def carinisedit(cr): with UseDatabase(dbconfig) as cursor: # _SQL="""select * from tb_biodata_siswa where nis like %s""" # cursor.execute(_SQL,("%" + cr + "%",)) _SQL = """select * from tb_biodata_siswa where nis=%s""" cursor.execute(_SQL, (cr, )) contents = cursor.fetchall() print(contents) tb_biodict = [] for c in contents: tgl = c[9] # date,datetime.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') bio = { 'nis': c[0], 'nama': c[1], 'jk': c[2], 'tlahir': c[3], 'alamat': c[4], 'nohpsis': c[5], 'noportu': c[6], 'kelas': c[7], 'tmasuk': c[8], 'tgllahir': tgl.strftime('%d-%m-%Y'), 'nisn': c[10], 'stat': c[11], 'img': c[12] } tb_biodict.append(bio) return jsonify(tb_biodict)
def editbio(img): with UseDatabase(dbconfig) as cursor: _SQL="UPDATE "+tbl.table+" SET "+ tbl.nama+"=%s,"+ tbl.jk+"=%s," \ + tbl.tempat+"=%s,"+ tbl.ala+"=%s,"+ tbl.nohpsiswa+"=%s,"\ + tbl.nohportu+"=%s,"+ tbl.idkelas+"=%s,"+ tbl.thnmasuk+"=%s,"\ + tbl.tgllahir+"=%s,"+ tbl.nisn+"=%s,"\ + tbl.stat+"=%s,"+ tbl.gbr+"=%s" + " WHERE "+tbl.nis+"=%s" cursor.execute(_SQL, ( request.form['nama'], request.form['jenis_kelamin'], request.form['tempat'], request.form['alamat'], request.form['nohpsiswa'], request.form['nohportu'], request.form['kelas'], request.form['tahun_masuk'], request.form['tgl_lahir'], request.form['nisn'], request.form['status'], request.form['nis'], img, )) return redirect('/inputsiswa')
def savedatasiswa(fname): with UseDatabase(dbconfig) as cursor: # try: f = (tbl.nis, tbl.nama, tbl.jk, tbl.tempat, tbl.ala, tbl.nohpsiswa, tbl.nohportu, tbl.idkelas, tbl.thnmasuk, tbl.tgllahir, tbl.nisn, tbl.stat, tbl.gbr) # isi=("909","adem","L") # tglh = datetime.strptime(request.form['tgl_lahir'], '%Y-%m-%d') tglh = datetime.strptime(request.form['tgl_lahir'], '%d/%m/%Y') isi = ( str(request.form['nis']), str(request.form['nama']), str(request.form['jenis_kelamin']), str(request.form['tempat']), str(request.form['alamat']), str(request.form['nohpsiswa']), str(request.form['nohportu']), str(request.form['kelas']), str(request.form['tahun_masuk']), # str('1990/01/02'), str(tglh), str(request.form['nisn']), str(request.form['status']), str(fname)) _SQL = tbl.insertsiswa(tbl.table) + str(f).replace( "'", "") + "VALUES" + str(isi) cursor.execute(_SQL)
def UpdateTap(status): with UseDatabase(dbconfig) as cursor: _SQL = """SELECT COUNT(*) AS tot FRom tb_cknf""" cursor.execute(_SQL) contents = cursor.fetchone() if contents[0] == 1: _SQL = """UPDATE tb_cknf SET status=%s""" cursor.execute(_SQL, (status,))
def jamtelat(): with UseDatabase(dbconfig) as cursor: # '%m/%d/%Y' b=tgl.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')+" 08:00:00" _SQL="""SELECT TIMEDIFF(%s, %s)AS telat""" cursor.execute(_SQL,(t,b,)) contents = cursor.fetchone() return contents[0]
def carialltbnis(): with UseDatabase(dbconfig) as cursor: _SQL = """select * from tb_biodata_siswa""" cursor.execute(_SQL) contents = cursor.fetchall() tb_biodict = [] for c in contents: bio = {'nis': c[0], 'nama': c[1]} tb_biodict.append(bio) return jsonify(tb_biodict)
def carinis(cr): with UseDatabase(dbconfig) as cursor: # _SQL="""select * from tb_biodata_siswa where nis like %s""" # cursor.execute(_SQL,("%" + cr + "%",)) _SQL = """select * from tb_biodata_siswa where nis=%s""" cursor.execute(_SQL, (cr, )) contents = cursor.fetchone() print(contents) if contents != None: return jsonify({'result': 'Mohon maaf Nis tersebut sudah Ada!'}) else: return jsonify({'result': 'ok'})
def delsiswa(rw): with UseDatabase(dbconfig) as cursor: _SQL = """delete from tb_biodata_siswa where nis=%s""" cursor.execute(_SQL, (rw, )) with UseDatabase(dbconfig) as cursor: # _SQL = """SELECT * FRom tb_biodata_siswa where nis=%s and Date(tgl_absen)=%s""" _SQL = """SELECT * FRom tb_biodata_siswa""" cursor.execute(_SQL) contents = cursor.fetchall() _SQL = """SELECT * FRom tb_kelas""" cursor.execute(_SQL) contentskelas = cursor.fetchall() _SQL = """SELECT * FRom tb_status""" cursor.execute(_SQL) contentsstatus = cursor.fetchall() return render_template('inputdatasiswa.html', the_title="Input Data Siswa!", rows=contents, rowskelas=contentskelas, rowsstatus=contentsstatus, tb=2)
def caritbnis(cr): with UseDatabase(dbconfig) as cursor: _SQL = """select * from tb_biodata_siswa where nis like %s or nama like %s""" cursor.execute(_SQL, ( "%" + cr + "%", "%" + cr + "%", )) contents = cursor.fetchall() tb_biodict = [] for c in contents: bio = {'nis': c[0], 'nama': c[1]} tb_biodict.append(bio) return jsonify(tb_biodict)
def InsertPresensi(nis): with UseDatabase(dbconfig) as cursor: tgl = id = tgl.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') + "-" + nis _SQL = """SELECT * FRom tb_absensi where nis=%s and Date(tgl_absen)=%s""" cursor.execute(_SQL, (nis,tgl,)) contents = cursor.fetchone() print(contents) if contents == None: _SQL = """INSERT INTO tb_absensi(id_absensi,nis,terlambat,hadir) VALUES (%s,%s,%s,%s)""" cursor.execute(_SQL, (id,nis,jamtelat(),1,))
def InsertTap(nis): with UseDatabase(dbconfig) as cursor: # _SQL="""SELECT * FRom tb_cknf where nis=%s""" _SQL = """SELECT COUNT(*) AS tot FRom tb_cknf""" cursor.execute(_SQL) contents = cursor.fetchone() print (contents[0]) if contents[0]==0: _SQL = """INSERT INTO tb_cknf(nis) VALUES (%s)""" cursor.execute(_SQL, (nis,)) elif contents[0]==1: print ("tess") _SQL = """DELETE FRom tb_cknf""" cursor.execute(_SQL) _SQL = """INSERT INTO tb_cknf(nis) VALUES (%s)""" cursor.execute(_SQL, (nis,))
def inputdatasiswa(): with UseDatabase(dbconfig) as cursor: # _SQL = """SELECT * FRom tb_biodata_siswa where nis=%s and Date(tgl_absen)=%s""" _SQL = """SELECT * FRom tb_biodata_siswa""" cursor.execute(_SQL) contents = cursor.fetchall() # print("biodata",contents) _SQL = """SELECT * FRom tb_kelas""" cursor.execute(_SQL) contentskelas = cursor.fetchall() _SQL = """SELECT * FRom tb_status""" cursor.execute(_SQL) contentsstatus = cursor.fetchall() return render_template('inputdatasiswa.html', the_title="Input Data Siswa!", rows=contents, rowskelas=contentskelas, rowsstatus=contentsstatus, jalur=request.url_rule, tb=1)
def cek_login(): user_n = request.form['user_n'] lgn = request.form['lgn'] with UseDatabase(dbconfig) as cursor: _SQL = """select *, CAST(AES_DECRYPT(pass, '456') AS CHAR(255)) xcd from tb_usx_l where username=%s""" cursor.execute(_SQL, (user_n, )) contents = cursor.fetchone() print(contents) if contents != None: if contents[3] == lgn: session['cekcok_login'] = True return redirect('/dashboard_sch') else: return render_template('login.html', the_title="login dulu!", salah="Password salah!") else: return render_template('login.html', the_title="login dulu!", salah="Password salah!")