예제 #1
class cbits(bits):
    max_length = 64
    reg_type = 'cb'
    is_clear = True
    load_inst = (None, inst.ldmc)
    store_inst = (None, inst.stmc)
    bitdec = inst.bitdecc
    conv_regint = staticmethod(lambda n, x, y: inst.convcint(x, y))
    types = {}

    def load_int(self, value):

    def store_in_dynamic_mem(self, address):
        inst.stmsdci(self, cbits.conv(address))

    def clear_op(self, other, c_inst, ci_inst, op):
        if isinstance(other, cbits):
            res = cbits(n=max(self.n, other.n))
            c_inst(res, self, other)
            return res
            if util.is_constant(other):
                if other >= 2**31 or other < -2**31:
                    return op(self, cbits(other))
                res = cbits(n=max(self.n, len(bin(other)) - 2))
                ci_inst(res, self, other)
                return res
                return op(self, cbits(other))
    __add__ = lambda self, other: \
              self.clear_op(other, inst.addc, inst.addci, operator.add)
    __xor__ = lambda self, other: \
              self.clear_op(other, inst.xorc, inst.xorci, operator.xor)
    __radd__ = __add__
    __rxor__ = __xor__

    def __mul__(self, other):
        if isinstance(other, cbits):
            return NotImplemented
                res = cbits(n=min(self.max_length, self.n +
                inst.mulci(res, self, other)
                return res
            except TypeError:
                return NotImplemented

    def __rshift__(self, other):
        res = cbits(n=self.n - other)
        inst.shrci(res, self, other)
        return res

    def __lshift__(self, other):
        res = cbits(n=self.n + other)
        inst.shlci(res, self, other)
        return res

    def print_reg(self, desc=''):
        inst.print_reg(self, desc)

    def print_reg_plain(self):
        inst.print_reg_signed(self.n, self)

    output = print_reg_plain

    def print_if(self, string):
        inst.cond_print_str(self, string)

    def reveal(self):
        return self
예제 #2
파일: types.py 프로젝트: zeronek501/MP-SPDZ
class cbits(bits):
    max_length = 64
    reg_type = 'cb'
    is_clear = True
    load_inst = (None, inst.ldmcb)
    store_inst = (None, inst.stmcb)
    bitdec = inst.bitdecc
    conv_regint = staticmethod(lambda n, x, y: inst.convcint(x, y))
    conv_cint_vec = inst.convcintvec
    def conv_regint_by_bit(cls, n, res, other):
        assert n == res.n
        assert n == other.size
        cls.conv_cint_vec(cint(other, size=other.size), res)
    types = {}
    def load_int(self, value):
    def store_in_dynamic_mem(self, address):
        inst.stmsdci(self, cbits.conv(address))
    def clear_op(self, other, c_inst, ci_inst, op):
        if isinstance(other, cbits):
            res = cbits(n=max(self.n, other.n))
            c_inst(res, self, other)
            return res
            if util.is_constant(other):
                if other >= 2**31 or other < -2**31:
                    return op(self, cbits(other))
                res = cbits(n=max(self.n, len(bin(other)) - 2))
                ci_inst(res, self, other)
                return res
                return op(self, cbits(other))
    __add__ = lambda self, other: \
              self.clear_op(other, inst.addcb, inst.addcbi, operator.add)
    __sub__ = lambda self, other: \
              self.clear_op(-other, inst.addcb, inst.addcbi, operator.add)
    __xor__ = lambda self, other: \
              self.clear_op(other, inst.xorcb, inst.xorcbi, operator.xor)
    __radd__ = __add__
    __rxor__ = __xor__
    def __mul__(self, other):
        if isinstance(other, cbits):
            return NotImplemented
                res = cbits(n=min(self.max_length, self.n+util.int_len(other)))
                inst.mulcbi(res, self, other)
                return res
            except TypeError:
                return NotImplemented
    def __rshift__(self, other):
        res = cbits(n=self.n-other)
        inst.shrcbi(res, self, other)
        return res
    def __lshift__(self, other):
        res = cbits(n=self.n+other)
        inst.shlcbi(res, self, other)
        return res
    def print_reg(self, desc=''):
        inst.print_regb(self, desc)
    def print_reg_plain(self):
        inst.print_reg_signed(self.n, self)
    output = print_reg_plain
    def print_if(self, string):
        inst.cond_print_strb(self, string)
    def reveal(self):
        return self
    def to_regint(self, dest=None):
        if dest is None:
            dest = regint()
        if self.n > 64:
            raise CompilerError('too many bits')
        inst.convcbit(dest, self)
        return dest
    def to_regint_by_bit(self):
        if self.n != None:
            res = regint(size=self.n)
            res = regint()
        inst.convcbitvec(self.n, res, self)
        return res
예제 #3
파일: types.py 프로젝트: data61/MP-SPDZ
class cbits(bits):
    """ Clear bits register. Helper type with limited functionality. """
    max_length = 64
    reg_type = 'cb'
    is_clear = True
    load_inst = (inst.ldmcbi, inst.ldmcb)
    store_inst = (inst.stmcbi, inst.stmcb)
    bitdec = inst.bitdecc
    conv_regint = staticmethod(lambda n, x, y: inst.convcint(x, y))
    conv_cint_vec = inst.convcintvec
    def bit_compose(cls, bits):
        return sum(bit << i for i, bit in enumerate(bits))
    def conv_regint_by_bit(cls, n, res, other):
        assert n == res.n
        assert n == other.size
        cls.conv_cint_vec(cint(other, size=other.size), res)
    def conv(cls, other):
        if isinstance(other, cbits) and cls.n != None and \
           cls.n // cls.unit == other.n // cls.unit:
            return other
            return super(cbits, cls).conv(other)
    types = {}
    def load_int(self, value):
        n_limbs = math.ceil(self.n / self.unit)
        tmp = regint(size=n_limbs)
        for i in range(n_limbs):
            tmp[i].load_int(value % 2 ** self.unit)
            value >>= self.unit
    def store_in_dynamic_mem(self, address):
        inst.stmsdci(self, cbits.conv(address))
    def clear_op(self, other, c_inst, ci_inst, op):
        if isinstance(other, cbits):
            res = cbits.get_type(max(self.n, other.n))()
            c_inst(res, self, other)
            return res
        elif isinstance(other, sbits):
            return NotImplemented
            if util.is_constant(other):
                if other >= 2**31 or other < -2**31:
                    return op(self, cbits.new(other))
                res = cbits.get_type(max(self.n, len(bin(other)) - 2))()
                ci_inst(res, self, other)
                return res
                return op(self, cbits(other))
    __add__ = lambda self, other: \
              self.clear_op(other, inst.addcb, inst.addcbi, operator.add)
    __sub__ = lambda self, other: \
              self.clear_op(-other, inst.addcb, inst.addcbi, operator.add)
    def _xor(self, other):
        if isinstance(other, (sbits, sbitvec)):
            return NotImplemented
        elif isinstance(other, cbits):
            res = self.res_type(other)()
            assert res.size == self.size
            assert res.size == other.size
            inst.xorcb(res.n, res, self, other)
            return res
            return self.clear_op(other, None, inst.xorcbi, operator.xor)
    def _and(self, other):
        return NotImplemented
    __radd__ = __add__
    def __mul__(self, other):
        if isinstance(other, cbits):
            return NotImplemented
                res = cbits.get_type(min(self.max_length,
                inst.mulcbi(res, self, other)
                return res
            except TypeError:
                return NotImplemented
    def __rshift__(self, other):
        res = cbits.new(n=self.n-other)
        inst.shrcbi(res, self, other)
        return res
    def __lshift__(self, other):
        res = cbits.get_type(self.n+other)()
        inst.shlcbi(res, self, other)
        return res
    def __invert__(self):
        res = type(self)()
        inst.notcb(self.n, res, self)
        return res
    def __eq__(self, other):
        raise CompilerError('equality not implemented')
    def print_reg(self, desc=''):
        inst.print_regb(self, desc)
    def print_reg_plain(self):
        inst.print_reg_signed(self.n, self)
    output = print_reg_plain
    def print_if(self, string):
        inst.cond_print_strb(self, string)
    def output_if(self, cond):
        if Program.prog.options.binary:
            raise CompilerError('conditional output not supported')
    def reveal(self):
        return self
    def to_regint(self, dest=None):
        if dest is None:
            dest = regint()
        if self.n > 64:
            raise CompilerError('too many bits')
        inst.convcbit(dest, self)
        return dest
    def to_regint_by_bit(self):
        if self.n != None:
            res = regint(size=self.n)
            res = regint()
        inst.convcbitvec(self.n, res, self)
        return res