예제 #1
def _parseGeneral(lines, efifilepath):
    """ For MSFT, ICC, EBC 
    @param lines    line array for map file
    @return a list which element hold (PcdName, Offset, SectionName)
    status = 0    #0 - beginning of file; 1 - PE section definition; 2 - symbol table
    secs = []    # key = section name
    bPcds = []
    symPattern = re.compile('^[_]+gPcd_BinaryPatch_([\w]+)')

    for line in lines:
        line = line.strip()
        if startPatternGeneral.match(line):
            status = 1
        if addressPatternGeneral.match(line):
            status = 2
        if line.startswith("entry point at"):
            status = 3
        if status == 1 and len(line) != 0:
            m = secReGeneral.match(line)
            assert m is not None, "Fail to parse the section in map file , line is %s" % line
            sec_no, sec_start, sec_length, sec_name, sec_class = m.groups(0)
            secs.append([int(sec_no, 16), int(sec_start, 16), int(sec_length, 16), sec_name, sec_class])
        if status == 2 and len(line) != 0:
            m = symRe.match(line)
            assert m is not None, "Fail to parse the symbol in map file, line is %s" % line
            sec_no, sym_offset, sym_name, vir_addr = m.groups(0)
            sec_no = int(sec_no, 16)
            sym_offset = int(sym_offset, 16)
            vir_addr = int(vir_addr, 16)
            m2 = symPattern.match(sym_name)
            if m2 is not None:
                # fond a binary pcd entry in map file
                for sec in secs:
                    if sec[0] == sec_no and (sym_offset >= sec[1] and sym_offset < sec[1] + sec[2]):
                        bPcds.append([m2.groups(0)[0], sec[3], sym_offset, vir_addr, sec_no])

    if len(bPcds) == 0: return None

    # get section information from efi file
    efisecs = PeImageClass(efifilepath).SectionHeaderList
    if efisecs is None or len(efisecs) == 0:
        return None
    pcds = []
    for pcd in bPcds:
        index = 0
        for efisec in efisecs:
            index = index + 1
            if pcd[1].strip() == efisec[0].strip():
                pcds.append([pcd[0], efisec[2] + pcd[2], efisec[0]])
            elif pcd[4] == index:
                pcds.append([pcd[0], efisec[2] + pcd[2], efisec[0]])
    return pcds
예제 #2
def _parseGeneral(lines, efifilepath):
    """ For MSFT, ICC, EBC
    @param lines    line array for map file

    @return a list which element hold (PcdName, Offset, SectionName)
    status = 0    #0 - beginning of file; 1 - PE section definition; 2 - symbol table
    secs = []    # key = section name
    bPcds = []
    symPattern = re.compile('^[_]+gPcd_BinaryPatch_([\w]+)')

    for line in lines:
        line = line.strip()
        if startPatternGeneral.match(line):
            status = 1
        if addressPatternGeneral.match(line):
            status = 2
        if line.startswith("entry point at"):
            status = 3
        if status == 1 and len(line) != 0:
            m = secReGeneral.match(line)
            assert m is not None, "Fail to parse the section in map file , line is %s" % line
            sec_no, sec_start, sec_length, sec_name, sec_class = m.groups(0)
            secs.append([int(sec_no, 16), int(sec_start, 16), int(sec_length, 16), sec_name, sec_class])
        if status == 2 and len(line) != 0:
            m = symRe.match(line)
            assert m is not None, "Fail to parse the symbol in map file, line is %s" % line
            sec_no, sym_offset, sym_name, vir_addr = m.groups(0)
            sec_no = int(sec_no, 16)
            sym_offset = int(sym_offset, 16)
            vir_addr = int(vir_addr, 16)
            m2 = symPattern.match(sym_name)
            if m2 is not None:
                # fond a binary pcd entry in map file
                for sec in secs:
                    if sec[0] == sec_no and (sym_offset >= sec[1] and sym_offset < sec[1] + sec[2]):
                        bPcds.append([m2.groups(0)[0], sec[3], sym_offset, vir_addr, sec_no])

    if len(bPcds) == 0: return None

    # get section information from efi file
    efisecs = PeImageClass(efifilepath).SectionHeaderList
    if efisecs is None or len(efisecs) == 0:
        return None

    pcds = []
    for pcd in bPcds:
        index = 0
        for efisec in efisecs:
            index = index + 1
            if pcd[1].strip() == efisec[0].strip():
                pcds.append([pcd[0], efisec[2] + pcd[2], efisec[0]])
            elif pcd[4] == index:
                pcds.append([pcd[0], efisec[2] + pcd[2], efisec[0]])
    return pcds