def ts_phase_envelope(substance, fill=None, Tf=None):
    Tc = pr('Tcrit', substance)
    if Tf == None: Tf = pr('Tmin', substance)
    Tsweep = linspace(Tf, Tc, 100)
    Tsweep[-1] = Tc - .1
    s_sl = pr('S', 'Q', 0, 'T', Tsweep, substance)
    s_sv = pr('S', 'Q', 1, 'T', Tsweep, substance)
    ss = array(list(s_sl) + list(s_sv)[::-1])
    Ts = array(list(Tsweep) + list(Tsweep)[::-1])
    plot(ss, Ts, '.2')
    if fill != None:
        if fill == True: fill = 'silver'
        fill_between(ss, Ts, Tf, color=fill, alpha=.5)
    return ss, Ts
def tv_phase_envelope(substance, fill=None):
    Tc = pr('Tcrit', substance)
    Tf = pr('Tmin', substance)
    Tsweep = linspace(Tf, Tc, 100)
    Tsweep[-1] = Tc - .1
    v_sl = 1 / pr('D', 'Q', 0, 'T', Tsweep, substance)
    v_sv = 1 / pr('D', 'Q', 1, 'T', Tsweep, substance)
    vs = array(list(v_sl) + list(v_sv)[::-1])
    Ts = array(list(Tsweep) + list(Tsweep)[::-1])
    plot(vs, Ts, '.2')
    if fill != None:
        if fill == True: fill = 'silver'
        fill_between(vs, Ts, 0, color=fill, alpha=.5)

    return vs, Ts
def ph_phase_envelope(substance, fill=False):
    Pc = pr('Pcrit', substance)
    Psweep = linspace(1e4, Pc, 100)
    Psweep[-1] = Pc - .01
    h_sl = pr('H', 'Q', 0, 'P', Psweep, substance)
    h_sv = pr('H', 'Q', 1, 'P', Psweep, substance)
    hs = array(list(h_sl) + list(h_sv)[::-1])
    Ps = array(list(Psweep) + list(Psweep)[::-1])
    plot(hs, Ps, '.2')

    if fill != None:
        if fill == True: fill = 'silver'
        fill_between(hs, Ps, 0, color=fill, alpha=.5)

    return hs, Ps
def pv_phase_envelope(substance, fill=None):
    Pc = pr('Pcrit', substance)
    Pm = pr('P_min', substance)
    Psweep = linspace(Pm, Pc, 100)
    Psweep[-1] = Pc - .01
    v_sl = 1 / pr('D', 'Q', 0, 'P', Psweep, substance)
    v_sv = 1 / pr('D', 'Q', 1, 'P', Psweep, substance)
    vs = array(list(v_sl) + list(v_sv)[::-1])
    Ps = array(list(Psweep) + list(Psweep)[::-1])
    plot(vs, Ps, '.2')

    if fill != None:
        if fill == True: fill = 'silver'
        fill_between(vs, Ps, 0, color=fill, alpha=.5)

    return vs, Ps
def stater(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5):
    out = {}
    arg1 = arg1.upper()
    arg3 = arg3.upper()
    terms = ['T', 'H', 'U', 'S', 'Q', 'P', 'D']

    #allow volume calcs
    if arg1 == 'V':
        arg1 = 'D'
        arg2 = 1 / arg2
    if arg3 == 'V':
        arg3 = 'D'
        arg4 = 1 / arg4

    for t in terms:
        out[t] = pr(t, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5)

    ##weird bug that cody and nikita caught
    bad = "V,D,Q".split(",")

    if (arg1 in bad) and (arg3 in bad):
        #"this might be borked"
        arg1 = 'D'
        arg2 = out['D']
        arg3 = 'T'
        arg4 = out['T']

    for t in terms:
        out[t] = pr(t, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5)

    out['V'] = 1 / out['D']
        out['phase'] = ph(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5)
        out['phase'] = "NA"
    out['substance'] = arg5
    return out