예제 #1
def fuzz(buf):
    	# fuzz code here
        PEM.decode(str(buf), str(buf))
    except ValueError: # handle expected errors here
예제 #2
def import_key(encoded, passphrase=None):
    """Import an ECC key (public or private).

      encoded (bytes or multi-line string):
        The ECC key to import.

        An ECC **public** key can be:

        - An X.509 certificate, binary (DER) or ASCII (PEM)
        - An X.509 ``subjectPublicKeyInfo``, binary (DER) or ASCII (PEM)
        - An OpenSSH line (e.g. the content of ``~/.ssh/id_ecdsa``, ASCII)

        An ECC **private** key can be:

        - In binary format (DER, see section 3 of `RFC5915`_ or `PKCS#8`_)
        - In ASCII format (PEM or OpenSSH)

        Private keys can be in the clear or password-protected.

        For details about the PEM encoding, see `RFC1421`_/`RFC1423`_.

      passphrase (byte string):
        The passphrase to use for decrypting a private key.
        Encryption may be applied protected at the PEM level or at the PKCS#8 level.
        This parameter is ignored if the key in input is not encrypted.

      :class:`EccKey` : a new ECC key object

      ValueError: when the given key cannot be parsed (possibly because
        the pass phrase is wrong).

    .. _RFC1421: http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1421.txt
    .. _RFC1423: http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1423.txt
    .. _RFC5915: http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc5915.txt
    .. _`PKCS#8`: http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc5208.txt

    encoded = tobytes(encoded)
    if passphrase is not None:
        passphrase = tobytes(passphrase)

    # PEM
    if encoded.startswith(b('-----')):
        der_encoded, marker, enc_flag = PEM.decode(tostr(encoded), passphrase)
        if enc_flag:
            passphrase = None
        return _import_der(der_encoded, passphrase)

    # OpenSSH
    if encoded.startswith(b('ecdsa-sha2-')):
        return _import_openssh(encoded)

    # DER
    if bord(encoded[0]) == 0x30:
        return _import_der(encoded, passphrase)

    raise ValueError("ECC key format is not supported")
예제 #3
def import_key(encoded, passphrase=None):
    """Import an ECC key (public or private).

      encoded : bytes or a (multi-line) string
        The ECC key to import.

        An ECC public key can be:

        - An X.509 certificate, binary (DER) or ASCII (PEM)
        - An X.509 ``subjectPublicKeyInfo``, binary (DER) or ASCII (PEM)
        - An OpenSSH line (e.g. the content of ``~/.ssh/id_ecdsa``, ASCII)

        An ECC private key can be:

        - In binary format (DER, see section 3 of `RFC5915`_ or `PKCS#8`_)
        - In ASCII format (PEM or OpenSSH)

        Private keys can be in the clear or password-protected.

        For details about the PEM encoding, see `RFC1421`_/`RFC1423`_.

      passphrase : byte string
        The passphrase to use for decrypting a private key.
        Encryption may be applied protected at the PEM level or at the PKCS#8 level.
        This parameter is ignored if the key in input is not encrypted.

    :Return: An ECC key object (`EccKey`)

    :Raise ValueError:
        When the given key cannot be parsed (possibly because
        the pass phrase is wrong).

    .. _RFC1421: http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1421.txt
    .. _RFC1423: http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1423.txt
    .. _RFC5915: http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc5915.txt
    .. _`PKCS#8`: http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc5208.txt

    encoded = tobytes(encoded)
    if passphrase is not None:
        passphrase = tobytes(passphrase)

    # PEM
    if encoded.startswith(b('-----')):
        der_encoded, marker, enc_flag = PEM.decode(tostr(encoded), passphrase)
        if enc_flag:
            passphrase = None
        return _import_der(der_encoded, passphrase)

    # OpenSSH
    if encoded.startswith(b('ecdsa-sha2-')):
        return _import_openssh(encoded)

    # DER
    if bord(encoded[0]) == 0x30:
        return _import_der(encoded, passphrase)

    raise ValueError("ECC key format is not supported")
예제 #4
 def _export_private_encrypted_pkcs8_in_clear_pem(self, passphrase,
     assert passphrase
     if 'protection' not in kwargs:
         raise ValueError(
             "At least the 'protection' parameter should be present")
     encoded_der = self._export_pkcs8(passphrase=passphrase, **kwargs)
     return PEM.encode(encoded_der, "ENCRYPTED PRIVATE KEY")
예제 #5
def import_key(extern_key, salt=None):
    der, marker, _ = PEM.decode(extern_key)
    ints = DerSequence().decode(der)

    if not marker.startswith('myDSA'):
        raise ValueError('Invalid format')

    key_dict = dict(zip(('p', 'q', 'g', 'y', 'x'), map(Integer, ints)))
    return myDSA(key_dict, salt)
예제 #6
파일: signature.py 프로젝트: 435vic/crypto2
def sign(fileIn, privKeyPath, signatureOut=None):
    if not signatureOut:
        signatureOut = fileIn + '.sign'

    with open(fileIn, 'rb') as f:
        data = f.read()

    with open(privKeyPath, 'rb') as f:
        privKey = RSA.import_key(f.read())

    dataHash = SHA512.new(data)
    signature = pss.new(privKey).sign(dataHash)
    with open(signatureOut, 'w') as f:
        f.write(PEM.encode(signature, 'PKCS1-PSS SIGNATURE'))
예제 #7
    def export_key(self, keytype):
        ints = [self.p, self.q, self.g, self.y]

        if keytype == 'priv':
            key_type = 'myDSA PRIVATE KEY'

        elif keytype == 'pub':
            key_type = 'myDSA PUBLIC KEY'

            raise ValueError('keytype should be one of "pub" or "priv"')

        binary = DerSequence(ints).encode()
        return PEM.encode(binary, key_type)
예제 #8
def decrypt(privKeyPath,
            chunksize=24 * 1024):
    if not outfilename:
        outfilename = splitext(outfilename)

    with open(privKeyPath, 'rb') as f:
        privKey = RSA.import_key(f.read())

    with open(keyfilename, 'r') as f:
        encKey = PEM.decode(f.read())[0]

    rsa_dec = PKCS1_OAEP.new(privKey)
    key = rsa_dec.decrypt(encKey)
    aes.decrypt(key, encfilename, outfilename, chunksize)
예제 #9
파일: signature.py 프로젝트: 435vic/crypto2
def verify(fileIn, signaturePath, pubKeyPath):
    with open(fileIn, 'rb') as f:
        data = f.read()

    with open(signaturePath, 'r') as f:
        signature = PEM.decode(f.read())[0]

    with open(pubKeyPath, 'rb') as f:
        pubKey = RSA.import_key(f.read())

    fileHash = SHA512.new(data)
    verifier = pss.new(pubKey)

        verifier.verify(fileHash, signature)
        return True
    except (ValueError, TypeError):
        return False
예제 #10
def encrypt(pubKeyPath,
            chunksize=64 * 1024):
    if not encfilename:
        encfilename = filename + '.crypt'
    if not keyfilename:
        keyfilename = filename + '.key'

    aeskey = get_random_bytes(32)
    with open(pubKeyPath, 'rb') as f:
        pubKey = RSA.import_key(f.read())

    rsa_enc = PKCS1_OAEP.new(pubKey)
    encKey = rsa_enc.encrypt(aeskey)
    PEMKey = PEM.encode(encKey, 'ENCRYPTED KEY')
    with open(keyfilename, 'w') as out:

    aes.encrypt(aeskey, filename, encfilename, chunksize)
예제 #11
def import_key(extern_key, passphrase=None):
    """Import a DSA key.

      extern_key (string or byte string):
        The DSA key to import.

        The following formats are supported for a DSA **public** key:

        - X.509 certificate (binary DER or PEM)
        - X.509 ``subjectPublicKeyInfo`` (binary DER or PEM)
        - OpenSSH (ASCII one-liner, see `RFC4253`_)

        The following formats are supported for a DSA **private** key:

        - `PKCS#8`_ ``PrivateKeyInfo`` or ``EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo``
          DER SEQUENCE (binary or PEM)
        - OpenSSL/OpenSSH custom format (binary or PEM)

        For details about the PEM encoding, see `RFC1421`_/`RFC1423`_.

      passphrase (string):
        In case of an encrypted private key, this is the pass phrase
        from which the decryption key is derived.

        Encryption may be applied either at the `PKCS#8`_ or at the PEM level.

      :class:`DsaKey` : a DSA key object

      ValueError : when the given key cannot be parsed (possibly because
        the pass phrase is wrong).

    .. _RFC1421: http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1421.txt
    .. _RFC1423: http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1423.txt
    .. _RFC4253: http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc4253.txt
    .. _PKCS#8: http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc5208.txt

    extern_key = tobytes(extern_key)
    if passphrase is not None:
        passphrase = tobytes(passphrase)

    if extern_key.startswith(b'-----'):
        # This is probably a PEM encoded key
        (der, marker, enc_flag) = PEM.decode(tostr(extern_key), passphrase)
        if enc_flag:
            passphrase = None
        return _import_key_der(der, passphrase, None)

    if extern_key.startswith(b'ssh-dss '):
        # This is probably a public OpenSSH key
        keystring = binascii.a2b_base64(extern_key.split(b' ')[1])
        keyparts = []
        while len(keystring) > 4:
            length = struct.unpack(">I", keystring[:4])[0]
            keyparts.append(keystring[4:4 + length])
            keystring = keystring[4 + length:]
        if keyparts[0] == b"ssh-dss":
            tup = [Integer.from_bytes(keyparts[x]) for x in (4, 3, 1, 2)]
            return construct(tup)

    if bord(extern_key[0]) == 0x30:
        # This is probably a DER encoded key
        return _import_key_der(extern_key, passphrase, None)

    raise ValueError("DSA key format is not supported")
예제 #12
 def _export_private_clear_pkcs8_in_clear_pem(self):
     encoded_der = self._export_pkcs8()
     return PEM.encode(encoded_der, "PRIVATE KEY")
예제 #13
    def _export_private_clear_pkcs8_in_clear_pem(self):
        from Cryptodome.IO import PEM

        encoded_der = self._export_pkcs8()
        return PEM.encode(encoded_der, "PRIVATE KEY")
예제 #14
 def _export_public_pem(self, compress):
     encoded_der = self._export_subjectPublicKeyInfo(compress)
     return PEM.encode(encoded_der, "PUBLIC KEY")
예제 #15
 def _export_private_clear_pkcs8_in_clear_pem(self):
     encoded_der = self._export_pkcs8()
     return PEM.encode(encoded_der, "PRIVATE KEY")
예제 #16
    def export_key(self,
        """Export this RSA key.

          format (string):
            The format to use for wrapping the key:

            - *'PEM'*. (*Default*) Text encoding, done according to `RFC1421`_/`RFC1423`_.
            - *'DER'*. Binary encoding.
            - *'OpenSSH'*. Textual encoding, done according to OpenSSH specification.
              Only suitable for public keys (not private keys).

          passphrase (string):
            (*For private keys only*) The pass phrase used for protecting the output.

          pkcs (integer):
            (*For private keys only*) The ASN.1 structure to use for
            serializing the key. Note that even in case of PEM
            encoding, there is an inner ASN.1 DER structure.

            With ``pkcs=1`` (*default*), the private key is encoded in a
            simple `PKCS#1`_ structure (``RSAPrivateKey``).

            With ``pkcs=8``, the private key is encoded in a `PKCS#8`_ structure

            .. note::
                This parameter is ignored for a public key.
                For DER and PEM, an ASN.1 DER ``SubjectPublicKeyInfo``
                structure is always used.

          protection (string):
            (*For private keys only*)
            The encryption scheme to use for protecting the private key.

            If ``None`` (default), the behavior depends on :attr:`format`:

            - For *'DER'*, the *PBKDF2WithHMAC-SHA1AndDES-EDE3-CBC*
              scheme is used. The following operations are performed:

                1. A 16 byte Triple DES key is derived from the passphrase
                   using :func:`Cryptodome.Protocol.KDF.PBKDF2` with 8 bytes salt,
                   and 1 000 iterations of :mod:`Cryptodome.Hash.HMAC`.
                2. The private key is encrypted using CBC.
                3. The encrypted key is encoded according to PKCS#8.

            - For *'PEM'*, the obsolete PEM encryption scheme is used.
              It is based on MD5 for key derivation, and Triple DES for encryption.

            Specifying a value for :attr:`protection` is only meaningful for PKCS#8
            (that is, ``pkcs=8``) and only if a pass phrase is present too.

            The supported schemes for PKCS#8 are listed in the
            :mod:`Cryptodome.IO.PKCS8` module (see :attr:`wrap_algo` parameter).

          randfunc (callable):
            A function that provides random bytes. Only used for PEM encoding.
            The default is :func:`Cryptodome.Random.get_random_bytes`.

          byte string: the encoded key

          ValueError:when the format is unknown or when you try to encrypt a private
            key with *DER* format and PKCS#1.

        .. warning::
            If you don't provide a pass phrase, the private key will be
            exported in the clear!

        .. _RFC1421:    http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1421.txt
        .. _RFC1423:    http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1423.txt
        .. _`PKCS#1`:   http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3447.txt
        .. _`PKCS#8`:   http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc5208.txt

        if passphrase is not None:
            passphrase = tobytes(passphrase)

        if randfunc is None:
            randfunc = Random.get_random_bytes

        if format == 'OpenSSH':
            e_bytes, n_bytes = [x.to_bytes() for x in (self._e, self._n)]
            if bord(e_bytes[0]) & 0x80:
                e_bytes = bchr(0) + e_bytes
            if bord(n_bytes[0]) & 0x80:
                n_bytes = bchr(0) + n_bytes
            keyparts = [b('ssh-rsa'), e_bytes, n_bytes]
            keystring = b('').join(
                [struct.pack(">I", len(kp)) + kp for kp in keyparts])
            return b('ssh-rsa ') + binascii.b2a_base64(keystring)[:-1]

        # DER format is always used, even in case of PEM, which simply
        # encodes it into BASE64.
        if self.has_private():
            binary_key = DerSequence([
                0, self.n, self.e, self.d, self.p, self.q,
                self.d % (self.p - 1), self.d % (self.q - 1),
            if pkcs == 1:
                key_type = 'RSA PRIVATE KEY'
                if format == 'DER' and passphrase:
                    raise ValueError("PKCS#1 private key cannot be encrypted")
            else:  # PKCS#8
                if format == 'PEM' and protection is None:
                    key_type = 'PRIVATE KEY'
                    binary_key = PKCS8.wrap(binary_key, oid, None)
                    key_type = 'ENCRYPTED PRIVATE KEY'
                    if not protection:
                        protection = 'PBKDF2WithHMAC-SHA1AndDES-EDE3-CBC'
                    binary_key = PKCS8.wrap(binary_key, oid, passphrase,
                    passphrase = None
            key_type = "PUBLIC KEY"
            binary_key = _create_subject_public_key_info(
                oid, DerSequence([self.n, self.e]))

        if format == 'DER':
            return binary_key
        if format == 'PEM':
            pem_str = PEM.encode(binary_key, key_type, passphrase, randfunc)
            return tobytes(pem_str)

        raise ValueError(
            "Unknown key format '%s'. Cannot export the RSA key." % format)
예제 #17
def import_key(encoded, passphrase=None):
    """Import an ECC key (public or private).

      encoded (bytes or multi-line string):
        The ECC key to import.

        An ECC **public** key can be:

        - An X.509 certificate, binary (DER) or ASCII (PEM)
        - An X.509 ``subjectPublicKeyInfo``, binary (DER) or ASCII (PEM)
        - An OpenSSH line (e.g. the content of ``~/.ssh/id_ecdsa``, ASCII)

        An ECC **private** key can be:

        - In binary format (DER, see section 3 of `RFC5915`_ or `PKCS#8`_)
        - In ASCII format (PEM or OpenSSH)

        Private keys can be in the clear or password-protected.

        For details about the PEM encoding, see `RFC1421`_/`RFC1423`_.

      passphrase (byte string):
        The passphrase to use for decrypting a private key.
        Encryption may be applied protected at the PEM level or at the PKCS#8 level.
        This parameter is ignored if the key in input is not encrypted.

      :class:`EccKey` : a new ECC key object

      ValueError: when the given key cannot be parsed (possibly because
        the pass phrase is wrong).

    .. _RFC1421: http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1421.txt
    .. _RFC1423: http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1423.txt
    .. _RFC5915: http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc5915.txt
    .. _`PKCS#8`: http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc5208.txt

    encoded = tobytes(encoded)
    if passphrase is not None:
        passphrase = tobytes(passphrase)

    # PEM
    if encoded.startswith(b'-----'):

        text_encoded = tostr(encoded)

        # Remove any EC PARAMETERS section
        # Ignore its content because the curve type must be already given in the key
        if sys.version_info[:2] != (2, 6):
            ecparams_start = "-----BEGIN EC PARAMETERS-----"
            ecparams_end = "-----END EC PARAMETERS-----"
            text_encoded = re.sub(ecparams_start + ".*?" + ecparams_end, "",

        der_encoded, marker, enc_flag = PEM.decode(text_encoded, passphrase)
        if enc_flag:
            passphrase = None
            result = _import_der(der_encoded, passphrase)
        except UnsupportedEccFeature as uef:
            raise uef
        except ValueError:
            raise ValueError("Invalid DER encoding inside the PEM file")
        return result

    # OpenSSH
    if encoded.startswith(b'ecdsa-sha2-'):
        return _import_openssh(encoded)

    # DER
    if len(encoded) > 0 and bord(encoded[0]) == 0x30:
        return _import_der(encoded, passphrase)

    raise ValueError("ECC key format is not supported")
예제 #18
def import_key(extern_key, passphrase=None):
    """Import a DSA key.

      extern_key (string or byte string):
        The DSA key to import.

        The following formats are supported for a DSA **public** key:

        - X.509 certificate (binary DER or PEM)
        - X.509 ``subjectPublicKeyInfo`` (binary DER or PEM)
        - OpenSSH (ASCII one-liner, see `RFC4253`_)

        The following formats are supported for a DSA **private** key:

        - `PKCS#8`_ ``PrivateKeyInfo`` or ``EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo``
          DER SEQUENCE (binary or PEM)
        - OpenSSL/OpenSSH custom format (binary or PEM)

        For details about the PEM encoding, see `RFC1421`_/`RFC1423`_.

      passphrase (string):
        In case of an encrypted private key, this is the pass phrase
        from which the decryption key is derived.

        Encryption may be applied either at the `PKCS#8`_ or at the PEM level.

      :class:`DsaKey` : a DSA key object

      ValueError : when the given key cannot be parsed (possibly because
        the pass phrase is wrong).

    .. _RFC1421: http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1421.txt
    .. _RFC1423: http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1423.txt
    .. _RFC4253: http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc4253.txt
    .. _PKCS#8: http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc5208.txt

    extern_key = tobytes(extern_key)
    if passphrase is not None:
        passphrase = tobytes(passphrase)

    if extern_key.startswith(b('-----')):
        # This is probably a PEM encoded key
        (der, marker, enc_flag) = PEM.decode(tostr(extern_key), passphrase)
        if enc_flag:
            passphrase = None
        return _import_key_der(der, passphrase, None)

    if extern_key.startswith(b('ssh-dss ')):
        # This is probably a public OpenSSH key
        keystring = binascii.a2b_base64(extern_key.split(b(' '))[1])
        keyparts = []
        while len(keystring) > 4:
            length = struct.unpack(">I", keystring[:4])[0]
            keyparts.append(keystring[4:4 + length])
            keystring = keystring[4 + length:]
        if keyparts[0] == b("ssh-dss"):
            tup = [Integer.from_bytes(keyparts[x]) for x in (4, 3, 1, 2)]
            return construct(tup)

    if bord(extern_key[0]) == 0x30:
        # This is probably a DER encoded key
        return _import_key_der(extern_key, passphrase, None)

    raise ValueError("DSA key format is not supported")
예제 #19
 def _export_private_encrypted_pkcs8_in_clear_pem(self, passphrase, **kwargs):
     assert passphrase
     if 'protection' not in kwargs:
         raise ValueError("At least the 'protection' parameter should be present")
     encoded_der = self._export_pkcs8(passphrase=passphrase, **kwargs)
     return PEM.encode(encoded_der, "ENCRYPTED PRIVATE KEY")
예제 #20
def import_key(encoded, passphrase=None):
    """Import an ECC key (public or private).

      encoded (bytes or multi-line string):
        The ECC key to import.

        An ECC **public** key can be:

        - An X.509 certificate, binary (DER) or ASCII (PEM)
        - An X.509 ``subjectPublicKeyInfo``, binary (DER) or ASCII (PEM)
        - An OpenSSH line (e.g. the content of ``~/.ssh/id_ecdsa``, ASCII)

        An ECC **private** key can be:

        - In binary format (DER, see section 3 of `RFC5915`_ or `PKCS#8`_)
        - In ASCII format (PEM or OpenSSH)

        Private keys can be in the clear or password-protected.

        For details about the PEM encoding, see `RFC1421`_/`RFC1423`_.

      passphrase (byte string):
        The passphrase to use for decrypting a private key.
        Encryption may be applied protected at the PEM level or at the PKCS#8 level.
        This parameter is ignored if the key in input is not encrypted.

      :class:`EccKey` : a new ECC key object

      ValueError: when the given key cannot be parsed (possibly because
        the pass phrase is wrong).

    .. _RFC1421: http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1421.txt
    .. _RFC1423: http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1423.txt
    .. _RFC5915: http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc5915.txt
    .. _`PKCS#8`: http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc5208.txt

    encoded = tobytes(encoded)
    if passphrase is not None:
        passphrase = tobytes(passphrase)

    # PEM
    if encoded.startswith(b'-----'):
        der_encoded, marker, enc_flag = PEM.decode(tostr(encoded), passphrase)
        if enc_flag:
            passphrase = None
            result = _import_der(der_encoded, passphrase)
        except UnsupportedEccFeature as uef:
            raise uef
        except ValueError:
            raise ValueError("Invalid DER encoding inside the PEM file")
        return result

    # OpenSSH
    if encoded.startswith(b'ecdsa-sha2-'):
        return _import_openssh(encoded)

    # DER
    if bord(encoded[0]) == 0x30:
        return _import_der(encoded, passphrase)

    raise ValueError("ECC key format is not supported")
예제 #21
    def export_key(self, format='PEM', pkcs8=None, passphrase=None,
                  protection=None, randfunc=None):
        """Export this DSA key.

          format (string):
            The encoding for the output:

            - *'PEM'* (default). ASCII as per `RFC1421`_/ `RFC1423`_.
            - *'DER'*. Binary ASN.1 encoding.
            - *'OpenSSH'*. ASCII one-liner as per `RFC4253`_.
              Only suitable for public keys, not for private keys.

          passphrase (string):
            *Private keys only*. The pass phrase to protect the output.

          pkcs8 (boolean):
            *Private keys only*. If ``True`` (default), the key is encoded
            with `PKCS#8`_. If ``False``, it is encoded in the custom
            OpenSSL/OpenSSH container.

          protection (string):
            *Only in combination with a pass phrase*.
            The encryption scheme to use to protect the output.

            If :data:`pkcs8` takes value ``True``, this is the PKCS#8
            algorithm to use for deriving the secret and encrypting
            the private DSA key.
            For a complete list of algorithms, see :mod:`Cryptodome.IO.PKCS8`.
            The default is *PBKDF2WithHMAC-SHA1AndDES-EDE3-CBC*.

            If :data:`pkcs8` is ``False``, the obsolete PEM encryption scheme is
            used. It is based on MD5 for key derivation, and Triple DES for
            encryption. Parameter :data:`protection` is then ignored.

            The combination ``format='DER'`` and ``pkcs8=False`` is not allowed
            if a passphrase is present.

          randfunc (callable):
            A function that returns random bytes.
            By default it is :func:`Cryptodome.Random.get_random_bytes`.

          byte string : the encoded key

          ValueError : when the format is unknown or when you try to encrypt a private
            key with *DER* format and OpenSSL/OpenSSH.

        .. warning::
            If you don't provide a pass phrase, the private key will be
            exported in the clear!

        .. _RFC1421:    http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1421.txt
        .. _RFC1423:    http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1423.txt
        .. _RFC4253:    http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc4253.txt
        .. _`PKCS#8`:   http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc5208.txt

        if passphrase is not None:
            passphrase = tobytes(passphrase)

        if randfunc is None:
            randfunc = Random.get_random_bytes

        if format == 'OpenSSH':
            tup1 = [self._key[x].to_bytes() for x in ('p', 'q', 'g', 'y')]

            def func(x):
                if (bord(x[0]) & 0x80):
                    return bchr(0) + x
                    return x

            tup2 = [func(x) for x in tup1]
            keyparts = [b'ssh-dss'] + tup2
            keystring = b''.join(
                            [struct.pack(">I", len(kp)) + kp for kp in keyparts]
            return b'ssh-dss ' + binascii.b2a_base64(keystring)[:-1]

        # DER format is always used, even in case of PEM, which simply
        # encodes it into BASE64.
        params = DerSequence([self.p, self.q, self.g])
        if self.has_private():
            if pkcs8 is None:
                pkcs8 = True
            if pkcs8:
                if not protection:
                    protection = 'PBKDF2WithHMAC-SHA1AndDES-EDE3-CBC'
                private_key = DerInteger(self.x).encode()
                binary_key = PKCS8.wrap(
                                private_key, oid, passphrase,
                                protection, key_params=params,
                if passphrase:
                    key_type = 'ENCRYPTED PRIVATE'
                    key_type = 'PRIVATE'
                passphrase = None
                if format != 'PEM' and passphrase:
                    raise ValueError("DSA private key cannot be encrypted")
                ints = [0, self.p, self.q, self.g, self.y, self.x]
                binary_key = DerSequence(ints).encode()
                key_type = "DSA PRIVATE"
            if pkcs8:
                raise ValueError("PKCS#8 is only meaningful for private keys")

            binary_key = _create_subject_public_key_info(oid,
                                DerInteger(self.y), params)
            key_type = "PUBLIC"

        if format == 'DER':
            return binary_key
        if format == 'PEM':
            pem_str = PEM.encode(
                                binary_key, key_type + " KEY",
                                passphrase, randfunc
            return tobytes(pem_str)
        raise ValueError("Unknown key format '%s'. Cannot export the DSA key." % format)
예제 #22
파일: RSA.py 프로젝트: Kronos3/pyexec
    def exportKey(self, format='PEM', passphrase=None, pkcs=1,
                   protection=None, randfunc=None):
        """Export this RSA key.

          format : string
            The format to use for wrapping the key:

            - *'DER'*. Binary encoding.
            - *'PEM'*. Textual encoding, done according to `RFC1421`_/`RFC1423`_.
            - *'OpenSSH'*. Textual encoding, done according to OpenSSH specification.
              Only suitable for public keys (not private keys).

          passphrase : string
            For private keys only. The pass phrase used for deriving the encryption

          pkcs : integer
            For *DER* and *PEM* format only.
            The PKCS standard to follow for assembling the components of the key.
            You have two choices:

            - **1** (default): the public key is embedded into
              an X.509 ``SubjectPublicKeyInfo`` DER SEQUENCE.
              The private key is embedded into a `PKCS#1`_
              ``RSAPrivateKey`` DER SEQUENCE.
            - **8**: the private key is embedded into a `PKCS#8`_
              ``PrivateKeyInfo`` DER SEQUENCE. This value cannot be used
              for public keys.

          protection : string
            The encryption scheme to use for protecting the private key.

            If ``None`` (default), the behavior depends on ``format``:

            - For *DER*, the *PBKDF2WithHMAC-SHA1AndDES-EDE3-CBC*
              scheme is used. The following operations are performed:

                1. A 16 byte Triple DES key is derived from the passphrase
                   using `Cryptodome.Protocol.KDF.PBKDF2` with 8 bytes salt,
                   and 1 000 iterations of `Cryptodome.Hash.HMAC`.
                2. The private key is encrypted using CBC.
                3. The encrypted key is encoded according to PKCS#8.

            - For *PEM*, the obsolete PEM encryption scheme is used.
              It is based on MD5 for key derivation, and Triple DES for encryption.

            Specifying a value for ``protection`` is only meaningful for PKCS#8
            (that is, ``pkcs=8``) and only if a pass phrase is present too.

            The supported schemes for PKCS#8 are listed in the
            `Cryptodome.IO.PKCS8` module (see ``wrap_algo`` parameter).

          randfunc : callable
            A function that provides random bytes. Only used for PEM encoding.
            The default is `Cryptodome.Random.get_random_bytes`.

        :Return: A byte string with the encoded public or private half
          of the key.
        :Raise ValueError:
            When the format is unknown or when you try to encrypt a private
            key with *DER* format and PKCS#1.
            If you don't provide a pass phrase, the private key will be
            exported in the clear!

        .. _RFC1421:    http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1421.txt
        .. _RFC1423:    http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1423.txt
        .. _`PKCS#1`:   http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3447.txt
        .. _`PKCS#8`:   http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc5208.txt

        if passphrase is not None:
            passphrase = tobytes(passphrase)

        if randfunc is None:
            randfunc = Random.get_random_bytes

        if format == 'OpenSSH':
            e_bytes, n_bytes = [x.to_bytes() for x in (self._e, self._n)]
            if bord(e_bytes[0]) & 0x80:
                e_bytes = bchr(0) + e_bytes
            if bord(n_bytes[0]) & 0x80:
                n_bytes = bchr(0) + n_bytes
            keyparts = [b('ssh-rsa'), e_bytes, n_bytes]
            keystring = b('').join([struct.pack(">I", len(kp)) + kp for kp in keyparts])
            return b('ssh-rsa ') + binascii.b2a_base64(keystring)[:-1]

        # DER format is always used, even in case of PEM, which simply
        # encodes it into BASE64.
        if self.has_private():
            binary_key = DerSequence([0,
                                      self.d % (self.p-1),
                                      self.d % (self.q-1),
            if pkcs == 1:
                key_type = 'RSA PRIVATE KEY'
                if format == 'DER' and passphrase:
                    raise ValueError("PKCS#1 private key cannot be encrypted")
            else:  # PKCS#8
                if format == 'PEM' and protection is None:
                    key_type = 'PRIVATE KEY'
                    binary_key = PKCS8.wrap(binary_key, oid, None)
                    key_type = 'ENCRYPTED PRIVATE KEY'
                    if not protection:
                        protection = 'PBKDF2WithHMAC-SHA1AndDES-EDE3-CBC'
                    binary_key = PKCS8.wrap(binary_key, oid,
                                            passphrase, protection)
                    passphrase = None
            key_type = "RSA PUBLIC KEY"
            binary_key = _create_subject_public_key_info(oid,

        if format == 'DER':
            return binary_key
        if format == 'PEM':
            pem_str = PEM.encode(binary_key, key_type, passphrase, randfunc)
            return tobytes(pem_str)

        raise ValueError("Unknown key format '%s'. Cannot export the RSA key." % format)
예제 #23
    def exportKey(self, format='PEM', pkcs8=None, passphrase=None,
                  protection=None, randfunc=None):
        """Export this DSA key.

          format : string
            The format to use for wrapping the key:

            - *'DER'*. Binary encoding.
            - *'PEM'*. Textual encoding, done according to `RFC1421`_/
              `RFC1423`_ (default).
            - *'OpenSSH'*. Textual encoding, one line of text, see `RFC4253`_.
              Only suitable for public keys, not private keys.

          passphrase : string
            For private keys only. The pass phrase to use for deriving
            the encryption key.

          pkcs8 : boolean
            For private keys only. If ``True`` (default), the key is arranged
            according to `PKCS#8`_ and if `False`, according to the custom
            OpenSSL/OpenSSH encoding.

          protection : string
            The encryption scheme to use for protecting the private key.
            It is only meaningful when a pass phrase is present too.

            If ``pkcs8`` takes value ``True``, ``protection`` is the PKCS#8
            algorithm to use for deriving the secret and encrypting
            the private DSA key.
            For a complete list of algorithms, see `Cryptodome.IO.PKCS8`.
            The default is *PBKDF2WithHMAC-SHA1AndDES-EDE3-CBC*.

            If ``pkcs8`` is ``False``, the obsolete PEM encryption scheme is
            used. It is based on MD5 for key derivation, and Triple DES for
            encryption. Parameter ``protection`` is ignored.

            The combination ``format='DER'`` and ``pkcs8=False`` is not allowed
            if a passphrase is present.

          randfunc : callable
            A function that returns random bytes.
            By default it is `Cryptodome.Random.get_random_bytes`.

        :Return: A byte string with the encoded public or private half
          of the key.
        :Raise ValueError:
            When the format is unknown or when you try to encrypt a private
            key with *DER* format and OpenSSL/OpenSSH.
            If you don't provide a pass phrase, the private key will be
            exported in the clear!

        .. _RFC1421:    http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1421.txt
        .. _RFC1423:    http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1423.txt
        .. _RFC4253:    http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc4253.txt
        .. _`PKCS#8`:   http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc5208.txt

        if passphrase is not None:
            passphrase = tobytes(passphrase)

        if randfunc is None:
            randfunc = Random.get_random_bytes

        if format == 'OpenSSH':
            tup1 = [self._key[x].to_bytes() for x in 'p', 'q', 'g', 'y']

            def func(x):
                if (bord(x[0]) & 0x80):
                    return bchr(0) + x
                    return x

            tup2 = map(func, tup1)
            keyparts = [b('ssh-dss')] + tup2
            keystring = b('').join(
                            [struct.pack(">I", len(kp)) + kp for kp in keyparts]
            return b('ssh-dss ') + binascii.b2a_base64(keystring)[:-1]

        # DER format is always used, even in case of PEM, which simply
        # encodes it into BASE64.
        params = DerSequence([self.p, self.q, self.g])
        if self.has_private():
            if pkcs8 is None:
                pkcs8 = True
            if pkcs8:
                if not protection:
                    protection = 'PBKDF2WithHMAC-SHA1AndDES-EDE3-CBC'
                private_key = DerInteger(self.x).encode()
                binary_key = PKCS8.wrap(
                                private_key, oid, passphrase,
                                protection, key_params=params,
                if passphrase:
                    key_type = 'ENCRYPTED PRIVATE'
                    key_type = 'PRIVATE'
                passphrase = None
                if format != 'PEM' and passphrase:
                    raise ValueError("DSA private key cannot be encrypted")
                ints = [0, self.p, self.q, self.g, self.y, self.x]
                binary_key = DerSequence(ints).encode()
                key_type = "DSA PRIVATE"
            if pkcs8:
                raise ValueError("PKCS#8 is only meaningful for private keys")

            binary_key = _create_subject_public_key_info(oid,
                                DerInteger(self.y), params)
            key_type = "DSA PUBLIC"

        if format == 'DER':
            return binary_key
        if format == 'PEM':
            pem_str = PEM.encode(
                                binary_key, key_type + " KEY",
                                passphrase, randfunc
            return tobytes(pem_str)
        raise ValueError("Unknown key format '%s'. Cannot export the DSA key." % format)
예제 #24
def import_key(extern_key, passphrase=None):
    """Import a DSA key (public or private).

      extern_key : (byte) string
        The DSA key to import.

        An DSA *public* key can be in any of the following formats:

        - X.509 certificate (binary or PEM format)
        - X.509 ``subjectPublicKeyInfo`` (binary or PEM)
        - OpenSSH (one line of text, see `RFC4253`_)

        A DSA *private* key can be in any of the following formats:

        - `PKCS#8`_ ``PrivateKeyInfo`` or ``EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo``
          DER SEQUENCE (binary or PEM encoding)
        - OpenSSL/OpenSSH (binary or PEM)

        For details about the PEM encoding, see `RFC1421`_/`RFC1423`_.

        The private key may be encrypted by means of a certain pass phrase
        either at the PEM level or at the PKCS#8 level.

      passphrase : string
        In case of an encrypted private key, this is the pass phrase
        from which the decryption key is derived.

    :Return: A DSA key object (`DsaKey`).
    :Raise ValueError:
        When the given key cannot be parsed (possibly because
        the pass phrase is wrong).

    .. _RFC1421: http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1421.txt
    .. _RFC1423: http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1423.txt
    .. _RFC4253: http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc4253.txt
    .. _PKCS#8: http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc5208.txt

    extern_key = tobytes(extern_key)
    if passphrase is not None:
        passphrase = tobytes(passphrase)

    if extern_key.startswith(b('-----')):
        # This is probably a PEM encoded key
        (der, marker, enc_flag) = PEM.decode(tostr(extern_key), passphrase)
        if enc_flag:
            passphrase = None
        return _import_key_der(der, passphrase, None)

    if extern_key.startswith(b('ssh-dss ')):
        # This is probably a public OpenSSH key
        keystring = binascii.a2b_base64(extern_key.split(b(' '))[1])
        keyparts = []
        while len(keystring) > 4:
            length = struct.unpack(">I", keystring[:4])[0]
            keyparts.append(keystring[4:4 + length])
            keystring = keystring[4 + length:]
        if keyparts[0] == b("ssh-dss"):
            tup = [Integer.from_bytes(keyparts[x]) for x in (4, 3, 1, 2)]
            return construct(tup)

    if bord(extern_key[0]) == 0x30:
        # This is probably a DER encoded key
        return _import_key_der(extern_key, passphrase, None)

    raise ValueError("DSA key format is not supported")
예제 #25
    def exportKey(self, format='PEM', pkcs8=None, passphrase=None,
                  protection=None, randfunc=None):
        """Export this DSA key.

          format (string):
            The encoding for the output:

            - *'PEM'* (default). ASCII as per `RFC1421`_/ `RFC1423`_.
            - *'DER'*. Binary ASN.1 encoding.
            - *'OpenSSH'*. ASCII one-liner as per `RFC4253`_.
              Only suitable for public keys, not for private keys.

          passphrase (string):
            *Private keys only*. The pass phrase to protect the output.

          pkcs8 (boolean):
            *Private keys only*. If ``True`` (default), the key is encoded
            with `PKCS#8`_. If ``False``, it is encoded in the custom
            OpenSSL/OpenSSH container.

          protection (string):
            *Only in combination with a pass phrase*.
            The encryption scheme to use to protect the output.

            If :data:`pkcs8` takes value ``True``, this is the PKCS#8
            algorithm to use for deriving the secret and encrypting
            the private DSA key.
            For a complete list of algorithms, see :mod:`Cryptodome.IO.PKCS8`.
            The default is *PBKDF2WithHMAC-SHA1AndDES-EDE3-CBC*.

            If :data:`pkcs8` is ``False``, the obsolete PEM encryption scheme is
            used. It is based on MD5 for key derivation, and Triple DES for
            encryption. Parameter :data:`protection` is then ignored.

            The combination ``format='DER'`` and ``pkcs8=False`` is not allowed
            if a passphrase is present.

          randfunc (callable):
            A function that returns random bytes.
            By default it is :func:`Cryptodome.Random.get_random_bytes`.

          byte string : the encoded key

          ValueError : when the format is unknown or when you try to encrypt a private
            key with *DER* format and OpenSSL/OpenSSH.

        .. warning::
            If you don't provide a pass phrase, the private key will be
            exported in the clear!

        .. _RFC1421:    http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1421.txt
        .. _RFC1423:    http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1423.txt
        .. _RFC4253:    http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc4253.txt
        .. _`PKCS#8`:   http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc5208.txt

        if passphrase is not None:
            passphrase = tobytes(passphrase)

        if randfunc is None:
            randfunc = Random.get_random_bytes

        if format == 'OpenSSH':
            tup1 = [self._key[x].to_bytes() for x in 'p', 'q', 'g', 'y']

            def func(x):
                if (bord(x[0]) & 0x80):
                    return bchr(0) + x
                    return x

            tup2 = map(func, tup1)
            keyparts = [b('ssh-dss')] + tup2
            keystring = b('').join(
                            [struct.pack(">I", len(kp)) + kp for kp in keyparts]
            return b('ssh-dss ') + binascii.b2a_base64(keystring)[:-1]

        # DER format is always used, even in case of PEM, which simply
        # encodes it into BASE64.
        params = DerSequence([self.p, self.q, self.g])
        if self.has_private():
            if pkcs8 is None:
                pkcs8 = True
            if pkcs8:
                if not protection:
                    protection = 'PBKDF2WithHMAC-SHA1AndDES-EDE3-CBC'
                private_key = DerInteger(self.x).encode()
                binary_key = PKCS8.wrap(
                                private_key, oid, passphrase,
                                protection, key_params=params,
                if passphrase:
                    key_type = 'ENCRYPTED PRIVATE'
                    key_type = 'PRIVATE'
                passphrase = None
                if format != 'PEM' and passphrase:
                    raise ValueError("DSA private key cannot be encrypted")
                ints = [0, self.p, self.q, self.g, self.y, self.x]
                binary_key = DerSequence(ints).encode()
                key_type = "DSA PRIVATE"
            if pkcs8:
                raise ValueError("PKCS#8 is only meaningful for private keys")

            binary_key = _create_subject_public_key_info(oid,
                                DerInteger(self.y), params)
            key_type = "PUBLIC"

        if format == 'DER':
            return binary_key
        if format == 'PEM':
            pem_str = PEM.encode(
                                binary_key, key_type + " KEY",
                                passphrase, randfunc
            return tobytes(pem_str)
        raise ValueError("Unknown key format '%s'. Cannot export the DSA key." % format)
예제 #26
파일: DSA.py 프로젝트: Kronos3/pyexec
def import_key(extern_key, passphrase=None):
    """Import a DSA key (public or private).

      extern_key : (byte) string
        The DSA key to import.

        An DSA *public* key can be in any of the following formats:

        - X.509 certificate (binary or PEM format)
        - X.509 ``subjectPublicKeyInfo`` (binary or PEM)
        - OpenSSH (one line of text, see `RFC4253`_)

        A DSA *private* key can be in any of the following formats:

        - `PKCS#8`_ ``PrivateKeyInfo`` or ``EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo``
          DER SEQUENCE (binary or PEM encoding)
        - OpenSSL/OpenSSH (binary or PEM)

        For details about the PEM encoding, see `RFC1421`_/`RFC1423`_.

        The private key may be encrypted by means of a certain pass phrase
        either at the PEM level or at the PKCS#8 level.

      passphrase : string
        In case of an encrypted private key, this is the pass phrase
        from which the decryption key is derived.

    :Return: A DSA key object (`DsaKey`).
    :Raise ValueError:
        When the given key cannot be parsed (possibly because
        the pass phrase is wrong).

    .. _RFC1421: http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1421.txt
    .. _RFC1423: http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1423.txt
    .. _RFC4253: http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc4253.txt
    .. _PKCS#8: http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc5208.txt

    extern_key = tobytes(extern_key)
    if passphrase is not None:
        passphrase = tobytes(passphrase)

    if extern_key.startswith(b('-----')):
        # This is probably a PEM encoded key
        (der, marker, enc_flag) = PEM.decode(tostr(extern_key), passphrase)
        if enc_flag:
            passphrase = None
        return _import_key_der(der, passphrase, None)

    if extern_key.startswith(b('ssh-dss ')):
        # This is probably a public OpenSSH key
        keystring = binascii.a2b_base64(extern_key.split(b(' '))[1])
        keyparts = []
        while len(keystring) > 4:
            length = struct.unpack(">I", keystring[:4])[0]
            keyparts.append(keystring[4:4 + length])
            keystring = keystring[4 + length:]
        if keyparts[0] == b("ssh-dss"):
            tup = [Integer.from_bytes(keyparts[x]) for x in (4, 3, 1, 2)]
            return construct(tup)

    if bord(extern_key[0]) == 0x30:
        # This is probably a DER encoded key
        return _import_key_der(extern_key, passphrase, None)

    raise ValueError("DSA key format is not supported")
예제 #27
파일: RSA.py 프로젝트: ZurTor/TorMe
def import_key(extern_key, passphrase=None):
    """Import an RSA key (public or private).

      extern_key (string or byte string):
        The RSA key to import.

        The following formats are supported for an RSA **public key**:

        - X.509 certificate (binary or PEM format)
        - X.509 ``subjectPublicKeyInfo`` DER SEQUENCE (binary or PEM
        - `PKCS#1`_ ``RSAPublicKey`` DER SEQUENCE (binary or PEM encoding)
        - An OpenSSH line (e.g. the content of ``~/.ssh/id_ecdsa``, ASCII)

        The following formats are supported for an RSA **private key**:

        - PKCS#1 ``RSAPrivateKey`` DER SEQUENCE (binary or PEM encoding)
        - `PKCS#8`_ ``PrivateKeyInfo`` or ``EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo``
          DER SEQUENCE (binary or PEM encoding)
        - OpenSSH (text format, introduced in `OpenSSH 6.5`_)

        For details about the PEM encoding, see `RFC1421`_/`RFC1423`_.

      passphrase (string or byte string):
        For private keys only, the pass phrase that encrypts the key.

    Returns: An RSA key object (:class:`RsaKey`).

        When the given key cannot be parsed (possibly because the pass
        phrase is wrong).

    .. _RFC1421: http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1421.txt
    .. _RFC1423: http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1423.txt
    .. _`PKCS#1`: http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3447.txt
    .. _`PKCS#8`: http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc5208.txt
    .. _`OpenSSH 6.5`: https://flak.tedunangst.com/post/new-openssh-key-format-and-bcrypt-pbkdf

    from Cryptodome.IO import PEM

    extern_key = tobytes(extern_key)
    if passphrase is not None:
        passphrase = tobytes(passphrase)

    if extern_key.startswith(b'-----BEGIN OPENSSH PRIVATE KEY'):
        text_encoded = tostr(extern_key)
        openssh_encoded, marker, enc_flag = PEM.decode(text_encoded,
        result = _import_openssh_private_rsa(openssh_encoded, passphrase)
        return result

    if extern_key.startswith(b'-----'):
        # This is probably a PEM encoded key.
        (der, marker, enc_flag) = PEM.decode(tostr(extern_key), passphrase)
        if enc_flag:
            passphrase = None
        return _import_keyDER(der, passphrase)

    if extern_key.startswith(b'ssh-rsa '):
        # This is probably an OpenSSH key
        keystring = binascii.a2b_base64(extern_key.split(b' ')[1])
        keyparts = []
        while len(keystring) > 4:
            length = struct.unpack(">I", keystring[:4])[0]
            keyparts.append(keystring[4:4 + length])
            keystring = keystring[4 + length:]
        e = Integer.from_bytes(keyparts[1])
        n = Integer.from_bytes(keyparts[2])
        return construct([n, e])

    if len(extern_key) > 0 and bord(extern_key[0]) == 0x30:
        # This is probably a DER encoded key
        return _import_keyDER(extern_key, passphrase)

    raise ValueError("RSA key format is not supported")
예제 #28
    def exportKey(self, format='PEM', passphrase=None, pkcs=1,
                   protection=None, randfunc=None):
        """Export this RSA key.

          format : string
            The format to use for wrapping the key:

            - *'DER'*. Binary encoding.
            - *'PEM'*. Textual encoding, done according to `RFC1421`_/`RFC1423`_.
            - *'OpenSSH'*. Textual encoding, done according to OpenSSH specification.
              Only suitable for public keys (not private keys).

          passphrase : string
            For private keys only. The pass phrase used for deriving the encryption

          pkcs : integer
            For *DER* and *PEM* format only.
            The PKCS standard to follow for assembling the components of the key.
            You have two choices:

            - **1** (default): the public key is embedded into
              an X.509 ``SubjectPublicKeyInfo`` DER SEQUENCE.
              The private key is embedded into a `PKCS#1`_
              ``RSAPrivateKey`` DER SEQUENCE.
            - **8**: the private key is embedded into a `PKCS#8`_
              ``PrivateKeyInfo`` DER SEQUENCE. This value cannot be used
              for public keys.

          protection : string
            The encryption scheme to use for protecting the private key.

            If ``None`` (default), the behavior depends on ``format``:

            - For *DER*, the *PBKDF2WithHMAC-SHA1AndDES-EDE3-CBC*
              scheme is used. The following operations are performed:

                1. A 16 byte Triple DES key is derived from the passphrase
                   using `Cryptodome.Protocol.KDF.PBKDF2` with 8 bytes salt,
                   and 1 000 iterations of `Cryptodome.Hash.HMAC`.
                2. The private key is encrypted using CBC.
                3. The encrypted key is encoded according to PKCS#8.

            - For *PEM*, the obsolete PEM encryption scheme is used.
              It is based on MD5 for key derivation, and Triple DES for encryption.

            Specifying a value for ``protection`` is only meaningful for PKCS#8
            (that is, ``pkcs=8``) and only if a pass phrase is present too.

            The supported schemes for PKCS#8 are listed in the
            `Cryptodome.IO.PKCS8` module (see ``wrap_algo`` parameter).

          randfunc : callable
            A function that provides random bytes. Only used for PEM encoding.
            The default is `Cryptodome.Random.get_random_bytes`.

        :Return: A byte string with the encoded public or private half
          of the key.
        :Raise ValueError:
            When the format is unknown or when you try to encrypt a private
            key with *DER* format and PKCS#1.
            If you don't provide a pass phrase, the private key will be
            exported in the clear!

        .. _RFC1421:    http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1421.txt
        .. _RFC1423:    http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1423.txt
        .. _`PKCS#1`:   http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3447.txt
        .. _`PKCS#8`:   http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc5208.txt

        if passphrase is not None:
            passphrase = tobytes(passphrase)

        if randfunc is None:
            randfunc = Random.get_random_bytes

        if format == 'OpenSSH':
            e_bytes, n_bytes = [x.to_bytes() for x in (self._e, self._n)]
            if bord(e_bytes[0]) & 0x80:
                e_bytes = bchr(0) + e_bytes
            if bord(n_bytes[0]) & 0x80:
                n_bytes = bchr(0) + n_bytes
            keyparts = [b('ssh-rsa'), e_bytes, n_bytes]
            keystring = b('').join([struct.pack(">I", len(kp)) + kp for kp in keyparts])
            return b('ssh-rsa ') + binascii.b2a_base64(keystring)[:-1]

        # DER format is always used, even in case of PEM, which simply
        # encodes it into BASE64.
        if self.has_private():
            binary_key = DerSequence([0,
                                      self.d % (self.p-1),
                                      self.d % (self.q-1),
            if pkcs == 1:
                key_type = 'RSA PRIVATE KEY'
                if format == 'DER' and passphrase:
                    raise ValueError("PKCS#1 private key cannot be encrypted")
            else:  # PKCS#8
                if format == 'PEM' and protection is None:
                    key_type = 'PRIVATE KEY'
                    binary_key = PKCS8.wrap(binary_key, oid, None)
                    key_type = 'ENCRYPTED PRIVATE KEY'
                    if not protection:
                        protection = 'PBKDF2WithHMAC-SHA1AndDES-EDE3-CBC'
                    binary_key = PKCS8.wrap(binary_key, oid,
                                            passphrase, protection)
                    passphrase = None
            key_type = "RSA PUBLIC KEY"
            binary_key = _create_subject_public_key_info(oid,

        if format == 'DER':
            return binary_key
        if format == 'PEM':
            pem_str = PEM.encode(binary_key, key_type, passphrase, randfunc)
            return tobytes(pem_str)

        raise ValueError("Unknown key format '%s'. Cannot export the RSA key." % format)
예제 #29
def import_key(extern_key, passphrase=None):
    """Import an RSA key (public or private half), encoded in standard

    :Parameter extern_key:
        The RSA key to import, encoded as a byte string.

        An RSA public key can be in any of the following formats:

        - X.509 certificate (binary or PEM format)
        - X.509 ``subjectPublicKeyInfo`` DER SEQUENCE (binary or PEM
        - `PKCS#1`_ ``RSAPublicKey`` DER SEQUENCE (binary or PEM encoding)
        - OpenSSH (textual public key only)

        An RSA private key can be in any of the following formats:

        - PKCS#1 ``RSAPrivateKey`` DER SEQUENCE (binary or PEM encoding)
        - `PKCS#8`_ ``PrivateKeyInfo`` or ``EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo``
          DER SEQUENCE (binary or PEM encoding)
        - OpenSSH (textual public key only)

        For details about the PEM encoding, see `RFC1421`_/`RFC1423`_.

        The private key may be encrypted by means of a certain pass phrase
        either at the PEM level or at the PKCS#8 level.
    :Type extern_key: string

    :Parameter passphrase:
        In case of an encrypted private key, this is the pass phrase from
        which the decryption key is derived.
    :Type passphrase: string

    :Return: An RSA key object (`RsaKey`).

    :Raise ValueError/IndexError/TypeError:
        When the given key cannot be parsed (possibly because the pass
        phrase is wrong).

    .. _RFC1421: http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1421.txt
    .. _RFC1423: http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1423.txt
    .. _`PKCS#1`: http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3447.txt
    .. _`PKCS#8`: http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc5208.txt
    extern_key = tobytes(extern_key)
    if passphrase is not None:
        passphrase = tobytes(passphrase)

    if extern_key.startswith(b('-----')):
        # This is probably a PEM encoded key.
        (der, marker, enc_flag) = PEM.decode(tostr(extern_key), passphrase)
        if enc_flag:
            passphrase = None
        return _import_keyDER(der, passphrase)

    if extern_key.startswith(b('ssh-rsa ')):
            # This is probably an OpenSSH key
            keystring = binascii.a2b_base64(extern_key.split(b(' '))[1])
            keyparts = []
            while len(keystring) > 4:
                l = struct.unpack(">I", keystring[:4])[0]
                keyparts.append(keystring[4:4 + l])
                keystring = keystring[4 + l:]
            e = Integer.from_bytes(keyparts[1])
            n = Integer.from_bytes(keyparts[2])
            return construct([n, e])

    if bord(extern_key[0]) == 0x30:
            # This is probably a DER encoded key
            return _import_keyDER(extern_key, passphrase)

    raise ValueError("RSA key format is not supported")
예제 #30
 def _export_public_pem(self, compress):
     encoded_der = self._export_subjectPublicKeyInfo(compress)
     return PEM.encode(encoded_der, "PUBLIC KEY")
예제 #31
def import_key(extern_key, passphrase=None):
    """Import an RSA key (public or private half), encoded in standard

      extern_key (string or byte string):
        The RSA key to import.

        The following formats are supported for an RSA **public key**:

        - X.509 certificate (binary or PEM format)
        - X.509 ``subjectPublicKeyInfo`` DER SEQUENCE (binary or PEM
        - `PKCS#1`_ ``RSAPublicKey`` DER SEQUENCE (binary or PEM encoding)
        - OpenSSH (textual public key only)

        The following formats are supported for an RSA **private key**:

        - PKCS#1 ``RSAPrivateKey`` DER SEQUENCE (binary or PEM encoding)
        - `PKCS#8`_ ``PrivateKeyInfo`` or ``EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo``
          DER SEQUENCE (binary or PEM encoding)
        - OpenSSH (textual public key only)

        For details about the PEM encoding, see `RFC1421`_/`RFC1423`_.

        The private key may be encrypted by means of a certain pass phrase
        either at the PEM level or at the PKCS#8 level.

      passphrase (string):
        In case of an encrypted private key, this is the pass phrase from
        which the decryption key is derived.

    Returns: An RSA key object (:class:`RsaKey`).

        When the given key cannot be parsed (possibly because the pass
        phrase is wrong).

    .. _RFC1421: http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1421.txt
    .. _RFC1423: http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1423.txt
    .. _`PKCS#1`: http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3447.txt
    .. _`PKCS#8`: http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc5208.txt

    extern_key = tobytes(extern_key)
    if passphrase is not None:
        passphrase = tobytes(passphrase)

    if extern_key.startswith(b('-----')):
        # This is probably a PEM encoded key.
        (der, marker, enc_flag) = PEM.decode(tostr(extern_key), passphrase)
        if enc_flag:
            passphrase = None
        return _import_keyDER(der, passphrase)

    if extern_key.startswith(b('ssh-rsa ')):
        # This is probably an OpenSSH key
        keystring = binascii.a2b_base64(extern_key.split(b(' '))[1])
        keyparts = []
        while len(keystring) > 4:
            l = struct.unpack(">I", keystring[:4])[0]
            keyparts.append(keystring[4:4 + l])
            keystring = keystring[4 + l:]
        e = Integer.from_bytes(keyparts[1])
        n = Integer.from_bytes(keyparts[2])
        return construct([n, e])

    if bord(extern_key[0]) == 0x30:
        # This is probably a DER encoded key
        return _import_keyDER(extern_key, passphrase)

    raise ValueError("RSA key format is not supported")
예제 #32
    #ns = {"xsi": xsi,"cfdi": "http://www.sat.gob.mx/cfd/3"}
    dom.getroot().attrib['Sello'] = sello

xmlPath = "./assets/CFDI33_sellado.xml"
cfdiUtils = CFDIUtils()

cadenaOriginal = cfdiUtils.generaCadenaOriginal(xmlPath)

#con PEM,suponiendo que el pem no tenga password
print("con pem:")
sello = cfdiUtils.sellar(cadenaOriginal, "llave.pem", None)
print('Con key(DER):')
sello = cfdiUtils.sellar(cadenaOriginal, "CSD.key", "12345678a", 'DER')


pegarSello(xmlPath, sello)

pemKeyWithPassPhrase = PEM.encode(
    open('key.key', 'rb').read(), 'ENCRYPTED PRIVATE KEY')
open('ENCRYPTED_KEY.pem', 'w').write(pemKeyWithPassPhrase)
sello2 = cfdiUtils.sellar(cadenaOriginal, "ENCRYPTED_KEY.pem", "12345678a",
예제 #33
    def export_key(self, format='PEM', passphrase=None, pkcs=1,
                   protection=None, randfunc=None):
        """Export this RSA key.

          format (string):
            The format to use for wrapping the key:

            - *'PEM'*. (*Default*) Text encoding, done according to `RFC1421`_/`RFC1423`_.
            - *'DER'*. Binary encoding.
            - *'OpenSSH'*. Textual encoding, done according to OpenSSH specification.
              Only suitable for public keys (not private keys).

          passphrase (string):
            (*For private keys only*) The pass phrase used for protecting the output.

          pkcs (integer):
            (*For private keys only*) The ASN.1 structure to use for
            serializing the key. Note that even in case of PEM
            encoding, there is an inner ASN.1 DER structure.

            With ``pkcs=1`` (*default*), the private key is encoded in a
            simple `PKCS#1`_ structure (``RSAPrivateKey``).

            With ``pkcs=8``, the private key is encoded in a `PKCS#8`_ structure

            .. note::
                This parameter is ignored for a public key.
                For DER and PEM, an ASN.1 DER ``SubjectPublicKeyInfo``
                structure is always used.

          protection (string):
            (*For private keys only*)
            The encryption scheme to use for protecting the private key.

            If ``None`` (default), the behavior depends on :attr:`format`:

            - For *'DER'*, the *PBKDF2WithHMAC-SHA1AndDES-EDE3-CBC*
              scheme is used. The following operations are performed:

                1. A 16 byte Triple DES key is derived from the passphrase
                   using :func:`Cryptodome.Protocol.KDF.PBKDF2` with 8 bytes salt,
                   and 1 000 iterations of :mod:`Cryptodome.Hash.HMAC`.
                2. The private key is encrypted using CBC.
                3. The encrypted key is encoded according to PKCS#8.

            - For *'PEM'*, the obsolete PEM encryption scheme is used.
              It is based on MD5 for key derivation, and Triple DES for encryption.

            Specifying a value for :attr:`protection` is only meaningful for PKCS#8
            (that is, ``pkcs=8``) and only if a pass phrase is present too.

            The supported schemes for PKCS#8 are listed in the
            :mod:`Cryptodome.IO.PKCS8` module (see :attr:`wrap_algo` parameter).

          randfunc (callable):
            A function that provides random bytes. Only used for PEM encoding.
            The default is :func:`Cryptodome.Random.get_random_bytes`.

          byte string: the encoded key

          ValueError:when the format is unknown or when you try to encrypt a private
            key with *DER* format and PKCS#1.

        .. warning::
            If you don't provide a pass phrase, the private key will be
            exported in the clear!

        .. _RFC1421:    http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1421.txt
        .. _RFC1423:    http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1423.txt
        .. _`PKCS#1`:   http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3447.txt
        .. _`PKCS#8`:   http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc5208.txt

        if passphrase is not None:
            passphrase = tobytes(passphrase)

        if randfunc is None:
            randfunc = Random.get_random_bytes

        if format == 'OpenSSH':
            e_bytes, n_bytes = [x.to_bytes() for x in (self._e, self._n)]
            if bord(e_bytes[0]) & 0x80:
                e_bytes = b'\x00' + e_bytes
            if bord(n_bytes[0]) & 0x80:
                n_bytes = b'\x00' + n_bytes
            keyparts = [b'ssh-rsa', e_bytes, n_bytes]
            keystring = b''.join([struct.pack(">I", len(kp)) + kp for kp in keyparts])
            return b'ssh-rsa ' + binascii.b2a_base64(keystring)[:-1]

        # DER format is always used, even in case of PEM, which simply
        # encodes it into BASE64.
        if self.has_private():
            binary_key = DerSequence([0,
                                      self.d % (self.p-1),
                                      self.d % (self.q-1),
            if pkcs == 1:
                key_type = 'RSA PRIVATE KEY'
                if format == 'DER' and passphrase:
                    raise ValueError("PKCS#1 private key cannot be encrypted")
            else:  # PKCS#8
                if format == 'PEM' and protection is None:
                    key_type = 'PRIVATE KEY'
                    binary_key = PKCS8.wrap(binary_key, oid, None)
                    key_type = 'ENCRYPTED PRIVATE KEY'
                    if not protection:
                        protection = 'PBKDF2WithHMAC-SHA1AndDES-EDE3-CBC'
                    binary_key = PKCS8.wrap(binary_key, oid,
                                            passphrase, protection)
                    passphrase = None
            key_type = "PUBLIC KEY"
            binary_key = _create_subject_public_key_info(oid,

        if format == 'DER':
            return binary_key
        if format == 'PEM':
            pem_str = PEM.encode(binary_key, key_type, passphrase, randfunc)
            return tobytes(pem_str)

        raise ValueError("Unknown key format '%s'. Cannot export the RSA key." % format)
예제 #34
    def _export_public_pem(self, compress):
        from Cryptodome.IO import PEM

        encoded_der = self._export_subjectPublicKeyInfo(compress)
        return PEM.encode(encoded_der, "PUBLIC KEY")
예제 #35
 def _export_private_pem(self, passphrase, **kwargs):
     encoded_der = self._export_private_der()
     return PEM.encode(encoded_der, "EC PRIVATE KEY", passphrase, **kwargs)
예제 #36
    def _export_private_pem(self, passphrase, **kwargs):
        from Cryptodome.IO import PEM

        encoded_der = self._export_private_der()
        return PEM.encode(encoded_der, "EC PRIVATE KEY", passphrase, **kwargs)
예제 #37
def import_key(encoded, passphrase=None, curve_name=None):
    """Import an ECC key (public or private).

      encoded (bytes or multi-line string):
        The ECC key to import.

        An ECC **public** key can be:

        - An X.509 certificate, binary (DER) or ASCII (PEM)
        - An X.509 ``subjectPublicKeyInfo``, binary (DER) or ASCII (PEM)
        - A SEC1_ (or X9.62) byte string. You must also provide the
        - An OpenSSH line (e.g. the content of ``~/.ssh/id_ecdsa``, ASCII)

        An ECC **private** key can be:

        - In binary format (DER, see section 3 of `RFC5915`_ or `PKCS#8`_)
        - In ASCII format (PEM or `OpenSSH 6.5+`_)

        Private keys can be in the clear or password-protected.

        For details about the PEM encoding, see `RFC1421`_/`RFC1423`_.

      passphrase (byte string):
        The passphrase to use for decrypting a private key.
        Encryption may be applied protected at the PEM level or at the PKCS#8 level.
        This parameter is ignored if the key in input is not encrypted.

      curve_name (string):
        For a SEC1 byte string only. This is the name of the ECC curve,
        as defined in :numref:`curve_names`.

      :class:`EccKey` : a new ECC key object

      ValueError: when the given key cannot be parsed (possibly because
        the pass phrase is wrong).

    .. _RFC1421: http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1421.txt
    .. _RFC1423: http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1423.txt
    .. _RFC5915: http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc5915.txt
    .. _`PKCS#8`: http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc5208.txt
    .. _`OpenSSH 6.5+`: https://flak.tedunangst.com/post/new-openssh-key-format-and-bcrypt-pbkdf
    .. _SEC1: https://www.secg.org/sec1-v2.pdf

    from Cryptodome.IO import PEM

    encoded = tobytes(encoded)
    if passphrase is not None:
        passphrase = tobytes(passphrase)

    # PEM
    if encoded.startswith(b'-----BEGIN OPENSSH PRIVATE KEY'):
        text_encoded = tostr(encoded)
        openssh_encoded, marker, enc_flag = PEM.decode(text_encoded,
        result = _import_openssh_private_ecc(openssh_encoded, passphrase)
        return result

    elif encoded.startswith(b'-----'):

        text_encoded = tostr(encoded)

        # Remove any EC PARAMETERS section
        # Ignore its content because the curve type must be already given in the key
        ecparams_start = "-----BEGIN EC PARAMETERS-----"
        ecparams_end = "-----END EC PARAMETERS-----"
        text_encoded = re.sub(ecparams_start + ".*?" + ecparams_end,

        der_encoded, marker, enc_flag = PEM.decode(text_encoded, passphrase)
        if enc_flag:
            passphrase = None
            result = _import_der(der_encoded, passphrase)
        except UnsupportedEccFeature as uef:
            raise uef
        except ValueError:
            raise ValueError("Invalid DER encoding inside the PEM file")
        return result

    # OpenSSH
    if encoded.startswith(b'ecdsa-sha2-'):
        return _import_openssh_public(encoded)

    # DER
    if len(encoded) > 0 and bord(encoded[0]) == 0x30:
        return _import_der(encoded, passphrase)

    # SEC1
    if len(encoded) > 0 and bord(encoded[0]) in b'\x02\x03\x04':
        if curve_name is None:
            raise ValueError("No curve name was provided")
        return _import_public_der(encoded, curve_name=curve_name)

    raise ValueError("ECC key format is not supported")
예제 #38
 def _export_private_pem(self, passphrase, **kwargs):
     encoded_der = self._export_private_der()
     return PEM.encode(encoded_der, "EC PRIVATE KEY", passphrase, **kwargs)