예제 #1
    def GetCurrentArch(self):

        TargetArchList = GenFdsGlobalVariable.ArchList

        PlatformArchList = self.__GetPlatformArchList__()

        CurArchList = TargetArchList
        if PlatformArchList != []:
            CurArchList = list(set(TargetArchList) & set(PlatformArchList))
            "Valid target architecture(s) is : " + " ".join(CurArchList))

        ArchList = []
        if self.KeyStringList != []:
            for Key in self.KeyStringList:
                Key = GenFdsGlobalVariable.MacroExtend(Key)
                Target, Tag, Arch = Key.split('_')
                if Arch in CurArchList:
                if Target not in self.TargetOverrideList:
            ArchList = CurArchList

        UseArchList = TargetArchList
        if self.UseArch != None:
            UseArchList = []
            ArchList = list(set(UseArchList) & set(ArchList))

        self.InfFileName = NormPath(self.InfFileName)
        if len(PlatformArchList) == 0:
            self.InDsc = False
            PathClassObj = PathClass(self.InfFileName,
            ErrorCode, ErrorInfo = PathClassObj.Validate(".inf")
            if ErrorCode != 0:
                EdkLogger.error("GenFds", ErrorCode, ExtraData=ErrorInfo)
        if len(ArchList) == 1:
            Arch = ArchList[0]
            return Arch
        elif len(ArchList) > 1:
            if len(PlatformArchList) == 0:
                    "GenFds", GENFDS_ERROR,
                    "GenFds command line option has multiple ARCHs %s. Not able to determine which ARCH is valid for Module %s !"
                    % (str(ArchList), self.InfFileName))
                    "GenFds", GENFDS_ERROR,
                    "Module built under multiple ARCHs %s. Not able to determine which output to put into flash for Module %s !"
                    % (str(ArchList), self.InfFileName))
            EdkLogger.error("GenFds", GENFDS_ERROR, "Module %s appears under ARCH %s in platform %s, but current deduced ARCH is %s, so NO build output could be put into flash." \
                            % (self.InfFileName, str(PlatformArchList), GenFdsGlobalVariable.ActivePlatform, str(set (UseArchList) & set (TargetArchList))))
예제 #2
    def IncludeToolDefFile(self, FileName):
        FileContent = []
        if os.path.isfile(FileName):
                F = open(FileName, 'r')
                FileContent = F.readlines()
                EdkLogger.error("tools_def.txt parser", FILE_OPEN_FAILURE, ExtraData=FileName)
            EdkLogger.error("tools_def.txt parser", FILE_NOT_FOUND, ExtraData=FileName)

        for Index in range(len(FileContent)):
            Line = FileContent[Index].strip()
            if Line == "" or Line[0] == '#':

            if Line.startswith("!include"):
                IncFile = Line[8:].strip()
                Done, IncFile = self.ExpandMacros(IncFile)
                if not Done:
                    EdkLogger.error("tools_def.txt parser", ATTRIBUTE_NOT_AVAILABLE,
                                    "Macro or Environment has not been defined",
                                ExtraData=IncFile[4:-1], File=FileName, Line=Index+1)
                IncFile = NormPath(IncFile)

                if not os.path.isabs(IncFile):
                    # try WORKSPACE
                    IncFileTmp = PathClass(IncFile, GlobalData.gWorkspace)
                    ErrorCode = IncFileTmp.Validate()[0]
                    if ErrorCode != 0:
                        # try PACKAGES_PATH
                        IncFileTmp = mws.join(GlobalData.gWorkspace, IncFile)
                        if not os.path.exists(IncFileTmp):
                            # try directory of current file
                            IncFileTmp = PathClass(IncFile, os.path.dirname(FileName))
                            ErrorCode = IncFileTmp.Validate()[0]
                            if ErrorCode != 0:
                                EdkLogger.error("tools_def.txt parser", FILE_NOT_FOUND, ExtraData=IncFile)

                    if type(IncFileTmp) is PathClass:
                        IncFile = IncFileTmp.Path
                        IncFile = IncFileTmp


            NameValuePair = Line.split("=", 1)
            if len(NameValuePair) != 2:
                EdkLogger.warn("tools_def.txt parser", "Line %d: not correct assignment statement, skipped" % (Index + 1))

            Name = NameValuePair[0].strip()
            Value = NameValuePair[1].strip()

            if Name == "IDENTIFIER":
                EdkLogger.debug(EdkLogger.DEBUG_8, "Line %d: Found identifier statement, skipped: %s" % ((Index + 1), Value))

            MacroDefinition = gMacroDefPattern.findall(Name)
            if MacroDefinition != []:
                Done, Value = self.ExpandMacros(Value)
                if not Done:
                    EdkLogger.error("tools_def.txt parser", ATTRIBUTE_NOT_AVAILABLE,
                                    "Macro or Environment has not been defined",
                                ExtraData=Value[4:-1], File=FileName, Line=Index+1)

                MacroName = MacroDefinition[0].strip()
                self.MacroDictionary["DEF(%s)" % MacroName] = Value
                EdkLogger.debug(EdkLogger.DEBUG_8, "Line %d: Found macro: %s = %s" % ((Index + 1), MacroName, Value))

            Done, Value = self.ExpandMacros(Value)
            if not Done:
                EdkLogger.error("tools_def.txt parser", ATTRIBUTE_NOT_AVAILABLE,
                                "Macro or Environment has not been defined",
                                ExtraData=Value[4:-1], File=FileName, Line=Index+1)

            List = Name.split('_')
            if len(List) != 5:
                EdkLogger.verbose("Line %d: Not a valid name of definition: %s" % ((Index + 1), Name))
            elif List[4] == '*':
                EdkLogger.verbose("Line %d: '*' is not allowed in last field: %s" % ((Index + 1), Name))
                self.ToolsDefTxtDictionary[Name] = Value
                if List[0] != '*':
                    self.ToolsDefTxtDatabase[TAB_TOD_DEFINES_TARGET] += [List[0]]
                if List[1] != '*':
                    self.ToolsDefTxtDatabase[TAB_TOD_DEFINES_TOOL_CHAIN_TAG] += [List[1]]
                if List[2] != '*':
                    self.ToolsDefTxtDatabase[TAB_TOD_DEFINES_TARGET_ARCH] += [List[2]]
                if List[3] != '*':
                    self.ToolsDefTxtDatabase[TAB_TOD_DEFINES_COMMAND_TYPE] += [List[3]]
                if List[4] == TAB_TOD_DEFINES_FAMILY and List[2] == '*' and List[3] == '*':
                    if TAB_TOD_DEFINES_FAMILY not in self.ToolsDefTxtDatabase:
                        self.ToolsDefTxtDatabase[TAB_TOD_DEFINES_FAMILY] = {}
                        self.ToolsDefTxtDatabase[TAB_TOD_DEFINES_FAMILY][List[1]] = Value
                        self.ToolsDefTxtDatabase[TAB_TOD_DEFINES_BUILDRULEFAMILY] = {}
                        self.ToolsDefTxtDatabase[TAB_TOD_DEFINES_BUILDRULEFAMILY][List[1]] = Value
                    elif List[1] not in self.ToolsDefTxtDatabase[TAB_TOD_DEFINES_FAMILY]:
                        self.ToolsDefTxtDatabase[TAB_TOD_DEFINES_FAMILY][List[1]] = Value
                        self.ToolsDefTxtDatabase[TAB_TOD_DEFINES_BUILDRULEFAMILY][List[1]] = Value
                    elif self.ToolsDefTxtDatabase[TAB_TOD_DEFINES_FAMILY][List[1]] != Value:
                        EdkLogger.verbose("Line %d: No override allowed for the family of a tool chain: %s" % ((Index + 1), Name))
                if List[4] == TAB_TOD_DEFINES_BUILDRULEFAMILY and List[2] == '*' and List[3] == '*':
                    if TAB_TOD_DEFINES_BUILDRULEFAMILY not in self.ToolsDefTxtDatabase \
                       or List[1] not in self.ToolsDefTxtDatabase[TAB_TOD_DEFINES_FAMILY]:
                        EdkLogger.verbose("Line %d: The family is not specified, but BuildRuleFamily is specified for the tool chain: %s" % ((Index + 1), Name))
                    self.ToolsDefTxtDatabase[TAB_TOD_DEFINES_BUILDRULEFAMILY][List[1]] = Value

        self.ToolsDefTxtDatabase[TAB_TOD_DEFINES_TARGET] = list(set(self.ToolsDefTxtDatabase[TAB_TOD_DEFINES_TARGET]))
        self.ToolsDefTxtDatabase[TAB_TOD_DEFINES_TOOL_CHAIN_TAG] = list(set(self.ToolsDefTxtDatabase[TAB_TOD_DEFINES_TOOL_CHAIN_TAG]))
        self.ToolsDefTxtDatabase[TAB_TOD_DEFINES_TARGET_ARCH] = list(set(self.ToolsDefTxtDatabase[TAB_TOD_DEFINES_TARGET_ARCH]))
        self.ToolsDefTxtDatabase[TAB_TOD_DEFINES_COMMAND_TYPE] = list(set(self.ToolsDefTxtDatabase[TAB_TOD_DEFINES_COMMAND_TYPE]))


        for Index in range(3, -1, -1):
            for Key in dict(self.ToolsDefTxtDictionary):
                List = Key.split('_')
                if List[Index] == '*':
                    for String in self.ToolsDefTxtDatabase[KeyList[Index]]:
                        List[Index] = String
                        NewKey = '%s_%s_%s_%s_%s' % tuple(List)
                        if NewKey not in self.ToolsDefTxtDictionary:
                            self.ToolsDefTxtDictionary[NewKey] = self.ToolsDefTxtDictionary[Key]
                    del self.ToolsDefTxtDictionary[Key]
                elif List[Index] not in self.ToolsDefTxtDatabase[KeyList[Index]]:
                    del self.ToolsDefTxtDictionary[Key]
예제 #3
    def __InfParse__(self, Dict = {}):

        GenFdsGlobalVariable.VerboseLogger( " Begine parsing INf file : %s" %self.InfFileName)

        self.InfFileName = self.InfFileName.replace('$(WORKSPACE)', '')
        if len(self.InfFileName) > 1 and self.InfFileName[0] == '\\' and self.InfFileName[1] == '\\':
        elif self.InfFileName[0] == '\\' or self.InfFileName[0] == '/' :
            self.InfFileName = self.InfFileName[1:]

        if self.InfFileName.find('$') == -1:
            InfPath = NormPath(self.InfFileName)
            if not os.path.exists(InfPath):
                InfPath = GenFdsGlobalVariable.ReplaceWorkspaceMacro(InfPath)
                if not os.path.exists(InfPath):
                    EdkLogger.error("GenFds", GENFDS_ERROR, "Non-existant Module %s !" % (self.InfFileName))

        self.CurrentArch = self.GetCurrentArch()
        # Get the InfClass object

        PathClassObj = PathClass(self.InfFileName, GenFdsGlobalVariable.WorkSpaceDir)
        ErrorCode, ErrorInfo = PathClassObj.Validate(".inf")
        if ErrorCode != 0:
            EdkLogger.error("GenFds", ErrorCode, ExtraData=ErrorInfo)

        if self.OverrideGuid:
            PathClassObj = ProcessDuplicatedInf(PathClassObj, self.OverrideGuid, GenFdsGlobalVariable.WorkSpaceDir)
        if self.CurrentArch != None:

            Inf = GenFdsGlobalVariable.WorkSpace.BuildObject[PathClassObj, self.CurrentArch, GenFdsGlobalVariable.TargetName, GenFdsGlobalVariable.ToolChainTag]
            # Set Ffs BaseName, MdouleGuid, ModuleType, Version, OutputPath
            self.BaseName = Inf.BaseName
            self.ModuleGuid = Inf.Guid
            self.ModuleType = Inf.ModuleType
            if Inf.Specification != None and 'PI_SPECIFICATION_VERSION' in Inf.Specification:
                self.PiSpecVersion = Inf.Specification['PI_SPECIFICATION_VERSION']
            if Inf.AutoGenVersion < 0x00010005:
                self.ModuleType = Inf.ComponentType
            self.VersionString = Inf.Version
            self.BinFileList = Inf.Binaries
            self.SourceFileList = Inf.Sources
            if self.KeepReloc == None and Inf.Shadow:
                self.ShadowFromInfFile = Inf.Shadow

            Inf = GenFdsGlobalVariable.WorkSpace.BuildObject[PathClassObj, 'COMMON', GenFdsGlobalVariable.TargetName, GenFdsGlobalVariable.ToolChainTag]
            self.BaseName = Inf.BaseName
            self.ModuleGuid = Inf.Guid
            self.ModuleType = Inf.ModuleType
            if Inf.Specification != None and 'PI_SPECIFICATION_VERSION' in Inf.Specification:
                self.PiSpecVersion = Inf.Specification['PI_SPECIFICATION_VERSION']
            self.VersionString = Inf.Version
            self.BinFileList = Inf.Binaries
            self.SourceFileList = Inf.Sources
            if self.BinFileList == []:
                EdkLogger.error("GenFds", GENFDS_ERROR,
                                "INF %s specified in FDF could not be found in build ARCH %s!" \
                                % (self.InfFileName, GenFdsGlobalVariable.ArchList))

        if self.OverrideGuid:
            self.ModuleGuid = self.OverrideGuid

        if len(self.SourceFileList) != 0 and not self.InDsc:
            EdkLogger.warn("GenFds", GENFDS_ERROR, "Module %s NOT found in DSC file; Is it really a binary module?" % (self.InfFileName))

        if self.ModuleType == 'SMM_CORE' and int(self.PiSpecVersion, 16) < 0x0001000A:
            EdkLogger.error("GenFds", FORMAT_NOT_SUPPORTED, "SMM_CORE module type can't be used in the module with PI_SPECIFICATION_VERSION less than 0x0001000A", File=self.InfFileName)      

        if Inf._Defs != None and len(Inf._Defs) > 0:

        self.PatchPcds = []
        InfPcds = Inf.Pcds
        Platform = GenFdsGlobalVariable.WorkSpace.BuildObject[GenFdsGlobalVariable.ActivePlatform, self.CurrentArch, GenFdsGlobalVariable.TargetName, GenFdsGlobalVariable.ToolChainTag]
        FdfPcdDict = GenFdsGlobalVariable.FdfParser.Profile.PcdDict

        # Workaround here: both build and GenFds tool convert the workspace path to lower case
        # But INF file path in FDF and DSC file may have real case characters.
        # Try to convert the path to lower case to see if PCDs value are override by DSC.
        DscModules = {}
        for DscModule in Platform.Modules:
            DscModules[str(DscModule).lower()] = Platform.Modules[DscModule]
        for PcdKey in InfPcds:
            Pcd = InfPcds[PcdKey]
            if not hasattr(Pcd, 'Offset'):
            if Pcd.Type != 'PatchableInModule':
            # Override Patchable PCD value by the value from DSC
            PatchPcd = None
            InfLowerPath = str(PathClassObj).lower()
            if InfLowerPath in DscModules and PcdKey in DscModules[InfLowerPath].Pcds:
                PatchPcd = DscModules[InfLowerPath].Pcds[PcdKey]
            elif PcdKey in Platform.Pcds:
                PatchPcd = Platform.Pcds[PcdKey]
            DscOverride = False
            if PatchPcd and Pcd.Type == PatchPcd.Type:
                DefaultValue = PatchPcd.DefaultValue
                DscOverride = True

            # Override Patchable PCD value by the value from FDF
            FdfOverride = False
            if PcdKey in FdfPcdDict:
                DefaultValue = FdfPcdDict[PcdKey]
                FdfOverride = True

            if not DscOverride and not FdfOverride:
            # Check value, if value are equal, no need to patch
            if Pcd.DatumType == "VOID*":
                if Pcd.DefaultValue == DefaultValue or DefaultValue in [None, '']:
                # Get the string size from FDF or DSC
                if DefaultValue[0] == 'L':
                    # Remove L"", but the '\0' must be appended
                    MaxDatumSize = str((len(DefaultValue) - 2) * 2)
                elif DefaultValue[0] == '{':
                    MaxDatumSize = str(len(DefaultValue.split(',')))
                    MaxDatumSize = str(len(DefaultValue) - 1)
                if DscOverride:
                    Pcd.MaxDatumSize = PatchPcd.MaxDatumSize
                # If no defined the maximum size in DSC, try to get current size from INF
                if Pcd.MaxDatumSize in ['', None]:
                    Pcd.MaxDatumSize = str(len(Pcd.DefaultValue.split(',')))
                Base1 = Base2 = 10
                if Pcd.DefaultValue.upper().startswith('0X'):
                    Base1 = 16
                if DefaultValue.upper().startswith('0X'):
                    Base2 = 16
                    PcdValueInImg = int(Pcd.DefaultValue, Base1)
                    PcdValueInDscOrFdf = int(DefaultValue, Base2)
                    if PcdValueInImg == PcdValueInDscOrFdf:
            # Check the Pcd size and data type
            if Pcd.DatumType == "VOID*":
                if int(MaxDatumSize) > int(Pcd.MaxDatumSize):
                    EdkLogger.error("GenFds", GENFDS_ERROR, "The size of VOID* type PCD '%s.%s' exceeds its maximum size %d bytes." \
                                    % (Pcd.TokenSpaceGuidCName, Pcd.TokenCName, int(MaxDatumSize) - int(Pcd.MaxDatumSize)))
                if PcdValueInDscOrFdf > FfsInfStatement._MAX_SIZE_TYPE[Pcd.DatumType] \
                    or PcdValueInImg > FfsInfStatement._MAX_SIZE_TYPE[Pcd.DatumType]:
                    EdkLogger.error("GenFds", GENFDS_ERROR, "The size of %s type PCD '%s.%s' doesn't match its data type." \
                                    % (Pcd.DatumType, Pcd.TokenSpaceGuidCName, Pcd.TokenCName))
            self.PatchPcds.append((Pcd, DefaultValue))

        self.InfModule = Inf
        self.PcdIsDriver = Inf.PcdIsDriver
        self.IsBinaryModule = Inf.IsBinaryModule
        GenFdsGlobalVariable.VerboseLogger("BaseName : %s" % self.BaseName)
        GenFdsGlobalVariable.VerboseLogger("ModuleGuid : %s" % self.ModuleGuid)
        GenFdsGlobalVariable.VerboseLogger("ModuleType : %s" % self.ModuleType)
        GenFdsGlobalVariable.VerboseLogger("VersionString : %s" % self.VersionString)
        GenFdsGlobalVariable.VerboseLogger("InfFileName :%s" % self.InfFileName)

        # Set OutputPath = ${WorkSpace}\Build\Fv\Ffs\${ModuleGuid}+ ${MdouleName}\

        self.OutputPath = os.path.join(GenFdsGlobalVariable.FfsDir, \
                                       self.ModuleGuid + self.BaseName)
        if not os.path.exists(self.OutputPath) :

        self.EfiOutputPath = self.__GetEFIOutPutPath__()
        GenFdsGlobalVariable.VerboseLogger( "ModuelEFIPath: " + self.EfiOutputPath)
예제 #4
    def __InfParse__(self, Dict = {}):

        GenFdsGlobalVariable.VerboseLogger( " Begine parsing INf file : %s" %self.InfFileName)

        self.InfFileName = self.InfFileName.replace('$(WORKSPACE)', '')
        if self.InfFileName[0] == '\\' or self.InfFileName[0] == '/' :
            self.InfFileName = self.InfFileName[1:]

        if self.InfFileName.find('$') == -1:
            InfPath = NormPath(self.InfFileName)
            if not os.path.exists(InfPath):
                InfPath = GenFdsGlobalVariable.ReplaceWorkspaceMacro(InfPath)
                if not os.path.exists(InfPath):
                    EdkLogger.error("GenFds", GENFDS_ERROR, "Non-existant Module %s !" % (self.InfFileName))

        self.CurrentArch = self.GetCurrentArch()
        # Get the InfClass object

        PathClassObj = PathClass(self.InfFileName, GenFdsGlobalVariable.WorkSpaceDir)
        ErrorCode, ErrorInfo = PathClassObj.Validate(".inf")
        if ErrorCode != 0:
            EdkLogger.error("GenFds", ErrorCode, ExtraData=ErrorInfo)
        if self.CurrentArch != None:

            Inf = GenFdsGlobalVariable.WorkSpace.BuildObject[PathClassObj, self.CurrentArch, GenFdsGlobalVariable.TargetName, GenFdsGlobalVariable.ToolChainTag]
            # Set Ffs BaseName, MdouleGuid, ModuleType, Version, OutputPath
            self.BaseName = Inf.BaseName
            self.ModuleGuid = Inf.Guid
            self.ModuleType = Inf.ModuleType
            if Inf.Specification != None and 'PI_SPECIFICATION_VERSION' in Inf.Specification:
                self.PiSpecVersion = Inf.Specification['PI_SPECIFICATION_VERSION']
            if Inf.AutoGenVersion < 0x00010005:
                self.ModuleType = Inf.ComponentType
            self.VersionString = Inf.Version
            self.BinFileList = Inf.Binaries
            self.SourceFileList = Inf.Sources
            if self.KeepReloc == None and Inf.Shadow:
                self.ShadowFromInfFile = Inf.Shadow

            Inf = GenFdsGlobalVariable.WorkSpace.BuildObject[PathClassObj, 'COMMON', GenFdsGlobalVariable.TargetName, GenFdsGlobalVariable.ToolChainTag]
            self.BaseName = Inf.BaseName
            self.ModuleGuid = Inf.Guid
            self.ModuleType = Inf.ModuleType
            if Inf.Specification != None and 'PI_SPECIFICATION_VERSION' in Inf.Specification:
                self.PiSpecVersion = Inf.Specification['PI_SPECIFICATION_VERSION']
            self.VersionString = Inf.Version
            self.BinFileList = Inf.Binaries
            self.SourceFileList = Inf.Sources
            if self.BinFileList == []:
                EdkLogger.error("GenFds", GENFDS_ERROR,
                                "INF %s specified in FDF could not be found in build ARCH %s!" \
                                % (self.InfFileName, GenFdsGlobalVariable.ArchList))

        if len(self.SourceFileList) != 0 and not self.InDsc:
            EdkLogger.warn("GenFds", GENFDS_ERROR, "Module %s NOT found in DSC file; Is it really a binary module?" % (self.InfFileName))

        if self.ModuleType == 'SMM_CORE' and int(self.PiSpecVersion, 16) < 0x0001000A:
            EdkLogger.error("GenFds", FORMAT_NOT_SUPPORTED, "SMM_CORE module type can't be used in the module with PI_SPECIFICATION_VERSION less than 0x0001000A", File=self.InfFileName)      

        if Inf._Defs != None and len(Inf._Defs) > 0:
        self.InfModule = Inf
        GenFdsGlobalVariable.VerboseLogger( "BaseName : %s" %self.BaseName)
        GenFdsGlobalVariable.VerboseLogger("ModuleGuid : %s" %self.ModuleGuid)
        GenFdsGlobalVariable.VerboseLogger("ModuleType : %s" %self.ModuleType)
        GenFdsGlobalVariable.VerboseLogger("VersionString : %s" %self.VersionString)
        GenFdsGlobalVariable.VerboseLogger("InfFileName :%s"  %self.InfFileName)

        # Set OutputPath = ${WorkSpace}\Build\Fv\Ffs\${ModuleGuid}+ ${MdouleName}\

        self.OutputPath = os.path.join(GenFdsGlobalVariable.FfsDir, \
                                       self.ModuleGuid + self.BaseName)
        if not os.path.exists(self.OutputPath) :

        self.EfiOutputPath = self.__GetEFIOutPutPath__()
        GenFdsGlobalVariable.VerboseLogger( "ModuelEFIPath: " + self.EfiOutputPath)