예제 #1
    def evaluate(self, runlist):

        # provide pickled dictionary of query result
        with timer('CreateResultDict'):
            from CoolRunQuery.output.AtlRunQuerySave import CreateResultDict
            dic, dicsum = CreateResultDict(runlist)

        # create XML file (and return pretty html output for print)
        if self.prodgrl:
            with timer('CreateXMLFile'):
                print("Producing XML file")
                from CoolRunQuery.output.AtlRunQueryXML import CreateXMLFile
                from .AtlRunQueryVersion import SvnVersion
                xmlhtmlstr = CreateXMLFile(runlist, self.cmdlineOptions,
                                           self.origQuery, self.datapath,
                                           self.xmlFileName, self.xmlFileLabel,
            xmlhtmlstr = None
            print("Creation of GRL disabled")

        if self.dictroot and len(runlist) > 0:
            with timer('CreateRootFile'):
                # create root file from dictionary - and make plots
                from CoolRunQuery.output.AtlRunQueryRoot import CreateRootFile
                rootfilename, roothtmlstr = CreateRootFile(dic)
            roothtmlstr = None
            print("Creation of root file disabled")

        return (dic, dicsum, xmlhtmlstr, roothtmlstr)
예제 #2
    def output(self, runlist, dic, dicsum, xmlhtmlstr, roothtmlstr):

        if self.html:

            with timer('GetOKS link info'):
                from AtlRunQuerySFO import SetOKSLinks

            # create web page
            from .html.AtlRunQueryHTML import ResultPageMaker
            pageinfo = {
                'datapath': self.datapath,
                'origQuery': self.origQuery,
                'fullQuery': self.parsedstring,
                'runlist': runlist,
                'dic': dic,
                'dicsum': dicsum,
                'makeSummary': self.makeSummary,
                'makeDQeff': self.makeDQeff,
                'makeDQSummary': self.makeDQSummary,
                'makeDQPlots': self.makeDQPlots,
                'roothtmlstr': roothtmlstr,
                'xmlfilename': self.xmlFileName,
                'xmlhtmlstr': xmlhtmlstr,
                'querytime': time() - self.querystart,
                'selout': self.selectionOutput,
            with timer("run ResultPageMaker makePage"):
            #except ImportError, ie:
            #    print ("Can't import pagemaker, no web page made",ie)

            for r in runlist:

            from CoolRunQuery.utils.AtlRunQueryUtils import addKommaToNumber, filesize
            for data_key, summary in dicsum.items():
                if data_key.Type == DataKey.STREAM:
                    key = data_key.ResultKey.replace('STR:', '')
                    val = '%s (%s)' % (addKommaToNumber(
                        summary[0]), filesize(summary[1]))
                    key = data_key.ResultKey
                    val = addKommaToNumber(summary)
                print('%20s : %s' % (key, val))
            duration = time() - self.querystart
            print("%20s : %g sec" % ('Total execution time', duration))
예제 #3
    def select(self, runlist):

        # some preparation: compile the show patterns
        start = time()

        print self,
        newrunlist = []
        connection = coolDbConn.GetSFODBConnection()
        cursor = connection.cursor()
        cursor.arraysize = 1000

        runnrlist = [r.runNr for r in runlist]

        from CoolRunQuery.AtlRunQuerySFO import GetSFO_NphysicseventsAll
        with timer("GetSFO_NphysicseventsAll"):
            events = GetSFO_NphysicseventsAll(
                cursor, runnrlist)  # { runnr: nPhysEvents }

        for run in runlist:

            iov = IOVRange(runStart=run.runNr,
                           runEnd=run.runNr + 1,

            for k in self.ResultKey():
                if not run.runNr in events:
                    # the OVERLAP_EVENTS information is not yet available in the SFO (before Nov 15, 2009)
                    # use the inclusive number instead
                    run.addResult(k, "n.a.", iov, reject=False)
                    run.showDataIncomplete = True

                nev = events[run.runNr]

                if self.ApplySelection(k) and not self.passes(nev, k):
                                  self.prettyValue(nev, k),

                run.addResult(k, self.prettyValue(nev, k), iov)

            rej = self.rejectRun(run)

            if not rej:
                newrunlist += [run.runNr]

        runlist = [r for r in runlist if r.runNr in newrunlist]

        duration = time() - start
        if self.applySelection:
            print " ==> %i runs found (%.2f sec)" % (len(runlist), duration)
            print " ==> Done (%g sec)" % duration
        return runlist
예제 #4
    def _makeDQeff( cls, pageinfo ):
        for x in ["dicsum", "dic", "datapath", "makeDQeff"]:
            exec("%s = pageinfo['%s']" % (x,x) )

        if dicsum and makeDQeff:
            with timer("make the DQ efficiency summary"):
                from CoolRunQuery.utils.AtlRunQueryDQUtils import MakeDQeffHtml
                return MakeDQeffHtml( dic, dicsum, datapath )
            return ''
예제 #5
    def __init__(self,

        with timer('total'):

            with timer('config'):
                self.config(options, readoracle, loglevel, html, origQuery,
                            datapath, parsedstring)

            with timer('run all'):
                runlist = self.run()

            with timer('evaluate all'):
                (dic, dicsum, xmlhtmlstr, roothtmlstr) = self.evaluate(runlist)

            with timer('output all'):
                self.output(runlist, dic, dicsum, xmlhtmlstr, roothtmlstr)

            with timer('finalize'):

        from CoolRunQuery.utils.AtlRunQueryTimer import TimerStats as TS
예제 #6
    def _makeResultsTable( cls, pageinfo ):
        for x in pageinfo.keys():
            exec("%s = pageinfo['%s']" % (x,x) )

        # run results table
        resultstable = '<table class="resulttable" id="resulttable" style="margin-left: 13px">\n'

        # table head
        resultstable += Run.header()

        # runs
        with timer("print the runs"):
            for r in runlist:
                with timer("print run %i" % r.runNr):
                    resultstable += str(r)

        # summary
        headlist = Run.headerkeys()
        resultstable += "  <tr class=\"space\"><td style=\"text-align: left;\" colspan=\"%i\"><font size=-2><i>Summary</i>:</font></td></tr>\n" % (len(headlist)-1)
        resultstable += "  <tr class=\"sum\">" + sumstr + "</tr>\n"
        resultstable += "</table>\n"
        return resultstable
예제 #7
 def _OverallSummary( cls, pageinfo ):
     for x in pageinfo.keys():
         exec("%s = pageinfo['%s']" % (x,x) )
     with timer("make the summary"):
         from CoolRunQuery.html.AtlRunQuerySummary import MakeSummaryHtml
         overallsummarystr = MakeSummaryHtml( dic, dicsum, datapath )
     if overallsummarystr == '': return ''
     s = '''<table width="95%" cellpadding="5" style="margin-left: 13px">
     <tr><td colspan=2 bgcolor=gainsboro><font size=+1><b>Search Result Summary</b></font></td></tr>
     s += '<p></p>'
     s += overallsummarystr
     s += '<p></p>'
     return s
예제 #8
 def _defineToolTips( cls, pageinfo, globalOnly=False ):
     for x in pageinfo.keys():
         exec("%s = pageinfo['%s']" % (x,x) )
     tooltips = u''
     with timer("print the tooltips"):
         dw_call  = ['<script type="text/javascript">']
         dw_call += ["if(dw_Tooltip.content_vars==undefined) {dw_Tooltip.content_vars = {}; };"]
         dw_call += Run.GlobalTooltips
         if not globalOnly:
             for r in runlist:
                 dw_call += r.tooltips
         dw_call += ['</script>']
         for l in dw_call:
             tooltips += unicode(l) + '\n'
     return tooltips
예제 #9
def CreateRunStreamAndNeventsList(runlist):

    # open SFO DB connection
    from CoolRunQuery.utils.AtlRunQueryUtils import coolDbConn
    from CoolRunQuery.AtlRunQuerySFO import GetSFO_NeventsAllPhysics

    cursor = coolDbConn.GetSFODBConnection().cursor()
    cursor.arraysize = 1000

    # find streams
    runnrlist = [r.runNr for r in runlist]
    with timer('get SFO number of events AllPhysics'):
        runstreamevents = GetSFO_NeventsAllPhysics(
            runnrlist)  # { runnr: { stream: [(LUMIBLOCKNR, NREVENTS)] } }
    return runstreamevents, ",".join(['%i' % r for r in runnrlist])
예제 #10
 def _makeYellowLine( cls, pageinfo ):
     for x in ["dicsum"]:
         exec("%s = pageinfo['%s']" % (x,x) )
     with timer("make the yellow summary line"):
         sumdic = {}
         for key, summary in dicsum.items():
             if key.Type == DataKey.STREAM:
                 s = addKommaToNumber(summary[0])+' <BR><font size="-2">(%s)</font>' % filesize(summary[1])
             elif key=='Run':
                 s = addKommaToNumber(summary) + "&nbsp;runs"
                 s = addKommaToNumber(summary)
             sumdic[key.ResultKey] = s.strip()
     sumstr = ''
     headlist = Run.headerkeys()
     for title in headlist:
         sumstr += '<td style="text-align:right;">%s</td>' % (sumdic[title] if title in sumdic else '')
     return sumstr
예제 #11
 def _DQSummaryWrap( cls, pageinfo, doPickle=True ):
     from CoolRunQuery.utils.AtlRunQueryUtils import runsOnServer
     if not runsOnServer() and doPickle:
         import pickle
         from CoolRunQuery.AtlRunQueryQueryConfig import QC
         f = open('%s/dqsum_pi.pickle' % QC.datapath, "w")
         pickle.dump(pageinfo, f)
     for x in pageinfo.keys():
         exec("%s = pageinfo['%s']" % (x,x) )
     with timer("make the DQ summary"):
         from CoolRunQuery.html.AtlRunQueryDQSummary import DQSummary
         dqsummary = DQSummary.makeHTML( dic, dicsum, doDQSummary=makeDQSummary, doDQPlots=makeDQPlots )
     if dqsummary == '': return ''
     s = '''<table width="95%" cellpadding="5" style="margin-left: 13px">
     <tr><td colspan=2 bgcolor=gainsboro><font size=+1><b>Data Quality Summary</b></font></td></tr>
     s += '<p></p>'
     s += dqsummary
     s += '<p></p>'
     return s
예제 #12
    def run(self):
        # is last run still open ?
        from CoolRunQuery.AtlRunQuerySFO import GetSFO_lastNruns
        sfoconnection = coolDbConn.GetSFODBConnection()
        sfocursor = sfoconnection.cursor()
        retlist = GetSFO_lastNruns(sfocursor, 1)
        if 'OPENED' in retlist[0][1]: Run.runnropen = retlist[0][0]

        if self.cmdlineOptions.runlist != None:
            runlist = self.cmdlineOptions.runlist
            if any('last' in x for x in self.cmdlineOptions.runlist):
                for idx in xrange(len(runlist)):
                    rrange = runlist[idx]
                    if not 'last' in rrange: continue
                    rrange = rrange.replace('last', '')
                    self.maxNumOfRuns = int(rrange)
                    # list of last n runs run numbers, where at least one stream is not calibration
                    retlist = GetSFO_lastNruns(sfocursor,
                                               1.1 * self.maxNumOfRuns)
                    runlist[idx] = '%i+' % (retlist[-1][0])

        elif self.cmdlineOptions.timelist != None:
            # translate time into run-range
            if 'last' in self.cmdlineOptions.timelist[0]:
                # contains 'last'
                from CoolRunQuery.utils.AtlRunQueryUtils import get_runs_last_dt
                rlist = get_runs_last_dt(self.cmdlineOptions.timelist[0])

                runlist = ['%i+' %
                           rlist[-1]] if (len(rlist) > 0) else ['99999999+']

                # translate time into run-range
                from utils.AtlRunQueryUtils import timeStringToSecondsUTC, secondsToTimeStringUTC, get_run_range2, GetTimeRanges
                timelist = ','.join(self.cmdlineOptions.timelist)
                timeranges, timerangesHR = GetTimeRanges(
                    timelist, intRepFnc=timeStringToSecondsUTC, maxval=time())
                timerangesAsString = [
                    map(secondsToTimeStringUTC, tr) for tr in timeranges
                runranges = [("%s-%s" % get_run_range2(tr[0], tr[1]))
                             for tr in timerangesAsString]
                runlist = [','.join(runranges)]

        # the run selector
        rtSel = RunTimeSelector(name='runtime', runlist=runlist)

        # find the begin and end of each interesting run
        runlist = rtSel.select()

        # if Selector.condDB()=="CONDBR2":
        #     self.cmdlineOptions.show = [x for x in self.cmdlineOptions.show if x not in ["lhc","olclumi","olcfillparams","olclbdata"]]
        #     self.cmdlineOptions.partition=None
        #     self.cmdlineOptions.projecttag=None
        #     print ("Pre-run2 selection removed partition and projecttag from querying")
        #     print ("Pre-run2 selection removed lhc, olc from showing. Modified show list: %r" % self.cmdlineOptions.show)

        self.selectionOutput += ["%s" % rtSel]

        from .AtlRunQuerySelectorWorker import SelectorWorker

        # create all selectors that are actively select

        # parse show option:

        # call setApply for all selectors that actively select

        # call setShowOutput for all selectors that show

        SelectorWorker.getRetrieveSelector('trigkey', 'TrigKeySelector')

        # Selectors can implement an initialize function which runs after any constructor and setShow
        for s in SelectorWorker.getOrderedSelectorList():
            s = s.selector
            if hasattr(s, 'initialize'):
                with timer("initializing selector '%s'" % s.name):
                    s.verbose = True

        # apply the selectors to initial run list
        for s in SelectorWorker.selectors():
            with timer("run selector '%s'" % s.name):
                s.verbose = True
                runlist = s.select(runlist)
                self.selectionOutput += ["%s" % s.__str__()]
            with timer("run AfterQuery for selector '%s'" % s.name):
            #print ([r.runNr for r in runlist])

        # reverse list for presentation: newest run on top

        # if "last" option used, the runlist has to be truncated
        if self.maxNumOfRuns > 0:
            print('SELOUT Selecting the %i most recent runs' %
            runlist = runlist[0:self.maxNumOfRuns]
            self.selectionOutput += [
                'SELOUT Selecting the %i most recent runs' % self.maxNumOfRuns

        return runlist
예제 #13
    def select(self, runlist):

        # some preparation: compile the show patterns
        start = time()

        if '.*' in self.showstreampatterns:
            compiledShowPatterns = [re.compile('.*')]
            compiledShowPatterns = [
                re.compile(p) for p in self.showstreampatterns

        # we disable the access to everything that is not needed if we only select
        ShowStreams = False
        useTier0 = False
        if len(compiledShowPatterns) > 0:
            ShowStreams = True
            useTier0 = True

        print(self, end='')
        newrunlist = []
        allStreams = Set(
        )  # list of all the streams that are in the selected runs
        connection = coolDbConn.GetSFODBConnection()
        cursor = connection.cursor()
        cursor.arraysize = 1000

        runnrlist = [r.runNr for r in runlist]

        from CoolRunQuery.AtlRunQuerySFO import GetSFO_streamsAll, GetSFO_filesAll
        with timer('GetSFO_streamsAll'):
            streamsall = GetSFO_streamsAll(cursor,
                                           runnrlist)  # { runnr: [streams] }
        with timer('GetSFO_filesAll'):
            filesall = GetSFO_filesAll(
                runnrlist)  # [(COUNT(FILESIZE), SUM(FILESIZE), SUM(NREVENTS))]

        if ShowStreams:
            from CoolRunQuery.AtlRunQuerySFO import GetSFO_LBsAll, GetSFO_NeventsAll, GetSFO_overlapAll
            with timer('GetSFO_LBsAll'):
                lbinfoall = GetSFO_LBsAll(
                    cursor, runnrlist
            with timer('GetSFO_overlapAll'):
                overlapall = GetSFO_overlapAll(
                    cursor, runnrlist)  # [(SUM(OVERLAP_EVENTS))]
            smallrunnrlist = []
            for r in runnrlist:  # go through old runlist and see
                if not r in streamsall: continue
                for s in streamsall[r]:
                    if r in lbinfoall and s in lbinfoall[
                            r] and lbinfoall[r][s][1] > 0:
                        smallrunnrlist += [r]
            with timer('GetSFO_NeventsAll'):
                neventsall = GetSFO_NeventsAll(
                    cursor, smallrunnrlist)  # [(LUMIBLOCKNR, NREVENTS)]

        for run in runlist:  # go through old runlist and see

            streams = []  # names of all streams in this run
            strsize = []  # size of streams in this run
            strevents = []  # nr of events in this run
            if run.runNr in streamsall:
                streams = streamsall[run.runNr]
            for s in streams:
                    nfiles, size, events = filesall[run.runNr][s]
                    nfiles, size, events = (0, 0, 0)
                strsize += [size]
                strevents += [events]

            if ShowStreams:
                from CoolRunQuery.utils.AtlRunQueryUtils import Matrix

                nst = len(streams)
                stovmat = Matrix(nst, nst)  # overlap matrix
                for i, s in enumerate(streams):
                    run.stats['STR:' + s] = {}

                    # fill overlaps into matrix
                    for j, s2 in enumerate(streams):
                            eventsij = overlapall[run.runNr][s][s2]
                        except KeyError:
                            eventsij = 0
                            if i == j and events:
                                eventsij = events
                        stovmat.setitem(i, j, float(eventsij))
                        stovmat.setitem(j, i,
                                        float(eventsij))  # symmetrise matrix

                    # read number of events per LB
                    minlb, maxlb, lbs = (0, 0, 1)
                        minlb, maxlb, lbs = lbinfoall[run.runNr][s]
                    except KeyError:

                    # if minlb==maxlb==0 -> no file closure at LB boundary
                    if minlb == 0 and maxlb == 0:
                        run.stats['STR:' + s]['LBRecInfo'] = None
                        lbevcount = '<tr>'
                        result = neventsall[run.runNr][s]  #[ (lb,nev),... ]
                        lbold = -1
                        allnev = 0
                        ic = 0
                        ice = 0
                        allic = 0
                        lastElement = False
                        firstcall = True

                        for ice, (lb, nev) in enumerate(result):
                            if ice == len(result):
                                lastElement = True
                                allnev += nev
                            if lb != lbold or lastElement:
                                if lbold != -1:
                                    ic += 1
                                    allic += 1
                                    if allic < 101:
                                        if ic == 9:
                                            ic = 1
                                            lbevcount += '</tr><tr>'
                                        lbevcount += '<td style="font-size:75%%">%i&nbsp;(%s)</td>' % (
                                            lbold, allnev)
                                        if firstcall:
                                            lbevcount += '</tr><tr>'
                                            lbevcount += '<td style="font-size:75%%" colspan="8">... <i>too many LBs (> 100) to show</i></td>'
                                            firstcall = False
                                allnev = nev
                                lbold = lb
                                allnev += nev
                        lbevcount += '</tr>'
                        run.stats['STR:' + s]['LBRecInfo'] = lbevcount
                        run.stats['STR:' + s]['LBRecInfo'] = result

                # add overlap information to the run stats
                for i in xrange(nst):
                    statkey = 'STR:' + streams[i]
                    run.stats[statkey]['StrOverlap'] = []
                    denom = stovmat.getitem(i, i)
                    if denom == 0: continue
                    for j in xrange(nst):
                        if i == j or stovmat.getitem(i, j) == 0: continue
                        fraction = 100
                        if stovmat.getitem(i, j) != denom:
                            fraction = float(stovmat.getitem(
                                i, j)) / float(denom) * 100.0
                        run.stats[statkey]['StrOverlap'] += [(streams[j],

            # selection...
            if not self.passes(zip(streams, strevents), 0): continue
            newrunlist += [run.runNr]
            for k, v, s in zip(streams, strevents, strsize):
                run.addResult('STR:' + k, (v, s))

        allStreams = ['STR:' + s for s in allStreams]
        allStreams.sort(lambda x, y: 2 * cmp(y[4], x[4]) + cmp(x[5:], y[5:]))

        # fill the gaps
        for run in runlist:
            for s in allStreams:
                if not s in run.result:
                    run.addResult(s, 'n.a.')

        runlist = [r for r in runlist if r.runNr in newrunlist]

        # check if the streams in 'allStreams' match the show patterns
        for s in allStreams:
            if any([p.match(s[4:]) != None for p in compiledShowPatterns]):
                Run.AddToShowOrder(DataKey(s, keytype=DataKey.STREAM))

        if useTier0:

            # retrieve Tier-0 information
            from CoolRunQuery.AtlRunQueryTier0 import GetTier0_datasetsAndTypes
            tier0connection = coolDbConn.GetTier0DBConnection()
            cursor = tier0connection.cursor()
            cursor.arraysize = 1000
            tier0retdico = GetTier0_datasetsAndTypes(cursor, runnrlist)

            # add Tier0 information
            for run in runlist:
                for s in allStreams:
                    if run.result[s] == 'n.a.': continue
                    run.stats[s]['StrTier0TypesRAW'] = {}
                    run.stats[s]['StrTier0TypesESD'] = {}
                    run.stats[s]['StrTier0AMI'] = {}
                    if run.runNr in tier0retdico.keys():
                        for dsname, t, pstates in tier0retdico[run.runNr]:
                            if s.replace('STR:', '') in dsname:
                                if '.RAW' in dsname:
                                    if '.merge' in dsname:
                                        prodstep = 'StrTier0TypesESD'
                                        t = '(RAW)'
                                        prodstep = 'StrTier0TypesRAW'
                                        t = '(RAW)'
                                    if '.recon.' in dsname:
                                        prodstep = 'StrTier0TypesRAW'
                                        prodstep = 'StrTier0TypesESD'
                                    if not run.stats[s]['StrTier0AMI'].has_key(
                                        dsnamesplit = dsname.split('.')
                                        if len(dsnamesplit) > 5:
                                            amitag = dsnamesplit[5]
                                                prodstep] = amitag
                                            amitag = ''
                                # check if on CAF
                                oncaf = False
                                if pstates and 'replicate:done' in pstates:
                                    oncaf = True

                                # fill the run stats
                                if not run.stats[s][prodstep].has_key(t):
                                    run.stats[s][prodstep][t] = oncaf

        # Done
        duration = time() - start
        if len(self.streams) != 0:
            print(" ==> %i runs found (%.2f sec)" % (len(runlist), duration))
            print(" ==> Done (%g sec)" % duration)
        return runlist
예제 #14
def CreateXMLFile(runlist,

    with timer('create RunStreamAndNeventsList'):

        # show number of events per stream per run ?
        ShowNumberOfEventsPerStreamPerRun = False
        ShowNumberOfEventsPerStreamSummary = True

        # find streams
        runstreamevents, runnrliststr = CreateRunStreamAndNeventsList(
            runlist)  # { runnr: { stream: [(LUMIBLOCKNR, NREVENTS)] } }

    with timer('prepare document'):

        ## create XML file of GRL


        doc = Document()

        docType = DocumentType('LumiRangeCollection')
        docType.systemId = 'http://atlas-runquery.cern.ch/LumiRangeCollection.dtd'

        # number of comments
        txt = ' Good-runs-list created by %s on %s ' % (
            sys.argv[0].split('/')[-1], str(datetime.datetime.now()))

        # root element
        lrc = doc.createElement('LumiRangeCollection')

        # NamedLumiRange
        namedLR = doc.createElement('NamedLumiRange')

        # name of NamedLumiRange
        namedLR.appendChild(TextElement('Name', xmllabel, doc))

        # version of NamedLumiRange
        namedLR.appendChild(TextElement('Version', '2.1', doc))

        # metadata of NamedLumiRange
        metadata = {
            'Query': origQuery.split('/')[0],
            'RQTSVNVersion': svnversion,
            'RunList': runnrliststr

        for md in metadata:
            mdelm = TextElement('Metadata', metadata[md], doc)
            mdelm.setAttribute('Name', md)

    with timer('ShowNumberOfEventsPerStreamSummary'):
        if ShowNumberOfEventsPerStreamSummary:
            strsummdelm = doc.createElement('Metadata')
            strsummdelm.setAttribute('Name', 'StreamListInfo')

    # lumiblock collections of NamedLumiRange
    streams_sum = {}
    streams_byrun = {}
    with timer('Loop over all runs'):
        for run in runlist:
            lbc = doc.createElement('LumiBlockCollection')
            # run number
            runnrelm = TextElement('Run', str(run.runNr), doc)

            if len(run.stats['SMK']['random']) == 2:
                (rd0, rd1) = run.stats['SMK']['random'][0:2]
                # protect against missing information
                if rd0 == 'n.a.': rd0 = 0
                if rd1 == 'n.a.': rd1 = 0
                runnrelm.setAttribute('PrescaleRD0', 0x1 << (3 + rd0))
                runnrelm.setAttribute('PrescaleRD1', 0x1 << (3 + rd1))
                (rd0, rd1, rd2, rd3) = run.stats['SMK']['random'][0:4]
                # protect against missing information
                if rd0 == 'n.a.': rd0 = 0
                if rd1 == 'n.a.': rd1 = 0
                if rd2 == 'n.a.': rd2 = 0
                if rd3 == 'n.a.': rd3 = 0
                runnrelm.setAttribute('Cut0', rd0)
                runnrelm.setAttribute('Cut1', rd1)
                runnrelm.setAttribute('Cut2', rd2)
                runnrelm.setAttribute('Cut3', rd3)


            # streams (initialisation)
            streams = {}
            streams_byrun[run.runNr] = streams
            if runstreamevents.has_key(
            ):  # protection in case the run does not have any stream
                for stream in runstreamevents[run.runNr].keys():
                    if 'physics_' == stream[:8]:
                        streams[stream] = [0, 0]  # only for physics streams
                        if not streams_sum.has_key(stream):
                            streams_sum[stream] = [0, 0]
                        # total number of events in stream
                        for (nlb, nev) in runstreamevents[run.runNr][stream]:
                            streams[stream][0] += nev

            # lumiblock ranges

            for lbrange in run.data.getLBRanges(activeOnly=True):
                lbrelm = TextElement('LBRange', '', doc)
                lbrelm.setAttribute('Start', lbrange[1])
                lbrelm.setAttribute('End', lbrange[2] - 1)
                # count nevents in streams
                if runstreamevents.has_key(
                ):  # protection in case the run does not have any stream
                    for stream, lbnevts in runstreamevents[run.runNr].items():
                        if 'physics_' == stream[:8]:
                            for (nlb, nev) in lbnevts:
                                if nlb >= lbrange[1] and nlb < lbrange[2]:
                                    streams[stream][1] += nev

            # append stream element
            s = streams.keys()
            strselm = doc.createElement('StreamsInRun')

            for stream in s:
                nevts = streams[stream]
                if ShowNumberOfEventsPerStreamPerRun:
                    strelm = TextElement('Stream', '', doc)
                    strelm.setAttribute('Name', stream)
                    strelm.setAttribute('TotalNumOfEvents', nevts[0])
                    strelm.setAttribute('NumOfSelectedEvents', nevts[1])
                eff = 0
                if nevts[0] > 0: eff = nevts[1] / float(nevts[0]) * 100.0

                # collect total number of events
                streams_sum[stream][0] += nevts[0]
                streams_sum[stream][1] += nevts[1]

            # append streams
            if ShowNumberOfEventsPerStreamPerRun: lbc.appendChild(strselm)

            # append LumiBlickCollection

    with timer('Streams'):
        for stream in sorted(streams_sum.keys()):
            nevts = streams_sum[stream]
            if ShowNumberOfEventsPerStreamSummary:
                strelm = TextElement('Stream', '', doc)
                strelm.setAttribute('Name', stream)
                strelm.setAttribute('TotalNumOfEvents', nevts[0])
                strelm.setAttribute('NumOfSelectedEvents', nevts[1])

    with timer('Save GRL'):

        filename = '%s/%s' % (datapath, xmlfname)
        #print "Writing",filename
        xmlfile = open(filename, mode="w")
        xmlfile.write(doc.toprettyxml('   '))

    with timer('Create HTML'):


        ## create HTML


        # provide also pretty html text output
        htmltext = ''
        hspace = '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;'
        htmltext += '<table style=&quot;width: auto; border: 0px solid; border-width: margin: 0 0 0 0; 0px; border-spacing: 0px; border-collapse: separate; padding: 0px;&quot; font-family: sans-serif; font-size: 85%%&quot;>\n'
        htmltext += '<tr><td colspan=&quot;2&quot;><b><font color=&quot;#999999&quot;>' + txt.strip(
        ) + '</font></b></td></tr>\n'
        htmltext += '<tr><td style=&quot;vertical-align:top&quot;>SVN&nbsp;Version: </td><td> ' + svnversion + '</td></tr>\n'
        htmltext += '<tr><td style=&quot;vertical-align:top&quot;>Query&nbsp;string:</td><td><b>' + origQuery.split(
            '/')[0] + '</b></td></tr>\n'
        htmltext += '<tr><td style=&quot;vertical-align:top&quot;>Run list:</td><td>' + runnrliststr + '</td></tr>\n'
        htmltext += '</table>'
        htmltext += '<hr color=&quot;#000000&quot; size=1><font color=&quot;#777777&quot;>\n'
        htmltext += '<table style=&quot;width: auto; border: 0px solid; border-width: margin: 0 0 0 0; 0px; border-spacing: 0px; border-collapse: separate; padding: 0px;&quot; font-family: sans-serif; font-size: 90%%&quot;>\n'

        # lumiblock collections of NamedLumiRange
        for run in runlist:
            # run number
            htmltext += '<tr><td style=&quot;text-align:left;height:25px;vertical-align:bottom&quot;>Run <b>%i</b>:</td><td></td></tr>\n' % run.runNr

            # lumiblock ranges

            for lbrange in run.data.getLBRanges(activeOnly=True):
                htmltext += '<tr><td></td><td style=&quot;text-align:left&quot;>LB range: [%5i-%5i]</td></tr>\n' % (
                    lbrange[1], lbrange[2] - 1)

            # append stream element
            htmltext += '<tr><td></td><td style=&quot;text-align:left&quot;></td></tr>'
            htmltext += '<tr><td></td><td style=&quot;text-align:left&quot;><table style=&quot;width: auto; border: 0px solid; border-width: margin: 0 0 0 0; 0px; border-spacing: 0px; border-collapse: separate; padding: 0px;font-family: sans-serif; font-size: 90%&quot;><tr><td>Stream name</td><td>#Events total</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;#Events selected</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Sel. fraction (%)</td></tr>\n'

            streams = streams_byrun[run.runNr]
            for stream in sorted(streams.keys()):
                nevts = streams[stream]
                eff = (nevts[1] / float(nevts[0]) *
                       100.0) if (nevts[0] > 0) else 0
                htmltext += '<tr><td style=&quot;text-align:left&quot;><i>%s</i></td><td style=&quot;text-align:right&quot;>%s</td><td style=&quot;text-align:right&quot;>%s</td><td style=&quot;text-align:right&quot;>%.4g</td></tr>\n' % (
                    stream, prettyNumber(nevts[0]), prettyNumber(
                        nevts[1]), eff)

            htmltext += '</table></td></tr>\n'

        # append stream element
        htmltext += '</table>'
        htmltext += '<hr color=&quot;#000000&quot; size=1><font color=&quot;#777777&quot;>\n'
        htmltext += '<b>Stream summary for all selected runs:</b><br>\n'
        htmltext += '<table style=&quot;width: auto; border: 0px solid; border-width: margin: 0 0 0 0; 0px; border-spacing: 0px; border-collapse: separate; padding: 0px;font-family: sans-serif; font-size: 95%&quot;><tr><td>Stream name</td><td>#Events total</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;#Events selected</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Sel. fraction (%)</td></tr>\n'
        for stream in sorted(streams_sum.keys()):
            nevts = streams_sum[stream]
            eff = 0
            if nevts[0] > 0: eff = nevts[1] / float(nevts[0]) * 100.0
            htmltext += '<tr><td style=&quot;text-align:left&quot;><i>%s</i></td><td style=&quot;text-align:right&quot;>%s</td><td style=&quot;text-align:right&quot;>%s</td><td style=&quot;text-align:right&quot;>%.4g</td></tr>\n' % (
                stream, prettyNumber(nevts[0]), prettyNumber(nevts[1]), eff)
        htmltext += '</table>\n'

    #print """========================================================
    #""" % htmltext

    # provide also text output
    return htmltext
예제 #15
    def runAfterQuery(self, runlist):

        import cPickle

        for k in self.ResultKey():
            with timer("olc afterquery blocks prepare for: %s" % k):
                for run in runlist:
                    run.stats[k] = {}
                    if not k in run.data: continue
                    blocks = []
                    for entry in run.data[k]:
                        v = entry.value
                        if k != 'olc:bcidmask':
                            v = int(v)
                        if len(blocks) > 0 and blocks[-1][0] == v and blocks[
                                -1][2] == entry.startlb:
                            blocks[-1][2] = entry.endlb
                            blocks += [[v, entry.startlb, entry.endlb]]
                    run.stats[k] = {
                        "blocks": blocks,
                        "first": run.data[k][0].value

        #f = open("olc.pickle", "w")

        with timer("olc afterquery rest"):
            from CoolRunQuery.utils.AtlRunQueryUtils import unpackRun1BCIDMask, unpackRun2BCIDMask
            for run in runlist:

                if run.runNr < 151260:
                    continue  # OLC information was not in COOL before this run

                # these contain the number of bunches for each IOV [(nb,lbstart,lbend)(...)...]
                xb1 = run.stats['olc:beam1bunches']['blocks']
                xb2 = run.stats['olc:beam2bunches']['blocks']
                xbc = run.stats['olc:collbunches']['blocks']
                #print "JOERG XB1 ",xb1
                #print "JOERG XB2 ",xb2
                #print "JOERG XBC ",xbc

                # loop over BCID mask
                bcidmask = run.stats['olc:bcidmask']['blocks']
                for i in xrange(len(bcidmask)):
                    (bcidblob, lbstart, lbend) = bcidmask[i]

                    # number of bunches
                    for nb1, b, e in xb1:
                        if lbstart >= b and lbstart < e: break
                    for nb2, b, e in xb2:
                        if lbstart >= b and lbstart < e: break
                    for nbc, b, e in xbc:
                        if lbstart >= b and lbstart < e: break

                    bcidBlobLength = len(bcidblob)
                    if bcidBlobLength == 3564:
                        # run 2
                        beam1, beam2, beam12 = unpackRun2BCIDMask(bcidblob)
                        #print "BC beam 1: %i, beam 2: %i, coll: %i" % (len(beam1), len(beam2), len(beam12))
                        # unpack BCID mask
                        if len(bcidblob) == 2 * (nb1 + nb2 + nbc):
                            beam1, beam2, beam12 = unpackRun1BCIDMask(
                                bcidblob, nb1, nb2, nbc)
                            #print "BC beam 1: %i, beam 2: %i, coll: %i" % (len(beam1), len(beam2), len(beam12))
                            print "WARNING, bcidMask inconsistent", nb1, nb2, nbc, "should add up to half of", len(
                            beam1, beam2, beam12 = ([], [], [])

                    # refill run stats
                    bcidmask[i] = ((nb1, nb2, nbc), (beam1, beam2, beam12),
                                   lbstart, lbend)