" + _X(_("Book created : %1"), fr) QTUtil2.mensaje(owner, txt) return
def borrar(self): tam_dbop = len(self.dbop) if tam_dbop == 0: return menu = QTVarios.LCMenu(self) current = self.glines.recno() // 2 if 0 <= current < tam_dbop: menu.opcion("current", "%s; %d" % (_("Remove line"), current + 1), Iconos.Mover()) menu.separador() if tam_dbop > 1: menu.opcion("lines", _("Remove a list of lines"), Iconos.MoverLibre()) menu.separador() menu.opcion("worst", _("Remove worst lines"), Iconos.Borrar()) menu.separador() submenu = menu.submenu(_("Remove last move if the line ends with"), Iconos.Final()) submenu.opcion("last_white", _("White"), Iconos.Blancas()) submenu.separador() submenu.opcion("last_black", _("Black"), Iconos.Negras()) resp = menu.lanza() if resp == "current": self.dbop.saveHistory(_("Remove line %d") % (current + 1, )) del self.dbop[current] self.goto_inilinea() elif resp == "lines": liGen = [FormLayout.separador] config = FormLayout.Editbox('<div align="right">' + _("Lines") + "<br>" + _("By example:") + " -5,8-12,14,19-", rx=r"[0-9,\-,\,]*") liGen.append((config, "")) resultado = FormLayout.fedit(liGen, title=_("Remove a list of lines"), parent=self, anchoMinimo=460, icon=Iconos.OpeningLines()) if resultado: accion, liResp = resultado clista = liResp[0] if clista: ln = Util.ListaNumerosImpresion(clista) li = ln.selected(range(1, tam_dbop + 1)) sli = [] cad = "" for num in li: if cad: cad += "," + str(num) else: cad = str(num) if len(cad) > 80: if len(sli) == 4: sli.append("...") elif len(sli) < 4: sli.append(cad) cad = "" if cad: sli.append(cad) cli = "\n".join(sli) if QTUtil2.pregunta( self, _("Do you want to remove the next lines?") + "\n\n" + cli): um = QTUtil2.unMomento(self, _("Working...")) self.dbop.removeLines([x - 1 for x in li], cli) self.glines.refresh() self.goto_inilinea() elif resp == "worst": self.remove_worst() elif resp == "last_white": self.remove_lastmove(True) elif resp == "last_black": self.remove_lastmove(False) self.show_lines()
def gmCrear(self): if self.torneo.numEngines() < 2: QTUtil2.mensError(self, _("You must create at least two engines")) return dicValores = VarGen.configuracion.leeVariables("crear_torneo") get = dicValores.get liGen = [(None, None)] config = FormLayout.Spinbox(_("Rounds"), 1, 999, 50) liGen.append((config, get("ROUNDS", 1))) liGen.append((None, None)) config = FormLayout.Spinbox(_("Total minutes"), 1, 999, 50) liGen.append((config, get("MINUTES", 10))) config = FormLayout.Spinbox(_("Seconds added per move"), 0, 999, 50) liGen.append((config, get("SECONDS", 0))) liGen.append((None, _("Engines"))) liEngines = self.torneo.liEngines() for pos, en in enumerate(liEngines): liGen.append((en.alias, get(en.huella(), True))) liGen.append((None, None)) liGen.append((_("Select all"), False)) reg = Util.Almacen() reg.form = None def dispatch(valor): if reg.form is None: reg.form = valor reg.liEngines = [] leng = len(liEngines) for x in range(leng): reg.liEngines.append(valor.getWidget(x + 3)) reg.selectall = valor.getWidget(leng + 3) reg.valorall = False else: QTUtil.refreshGUI() select = reg.selectall.isChecked() if select != reg.valorall: for uno in reg.liEngines: uno.setChecked(select) reg.valorall = select QTUtil.refreshGUI() resultado = FormLayout.fedit(liGen, title=_("Games"), parent=self, icon=Iconos.Torneos(), dispatch=dispatch) if resultado is None: return accion, liResp = resultado dicValores["ROUNDS"] = rounds = liResp[0] dicValores["MINUTES"] = minutos = liResp[1] dicValores["SECONDS"] = segundos = liResp[2] liSel = [] for num in range(self.torneo.numEngines()): en = liEngines[num] dicValores[en.huella()] = si = liResp[3 + num] if si: liSel.append(en.huella()) VarGen.configuracion.escVariables("crear_torneo", dicValores) nSel = len(liSel) if nSel < 2: QTUtil2.mensError(self, _("You must create at least two engines")) return for r in range(rounds): for x in range(0, nSel - 1): for y in range(x + 1, nSel): self.torneo.nuevoGame(liSel[x], liSel[y], minutos, segundos) self.torneo.nuevoGame(liSel[y], liSel[x], minutos, segundos) self.gridGames.refresh() self.gridGames.gobottom() self.borraResult()
def massive_change_tags(owner, configuracion, num_selected): APPLY_ALL, APPLY_SELECTED = range(2) SAVE_NOTHING, SAVE_LABELS, SAVE_LABELS_VALUES = range(3) NUM_OTHERS = 4 dic = configuracion.leeVariables("MASSIVE_CHANGE_TAGS") if not dic: dic = {} liBase = [] sep = (None, None) def sepBase(): liBase.append(sep) sepBase() liBase.append((None, _("Basic tags"))) liBase.append(("%s:" % _("Event"), dic.get("EVENT", ""))) liBase.append(("%s:" % _("Site"), dic.get("SITE", ""))) liBase.append(("%s:" % _("Date"), dic.get("DATE", ""))) sepBase() liBaseOther = [ "Round", "White", "Black", "Result", "WhiteTitle", "BlackTitle", "WhiteElo", "BlackElo", "WhiteUSCF", "BlackUSCF", "WhiteNA", "BlackNA", "WhiteType", "BlackType", "EventDate", "EventSponsor", "Section", "Stage", "Board", "Opening", "Variation", "SubVariation", "ECO", "Time", "UTCTime", "UTCDate", "TimeControl", "SetUp", "Termination" ] li0 = ["", "Event", "Site", "Date"] li0.extend(liBaseOther) li = [[uno, uno] for uno in li0] combo = FormLayout.Combobox(_("Remove the tag (in English)"), li, si_editable=True) liBase.append((combo, "")) sepBase() liBase.append((None, _("Configuration"))) liA = [(_("All read"), APPLY_ALL), ("%s [%d]" % (_("Only selected"), num_selected), APPLY_SELECTED)] config = FormLayout.Combobox(_("Apply to"), liA) liBase.append((config, dic.get("APPLY", APPLY_SELECTED if num_selected > 1 else APPLY_ALL))) sepBase() liBase.append((_("Overwrite"), dic.get("OVERWRITE", True))) sepBase() liS = [(_("Nothing"), SAVE_NOTHING), (_("Labels"), SAVE_LABELS), ("%s+%s" % (_("Labels"), _("Values")), SAVE_LABELS_VALUES)] config = FormLayout.Combobox(_("Save as default"), liS) liBase.append((config, dic.get("SAVE", SAVE_LABELS_VALUES))) liOther = [sep] for x in range(NUM_OTHERS): li = [[uno, uno] for uno in liBaseOther] previo = dic.get("OTHERS_TAG_%d" % x, "") li.insert(0, [previo, previo]) if previo: li.insert(0, ["", ""]) combo = FormLayout.Combobox("%s %d" % (_("Tag"), x + 1), li, si_editable=True) liOther.append((combo, previo)) previo_value = dic.get("OTHERS_VALUE_%d" % x) rotulo = "%s %d" % (_("Value"), x + 1) if previo_value: li = [["", ""], [previo_value, previo_value]] combo = FormLayout.Combobox(rotulo, li, si_editable=True) liOther.append((combo, "")) else: liOther.append((rotulo, "")) liOther.append(sep) liOther.append( (None, "** %s" % _("All official tags must be indicated with their name in English."))) lista = [] lista.append((liBase, _("Base"), "")) lista.append((liOther, _("Others"), "")) # Editamos resultado = FormLayout.fedit(lista, title=_("Massive change of tags"), parent=owner, anchoMinimo=640, icon=Iconos.PGN()) if resultado: accion, resp = resultado liBase, liOther = resp dic = {} dic["EVENT"], dic["SITE"], dic["DATE"], dic["REMOVE"], dic[ "APPLY"], dic["OVERWRITE"], dic["SAVE"] = liBase liTags = [] for tag in ("Event", "Site", "Date"): tagu = tag.upper() if dic[tagu]: liTags.append((tag, dic[tagu])) for x in range(0, NUM_OTHERS * 2, 2): tag = liOther[x] if tag and tag.upper != "FEN": val = liOther[x + 1] ntag = x / 2 dic["OTHERS_TAG_%d" % ntag] = tag dic["OTHERS_VALUE_%d" % ntag] = val if val: liTags.append((tag, val)) save = dic["SAVE"] if save == SAVE_NOTHING or save == SAVE_LABELS: for x in ("EVENT", "SITE", "DATE"): del dic[x] for x in range(NUM_OTHERS): key = "OTHERS_VALUE_%d" % x if key in dic: del dic[key] if save == SAVE_NOTHING: key = "OTHERS_TAG_%d" % x if key in dic: del dic[key] configuracion.escVariables("MASSIVE_CHANGE_TAGS", dic) if liTags or dic["REMOVE"]: return (liTags, dic["REMOVE"], dic["OVERWRITE"], dic["APPLY"] == APPLY_ALL) return None
def crearTactic(procesador, wowner, liRegistros, rutinaDatos, name): # Se pide el name de la carpeta li_gen = [(None, None)] li_gen.append((_("Name") + ":", name)) li_gen.append((None, None)) li_j = [(_("Default"), 0), (_("White"), 1), (_("Black"), 2)] config = FormLayout.Combobox(_("Point of view"), li_j) li_gen.append((config, 0)) eti = _("Create tactics training") resultado = FormLayout.fedit(li_gen, title=eti, parent=wowner, anchoMinimo=460, icon=Iconos.Tacticas()) if not resultado: return accion, li_gen = resultado menuname = li_gen[0].strip() if not menuname: return pointview = str(li_gen[1]) rest_dir = Util.valid_filename(menuname) nom_dir = os.path.join(Code.configuration.folder_tactics(), rest_dir) nom_ini = os.path.join(nom_dir, "Config.ini") if os.path.isfile(nom_ini): dic_ini = Util.ini2dic(nom_ini) n = 1 while True: if "TACTIC%d" % n in dic_ini: if "MENU" in dic_ini["TACTIC%d" % n]: if dic_ini["TACTIC%d" % n]["MENU"].upper() == menuname.upper(): break else: break n += 1 else: break nom_tactic = "TACTIC%d" % n else: nom_dir_tac = Code.configuration.folder_tactics() Util.create_folder(nom_dir) nom_tactic = "TACTIC1" dic_ini = {} nom_fns = os.path.join(nom_dir, "Puzzles.fns") if os.path.isfile(nom_fns): n = 1 nom_fns = os.path.join(nom_dir, "Puzzles-%d.fns") while os.path.isfile(nom_fns % n): n += 1 nom_fns = nom_fns % n # Se crea el file con los puzzles f = open(nom_fns, "wt", encoding="utf-8", errors="ignore") nregs = len(liRegistros) tmp_bp = QTUtil2.BarraProgreso(wowner, menuname, _("Game"), nregs) tmp_bp.mostrar() fen0 = FEN_INITIAL for n in range(nregs): if tmp_bp.is_canceled(): break tmp_bp.pon(n + 1) recno = liRegistros[n] dic_valores = rutinaDatos(recno) plies = dic_valores["PLIES"] if plies == 0: continue pgn = dic_valores["PGN"] li = pgn.split("\n") if len(li) == 1: li = pgn.split("\r") li = [linea for linea in li if not linea.strip().startswith("[")] num_moves = " ".join(li).replace("\r", "").replace("\n", "") if not num_moves.strip("*"): continue def xdic(k): x = dic_valores.get(k, "") if x is None: x = "" elif "?" in x: x = x.replace(".?", "").replace("?", "") return x.strip() fen = dic_valores.get("FEN") if not fen: fen = fen0 event = xdic("EVENT") site = xdic("SITE") date = xdic("DATE") if site == event: es = event else: es = event + " " + site es = es.strip() if date: if es: es += " (%s)" % date else: es = date white = xdic("WHITE") black = xdic("BLACK") wb = ("%s-%s" % (white, black)).strip("-") titulo = "" if es: titulo += "<br>%s" % es if wb: titulo += "<br>%s" % wb for other in ("TASK", "SOURCE"): v = xdic(other) if v: titulo += "<br>%s" % v txt = fen + "|%s|%s\n" % (titulo, num_moves) f.write(txt) f.close() tmp_bp.cerrar() # Se crea el file de control dic_ini[nom_tactic] = d = {} d["MENU"] = menuname d["FILESW"] = "%s:100" % os.path.basename(nom_fns) d["POINTVIEW"] = pointview Util.dic2ini(nom_ini, dic_ini) QTUtil2.message_bold( wowner, ("%s<br>%s<br> %s<br> ➔%s<br> ➔%s" % (_("Tactic training %s created.") % menuname, _("You can access this training from"), _("Trainings"), _("Learn tactics by repetition"), rest_dir))) procesador.entrenamientos.rehaz()
def paramAnalisisMasivo(parent, configuracion, siVariosSeleccionados, siDatabase=False): alm = leeDicParametros(configuracion) # Datos liGen = [SEPARADOR] # # Tutor li = configuracion.ayudaCambioTutor() li[0] = alm.engine liGen.append((_("Engine") + ":", li)) liGen.append(SEPARADOR) # # Time config = FormLayout.Editbox(_("Duration of engine analysis (secs)"), 40, tipo=float) liGen.append((config, alm.vtime / 1000.0)) # Depth liDepths = [("--", 0)] for x in range(1, 31): liDepths.append((str(x), x)) config = FormLayout.Combobox(_("Depth"), liDepths) liGen.append((config, alm.depth)) # Time+Depth liGen.append(("%s+%s:" % (_("Time"), _("Depth")), alm.timedepth)) # MultiPV liGen.append(SEPARADOR) li = [(_("Default"), "PD"), (_("Maximum"), "MX")] for x in (1, 3, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40, 50, 75, 100, 150, 200): li.append((str(x), str(x))) config = FormLayout.Combobox(_("Number of moves evaluated by engine(MultiPV)"), li) liGen.append((config, alm.multiPV)) liGen.append(SEPARADOR) liJ = [(_("White"), "WHITE"), (_("Black"), "BLACK"), (_("White & Black"), "BOTH")] config = FormLayout.Combobox(_("Analyze only color"), liJ) if alm.white and color = "BOTH" elif color = "BLACK" elif alm.white: color = "WHITE" else: color = "BOTH" liGen.append((config, color)) liGen.append(('<div align="right">' + _("Only player moves") + ":<br>%s</div>" % _("(You can add multiple aliases separated by ; and wildcard * )"), "")) fvar = configuracion.ficheroBooks listaLibros = Books.ListaLibros() listaLibros.restore_pickle(fvar) # Comprobamos que todos esten accesibles listaLibros.comprueba() defecto = listaLibros.lista[0] li = [("--", None)] for book in listaLibros.lista: if == alm.book_name: defecto = book li.append((, book)) config = FormLayout.Combobox(_("Do not scan the opening moves based on book"), li) liGen.append((config, defecto)) liGen.append((_("Start from the end of the game") + ":", alm.from_last_move)) liGen.append(SEPARADOR) liGen.append((_("Redo any existing prior analyses (if they exist)") + ":", alm.delete_previous)) liGen.append(SEPARADOR) liGen.append((_("Only selected games") + ":", siVariosSeleccionados)) liVar = form_variations(alm) liBlunders, liBrilliancies = formBlundersBrilliancies(alm, configuracion) lista = [] lista.append((liGen, _("General options"), "")) lista.append((liVar, _("Variations"), "")) lista.append((liBlunders, _("Wrong moves"), "")) lista.append((liBrilliancies, _("Brilliancies"), "")) reg = Util.Record() reg.form = None def dispatchR(valor): if reg.form is None: if isinstance(valor, FormLayout.FormTabWidget): reg.form = valor reg.wtime = valor.getWidget(0, 1) reg.wdepth = valor.getWidget(0, 2) reg.wdt = valor.getWidget(0, 3) elif isinstance(valor, FormLayout.FormWidget): reg.form = valor reg.wtime = valor.getWidget(1) reg.wdepth = valor.getWidget(2) reg.wdt = valor.getWidget(3) else: sender = reg.form.sender() if not reg.wdt.isChecked(): if sender == reg.wtime: if reg.wtime.textoFloat() > 0: reg.wdepth.setCurrentIndex(0) elif sender == reg.wdepth: if reg.wdepth.currentIndex() > 0: reg.wtime.ponFloat(0.0) elif sender == reg.wdt: if reg.wtime.textoFloat() > 0: reg.wdepth.setCurrentIndex(0) elif reg.wdepth.currentIndex() > 0: reg.wtime.ponFloat(0.0) QTUtil.refresh_gui() resultado = FormLayout.fedit(lista, title=_("Mass analysis"), parent=parent, anchoMinimo=460, icon=Iconos.Opciones(), dispatch=dispatchR) if resultado: accion, liResp = resultado liGen, liVar, liBlunders, liBrilliancies = liResp alm.engine, vtime, alm.depth, alm.timedepth, alm.multiPV, color, cjug,, alm.from_last_move, alm.delete_previous, alm.siVariosSeleccionados = liGen alm.vtime = int(vtime * 1000) alm.white = color != "BLACK" = color != "WHITE" cjug = cjug.strip() alm.li_players = cjug.upper().split(";") if cjug else None alm.book_name = if else None alm.kblunders, alm.tacticblunders, alm.pgnblunders, alm.oriblunders, alm.bmtblunders = liBlunders alm.include_variations, alm.limiteinclude_variations, alm.best_variation, alm.info_variation, alm.si_pdt, alm.one_move_variation = liVar alm.dpbrilliancies, alm.ptbrilliancies, alm.fnsbrilliancies, alm.pgnbrilliancies, alm.oribrilliancies, alm.bmtbrilliancies = liBrilliancies dic = {} for x in dir(alm): if not x.startswith("__"): dic[x.upper()] = getattr(alm, x) Util.save_pickle(configuracion.file_param_analysis(), dic) if not (alm.tacticblunders or alm.pgnblunders or alm.bmtblunders or alm.fnsbrilliancies or alm.pgnbrilliancies or alm.bmtbrilliancies or siDatabase): QTUtil2.message_error(parent, _("No file was specified where to save results")) return return alm else: return None
def __init__(self, owner, regMarker, xml=None, nombre=None): QtWidgets.QDialog.__init__(self, owner) self.setWindowTitle(_("Marker")) self.setWindowFlags(QtCore.Qt.Dialog | QtCore.Qt.WindowTitleHint) self.configuracion = VarGen.configuracion if not regMarker: regMarker = TabVisual.PMarker() regMarker.xml = xml if nombre: regMarker.nombre = nombre liAcciones = [ (_("Save"), Iconos.Aceptar(), self.grabar), None, (_("Cancel"), Iconos.Cancelar(), self.reject), None, ] tb = Controles.TBrutina(self, liAcciones) # Tablero confTablero = owner.tablero.confTablero self.tablero = Tablero.Tablero(self, confTablero, siDirector=False) self.tablero.crea() self.tablero.copiaPosicionDe(owner.tablero) # Datos generales liGen = [] # nombre del svg que se usara en los menus del tutorial config = FormLayout.Editbox(_("Name"), ancho=120) liGen.append((config, regMarker.nombre)) # ( "opacidad", "n", 1.0 ), config = FormLayout.Dial(_("Degree of transparency"), 0, 99) liGen.append((config, 100 - int(regMarker.opacidad * 100))) # ( "psize", "n", 100 ), config = FormLayout.Spinbox(_("Size") + " %", 1, 1600, 50) liGen.append((config, regMarker.psize)) # ( "poscelda", "n", 1 ), li = ( ("%s-%s" % (_("Top"), _("Left")), 0), ("%s-%s" % (_("Top"), _("Right")), 1), ("%s-%s" % (_("Bottom"), _("Left")), 2), ("%s-%s" % (_("Bottom"), _("Right")), 3), ) config = FormLayout.Combobox(_("Position in the square"), li) liGen.append((config, regMarker.poscelda)) # orden config = FormLayout.Combobox(_("Order concerning other items"), QTUtil2.listaOrdenes()) liGen.append((config, regMarker.posicion.orden)) self.form = FormLayout.FormWidget(liGen, dispatch=self.cambios) # Layout layout = Colocacion.H().control(self.form).relleno().control( self.tablero) layout1 = Colocacion.V().control(tb).otro(layout) self.setLayout(layout1) # Ejemplos liMovs = ["b4c4", "e2e2", "e4g7"] self.liEjemplos = [] for a1h8 in liMovs: regMarker.a1h8 = a1h8 regMarker.siMovible = True marker = self.tablero.creaMarker(regMarker, siEditando=True) self.liEjemplos.append(marker)
def __init__(self, owner, regMarco): QtGui.QDialog.__init__(self, owner) self.setWindowTitle(_("Box")) self.setWindowFlags(QtCore.Qt.Dialog | QtCore.Qt.WindowTitleHint) if not regMarco: regMarco = TabVisual.PMarco() liAcciones = [ (_("Save"), Iconos.Aceptar(), "grabar"), None, (_("Cancel"), Iconos.Cancelar(), "reject"), None, ] tb = Controles.TB(self, liAcciones) # Tablero confTablero = owner.tablero.confTablero self.tablero = Tablero.Tablero(self, confTablero, siDirector=False) self.tablero.crea() self.tablero.copiaPosicionDe(owner.tablero) # Datos generales liGen = [] # nombre del marco que se usara en los menus del tutorial config = FormLayout.Editbox(_("Name"), ancho=120) liGen.append((config, regMarco.nombre)) # ( "tipo", "n", Qt.SolidLine ), #1=SolidLine, 2=DashLine, 3=DotLine, 4=DashDotLine, 5=DashDotDotLine config = FormLayout.Combobox(_("Line Type"), QTUtil2.tiposDeLineas()) liGen.append((config, regMarco.tipo)) # ( "color", "n", 0 ), config = FormLayout.Colorbox(_("Color"), 80, 20) liGen.append((config, regMarco.color)) # ( "colorinterior", "n", -1 ), config = FormLayout.Colorbox(_("Internal color"), 80, 20, siChecked=True) liGen.append((config, regMarco.colorinterior)) # ( "opacidad", "n", 1.0 ), config = FormLayout.Dial(_("Degree of transparency"), 0, 99) liGen.append((config, 100 - int(regMarco.opacidad * 100))) # ( "grosor", "n", 1 ), # ancho del trazo config = FormLayout.Spinbox(_("Thickness"), 1, 20, 50) liGen.append((config, regMarco.grosor)) # ( "redEsquina", "n", 0 ), config = FormLayout.Spinbox(_("Rounded corners"), 0, 100, 50) liGen.append((config, regMarco.redEsquina)) # orden config = FormLayout.Combobox(_("Order concerning other items"), QTUtil2.listaOrdenes()) liGen.append((config, regMarco.posicion.orden)) self.form = FormLayout.FormWidget(liGen, dispatch=self.cambios) # Layout layout = Colocacion.H().control(self.form).relleno().control( self.tablero) layout1 = Colocacion.V().control(tb).otro(layout) self.setLayout(layout1) # Ejemplos liMovs = ["b4c4", "e2e2", "e4g7"] self.liEjemplos = [] for a1h8 in liMovs: regMarco.a1h8 = a1h8 regMarco.siMovible = True marco = self.tablero.creaMarco(regMarco) self.liEjemplos.append(marco)
def formBlundersBrilliancies(alm, configuracion): liBlunders = [SEPARADOR] liBlunders.append((FormLayout.Editbox( _("Is considered wrong move when the loss of points is greater than"), tipo=int, ancho=50), alm.kblunders)) liBlunders.append(SEPARADOR) def fileNext(base, ext): return Util.fileNext(configuracion.dirPersonalTraining, base, ext) path_pgn = fileNext("Blunders", "pgn") liBlunders.append((None, _("Generate a training file with these moves"))) config = FormLayout.Editbox(_("Tactics name"), rx="[^\\\:/|?*^%><()]*") liBlunders.append((config, "")) config = FormLayout.Fichero(_("PGN Format"), "%s (*.pgn)" % _("PGN Format"), True, anchoMinimo=280, ficheroDefecto=path_pgn) liBlunders.append((config, "")) liBlunders.append((_("Also add complete game to PGN") + ":", False)) liBlunders.append(SEPARADOR) eti = '"%s"' % _("Find best move") liBlunders.append( (_X(_("Add to the training %1 with the name"), eti) + ":", "")) liBrilliancies = [SEPARADOR] liBrilliancies.append((FormLayout.Spinbox(_("Minimum depth"), 3, 30, 50), alm.dpbrilliancies)) liBrilliancies.append((FormLayout.Spinbox(_("Minimum gain points"), 30, 30000, 50), alm.ptbrilliancies)) liBrilliancies.append(SEPARADOR) path_fns = fileNext("Brilliancies", "fns") path_pgn = fileNext("Brilliancies", "pgn") liBrilliancies.append( (None, _("Generate a training file with these moves"))) config = FormLayout.Fichero(_("List of FENs"), "%s (*.fns)" % _("List of FENs"), True, anchoMinimo=280, ficheroDefecto=path_fns) liBrilliancies.append((config, "")) config = FormLayout.Fichero(_("PGN Format"), "%s (*.pgn)" % _("PGN Format"), True, anchoMinimo=280, ficheroDefecto=path_pgn) liBrilliancies.append((config, "")) liBrilliancies.append((_("Also add complete game to PGN"), False)) liBrilliancies.append(SEPARADOR) eti = '"%s"' % _("Find best move") liBrilliancies.append( (_X(_("Add to the training %1 with the name"), eti) + ":", "")) return liBlunders, liBrilliancies
def new(self): recno = self.ghistorico.recno() if recno >= 0: key = self.li_histo[recno] reg = self.historico[key] sitePre = reg["SITE"] intervaloPre = reg["INTERVAL"] intervaloPorPiezaPre = reg["INTERVALPIECE"] esatacadaPre = reg["ISATTACKED"] esatacantePre = reg["ISATTACKING"] posicionPre = reg["POSITION"] colorPre = reg["COLOR"] else: recno = 0 sitePre = None intervaloPre = 3 intervaloPorPiezaPre = True esatacadaPre = False esatacantePre = False posicionPre = False colorPre = False # Datos liGen = [(None, None)] # # Site f = open(self.path_bloque) liData = [x.split("|") for x in"\n")] f.close() liSites = [] sitePreNum = -1 for n, uno in enumerate(liData): site = uno[0] if site: if sitePre and site == sitePre: sitePreNum = n liSites.append((site, n)) liSites = sorted(liSites, key=lambda st: st[0]) config = FormLayout.Combobox(_("Site"), liSites) if sitePreNum == -1: sitePreNum = liSites[0][0] liGen.append((config, sitePreNum)) liGen.append((None, None)) # # Intervals liGen.append((None, _("Seconds of every glance") + ":")) liGen.append((FormLayout.Spinbox(_("Seconds"), 1, 100, 50), intervaloPre)) liTypes = ((_("By piece"), True), (_("Fixed"), False)) config = FormLayout.Combobox(_("Type"), liTypes) liGen.append((config, intervaloPorPiezaPre)) liGen.append((None, None)) liGen.append((None, _("Ask for") + ":")) liGen.append((_("Position") + ":", posicionPre)) liGen.append((_("Square color") + ":", colorPre)) liGen.append((_("Is attacked?") + ":", esatacadaPre)) liGen.append((_("Is attacking?") + ":", esatacantePre)) resultado = FormLayout.fedit(liGen, title=_("Configuration"), parent=self, icon=Iconos.Gafas(), anchoMinimo=360) if resultado: accion, liGen = resultado siteNum, intervalo, intervaloPorPieza, position, color, esatacada, esatacante = liGen dicdatos = {} f = dicdatos["DATE"] = dicdatos["FENS"] = liData[siteNum][1:] dicdatos["SITE"] = liData[siteNum][0] dicdatos["INTERVAL"] = intervalo dicdatos["INTERVALPIECE"] = intervaloPorPieza dicdatos["ISATTACKED"] = esatacada dicdatos["ISATTACKING"] = esatacante dicdatos["POSITION"] = position dicdatos["COLOR"] = color dicdatos["ERRORS"] = 0 dicdatos["TIME"] = 0 dicdatos["LEVEL"] = 1 key = Util.dtosext(f) self.historico[key] = dicdatos self.li_histo.insert(0, key) self.ghistorico.refresh() self.ghistorico.gotop()
def trainNewEngines(self): training = self.dbop.trainingEngines() color = "WHITE" mandatory = 5 control = 10 lost_points = 20 engine_control = self.configuracion.tutor.clave engine_time = 5.0 num_lista = 0 if training is not None: color = training["COLOR"] mandatory = training.get("MANDATORY", mandatory) control = training.get("CONTROL", control) lost_points = training.get("LOST_POINTS", lost_points) engine_control = training.get("ENGINE_CONTROL", engine_control) engine_time = training.get("ENGINE_TIME", engine_time) num_lista = training.get("NUM_LISTA", num_lista) separador = FormLayout.separador liGen = [separador] liJ = [(_("White"), "WHITE"), (_("Black"), "BLACK")] config = FormLayout.Combobox(_("Play with"), liJ) liGen.append((config, color)) liGen.append((_("Mandatory moves") + ":", mandatory)) liGen.append(separador) liGen.append((_("Moves until the control") + ":", control)) liGen.append(separador) liGen.append( (_("Maximum number of centipawns lost to pass control") + ":", lost_points)) liGen.append(separador) licombo = [("%2d. %s" % (n + 1, ",".join(x)), n) for n, x in enumerate(self.dbop.listaEngines())] config = FormLayout.Combobox(_("Bunch of engines"), licombo) liGen.append((config, num_lista)) liGen.append(separador) config = FormLayout.Combobox(_("Engine that does the control"), self.configuracion.comboMotoresCompleto()) liGen.append((config, engine_control)) liGen.append( (_("Duration of analysis (secs)") + ":", float(engine_time))) resultado = FormLayout.fedit(liGen, title=_("With engines"), parent=self, anchoMinimo=360, icon=Iconos.Study()) if resultado is None: return accion, liResp = resultado reg = {} (reg["COLOR"], reg["MANDATORY"], reg["CONTROL"], reg["LOST_POINTS"], reg["NUM_LISTA"], reg["ENGINE_CONTROL"], reg["ENGINE_TIME"]) = liResp self.dbop.createTrainingEngines(reg, self.procesador) QTUtil2.mensaje(self, _("Created"))
def create(self): name = os.path.basename(self.dbGames.nomFichero)[:-4] maxdepth = self.dbGames.depthStat() depth = maxdepth minGames = min(self.dbGames.reccountTotal() * 10 / 100, 5) pointview = 2 inicio = 0 mov = self.movActivo() while True: liGen = [(None, None)] liGen.append(( _("Name") + ":", name )) liGen.append((FormLayout.Spinbox(_("Depth"), 2, maxdepth, 50), depth)) liGen.append((None, None)) liGen.append((FormLayout.Spinbox(_("Minimum games"), 1, 99, 50), minGames)) liGen.append((None, None)) liPointV = [pointview, ( 0, _("White") ), ( 1, _("Black") ), ( 2, "%s + %s" % (_("White"), _("Draw") ) ), ( 3, "%s + %s" % (_("Black"), _("Draw") ) ), ] liGen.append((_("Point of view") + ":", liPointV)) liGen.append((None, None)) if mov: liInicio = [inicio, ( 0, _("The beginning") ), ( 1, _("Current move") ), ] liGen.append((_("Start from") + ":", liInicio)) resultado = FormLayout.fedit(liGen, title=_("Create new guide"), parent=self, anchoMinimo=460, icon=Iconos.TutorialesCrear()) if resultado is None: return accion, liResp = resultado name = liResp[0].strip() if not name: return depth = liResp[1] minGames = liResp[2] pointview = liResp[3] if mov: inicio = liResp[4] ok = True for una in self.bookGuide.getTodas(): if una.strip().upper() == name.upper(): QTUtil2.mensError(self, _("The name is repeated")) ok = False continue if ok: break # Grabamos um = QTUtil2.unMomento(self) # Read stats siWhite = pointview % 2 == 0 siDraw = pointview > 1 pv = "" if mov: if inicio > 0: pv = self.pvBase + " " + mov["pvmove"] pv = pv.strip() fichPVs = self.dbGames.flistAllpvs(depth, minGames, siWhite, siDraw, pv) # Write to bookGuide self.bookGuide.grabarFichSTAT(name, fichPVs) # BookGuide self.wmoves.inicializa()
def __init__(self, owner, regFlecha, siNombre): QtGui.QDialog.__init__(self, owner) self.setWindowTitle(_("Arrow")) self.setWindowFlags(QtCore.Qt.Dialog | QtCore.Qt.WindowTitleHint) self.siNombre = siNombre if not regFlecha: regFlecha = TabVisual.PFlecha() liAcciones = [ (_("Save"), Iconos.Aceptar(), "grabar"), None, (_("Cancel"), Iconos.Cancelar(), "reject"), None, ] tb = Controles.TB(self, liAcciones) # Tablero confTablero = owner.tablero.confTablero.copia( confTablero.anchoPieza(32) self.tablero = Tablero.Tablero(self, confTablero, siDirector=False) self.tablero.crea() self.tablero.copiaPosicionDe(owner.tablero) # Datos generales liGen = [] if siNombre: # nombre de la flecha que se usara en los menus del tutorial config = FormLayout.Editbox(_("Name"), ancho=120) liGen.append((config, regFlecha.nombre)) # ( "forma", "t", "a" ), # a = abierta -> , c = cerrada la cabeza, p = poligono cuadrado, liFormas = ( (_("Opened"), "a"), (_("Head closed"), "c"), (_("Polygon 1"), "1"), (_("Polygon 2"), "2"), (_("Polygon 3"), "3"), ) config = FormLayout.Combobox(_("Form"), liFormas) liGen.append((config, regFlecha.forma)) # ( "tipo", "n", Qt.SolidLine ), #1=SolidLine, 2=DashLine, 3=DotLine, 4=DashDotLine, 5=DashDotDotLine config = FormLayout.Combobox(_("Line Type"), QTUtil2.tiposDeLineas()) liGen.append((config, regFlecha.tipo)) # liGen.append( (None,None) ) # ( "color", "n", 0 ), config = FormLayout.Colorbox(_("Color"), 80, 20) liGen.append((config, regFlecha.color)) # ( "colorinterior", "n", -1 ), # si es cerrada config = FormLayout.Colorbox(_("Internal color"), 80, 20, siChecked=True) liGen.append((config, regFlecha.colorinterior)) # ( "opacidad", "n", 1.0 ), config = FormLayout.Dial(_("Degree of transparency"), 0, 99) liGen.append((config, 100 - int(regFlecha.opacidad * 100))) # liGen.append( (None,None) ) # ( "redondeos", "l", False ), liGen.append((_("Rounded edges"), regFlecha.redondeos)) # ( "grosor", "n", 1 ), # ancho del trazo config = FormLayout.Spinbox(_("Thickness"), 1, 20, 50) liGen.append((config, regFlecha.grosor)) # liGen.append( (None,None) ) # ( "altocabeza", "n", 1 ), # altura de la cabeza config = FormLayout.Spinbox(_("Head height"), 0, 100, 50) liGen.append((config, regFlecha.altocabeza)) # ( "ancho", "n", 10 ), # ancho de la base de la flecha si es un poligono config = FormLayout.Spinbox(_("Base width"), 1, 100, 50) liGen.append((config, regFlecha.ancho)) # ( "vuelo", "n", 5 ), # vuelo de la flecha respecto al ancho de la base config = FormLayout.Spinbox( _("Additional width of the base of the head"), 1, 100, 50) liGen.append((config, regFlecha.vuelo)) # ( "descuelgue", "n", 2 ), # vuelo hacia arriba config = FormLayout.Spinbox(_("Height of the base angle of the head"), -100, 100, 50) liGen.append((config, regFlecha.descuelgue)) # liGen.append( (None,None) ) # ( "destino", "t", "c" ), # c = centro, m = minimo config = FormLayout.Combobox(_("Target position"), tiposDestino()) liGen.append((config, regFlecha.destino)) # liGen.append( (None,None) ) # orden config = FormLayout.Combobox(_("Order concerning other items"), QTUtil2.listaOrdenes()) liGen.append((config, regFlecha.posicion.orden)) self.form = FormLayout.FormWidget(liGen, dispatch=self.cambios) # Layout layout = Colocacion.H().control(self.form).relleno().control( self.tablero) layout1 = Colocacion.V().control(tb).otro(layout) self.setLayout(layout1) # Ejemplos self.tablero.borraMovibles() liMovs = ["d2d6", "a8h8", "h5b7"] self.liEjemplos = [] for a1h8 in liMovs: regFlecha.a1h8 = a1h8 regFlecha.siMovible = True flecha = self.tablero.creaFlecha(regFlecha) self.liEjemplos.append(flecha)
def file(self): menu = QTVarios.LCMenu(self) menu.opcion("saveas", _("Save a copy"), Iconos.GrabarComo()) menu.separador() menu.opcion("restorefrom", _("Restore from"), Iconos.Recuperar()) menu.separador() submenu = menu.submenu(_("Create new"), Iconos.Nuevo()) submenu.opcion("new_UNED", _("UNED chess school"), Iconos.Uned()) submenu.separador() submenu.opcion("new_UWE", _("Uwe Auerswald"), Iconos.Uwe()) submenu.separador() submenu.opcion("new_SM", _("Singular moves"), Iconos.Singular()) menu.separador() submenu = menu.submenu(_("Export to"), Iconos.DatabaseMas()) submenu.opcion("save_pgn", _("A PGN file"), Iconos.FichPGN()) submenu.separador() submenu.opcion("save_db", _("Database"), Iconos.Database()) resp = menu.lanza() if resp is None: return if resp == "saveas": liGen = [(None, None)] config = FormLayout.Editbox(_("Name"), ancho=160) liGen.append((config, "")) resultado = FormLayout.fedit(liGen, title=_("Name"), parent=self, icon=Iconos.GrabarComo()) if resultado: accion, liResp = resultado fich = name = liResp[0] if name.lower()[-4:] != ".wsm": fich += ".wsm" path = os.path.join(self.configuration.carpeta_results, fich) ok = True if Util.exist_file(path): ok = QTUtil2.pregunta( self, _X( _("The file %1 already exists, what do you want to do?" ), fich), label_yes=_("Overwrite"), label_no=_("Cancel"), ) if ok: shutil.copy(self.dbwashing.file, path) elif resp == "restorefrom": li = [] for fich in os.listdir(self.configuration.carpeta_results): if fich.endswith(".wsm") and fich != self.dbwashing.filename: li.append(fich[:-4]) if not li: QTUtil2.message_bold(self, _("There is no file")) return menu = QTVarios.LCMenu(self) for fich in li: menu.opcion(fich, fich, Iconos.PuntoRojo()) resp = menu.lanza() if resp: if QTUtil2.pregunta( self, "%s\n%s" % (_("Current data will be removed and overwritten."), _("Are you sure?"))): shutil.copy( os.path.join(self.configuration.carpeta_results, resp + ".wsm"), self.dbwashing.file) self.wreload = True self.save_video() self.accept() elif resp.startswith("new_"): tactic = resp[4:] if QTUtil2.pregunta( self, "%s\n%s" % (_("Current data will be removed and overwritten."), _("Are you sure?"))): self.wreload = True self.save_video() self.accept() elif resp.startswith("save_"): def other_pc(): for engine in self.washing.liEngines: if engine.state == Washing.ENDED: game = self.dbwashing.restoreGame(engine) pc = Game.Game() pc.assign_other_game(game) dt = if else if engine.color: white = self.configuration.x_player black = result = "1-0" whiteelo = str(self.configuration.x_elo) blackelo = engine.elo else: black = self.configuration.x_player white = result = "0-1" blackelo = str(self.configuration.x_elo) whiteelo = engine.elo tags = [ ["Site", "Lucas Chess"], ["Event", _("The Washing Machine")], ["Date", "%d-%d-%d" % (dt.year, dt.month,], ["White", white], ["Black", black], ["WhiteElo", whiteelo], ["BlackElo", blackelo], ["Result", result], ] ap = game.opening if ap: tags.append(["ECO",]) tags.append(["Opening", ap.trNombre]) pc.set_tags(tags) yield pc if resp == "save_db": ext = "lcg" path = QTUtil2.salvaFichero( self, _("Database of complete games"), self.configuration.ficheroDBgames, _("File") + " %s (*.%s)" % (ext, ext), False, ) if path: if not path.lower().endswith(".lcdb"): path += ".lcdb" me = QTUtil2.mensEspera.start(self, _("Saving...")) dbn = DBgames.DBgames(path) for pc in other_pc(): dbn.insert(pc) QTUtil2.message_bold(self, _X(_("Saved to %1"), path)) else: w = WindowSavePGN.WSaveVarios(self, self.configuration) if w.exec_(): ws = WindowSavePGN.FileSavePGN(self, w.dic_result) if for n, pc in enumerate(other_pc()): if n or not ws.is_new: ws.write("\n\n") ws.write(pc.pgn()) ws.close() ws.um_final()
def gm_crear_queued(self): li_engines = self.torneo.list_engines() n_engines = len(li_engines) if n_engines < 2: QTUtil2.message_error(self, _("You must create at least two engines")) return dicValores = self.configuration.read_variables("crear_torneo") get = dicValores.get form = FormLayout.FormLayout(self, _("Games"), Iconos.Torneos()) form.separador() form.spinbox(_("Rounds"), 1, 999, 50, get("ROUNDS", 1)) form.separador() form.float(_("Total minutes"), get("MINUTES", 10.00)) form.separador() form.float(_("Seconds added per move"), get("SECONDS", 0.0)) form.add_tab(_("Options")) li_groups = Util.div_list(li_engines, 30) for ngroup, group in enumerate(li_groups): for en in group: form.checkbox(en.key, get(en.huella, True)) form.add_tab(_("Engines")) resp = if resp is None: return accion, li_resp = resp options = li_resp[0] dicValores["ROUNDS"] = rounds = options[0] dicValores["MINUTES"] = minutos = options[1] dicValores["SECONDS"] = seconds = options[2] li_resp_engines = [] for group in li_resp[1:]: li_resp_engines.extend(group) liSel = [] for num in range(self.torneo.num_engines()): en = li_engines[num] dicValores[en.huella] = si = li_resp_engines[num] if si: liSel.append(en.huella) self.configuration.write_variables("crear_torneo", dicValores) nSel = len(liSel) if nSel < 2: QTUtil2.message_error(self, _("You must use at least two engines")) return for r in range(rounds): for x in range(nSel - 1): for y in range(x + 1, nSel): self.torneo.nuevoGame(liSel[x], liSel[y], minutos, seconds) self.torneo.nuevoGame(liSel[y], liSel[x], minutos, seconds) self.gridGamesQueued.refresh() self.gridGamesQueued.gobottom() self.rotulos_tabs()