def runNoiseExp(appObj, testMode=False): print("runNoiseExp") appObj.tabWidget.setCurrentIndex(5) appObj.doneFlag = False appObj.isCollecting = True # trigRate = octfpga.GetTriggerRate() audioHW = appObj.audioHW outputRate = audioHW.DAQOutputRate inputRate = audioHW.DAQInputRate cutoffLow = 1e3 * appObj.noiseExp_filterLow_dblSpinBox.value() cutoffHigh = 1e3 * appObj.noiseExp_filterHigh_dblSpinBox.value() durationMins = appObj.noiseExp_duration_dblSpinBox.value() durationSecs = durationMins * 60 try: if not testMode: from DAQHardware import DAQHardware daq = DAQHardware() chanNamesIn = [audioHW.mic_daqChan] micVoltsPerPascal = audioHW.micVoltsPerPascal # mode = 'chirp' # make 1 second of noise nOut = outputRate * 1 magResp = np.zeros(nOut) fIdx1 = int(nOut * cutoffLow / outputRate) fIdx2 = int(nOut * cutoffHigh / outputRate) magResp[fIdx1:fIdx2] = 1 phaseResp = 2 * np.pi * np.random.rand(nOut) - np.pi sig = magResp * np.exp(-1j * phaseResp) spkOut = np.real(np.fft.ifft(sig)) mx = np.max(spkOut) mn = np.min(spkOut) # normalies signal to be between -1 and 1 spkOut = 2 * (spkOut - mn) / (mx - mn) - 1 maxV = audioHW.speakerOutputRng[1] spkOut = maxV * spkOut pl = appObj.spCalTest_output pl.clear() #endIdx = int(5e-3 * outputRate) # only plot first 5 ms npts = len(spkOut) endIdx = npts t = np.linspace(0, npts / outputRate, npts) pl.plot(t[0:endIdx], spkOut[0:endIdx], pen='b') numInputSamples = int(inputRate * 0.1) if testMode: # mic_data = OCTCommon.loadRawData(testDataDir, frameNum, dataType=3) pass else: chanNameOut = audioHW.speakerL_daqChan attenLines = audioHW.attenL_daqChan attenLinesOther = audioHW.attenR_daqChan if not testMode: AudioHardware.Attenuator.setLevel(0, attenLines) AudioHardware.Attenuator.setLevel(60, attenLinesOther) # setup the output task daq.setupAnalogOutput([chanNameOut], audioHW.daqTrigChanIn, int(outputRate), spkOut, isContinuous=True) daq.startAnalogOutput() # trigger the acquiisiton by sending ditital pulse daq.sendDigTrig(audioHW.daqTrigChanOut) tElapsed = 0 tLast = time.time() npts = numInputSamples t = np.linspace(0, npts / inputRate, npts) while tElapsed < durationSecs: if not testMode: # setup the input task daq.setupAnalogInput(chanNamesIn, audioHW.daqTrigChanIn, int(inputRate), numInputSamples) daq.startAnalogInput() # trigger the acquiisiton by sending ditital pulse daq.sendDigTrig(audioHW.daqTrigChanOut) daq.waitDoneInput() mic_data = daq.readAnalogInput() mic_data = mic_data[0, :] daq.stopAnalogInput() daq.clearAnalogInput() else: mic_data = np.random.rand(numInputSamples) mic_data = mic_data / micVoltsPerPascal pl = appObj.spCalTest_micInput pl.clear() pl.plot(t, mic_data, pen='b') labelStyle = appObj.xLblStyle pl.setLabel('bottom', 'Time', 's', **labelStyle) labelStyle = appObj.yLblStyle pl.setLabel('left', 'Response', 'Pa', **labelStyle) # calculate RMS nMicPts = len(mic_data) micRMS = np.mean(mic_data**2) micRMS = 20 * np.log10(micRMS**0.5 / 2e-5) appObj.spCalTest_rms_label.setText("%0.3f dB" % micRMS) nfft = int(2**np.ceil(np.log(nMicPts * 5) / np.log(2))) print("nfft = ", nfft) win_fcn = np.hanning(nMicPts) micFFT = 2 * np.abs(np.fft.fft(win_fcn * mic_data, nfft)) / nMicPts micFFT = 2 * micFFT[0:len(micFFT) // 2] micFFT = 20 * np.log10(micFFT / 2e-5) freq = np.linspace(0, inputRate / 2, len(micFFT)) pl = appObj.spCalTest_micFFT pl.clear() #df = freq[1] - freq[0] #print("NoiseExp: df= %0.3f i1= %d i2= %d nf= %d" % (df, i1, i2, nf)) pl.plot(freq, micFFT, pen='b') labelStyle = appObj.xLblStyle pl.setLabel('bottom', 'Frequency', 'Hz', **labelStyle) labelStyle = appObj.yLblStyle pl.setLabel('left', 'Magnitude', 'db SPL', **labelStyle) QtGui.QApplication.processEvents( ) # check for GUI events, such as button presses # if done flag, break out of loop if appObj.doneFlag: break t1 = time.time() tElapsed += (t1 - tLast) tLast = t1 if not testMode: daq.stopAnalogOutput() daq.clearAnalogOutput() except Exception as ex: traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) QtGui.QMessageBox.critical( appObj, "Error", "Error during calibration. Check command line output for details") 8 # update the audio hardware speaker calibration appObj.isCollecting = False QtGui.QApplication.processEvents( ) # check for GUI events, such as button presses appObj.finishCollection()
def runSpeakerCal(appObj, testMode=False): print("runSpeakerCal") appObj.tabWidget.setCurrentIndex(0) appObj.doneFlag = False appObj.isCollecting = True # trigRate = octfpga.GetTriggerRate() audioHW = appObj.audioHW outputRate = audioHW.DAQOutputRate inputRate = audioHW.DAQInputRate if testMode: testDataDir = os.path.join(appObj.basePath, 'exampledata', 'Speaker Calibration') # filePath = os.path.join(testDataDir, 'AudioParams.pickle') # f = open(filePath, 'rb') # audioParams = pickle.load(f) # f.close() else: freqArray = appObj.getFrequencyArray() # numSpk = audioParams.getNumSpeakers() numSpk = 1 cIdx = appObj.speaker_comboBox.currentIndex() if cIdx > 0: numSpk = 2 if not testMode: from DAQHardware import DAQHardware daq = DAQHardware() chanNamesIn= [ audioHW.mic_daqChan] micVoltsPerPascal = audioHW.micVoltsPerPascal # mode = 'chirp' mode = '' spCal = None # freq_array2 = audioParams.freq[1, :] try: frameNum = 0 isSaveDirInit = False trialDur = appObj.spCal_stimDuration_dblSpinBox.value()*1e-3 freq_array = freqArray freq_array2 = freqArray/1.22 if numSpk == 1: freq_array = np.concatenate((freq_array, freq_array2)) freq_array = np.sort(freq_array) freq_array2 = freq_array spCal = SpeakerCalData(np.vstack((freq_array, freq_array2))) for spkNum in range(0, numSpk): chanNameOut = audioHW.speakerL_daqChan #attenLines = audioHW.attenL_daqChan #attenLinesOther = audioHW.attenR_daqChan spkIdx = 0 attenLvl1 = 0 attenLvl2 = audioHW.maxAtten if spkNum == 2: #chanNameOut = audioHW.speakerR_daqChan #attenLines = audioHW.attenR_daqChan #attenLinesOther = audioHW.attenL_daqChan spkIdx = 1 attenLvl1 = audioHW.maxAtten attenLvl2 = 0 freq_idx = 0 if not testMode: audioHW.setAttenuatorLevel(attenLvl1, attenLvl2, daq) # daq.sendDigOutCmd(attenLines, attenSig) # appObj.oct_hw.SetAttenLevel(0, attenLines) if mode == 'chirp': tChirp = 1 f0 = 100 f1 = 100e3 k = (f1- f0)/tChirp nChirpPts = round(outputRate*tChirp) t = np.linspace(0, tChirp, nChirpPts) spkOut = np.cos(2*np.pi*(f1*t + (k/2)*t**2)) pl = appObj.spCal_output pl.clear() endIdx = int(5e-3 * outputRate) # only plot first 5 ms pl.plot(t[0:endIdx], spkOut[0:endIdx], pen='b') numInputSamples = int(inputRate*len(spkOut)/outputRate) if testMode: # mic_data = OCTCommon.loadRawData(testDataDir, frameNum, dataType=3) pass else: daq.setupAnalogOutput([chanNameOut], audioHW.daqTrigChanIn, int(outputRate), spkOut) daq.startAnalogOutput() # setup the input task daq.setupAnalogInput(chanNamesIn, audioHW.daqTrigChanIn, int(inputRate), numInputSamples) daq.startAnalogInput() # trigger the acquiisiton by sending ditital pulse daq.sendDigTrig(audioHW.daqTrigChanOut) mic_data = daq.readAnalogInput() mic_data = mic_data[0, :] mic_data_chirp = mic_data/micVoltsPerPascal if not testMode: daq.waitDoneOutput(stopAndClear=True) daq.stopAnalogInput() daq.clearAnalogInput() npts = len(mic_data) t = np.linspace(0, npts/inputRate, npts) pl = appObj.spCal_micInput pl.clear() pl.plot(t, mic_data, pen='b') labelStyle = appObj.xLblStyle pl.setLabel('bottom', 'Time', 's', **labelStyle) labelStyle = appObj.yLblStyle pl.setLabel('left', 'Response', 'Pa', **labelStyle) # play refernce tone refFreq = 4e3 tRef = 50e-3 nRefPts = round(outputRate*tRef) t = np.linspace(0, tRef, nRefPts) spkOut = np.cos(2*np.pi*refFreq*t) # apply envelope i1 = round(outputRate*1e-3) i2 = nRefPts- i1 env = np.linspace(0, 1, i1) spkOut[0:i1] = spkOut[0:i1]*env spkOut[i2:] = spkOut[i2:]*(1-env) if testMode: # mic_data = OCTCommon.loadRawData(testDataDir, frameNum, dataType=3) pass else: daq.setupAnalogOutput([chanNameOut], audioHW.daqTrigChanIn, int(outputRate), spkOut) daq.startAnalogOutput() # setup the input task daq.setupAnalogInput(chanNamesIn, audioHW.daqTrigChanIn, int(inputRate), numInputSamples) daq.startAnalogInput() # trigger the acquiisiton by sending ditital pulse daq.sendDigTrig(audioHW.daqTrigChanOut) mic_data = daq.readAnalogInput() mic_data_ref = mic_data/micVoltsPerPascal if not testMode: daq.waitDoneOutput(stopAndClear=True) daq.stopAnalogInput() daq.clearAnalogInput() micData, spCal = processSpkCalDataChirp(mic_data_chirp, mic_data_ref, inputRate, spCal, spkIdx, f0, f1, refFreq) pl = appObj.spCal_micFFT pl.clear() df = micData.fft_freq[1] - micData.fft_freq[0] nf = len(micData.fft_freq) i1 = int(freq_array[0]*0.9/df) i2 = int(freq_array[-1]*1.1/df) print("SpeakerCalibration: df= %0.3f i1= %d i2= %d nf= %d" % (df, i1, i2, nf)) pl.plot(micData.fft_freq[i1:i2], micData.fft_mag[i1:i2], pen='b') labelStyle = appObj.xLblStyle pl.setLabel('bottom', 'Frequency', 'Hz', **labelStyle) labelStyle = appObj.yLblStyle pl.setLabel('left', 'Magnitude', 'db SPL', **labelStyle) pl = appObj.spCal_spkResp pl.clear() # pl.plot(1000*spCal.freq[spkIdx, :], spCal.magResp[spkIdx, :], pen="b", symbol='o') pl.plot(freq_array, spCal.magResp[spkIdx, :], pen="b", symbol='o') labelStyle = appObj.xLblStyle pl.setLabel('bottom', 'Frequency', 'Hz', **labelStyle) labelStyle = appObj.yLblStyle pl.setLabel('left', 'Magnitude', 'db SPL', **labelStyle) else: for freq in freq_array: print("runSpeakerCal freq=" + repr(freq)) spkOut = makeSpeakerCalibrationOutput(freq, audioHW, trialDur) npts = len(spkOut) t = np.linspace(0, npts/outputRate, npts) pl = appObj.spCal_output pl.clear() endIdx = int(5e-3 * outputRate) # only plot first 5 ms pl.plot(t[0:endIdx], spkOut[0:endIdx], pen='b') numInputSamples = int(inputRate*len(spkOut)/outputRate) if testMode: # mic_data = OCTCommon.loadRawData(testDataDir, frameNum, dataType=3) pass else: # setup the output task daq.setupAnalogOutput([chanNameOut], audioHW.daqTrigChanIn, int(outputRate), spkOut) daq.startAnalogOutput() # setup the input task daq.setupAnalogInput(chanNamesIn, audioHW.daqTrigChanIn, int(inputRate), numInputSamples) daq.startAnalogInput() # trigger the acquiisiton by sending ditital pulse daq.sendDigTrig(audioHW.daqTrigChanOut) mic_data = daq.readAnalogInput() mic_data = mic_data[0, :] mic_data = mic_data/micVoltsPerPascal if not testMode: daq.stopAnalogInput() daq.stopAnalogOutput() daq.clearAnalogInput() daq.clearAnalogOutput() npts = len(mic_data) t = np.linspace(0, npts/inputRate, npts) pl = appObj.spCal_micInput pl.clear() pl.plot(t, mic_data, pen='b') labelStyle = appObj.xLblStyle pl.setLabel('bottom', 'Time', 's', **labelStyle) labelStyle = appObj.yLblStyle pl.setLabel('left', 'Response', 'Pa', **labelStyle) micData, spCal = processSpkCalData(mic_data, freq, freq_idx, inputRate, spCal, spkIdx, audioHW) pl = appObj.spCal_micFFT pl.clear() df = micData.fft_freq[1] - micData.fft_freq[0] nf = len(micData.fft_freq) i1 = int(freq_array[0]*0.9/df) i2 = int(freq_array[-1]*1.1/df) print("SpeakerCalibration: df= %0.3f i1= %d i2= %d nf= %d" % (df, i1, i2, nf)) pl.plot(micData.fft_freq[i1:i2], micData.fft_mag[i1:i2], pen='b') labelStyle = appObj.xLblStyle pl.setLabel('bottom', 'Frequency', 'Hz', **labelStyle) labelStyle = appObj.yLblStyle pl.setLabel('left', 'Magnitude', 'db SPL', **labelStyle) pl = appObj.spCal_spkResp pl.clear() # pl.plot(1000*spCal.freq[spkIdx, :], spCal.magResp[spkIdx, :], pen="b", symbol='o') pl.plot(freq_array, spCal.magResp[spkIdx, :], pen="b", symbol='o') labelStyle = appObj.xLblStyle pl.setLabel('bottom', 'Frequency', 'Hz', **labelStyle) labelStyle = appObj.yLblStyle pl.setLabel('left', 'Magnitude', 'db SPL', **labelStyle) freq_idx += 1 # if appObj.getSaveState(): # if not isSaveDirInit: # saveDir = OCTCommon.initSaveDir(saveOpts, 'Speaker Calibration', audioParams=audioParams) # isSaveDirInit = True # # if saveOpts.saveRaw: # OCTCommon.saveRawData(mic_data, saveDir, frameNum, dataType=3) QtGui.QApplication.processEvents() # check for GUI events, such as button presses # if done flag, break out of loop if appObj.doneFlag: break frameNum += 1 # if done flag, break out of loop if appObj.doneFlag: break if not appObj.doneFlag: saveDir = appObj.configPath saveSpeakerCal(spCal, saveDir) appObj.audioHW.loadSpeakerCalFromProcData(spCal) appObj.spCal = spCal except Exception as ex: traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) QtGui.QMessageBox.critical (appObj, "Error", "Error during calibration. Check command line output for details") 8# update the audio hardware speaker calibration appObj.isCollecting = False QtGui.QApplication.processEvents() # check for GUI events, such as button presses appObj.finishCollection()
def runDPOAE(appObj, testMode=False): print("runDPOAE") try: appObj.tabWidget.setCurrentIndex(2) appObj.doneFlag = False appObj.isCollecting = True # trigRate = octfpga.GetTriggerRate() audioHW = appObj.audioHW bioamp = appObj.bioamp outputRate = audioHW.DAQOutputRate inputRate = audioHW.DAQInputRate # freq_array2 = audioParams.freq[1, :] freqArray = appObj.getFrequencyArray() if testMode: testDataDir = os.path.join(appObj.basePath, 'exampledata', 'DPOAE') # filePath = os.path.join(testDataDir, 'AudioParams.pickle') # f = open(filePath, 'rb') # audioParams = pickle.load(f) # f.close() else: # freqArray = appObj.getFrequencyArray() i1 = appObj.DPOAE_freqLow_comboBox.currentIndex() i2 = appObj.DPOAE_freqHigh_comboBox.currentIndex() print("runDPOAE: i1= ", i1, "i2= ", i2) ampLow = appObj.DPOAE_ampLow_spinBox.value() ampHigh = appObj.DPOAE_ampHigh_spinBox.value() ampDelta = appObj.DPOAE_ampDelta_spinBox.value() # ampArray = np.arange(ampLow, ampHigh, ampDelta) #numSteps = np.floor((ampHigh - ampLow)/ampDelta) + 1 #ampArray = np.linspace(ampLow, ampHigh, numSteps) ampArray = np.arange(ampLow, ampHigh, ampDelta) if ampArray[-1] != ampHigh: ampArray = np.hstack((ampArray, ampHigh)) freqArray = freqArray[i1:i2+1] # numSpk = audioParams.getNumSpeakers() if not testMode: from DAQHardware import DAQHardware daq = DAQHardware() chanNamesIn= [ audioHW.mic_daqChan, bioamp.daqChan] micVoltsPerPascal = audioHW.micVoltsPerPascal trialDur = appObj.DPOAE_stimDuration_dblSpinBox.value() * 1e-3 # nReps = appObj.DPOAEtrialReps_spinBox.value() # set input rate multiple the highest output frequency, a little more than Nyquest so stim frequency is more towards center inputRate = 4*freqArray[-1] inputRate = outputRate / int(np.floor(outputRate / inputRate)) # pick closest input rate that evenly divides output rate frameNum = 0 isSaveDirInit = False attenLines1 = audioHW.attenL_daqChan attenLines2 = audioHW.attenR_daqChan freq_idx = 0 DPOAEdata = None numSpk = appObj.speaker_comboBox.currentIndex()+1 chanNameOut = audioHW.speakerL_daqChan if numSpk > 1: chanNameOut = [audioHW.speakerL_daqChan, audioHW.speakerR_daqChan ] print("runDPOAE numSpk=", numSpk) for freq in freqArray: sp1, sp2 = makeDPOAEOutput(freq, trialDur, audioHW) # spkOut = np.tile(spkOut_trial, nReps) npts = len(sp1) tOut = np.linspace(0, npts/outputRate, npts) print("runDPOAE npts=%d len(spkOut)= %d len(tOut)= %d" % (npts, len(sp1), len(tOut))) amp_idx = 0 # ptsPerRep = inputRate for amp in ampArray: print("runDPOAE freq=" + repr(freq), " amp= ", + amp, " freq_idx= ", freq_idx, " amp_idx= ", amp_idx) vOut1, attenLvl1 = audioHW.getCalibratedOutputVoltageAndAttenLevel(freq, amp, 0) spkNum = numSpk - 1 vOut2, attenLvl2 = audioHW.getCalibratedOutputVoltageAndAttenLevel(freq/1.22, amp, spkNum) if vOut1 > 0 and vOut2 > 0: # attenSig = AudioHardware.makeLM1972AttenSig(0) if not testMode: if numSpk > 1: audioHW.setAttenuatorLevel(attenLvl1, attenLvl2, daq) else: if attenLvl1 > attenLvl2: dbDiff = attenLvl1 - attenLvl2 attenLvl1 = attenLvl2 vOut2 = vOut2*(10**(dbDiff/20)) elif attenLvl1 < attenLvl2: dbDiff = attenLvl2 - attenLvl1 attenLvl2 = attenLvl1 vOut1 = vOut1*(10**(dbDiff/20)) audioHW.setAttenuatorLevel(attenLvl1, audioHW.maxAtten, daq) # daq.sendDigOutDPOAEd(attenLines, attenSig) # appObj.oct_hw.SetAttenLevel(0, attenLines) pl = appObj.DPOAE_output pl.clear() endIdx = int(5e-3 * outputRate) # only plot first 5 ms #pl.plot(t[0:endIdx], spkOut[0:endIdx], pen='b') pl.plot(tOut, sp1 + sp2, pen='b') labelStyle = appObj.xLblStyle pl.setLabel('bottom', 'Time', 's', **labelStyle) labelStyle = appObj.yLblStyle pl.setLabel('left', 'Output', 'V', **labelStyle) numInputSamples = int(inputRate*len(sp1)/outputRate) if testMode: # mic_data = OCTCommon.loadRawData(testDataDir, frameNum, dataType=3) pass else: # setup the output task if numSpk > 1: spkOut = np.vstack((vOut1*sp1, vOut2*sp2)) else: spkOut = vOut1*sp1 + vOut2*sp2 daq.setupAnalogOutput([chanNameOut], audioHW.daqTrigChanIn, int(outputRate), spkOut) daq.startAnalogOutput() # setup the input task daq.setupAnalogInput(chanNamesIn, audioHW.daqTrigChanIn, int(inputRate), numInputSamples) daq.startAnalogInput() # trigger the acquiisiton by sending ditital pulse daq.sendDigTrig(audioHW.daqTrigChanOut) dataIn = daq.readAnalogInput() mic_data = dataIn[0, :] mic_data = mic_data/micVoltsPerPascal daq.stopAnalogInput() daq.stopAnalogOutput() daq.clearAnalogInput() daq.clearAnalogOutput() npts = len(mic_data) t = np.linspace(0, npts/inputRate, npts) pl = appObj.spCal_micInput pl.clear() pl.plot(t, mic_data, pen='b') labelStyle = appObj.xLblStyle pl.setLabel('bottom', 'Time', 's', **labelStyle) labelStyle = appObj.yLblStyle pl.setLabel('left', 'Response', 'Pa', **labelStyle) DPOAEptData, DPOAEdata = processDPOAEData(mic_data, freq, freq_idx, amp_idx, freqArray, ampArray, inputRate, DPOAEdata) print("runDPOAE: plotting data") plotDPOAEdata(appObj, DPOAEptData, DPOAEdata) QtGui.QApplication.processEvents() # check for GUI events, such as button presses # if done flag, break out of loop if appObj.doneFlag: break frameNum += 1 amp_idx += 1 # if done flag, break out of loop if appObj.doneFlag: break freq_idx += 1 saveOpts = appObj.getSaveOpts() workbook = appObj.excelWB note = saveOpts.note number = appObj.DPOAEnumber name = 'DPOAE' d = timeStr = d.strftime('%H_%M_%S') saveOpts.saveMicData = appObj.DPOAE_saveMicData_checkBox.isChecked() saveOpts.saveMicFFT = appObj.DPOAE_saveMicFFT_checkBox.isChecked() saveDir = appObj.saveDir_lineEdit.text() plotName = 'DPOAE %d %s %s' % (number, timeStr, saveOpts.note) plotFilePath = saveDPOAEDataFig(DPOAEdata, trialDur, saveDir, plotName, timeStr) reply = QtGui.QMessageBox.question(appObj, 'Save', "Keep data?" , QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes | QtGui.QMessageBox.No, QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes) if reply == QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes: excelWS = CMPCommon.initExcelSpreadsheet(workbook, name, number, timeStr, note) saveDPOAEDataXLS(DPOAEdata, trialDur, excelWS, saveOpts) #saveDPOAEData(DPOAEdata, trialDur, nReps, appObj.saveFileTxt_filepath, saveOpts, timeStr) saveDPOAEDataPickle(DPOAEdata, trialDur, plotName, saveOpts, timeStr) appObj.DPOAEnumber += 1 else: os.remove(plotFilePath) except Exception as ex: traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) QtGui.QMessageBox.critical (appObj, "Error", "Error during collection. Check command line output for details") 8# update the audio hardware speaker calibration appObj.isCollecting = False QtGui.QApplication.processEvents() # check for GUI events, such as button presses appObj.finishCollection()
def runABR(appObj, testMode=False): print("runABR") appObj.tabWidget.setCurrentIndex(3) appObj.doneFlag = False appObj.isCollecting = True # trigRate = octfpga.GetTriggerRate() audioHW = appObj.audioHW bioamp = appObj.bioamp outputRate = audioHW.DAQOutputRate inputRate = audioHW.DAQInputRate # freq_array2 = audioParams.freq[1, :] freqArray = appObj.getFrequencyArray() ABRparams = ABRParams(appObj) if testMode: testDataDir = os.path.join(appObj.basePath, 'exampledata', 'Speaker Calibration') # filePath = os.path.join(testDataDir, 'AudioParams.pickle') # f = open(filePath, 'rb') # audioParams = pickle.load(f) # f.close() else: # freqArray = appObj.getFrequencyArray() i1 = appObj.ABR_freqLow_comboBox.currentIndex() i2 = appObj.ABR_freqHigh_comboBox.currentIndex() print("runABR: i1= ", i1, "i2= ", i2) ampLow = appObj.ABRampLow_spinBox.value() ampHigh = appObj.ABRampHigh_spinBox.value() ampDelta = appObj.ABRampDelta_spinBox.value() # ampArray = np.arange(ampLow, ampHigh, ampDelta) #numSteps = np.floor((ampHigh - ampLow)/ampDelta) + 1 #ampArray = np.linspace(ampLow, ampHigh, numSteps) if ampLow == ampHigh: ampArray = np.array([ampLow]) else: ampArray = np.arange(ampLow, ampHigh, ampDelta) if ampArray[-1] != ampHigh: ampArray = np.hstack((ampArray, ampHigh)) freqArray = freqArray[i1:i2+1] if freqArray = freqArray[0:1] # only use single freqeucny clickRMS = appObj.ABRclick_RMS # numSpk = audioParams.getNumSpeakers() if not testMode: from DAQHardware import DAQHardware daq = DAQHardware() chanNamesIn= [ audioHW.mic_daqChan, bioamp.daqChan] micVoltsPerPascal = audioHW.micVoltsPerPascal # set input rate to three times the highest output frequency, to allow plus a # inputRate = 3*freqArray[-1] # print("runABR: outputRate= ", outputRate, " inputRate= ", inputRate) # inputRate = np.max((inputRate, 6e3)) # inpute rate should be at least 6 kHz because ABR responses occur 0.3 - 3 kHz # inputRate = outputRate / int(np.floor(outputRate / inputRate)) # pick closest input rate that evenly divides output rate # print("runABR: inputRate(final)= ", inputRate) try: frameNum = 0 numFrames = len(freqArray)*len(ampArray) isSaveDirInit = False chanNameOut = audioHW.speakerL_daqChan attenLines = audioHW.attenL_daqChan freq_idx = 0 ABRdata = None appObj.status_label.setText("Running") appObj.progressBar.setValue(0) for freq in freqArray: spkOut_trial = makeABROutput(freq, ABRparams, audioHW) npts = len(spkOut_trial) spkOut = np.tile(spkOut_trial, ABRparams.nReps) # invert every other trial, necessary for ABR/CAP output for n in range(1, ABRparams.nReps, 2): idx1 = n*npts idx2 = (n+1)*npts spkOut[idx1:idx2] = -spkOut[idx1:idx2] # plt.figure(5) # plt.clf() # plt.plot(spkOut) tOut = np.linspace(0, npts/outputRate, npts) print("runABR npts=%d len(spkOut_trial)= %d len(tOut)= %d" % (npts, len(spkOut_trial), len(tOut))) amp_idx = 0 ptsPerRep = int(inputRate*ABRparams.trialDur) for amp in ampArray: print("runABR freq=" + repr(freq), " amp= ", + amp, " freq_idx= ", freq_idx, " amp_idx= ", amp_idx) if clickRMS = appObj.ABRclick_RMS attenLvl = 0 vOut = 10**((amp - clickRMS)/20) minV = audioHW.speakerOutputRng[0] if vOut < minV: attenLvl = int(round(20*np.log10(minV/vOut))) vOut = minV else: vOut, attenLvl = audioHW.getCalibratedOutputVoltageAndAttenLevel(freq, amp, 0) print("runABR vOut= ", vOut, " atenLvl=", attenLvl) if vOut > audioHW.speakerOutputRng[1]: print("runABR vOut= ", vOut, " out of range") continue elif attenLvl > audioHW.maxAtten: print("runABR attenLvl= ", attenLvl, " gerater than maximum attenuation") continue # attenSig = AudioHardware.makeLM1972AttenSig(0) if not testMode: AudioHardware.Attenuator.setLevel(attenLvl, attenLines) # daq.sendDigOutABRd(attenLines, attenSig) # appObj.oct_hw.SetAttenLevel(0, attenLines) pl = appObj.ABR_output pl.clear() endIdx = int(5e-3 * outputRate) # only plot first 5 ms #pl.plot(t[0:endIdx], spkOut[0:endIdx], pen='b') pl.plot(tOut, spkOut_trial, pen='b') labelStyle = appObj.xLblStyle pl.setLabel('bottom', 'Time', 's', **labelStyle) labelStyle = appObj.yLblStyle pl.setLabel('left', 'Output', 'V', **labelStyle) numInputSamples = ABRparams.nReps*int(inputRate*len(spkOut_trial)/outputRate) if testMode: # mic_data = OCTCommon.loadRawData(testDataDir, frameNum, dataType=3) pass else: # setup the output task daq.setupAnalogOutput([chanNameOut], audioHW.daqTrigChanIn, int(outputRate), vOut*spkOut) daq.startAnalogOutput() # setup the input task daq.setupAnalogInput(chanNamesIn, audioHW.daqTrigChanIn, int(inputRate), numInputSamples) daq.startAnalogInput() # trigger the acquiisiton by sending ditital pulse daq.sendDigTrig(audioHW.daqTrigChanOut) timeout = numInputSamples/inputRate + 2 dataIn = daq.readAnalogInput(timeout) mic_data = dataIn[0, :] bioamp_data = dataIn[1, :] mic_data = mic_data/micVoltsPerPascal bioamp_data = bioamp_data/bioamp.gain daq.waitDoneInput() daq.stopAnalogInput() daq.clearAnalogInput() daq.waitDoneOutput(stopAndClear=True) # npts = len(mic_data) # t = np.linspace(0, npts/inputRate, npts) # pl = appObj.ABR_micInput # pl.clear() # pl.plot(t, mic_data, pen='b') # # labelStyle = appObj.xLblStyle # pl.setLabel('bottom', 'Time', 's', **labelStyle) # labelStyle = appObj.yLblStyle # pl.setLabel('left', 'Response', 'Pa', **labelStyle) # def processABRData(mic_data, bioamp_data, nReps, freq, amp_idx, inputRate, ABRdataIn): ABRptData, ABRdata = processABRData(mic_data, bioamp_data, freq, freq_idx, amp_idx, freqArray, ampArray, inputRate, ABRdata, ABRparams) print("runABR: plotting data") plotABRdata(appObj, ABRptData, ABRdata) # if appObj.getSaveState(): # if not isSaveDirInit: # saveDir = OCTCommon.initSaveDir(saveOpts, 'Speaker Calibration', audioParams=audioParams) # isSaveDirInit = True # # if saveOpts.saveRaw: # OCTCommon.saveRawData(mic_data, saveDir, frameNum, dataType=3) idx1 = round(inputRate*ABRparams.stimOffset) idx2 = idx1 + round(inputRate*ABRparams.stimDur) mic_data = mic_data[idx1:idx2] rms = np.mean(mic_data ** 2) ** 0.5 rms = 20*np.log10(rms/2e-5) appObj.ABR_rms_label.setText("%0.1f dB" % rms) QtGui.QApplication.processEvents() # check for GUI events, such as button presses # if done flag, break out of loop if appObj.doneFlag: break frameNum += 1 amp_idx += 1 appObj.progressBar.setValue(frameNum/numFrames) # if done flag, break out of loop if appObj.doneFlag: break freq_idx += 1 saveOpts = appObj.getSaveOpts() workbook = appObj.excelWB note = saveOpts.note number = appObj.ABRnumber name = 'ABR' d = timeStr = d.strftime('%H_%M_%S') excelWS = CMPCommon.initExcelSpreadsheet(workbook, name, number, timeStr, note) appObj.ABRnumber += 1 #saveOpts.saveTracings = appObj.ABR_saveTracings_checkBox.isChecked() saveOpts.saveTracings = True saveDir = appObj.saveDir_lineEdit.text() saveABRDataXLS(ABRdata, ABRparams, excelWS, saveOpts) #saveABRData(ABRdata, trialDur, nReps, appObj.saveFileTxt_filepath, saveOpts, timeStr) plotName = 'ABR %d %s %s' % (number, timeStr, saveOpts.note) saveABRDataFig(ABRdata, ABRparams, saveDir, plotName, timeStr) saveABRDataPickle(ABRdata, ABRparams, plotName, saveOpts, timeStr) except Exception as ex: traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) QtGui.QMessageBox.critical (appObj, "Error", "Error during collection. Check command line output for details") # update the audio hardware speaker calibration appObj.isCollecting = False QtGui.QApplication.processEvents() # check for GUI events, such as button presses appObj.finishCollection()
def calibrateClick(appObj, testMode=False): print("ABR.calibrateClick") appObj.tabWidget.setCurrentIndex(3) appObj.doneFlag = False appObj.isCollecting = True # trigRate = octfpga.GetTriggerRate() audioHW = appObj.audioHW outputRate = audioHW.DAQOutputRate inputRate = audioHW.DAQInputRate # freq_array2 = audioParams.freq[1, :] freqArray = appObj.getFrequencyArray() if testMode: testDataDir = os.path.join(appObj.basePath, 'exampledata', 'Speaker Calibration') # filePath = os.path.join(testDataDir, 'AudioParams.pickle') # f = open(filePath, 'rb') # audioParams = pickle.load(f) # f.close() else: pass # numSpk = audioParams.getNumSpeakers() if not testMode: from DAQHardware import DAQHardware daq = DAQHardware() chanNamesIn= [ audioHW.mic_daqChan] micVoltsPerPascal = audioHW.micVoltsPerPascal ABRparams = ABRParams(appObj) = True ABRparams.nReps = 20 print("ABR.calibrateClick ABRparams=", ABRparams.__dict__) # set input rate to three times the highest output frequency, to allow plus a # inputRate = 3*freqArray[-1] # print("runABR: outputRate= ", outputRate, " inputRate= ", inputRate) # inputRate = np.max((inputRate, 6e3)) # inpute rate should be at least 6 kHz because ABR responses occur 0.3 - 3 kHz # inputRate = outputRate / int(np.floor(outputRate / inputRate)) # pick closest input rate that evenly divides output rate # print("runABR: inputRate(final)= ", inputRate) try: chanNameOut = audioHW.speakerL_daqChan attenLines = audioHW.attenL_daqChan spkOut_trial = makeABROutput(4e3, ABRparams, audioHW) spkOut = np.tile(spkOut_trial, ABRparams.nReps) npts = len(spkOut_trial) tOut = np.linspace(0, npts/outputRate, npts) # attenSig = AudioHardware.makeLM1972AttenSig(0) if not testMode: AudioHardware.Attenuator.setLevel(0, attenLines) pl = appObj.ABR_output pl.clear() endIdx = int(5e-3 * outputRate) # only plot first 5 ms #pl.plot(t[0:endIdx], spkOut[0:endIdx], pen='b') pl.plot(tOut, spkOut_trial, pen='b') labelStyle = appObj.xLblStyle pl.setLabel('bottom', 'Time', 's', **labelStyle) labelStyle = appObj.yLblStyle pl.setLabel('left', 'Output', 'V', **labelStyle) numInputSamples = int(inputRate*len(spkOut)/outputRate) if testMode: # mic_data = OCTCommon.loadRawData(testDataDir, frameNum, dataType=3) pass else: # setup the output task daq.setupAnalogOutput([chanNameOut], audioHW.daqTrigChanIn, int(outputRate), spkOut) daq.startAnalogOutput() # setup the input task daq.setupAnalogInput(chanNamesIn, audioHW.daqTrigChanIn, int(inputRate), numInputSamples) daq.startAnalogInput() # trigger the acquiisiton by sending ditital pulse daq.sendDigTrig(audioHW.daqTrigChanOut) timeout = numInputSamples/inputRate + 2 dataIn = daq.readAnalogInput(timeout) mic_data = dataIn[0, :] mic_data = mic_data/micVoltsPerPascal daq.waitDoneInput() daq.stopAnalogInput() daq.clearAnalogInput() daq.waitDoneOutput(stopAndClear=True) print("ABR.calibrateClick: plotting data") npts = len(mic_data) # reshape and average the mic data ptsPerRep = npts // ABRparams.nReps mic_data = np.reshape(mic_data, (ABRparams.nReps, ptsPerRep)) mic_data = np.mean(mic_data, 0) # plot mic data npts = len(mic_data) t = np.linspace(0, npts/inputRate, npts) pl = appObj.ABR_micInput pl.clear() pl.plot(t, mic_data, pen='b') labelStyle = appObj.xLblStyle pl.setLabel('bottom', 'Time', 's', **labelStyle) labelStyle = appObj.yLblStyle pl.setLabel('left', 'Response', 'Pa', **labelStyle) idx1 = round(inputRate*ABRparams.stimOffset) idx2 = idx1 + round(inputRate*ABRparams.stimDur) mic_data = mic_data[idx1:idx2] # apply high pass filter to get rid of LF components # (b, a) = scipy.signal.butter(5, 100/inputRate, 'high') # mic_data = scipy.signal.lfilter(b, a, mic_data) rms = np.mean(mic_data ** 2) ** 0.5 rms = 20*np.log10(rms/2e-5) appObj.ABRclick_RMS = rms appObj.ABR_rms_label.setText("%0.1f dB" % rms) print("ABR.calibrateClick: RMS= ", rms) except Exception as ex: traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) QtGui.QMessageBox.critical (appObj, "Error", "Error during collection. Check command line output for details") appObj.isCollecting = False QtGui.QApplication.processEvents() # check for GUI events, such as button presses appObj.finishCollection()
def run(appObj, testMode=False): print("") appObj.tabWidget.setCurrentIndex(1) appObj.doneFlag = False appObj.isCollecting = True # trigRate = octfpga.GetTriggerRate() audioHW = appObj.audioHW bioamp = appObj.bioamp # outputRate = audioHW.DAQOutputRate inputRate = audioHW.DAQInputRate if not testMode: from DAQHardware import DAQHardware daq = DAQHardware() chanNamesIn= [ audioHW.mic_daqChan, bioamp.daqChan] micVoltsPerPascal = audioHW.micVoltsPerPascal bioampGain = bioamp.gain firstIter = True while not appObj.doneFlag: try: if testMode: # mic_data = OCTCommon.loadRawData(testDataDir, frameNum, dataType=3) continue else: # inputTime = 100e-3 inputTime = 1e-3*appObj.readMicBioamp_duration_dblSpinBox.value() numInputSamples = round(inputRate*inputTime) # setup the input task daq.setupAnalogInput(chanNamesIn, audioHW.daqTrigChanIn, int(inputRate), numInputSamples) daq.startAnalogInput() # trigger the acquiisiton by sending ditital pulse daq.sendDigTrig(audioHW.daqTrigChanOut) data = daq.readAnalogInput() print("data.shape= ", data.shape) mic_data = data[0, :] bioamp_data = data[1, :] #mic_data = data[:, 0] #bioamp_data = data[:, 1] mic_data = mic_data/micVoltsPerPascal bioamp_data = bioamp_data/bioampGain daq.stopAnalogInput() daq.clearAnalogInput() npts = len(mic_data) t = np.linspace(0, npts/inputRate, npts) pl = appObj.inputs_micPlot if firstIter: pl.clear() micPI = pl.plot(t, mic_data, pen='b') labelStyle = appObj.xLblStyle pl.setLabel('bottom', 'Time', 's', **labelStyle) labelStyle = appObj.yLblStyle pl.setLabel('left', 'Response', 'Pa', **labelStyle) else: data = np.vstack((t, mic_data)) micPI.setData(data.transpose()) pl = appObj.inputs_bioampPlot if firstIter: pl.clear() bioampPI = pl.plot(t, bioamp_data, pen='b') labelStyle = appObj.xLblStyle pl.setLabel('bottom', 'Time', 's', **labelStyle) labelStyle = appObj.yLblStyle pl.setLabel('left', 'Response', 'V', **labelStyle) else: data = np.vstack((t, bioamp_data)) bioampPI.setData(data.transpose()) numfftpts = npts*2 win_fcn = 2*np.hanning(npts) mic_fft = np.fft.fft(win_fcn*mic_data, numfftpts) endIdx = np.ceil(numfftpts/2) mic_fft = mic_fft[0:endIdx] mic_fft_mag = 2*np.abs(mic_fft)/numfftpts fftrms_corr = 1/(np.sqrt(2)) mic_fft_mag = fftrms_corr*mic_fft_mag mic_fft_mag_log = 20*np.log10(mic_fft_mag/20e-6 ) # 20e-6 pa mic_freq = np.linspace(0, inputRate/2, endIdx) pl = appObj.inputs_micFFTPlot if firstIter: pl.clear() micFFTPI = pl.plot(mic_freq, mic_fft_mag_log, pen='b') labelStyle = appObj.xLblStyle pl.setLabel('bottom', 'Frequency', 'Hz', **labelStyle) labelStyle = appObj.yLblStyle pl.setLabel('left', 'Magnitude', 'dB SPL', **labelStyle) else: data = np.vstack((mic_freq, mic_fft_mag_log)) micFFTPI.setData(data.transpose()) Wn = [300, 3000] Wn = np.array(Wn)/inputRate #Wn = [0.001, 0.01] # (b, a) = scipy.signal.butter(5, Wn=Wn, btype='bandpass') (b, a) = scipy.signal.iirfilter(2, Wn, btype='bandpass', ftype='bessel') #b = scipy.signal.firwin(21, Wn) #a = [1.0] bioamp_filt = scipy.signal.lfilter(b, a, bioamp_data) print("bioamp_data.shape= ", bioamp_data.shape, " t.shape=", t.shape, " Wn=", Wn) print("b= ", b) print("a= ", a) if firstIter: pl = appObj.inputs_bioampFilteredPlot pl.clear() bioampFFTPI = pl.plot(t, bioamp_filt, pen='b') labelStyle = appObj.xLblStyle pl.setLabel('bottom', 'Time', 's', **labelStyle) labelStyle = appObj.yLblStyle pl.setLabel('left', 'Response', 'V', **labelStyle) else: #data = np.vstack((t, bioamp_filt)) bioampFFTPI.setData(t, bioamp_filt) firstIter = False except Exception as ex: traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) QtGui.QMessageBox.critical (appObj, "Error", "Error. Check command line output for details") appObj.doneFlag = True QtGui.QApplication.processEvents() # check for GUI events, such as button presses # update the audio hardware speaker calibration appObj.finishCollection()
def runDPOAE(appObj, testMode=False): print("runDPOAE") try: appObj.tabWidget.setCurrentIndex(2) appObj.doneFlag = False appObj.isCollecting = True # trigRate = octfpga.GetTriggerRate() audioHW = appObj.audioHW bioamp = appObj.bioamp outputRate = audioHW.DAQOutputRate inputRate = audioHW.DAQInputRate # freq_array2 = audioParams.freq[1, :] freqArray = appObj.getFrequencyArray() if testMode: testDataDir = os.path.join(appObj.basePath, 'exampledata', 'DPOAE') # filePath = os.path.join(testDataDir, 'AudioParams.pickle') # f = open(filePath, 'rb') # audioParams = pickle.load(f) # f.close() else: # freqArray = appObj.getFrequencyArray() i1 = appObj.DPOAE_freqLow_comboBox.currentIndex() i2 = appObj.DPOAE_freqHigh_comboBox.currentIndex() print("runDPOAE: i1= ", i1, "i2= ", i2) ampLow = appObj.DPOAE_ampLow_spinBox.value() ampHigh = appObj.DPOAE_ampHigh_spinBox.value() ampDelta = appObj.DPOAE_ampDelta_spinBox.value() # ampArray = np.arange(ampLow, ampHigh, ampDelta) #numSteps = np.floor((ampHigh - ampLow)/ampDelta) + 1 #ampArray = np.linspace(ampLow, ampHigh, numSteps) ampArray = np.arange(ampLow, ampHigh, ampDelta) if ampArray[-1] != ampHigh: ampArray = np.hstack((ampArray, ampHigh)) freqArray = freqArray[i1:i2 + 1] # numSpk = audioParams.getNumSpeakers() if not testMode: from DAQHardware import DAQHardware daq = DAQHardware() chanNamesIn = [audioHW.mic_daqChan, bioamp.daqChan] micVoltsPerPascal = audioHW.micVoltsPerPascal trialDur = appObj.DPOAE_stimDuration_dblSpinBox.value() * 1e-3 # nReps = appObj.DPOAEtrialReps_spinBox.value() # set input rate multiple the highest output frequency, a little more than Nyquest so stim frequency is more towards center inputRate = 4 * freqArray[-1] inputRate = outputRate / int( np.floor(outputRate / inputRate) ) # pick closest input rate that evenly divides output rate frameNum = 0 isSaveDirInit = False attenLines1 = audioHW.attenL_daqChan attenLines2 = audioHW.attenR_daqChan freq_idx = 0 DPOAEdata = None numSpk = appObj.speaker_comboBox.currentIndex() + 1 chanNameOut = audioHW.speakerL_daqChan if numSpk > 1: chanNameOut = [audioHW.speakerL_daqChan, audioHW.speakerR_daqChan] print("runDPOAE numSpk=", numSpk) for freq in freqArray: sp1, sp2 = makeDPOAEOutput(freq, trialDur, audioHW) # spkOut = np.tile(spkOut_trial, nReps) npts = len(sp1) tOut = np.linspace(0, npts / outputRate, npts) print("runDPOAE npts=%d len(spkOut)= %d len(tOut)= %d" % (npts, len(sp1), len(tOut))) amp_idx = 0 # ptsPerRep = inputRate for amp in ampArray: print("runDPOAE freq=" + repr(freq), " amp= ", +amp, " freq_idx= ", freq_idx, " amp_idx= ", amp_idx) vOut1, attenLvl1 = audioHW.getCalibratedOutputVoltageAndAttenLevel( freq, amp, 0) spkNum = numSpk - 1 vOut2, attenLvl2 = audioHW.getCalibratedOutputVoltageAndAttenLevel( freq / 1.22, amp, spkNum) if vOut1 > 0 and vOut2 > 0: # attenSig = AudioHardware.makeLM1972AttenSig(0) if not testMode: if numSpk > 1: audioHW.setAttenuatorLevel(attenLvl1, attenLvl2, daq) else: if attenLvl1 > attenLvl2: dbDiff = attenLvl1 - attenLvl2 attenLvl1 = attenLvl2 vOut2 = vOut2 * (10**(dbDiff / 20)) elif attenLvl1 < attenLvl2: dbDiff = attenLvl2 - attenLvl1 attenLvl2 = attenLvl1 vOut1 = vOut1 * (10**(dbDiff / 20)) audioHW.setAttenuatorLevel(attenLvl1, audioHW.maxAtten, daq) # daq.sendDigOutDPOAEd(attenLines, attenSig) # appObj.oct_hw.SetAttenLevel(0, attenLines) pl = appObj.DPOAE_output pl.clear() endIdx = int(5e-3 * outputRate) # only plot first 5 ms #pl.plot(t[0:endIdx], spkOut[0:endIdx], pen='b') pl.plot(tOut, sp1 + sp2, pen='b') labelStyle = appObj.xLblStyle pl.setLabel('bottom', 'Time', 's', **labelStyle) labelStyle = appObj.yLblStyle pl.setLabel('left', 'Output', 'V', **labelStyle) numInputSamples = int(inputRate * len(sp1) / outputRate) if testMode: # mic_data = OCTCommon.loadRawData(testDataDir, frameNum, dataType=3) pass else: # setup the output task if numSpk > 1: spkOut = np.vstack((vOut1 * sp1, vOut2 * sp2)) else: spkOut = vOut1 * sp1 + vOut2 * sp2 daq.setupAnalogOutput([chanNameOut], audioHW.daqTrigChanIn, int(outputRate), spkOut) daq.startAnalogOutput() # setup the input task daq.setupAnalogInput(chanNamesIn, audioHW.daqTrigChanIn, int(inputRate), numInputSamples) daq.startAnalogInput() # trigger the acquiisiton by sending ditital pulse daq.sendDigTrig(audioHW.daqTrigChanOut) dataIn = daq.readAnalogInput() mic_data = dataIn[0, :] mic_data = mic_data / micVoltsPerPascal daq.stopAnalogInput() daq.stopAnalogOutput() daq.clearAnalogInput() daq.clearAnalogOutput() npts = len(mic_data) t = np.linspace(0, npts / inputRate, npts) pl = appObj.spCal_micInput pl.clear() pl.plot(t, mic_data, pen='b') labelStyle = appObj.xLblStyle pl.setLabel('bottom', 'Time', 's', **labelStyle) labelStyle = appObj.yLblStyle pl.setLabel('left', 'Response', 'Pa', **labelStyle) DPOAEptData, DPOAEdata = processDPOAEData( mic_data, freq, freq_idx, amp_idx, freqArray, ampArray, inputRate, DPOAEdata) print("runDPOAE: plotting data") plotDPOAEdata(appObj, DPOAEptData, DPOAEdata) QtGui.QApplication.processEvents( ) # check for GUI events, such as button presses # if done flag, break out of loop if appObj.doneFlag: break frameNum += 1 amp_idx += 1 # if done flag, break out of loop if appObj.doneFlag: break freq_idx += 1 saveOpts = appObj.getSaveOpts() workbook = appObj.excelWB note = saveOpts.note number = appObj.DPOAEnumber name = 'DPOAE' d = timeStr = d.strftime('%H_%M_%S') saveOpts.saveMicData = appObj.DPOAE_saveMicData_checkBox.isChecked() saveOpts.saveMicFFT = appObj.DPOAE_saveMicFFT_checkBox.isChecked() saveDir = appObj.saveDir_lineEdit.text() plotName = 'DPOAE %d %s %s' % (number, timeStr, saveOpts.note) plotFilePath = saveDPOAEDataFig(DPOAEdata, trialDur, saveDir, plotName, timeStr) reply = QtGui.QMessageBox.question( appObj, 'Save', "Keep data?", QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes | QtGui.QMessageBox.No, QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes) if reply == QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes: excelWS = CMPCommon.initExcelSpreadsheet(workbook, name, number, timeStr, note) saveDPOAEDataXLS(DPOAEdata, trialDur, excelWS, saveOpts) #saveDPOAEData(DPOAEdata, trialDur, nReps, appObj.saveFileTxt_filepath, saveOpts, timeStr) saveDPOAEDataPickle(DPOAEdata, trialDur, plotName, saveOpts, timeStr) appObj.DPOAEnumber += 1 else: os.remove(plotFilePath) except Exception as ex: traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) QtGui.QMessageBox.critical( appObj, "Error", "Error during collection. Check command line output for details") 8 # update the audio hardware speaker calibration appObj.isCollecting = False QtGui.QApplication.processEvents( ) # check for GUI events, such as button presses appObj.finishCollection()
def runNoiseExp(appObj, testMode=False): print("runNoiseExp") appObj.tabWidget.setCurrentIndex(5) appObj.doneFlag = False appObj.isCollecting = True # trigRate = octfpga.GetTriggerRate() audioHW = appObj.audioHW outputRate = audioHW.DAQOutputRate inputRate = audioHW.DAQInputRate cutoffLow = 1e3*appObj.noiseExp_filterLow_dblSpinBox.value() cutoffHigh = 1e3*appObj.noiseExp_filterHigh_dblSpinBox.value() durationMins = appObj.noiseExp_duration_dblSpinBox.value() durationSecs = durationMins*60 try: if not testMode: from DAQHardware import DAQHardware daq = DAQHardware() chanNamesIn= [ audioHW.mic_daqChan] micVoltsPerPascal = audioHW.micVoltsPerPascal # mode = 'chirp' # make 1 second of noise nOut = outputRate*1 magResp = np.zeros(nOut) fIdx1 = int(nOut*cutoffLow/outputRate) fIdx2 = int(nOut*cutoffHigh/outputRate) magResp[fIdx1:fIdx2] = 1 phaseResp = 2*np.pi*np.random.rand(nOut) - np.pi sig = magResp*np.exp(-1j*phaseResp) spkOut = np.real(np.fft.ifft(sig)) mx = np.max(spkOut) mn = np.min(spkOut) # normalies signal to be between -1 and 1 spkOut = 2*(spkOut - mn)/(mx - mn) - 1 maxV = audioHW.speakerOutputRng[1] spkOut = maxV*spkOut pl = appObj.spCalTest_output pl.clear() #endIdx = int(5e-3 * outputRate) # only plot first 5 ms npts = len(spkOut) endIdx = npts t = np.linspace(0, npts/outputRate, npts) pl.plot(t[0:endIdx], spkOut[0:endIdx], pen='b') numInputSamples = int(inputRate*0.1) if testMode: # mic_data = OCTCommon.loadRawData(testDataDir, frameNum, dataType=3) pass else: chanNameOut = audioHW.speakerL_daqChan attenLines = audioHW.attenL_daqChan attenLinesOther = audioHW.attenR_daqChan if not testMode: AudioHardware.Attenuator.setLevel(0, attenLines) AudioHardware.Attenuator.setLevel(60, attenLinesOther) # setup the output task daq.setupAnalogOutput([chanNameOut], audioHW.daqTrigChanIn, int(outputRate), spkOut, isContinuous=True) daq.startAnalogOutput() # trigger the acquiisiton by sending ditital pulse daq.sendDigTrig(audioHW.daqTrigChanOut) tElapsed = 0 tLast = time.time() npts = numInputSamples t = np.linspace(0, npts/inputRate, npts) while tElapsed < durationSecs: if not testMode: # setup the input task daq.setupAnalogInput(chanNamesIn, audioHW.daqTrigChanIn, int(inputRate), numInputSamples) daq.startAnalogInput() # trigger the acquiisiton by sending ditital pulse daq.sendDigTrig(audioHW.daqTrigChanOut) daq.waitDoneInput() mic_data = daq.readAnalogInput() mic_data = mic_data[0, :] daq.stopAnalogInput() daq.clearAnalogInput() else: mic_data = np.random.rand(numInputSamples) mic_data = mic_data/micVoltsPerPascal pl = appObj.spCalTest_micInput pl.clear() pl.plot(t, mic_data, pen='b') labelStyle = appObj.xLblStyle pl.setLabel('bottom', 'Time', 's', **labelStyle) labelStyle = appObj.yLblStyle pl.setLabel('left', 'Response', 'Pa', **labelStyle) # calculate RMS nMicPts = len(mic_data) micRMS = np.mean(mic_data**2) micRMS = 20*np.log10(micRMS**0.5/2e-5) appObj.spCalTest_rms_label.setText("%0.3f dB" % micRMS) nfft = int(2**np.ceil(np.log(nMicPts*5)/np.log(2))) print("nfft = ", nfft) win_fcn = np.hanning(nMicPts) micFFT = 2*np.abs(np.fft.fft(win_fcn*mic_data, nfft))/nMicPts micFFT = 2*micFFT[0:len(micFFT) // 2] micFFT = 20*np.log10(micFFT/2e-5) freq = np.linspace(0, inputRate/2, len(micFFT)) pl = appObj.spCalTest_micFFT pl.clear() #df = freq[1] - freq[0] #print("NoiseExp: df= %0.3f i1= %d i2= %d nf= %d" % (df, i1, i2, nf)) pl.plot(freq, micFFT, pen='b') labelStyle = appObj.xLblStyle pl.setLabel('bottom', 'Frequency', 'Hz', **labelStyle) labelStyle = appObj.yLblStyle pl.setLabel('left', 'Magnitude', 'db SPL', **labelStyle) QtGui.QApplication.processEvents() # check for GUI events, such as button presses # if done flag, break out of loop if appObj.doneFlag: break t1 = time.time() tElapsed += (t1 - tLast) tLast = t1 if not testMode: daq.stopAnalogOutput() daq.clearAnalogOutput() except Exception as ex: traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) QtGui.QMessageBox.critical (appObj, "Error", "Error during calibration. Check command line output for details") 8# update the audio hardware speaker calibration appObj.isCollecting = False QtGui.QApplication.processEvents() # check for GUI events, such as button presses appObj.finishCollection()
def runCM(appObj, testMode=False): print("runCM") appObj.tabWidget.setCurrentIndex(4) appObj.doneFlag = False appObj.isCollecting = True # trigRate = octfpga.GetTriggerRate() audioHW = appObj.audioHW bioamp = appObj.bioamp outputRate = audioHW.DAQOutputRate inputRate = audioHW.DAQInputRate # freq_array2 = audioParams.freq[1, :] freqArray = appObj.getFrequencyArray() if testMode: testDataDir = os.path.join(appObj.basePath, 'exampledata', 'Speaker Calibration') # filePath = os.path.join(testDataDir, 'AudioParams.pickle') # f = open(filePath, 'rb') # audioParams = pickle.load(f) # f.close() else: # freqArray = appObj.getFrequencyArray() i1 = appObj.CM_freqLow_comboBox.currentIndex() i2 = appObj.CM_freqHigh_comboBox.currentIndex() print("runCM: i1= ", i1, "i2= ", i2) ampLow = appObj.CMampLow_spinBox.value() ampHigh = appObj.CMampHigh_spinBox.value() ampDelta = appObj.CMampDelta_spinBox.value() # ampArray = np.arange(ampLow, ampHigh, ampDelta) #numSteps = np.floor((ampHigh - ampLow)/ampDelta) + 1 #ampArray = np.linspace(ampLow, ampHigh, numSteps) ampArray = np.arange(ampLow, ampHigh, ampDelta) if ampArray[-1] != ampHigh: ampArray = np.hstack((ampArray, ampHigh)) freqArray = freqArray[i1:i2 + 1] # numSpk = audioParams.getNumSpeakers() if not testMode: from DAQHardware import DAQHardware daq = DAQHardware() chanNamesIn = [audioHW.mic_daqChan, bioamp.daqChan] micVoltsPerPascal = audioHW.micVoltsPerPascal trialDur = appObj.CMstimDuration_dblSpinBox.value() * 1e-3 stimOffset = appObj.CMstimOffset_dblSpinBox.value() * 1e-3 nReps = appObj.CMtrialReps_spinBox.value() # set input rate to three times the highest output frequency, to allow plus a #inputRate = 3*freqArray[-1] # inputRate = outputRate / int(np.floor(outputRate / inputRate)) # pick closest input rate that evenly divides output rate try: frameNum = 0 isSaveDirInit = False chanNameOut = audioHW.speakerL_daqChan attenLines = audioHW.attenL_daqChan freq_idx = 0 CMdata = None for freq in freqArray: spkOut_trial = makeCMOutput(freq, trialDur, stimOffset, audioHW) spkOut = np.tile(spkOut_trial, nReps) npts = len(spkOut_trial) tOut = np.linspace(0, npts / outputRate, npts) print("runCM npts=%d len(spkOut_trial)= %d len(tOut)= %d" % (npts, len(spkOut_trial), len(tOut))) amp_idx = 0 ptsPerRep = inputRate for amp in ampArray: print("runCM freq=" + repr(freq), " amp= ", +amp, " freq_idx= ", freq_idx, " amp_idx= ", amp_idx) vOut, attenLvl = audioHW.getCalibratedOutputVoltageAndAttenLevel( freq, amp, 0) # attenSig = AudioHardware.makeLM1972AttenSig(0) if not testMode: # AudioHardware.Attenuator.setLevel(attenLvl, attenLines) audioHW.setAttenuatorLevel(attenLvl, audioHW.maxAtten, daq) # daq.sendDigOutCmd(attenLines, attenSig) # appObj.oct_hw.SetAttenLevel(0, attenLines) pl = appObj.spCal_output pl.clear() endIdx = int(5e-3 * outputRate) # only plot first 5 ms #pl.plot(t[0:endIdx], spkOut[0:endIdx], pen='b') pl.plot(tOut, spkOut_trial, pen='b') labelStyle = appObj.xLblStyle pl.setLabel('bottom', 'Time', 's', **labelStyle) labelStyle = appObj.yLblStyle pl.setLabel('left', 'Output', 'V', **labelStyle) numInputSamples = nReps * int( inputRate * len(spkOut_trial) / outputRate) if testMode: # mic_data = OCTCommon.loadRawData(testDataDir, frameNum, dataType=3) pass else: # setup the output task daq.setupAnalogOutput([chanNameOut], audioHW.daqTrigChanIn, int(outputRate), vOut * spkOut) daq.startAnalogOutput() # setup the input task daq.setupAnalogInput(chanNamesIn, audioHW.daqTrigChanIn, int(inputRate), numInputSamples) daq.startAnalogInput() # trigger the acquiisiton by sending ditital pulse daq.sendDigTrig(audioHW.daqTrigChanOut) timeout = numInputSamples / inputRate + 2 dataIn = daq.readAnalogInput(timeout) mic_data = dataIn[0, :] bioamp_data = dataIn[1, :] mic_data = mic_data / micVoltsPerPascal bioamp_data = bioamp_data / bioamp.gain daq.waitDoneOutput(stopAndClear=True) daq.stopAnalogInput() daq.clearAnalogInput() npts = len(mic_data) t = np.linspace(0, npts / inputRate, npts) pl = appObj.spCal_micInput pl.clear() pl.plot(t, mic_data, pen='b') labelStyle = appObj.xLblStyle pl.setLabel('bottom', 'Time', 's', **labelStyle) labelStyle = appObj.yLblStyle pl.setLabel('left', 'Response', 'Pa', **labelStyle) # def processCMData(mic_data, bioamp_data, nReps, freq, amp_idx, inputRate, CMdataIn): CMptData, CMdata = processCMData(mic_data, bioamp_data, nReps, freq, freq_idx, amp_idx, freqArray, ampArray, inputRate, CMdata) print("runCM: plotting data") plotCMdata(appObj, CMptData, CMdata) # if appObj.getSaveState(): # if not isSaveDirInit: # saveDir = OCTCommon.initSaveDir(saveOpts, 'Speaker Calibration', audioParams=audioParams) # isSaveDirInit = True # # if saveOpts.saveRaw: # OCTCommon.saveRawData(mic_data, saveDir, frameNum, dataType=3) QtGui.QApplication.processEvents( ) # check for GUI events, such as button presses # if done flag, break out of loop if appObj.doneFlag: break frameNum += 1 amp_idx += 1 # if done flag, break out of loop if appObj.doneFlag: break freq_idx += 1 saveOpts = appObj.getSaveOpts() workbook = appObj.excelWB note = saveOpts.note number = appObj.CMnumber name = 'CM' d = timeStr = d.strftime('%H_%M_%S') excelWS = CMPCommon.initExcelSpreadsheet(workbook, name, number, timeStr, note) appObj.CMnumber += 1 saveOpts.saveTracings = appObj.CM_saveTracings_checkBox.isChecked() saveDir = appObj.saveDir_lineEdit.text() saveCMDataXLS(CMdata, trialDur, nReps, excelWS, saveOpts) #saveCMData(CMdata, trialDur, nReps, appObj.saveFileTxt_filepath, saveOpts, timeStr) plotName = 'CM %d %s %s' % (number, timeStr, saveOpts.note) saveCMDataFig(CMdata, trialDur, nReps, saveDir, plotName, timeStr) saveCMDataPickle(CMdata, trialDur, nReps, plotName, saveOpts, timeStr) except Exception as ex: traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) QtGui.QMessageBox.critical( appObj, "Error", "Error during collection. Check command line output for details") 8 # update the audio hardware speaker calibration appObj.isCollecting = False QtGui.QApplication.processEvents( ) # check for GUI events, such as button presses appObj.finishCollection()
def calibrateClick(appObj, testMode=False): print("ABR.calibrateClick") appObj.tabWidget.setCurrentIndex(3) appObj.doneFlag = False appObj.isCollecting = True # trigRate = octfpga.GetTriggerRate() audioHW = appObj.audioHW outputRate = audioHW.DAQOutputRate inputRate = audioHW.DAQInputRate # freq_array2 = audioParams.freq[1, :] freqArray = appObj.getFrequencyArray() if testMode: testDataDir = os.path.join(appObj.basePath, 'exampledata', 'Speaker Calibration') # filePath = os.path.join(testDataDir, 'AudioParams.pickle') # f = open(filePath, 'rb') # audioParams = pickle.load(f) # f.close() else: pass # numSpk = audioParams.getNumSpeakers() if not testMode: from DAQHardware import DAQHardware daq = DAQHardware() chanNamesIn = [audioHW.mic_daqChan] micVoltsPerPascal = audioHW.micVoltsPerPascal ABRparams = ABRParams(appObj) = True ABRparams.nReps = 20 print("ABR.calibrateClick ABRparams=", ABRparams.__dict__) # set input rate to three times the highest output frequency, to allow plus a # inputRate = 3*freqArray[-1] # print("runABR: outputRate= ", outputRate, " inputRate= ", inputRate) # inputRate = np.max((inputRate, 6e3)) # inpute rate should be at least 6 kHz because ABR responses occur 0.3 - 3 kHz # inputRate = outputRate / int(np.floor(outputRate / inputRate)) # pick closest input rate that evenly divides output rate # print("runABR: inputRate(final)= ", inputRate) try: chanNameOut = audioHW.speakerL_daqChan attenLines = audioHW.attenL_daqChan spkOut_trial = makeABROutput(4e3, ABRparams, audioHW) spkOut = np.tile(spkOut_trial, ABRparams.nReps) npts = len(spkOut_trial) tOut = np.linspace(0, npts / outputRate, npts) # attenSig = AudioHardware.makeLM1972AttenSig(0) if not testMode: AudioHardware.Attenuator.setLevel(0, attenLines) pl = appObj.ABR_output pl.clear() endIdx = int(5e-3 * outputRate) # only plot first 5 ms #pl.plot(t[0:endIdx], spkOut[0:endIdx], pen='b') pl.plot(tOut, spkOut_trial, pen='b') labelStyle = appObj.xLblStyle pl.setLabel('bottom', 'Time', 's', **labelStyle) labelStyle = appObj.yLblStyle pl.setLabel('left', 'Output', 'V', **labelStyle) numInputSamples = int(inputRate * len(spkOut) / outputRate) if testMode: # mic_data = OCTCommon.loadRawData(testDataDir, frameNum, dataType=3) pass else: # setup the output task daq.setupAnalogOutput([chanNameOut], audioHW.daqTrigChanIn, int(outputRate), spkOut) daq.startAnalogOutput() # setup the input task daq.setupAnalogInput(chanNamesIn, audioHW.daqTrigChanIn, int(inputRate), numInputSamples) daq.startAnalogInput() # trigger the acquiisiton by sending ditital pulse daq.sendDigTrig(audioHW.daqTrigChanOut) timeout = numInputSamples / inputRate + 2 dataIn = daq.readAnalogInput(timeout) mic_data = dataIn[0, :] mic_data = mic_data / micVoltsPerPascal daq.waitDoneInput() daq.stopAnalogInput() daq.clearAnalogInput() daq.waitDoneOutput(stopAndClear=True) print("ABR.calibrateClick: plotting data") npts = len(mic_data) # reshape and average the mic data ptsPerRep = npts // ABRparams.nReps mic_data = np.reshape(mic_data, (ABRparams.nReps, ptsPerRep)) mic_data = np.mean(mic_data, 0) # plot mic data npts = len(mic_data) t = np.linspace(0, npts / inputRate, npts) pl = appObj.ABR_micInput pl.clear() pl.plot(t, mic_data, pen='b') labelStyle = appObj.xLblStyle pl.setLabel('bottom', 'Time', 's', **labelStyle) labelStyle = appObj.yLblStyle pl.setLabel('left', 'Response', 'Pa', **labelStyle) idx1 = round(inputRate * ABRparams.stimOffset) idx2 = idx1 + round(inputRate * ABRparams.stimDur) mic_data = mic_data[idx1:idx2] # apply high pass filter to get rid of LF components # (b, a) = scipy.signal.butter(5, 100/inputRate, 'high') # mic_data = scipy.signal.lfilter(b, a, mic_data) rms = np.mean(mic_data**2)**0.5 rms = 20 * np.log10(rms / 2e-5) appObj.ABRclick_RMS = rms appObj.ABR_rms_label.setText("%0.1f dB" % rms) print("ABR.calibrateClick: RMS= ", rms) except Exception as ex: traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) QtGui.QMessageBox.critical( appObj, "Error", "Error during collection. Check command line output for details") appObj.isCollecting = False QtGui.QApplication.processEvents( ) # check for GUI events, such as button presses appObj.finishCollection()
def runABR(appObj, testMode=False): print("runABR") appObj.tabWidget.setCurrentIndex(3) appObj.doneFlag = False appObj.isCollecting = True # trigRate = octfpga.GetTriggerRate() audioHW = appObj.audioHW bioamp = appObj.bioamp outputRate = audioHW.DAQOutputRate inputRate = audioHW.DAQInputRate # freq_array2 = audioParams.freq[1, :] freqArray = appObj.getFrequencyArray() ABRparams = ABRParams(appObj) if testMode: testDataDir = os.path.join(appObj.basePath, 'exampledata', 'Speaker Calibration') # filePath = os.path.join(testDataDir, 'AudioParams.pickle') # f = open(filePath, 'rb') # audioParams = pickle.load(f) # f.close() else: # freqArray = appObj.getFrequencyArray() i1 = appObj.ABR_freqLow_comboBox.currentIndex() i2 = appObj.ABR_freqHigh_comboBox.currentIndex() print("runABR: i1= ", i1, "i2= ", i2) ampLow = appObj.ABRampLow_spinBox.value() ampHigh = appObj.ABRampHigh_spinBox.value() ampDelta = appObj.ABRampDelta_spinBox.value() # ampArray = np.arange(ampLow, ampHigh, ampDelta) #numSteps = np.floor((ampHigh - ampLow)/ampDelta) + 1 #ampArray = np.linspace(ampLow, ampHigh, numSteps) if ampLow == ampHigh: ampArray = np.array([ampLow]) else: ampArray = np.arange(ampLow, ampHigh, ampDelta) if ampArray[-1] != ampHigh: ampArray = np.hstack((ampArray, ampHigh)) freqArray = freqArray[i1:i2 + 1] if freqArray = freqArray[0:1] # only use single freqeucny clickRMS = appObj.ABRclick_RMS # numSpk = audioParams.getNumSpeakers() if not testMode: from DAQHardware import DAQHardware daq = DAQHardware() chanNamesIn = [audioHW.mic_daqChan, bioamp.daqChan] micVoltsPerPascal = audioHW.micVoltsPerPascal # set input rate to three times the highest output frequency, to allow plus a # inputRate = 3*freqArray[-1] # print("runABR: outputRate= ", outputRate, " inputRate= ", inputRate) # inputRate = np.max((inputRate, 6e3)) # inpute rate should be at least 6 kHz because ABR responses occur 0.3 - 3 kHz # inputRate = outputRate / int(np.floor(outputRate / inputRate)) # pick closest input rate that evenly divides output rate # print("runABR: inputRate(final)= ", inputRate) try: frameNum = 0 numFrames = len(freqArray) * len(ampArray) isSaveDirInit = False chanNameOut = audioHW.speakerL_daqChan attenLines = audioHW.attenL_daqChan freq_idx = 0 ABRdata = None appObj.status_label.setText("Running") appObj.progressBar.setValue(0) for freq in freqArray: spkOut_trial = makeABROutput(freq, ABRparams, audioHW) npts = len(spkOut_trial) spkOut = np.tile(spkOut_trial, ABRparams.nReps) # invert every other trial, necessary for ABR/CAP output for n in range(1, ABRparams.nReps, 2): idx1 = n * npts idx2 = (n + 1) * npts spkOut[idx1:idx2] = -spkOut[idx1:idx2] # plt.figure(5) # plt.clf() # plt.plot(spkOut) tOut = np.linspace(0, npts / outputRate, npts) print("runABR npts=%d len(spkOut_trial)= %d len(tOut)= %d" % (npts, len(spkOut_trial), len(tOut))) amp_idx = 0 ptsPerRep = int(inputRate * ABRparams.trialDur) for amp in ampArray: print("runABR freq=" + repr(freq), " amp= ", +amp, " freq_idx= ", freq_idx, " amp_idx= ", amp_idx) if clickRMS = appObj.ABRclick_RMS attenLvl = 0 vOut = 10**((amp - clickRMS) / 20) minV = audioHW.speakerOutputRng[0] if vOut < minV: attenLvl = int(round(20 * np.log10(minV / vOut))) vOut = minV else: vOut, attenLvl = audioHW.getCalibratedOutputVoltageAndAttenLevel( freq, amp, 0) print("runABR vOut= ", vOut, " atenLvl=", attenLvl) if vOut > audioHW.speakerOutputRng[1]: print("runABR vOut= ", vOut, " out of range") continue elif attenLvl > audioHW.maxAtten: print("runABR attenLvl= ", attenLvl, " gerater than maximum attenuation") continue # attenSig = AudioHardware.makeLM1972AttenSig(0) if not testMode: AudioHardware.Attenuator.setLevel(attenLvl, attenLines) # daq.sendDigOutABRd(attenLines, attenSig) # appObj.oct_hw.SetAttenLevel(0, attenLines) pl = appObj.ABR_output pl.clear() endIdx = int(5e-3 * outputRate) # only plot first 5 ms #pl.plot(t[0:endIdx], spkOut[0:endIdx], pen='b') pl.plot(tOut, spkOut_trial, pen='b') labelStyle = appObj.xLblStyle pl.setLabel('bottom', 'Time', 's', **labelStyle) labelStyle = appObj.yLblStyle pl.setLabel('left', 'Output', 'V', **labelStyle) numInputSamples = ABRparams.nReps * int( inputRate * len(spkOut_trial) / outputRate) if testMode: # mic_data = OCTCommon.loadRawData(testDataDir, frameNum, dataType=3) pass else: # setup the output task daq.setupAnalogOutput([chanNameOut], audioHW.daqTrigChanIn, int(outputRate), vOut * spkOut) daq.startAnalogOutput() # setup the input task daq.setupAnalogInput(chanNamesIn, audioHW.daqTrigChanIn, int(inputRate), numInputSamples) daq.startAnalogInput() # trigger the acquiisiton by sending ditital pulse daq.sendDigTrig(audioHW.daqTrigChanOut) timeout = numInputSamples / inputRate + 2 dataIn = daq.readAnalogInput(timeout) mic_data = dataIn[0, :] bioamp_data = dataIn[1, :] mic_data = mic_data / micVoltsPerPascal bioamp_data = bioamp_data / bioamp.gain daq.waitDoneInput() daq.stopAnalogInput() daq.clearAnalogInput() daq.waitDoneOutput(stopAndClear=True) # npts = len(mic_data) # t = np.linspace(0, npts/inputRate, npts) # pl = appObj.ABR_micInput # pl.clear() # pl.plot(t, mic_data, pen='b') # # labelStyle = appObj.xLblStyle # pl.setLabel('bottom', 'Time', 's', **labelStyle) # labelStyle = appObj.yLblStyle # pl.setLabel('left', 'Response', 'Pa', **labelStyle) # def processABRData(mic_data, bioamp_data, nReps, freq, amp_idx, inputRate, ABRdataIn): ABRptData, ABRdata = processABRData(mic_data, bioamp_data, freq, freq_idx, amp_idx, freqArray, ampArray, inputRate, ABRdata, ABRparams) print("runABR: plotting data") plotABRdata(appObj, ABRptData, ABRdata) # if appObj.getSaveState(): # if not isSaveDirInit: # saveDir = OCTCommon.initSaveDir(saveOpts, 'Speaker Calibration', audioParams=audioParams) # isSaveDirInit = True # # if saveOpts.saveRaw: # OCTCommon.saveRawData(mic_data, saveDir, frameNum, dataType=3) idx1 = round(inputRate * ABRparams.stimOffset) idx2 = idx1 + round(inputRate * ABRparams.stimDur) mic_data = mic_data[idx1:idx2] rms = np.mean(mic_data**2)**0.5 rms = 20 * np.log10(rms / 2e-5) appObj.ABR_rms_label.setText("%0.1f dB" % rms) QtGui.QApplication.processEvents( ) # check for GUI events, such as button presses # if done flag, break out of loop if appObj.doneFlag: break frameNum += 1 amp_idx += 1 appObj.progressBar.setValue(frameNum / numFrames) # if done flag, break out of loop if appObj.doneFlag: break freq_idx += 1 saveOpts = appObj.getSaveOpts() workbook = appObj.excelWB note = saveOpts.note number = appObj.ABRnumber name = 'ABR' d = timeStr = d.strftime('%H_%M_%S') excelWS = CMPCommon.initExcelSpreadsheet(workbook, name, number, timeStr, note) appObj.ABRnumber += 1 #saveOpts.saveTracings = appObj.ABR_saveTracings_checkBox.isChecked() saveOpts.saveTracings = True saveDir = appObj.saveDir_lineEdit.text() saveABRDataXLS(ABRdata, ABRparams, excelWS, saveOpts) #saveABRData(ABRdata, trialDur, nReps, appObj.saveFileTxt_filepath, saveOpts, timeStr) plotName = 'ABR %d %s %s' % (number, timeStr, saveOpts.note) saveABRDataFig(ABRdata, ABRparams, saveDir, plotName, timeStr) saveABRDataPickle(ABRdata, ABRparams, plotName, saveOpts, timeStr) except Exception as ex: traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) QtGui.QMessageBox.critical( appObj, "Error", "Error during collection. Check command line output for details") # update the audio hardware speaker calibration appObj.isCollecting = False QtGui.QApplication.processEvents( ) # check for GUI events, such as button presses appObj.finishCollection()
def runSpeakerCal(appObj, testMode=False): DebugLog.log("runSpeakerCal") appObj.tabWidget.setCurrentIndex(1) appObj.doneFlag = False appObj.isCollecting = True # trigRate = octfpga.GetTriggerRate() audioHW = appObj.audioHW outputRate = audioHW.DAQOutputRate inputRate = audioHW.DAQInputRate if testMode: testDataDir = os.path.join(appObj.basePath, 'exampledata', 'Speaker Calibration') filePath = os.path.join(testDataDir, 'AudioParams.pickle') f = open(filePath, 'rb') audioParams = pickle.load(f) f.close() else: audioParams = appObj.getAudioParams() numSpk = audioParams.getNumSpeakers() if not testMode: from DAQHardware import DAQHardware daq = DAQHardware() chanNamesIn= [ audioHW.mic_daqChan] micVoltsPerPascal = audioHW.micVoltsPerPascal spCal = None freq_array2 = audioParams.freq[1, :] try: frameNum = 0 isSaveDirInit = False saveOpts = appObj.getSaveOpts() for spkNum in range(0, numSpk): chanNameOut = audioHW.speakerL_daqChan attenLines = audioHW.attenL_daqChan spkIdx = 0 if (numSpk == 1 and audioParams.speakerSel == Speaker.RIGHT) or spkNum == 2: chanNameOut = audioHW.speakerR_daqChan attenLines = audioHW.attenR_daqChan spkIdx = 1 freq_array = audioParams.freq[spkIdx, :] if (audioParams.stimType == AudioStimType.TWO_TONE_DP) and (numSpk == 1): freq_array = np.concatenate((freq_array, freq_array2)) freq_array = np.sort(freq_array) freq_array2 = freq_array if spCal is None: spCal = SpeakerCalData(np.vstack((freq_array, freq_array2))) DebugLog.log("runSpeakerCal freq_array=" + repr(freq_array)) freq_idx = 0 attenSig = AudioHardware.makeLM1972AttenSig(0) if not testMode: # daq.sendDigOutCmd(attenLines, attenSig) appObj.oct_hw.SetAttenLevel(0, attenLines) for freq in freq_array: DebugLog.log("runSpeakerCal freq=" + repr(freq)) spkOut = makeSpeakerCalibrationOutput(freq, audioHW, audioParams) npts = len(spkOut) t = np.linspace(0, npts/outputRate, npts) pl = appObj.plot_spkOut pl.clear() endIdx = int(5e-3 * outputRate) # only plot first 5 ms pl.plot(t[0:endIdx], spkOut[0:endIdx], pen='b') numInputSamples = int(inputRate*len(spkOut)/outputRate) if testMode: mic_data = OCTCommon.loadRawData(testDataDir, frameNum, dataType=3) else: # setup the output task daq.setupAnalogOutput([chanNameOut], audioHW.daqTrigChanIn, int(outputRate), spkOut) daq.startAnalogOutput() # setup the input task daq.setupAnalogInput(chanNamesIn, audioHW.daqTrigChanIn, int(inputRate), numInputSamples) daq.startAnalogInput() # trigger the acquiisiton by sending ditital pulse daq.sendDigTrig(audioHW.daqTrigChanOut) mic_data = daq.readAnalogInput() mic_data = mic_data/micVoltsPerPascal if not testMode: daq.stopAnalogInput() daq.stopAnalogOutput() daq.clearAnalogInput() daq.clearAnalogOutput() npts = len(mic_data) t = np.linspace(0, npts/inputRate, npts) pl = appObj.plot_micRaw pl.clear() pl.plot(t, mic_data, pen='b') labelStyle = appObj.xLblStyle pl.setLabel('bottom', 'Time', 's', **labelStyle) labelStyle = appObj.yLblStyle pl.setLabel('left', 'Response', 'Pa', **labelStyle) micData, spCal = processSpkCalData(mic_data, freq*1000, freq_idx, audioParams, inputRate, spCal, spkIdx) pl = appObj.plot_micFFT pl.clear() df = micData.fft_freq[1] - micData.fft_freq[0] nf = len(micData.fft_freq) i1 = int(1000*freq_array[0]*0.9/df) i2 = int(1000*freq_array[-1]*1.1/df) DebugLog.log("SpeakerCalibration: df= %0.3f i1= %d i2= %d nf= %d" % (df, i1, i2, nf)) pl.plot(micData.fft_freq[i1:i2], micData.fft_mag[i1:i2], pen='b') labelStyle = appObj.xLblStyle pl.setLabel('bottom', 'Frequency', 'Hz', **labelStyle) labelStyle = appObj.yLblStyle pl.setLabel('left', 'Magnitude', 'db SPL', **labelStyle) pl = appObj.plot_micMagResp pl.clear() # pl.plot(1000*spCal.freq[spkIdx, :], spCal.magResp[spkIdx, :], pen="b", symbol='o') pl.plot(freq_array, spCal.magResp[spkIdx, :], pen="b", symbol='o') labelStyle = appObj.xLblStyle pl.setLabel('bottom', 'Frequency', 'Hz', **labelStyle) labelStyle = appObj.yLblStyle pl.setLabel('left', 'Magnitude', 'db SPL', **labelStyle) freq_idx += 1 if appObj.getSaveState(): if not isSaveDirInit: saveDir = OCTCommon.initSaveDir(saveOpts, 'Speaker Calibration', audioParams=audioParams) isSaveDirInit = True if saveOpts.saveRaw: OCTCommon.saveRawData(mic_data, saveDir, frameNum, dataType=3) QtGui.QApplication.processEvents() # check for GUI events, such as button presses # if done flag, break out of loop if appObj.doneFlag: break frameNum += 1 # if done flag, break out of loop if appObj.doneFlag: break if not appObj.doneFlag: saveDir = appObj.settingsPath saveSpeakerCal(spCal, saveDir) appObj.audioHW.loadSpeakerCalFromProcData(spCal) appObj.spCal = spCal except Exception as ex: traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) QtGui.QMessageBox.critical (appObj, "Error", "Error during scan. Check command line output for details") 8# update the audio hardware speaker calibration appObj.isCollecting = False QtGui.QApplication.processEvents() # check for GUI events, such as button presses appObj.finishCollection()
def runSpeakerCal(appObj, testMode=False): print("runSpeakerCal") appObj.tabWidget.setCurrentIndex(0) appObj.doneFlag = False appObj.isCollecting = True # trigRate = octfpga.GetTriggerRate() audioHW = appObj.audioHW outputRate = audioHW.DAQOutputRate inputRate = audioHW.DAQInputRate if testMode: testDataDir = os.path.join(appObj.basePath, 'exampledata', 'Speaker Calibration') # filePath = os.path.join(testDataDir, 'AudioParams.pickle') # f = open(filePath, 'rb') # audioParams = pickle.load(f) # f.close() else: freqArray = appObj.getFrequencyArray() # numSpk = audioParams.getNumSpeakers() numSpk = 1 cIdx = appObj.speaker_comboBox.currentIndex() if cIdx > 0: numSpk = 2 if not testMode: from DAQHardware import DAQHardware daq = DAQHardware() chanNamesIn = [audioHW.mic_daqChan] micVoltsPerPascal = audioHW.micVoltsPerPascal # mode = 'chirp' mode = '' spCal = None # freq_array2 = audioParams.freq[1, :] try: frameNum = 0 isSaveDirInit = False trialDur = appObj.spCal_stimDuration_dblSpinBox.value() * 1e-3 freq_array = freqArray freq_array2 = freqArray / 1.22 if numSpk == 1: freq_array = np.concatenate((freq_array, freq_array2)) freq_array = np.sort(freq_array) freq_array2 = freq_array spCal = SpeakerCalData(np.vstack((freq_array, freq_array2))) for spkNum in range(0, numSpk): chanNameOut = audioHW.speakerL_daqChan #attenLines = audioHW.attenL_daqChan #attenLinesOther = audioHW.attenR_daqChan spkIdx = 0 attenLvl1 = 0 attenLvl2 = audioHW.maxAtten if spkNum == 2: #chanNameOut = audioHW.speakerR_daqChan #attenLines = audioHW.attenR_daqChan #attenLinesOther = audioHW.attenL_daqChan spkIdx = 1 attenLvl1 = audioHW.maxAtten attenLvl2 = 0 freq_idx = 0 if not testMode: audioHW.setAttenuatorLevel(attenLvl1, attenLvl2, daq) # daq.sendDigOutCmd(attenLines, attenSig) # appObj.oct_hw.SetAttenLevel(0, attenLines) if mode == 'chirp': tChirp = 1 f0 = 100 f1 = 100e3 k = (f1 - f0) / tChirp nChirpPts = round(outputRate * tChirp) t = np.linspace(0, tChirp, nChirpPts) spkOut = np.cos(2 * np.pi * (f1 * t + (k / 2) * t**2)) pl = appObj.spCal_output pl.clear() endIdx = int(5e-3 * outputRate) # only plot first 5 ms pl.plot(t[0:endIdx], spkOut[0:endIdx], pen='b') numInputSamples = int(inputRate * len(spkOut) / outputRate) if testMode: # mic_data = OCTCommon.loadRawData(testDataDir, frameNum, dataType=3) pass else: daq.setupAnalogOutput([chanNameOut], audioHW.daqTrigChanIn, int(outputRate), spkOut) daq.startAnalogOutput() # setup the input task daq.setupAnalogInput(chanNamesIn, audioHW.daqTrigChanIn, int(inputRate), numInputSamples) daq.startAnalogInput() # trigger the acquiisiton by sending ditital pulse daq.sendDigTrig(audioHW.daqTrigChanOut) mic_data = daq.readAnalogInput() mic_data = mic_data[0, :] mic_data_chirp = mic_data / micVoltsPerPascal if not testMode: daq.waitDoneOutput(stopAndClear=True) daq.stopAnalogInput() daq.clearAnalogInput() npts = len(mic_data) t = np.linspace(0, npts / inputRate, npts) pl = appObj.spCal_micInput pl.clear() pl.plot(t, mic_data, pen='b') labelStyle = appObj.xLblStyle pl.setLabel('bottom', 'Time', 's', **labelStyle) labelStyle = appObj.yLblStyle pl.setLabel('left', 'Response', 'Pa', **labelStyle) # play refernce tone refFreq = 4e3 tRef = 50e-3 nRefPts = round(outputRate * tRef) t = np.linspace(0, tRef, nRefPts) spkOut = np.cos(2 * np.pi * refFreq * t) # apply envelope i1 = round(outputRate * 1e-3) i2 = nRefPts - i1 env = np.linspace(0, 1, i1) spkOut[0:i1] = spkOut[0:i1] * env spkOut[i2:] = spkOut[i2:] * (1 - env) if testMode: # mic_data = OCTCommon.loadRawData(testDataDir, frameNum, dataType=3) pass else: daq.setupAnalogOutput([chanNameOut], audioHW.daqTrigChanIn, int(outputRate), spkOut) daq.startAnalogOutput() # setup the input task daq.setupAnalogInput(chanNamesIn, audioHW.daqTrigChanIn, int(inputRate), numInputSamples) daq.startAnalogInput() # trigger the acquiisiton by sending ditital pulse daq.sendDigTrig(audioHW.daqTrigChanOut) mic_data = daq.readAnalogInput() mic_data_ref = mic_data / micVoltsPerPascal if not testMode: daq.waitDoneOutput(stopAndClear=True) daq.stopAnalogInput() daq.clearAnalogInput() micData, spCal = processSpkCalDataChirp( mic_data_chirp, mic_data_ref, inputRate, spCal, spkIdx, f0, f1, refFreq) pl = appObj.spCal_micFFT pl.clear() df = micData.fft_freq[1] - micData.fft_freq[0] nf = len(micData.fft_freq) i1 = int(freq_array[0] * 0.9 / df) i2 = int(freq_array[-1] * 1.1 / df) print("SpeakerCalibration: df= %0.3f i1= %d i2= %d nf= %d" % (df, i1, i2, nf)) pl.plot(micData.fft_freq[i1:i2], micData.fft_mag[i1:i2], pen='b') labelStyle = appObj.xLblStyle pl.setLabel('bottom', 'Frequency', 'Hz', **labelStyle) labelStyle = appObj.yLblStyle pl.setLabel('left', 'Magnitude', 'db SPL', **labelStyle) pl = appObj.spCal_spkResp pl.clear() # pl.plot(1000*spCal.freq[spkIdx, :], spCal.magResp[spkIdx, :], pen="b", symbol='o') pl.plot(freq_array, spCal.magResp[spkIdx, :], pen="b", symbol='o') labelStyle = appObj.xLblStyle pl.setLabel('bottom', 'Frequency', 'Hz', **labelStyle) labelStyle = appObj.yLblStyle pl.setLabel('left', 'Magnitude', 'db SPL', **labelStyle) else: for freq in freq_array: print("runSpeakerCal freq=" + repr(freq)) spkOut = makeSpeakerCalibrationOutput( freq, audioHW, trialDur) npts = len(spkOut) t = np.linspace(0, npts / outputRate, npts) pl = appObj.spCal_output pl.clear() endIdx = int(5e-3 * outputRate) # only plot first 5 ms pl.plot(t[0:endIdx], spkOut[0:endIdx], pen='b') numInputSamples = int(inputRate * len(spkOut) / outputRate) if testMode: # mic_data = OCTCommon.loadRawData(testDataDir, frameNum, dataType=3) pass else: # setup the output task daq.setupAnalogOutput([chanNameOut], audioHW.daqTrigChanIn, int(outputRate), spkOut) daq.startAnalogOutput() # setup the input task daq.setupAnalogInput(chanNamesIn, audioHW.daqTrigChanIn, int(inputRate), numInputSamples) daq.startAnalogInput() # trigger the acquiisiton by sending ditital pulse daq.sendDigTrig(audioHW.daqTrigChanOut) mic_data = daq.readAnalogInput() mic_data = mic_data[0, :] mic_data = mic_data / micVoltsPerPascal if not testMode: daq.stopAnalogInput() daq.stopAnalogOutput() daq.clearAnalogInput() daq.clearAnalogOutput() npts = len(mic_data) t = np.linspace(0, npts / inputRate, npts) pl = appObj.spCal_micInput pl.clear() pl.plot(t, mic_data, pen='b') labelStyle = appObj.xLblStyle pl.setLabel('bottom', 'Time', 's', **labelStyle) labelStyle = appObj.yLblStyle pl.setLabel('left', 'Response', 'Pa', **labelStyle) micData, spCal = processSpkCalData(mic_data, freq, freq_idx, inputRate, spCal, spkIdx, audioHW) pl = appObj.spCal_micFFT pl.clear() df = micData.fft_freq[1] - micData.fft_freq[0] nf = len(micData.fft_freq) i1 = int(freq_array[0] * 0.9 / df) i2 = int(freq_array[-1] * 1.1 / df) print( "SpeakerCalibration: df= %0.3f i1= %d i2= %d nf= %d" % (df, i1, i2, nf)) pl.plot(micData.fft_freq[i1:i2], micData.fft_mag[i1:i2], pen='b') labelStyle = appObj.xLblStyle pl.setLabel('bottom', 'Frequency', 'Hz', **labelStyle) labelStyle = appObj.yLblStyle pl.setLabel('left', 'Magnitude', 'db SPL', **labelStyle) pl = appObj.spCal_spkResp pl.clear() # pl.plot(1000*spCal.freq[spkIdx, :], spCal.magResp[spkIdx, :], pen="b", symbol='o') pl.plot(freq_array, spCal.magResp[spkIdx, :], pen="b", symbol='o') labelStyle = appObj.xLblStyle pl.setLabel('bottom', 'Frequency', 'Hz', **labelStyle) labelStyle = appObj.yLblStyle pl.setLabel('left', 'Magnitude', 'db SPL', **labelStyle) freq_idx += 1 # if appObj.getSaveState(): # if not isSaveDirInit: # saveDir = OCTCommon.initSaveDir(saveOpts, 'Speaker Calibration', audioParams=audioParams) # isSaveDirInit = True # # if saveOpts.saveRaw: # OCTCommon.saveRawData(mic_data, saveDir, frameNum, dataType=3) QtGui.QApplication.processEvents( ) # check for GUI events, such as button presses # if done flag, break out of loop if appObj.doneFlag: break frameNum += 1 # if done flag, break out of loop if appObj.doneFlag: break if not appObj.doneFlag: saveDir = appObj.configPath saveSpeakerCal(spCal, saveDir) appObj.audioHW.loadSpeakerCalFromProcData(spCal) appObj.spCal = spCal except Exception as ex: traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) QtGui.QMessageBox.critical( appObj, "Error", "Error during calibration. Check command line output for details") 8 # update the audio hardware speaker calibration appObj.isCollecting = False QtGui.QApplication.processEvents( ) # check for GUI events, such as button presses appObj.finishCollection()
def runCM(appObj, testMode=False): print("runCM") appObj.tabWidget.setCurrentIndex(4) appObj.doneFlag = False appObj.isCollecting = True # trigRate = octfpga.GetTriggerRate() audioHW = appObj.audioHW bioamp = appObj.bioamp outputRate = audioHW.DAQOutputRate inputRate = audioHW.DAQInputRate # freq_array2 = audioParams.freq[1, :] freqArray = appObj.getFrequencyArray() if testMode: testDataDir = os.path.join(appObj.basePath, 'exampledata', 'Speaker Calibration') # filePath = os.path.join(testDataDir, 'AudioParams.pickle') # f = open(filePath, 'rb') # audioParams = pickle.load(f) # f.close() else: # freqArray = appObj.getFrequencyArray() i1 = appObj.CM_freqLow_comboBox.currentIndex() i2 = appObj.CM_freqHigh_comboBox.currentIndex() print("runCM: i1= ", i1, "i2= ", i2) ampLow = appObj.CMampLow_spinBox.value() ampHigh = appObj.CMampHigh_spinBox.value() ampDelta = appObj.CMampDelta_spinBox.value() # ampArray = np.arange(ampLow, ampHigh, ampDelta) #numSteps = np.floor((ampHigh - ampLow)/ampDelta) + 1 #ampArray = np.linspace(ampLow, ampHigh, numSteps) ampArray = np.arange(ampLow, ampHigh, ampDelta) if ampArray[-1] != ampHigh: ampArray = np.hstack((ampArray, ampHigh)) freqArray = freqArray[i1:i2+1] # numSpk = audioParams.getNumSpeakers() if not testMode: from DAQHardware import DAQHardware daq = DAQHardware() chanNamesIn= [ audioHW.mic_daqChan, bioamp.daqChan] micVoltsPerPascal = audioHW.micVoltsPerPascal trialDur = appObj.CMstimDuration_dblSpinBox.value() * 1e-3 stimOffset = appObj.CMstimOffset_dblSpinBox.value() * 1e-3 nReps = appObj.CMtrialReps_spinBox.value() # set input rate to three times the highest output frequency, to allow plus a #inputRate = 3*freqArray[-1] # inputRate = outputRate / int(np.floor(outputRate / inputRate)) # pick closest input rate that evenly divides output rate try: frameNum = 0 isSaveDirInit = False chanNameOut = audioHW.speakerL_daqChan attenLines = audioHW.attenL_daqChan freq_idx = 0 CMdata = None for freq in freqArray: spkOut_trial = makeCMOutput(freq, trialDur, stimOffset, audioHW) spkOut = np.tile(spkOut_trial, nReps) npts = len(spkOut_trial) tOut = np.linspace(0, npts/outputRate, npts) print("runCM npts=%d len(spkOut_trial)= %d len(tOut)= %d" % (npts, len(spkOut_trial), len(tOut))) amp_idx = 0 ptsPerRep = inputRate for amp in ampArray: print("runCM freq=" + repr(freq), " amp= ", + amp, " freq_idx= ", freq_idx, " amp_idx= ", amp_idx) vOut, attenLvl = audioHW.getCalibratedOutputVoltageAndAttenLevel(freq, amp, 0) # attenSig = AudioHardware.makeLM1972AttenSig(0) if not testMode: # AudioHardware.Attenuator.setLevel(attenLvl, attenLines) audioHW.setAttenuatorLevel(attenLvl, audioHW.maxAtten, daq) # daq.sendDigOutCmd(attenLines, attenSig) # appObj.oct_hw.SetAttenLevel(0, attenLines) pl = appObj.spCal_output pl.clear() endIdx = int(5e-3 * outputRate) # only plot first 5 ms #pl.plot(t[0:endIdx], spkOut[0:endIdx], pen='b') pl.plot(tOut, spkOut_trial, pen='b') labelStyle = appObj.xLblStyle pl.setLabel('bottom', 'Time', 's', **labelStyle) labelStyle = appObj.yLblStyle pl.setLabel('left', 'Output', 'V', **labelStyle) numInputSamples = nReps*int(inputRate*len(spkOut_trial)/outputRate) if testMode: # mic_data = OCTCommon.loadRawData(testDataDir, frameNum, dataType=3) pass else: # setup the output task daq.setupAnalogOutput([chanNameOut], audioHW.daqTrigChanIn, int(outputRate), vOut*spkOut) daq.startAnalogOutput() # setup the input task daq.setupAnalogInput(chanNamesIn, audioHW.daqTrigChanIn, int(inputRate), numInputSamples) daq.startAnalogInput() # trigger the acquiisiton by sending ditital pulse daq.sendDigTrig(audioHW.daqTrigChanOut) timeout = numInputSamples/inputRate + 2 dataIn = daq.readAnalogInput(timeout) mic_data = dataIn[0, :] bioamp_data = dataIn[1, :] mic_data = mic_data/micVoltsPerPascal bioamp_data = bioamp_data/bioamp.gain daq.waitDoneOutput(stopAndClear=True) daq.stopAnalogInput() daq.clearAnalogInput() npts = len(mic_data) t = np.linspace(0, npts/inputRate, npts) pl = appObj.spCal_micInput pl.clear() pl.plot(t, mic_data, pen='b') labelStyle = appObj.xLblStyle pl.setLabel('bottom', 'Time', 's', **labelStyle) labelStyle = appObj.yLblStyle pl.setLabel('left', 'Response', 'Pa', **labelStyle) # def processCMData(mic_data, bioamp_data, nReps, freq, amp_idx, inputRate, CMdataIn): CMptData, CMdata = processCMData(mic_data, bioamp_data, nReps, freq, freq_idx, amp_idx, freqArray, ampArray, inputRate, CMdata) print("runCM: plotting data") plotCMdata(appObj, CMptData, CMdata) # if appObj.getSaveState(): # if not isSaveDirInit: # saveDir = OCTCommon.initSaveDir(saveOpts, 'Speaker Calibration', audioParams=audioParams) # isSaveDirInit = True # # if saveOpts.saveRaw: # OCTCommon.saveRawData(mic_data, saveDir, frameNum, dataType=3) QtGui.QApplication.processEvents() # check for GUI events, such as button presses # if done flag, break out of loop if appObj.doneFlag: break frameNum += 1 amp_idx += 1 # if done flag, break out of loop if appObj.doneFlag: break freq_idx += 1 saveOpts = appObj.getSaveOpts() workbook = appObj.excelWB note = saveOpts.note number = appObj.CMnumber name = 'CM' d = timeStr = d.strftime('%H_%M_%S') excelWS = CMPCommon.initExcelSpreadsheet(workbook, name, number, timeStr, note) appObj.CMnumber += 1 saveOpts.saveTracings = appObj.CM_saveTracings_checkBox.isChecked( ) saveDir = appObj.saveDir_lineEdit.text() saveCMDataXLS(CMdata, trialDur, nReps, excelWS, saveOpts) #saveCMData(CMdata, trialDur, nReps, appObj.saveFileTxt_filepath, saveOpts, timeStr) plotName = 'CM %d %s %s' % (number, timeStr, saveOpts.note) saveCMDataFig(CMdata, trialDur, nReps, saveDir, plotName, timeStr) saveCMDataPickle(CMdata, trialDur, nReps, plotName, saveOpts, timeStr) except Exception as ex: traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) QtGui.QMessageBox.critical (appObj, "Error", "Error during collection. Check command line output for details") 8# update the audio hardware speaker calibration appObj.isCollecting = False QtGui.QApplication.processEvents() # check for GUI events, such as button presses appObj.finishCollection()