async def normq(ctx): blueTeam, _ = Queue.getTeamList() await ctx.send( "Duis says I am not supposed to queue, but I don't listen to players worse than me..." ) await ctx.send("!q") if (len(blueTeam) >= 1): await sendMessage(ctx, EasterEggs.NormQ(), "active") else: await sendMessage( ctx, EasterEggs.NormQ(), "queue" if len(blueTeam) == 0 and Queue.getQueueLength() != 6 else "popped")
async def on_message(message: discord.Message): if ( != client.user): # message was a reply if (message.reference is not None): if (any(queue_cmd == message.content.split(" ")[0][1:] for queue_cmd in valid_commands)): replied_to_msg = await message.reference.message_id) replied_to_msg_embeds = replied_to_msg.embeds if (not any(embed.title == "Teams are Set!" for embed in replied_to_msg_embeds)): await replied_to_msg.delete() await client.process_commands(message) await message.delete() elif (EasterEggs.commandIsEasterEgg(message)): await client.process_commands(message) elif (EasterEggs.commandIsEasterEgg(message)): await client.process_commands(message) return
async def eight_ball(ctx): await ctx.reply(EasterEggs.EightBall(
async def teams(ctx): await ctx.reply(EasterEggs.Teams())
async def coolio(ctx): await ctx.reply(EasterEggs.Coolio())
async def nodought(ctx): await ctx.reply(EasterEggs.NoDought())
async def sad(ctx): await ctx.reply(EasterEggs.Sad())
async def h(ctx): await ctx.send(EasterEggs.H())
async def don(ctx): await ctx.reply(EasterEggs.Don())
async def furry(ctx): await ctx.reply(EasterEggs.Furry())
async def duis(ctx): await ctx.reply(EasterEggs.Duis())
async def zappa(ctx): await ctx.reply(EasterEggs.Zappa())
async def pika(ctx): await ctx.reply(EasterEggs.Pika())
async def turhols(ctx): await ctx.reply(EasterEggs.Turhols())
async def smh(ctx): await ctx.reply(EasterEggs.Smh())
async def f**k(ctx): await ctx.reply(EasterEggs.F**k())
async def oops(ctx): await ctx.send(EasterEggs.Oops())
async def daffy(ctx): await ctx.reply(EasterEggs.Daffy())
async def giddy(ctx): await ctx.reply(EasterEggs.Giddy())
async def twan(ctx): await ctx.reply(EasterEggs.Twan())