def setUp(self): logging.debug("setUp") for node in self._nodes: home = '%s/%s' % (self._root, node) X.removeDirTree(home) X.createDir(home) self._server.start() cfg = self._config() cfg_s = X.cfg2str(cfg) logging.debug("cfg_s='%s'", cfg_s) self._etcdClient.set(self._cluster_id, cfg_s)
def teardown_ram_fs(removeDirs):"Tearing down") Common.stop_all() # Copy over log files if not removeDirs: destination = X.tmpDir + Common.data_base_dir[1:] if os.path.isdir(destination): X.removeDirTree(destination) X.createDir(destination) X.copyDirTree(system_tests_common.data_base_dir, destination) for i in range(len(Common.node_names)): Common.destroy_ram_fs(i) cluster = Common._getCluster(CONFIG.cluster_id) cluster.tearDown()
def start(self): logging.debug("ETCD:start on %s", self._home) X.removeDirTree(self._home) X.createDir(self._home) address = "http://%s:%i" % (self._host, self._port) real_cmd = [ 'nohup', 'etcd', '-advertise-client-urls=%s' % address, '-listen-client-urls=%s' % address, '-data-dir', self._home, '>> %s/stdout' % self._home, '2>&1 &' ] real_cmd_s = ' '.join(real_cmd) fn = '%s/' % self._home with open(fn, 'w') as f: print >> f, real_cmd_s os.chmod(fn, 0755) os.system(fn) time.sleep(5)
def mount_ram_fs ( node_index ) : (mount_target,log_dir,tlf_dir,head_dir) = Common.build_node_dir_names( Common.node_names[node_index] ) if X.fileExists( mount_target ) : Common.stopOne( Common.node_names[node_index] ) cmd = ["umount", mount_target] X.subprocess.check_call ( cmd ) X.removeDirTree( mount_target ) X.createDir ( mount_target ) if not os.path.isdir( mount_target ) : raise Exception( "%s is not valid mount target as it is not a directory") cmd = ["sudo", "mount", "-t", "tmpfs","-o","size=20m","tmpfs", mount_target] (rc,out,err) = if rc:"out=%s", out)"err = %s", err) raise Exception("Mounting failed (rc=%s)" % rc)
def setup_3_nodes_ram_fs(home_dir): cluster = Common._getCluster(Common.cluster_id) cluster.remove() cluster = Common._getCluster(Common.cluster_id)"Creating data base dir %s" % home_dir) X.createDir(home_dir) try: for i in range(len(Common.node_names)): mount_ram_fs(i) nodeName = Common.node_names[i] (db_dir, log_dir, tlf_dir, head_dir) = Common.build_node_dir_names(Common.node_names[i]) cluster.addNode(nodeName, Common.node_ips[i], clientPort=Common.node_client_base_port + i, messagingPort=Common.node_msg_base_port + i, logDir=log_dir, tlfDir=tlf_dir, home=db_dir, headDir=head_dir) cluster.addLocalNode(nodeName) cluster.createDirs(nodeName) except Exception as ex: teardown_ram_fs(True) (a, b, c) = sys.exc_info() raise a, b, c"Changing log level to debug for all nodes") cluster.setLogLevel("debug") cluster.setMasterLease(int(CONFIG.lease_duration))"Creating client config") Common.regenerateClientConfig(Common.cluster_id) Common.start_all()
def test_start_stop_wrapper(): cluster = C._getCluster() fn = "%s/" % X.tmpDir X.createDir(X.tmpDir) try: with open(fn, 'w') as f: f.write('#!/bin/bash -xue\n') f.write("logger wrapper called with '$@'\n") f.write('$@\n')['chmod', '+x', fn]) nn = "wrapper" cluster.addNode(nn, "", 8000, wrapper=fn) cluster.addLocalNode(nn) cluster.createDirs(nn) C.assert_running_nodes(0) cluster.start() time.sleep(1) C.assert_running_nodes(1) cluster.stop() C.assert_running_nodes(0) finally: cluster.remove()
def setup_n_nodes_base(c_id, node_names, force_master, base_dir, base_msg_port, base_client_port, extra = None, witness_nodes = False, useIPV6=False, slowCollapser = False): X.subprocess.check_call("sudo /sbin/iptables -F".split(' ') ) cluster = _getCluster( c_id ) cluster.tearDown() cluster = _getCluster(c_id) "Creating data base dir %s" % base_dir ) X.createDir ( base_dir ) n = len(node_names) ip = "" if useIPV6: ip = "::1" for i in range (n) : is_witness = witness_nodes & (i % 2 != 0) nodeName = node_names[ i ] (db_dir,log_dir,tlf_dir,head_dir) = build_node_dir_names( nodeName ) if slowCollapser and (i % 2 == 1): collapseSlowdown = 3 else: collapseSlowdown = None cluster.addNode(name=nodeName, ip = ip, clientPort = base_client_port+i, messagingPort = base_msg_port+i, logDir = log_dir, home = db_dir, tlfDir = tlf_dir, headDir = head_dir, isWitness = is_witness, collapseSlowdown = collapseSlowdown) cluster.addLocalNode(nodeName) cluster.createDirs(nodeName) cluster.disableFsync() if force_master: "Forcing master to %s", node_names[0] ) cluster.forceMaster(node_names[0] ) else : "Using master election" ) cluster.forceMaster(None ) config = cluster._getConfigFile() for i in range (n): nodeName = node_names[ i ] config.set(nodeName, '__tainted_fsync_tlog_dir', 'false') # # # if extra :"EXTRA!") for k,v in extra.items():"%s -> %s", k, v) config.set("global", k, v) fn = cluster._getConfigFileName() X.writeConfig(config, fn) "Creating client config" ) regenerateClientConfig( c_id ) "Changing log level to debug for all nodes" ) cluster.setLogLevel("debug") lease = int(lease_duration) "Setting lease expiration to %d" % lease) cluster.setMasterLease( lease )
def wipe_dir(d): X.removeDirTree(d) X.createDir(d)
def make_monkey_run(): global monkey_dies C.data_base_dir = '/'.join([X.tmpDir, "/arakoon_monkey/"]) t = threading.Thread(target=memory_monitor) t.start() C.stop_all() cluster = C._getCluster(C.cluster_id) cluster.tearDown() #setup_3_nodes_forced_master() C.setup_3_nodes(C.data_base_dir) monkey_dir = get_monkey_work_dir() if X.fileExists(monkey_dir): X.removeDirTree(monkey_dir) X.createDir(monkey_dir) iteration = 0 C.start_all() time.sleep(1.0) while (True): iteration += 1"Preparing iteration %d" % iteration) thr_list = list() try: (disruption, f_list) = generate_work_list(iteration)"Starting iteration %d" % iteration) thr_list = C.create_and_start_thread_list(f_list) disruption() for thr in thr_list: thr.join(60.0 * 60.0) if thr.isAlive(): logging.fatal( "Thread did not complete in a timely fashion.") monkey_dies = True if not monkey_dies: wait_for_it() if not monkey_dies: health_check() except SystemExit, ex: if str(ex) == "0": sys.exit(0) else: logging.fatal("Caught SystemExit => %s: %s" % (ex.__class__.__name__, ex)) tb = traceback.format_exc() logging.fatal(tb) for thr in thr_list: thr.join() monkey_dies = True except Exception, ex: logging.fatal("Caught fatal exception => %s: %s" % (ex.__class__.__name__, ex)) tb = traceback.format_exc() logging.fatal(tb) for thr in thr_list: thr.join() monkey_dies = True