예제 #1
 def testContainsFields(self):
     FieldTest.logger.debug('Test if field contains sub fields.')
     # Test data
     field_a = Field('WiFi hardware radio set enabled', [], 'sub_msg')
     field_b = Field('Monitoring hardware for problems.', [], 'sub_msg')
     field_c = Field('wireless card', [], 'module')
     field_d = Field('info', [field_b, field_c], 'level')
     field_e = Field(None, [field_d], 'msg')
     # Show test data
     FieldTest.logger.debug('Created field E:\n%s' % field_e.to_pretty_json())
     # Run test
     correct_result = field_e.containsFields([field_b, field_c])
     incorrect_result = field_e.containsFields([field_a, field_b])
     # Show test output
     FieldTest.logger.debug('Correct result: %s' % correct_result)
     FieldTest.logger.debug('Incorrect result: %s' % incorrect_result)
     # Verify results
     assert correct_result , 'The fields were not properly found.'
     assert not incorrect_result, 'The fields were found when not all should not have been.'
     FieldTest.logger.debug('Test succeeded!')
예제 #2
 def testContainsField(self):
     FieldTest.logger.debug('Test is field contains sub field.')
     # Test data
     field_a = Field('WiFi hardware radio set enabled', [], 'sub_msg')
     field_b = Field('Monitoring hardware for problems.', [], 'sub_msg')
     field_c = Field('info', [field_b], 'level')
     field_d = Field(None, [field_b], 'msg')
     # Show test data
     FieldTest.logger.debug('Created field D:\n%s' % field_d.to_pretty_json())
     # Run test
     correct_result = field_d.containsField(field_b)
     incorrect_result = field_d.containsField(field_a)
     # Show test output
     FieldTest.logger.debug('Correct result: %s' % correct_result)
     FieldTest.logger.debug('Incorrect result: %s' % incorrect_result)
     # Verify results
     assert correct_result , 'The field was not properly found.'
     assert not incorrect_result, 'The field was found when it should not have been.'
     FieldTest.logger.debug('Test succeeded!')
예제 #3
    def getAllFlatFields(self):
        all_fields = []
        field = Field(self.data, [], self.parser_type)
        for child in self.children:
            all_fields.extend( child.getAllFlatFields() )
        return all_fields
예제 #4
 def getAllFields(self):
     field = Field(self.data, [], self.parser_type)
     for child in self.children:
         field.children.append( child.getAllFields() )
     return field
예제 #5
    def createEvent(self, index, timestamp_data, component_data,
                    component_id_data, level_data, sub_msg_data):
        sub_msg = Field(sub_msg_data, [], 'sub_msg')
        level = Field(level_data, [], 'level')
        msg = Field(None, [level, sub_msg], 'msg')
        component_id = Field(component_id_data, [], 'component_id')
        component = Field(component_data, [], 'component')
        source = Field(None, [component, component_id], 'source')
        timestamp = Field(timestamp_data, [], 'timestamp')
        msg = Field(None, [timestamp, source, msg], 'event')

        event = Event(index, msg)

        return event
예제 #6
 def testGetFields(self):
     FieldTest.logger.debug('Test retrieving sub fields.')
     # Test data
     field_data_a = 'Monitoring hardware for problems.'
     field_name_a = 'sub_msg'
     field_a = Field(field_data_a, [], field_name_a)
     field_data_b = 'info'
     field_name_b = 'level'
     field_b = Field(field_data_b, [field_a], field_name_b)
     field_c = Field(None, [field_b], 'msg')
     # Show test data
     FieldTest.logger.debug('Created field C:\n%s' % field_c.to_pretty_json())
     # Run test
     results = field_c.getFields([field_name_a, field_name_b])
     # Show test output
     for i, field in enumerate(results):
         FieldTest.logger.debug('Found field %d:\n%s' % (i, field.to_pretty_json()))
     # Verify results
     assert results[0].name == field_name_a, 'The field name found is incorrect.'
     assert results[0].data == field_data_a, 'The field data found is incorrect.'
     assert results[0] == field_a, 'The field found is incorrect.'
     assert results[1].name == field_name_b, 'The field name found is incorrect.'
     assert results[1].data == field_data_b, 'The field data found is incorrect.'
     assert results[1] == field_b, 'The field found is incorrect.'
     FieldTest.logger.debug('Test succeeded!')
예제 #7
 def testGetField(self):
     FieldTest.logger.debug('Test retrieving a sub field.')
     # Test data
     field_data = 'Monitoring hardware for problems.'
     field_name = 'sub_msg'
     field_a = Field(field_data, [], field_name)
     field_b = Field('info', [field_a], 'level')
     field_c = Field(None, [field_b], 'msg')
     # Show test data
     FieldTest.logger.debug('Created field C:\n%s' % field_c.to_pretty_json())
     # Run test
     result = field_c.getField(field_name)
     # Show test output
     FieldTest.logger.debug('Found field:\n%s' % result.to_pretty_json())
     # Verify results
     assert result.name == field_name, 'The field name found is incorrect.'
     assert result.data == field_data, 'The field data found is incorrect.'
     assert result == field_a, 'The field found is incorrect.'
     FieldTest.logger.debug('Test succeeded!')
예제 #8
 def testInequality(self):
     FieldTest.logger.debug('Test inequality.')
     # Test data
     field_a = Field('ubuntu kernel', [], 'component')
     field_b = deepcopy(field_a)
     field_c = Field('ubuntu NetworkManager', [], 'component')
     # Show test data
     FieldTest.logger.debug('Created field A:\n%s' % field_a.to_pretty_json())
     FieldTest.logger.debug('Created field B:\n%s' % field_b.to_pretty_json())
     FieldTest.logger.debug('Created field C:\n%s' % field_c.to_pretty_json())
     # Verify results
     assert not(field_a != field_b), 'Field A should equal field B.'
     assert field_a != field_c, 'Field A should not equal field C.'
     FieldTest.logger.debug('Test succeeded!')
예제 #9
    def createFilterFields(self, filter):
        fields = []
        for key, value in filter.iteritems():
            fields.append(Field(value, [], key))

        return fields
예제 #10
 def testBranchesEqual(self): 
     FieldTest.logger.debug('Test branch equality.')
     # Test data
     field_a = Field('Monitoring hardware for problems.', [], 'sub_msg')
     field_b = Field('info', [field_a], 'level')
     field_c = Field(None, [field_b], 'msg')
     field_d = Field('Monitoring hardware for problems.', [], 'sub_msg')
     field_e = Field('info', [field_d], 'level')
     field_f = Field('Msg Data', [field_e], 'msg')
     # Show test data
     FieldTest.logger.debug('Created field C:\n%s' % field_c.to_pretty_json())
     FieldTest.logger.debug('Created field F:\n%s' % field_f.to_pretty_json())
     # Verify results
     assert not field_c.branchesEqual(field_f), 'Field C should not equal field F.'
     assert field_b.branchesEqual(field_e), 'Field B should equal field E.'
     FieldTest.logger.debug('Test succeeded!')