def __init__(self, message): """ Initialize the dialog **Parameters:** * message: Error message to display """ ErrorDialog.REPORTER_ACTIVE = True # Get version from the app since the main window may be dead or # not even ready yet. #version = wx.GetApp().GetVersion() BaseDialog.__init__(self, Utilities.GetActiveWindow()) # Give message to ErrorReporter ErrorReporter().AddMessage(message) #self.SetIcon(wx.IconFromBitmap(CreateBitmap("GUI2Exe"))) self.SetTitle(_("Error/Crash Reporter")) # Attributes self.err_msg = "%s\n\n%s\n%s\n%s" % (Utilities.EnvironmentInfo(), \ "---- Traceback Info ----", \ ErrorReporter().GetErrorStack(), \ "---- End Traceback Info ----") self.textCtrl = wx.TextCtrl(self, value=self.err_msg, style=wx.TE_MULTILINE | wx.TE_READONLY) self.abortButton = wx.Button(self, wx.ID_CANCEL, size=(-1, 26)) self.sendButton = wx.Button(self, ID_SEND, _("Report Error"), size=(-1, 26)) self.sendButton.SetDefault() self.closeButton = wx.Button(self, wx.ID_CLOSE, size=(-1, 26)) # Layout self.DoLayout() # Event Handlers self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnButton) self.Bind(wx.EVT_CLOSE, self.OnClose) # Auto show at end of init self.CenterOnParent() self.ShowModal()
def CreateBlock(*argv, **kwargs): """ Create Block from python_file and other info coming from wizard. """ import Core.Components.Container as Container python_file = kwargs['python_file'] canvas = kwargs['canvas'] if 'canvas' in kwargs else None x = kwargs['x'] if 'x' in kwargs else None y = kwargs['y'] if 'y' in kwargs else None # associated python class cls = GetClass(python_file) if inspect.isclass(cls): # adding devs model on good graphical model if issubclass(cls, DomainBehavior.DomainBehavior): amd = AMDComponent(*argv, **kwargs) m = amd.Create() ### move AMD model if canvas and x and y: ### convert coordinate depending on the canvas x, y = canvas.GetXY(m, x, y) # move model from mouse position m.move(x, y) return m elif issubclass(cls, DomainStructure.DomainStructure): cmd = CMDComponent(*argv, **kwargs) m = cmd.Create() ### move CMD model if canvas and x and y: ### convert coordinate depending on the canvas x, y = canvas.GetXY(m, x, y) # move model from mouse position m.move(x, y) return m elif 'IPort' in cls.__name__: label = kwargs['label'] iid = kwargs['id'] if 'id' in kwargs else canvas.GetDiagram( ).GetiPortCount() m = Container.iPort(label="%s %d" % (label, iid)) = iid m.move(x - 70, y - 70) return m elif 'OPort' in cls.__name__: label = kwargs['label'] oid = kwargs['id'] if 'id' in kwargs else canvas.GetDiagram( ).GetoPortCount() m = Container.oPort(label="%s %d" % (label, oid)) = oid m.move(x - 70, y - 70) return m else: dial = wx.MessageDialog( None, _('Object not instantiated !\n\n Perhaps there is bad imports.' ), _('Exclamation'), wx.OK | wx.ICON_EXCLAMATION) dial.ShowModal() return False ### inform user of the existance of error and return None else: MsgBoxError(None, Utilities.GetActiveWindow(), cls) return None
def OnEditor(self, event): """ Method that edit the python code of associated devs model of the Block """ python_path = self.python_path model_path = os.path.dirname(python_path) name = os.path.basename(python_path) ### trying to get parent window mainW = Utilities.GetActiveWindow(event) if isinstance(mainW, ShapeCanvas.ShapeCanvas): mainW = mainW.GetParent() if __builtin__.__dict__['LOCAL_EDITOR'] and not zipfile.is_zipfile( model_path) and not python_path.startswith('http'): dial = wx.MessageDialog( mainW, _('Do you want to use your local programmer software?\n\n If you want always use the DEVSimPy code editor\n change the option in Editor panel preferences.' ), 'Question', wx.YES_NO | wx.NO_DEFAULT | wx.ICON_QUESTION) val = dial.ShowModal() else: val = wx.ID_NO ### si local editor choisi dans les preferences et pas de zip file et pas de fichier provenant du server ftp if val == wx.ID_YES: ### open with local editor if wx.Platform == '__WXMAC__': os.system("open " + python_path) elif "wxMSW" in wx.PlatformInfo: os.startfile(python_path) elif "wxGTK" in wx.PlatformInfo: ### on est dans gnome if os.system('pidof gnome-session') != 256: try: soft = which('gnome-open') except: sys.stdout.write( _("Local programmer software not found!\n")) else: os.system(soft + " openURL " + python_path) ### on est dans kde elif os.system('pidof ksmserver') != 256: try: soft = which('kfmclient') except: sys.stdout.write( _("Local programmer software not found!\n")) else: os.system(soft + " openURL " + python_path) else: sys.stdout.write(_("Unknown Windows Manager!\n")) elif val != wx.ID_CANCEL: # chargement du fichier dans la fenetre d'edition (self.text) try: editorFrame = Editor.GetEditor(mainW, wx.ID_ANY, name, obj=self, file_type='block') # if zipfile.is_zipfile(model_path): # importer = zipimport.zipimporter(model_path) # text = importer.get_source(os.path.splitext(name)[0]) if not zipfile.is_zipfile(model_path): ### if file is localized on the net if python_path.startswith('http'): ### with internet python file, the editorFrame is read only editorFrame.SetReadOnly(True) printOnStatusBar(editorFrame.statusbar, {0: _('read only')}) ### parse url to extract the path(/devsimpy/domain...) and the network location ( o = urlparse(python_path) ### open conenction c = httplib.HTTPConnection(o.netloc) ### request with GET mode c.request('GET', o.path) ### get response of request r = c.getresponse() ### convert file into string text = else: ### if python_path is not found (because have an external origine) if not os.path.exists(python_path): if os.path.basename( DOMAIN_PATH) in python_path.split(os.sep): python_path = os.path.join( HOME_PATH, python_path[python_path.index( os.path.basename(DOMAIN_PATH)):].strip( '[]')) self.python_path = python_path # ### only with python 2.6 # with, 'r', 'utf-8') as f: # text = name = os.path.basename(python_path) editorFrame.AddEditPage(name, python_path) editorFrame.Show() printOnStatusBar(editorFrame.statusbar, {1: ''}) return editorFrame except Exception, info: dlg = wx.MessageDialog( mainW, _('Editor frame not instanciated: %s\n' % info), _("Error"), wx.OK | wx.ICON_ERROR) dlg.ShowModal() return False