def init(self): """Init DAS web server, connect to DAS Core""" try: self.reqmgr = RequestManager(lifetime=self.lifetime) self.dasmgr = DASCore(engine=self.engine) self.repmgr = CMSRepresentation(self.dasconfig, self.dasmgr) self.daskeys = self.dasmgr.das_keys() self.gfs = db_gridfs(self.dburi) self.daskeys.sort() self.dasmapping = self.dasmgr.mapping self.dbs_url = self.dasmapping.dbs_url() self.dbs_global = self.dasmapping.dbs_global_instance() self.dbs_instances = self.dasmapping.dbs_instances() self.dasmapping.init_presentationcache() self.colors = {"das": gen_color("das")} for system in self.colors[system] = gen_color(system) # get SiteDB from global scope self.sitedbmgr = SERVICES.get("sitedb2", None) # Start DBS daemon if self.dataset_daemon: self.dbs_daemon(self.dasconfig["web_server"]) if not self.daskeyslist: keylist = [r for r in self.dasmapping.das_presentation_map()] keylist.sort(key=lambda r: r["das"]) self.daskeyslist = keylist except ConnectionFailure as _err: tstamp = dastimestamp("") mythr = threading.current_thread() print "### MongoDB connection failure thread=%s, id=%s, time=%s" % (, mythr.ident, tstamp) except Exception as exc: print_exc(exc) self.dasmgr = None self.reqmgr = None self.dbs_url = None self.dbs_global = None self.dbs_instances = [] self.daskeys = [] self.colors = {} self.q_rewriter = None return # KWS and Query Rewriting failures are not fatal try: # init query rewriter, if needed if self.dasconfig["query_rewrite"]["pk_rewrite_on"]: self.q_rewriter = CMSQueryRewrite(self.repmgr, self.templatepage) except Exception as exc: print_exc(exc) self.q_rewriter = None
def parser(self, dasquery, dformat, source, api): """ DBS data-service parser. """ sitedb = SERVICES.get('sitedb2', None) # look-up SiteDB from global scope query = dasquery.mongo_query if api == 'listBlocks': prim_key = 'block' elif api == 'listBlocks4path': api = 'listBlocks' prim_key = 'block' elif api == 'listBlockProvenance': prim_key = 'block' elif api == 'listBlockProvenance4child': prim_key = 'block' elif api == 'listFiles': prim_key = 'file' elif api == 'listLFNs': prim_key = 'file_lfn' elif api == 'listFileLumis': prim_key = 'file_lumi_section' elif api == 'listFileProcQuality': prim_key = 'file_proc_quality' elif api == 'listFileParents': prim_key = 'file_parent' elif api == 'listTiers': prim_key = 'data_tier' elif api == 'listDatasetParents': prim_key = 'processed_dataset_parent' elif api == 'listPrimaryDatasets': prim_key = 'primary_dataset' elif api == 'listProcessedDatasets': prim_key = 'processed_dataset' elif api == 'fakeReleases': prim_key = 'release' elif api == 'listRuns': prim_key = 'run' elif api == 'fakeRelease4File': prim_key = 'release' elif api == 'fakeRelease4Dataset': prim_key = 'release' elif api == 'fakeGroup4Dataset': prim_key = 'group' elif api == 'fakeConfig': prim_key = 'config' elif api == 'fakeListDataset4Block': prim_key = 'dataset' elif api == 'fakeListDataset4File': prim_key = 'dataset' elif api == 'fakeListDatasetbyDate': prim_key = 'dataset' elif api == 'fakeDatasetSummary': prim_key = 'dataset' elif api == 'fakeDataset4Run': prim_key = 'dataset' elif api == 'fakeRun4File': prim_key = 'run' elif api == 'fakeRun4Run': prim_key = 'run' elif api == 'fakeChild4File': prim_key = 'child' elif api == 'fakeChild4Dataset': prim_key = 'child' elif api == 'fakeSite4Dataset': prim_key = 'site' elif api == 'fakeStatus': prim_key = 'status' elif api == 'fakeFiles4DatasetRunLumis': prim_key = 'file' elif api == 'fakeRun4Block': prim_key = 'run' elif api == 'fakeBlock4DatasetRun': prim_key = 'block' elif api == 'fakeSite4Dataset': prim_key = 'site' else: msg = 'DBSService::parser, unsupported %s API %s' \ % (, api) raise Exception(msg) if api.find('fake') != -1: gen = qlxml_parser(source, prim_key) else: gen = xml_parser(source, prim_key) useless_run_atts = ['number_of_events', 'number_of_lumi_sections', \ 'id', 'total_luminosity', 'store_number', 'end_of_run', \ 'start_of_run'] config_attrs = ['', 'config.content', 'config.version', \ 'config.type', 'config.annotation', 'config.createdate', \ 'config.createby', 'config.moddate', 'config.modby'] for row in gen: if not row: continue if row.has_key('status') and \ row['status'].has_key('dataset.status'): row['status']['name'] = row['status']['dataset.status'] del row['status']['dataset.status'] if row.has_key('file_lumi_section'): row['lumi'] = row['file_lumi_section'] del row['file_lumi_section'] if row.has_key('algorithm'): del row['algorithm']['ps_content'] if row.has_key('processed_dataset') and \ row['processed_dataset'].has_key('path'): if isinstance(row['processed_dataset']['path'], dict) \ and row['processed_dataset']['path'].has_key('dataset_path'): path = row['processed_dataset']['path']['dataset_path'] del row['processed_dataset']['path'] row['processed_dataset']['name'] = path # case for fake apis # remove useless attribute from results if row.has_key('dataset'): if row['dataset'].has_key('count_file.size'): del row['dataset']['count_file.size'] if row['dataset'].has_key('dataset'): name = row['dataset']['dataset'] del row['dataset']['dataset'] row['dataset']['name'] = name if row.has_key('child') and row['child'].has_key('dataset.child'): row['child']['name'] = row['child']['dataset.child'] del row['child']['dataset.child'] if row.has_key('child') and row['child'].has_key('file.child'): row['child']['name'] = row['child']['file.child'] del row['child']['file.child'] if row.has_key('block') and query.get('fields') == ['parent']: row['parent'] = row['block'] del row['block'] if row.has_key('block') and query.get('fields') == ['child']: row['child'] = row['block'] del row['block'] if row.has_key('run') and row['run'].has_key('run'): row['run']['run_number'] = row['run']['run'] del row['run']['run'] if row.has_key('release') and row['release'].has_key('release'): row['release']['name'] = row['release']['release'] del row['release']['release'] if row.has_key('site'): row['site']['se'] = row['site']['site'] del row['site']['site'] convert_dot(row, 'config', config_attrs) convert_dot(row, 'file', ['']) convert_dot(row, 'block', ['']) convert_dot(row, 'dataset', ['dataset.tag', 'dataset.status']) # remove DBS2 run attributes (to be consistent with DBS3 output) # and let people extract this info from CondDB/LumiDB. if row.has_key('run'): for att in useless_run_atts: try: del row['run'][att] except: pass if api == 'fakeSite4Dataset' and sitedb: site = row.get('site', None) if site and isinstance(site, dict): sename = site.get('se', None) info = sitedb.site_info(sename) if info: row['site'].update(info) yield row
def adjust_params(self, api, kwds, inst=None): """ Adjust DBS2 parameters for specific query requests To mimic DBS3 behavior we only allow dataset summary information for fakeDatasetSummary and fakeListDataset4Block APIs who uses full dataset and block name, respectively. """ sitedb = SERVICES.get('sitedb2', None) # SiteDB from global scope if api == 'fakeRun4Block': val = kwds['block'] if val != 'required': kwds['query'] = 'find run where block=%s' % val else: kwds['query'] = 'required' kwds.pop('block') if api == 'fakeStatus': val = kwds['status'] if val: kwds['query'] = \ 'find dataset.status where dataset.status=%s' % val.upper() else: kwds['query'] = 'find dataset.status' val = kwds['dataset'] if val: if kwds['query'].find(' where ') != -1: kwds['query'] += ' and dataset=%s' % val else: kwds['query'] += ' where dataset=%s' % val kwds.pop('status') if api == 'listPrimaryDatasets': pat = kwds['pattern'] if pat[0] == '/': kwds['pattern'] = pat.split('/')[1] if api == 'listProcessedDatasets': pat = kwds['processed_datatset_name_pattern'] if pat[0] == '/': try: kwds['processed_datatset_name_pattern'] = pat.split('/')[2] except: pass if api == 'fakeReleases': val = kwds['release'] if val != 'required': kwds['query'] = 'find release where release=%s' % val else: kwds['query'] = 'required' kwds.pop('release') if api == 'fakeRelease4File': val = kwds['file'] if val != 'required': kwds['query'] = 'find release where file=%s' % val else: kwds['query'] = 'required' kwds.pop('file') if api == 'fakeRelease4Dataset': val = kwds['dataset'] if val != 'required': kwds['query'] = 'find release where dataset=%s' % val else: kwds['query'] = 'required' kwds.pop('dataset') if api == 'fakeConfig': val = kwds['dataset'] sel = ', config.content, config.version, config.type, \ config.annotation, config.createdate, config.createby, config.moddate, \ config.modby' if val != 'required': kwds['query'] = 'find %s where dataset=%s' % (sel, val) else: kwds['query'] = 'required' kwds.pop('dataset') if api == 'fakeSite4Dataset' and inst and inst != self.prim_instance: val = kwds['dataset'] if val != 'required': kwds['query'] = "find site where dataset=%s" % val else: kwds['query'] = 'required' kwds.pop('dataset') if api == 'fakeDataset4Site' and inst and inst != self.prim_instance: val = kwds['site'] if val != 'required': sinfo = sitedb.site_info(val) if sinfo and 'resources' in sinfo: for row in sinfo['resources']: if row['type'] == 'SE' and 'fqdn' in row: sename = row['fqdn'] kwds['query'] = \ "find dataset,site where site=%s" % sename break else: kwds['query'] = 'required' kwds.pop('site') if api == 'fakeListDataset4File': val = kwds['file'] if val != 'required': kwds['query'] = "find dataset, count(block), count(file.size) \ where file=%s" % val else: kwds['query'] = 'required' kwds.pop('file') if api == 'fakeListDataset4Block': val = kwds['block'] if val != 'required': kwds['query'] = "find dataset, count(block), \ sum(block.size), sum(block.numfiles), sum(block.numevents) \ where block=%s" % val else: kwds['query'] = 'required' kwds.pop('block') if api == 'fakeRun4Run': val = kwds['run'] if val != 'required': if isinstance(val, dict): min_run = 0 max_run = 0 if '$lte' in val: max_run = val['$lte'] if '$gte' in val: min_run = val['$gte'] if min_run and max_run: val = "run >=%s and run <= %s" % (min_run, max_run) elif '$in' in val: val = ' or '.join(['run=%s' % r for r in val['$in']]) val = '(%s)' % val elif isinstance(val, int): val = "run = %d" % val kwds['query'] = "find run where %s" % val else: kwds['query'] = 'required' kwds.pop('run') if api == 'fakeBlock4file': lfn = kwds.get('file', 'required') if lfn != 'required': kwds['query'] = 'find where file=%s' % lfn else: kwds['query'] = 'required' if api == 'fakeLumis4block': block = kwds.get('block', 'required') if block != 'required': kwds['query'] = \ 'find lumi.number, run.number, where block=%s' % block kwds.pop('block') else: kwds['query'] = 'required' if api == 'fakeLumis4FileRun': query = kwds.get('query', 'required') lfn = kwds.get('lfn', 'required') if lfn != 'required': query = \ 'find lumi.number, run.number where file=%s' % lfn kwds.pop('lfn') run = kwds.get('run', 'optional') if run != 'optional': query += ' and run=%s' % run kwds.pop('run') kwds['query'] = query if api == 'fakeBlock4DatasetRun': dataset = kwds.get('dataset', 'required') if dataset != 'required': kwds['query'] = 'find where dataset=%s'\ % dataset else: kwds['query'] = 'required' val = kwds.get('run', 'required') if val != 'required': if isinstance(val, dict): min_run = 0 max_run = 0 if '$lte' in val: max_run = val['$lte'] if '$gte' in val: min_run = val['$gte'] if min_run and max_run: val = "run >=%s and run <= %s" % (min_run, max_run) elif '$in' in val: val = ' or '.join(['run=%s' % r for r in val['$in']]) val = '(%s)' % val elif isinstance(val, int): val = "run = %d" % val kwds['query'] += ' and ' + val kwds.pop('dataset') kwds.pop('run') else: kwds['query'] = 'required' if api == 'fakeGroup4Dataset': val = kwds['dataset'] if val != 'required': val = "dataset = %s" % val kwds['query'] = "find phygrp where %s" % val else: kwds['query'] = 'required' kwds.pop('dataset') if api == 'fakeChild4File': val = kwds['file'] if val != 'required': val = "file = %s" % val kwds['query'] = "find file.child where %s" % val else: kwds['query'] = 'required' kwds.pop('file') if api == 'fakeChild4Dataset': val = kwds['dataset'] if val != 'required': val = "dataset = %s" % val kwds['query'] = "find dataset.child where %s" % val else: kwds['query'] = 'required' kwds.pop('dataset') if api == 'fakeDataset4Run': val = kwds['run'] qlist = [] if val != 'required': if isinstance(val, dict): min_run = 0 max_run = 0 if '$lte' in val: max_run = val['$lte'] if '$gte' in val: min_run = val['$gte'] if min_run and max_run: val = "run >=%s and run <= %s" % (min_run, max_run) elif '$in' in val: val = ' or '.join(['run=%s' % r for r in val['$in']]) val = '(%s)' % val elif isinstance(val, int): val = "run = %d" % val if 'dataset' in kwds and kwds['dataset']: val += ' and dataset=%s' % kwds['dataset'] kwds['query'] = \ "find dataset where %s and dataset.status like VALID*" % val else: kwds['query'] = 'required' kwds.pop('run') kwds.pop('dataset') if api == 'fakeDataset4User': user = kwds['user'] if user == 'required': kwds['query'] = 'required' else: val = sitedb.user_dn(kwds['user']) if val: # DBS-QL does not allow = or spaces, so we'll tweak the DN val = val.replace('=', '*').replace(' ', '*') kwds['query'] = "find dataset, dataset.createby " + \ "where dataset.createby=%s" % val if 'dataset' in kwds and kwds['dataset']: kwds['query'] += ' and dataset=%s' % kwds['dataset'] else: kwds['query'] = 'required' kwds.pop('user') kwds.pop('dataset') if api == 'fakeRun4File': val = kwds['file'] if val != 'required': kwds['query'] = "find run where file = %s" % val else: kwds['query'] = 'required' kwds.pop('file') if api == 'fakeFiles4DatasetRunLumis': cond = "" val = kwds['dataset'] if val and val != 'required': cond = " and dataset=%s" % val kwds.pop('dataset') val = kwds['run'] if val and val != 'required': cond += " and run=%s" % val kwds.pop('run') val = kwds['lumi'] if val and val != 'required': cond += " and lumi=%s" % val kwds.pop('lumi') if cond: kwds['query'] = "find where %s" % cond[4:] else: kwds['query'] = 'required' if api == 'fakeDatasetSummary' or api == 'fakeDatasetPattern': value = "" path = False for key, val in kwds.iteritems(): if key == 'dataset' and val: value += ' and dataset=%s' % val if len(val.split('/')) == 4: # /a/b/c -> ['','a','b','c'] if val.find('*') == -1: path = True if key == 'primary_dataset' and val: value += ' and primds=%s' % val if key == 'release' and val: value += ' and release=%s' % val if key == 'tier' and val: value += ' and tier=%s' % val if key == 'phygrp' and val: value += ' and phygrp=%s' % val if key == 'datatype' and val: value += ' and datatype=%s' % val if api == 'fakeDatasetPattern': if key == 'status': if val: value += ' and dataset.status=%s' % val.upper() else: value += ' and dataset.status like VALID*' keys = ['dataset', 'release', 'primary_dataset', 'tier', \ 'phygrp', 'datatype', 'status'] for key in keys: try: del kwds[key] except: pass if value: query = "find dataset, datatype, dataset.status, dataset.tag" query += ", procds.createdate, procds.createby, procds.moddate" query += ", procds.modby" if path: # we have full path, ask for summary information query += ", sum(block.numfiles), sum(block.numevents)" query += ", count(block), sum(block.size)" query += " where %s" % value[4:] kwds['query'] = query else: kwds['query'] = 'required' if api == 'fakeListDatasetbyDate': value = '' if kwds['status']: value = ' and dataset.status=%s' % kwds['status'].upper() else: value = ' and dataset.status like VALID*' # 20110126/{'$lte': 20110126}/{'$lte': 20110126, '$gte': 20110124} query_for_single = "find dataset, datatype, dataset.status, \ dataset.tag, \ dataset.createdate where dataset.createdate %s %s " + value query_for_double = "find dataset, datatype, dataset.status, \ dataset.tag, \ dataset.createdate where dataset.createdate %s %s \ and dataset.createdate %s %s " + value val = kwds['date'] qlist = [] query = "" if val != "required": if isinstance(val, dict): for opt in val: nopt = dbsql_opt_map(opt) if nopt == ('in'): self.logger.debug(val[opt]) nval = [convert_datetime(x) for x in val[opt]] else: nval = convert_datetime(val[opt]) qlist.append(nopt) qlist.append(nval) if len(qlist) == 4: query = query_for_double % tuple(qlist) else: msg = "dbs_services::fakeListDatasetbyDate \ wrong params get, IN date is not support by DBS2 QL" elif isinstance(val, int): val = convert_datetime(val) query = query_for_single % ('=', val) kwds['query'] = query else: kwds['query'] = 'required' kwds.pop('date') if api == 'listFiles': val = kwds.get('run_number', None) if isinstance(val, dict): # listFiles does not support run range, see # fakeFiles4DatasetRun API kwds['run_number'] = 'required' if not kwds['path'] and not kwds['block_name'] and \ not kwds['pattern_lfn']: kwds['path'] = 'required' if api == 'fakeFiles4DatasetRun' or api == 'fakeFiles4BlockRun': cond = "" entity = 'dataset' if api == 'fakeFiles4BlockRun': entity = 'block' val = kwds[entity] if val and val != 'required': cond = " and %s=%s" % (entity, val) kwds.pop(entity) val = kwds['run'] if val and val != 'required': if isinstance(val, dict): min_run = 0 max_run = 0 if '$lte' in val: max_run = val['$lte'] if '$gte' in val: min_run = val['$gte'] if min_run and max_run: val = "run >=%s and run <= %s" % (min_run, max_run) elif '$in' in val: val = ' or '.join(['run=%s' % r for r in val['$in']]) val = '(%s)' % val elif isinstance(val, int): val = "run = %d" % val cond += " and %s" % val kwds.pop('run') if cond: kwds['query'] = "find where %s" % cond[4:] else: kwds['query'] = 'required'