def doETsummary(self, fileiterator, datfile): ''' @brief reads the summary section and puts the data into a dictionary, data is passed to the datfile object @param fileiterator <file object>: linked to the dat file @param datfile <datfile object>: containing all the dat file data and processing methods ''' try: isbound = self.isBoundary'Loading and Parsing et_summary') while 1: allparams = {} while not isbound(self.cargo): match = if match: allparams['key')] ='value') self.cargo = datfile.addETsummary(allparams) yield ('boundary', self.cargo) except Exception, genEx: # catch exceptions and add some context data ExHa.addContext(genEx, 'Called from doETsummary') raise
def doQuery(self, fileiterator, datfile): ''' @brief reads the query sections and puts the data into a dictionary, data is passed to the datfile object @param fileiterator <file object>: linked to the dat file @param datfile <datfile object>: containing all the dat file data and processing methods ''' query = 'None' try: isbound = self.isBoundary while 1: allparams = {} match = query ='ID') # if'ID') == '1': #'Loading and Parsing queries') allparams['query'] = query while not isbound(self.cargo): match = if match: allparams['key')] ='value') self.cargo = datfile.addQuerySpectra(allparams) qry = int(query) datfile.spectra[qry]['spec_id'] = int( datfile.spectra[qry]['msmsid'][1:]) datfile.spectra[qry]['rt'] = float( datfile.spectra[qry]['start']) yield ('postquery', self.cargo) except Exception, genEx: # catch exceptions and add some context data ExHa.addContext(genEx, 'doQuery: last query = %s' % query) raise
def doIndex(self, fileiterator, datfile): ''' @brief parses index section of the dat file @param fileiterator <file object>: linked to the dat file @param datfile <datfile object>: containing all the dat file data and processing methods ''' try: isbound = self.isBoundary'Loading and Parsing index') while 1: index = [] while not isbound(self.cargo): try: key, value = self.cargo.split('=') index.append((key, int(value))) except: pass self.cargo = datfile.addIndex(index) yield ('boundary', self.cargo) except Exception, genEx: # catch exceptions and add some context data ExHa.addContext(genEx, 'Called from doIndex') raise
def doEnzyme(self, fileiterator, datfile): ''' @brief reads the enzyme section and puts the data into a dictionary, data is passed to the datfile object @param fileiterator <file object>: linked to the dat file @param datfile <datfile object>: containing all the dat file data and processing methods ''' try: isbound = self.isBoundary'Loading and Parsing Enzyme') while 1: allparams = {} while not isbound(self.cargo): match = if match: allparams['key')] ='value') elif len(self.cargo) > 2: allparams['Side'] = self.cargo[:-1] self.cargo = datfile.hdfMascot.writeParameters(allparams, 'enzyme') yield ('boundary', self.cargo) except Exception, genEx: # catch exceptions and add some context data ExHa.addContext(genEx, 'Called from doEnzyme') raise
def startParsing(self): ''' startParsing(string) -> integer Parses the dat file given by datfilepath. ''' datPath = str(self.datfileobj.filedic['datpath'])'Starting parsing file %s' % datPath) fin = open(datPath, 'r') try: self.cargo = except Exception, genEx: # catch exceptions and add some context data ExHa.addContext(genEx, 'Empty dat file.') raise
def doPostQuery(self, fileiterator, datfile): ''' @brief perfoms tasks after all the query data is loaded @param fileiterator <file object>: linked to the dat file @param datfile <datfile object>: containing all the dat file data and processing methods ''' try: datfile.doPostQuery() while 1: # Used to trigger the QC of the spectrum if required. yield ('boundary', self.cargo) except Exception, genEx: # catch exceptions and add some context data ExHa.addContext(genEx, 'Called from doPostQuery') raise
def doETpeptides(self, fileiterator, datfile): ''' @brief reads the peptide section and puts the data into a dictionary, data is passed to the datfile object @param fileiterator <file object>: linked to the dat file @param datfile <datfile object>: containing all the dat file data and processing methods ''' key = 'None' try: isbound = self.isBoundary'Loading and Parsing et_peptides') collection = {} lastquery = '' # create the etpeptides table in the HDF5 file datfile.createETpeptidesTable() while 1: while not isbound(self.cargo): match = if match: value ='value') key ='key') if value == '-1': # no matching peptide datfile.stats['numspectra_nopeps'] += 1 else: query = key.split('_')[0] if query != lastquery: lastquery = query if collection: # add the query number to addpeptides datfile.addETpeptides(collection) collection = {} collection[key] = value self.cargo = # add last peptide if collection: # add the query number to addpeptides datfile.addETpeptides(collection) yield ('postpeptides', self.cargo) except Exception, genEx: # catch exceptions and add some context data ExHa.addContext(genEx, 'doETpeptides, last peptide = %s' % key) raise
def doUnimod(self, fileiterator, datfile): ''' @brief reads the masses section and puts the data into a dictionary, data is passed to the datfile object @param fileiterator <file object>: linked to the dat file @param datfile <datfile object>: containing all the dat file data and processing methods ''' try: isbound = self.isBoundary'Loading and Parsing Unimod data') while 1: xml = [] while not isbound(self.cargo): xml.append(self.cargo) self.cargo = datfile.addUnimod(xml) yield ('boundary', self.cargo) except Exception, genEx: # catch exceptions and add some context data ExHa.addContext(genEx, 'Called from doUnimod') raise
allfractionbgratios = {} for isotopelabel_id, data in allsumionratiodata.iteritems(): allfractionbgratios[isotopelabel_id] = np.median(data) # second normalization so that the bg-ratios all add to 1 for isotopelabel_id, data in allfractionbgratios.iteritems(): allfractionbgratios[isotopelabel_id] = data / sum(allfractionbgratios.values()) logger.log.debug(('allfractionbgratios are %s' % str(allfractionbgratios))) for corrects2iquantob in corrects2iquantoblist: # perform correction for each of the analyzed .hdf5 files. s2icorrecteddata = corrects2iquantob.performS2Icorrection(allfractionbgratios) corrects2iquantob.hdf5corrects2iquant.updates2ivalues(s2icorrecteddata) hdf5corrects2iquant.close() except ExHa.czException as czEx: ExHa.reformatException(czEx) ExHa.addContext(czEx, 'Error during corrects2iquant run') ExHa.exportError2File(czEx, cfg.parameters['runtime']['datadir'] / Path('errors.error')) if logger: logger.log.warning(ExHa.oneLineRepr(czEx)) else: print ExHa.multiLineRepr(czEx) except Exception as genEx: ExHa.reformatException(genEx) ExHa.addContext(genEx, 'Error during corrects2iquant run') ExHa.exportError2File(genEx, cfg.parameters['runtime']['datadir'] / 'errors.error') if logger: logger.log.warning(ExHa.oneLineRepr(genEx)) else: print ExHa.multiLineRepr(genEx)
def jobcontrol(cfg, logs): ''' @brief takes filepath, executes parse ... import @param cfg <ConfigManager>: all the configuartion parameters including the sample data @param logs <loggingManager>: to control the logging of events ''' try: msg = 'Setting files' datFileName = cfg.parameters['runtime']['datfile'] hdf5FileName = cfg.parameters['runtime']['hdf5file']'started job: %s' % datFileName) watch = Stopwatch() filedic = dict(dat=datFileName, datpath=dataDir.joinpath(datFileName), hdf5=hdf5FileName, hdf5path=dataDir.joinpath(hdf5FileName)) searchID = int(filedic['datpath'].stem[1:]) hdfMascot = HDF5Mascot(hdfFilePath=filedic['hdf5path']) hdfMascot.appendOpen() importGroup = hdfMascot.checkDatFilePresence(filedic['dat']) # test the quantification method already in the hdf5 file msg = 'Setting quantification method' quantMethID = hdfMascot.getH5DFQuantMeth() quantHandler = QuantMethods() quantMethod = quantHandler.getMethodByID(quantMethID) except Exception as genEx: ExHa.addContext(genEx, 'jobcontrol Error: %s' % msg) raise try: # control the deletion of existing data msg = 'Deleting existing HDF5 data' hdfMascot.deleteAllMascotImports(0) # if overwrite: # # delte all Mascot data whatever the source # hdfMascot.deleteAllMascotImports(0) # elif importGroup: # # delete previous version of this data # hdfMascot.deleteMascotImport(importGroup) importGroup = filedic['dat'].replace('.', '_') hdfMascot.createTables(importGroup, searchID, 0) hdfMascot.writeConfig(cfg.convertConfig()) datfile = Datfile(filedic, hdfMascot, cfg, logs, searchID, quantMethod)'searchid: %d, dat file: %s, hdf5 file: %s ' % (searchID, datfile.datfilename, filedic['hdf5'])) msg = 'Parsing data' datparser = DatParser(datfile, cfg, logs) datparser.startParsing() watch.rec('parser') # post parsing processing'Effective Run-time analysis') datfile.doTimeAnalysis() msg = 'Find top protein hit' # tophit = db.getMascotTopHit(searchID) if datfile.seq2acc: datfile.findBestProtein() except Exception as genEx: ExHa.addContext(genEx, 'jobcontrol Error: %s' % msg) raise finally: hdfMascot.close()'Closing HDF5') hdfMascot.close() watch.rec('processing') watch.stop()'job took %s' % watch.format()) return
class mgftools: def __init__(self, hdf5file): """ @brief initialises the mgftools class @param hdf5file <string/path>: path for the hdf5 file to analyse """ self.cfgFilters = cfg.parameters['msmsfilters'] self.maxint = 0 self.proton = cfg.parameters['general']['proton'] self.neutron = cfg.parameters['general']['neutron'] self.hdf5 = hdf5Base(hdf5file) self.hdf5.readOpen() self.filters = dict(ten=self.tenpercent, zone=self.zonefilter, repion=self.repionfilter, deconv=self.deconvolute, mascot=self.mascot, neutralloss=self.neutrallossfilter, multi=self.multichargefilt, immonium=self.immoniumfilter, none='') self.isos = self.hdf5.readTable('/rawdata/isotopes') frags = self.getActivationTypes() if len(frags) == 1: if frags == ['HCD']: # hcd olny method usefilts = self.cfgFilters['filt_hcd'] self.remove = self.cfgFilters['rem_hcd'] else: # CID/PQD only method usefilts = self.cfgFilters['filt_other'] self.remove = self.cfgFilters['rem_other'] else: # mixed method usefilts = self.cfgFilters['filt_mixed_hcd_other'] self.remove = self.cfgFilters['rem_mixed_hcd_other'] if len(self.isos) == 0: repionIdx = -1 for idx in range(len(usefilts)): if usefilts[idx] == 'repion': repionIdx = idx break if repionIdx != -1: usefilts.pop(repionIdx) self.usefilts = usefilts self.hdf5.close() def close(self): self.hdf5.close() def getActivationTypes(self): data = self.hdf5.getDataEqual('/rawdata/parameters', 'parameter', 'Activation Type') if len(data) == 0: data = self.hdf5.getDataEqual('/rawdata/parameters', 'parameter', 'activation') types = {} for act in data.flat: activation = act['value'].upper() types[activation] = types.get(activation, 0) + 1 return types.keys() def export(self, hcdonly=0): """ @brief creates an mgf file for the MS/MS spectra in the hdf5 file @param hcdonly <integer>: flag to switch output to only HCD spectra bypassing the normal export filters """ if hcdonly: remove = ['CID'] filters = ['none'] else: remove = self.remove filters = self.usefilts hdf = self.hdf5 mgfFile = hdf.filePath.parent.joinpath(hdf.filePath.stem + '.mgf') # extra = path(hdf.filepath.splitext()[0] + '.txt') # self.fextra ='w') # self.fextra.write('spec_id\tmz\tinten\trel_inten\tion\texp_mz\n') mgfOut = open(str(mgfFile), 'w') mgfOut.write('#Removed spectra = %s, filtering = %s\n' % (remove, filters)) spec = 0 # read parameters from hdf5 file try: hdf.appendOpen() headers = hdf.readTable('/rawdata/msmsheader') runTimeEntry = hdf.getDataEqual('/rawdata/parameters', 'parameter', 'MS Run Time (min)') if len(runTimeEntry) == 0: raise ExHa.MGFprocessingError( 'MGF Error: Could not find "MS Run Time (min)" parameter in HDF5 file.' ) runtime = runTimeEntry[0]['value'] units = self.readUnitsOK() # add new table for the deconvoluted spectrum data hdf.removeTable('/rawdata/deconvions') hdf.createTable('rawdata', 'deconvions', 'DeconvIons') ident = [] for frag in units[1]: # find all the frag methods to be used in identification if 'I' in frag['use']: ident.append(frag['order'])'Reading %d spectra from %s' % (len(headers), if 'deconv' in filters: deconv = 1 else: deconv = 0 pBar = progBar.ProgressBar(widgets=progBar.name_widgets, maxval=len(headers), name='Create .mgf').start() for idx, h in enumerate(headers): if hcdonly: if h['fragmeth'] != 'HCD': continue elif not h['order'] in ident: continue pBar.update(idx) # get spectrum data spec = h['spec_id'] spectrum = hdf.getDataEqual('/rawdata/ions', 'spec_id', spec) if deconv: # need extra column for charge information spectrum = self.addChargeColumn(spectrum) data = hdf.getDataGeneral( '/rawdata/specparams', '(spec_id == %i) & (parameter == "%s")' % (spec, 'setmass1')) setmass = data[0]['value'] data = hdf.getDataGeneral( '/rawdata/specparams', '(spec_id == %i) & (parameter == "%s")' % (spec, 'frag1')) frag = data[0]['value'] try: self.maxint = max(spectrum['inten']) except: self.maxint = 0 # construct title values list rt = '%.3f' % h['rt'] use = units[1][h['order'] - 1]['use'] pretitle = '' if use == 'IQ': # spec is both ID and Quan so us normal msms ID titles = ['msmsid:F%06d' % h['spec_id']] elif use == 'I': if h['quan_spec'] == 0: # no quant data so use spec_id titles = ['msmsid:F%06d' % h['spec_id']] else: # spec is only for ident find the quan spec titles = ['msmsid:F%06d' % h['quan_spec']] pretitle = '#CID=F%06d\n' % h['id_spec'] elif use == 'Q': titles = ['msmsid:F%06d' % h['quan_spec']] pretitle = '#CID=F%06d\n' % h['id_spec'] titles.append('rt:' + rt) titles.append('survey:S%06d' % h['survey_spec']) titles.append('parent:' + setmass) titles.append('AnalTime:' + runtime) titles.append('Activation:' + frag.upper()) titleline = 'TITLE=%s\n' % ','.join(titles) if h['precmz'] > 0: pepmass = h['precmz'] elif h['precmz_surv'] > 0: pepmass = h['precmz_surv'] else: pepmass = h['monomz'] if pepmass == 0: continue for filt in filters: if len(spectrum) > 5 and self.filters[filt]: spectrum = self.filters[filt](h, spectrum) # filter for mascot interference ionList = [] if len(spectrum) > 2: mgfOut.write(pretitle) mgfOut.write('BEGIN IONS\n') mgfOut.write(titleline) mgfOut.write('PEPMASS=%f\n' % pepmass) mgfOut.write('CHARGE=%d+\n' % h['charge']) if deconv: for pt in spectrum: if pt['inten'] == 0: continue mgfOut.write('%f %f %s\n' % (pt['mz'], pt['inten'], pt['charge'])) ionList.append( dict(spec_id=pt['spec_id'], mz=pt['mz'], inten=pt['inten'], charge=pt['charge'])) else: for pt in spectrum: if pt['inten'] == 0: continue mgfOut.write('%f %f\n' % (pt['mz'], pt['inten'])) ionList.append( dict(spec_id=pt['spec_id'], mz=pt['mz'], inten=pt['inten'])) mgfOut.write('END IONS\n\n') if len(ionList) > 0: hdf.appendRows('/rawdata/deconvions', ionList) pBar.finish() except ExHa.MGFprocessingError, czEx: if spec: ExHa.addContext(czEx, 'Raised whist processing spectrum %i' % spec) raise except Exception as genEx: ExHa.reformatException(genEx) if spec: ExHa.addContext(genEx, 'Raised whist processing spectrum %i' % spec) raise
def export(self, hcdonly=0): """ @brief creates an mgf file for the MS/MS spectra in the hdf5 file @param hcdonly <integer>: flag to switch output to only HCD spectra bypassing the normal export filters """ if hcdonly: remove = ['CID'] filters = ['none'] else: remove = self.remove filters = self.usefilts hdf = self.hdf5 mgfFile = hdf.filePath.parent.joinpath(hdf.filePath.stem + '.mgf') # extra = path(hdf.filepath.splitext()[0] + '.txt') # self.fextra ='w') # self.fextra.write('spec_id\tmz\tinten\trel_inten\tion\texp_mz\n') mgfOut = open(str(mgfFile), 'w') mgfOut.write('#Removed spectra = %s, filtering = %s\n' % (remove, filters)) spec = 0 # read parameters from hdf5 file try: hdf.appendOpen() headers = hdf.readTable('/rawdata/msmsheader') runTimeEntry = hdf.getDataEqual('/rawdata/parameters', 'parameter', 'MS Run Time (min)') if len(runTimeEntry) == 0: raise ExHa.MGFprocessingError( 'MGF Error: Could not find "MS Run Time (min)" parameter in HDF5 file.' ) runtime = runTimeEntry[0]['value'] units = self.readUnitsOK() # add new table for the deconvoluted spectrum data hdf.removeTable('/rawdata/deconvions') hdf.createTable('rawdata', 'deconvions', 'DeconvIons') ident = [] for frag in units[1]: # find all the frag methods to be used in identification if 'I' in frag['use']: ident.append(frag['order'])'Reading %d spectra from %s' % (len(headers), if 'deconv' in filters: deconv = 1 else: deconv = 0 pBar = progBar.ProgressBar(widgets=progBar.name_widgets, maxval=len(headers), name='Create .mgf').start() for idx, h in enumerate(headers): if hcdonly: if h['fragmeth'] != 'HCD': continue elif not h['order'] in ident: continue pBar.update(idx) # get spectrum data spec = h['spec_id'] spectrum = hdf.getDataEqual('/rawdata/ions', 'spec_id', spec) if deconv: # need extra column for charge information spectrum = self.addChargeColumn(spectrum) data = hdf.getDataGeneral( '/rawdata/specparams', '(spec_id == %i) & (parameter == "%s")' % (spec, 'setmass1')) setmass = data[0]['value'] data = hdf.getDataGeneral( '/rawdata/specparams', '(spec_id == %i) & (parameter == "%s")' % (spec, 'frag1')) frag = data[0]['value'] try: self.maxint = max(spectrum['inten']) except: self.maxint = 0 # construct title values list rt = '%.3f' % h['rt'] use = units[1][h['order'] - 1]['use'] pretitle = '' if use == 'IQ': # spec is both ID and Quan so us normal msms ID titles = ['msmsid:F%06d' % h['spec_id']] elif use == 'I': if h['quan_spec'] == 0: # no quant data so use spec_id titles = ['msmsid:F%06d' % h['spec_id']] else: # spec is only for ident find the quan spec titles = ['msmsid:F%06d' % h['quan_spec']] pretitle = '#CID=F%06d\n' % h['id_spec'] elif use == 'Q': titles = ['msmsid:F%06d' % h['quan_spec']] pretitle = '#CID=F%06d\n' % h['id_spec'] titles.append('rt:' + rt) titles.append('survey:S%06d' % h['survey_spec']) titles.append('parent:' + setmass) titles.append('AnalTime:' + runtime) titles.append('Activation:' + frag.upper()) titleline = 'TITLE=%s\n' % ','.join(titles) if h['precmz'] > 0: pepmass = h['precmz'] elif h['precmz_surv'] > 0: pepmass = h['precmz_surv'] else: pepmass = h['monomz'] if pepmass == 0: continue for filt in filters: if len(spectrum) > 5 and self.filters[filt]: spectrum = self.filters[filt](h, spectrum) # filter for mascot interference ionList = [] if len(spectrum) > 2: mgfOut.write(pretitle) mgfOut.write('BEGIN IONS\n') mgfOut.write(titleline) mgfOut.write('PEPMASS=%f\n' % pepmass) mgfOut.write('CHARGE=%d+\n' % h['charge']) if deconv: for pt in spectrum: if pt['inten'] == 0: continue mgfOut.write('%f %f %s\n' % (pt['mz'], pt['inten'], pt['charge'])) ionList.append( dict(spec_id=pt['spec_id'], mz=pt['mz'], inten=pt['inten'], charge=pt['charge'])) else: for pt in spectrum: if pt['inten'] == 0: continue mgfOut.write('%f %f\n' % (pt['mz'], pt['inten'])) ionList.append( dict(spec_id=pt['spec_id'], mz=pt['mz'], inten=pt['inten'])) mgfOut.write('END IONS\n\n') if len(ionList) > 0: hdf.appendRows('/rawdata/deconvions', ionList) pBar.finish() except ExHa.MGFprocessingError, czEx: if spec: ExHa.addContext(czEx, 'Raised whist processing spectrum %i' % spec) raise
def updateHDF5(self): """ @brief controls the updating of the data to the hdf5 results file @return finalMessage <string>: constructed from the protein data this is the RESULT stored in the DB """ pep2unique = self.pep2unique baseContext = 'updateHDF5: ' context = 'updateHDF5' try: # find the peptide sequences that are being imported usedPeps = self.setsManager.findUsedPeptides()'there are %s usedPeps' % len(usedPeps)) context = baseContext + 'Retrieving sample IDs' sample_ids = range(1, len(self.hdfFiles) + 1) # create proteinset and proteinhit data starting_protein_group_no = 1 self.setsManager.setProteinGroupNo(starting_protein_group_no)'adding protein group data to HDF5') logger.log.debug(str(self.hdfFiles.keys())) spectrum_id = 0 peptide_id = 0 hdfFileList = self.hdfFiles.keys() hdfFileList.sort() for key in hdfFileList: baseContext += '%s: ' % key logger.log.log( logger.PROCESS, 'Integrating Spectrum, Peptide & Quantification data from %s' % key) # collect fileData hdf = self.hdfFiles[key] hdfObj = hdf.hdfObject # set the current sample_id from the list of IDs extracted from the DB current_sample_id = sample_ids.pop() hdf.acquired_spectra, hdf.mascot_matched_spectra, numIsotopes, runTime = hdfObj.getNumbers( ) # read the Mascot data context = baseContext + 'Reading Mascot data' tmp = hdfObj.readImporterData(usedPeps, hdf) peptides = tmp[0] queryDict = tmp[1] headerArray = tmp[2] quanArray = tmp[3] hdf.spectra_in_qc_proteins = len(peptides) logger.log.debug('getting spectrum_ids') context = baseContext + 'Retrieving spectrum IDs' acqTime, hdf.idAct, hdf.quanAct = hdfObj.getTimeAndActivation() # create blank lists to hold data for writing to hdf5 file spectrum_list = [] peptide_list = [] quant_list = []'collating spectrum, peptide & quant data') pBar = progBar.ProgressBar(widgets=progBar.name_widgets, maxval=len(queryDict), name='collate data').start() for idx, q in enumerate(queryDict): # loop round all the required spectra pBar.nextPrimary() context = baseContext + 'query %i: Setting spectrum data' % q # extract a spectrum_id from the list spectrum_id += 1 query = queryDict[q] spec = int(query['spec_id']) context = baseContext + 'spectrum %i: Updating DB with spectrum data' % spec # add spectrum data to spectrum_list header = self.filterArrayEqual(headerArray, 'spec_id', spec) spectrum_list.append( self.makeSpectrumDict(spectrum_id, current_sample_id, query, acqTime, header)) # find the appropriate peptides pepList = peptides[q] logger.log.debug('there are %s in peplist %s' % (len(pepList), str(pepList))) quantFound = 0 # this list will hold all peptides returned from makePeptideDictList and then filter # those non-rank1 equivalents based on the score of the rank 1 peptide tmplist = [] for pep in pepList: # find the sets that the peptide belongs to and add to the peptide_list sets = self.setsManager.peptide2set[pep['peptide']] context = baseContext + 'spectrum %i: Creating peptide data entries for hdf5' % spec tmp, qf = self.makePeptideDictList( spectrum_id, pep, query, sets, hdf, pep2unique) tmplist.extend(tmp) peptide_list += tmp quantFound += qf # only keep rank1 equivalent peptides (based on score) tmplist.sort(key=lambda x: x['rank']) toprankscore = tmplist[0]['score'] tmplist = [ x for x in tmplist if x['score'] == toprankscore ] if quantMethID and quantFound: # extract quantification data for the spectrum context = baseContext + 'spectrum %i: Creating quantitation data entries for DB' % spec newquant, deltas = self.makeQuantDictLists( spectrum_id, spec, tmplist, header, quanArray, hdf) quant_list += newquant if quantSource == 'ms2': context = baseContext + 'spectrum %i: Adding reporter ion delta data' % spec hdf.addReporterDeltas(deltas) pBar.finish() # calculate statistics context = baseContext + 'Calculating statistics' hdf.calcReporterStats() context = baseContext + 'Calculating delta m/z for fragment ions' context = baseContext + 'Updating sample table (%i)' % current_sample_id sample_data = hdf.getSampleDataDict(current_sample_id, key, runTime) hdf5results.writeSample(sample_data) self.importData.combineStatistics(hdf) # write data to HDF5 context = baseContext + 'Updating spectrum table''updating HDF5 with spectrum data') hdf5results.writeSpectrum(spectrum_list) if quantMethID: context = baseContext + 'Updating specquant table''updating HDF5 with quant data') hdf5results.writeSpecQuant(quant_list) context = baseContext + 'Retrieving peptide IDs''updating HDF5 with peptide data') for pepdata in peptide_list: pepdata['peptide_id'] = peptide_id peptide_id += 1 context = baseContext + 'Updating peptide table' hdf5results.writePeptide(peptide_list) hdf5results.createIndexes()'finalising HDF5 entries') hdf5results.writeFDRdata(self.importData.score2fdr, 'peptide') hdf5results.writeFDRdata(self.importData.proteinscore2fdr, 'protein') topScoringProteinInfo = self.setsManager.addPeptideSetDBdata( hdf5results, self.importData.proteinscore2fdr) runtimedata = self.importData.getSummaryStatisticsDict() hdf5results.writeStatistics(runtimedata) finalMessage = 'queries matched: %i / %s (%.1f%%) ' % ( runtimedata['spectra_in_qc_proteins'], runtimedata['mascot_matched_spectra'], (runtimedata['spectra_in_qc_proteins'] / float(runtimedata['mascot_matched_spectra'])) * 100) finalMessage += 'spectra quantified: %i top hit %s (%s) ' % ( runtimedata['quantified_spectra'], '', '') finalMessage += 'with total score %f and %i matched peptides (hook AND non hook)' % \ (topScoringProteinInfo[0], topScoringProteinInfo[2]) baseContext = 'updateHDF5: ' context = baseContext + 'Finalising HDF5 entries' except Exception, genEx: # make sure that there aren't any permanent changes ExHa.addContext(genEx, context) finalMessage = 'Error: %s' % ExHa.oneLineRepr(genEx) raise
# cellzome CommonUtils sys.path.insert(0, '..') from import * from CommonUtils.ConfigManager import pyMSsafeConfigManager from CommonUtils.LoggingManager import Logger from CommonUtils.hdf5Base import hdf5Base from CommonUtils.QuantMethodHandler import QuantMethods import CommonUtils.ExceptionHandler as ExHa # pyMSsafe modules try: from xRawFile import XRawFile except ImportError, ieEx: ExHa.reformatException(ieEx) ExHa.addContext(ieEx, 'Xcalibur not set up properly') configPath = './pymssafe.cfg' cfg = pyMSsafeConfigManager(configPath) ret = cfg.evaluateCommandLineArgs(sys.argv) dataDir = cfg.parameters['runtime']['datadir'] ExHa.exportError2File(ieEx, dataDir.joinpath('errors.error')) from datastore import Datamanager class pymssafe: def __init__(self, config): """ @brief initiaise pyMSsafe controller @param mode <string>: operational mode of the application """
protein_group_nos, cfg.parameters['runtime']['reference']) elif cfg.parameters['general']['quantmethod'] == 'simpleratio': proteingroup2foldchanges = QuantProt.performSimpleSumQuant( protein_group_nos, cfg.parameters['runtime']['reference']) else: message = 'quantmethod %s not yet supported' % cfg.parameters[ 'general']['quantmethod'] sys.exit(message) QuantProt.saveQuantData(proteingroup2foldchanges, cfg.parameters['runtime']['reference']) hdf5quanprot.close() except ExHa.czException as czEx: ExHa.reformatException(czEx) ExHa.addContext(czEx, 'Error during QuantifyProteins run') ExHa.exportError2File( czEx, cfg.parameters['runtime']['datadir'] / Path('errors.error')) if logger: logger.log.warning(ExHa.oneLineRepr(czEx)) else: print ExHa.multiLineRepr(czEx) except Exception as genEx: ExHa.reformatException(genEx) ExHa.addContext(genEx, 'Error during QuantifyProteins run') ExHa.exportError2File( genEx, cfg.parameters['runtime']['datadir'] / 'errors.error') if logger: logger.log.warning(ExHa.oneLineRepr(genEx))