def __init__(self, loaderTile, surface, xIndex, yIndex, layer): """ Create a new GameTile form the U{tiledtmxloader's<'tiled'-1158-.html>} tile. @type loaderTile: L{Tile<tiledtmxloader.Tile>} @param loaderTile: The the loader's tile object, which is converted to our own class. @type surface: C{U{pygame.Surface<>}} @param surface: This GameTile's graphic. @type xIndex: C{int} @param xIndex: X coordinate in the Tiled editor. @type yIndex: C{int} @param yIndex: Y coordinate in the Tiled editor. @type layer: L{GameLayer<Map.GameLayer.GameLayer>} @param layer: The GameLayer this tile is on. """ rect = surface.get_rect() rect.topleft = (xIndex * rect.width, yIndex * rect.height) name = 'Game Tile' GameObject.__init__(self, rect.topleft, rect.width, rect.height, layer, name, surface) # When creating tiles from a large image, loader does not associate Tile objects with the surfaces. # Handling that. if loaderTile == None: = {} else: =
def __init__(self, position, width, height, name, collisionGroupNames, transferName, stateMappings, startStateName, image=None, animationMappings=None, soundMappings=None, stateTransitionRestrictions=None): """ Creates a new Actor. Initializes all Actor variables, but should be extended by derived classes. @type position: C{(int, int)} | L{Vector<Utilities.vector.Vector>} @param position: World coordinates of the top left corner of the object's bounding box. @type width: C{int} @param width: Width of the object's bounding box in pixels. @type height: C{int} @param height: Height of the object's bounding box in pixels. @type name: C{str} @param name: Name for this Actor. @type collisionGroupNames: C{list} @param collisionGroupNames: List of names (C{str}) of L{CollisionGroup<CollisionGroup.CollisionGroup>}s that this Actor should be part of. @type transferName: C{str} @param transferName: Name of the Actor to transfer attributes from when switching between maps. @type stateMappings: C{list} @param stateMappings: List of pairs in the form C{str, L{State<State.State>}} which are the States available to this Actor. In detail they are: - C{str} - Name to use to refer to this State. - C{State} - The State object. @type startStateName: C{str} @param startStateName: Name of the L{State<State.State>} the Actor will start in. @type image: U{C{pygame.Surface}<>} @param image: Static image that should be drawn at the object's L{Position}. @type animationMappings: C{list} @param animationMappings: List of tuples in the form C{(str, L{Animation<Animation.Animation>}, (int, int))}. In detail they are: - C{str} - Name to use to refer to this Animation. - C{Animation} - Animation object itself. - C{(int, int)} - Offset from the GameObject's L{Position} where the top-left of the Animation's frames should be drawn. @type soundMappings: C{list} @param soundMappings: List of tuples in the form C{(str, L{Sound<Sound.Sound>})}. In detail they are: - C{str} - Name to use to refer to this Sound. - C{Sound} - Sound object itself. @type stateTransitionRestrictions: C{list} @param stateTransitionRestrictions: List of tuples in the form C{(str, str)}. The first string is the originating state name and the second is the target state name. If the first state is trying to transition into the second it will be ignored. """ GameObject.__init__(self, position, width, height, None, name, image, animationMappings, soundMappings) # collision groups self.cgroupNames = collisionGroupNames self._collisionGroups = [] self._collisions = set() # states self._stateMappings = {} for name, state in stateMappings: self._stateMappings[name] = state # state restrictions self._restrictedStateTrans = [] if self._restrictedStateTrans: for statePair in stateTransitionRestrictions: self._restrictedStateTrans.append(statePair) # velocities are in pixels/second self._velocity = Vector((0, 0)) self._prevPosition = Vector(self.Position) # some maximum values self._maxXVel = Constants.ActorConstants.MAX_X_VELOCITY self._maxYVel = Constants.ActorConstants.MAX_Y_VELOCITY # make sure the state is setup correctly self._currentState = self._stateMappings[startStateName] self._currentState.OnEnter() # effects self._effects = [] # map transition self._transferFromName = transferName