def __init__(self, session): Screen.__init__(self, session) self.setTitle(_("Streaming clients info")) if ClientsStreaming("NUMBER").getText() == "0": self["total"] = StaticText( _("No stream clients") ) text = "" else: self["total"] = StaticText( _("Total Clients streaming: ") + ClientsStreaming("NUMBER").getText()) text = ClientsStreaming("EXTRA_INFO").getText() clients = ClientsStreaming("INFO_RESOLVE") text = clients.getText() self["liste"] = StaticText(text) self["ScrollLabel"] = ScrollLabel(text) self["key_red"] = Button(_("Close")) self["actions"] = ActionMap(["ColorActions", "SetupActions", "DirectionActions"], { "cancel": self.close, "ok": self.close, "red": self.close, "up": self["ScrollLabel"].pageUp, "down": self["ScrollLabel"].pageDown })
def __init__(self, session, menu_path=""): Screen.__init__(self, session) screentitle = _("Streaming clients info") menu_path += screentitle if config.usage.show_menupath.value == 'large': title = menu_path self["menu_path_compressed"] = StaticText("") elif config.usage.show_menupath.value == 'small': title = screentitle self["menu_path_compressed"] = StaticText( menu_path + " >" if not menu_path.endswith(' / ') else menu_path[:-3] + " >" or "") else: title = screentitle self["menu_path_compressed"] = StaticText("") Screen.setTitle(self, title) clients = ClientsStreaming("INFO_RESOLVE") text = clients.getText() self["ScrollLabel"] = ScrollLabel(text or _("No stream clients")) self["key_red"] = Button(_("Close")) self["actions"] = ActionMap( ["ColorActions", "SetupActions", "DirectionActions"], { "cancel": self.close, "ok": self.close, "red": self.close, "up": self["ScrollLabel"].pageUp, "down": self["ScrollLabel"].pageDown })
def __init__(self, session, menu_path = ""): Screen.__init__(self, session) screentitle = _("Streaming clients info") menu_path += screentitle if config.usage.show_menupath.value == 'large': title = menu_path self["menu_path_compressed"] = StaticText("") elif config.usage.show_menupath.value == 'small': title = screentitle self["menu_path_compressed"] = StaticText(menu_path + " >" if not menu_path.endswith(' / ') else menu_path[:-3] + " >" or "") else: title = screentitle self["menu_path_compressed"] = StaticText("") Screen.setTitle(self, title) clients = ClientsStreaming("INFO_RESOLVE") text = clients.getText() self["ScrollLabel"] = ScrollLabel(text or _("No stream clients")) self["actions"] = ActionMap(["ColorActions", "SetupActions", "DirectionActions"], { "cancel": self.close, "ok": self.close, "up": self["ScrollLabel"].pageUp, "down": self["ScrollLabel"].pageDown })
def doPowerOffRun(self): if self.session: if self.wait_nextday: if time() >= self.nextday_time: print "[PowerOffTimer] Cancel waiting shutdown, over limit, set next day." self.powerStateTimerChanged() return try_poweroff = True if isExternalToolsRunning(): try_poweroff = False if RecordTimerEntry.wasInDeepStandby: try_poweroff = False if try_poweroff: if not self.session.nav.getRecordings(): rec_time = self.session.nav.RecordTimer.getNextRecordingTime( ) if rec_time > 0 and (rec_time - time()) < 360: try_poweroff = False else: try_poweroff = False if try_poweroff: jobs = len(job_manager.getPendingJobs()) if Standby.inStandby is None: if not config.usage.poweroff_force.value: try_poweroff = False elif jobs or self.session.screen[ "TunerInfo"].tuner_use_mask or internalHDDNotSleeping( ): try_poweroff = False if try_poweroff: if Standby.inStandby is None: reason = _("Power off timer") + '\n\n' if jobs: if jobs == 1: job = job_manager.getPendingJobs()[0] reason += "%s: %s (%d%%)\n" % ( job.getStatustext(),, int(100 * job.progress / float(job.end))) else: reason += (ngettext( "%d job is running in the background!", "%d jobs are running in the background!", jobs) % jobs) + '\n' if self.session.nav.getClientsStreaming(): clients = ClientsStreaming("SHORT_ALL") reason += clients.getText() + '\n' self.session.openWithCallback(self.doPowerOffAnswer, MessageBox, reason + _("Really shutdown now?"), type=MessageBox.TYPE_YESNO, timeout=180) else: self.doPowerOffAnswer(True) else: print "[PowerOffTimer] Don't shutdown, box in use. Wait 5 min..." self.doPowerOffTimer.start(self.wait_nextday_time * 1000, True) self.wait_nextday = True
def __init__(self, session): Screen.__init__(self, session) self.setTitle(_("Streaming clients info")) clients = ClientsStreaming("INFO_RESOLVE") text = clients.getText() self["ScrollLabel"] = ScrollLabel(text) self["actions"] = ActionMap( ["ColorActions", "SetupActions", "DirectionActions"], { "cancel": self.close, "ok": self.close, "up": self["ScrollLabel"].pageUp, "down": self["ScrollLabel"].pageDown })
def __init__(self, session): Screen.__init__(self, session) self.setTitle(_("Streaming clients info")) clients = ClientsStreaming("INFO_RESOLVE") text = clients.getText() self["ScrollLabel"] = ScrollLabel(text or _("No stream clients")) self["actions"] = ActionMap(["ColorActions", "SetupActions", "DirectionActions"], { "cancel": self.close, "ok": self.close, "up": self["ScrollLabel"].pageUp, "down": self["ScrollLabel"].pageDown })
def __init__(self, session): Screen.__init__(self, session) self.setTitle(_("Streaming clients info")) if ClientsStreaming("NUMBER").getText() == "0": self["total"] = StaticText(_("No streaming Channel from this STB at this moment")) text = "" else: self["total"] = StaticText(_("Total Clients streaming: ") + ClientsStreaming("NUMBER").getText()) text = ClientsStreaming("EXTRA_INFO").getText() self["liste"] = StaticText(text) self["actions"] = ActionMap(["ColorActions", "SetupActions", "DirectionActions"], { "cancel": self.close, "ok": self.close })
def __init__(self, session): Screen.__init__(self, session) self.setTitle(_("Streaming clients info")) clients = ClientsStreaming("INFO_RESOLVE") text = clients.getText() self["ScrollLabel"] = ScrollLabel(text or _("No stream clients")) self["key_red"] = Button(text and _("Stop Streams") or "") self["actions"] = ActionMap( ["ColorActions", "SetupActions", "DirectionActions"], { "cancel": self.close, "ok": self.close, "red": self.stopStreams, "up": self["ScrollLabel"].pageUp, "down": self["ScrollLabel"].pageDown })
def __init__(self, session): Screen.__init__(self, session) self.setTitle(_("Streaming clients info")) if ClientsStreaming("NUMBER").getText() == "0": self["total"] = StaticText(_("No stream clients")) text = "" else: self["total"] = StaticText( _("Total Clients streaming: ") + ClientsStreaming("NUMBER").getText()) text = ClientsStreaming("EXTRA_INFO").getText() clients = ClientsStreaming("INFO_RESOLVE") text = clients.getText() self["liste"] = StaticText(text) self["ScrollLabel"] = ScrollLabel(text) self["key_red"] = Button(_("Close")) self["actions"] = ActionMap( ["ColorActions", "SetupActions", "DirectionActions"], { "cancel": self.close, "ok": self.close, "red": self.close, "up": self["ScrollLabel"].pageUp, "down": self["ScrollLabel"].pageDown })
def update_info(self): clients = ClientsStreaming("SHORT_ALL") clients2 = ClientsStreaming("INFO") text = clients.getText() text2 = clients2.getText() self["ScrollLabel"].setText(text or _("No clients streaming")) self["ScrollLabel2"].setText(text2 or _("No clients streaming")) self["key_blue"].setText(text and _("Stop Streams") or "") self.timer.startLongTimer(5)
def update_info(self): clients = ClientsStreaming("SHORT_ALL") clients2 = ClientsStreaming("EXTRA_INFO") #clients3 = ClientsStreaming("SHORT_ALL") text = clients.getText() text2 = clients2.getText() self["ScrollLabel"].setText(text or _("Currently nothing is streamed to clients")) self["ScrollLabel2"].setText(text2 or _("Currently nothing is streamed to clients")) self["key_blue"].setText(text and _("Stop Streams") or "") self.timer.startLongTimer(5)
def update_info(self): self.clients = [] if self.streamServer: for x in self.streamServer.getConnectedClients(): service_name = ServiceReference( x[1]).getServiceName() or "(unknown service)" ip = x[0] if int(x[2]) == 0: strtype = "S" else: strtype = "T" try: raw = socket.gethostbyaddr(ip) ip = raw[0] except: pass info = ("%s %-8s %s") % (strtype, ip, service_name) self.clients.append((info, (x[0], x[1]))) if StreamServiceList and streamList: for x in StreamServiceList: ip = "ip n/a" service_name = "(unknown service)" for stream in streamList: if hasattr(stream, 'getService') and stream.getService( ) and stream.getService().__deref__() == x: service_name = ServiceReference( stream.ref.toString()).getServiceName() ip = stream.clientIP or ip info = ("T %s %s") % (ip, service_name) self.clients.append((info, (-1, x))) self["total"].setText( _("Total Clients streaming: ") + str(ClientsStreaming("NUMBER").getText())) myclients = ClientsStreaming("EXTRA_INFO") text = myclients.getText() clients = ClientsStreaming("INFO_RESOLVE") text = clients.getText() self["menu"].setList(self.clients) if self.clients: self["info"].setText("") self["key_blue"].setText(text and _("Stop Streams") or "") else: self["info"].setText(text or _("No stream clients")) self.DynamicTimer.start(4000)
def update_info(self): clients = ClientsStreaming("INFO_RESOLVE") text = clients.getText() self["ScrollLabel"].setText(text or _("No clients streaming")) self["key_blue"].setText(text and _("Stop Streams") or "") self.timer.startLongTimer(5)
def activate(self): next_state = self.state + 1 self.log(5, "Activating state %d." % next_state) if next_state == self.StatePrepared and (self.timerType == TIMERTYPE.AUTOSTANDBY or self.timerType == TIMERTYPE.AUTODEEPSTANDBY): # This is the first action for an auto* timer. # It binds any key press to keyPressed(), which resets the timer delay, # and sets the initial delay. eActionMap.getInstance().bindAction("", -maxsize - 1, self.keyPressed) self.begin = time() + int(self.autosleepdelay) * 60 if self.end <= self.begin: self.end = self.begin if next_state == self.StatePrepared: self.log(6, "Prepare okay, waiting for begin.") self.next_activation = self.begin self.backoff = 0 return True elif next_state == self.StateRunning: self.wasPowerTimerWakeup = False if exists("/tmp/was_powertimer_wakeup"): self.wasPowerTimerWakeup = int(open("/tmp/was_powertimer_wakeup", "r").read()) and True or False remove("/tmp/was_powertimer_wakeup") # If this timer has been cancelled, just go to "end" state. if self.cancelled: return True if self.failed: return True if self.timerType == TIMERTYPE.WAKEUP: if Screens.Standby.inStandby: Screens.Standby.inStandby.Power() return True elif self.timerType == TIMERTYPE.WAKEUPTOSTANDBY: return True elif self.timerType == TIMERTYPE.STANDBY: if not Screens.Standby.inStandby: # Not already in standby. AddNotificationWithUniqueIDCallback(self.sendStandbyNotification, "PT_StateChange", MessageBox, _("A finished powertimer wants to set your receiver to standby. Do that now?"), timeout=180) return True elif self.timerType == TIMERTYPE.AUTOSTANDBY: if NavigationInstance.instance.getCurrentlyPlayingServiceReference() and ("0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0" in NavigationInstance.instance.getCurrentlyPlayingServiceReference().toString() or "4097:" in NavigationInstance.instance.getCurrentlyPlayingServiceReference().toString()): self.do_backoff() # Retry. return False if not Screens.Standby.inStandby: # Not already in standby. AddNotificationWithUniqueIDCallback(self.sendStandbyNotification, "PT_StateChange", MessageBox, _("A finished powertimer wants to set your receiver to standby. Do that now?"), timeout=180) if self.autosleeprepeat == "once": eActionMap.getInstance().unbindAction("", self.keyPressed) return True else: self.begin = time() + int(self.autosleepdelay) * 60 if self.end <= self.begin: self.end = self.begin else: self.begin = time() + int(self.autosleepdelay) * 60 if self.end <= self.begin: self.end = self.begin elif self.timerType == TIMERTYPE.AUTODEEPSTANDBY: # Check for there being any active Movie playback or IPTV channel # or any streaming clients before going to Deep Standby. # However, it is possible to put the box into Standby with the # MoviePlayer still active (it will play if the box is taken out # of Standby) - similarly for the IPTV player. This should not # prevent a DeepStandby # And check for existing or imminent recordings, etc.. # Also added () around the test and split them across lines # to make it clearer what each test is. from Components.Converter.ClientsStreaming import ClientsStreaming if ((not Screens.Standby.inStandby and NavigationInstance.instance.getCurrentlyPlayingServiceReference() and ("0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0" in NavigationInstance.instance.getCurrentlyPlayingServiceReference().toString() or "4097:" in NavigationInstance.instance.getCurrentlyPlayingServiceReference().toString() ) or (int(ClientsStreaming("NUMBER").getText()) > 0) ) or (NavigationInstance.instance.RecordTimer.isRecording() or abs(NavigationInstance.instance.RecordTimer.getNextRecordingTime() - time()) <= 900 or abs(NavigationInstance.instance.RecordTimer.getNextZapTime() - time()) <= 900) or (self.autosleepinstandbyonly == "yes" and not Screens.Standby.inStandby) or (self.autosleepinstandbyonly == "yes" and Screens.Standby.inStandby and internalHDDNotSleeping() ) ): self.do_backoff() # Retry. return False if not Screens.Standby.inTryQuitMainloop: # Not a shutdown messagebox is open. if Screens.Standby.inStandby: # In standby. quitMainloop(1) return True else: AddNotificationWithUniqueIDCallback(self.sendTryQuitMainloopNotification, "PT_StateChange", MessageBox, _("A finished powertimer wants to shutdown your receiver. Do that now?"), timeout=180) if self.autosleeprepeat == "once": eActionMap.getInstance().unbindAction("", self.keyPressed) return True else: self.begin = time() + int(self.autosleepdelay) * 60 if self.end <= self.begin: self.end = self.begin elif self.timerType == TIMERTYPE.DEEPSTANDBY and self.wasPowerTimerWakeup: return True elif self.timerType == TIMERTYPE.DEEPSTANDBY and not self.wasPowerTimerWakeup: if NavigationInstance.instance.RecordTimer.isRecording() or abs(NavigationInstance.instance.RecordTimer.getNextRecordingTime() - time()) <= 900 or abs(NavigationInstance.instance.RecordTimer.getNextZapTime() - time()) <= 900: self.do_backoff() # Retry. return False if not Screens.Standby.inTryQuitMainloop: # Not a shutdown messagebox is open. if Screens.Standby.inStandby: # In standby. quitMainloop(1) else: AddNotificationWithUniqueIDCallback(self.sendTryQuitMainloopNotification, "PT_StateChange", MessageBox, _("A finished powertimer wants to shutdown your receiver. Do that now?"), timeout=180) return True elif self.timerType == TIMERTYPE.REBOOT: if NavigationInstance.instance.RecordTimer.isRecording() or abs(NavigationInstance.instance.RecordTimer.getNextRecordingTime() - time()) <= 900 or abs(NavigationInstance.instance.RecordTimer.getNextZapTime() - time()) <= 900: self.do_backoff() # Retry. return False if not Screens.Standby.inTryQuitMainloop: # Not a shutdown messagebox is open. if Screens.Standby.inStandby: # In standby. quitMainloop(2) else: AddNotificationWithUniqueIDCallback(self.sendTryToRebootNotification, "PT_StateChange", MessageBox, _("A finished powertimer wants to reboot your receiver. Do that now?"), timeout=180) return True elif self.timerType == TIMERTYPE.RESTART: if NavigationInstance.instance.RecordTimer.isRecording() or abs(NavigationInstance.instance.RecordTimer.getNextRecordingTime() - time()) <= 900 or abs(NavigationInstance.instance.RecordTimer.getNextZapTime() - time()) <= 900: self.do_backoff() # Retry. return False if not Screens.Standby.inTryQuitMainloop: # Not a shutdown messagebox is open. if Screens.Standby.inStandby: # In standby. quitMainloop(3) else: AddNotificationWithUniqueIDCallback(self.sendTryToRestartNotification, "PT_StateChange", MessageBox, _("A finished powertimer wants to restart the user interface.\nDo that now?"), timeout=180) return True elif next_state == self.StateEnded: old_end = self.end NavigationInstance.instance.PowerTimer.saveTimers() if self.afterEvent == AFTEREVENT.STANDBY: if not Screens.Standby.inStandby: # Not already in standby. AddNotificationWithUniqueIDCallback(self.sendStandbyNotification, "PT_StateChange", MessageBox, _("A finished powertimer wants to set your receiver to standby. Do that now?"), timeout=180) elif self.afterEvent == AFTEREVENT.DEEPSTANDBY: if NavigationInstance.instance.RecordTimer.isRecording() or abs(NavigationInstance.instance.RecordTimer.getNextRecordingTime() - time()) <= 900 or abs(NavigationInstance.instance.RecordTimer.getNextZapTime() - time()) <= 900: self.do_backoff() # Retry. return False if not Screens.Standby.inTryQuitMainloop: # Not a shutdown messagebox is open. if Screens.Standby.inStandby: # In standby. quitMainloop(1) else: AddNotificationWithUniqueIDCallback(self.sendTryQuitMainloopNotification, "PT_StateChange", MessageBox, _("A finished powertimer wants to shutdown your receiver. Do that now?"), timeout=180) return True
def update_info(self): clients = ClientsStreaming('INFO_RESOLVE') text = clients.getText() self['ScrollLabel'].setText(text or _('No clients streaming')) self['key_blue'].setText(text and _('Stop Streams') or '') self.timer.startLongTimer(5)
def activate(self): next_state = self.state + 1 self.log(5, "activating state %d" % next_state) if next_state == 1 and (self.timerType == TIMERTYPE.AUTOSTANDBY or self.timerType == TIMERTYPE.AUTODEEPSTANDBY): eActionMap.getInstance().bindAction('', -0x7FFFFFFF, self.keyPressed) self.begin = time() + int(self.autosleepdelay) * 60 if self.end <= self.begin: self.end = self.begin if next_state == self.StatePrepared: self.log(6, "prepare ok, waiting for begin") self.next_activation = self.begin self.backoff = 0 return True elif next_state == self.StateRunning: self.wasPowerTimerWakeup = False if os.path.exists("/tmp/was_timer_wakeup"): self.wasPowerTimerWakeup = int( open("/tmp/was_powertimer_wakeup", "r").read()) and True or False os.remove("/tmp/was_powertimer_wakeup") # if this timer has been cancelled, just go to "end" state. if self.cancelled: return True if self.failed: return True if self.timerType == TIMERTYPE.WAKEUP: if Screens.Standby.inStandby: Screens.Standby.inStandby.Power() return True elif self.timerType == TIMERTYPE.WAKEUPTOSTANDBY: return True elif self.timerType == TIMERTYPE.STANDBY: if not Screens.Standby.inStandby: # not already in standby Notifications.AddNotificationWithCallback( self.sendStandbyNotification, MessageBox, _("A finished powertimer wants to set your\n%s %s to standby. Do that now?" ) % (getMachineBrand(), getMachineName()), timeout=180) return True elif self.timerType == TIMERTYPE.AUTOSTANDBY: if NavigationInstance.instance.getCurrentlyPlayingServiceReference( ) and ('0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0' in NavigationInstance.instance. getCurrentlyPlayingServiceReference().toString() or '4097:' in NavigationInstance.instance. getCurrentlyPlayingServiceReference().toString()): self.do_backoff() # retry self.begin = time() + self.backoff if self.end <= self.begin: self.end = self.begin return False if not Screens.Standby.inStandby: # not already in standby Notifications.AddNotificationWithCallback( self.sendStandbyNotification, MessageBox, _("A finished powertimer wants to set your\n%s %s to standby. Do that now?" ) % (getMachineBrand(), getMachineName()), timeout=180) if self.autosleeprepeat == "once": eActionMap.getInstance().unbindAction( '', self.keyPressed) return True else: self.begin = time() + int(self.autosleepdelay) * 60 if self.end <= self.begin: self.end = self.begin else: self.begin = time() + int(self.autosleepdelay) * 60 if self.end <= self.begin: self.end = self.begin elif self.timerType == TIMERTYPE.AUTODEEPSTANDBY: # GML:2 - Check for there being any active Movie playback or IPTV channel # or any streaming clients before going to Deep Standby. # However, it is possible to put the box into Standby with the # MoviePlayer still active (it will play if the box is taken out # of Standby) - similarly for the IPTV player. This should not # prevent a DeepStandby # And check for existing or imminent recordings, etc.. # I've also added () around the test and split them across lines # to make it clearer what each test is. # if (NavigationInstance.instance.getCurrentlyPlayingServiceReference() and ('0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0' in NavigationInstance.instance.getCurrentlyPlayingServiceReference().toString() or '4097:' in NavigationInstance.instance.getCurrentlyPlayingServiceReference().toString())) or (NavigationInstance.instance.RecordTimer.isRecording() or abs(NavigationInstance.instance.RecordTimer.getNextRecordingTime() - time()) <= 900 or abs(NavigationInstance.instance.RecordTimer.getNextZapTime() - time()) <= 900) or (self.autosleepinstandbyonly == 'yes' and not Screens.Standby.inStandby) or (self.autosleepinstandbyonly == 'yes' and Screens.Standby.inStandby and internalHDDNotSleeping()): # from Components.Converter.ClientsStreaming import ClientsStreaming if ((not Screens.Standby.inStandby and NavigationInstance. instance.getCurrentlyPlayingServiceReference() and ('0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0' in NavigationInstance.instance. getCurrentlyPlayingServiceReference().toString() or '4097:' in NavigationInstance.instance. getCurrentlyPlayingServiceReference().toString()) or (int(ClientsStreaming("NUMBER").getText()) > 0)) or (NavigationInstance.instance.RecordTimer.isRecording() or abs(NavigationInstance.instance.RecordTimer. getNextRecordingTime() - time()) <= 900 or abs(NavigationInstance.instance.RecordTimer. getNextZapTime() - time()) <= 900) or (self.autosleepinstandbyonly == 'yes' and not Screens.Standby.inStandby) or (self.autosleepinstandbyonly == 'yes' and Screens.Standby.inStandby and internalHDDNotSleeping())): self.do_backoff() # retry self.begin = time() + self.backoff if self.end <= self.begin: self.end = self.begin return False if not Screens.Standby.inTryQuitMainloop: # not a shutdown messagebox is open if Screens.Standby.inStandby: # in standby quitMainloop(1) return True else: Notifications.AddNotificationWithCallback( self.sendTryQuitMainloopNotification, MessageBox, _("A finished powertimer wants to shutdown your %s %s.\nDo that now?" ) % (getMachineBrand(), getMachineName()), timeout=180) if self.autosleeprepeat == "once": eActionMap.getInstance().unbindAction( '', self.keyPressed) return True else: self.begin = time() + int(self.autosleepdelay) * 60 if self.end <= self.begin: self.end = self.begin elif self.timerType == TIMERTYPE.DEEPSTANDBY and self.wasPowerTimerWakeup: return True elif self.timerType == TIMERTYPE.DEEPSTANDBY and not self.wasPowerTimerWakeup: if NavigationInstance.instance.RecordTimer.isRecording( ) or abs(NavigationInstance.instance.RecordTimer. getNextRecordingTime() - time()) <= 900 or abs(NavigationInstance.instance. RecordTimer.getNextZapTime() - time()) <= 900: self.do_backoff() # retry self.begin = time() + self.backoff if self.end <= self.begin: self.end = self.begin return False if not Screens.Standby.inTryQuitMainloop: # not a shutdown messagebox is open if Screens.Standby.inStandby: # in standby quitMainloop(1) else: Notifications.AddNotificationWithCallback( self.sendTryQuitMainloopNotification, MessageBox, _("A finished powertimer wants to shutdown your %s %s.\nDo that now?" ) % (getMachineBrand(), getMachineName()), timeout=180) return True elif self.timerType == TIMERTYPE.REBOOT: if NavigationInstance.instance.RecordTimer.isRecording( ) or abs(NavigationInstance.instance.RecordTimer. getNextRecordingTime() - time()) <= 900 or abs(NavigationInstance.instance. RecordTimer.getNextZapTime() - time()) <= 900: self.do_backoff() # retry self.begin = time() + self.backoff if self.end <= self.begin: self.end = self.begin return False if not Screens.Standby.inTryQuitMainloop: # not a shutdown messagebox is open if Screens.Standby.inStandby: # in standby quitMainloop(2) else: Notifications.AddNotificationWithCallback( self.sendTryToRebootNotification, MessageBox, _("A finished powertimer wants to reboot your %s %s.\nDo that now?" ) % (getMachineBrand(), getMachineName()), timeout=180) return True elif self.timerType == TIMERTYPE.RESTART: if NavigationInstance.instance.RecordTimer.isRecording( ) or abs(NavigationInstance.instance.RecordTimer. getNextRecordingTime() - time()) <= 900 or abs(NavigationInstance.instance. RecordTimer.getNextZapTime() - time()) <= 900: self.do_backoff() # retry self.begin = time() + self.backoff if self.end <= self.begin: self.end = self.begin return False if not Screens.Standby.inTryQuitMainloop: # not a shutdown messagebox is open if Screens.Standby.inStandby: # in standby quitMainloop(3) else: Notifications.AddNotificationWithCallback( self.sendTryToRestartNotification, MessageBox, _("A finished powertimer wants to restart the user interface.\nDo that now?" ), timeout=180) return True elif next_state == self.StateEnded: old_end = self.end NavigationInstance.instance.PowerTimer.saveTimer() if self.afterEvent == AFTEREVENT.STANDBY: if not Screens.Standby.inStandby: # not already in standby Notifications.AddNotificationWithCallback( self.sendStandbyNotification, MessageBox, _("A finished powertimer wants to set your\n%s %s to standby. Do that now?" ) % (getMachineBrand(), getMachineName()), timeout=180) elif self.afterEvent == AFTEREVENT.DEEPSTANDBY: if NavigationInstance.instance.RecordTimer.isRecording( ) or abs(NavigationInstance.instance.RecordTimer. getNextRecordingTime() - time()) <= 900 or abs(NavigationInstance.instance. RecordTimer.getNextZapTime() - time()) <= 900: self.do_backoff() # retry self.begin = time() + self.backoff if self.end <= self.begin: self.end = self.begin return False if not Screens.Standby.inTryQuitMainloop: # not a shutdown messagebox is open if Screens.Standby.inStandby: # in standby quitMainloop(1) else: Notifications.AddNotificationWithCallback( self.sendTryQuitMainloopNotification, MessageBox, _("A finished power timer wants to shut down\nyour %s %s. Shutdown now?" ) % (getMachineBrand(), getMachineName()), timeout=180) return True
def activate(self): next_state = self.state + 1 self.log(5, "activating state %d" % next_state) if next_state == self.StatePrepared and ( self.timerType == TIMERTYPE.AUTOSTANDBY or self.timerType == TIMERTYPE.AUTODEEPSTANDBY): eActionMap.getInstance().bindAction('', -0x7FFFFFFF, self.keyPressed) self.begin = time() + int(self.autosleepdelay) * 60 if self.end <= self.begin: self.end = self.begin if next_state == self.StatePrepared: self.log(6, "prepare ok, waiting for begin") self.next_activation = self.begin self.backoff = 0 return True elif next_state == self.StateRunning: self.wasPowerTimerWakeup = False if os.path.exists("/tmp/was_powertimer_wakeup"): self.wasPowerTimerWakeup = int( open("/tmp/was_powertimer_wakeup", "r").read()) and True or False os.remove("/tmp/was_powertimer_wakeup") if self.cancelled: return True if self.failed: return True if self.timerType == TIMERTYPE.WAKEUP: if Screens.Standby.inStandby: Screens.Standby.inStandby.Power() return True elif self.timerType == TIMERTYPE.WAKEUPTOSTANDBY: return True elif self.timerType == TIMERTYPE.STANDBY: if not Screens.Standby.inStandby: Notifications.AddNotificationWithUniqueIDCallback( self.sendStandbyNotification, "PT_StateChange", MessageBox, _("A finished powertimer wants to set your receiver to standby. Do that now?" ), timeout=180) return True elif self.timerType == TIMERTYPE.AUTOSTANDBY: if NavigationInstance.instance.getCurrentlyPlayingServiceReference( ) and ('0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0' in NavigationInstance.instance. getCurrentlyPlayingServiceReference().toString() or '4097:' in NavigationInstance.instance. getCurrentlyPlayingServiceReference().toString()): self.do_backoff() return False if not Screens.Standby.inStandby: Notifications.AddNotificationWithUniqueIDCallback( self.sendStandbyNotification, "PT_StateChange", MessageBox, _("A finished powertimer wants to set your receiver to standby. Do that now?" ), timeout=180) if self.autosleeprepeat == "once": eActionMap.getInstance().unbindAction( '', self.keyPressed) return True else: self.begin = time() + int(self.autosleepdelay) * 60 if self.end <= self.begin: self.end = self.begin else: self.begin = time() + int(self.autosleepdelay) * 60 if self.end <= self.begin: self.end = self.begin elif self.timerType == TIMERTYPE.AUTODEEPSTANDBY: from Components.Converter.ClientsStreaming import ClientsStreaming if ((not Screens.Standby.inStandby and NavigationInstance. instance.getCurrentlyPlayingServiceReference() and ('0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0' in NavigationInstance.instance. getCurrentlyPlayingServiceReference().toString() or '4097:' in NavigationInstance.instance. getCurrentlyPlayingServiceReference().toString()) or (int(ClientsStreaming("NUMBER").getText()) > 0)) or (NavigationInstance.instance.RecordTimer.isRecording() or abs(NavigationInstance.instance.RecordTimer. getNextRecordingTime() - time()) <= 900 or abs(NavigationInstance.instance.RecordTimer. getNextZapTime() - time()) <= 900) or (self.autosleepinstandbyonly == 'yes' and not Screens.Standby.inStandby) or (self.autosleepinstandbyonly == 'yes' and Screens.Standby.inStandby and internalHDDNotSleeping())): self.do_backoff() return False if not Screens.Standby.inTryQuitMainloop: if Screens.Standby.inStandby: quitMainloop(1) return True else: Notifications.AddNotificationWithUniqueIDCallback( self.sendTryQuitMainloopNotification, "PT_StateChange", MessageBox, _("A finished powertimer wants to shutdown your receiver. Do that now?" ), timeout=180) if self.autosleeprepeat == "once": eActionMap.getInstance().unbindAction( '', self.keyPressed) return True else: self.begin = time() + int(self.autosleepdelay) * 60 if self.end <= self.begin: self.end = self.begin elif self.timerType == TIMERTYPE.DEEPSTANDBY and self.wasPowerTimerWakeup: return True elif self.timerType == TIMERTYPE.DEEPSTANDBY and not self.wasPowerTimerWakeup: if NavigationInstance.instance.RecordTimer.isRecording( ) or abs(NavigationInstance.instance.RecordTimer. getNextRecordingTime() - time()) <= 900 or abs(NavigationInstance.instance. RecordTimer.getNextZapTime() - time()) <= 900: self.do_backoff() return False if not Screens.Standby.inTryQuitMainloop: if Screens.Standby.inStandby: quitMainloop(1) else: Notifications.AddNotificationWithUniqueIDCallback( self.sendTryQuitMainloopNotification, "PT_StateChange", MessageBox, _("A finished powertimer wants to shutdown your receiver. Do that now?" ), timeout=180) return True elif self.timerType == TIMERTYPE.REBOOT: if NavigationInstance.instance.RecordTimer.isRecording( ) or abs(NavigationInstance.instance.RecordTimer. getNextRecordingTime() - time()) <= 900 or abs(NavigationInstance.instance. RecordTimer.getNextZapTime() - time()) <= 900: self.do_backoff() return False if not Screens.Standby.inTryQuitMainloop: if Screens.Standby.inStandby: quitMainloop(2) else: Notifications.AddNotificationWithUniqueIDCallback( self.sendTryToRebootNotification, "PT_StateChange", MessageBox, _("A finished powertimer wants to reboot your receiver. Do that now?" ), timeout=180) return True elif self.timerType == TIMERTYPE.RESTART: if NavigationInstance.instance.RecordTimer.isRecording( ) or abs(NavigationInstance.instance.RecordTimer. getNextRecordingTime() - time()) <= 900 or abs(NavigationInstance.instance. RecordTimer.getNextZapTime() - time()) <= 900: self.do_backoff() return False if not Screens.Standby.inTryQuitMainloop: if Screens.Standby.inStandby: quitMainloop(3) else: Notifications.AddNotificationWithUniqueIDCallback( self.sendTryToRestartNotification, "PT_StateChange", MessageBox, _("A finished powertimer wants to restart the user interface.\nDo that now?" ), timeout=180) return True elif next_state == self.StateEnded: old_end = self.end NavigationInstance.instance.PowerTimer.saveTimer() if self.afterEvent == AFTEREVENT.STANDBY: if not Screens.Standby.inStandby: Notifications.AddNotificationWithUniqueIDCallback( self.sendStandbyNotification, "PT_StateChange", MessageBox, _("A finished powertimer wants to set your receiver to standby. Do that now?" ), timeout=180) elif self.afterEvent == AFTEREVENT.DEEPSTANDBY: if NavigationInstance.instance.RecordTimer.isRecording( ) or abs(NavigationInstance.instance.RecordTimer. getNextRecordingTime() - time()) <= 900 or abs(NavigationInstance.instance. RecordTimer.getNextZapTime() - time()) <= 900: self.do_backoff() return False if not Screens.Standby.inTryQuitMainloop: if Screens.Standby.inStandby: quitMainloop(1) else: Notifications.AddNotificationWithUniqueIDCallback( self.sendTryQuitMainloopNotification, "PT_StateChange", MessageBox, _("A finished powertimer wants to shutdown your receiver. Do that now?" ), timeout=180) return True
self.keypress() #this unbinds the keypress detection if not Screens.Standby.inStandby: # not already in standby Notifications.AddNotificationWithCallback(self.sendStandbyNotification, MessageBox, _("A finished record timer wants to set your\n%s %s to standby. Do that now?") % (getMachineBrand(), getMachineName()), timeout = 180) elif self.afterEvent == AFTEREVENT.DEEPSTANDBY or (wasRecTimerWakeup and self.afterEvent == AFTEREVENT.AUTO): if (abs(NavigationInstance.instance.RecordTimer.getNextRecordingTime() - time()) <= 900 or abs(NavigationInstance.instance.RecordTimer.getNextZapTime() - time()) <= 900) or NavigationInstance.instance.RecordTimer.getStillRecording(): print '[RecordTimer] Recording or Recording due is next 15 mins, not return to deepstandby' return True # Also check for someone streaming remotely - in which case we don't # want DEEPSTANDBY. # Might consider going to standby instead, but probably not worth it... # Also might want to back off - but that is set-up for trying to start # recordings, so has a low maximum delay. # from Components.Converter.ClientsStreaming import ClientsStreaming; if int(ClientsStreaming("NUMBER").getText()) > 0: if not Screens.Standby.inStandby: # not already in standby Notifications.AddNotificationWithCallback(self.sendStandbyNotification, MessageBox, _("A finished record timer wants to set your\n%s %s to standby. Do that now?") % (getMachineBrand(), getMachineName()) + _("\n(DeepStandby request changed to Standby owing to there being streaming clients.)"), timeout = 180) return True # if not Screens.Standby.inTryQuitMainloop: # not a shutdown messagebox is open if Screens.Standby.inStandby: # in standby quitMainloop(1) else: Notifications.AddNotificationWithCallback(self.sendTryQuitMainloopNotification, MessageBox, _("A finished record timer wants to shut down\nyour %s %s. Shutdown now?") % (getMachineBrand(), getMachineName()), timeout = 180) return True def keypress(self, key=None, flag=1): if flag and self.wasInStandby:
def activate(self): next_state = self.state + 1 self.log(5, "activating state %d" % next_state) if next_state == self.StatePrepared and self.timerType in ( TIMERTYPE.AUTOSTANDBY, TIMERTYPE.AUTODEEPSTANDBY): eActionMap.getInstance().bindAction('', -0x7FFFFFFF, self.keyPressed) self.begin = time() + int(self.autosleepdelay) * 60 if self.end <= self.begin: self.end = self.begin if next_state == self.StatePrepared: self.log(6, "prepare ok, waiting for begin") self.next_activation = self.begin self.backoff = 0 return True elif next_state == self.StateRunning: self.wasPowerTimerWakeup = False if os.path.exists("/tmp/was_powertimer_wakeup"): self.wasPowerTimerWakeup = bool( int(open("/tmp/was_powertimer_wakeup", "r").read())) os.remove("/tmp/was_powertimer_wakeup") # If this timer has been cancelled or has failed, # just go to "end" state. if self.cancelled: return True if self.failed: return True if self.timerType == TIMERTYPE.WAKEUP: if Screens.Standby.inStandby: Screens.Standby.inStandby.Power() return True elif self.timerType == TIMERTYPE.WAKEUPTOSTANDBY: return True elif self.timerType == TIMERTYPE.STANDBY: if not Screens.Standby.inStandby: # Not already in standby Notifications.AddNotificationWithUniqueIDCallback( self.sendStandbyNotification, "PT_StateChange", MessageBox, _("A power timer wants to set your %s %s to standby mode.\nGo to standby mode now?" ) % (getMachineBrand(), getMachineName()), timeout=180) return True elif self.timerType == TIMERTYPE.AUTOSTANDBY: if NavigationInstance.instance.getCurrentlyPlayingServiceReference( ) and ('0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0' in NavigationInstance.instance. getCurrentlyPlayingServiceReference().toString() or '4097:' in NavigationInstance.instance. getCurrentlyPlayingServiceReference().toString()): self.do_backoff() # retry self.begin = time() + self.backoff if self.end <= self.begin: self.end = self.begin return False if not Screens.Standby.inStandby: # Not already in standby Notifications.AddNotificationWithUniqueIDCallback( self.sendStandbyNotification, "PT_StateChange", MessageBox, _("A power timer wants to set your %s %s to standby mode.\nGo to standby mode now?" ) % (getMachineBrand(), getMachineName()), timeout=180) if self.autosleeprepeat == "once": eActionMap.getInstance().unbindAction( '', self.keyPressed) return True else: self.begin = time() + int(self.autosleepdelay) * 60 if self.end <= self.begin: self.end = self.begin else: self.begin = time() + int(self.autosleepdelay) * 60 if self.end <= self.begin: self.end = self.begin elif self.timerType == TIMERTYPE.AUTODEEPSTANDBY: # Check for there being any active # Movie playback or IPTV channel or # any streaming clients before going # to Deep Standby. However, it is # possible to put the box into Standby # with the MoviePlayer still active # (it will play if the box is taken # out of Standby) - similarly for the # IPTV player. This should not prevent # a DeepStandby And check for existing # or imminent recordings, etc.. Also # added () around the test and split # them across lines to make it clearer # what each test is. from Components.Converter.ClientsStreaming import ClientsStreaming if ((not Screens.Standby.inStandby and NavigationInstance. instance.getCurrentlyPlayingServiceReference() and ('0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0' in NavigationInstance.instance. getCurrentlyPlayingServiceReference().toString() or '4097:' in NavigationInstance.instance. getCurrentlyPlayingServiceReference().toString()) or (int(ClientsStreaming("NUMBER").getText()) > 0)) or recordingsActive(900) or (self.autosleepinstandbyonly == 'yes' and not Screens.Standby.inStandby) or (self.autosleepinstandbyonly == 'yes' and Screens.Standby.inStandby and internalHDDNotSleeping())): self.do_backoff() # Retry self.begin = time() + self.backoff if self.end <= self.begin: self.end = self.begin return False if not Screens.Standby.inTryQuitMainloop: # The shutdown messagebox is not open if Screens.Standby.inStandby: # In standby quitMainloop(Screens.Standby.QUIT_SHUTDOWN) return True else: Notifications.AddNotificationWithUniqueIDCallback( self.sendTryQuitMainloopNotification, "PT_StateChange", MessageBox, _("A power timer wants to shut down your %s %s.\nShut down now?" ) % (getMachineBrand(), getMachineName()), timeout=180) if self.autosleeprepeat == "once": eActionMap.getInstance().unbindAction( '', self.keyPressed) return True else: self.begin = time() + int(self.autosleepdelay) * 60 if self.end <= self.begin: self.end = self.begin elif self.timerType == TIMERTYPE.DEEPSTANDBY and self.wasPowerTimerWakeup: return True elif self.timerType == TIMERTYPE.DEEPSTANDBY and not self.wasPowerTimerWakeup: if recordingsActive(900): self.do_backoff() # Retry self.begin = time() + self.backoff if self.end <= self.begin: self.end = self.begin return False if not Screens.Standby.inTryQuitMainloop: # The shutdown messagebox is not open if Screens.Standby.inStandby: # In standby quitMainloop(Screens.Standby.QUIT_SHUTDOWN) else: Notifications.AddNotificationWithUniqueIDCallback( self.sendTryQuitMainloopNotification, "PT_StateChange", MessageBox, _("A power timer wants to shut down your %s %s.\nShut down now?" ) % (getMachineBrand(), getMachineName()), timeout=180) return True elif self.timerType == TIMERTYPE.REBOOT: if recordingsActive(900): self.do_backoff() # Retry self.begin = time() + self.backoff if self.end <= self.begin: self.end = self.begin return False if not Screens.Standby.inTryQuitMainloop: # The shutdown messagebox is not open if Screens.Standby.inStandby: # In standby quitMainloop(Screens.Standby.QUIT_REBOOT) else: Notifications.AddNotificationWithUniqueIDCallback( self.sendTryToRebootNotification, "PT_StateChange", MessageBox, _("A power timer wants to reboot your %s %s.\nReboot now?" ) % (getMachineBrand(), getMachineName()), timeout=180) return True elif self.timerType == TIMERTYPE.RESTART: if recordingsActive(900): self.do_backoff() # Retry self.begin = time() + self.backoff if self.end <= self.begin: self.end = self.begin return False if not Screens.Standby.inTryQuitMainloop: # The shutdown messagebox is not open if Screens.Standby.inStandby: # In standby quitMainloop(Screens.Standby.QUIT_RESTART) else: Notifications.AddNotificationWithUniqueIDCallback( self.sendTryToRestartNotification, "PT_StateChange", MessageBox, _("A power timer wants to restart your %s %s user interface.\nRestart user interface now?" ) % (getMachineBrand(), getMachineName()), timeout=180) return True elif next_state == self.StateEnded: NavigationInstance.instance.PowerTimer.saveTimer() if self.afterEvent == AFTEREVENT.STANDBY: if not Screens.Standby.inStandby: # Not already in standby Notifications.AddNotificationWithUniqueIDCallback( self.sendStandbyNotification, "PT_StateChange", MessageBox, _("A power timer wants to set your %s %s to standby mode.\nGo to standby mode now?" ) % (getMachineBrand(), getMachineName()), timeout=180) elif self.afterEvent == AFTEREVENT.DEEPSTANDBY: if recordingsActive(900): self.do_backoff() # Retry self.begin = time() + self.backoff if self.end <= self.begin: self.end = self.begin return False if not Screens.Standby.inTryQuitMainloop: # The shutdown messagebox is not open if Screens.Standby.inStandby: # In standby quitMainloop(Screens.Standby.QUIT_SHUTDOWN) else: Notifications.AddNotificationWithUniqueIDCallback( self.sendTryQuitMainloopNotification, "PT_StateChange", MessageBox, _("A power timer wants to shut down your %s %s.\nShut down now?" ) % (getMachineBrand(), getMachineName()), timeout=180) return True