예제 #1
	def decrypt(self, ct: bytes) -> bytes:
		blks = ([self.IV]+split_blocks(ct, 16))[::-1]
		prev = self.decrypt_ecb(blks[0])
		for i in blks[1:]:
			self.pt += [xor(i,prev)]
			prev = self.decrypt_ecb(i)
		return pkcs7_unpad(b''.join(self.pt[::-1]))
예제 #2
	def encrypt(self, pt: bytes) -> bytes:
		blks = [self.IV]+split_blocks(pkcs7_pad(pt, 16), 16)
		prev = blks[0]
		for i in blks[1:]:
			self.ct += [self.encrypt_ecb(xor(prev,i))]
			prev = self.ct[-1]
		return b''.join(self.ct)
예제 #3
def ctr_break():
    key = urandom(16)
    ct = [ctr(i, key, nonce) for i in pt]
    x = repeated_xor(b''.join(
        [j for i in ct for j in split_blocks(i) if (len(j) == 16)]))
    key = split_blocks(x.find_key(x.find_key_size()))[0]
    return [xor(i, key) for i in ct] == pt
예제 #4
from Cryptopals import xor

if __name__ == '__main__':
    a = '1c0111001f010100061a024b53535009181c'
    b = '686974207468652062756c6c277320657965'
    assert xor(
        bytes.fromhex(b)).hex() == '746865206b696420646f6e277420706c6179'
예제 #5
def solve_xor(cip: bytes) -> bytes:
    scr = [get_english_score(xor(cip, bytes([i]))) for i in range(255)]
    return bytes([scr.index(max(scr))])
예제 #6

from Cryptopals import xor, get_english_score

def solve_xor(cip: bytes) -> bytes:
    scr = [get_english_score(xor(cip, bytes([i]))) for i in range(255)]
    return bytes([scr.index(max(scr))])

if __name__ == '__main__':
    cip = bytes.fromhex(
    assert xor(cip, solve_xor(cip)) == b"Cooking MC's like a pound of bacon"
예제 #7
from Cryptopals import xor

inp = b"Burning 'em, if you ain't quick and nimble\nI go crazy when I hear a cymbal"
key = b"ICE"
res = "0b3637272a2b2e63622c2e69692a23693a2a3c6324202d623d63343c2a26226324272765272a282b2f20430a652e2c652a3124333a653e2b2027630c692b20283165286326302e27282f"
if __name__ == '__main__':
    assert xor(inp, key).hex() == res
예제 #8
def cipher(pt, seed):
    prng = mersenne(seed)
    key = b''.join([bytes([(prng.next()) % 1 << 8]) for _ in range(len(pt))])
    return xor(pt, key)
예제 #9
def ctr(ct: bytes, key: bytes, counter) -> bytes:
    ret = b''
    for j, i in enumerate(split_blocks(ct)):
        ret += xor(ecb_encrypt(counter(j), key, False), i)
    return ret[:len(ct)]
예제 #10

def find_key_size(cip: bytes) -> bytes:
    normalized_val_list = []
    for key_size in KEYSIZE:
        blocks = split_blocks(cip, key_size)[:-1]
        avg_ham_dist = sum(func_blocks(blocks,
                                       hamming_dist)) / (len(blocks) - 1)
        normalized_val_list += [avg_ham_dist / key_size]
    return normalized_val_list.index(min(normalized_val_list)) + KEYSIZE[0]

byte_split_blocks = lambda blocks, key: b"".join(
    [bytes([blk[key]]) for blk in blocks])

def find_key(cip: bytes, key_size: bytes) -> bytes:
    blocks = split_blocks(cip, key_size)[:-1]
    return b"".join(
        [solve_xor(byte_split_blocks(blocks, i)) for i in range(key_size)])

def break_repeated_xor(cip: bytes) -> bytes:
    return find_key(cip, find_key_size(cip))

if __name__ == '__main__':
    cip = b64decode(open('6.txt', 'r').read())
    plt = b64decode(open('6_sol.txt', 'r').read())
    assert xor(cip, break_repeated_xor(cip)) == plt