def test_write_debug():
    write_debug() method should return:
        1.  an error string containing the function where the bug occurred and
            the detailed message, no file if debuglog is unspecified
        2.  a file containing something similar to the above string is debuglog
            is a string
    filepath = os.path.join(configurator.default_path(),

    # --- 1 ---
    result = config().write_debug(test_write_debug.__name__,
                                  "failed because reasons")
    assert_in("test_write_debug", result)
    assert_in("failed because reasons", result)
    assert_raises(FileNotFoundError, open, filepath, 'r')

    # --- 2 ---
    config().debuglog = "test_debug.log"
                         "failed because reasons again")

    with open(filepath, 'r') as f:
        assert_in("failed because reasons again",
def setup():
    config().path_letters = configurator.default_path('test_cover-letters')
    config().file_type_letters = '.txt'

    dirpath = config().path_letters

    if not os.path.exists(dirpath):

    for letter in test_letterlist:
        with open(os.path.join(dirpath, letter[0]), 'w') as f:
def test_default_path():
    default_path method should return:
        1.  if the 'path' kwarg is none, the path of the parent directory of
        2.  if the 'path' kwarg is a string, a path with a directory within
            the parent directory of, named as the string
        3.  if the 'path' kwarg is an actual path, then it will return the
            same path
    base_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(configurator.__file__))

    # --- 1 ---
    result_path = os.path.dirname(base_path)
    assert_equals(configurator.default_path(None), result_path)

    # --- 2 ---
    result_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(base_path), "test")
    assert_equals(configurator.default_path("test"), result_path)

    # --- 3 ---
    result_path = os.path.join(base_path, "cheese")
    assert_equals(configurator.default_path(result_path), result_path)
def teardown_test_write_debug():
    filewalker.delete(configurator.default_path(), 'test_debug.log')

    config().debug = default_config.debug
    config().debuglog = default_config.debuglog
def setup_save_load():
    config().path_letters = configurator.default_path("testletters")
    config().greeting = "GLaDOS"