def writeOutputRaster(OTB_App, overwrite=True, workingDirectory=None, logger=logger): """ """ import shutil from Common import OtbAppBank as otbApp out_param = otbApp.getInputParameterOutput(OTB_App) out_raster = OTB_App.GetParameterValue(out_param) launch_write = True if os.path.exists(out_raster.split("?")[0]) and not overwrite: launch_write = False if workingDirectory is None and launch_write: OTB_App.ExecuteAndWriteOutput() elif launch_write: out_raster_dir, out_raster_name = os.path.split(out_raster) out_workingDir = os.path.join(workingDirectory, out_raster_name) out_workingDir = out_workingDir.split("?")[0] OTB_App.SetParameterString(out_param, out_workingDir) OTB_App.ExecuteAndWriteOutput() shutil.copy(out_workingDir, out_raster.split("?")[0]) if os.path.exists(out_workingDir.replace(".tif", ".geom")): shutil.copy(out_workingDir.replace(".tif", ".geom"), out_raster.replace(".tif", ".geom").split("?")[0]) if not launch_write: "{} already exists and will not be overwrited".format(out_raster)) OTB_App = None return out_raster
def getDatesInOtbOutputName(otbObj): if isinstance(otbObj,str): return int(otbObj.split("/")[-1].split("_")[4].split("t")[0]) elif type(otbObj)==otb.Application: outputParameter = OtbAppBank.getInputParameterOutput(otbObj) return int(otbObj.GetParameterValue(outputParameter).split("/")[-1].split("_")[4].split("t")[0])
def generateBorderMask(self, AllOrtho): print("Generate Mask ...") masks = [] for currentOrtho, _ in AllOrtho: outputParameter = OtbAppBank.getInputParameterOutput(currentOrtho) if "vv" not in currentOrtho.GetParameterValue(outputParameter): continue workingDirectory = os.path.split( currentOrtho.GetParameterValue(outputParameter))[0] nameBorderMask = os.path.split( currentOrtho.GetParameterValue(outputParameter))[1].replace( ".tif", "_BorderMask.tif") nameBorderMaskTMP = os.path.split( currentOrtho.GetParameterValue(outputParameter))[1].replace( ".tif", "_BorderMask_TMP.tif") bandMathMask = os.path.join(workingDirectory, nameBorderMaskTMP) currentOrtho_out = currentOrtho if self.wMode: currentOrtho_out.GetParameterValue(outputParameter) maskBM = OtbAppBank.CreateBandMathApplication({ "il": currentOrtho_out, "exp": "im1b1<0.0011?1:0", "ram": str(self.RAMPerProcess), "pixType": 'uint8', "out": bandMathMask }) if self.wMode: maskBM.ExecuteAndWriteOutput() else: maskBM.Execute() borderMaskOut = os.path.join(workingDirectory, nameBorderMask) maskBM_out = maskBM if self.wMode: maskBM_out.GetParameterValue("out") borderMask = OtbAppBank.CreateBinaryMorphologicalOperation({ "in": maskBM, "out": borderMaskOut, "ram": str(self.RAMPerProcess), "pixType": "uint8", "filter": "opening", "ballxradius": 5, "ballyradius": 5 }) masks.append((borderMask, maskBM)) return masks
def SAR_floatToInt(filterApplication, nb_bands, RAMPerProcess, outputFormat="uint16", db_min=-25, db_max=3): """transform float SAR values to integer """ import math from Common import OtbAppBank as otbApp min_val = str(10.0**(db_min / 10.0)) max_val = str(10.0**(db_max / 10.0)) min_val_scale = 0 max_val_scale = "((2^16)-1)" if outputFormat == "uint8": max_val_scale = "((2^8)-1)" #build expression to_db_expression = "10*log10(im1bX)" scale_expression = "(({}-{})/({}-{}))*({})+({}-(({}-{})*{})/({}-{}))".format( max_val_scale, min_val_scale, db_max, db_min, to_db_expression, min_val_scale, max_val_scale, min_val_scale, db_min, db_max, db_min) scale_max_val = (2**16) - 1 scale_min_val = 0 threshold_expression = "{0}>{1}?{3}:{0}<{2}?{4}:{5}".format( to_db_expression, db_max, db_min, scale_max_val, scale_min_val, scale_expression) expression = ";".join([ threshold_expression.replace("X", str(i + 1)) for i in range(nb_bands) ]) outputPath = filterApplication.GetParameterValue( otbApp.getInputParameterOutput(filterApplication)) convert = OtbAppBank.CreateBandMathXApplication({ "il": filterApplication, "out": outputPath, "exp": expression, "ram": str(RAMPerProcess), "pixType": outputFormat }) return convert
def concatenateImage(self, orthoList, maskList, tile): """ Concatenate Ortho at the same date """ def sortByFirstElem(MyList): from collections import defaultdict """ Example 1: MyList = [(1,2),(1,1),(6,1),(1,4),(6,7)] print sortByElem(MyList) >> [(1, [2, 1, 4]), (6, [1, 7])] Example 2: MyList = [((1,6),2),((1,6),1),((1,2),1),((1,6),4),((1,2),7)] print sortByElem(MyList) >> [((1, 2), [1, 7]), ((1, 6), [2, 1, 4])] """ d = defaultdict(list) for k, v in MyList: d[k].append(v) return list(d.items()) def findTilesToConcatenate(applicationList): """ OUT: listOfList: Example [[r1,r2],[r3,r4],... mean r1 and r2 must be concatenates together same for r3,r4 """ concatenate = [] names = [(currentName.split("_")[-1].split("t")[0], currentName) for currentName in OtbAppBank.unPackFirst(applicationList) ] names = sortByFirstElem(names) toConcat = [ rasterList for currentDate, rasterList in names if len(rasterList) > 2 ] for dateToConcat in toConcat: tmp = [(currentRaster.split("_")[2], currentRaster) for currentRaster in dateToConcat] tmp = sortByFirstElem(tmp)[::-1] #VV first then VH for pol, rasters in tmp: concatenate.append(rasters) Filter = [] for ToConcat in concatenate: sat = [CToConcat.split("_")[0] for CToConcat in ToConcat] if not sat.count(sat[0]) == len(sat): continue Filter.append(ToConcat) return Filter def findMasksToConcatenate(maskList): concatenate = [] names = [ os.path.split(mask.GetParameterValue("out"))[-1].split("?")[0] for mask, dep in maskList ] nameDate = [(name.split("_")[4].split("t")[0], name) for name in names] nameDate = sortByFirstElem(nameDate) for date, maskList in nameDate: if len(maskList) > 1: concatenate.append(maskList) #check if all masks comes from the same satellite maskFilter = [] for masksToConcat in concatenate: sat = [ CmasksToConcat.split("_")[0] for CmasksToConcat in masksToConcat ] if not sat.count(sat[0]) == len(sat): continue maskFilter.append(masksToConcat) return maskFilter print("concatenate") allOrtho = [] allMasks = [] imageList = [(os.path.split( currentOrtho.GetParameterValue( OtbAppBank.getInputParameterOutput(currentOrtho)))[-1].split( "?")[0], currentOrtho, _) for currentOrtho, _ in orthoList] imageList.sort() rastersToConcat = findTilesToConcatenate(imageList) #fill ortho for rasters in rastersToConcat: tmp = [] name = [] for pol in rasters: name.append(pol.replace(".tif", "")) for currentOrtho, _ in orthoList: outputParameter = OtbAppBank.getInputParameterOutput( currentOrtho) if pol in currentOrtho.GetParameterValue(outputParameter): if self.wMode == False: tmp.append((currentOrtho, _)) else: tmp.append( currentOrtho.GetParameterValue( OtbAppBank.getInputParameterOutput( currentOrtho))) name = "_".join(name) + ".tif" outputImage = os.path.join(self.outputPreProcess, tile, name + "?&writegeom=false") concatAppli = OtbAppBank.CreateBandMathApplication({ "il": tmp, "exp": "max(im1b1,im2b1)", "ram": str(self.RAMPerProcess), "pixType": "float", "out": outputImage }) allOrtho.append(concatAppli) for currentOrtho, _ in orthoList: outputParameter = OtbAppBank.getInputParameterOutput(currentOrtho) currentName = os.path.split( currentOrtho.GetParameterValue(outputParameter))[-1].split( "?")[0] if not currentName in [ currentRaster for currentRasters in rastersToConcat for currentRaster in currentRasters ]: allOrtho.append(currentOrtho) #fill masks if not maskList: return allOrtho, [] masksToConcat = findMasksToConcatenate(maskList) for mask in masksToConcat: tmp_m = [] maskName = [] for dateMask in mask: maskName.append(dateMask) for currentMask, _ in maskList: if dateMask in currentMask.GetParameterValue("out"): if self.wMode == False: tmp_m.append((currentMask, _)) else: tmp_m.append(currentMask.GetParameterValue("out")) maskName = "_".join([ elem.replace(".tif", "").replace("_BorderMask", "") for elem in maskName ]) + "_BorderMask.tif" outputImage = os.path.join(self.outputPreProcess, tile, maskName) concatAppliM = OtbAppBank.CreateBandMathApplication({ "il": tmp_m, "exp": "max(im1b1,im2b1)", "ram": str(self.RAMPerProcess), "pixType": "uint8", "out": outputImage + "?&writegeom=false" }) allMasks.append((concatAppliM, "")) for currentMask, _ in maskList: currentName = os.path.split( currentMask.GetParameterValue("out"))[-1].split("?")[0] if not currentName in [ currentRaster for currentRasters in masksToConcat for currentRaster in currentRasters ]: allMasks.append((currentMask, _)) return allOrtho, allMasks