예제 #1
def getInfo():
  """Retrieve information about setup, etc."""
  records = []

  records.append(('Setup', gConfig.getValue('/DIRAC/Setup', 'Unknown')))
  records.append(('ConfigurationServer', gConfig.getValue('/DIRAC/Configuration/Servers', [])))
  records.append(('Installation path', DIRAC.rootPath))

  if os.path.exists(os.path.join(DIRAC.rootPath, DIRAC.getPlatform(), 'bin', 'mysql')):
    records.append(('Installation type', 'server'))
    records.append(('Installation type', 'client'))

  records.append(('Platform', DIRAC.getPlatform()))

  ret = getProxyInfo(disableVOMS=False)
  if ret['OK']:
    if 'group' in ret['Value']:
      vo = getVOForGroup(ret['Value']['group'])
      vo = getVOForGroup('')
    if not vo:
      vo = "None"
    records.append(('VirtualOrganization', vo))
    if 'identity' in ret['Value']:
      records.append(('User DN', ret['Value']['identity']))
    if 'secondsLeft' in ret['Value']:
      records.append(('Proxy validity, secs', {'Value': str(ret['Value']['secondsLeft']), 'Just': 'L'}))

  if gConfig.getValue('/DIRAC/Security/UseServerCertificate', True):
    records.append(('Use Server Certificate', 'Yes'))
    records.append(('Use Server Certificate', 'No'))
  if gConfig.getValue('/DIRAC/Security/SkipCAChecks', False):
    records.append(('Skip CA Checks', 'Yes'))
    records.append(('Skip CA Checks', 'No'))

    import gfalthr  # pylint: disable=import-error
    records.append(('gfal version', gfalthr.gfal_version()))
  except BaseException:

  fields = ['Option', 'Value']

  return fields, records
예제 #2
  def __getUserDetails( self ):
    """ Get details on user account
    credentials = self.getRemoteCredentials()
    if credentials: 
      diracUser = credentials.get( "username" )
      diracGroup = credentials.get( "group" )
    if not ( diracUser and diracGroup ):
      return S_ERROR( 'Failed to get DIRAC user name and/or group' )
    vo = getVOForGroup( diracGroup )
    diracHome = ''
    if vo:
      diracHome = '/%s/user/%s/%s' % ( vo, diracUser[0], diracUser )
    cfgPath = self.serviceInfoDict[ 'serviceSectionPath' ]
    gLogger.debug( "cfgPath: %s" % cfgPath )
    irodsUser = gConfig.getValue( "%s/UserCredentials/%s/iRodsUser" % ( cfgPath , diracUser ) , diracUser )  
    irodsHome = gConfig.getValue( "%s/UserCredentials/%s/iRodsHome" % ( cfgPath , diracUser ) , '' ) 
    irodsGroup = gConfig.getValue( "%s/UserCredentials/%s/iRodsGroup" % ( cfgPath , diracUser ) , '' ) 
    irodsPassword = gConfig.getValue( "%s/UserCredentials/%s/iRodsPassword" % ( cfgPath , diracUser ) , '' ) 

    resultDict = {}
    resultDict['DIRACUser'] = diracUser
    resultDict['DIRACGroup'] = diracGroup
    resultDict['DIRACHome'] = diracHome
    resultDict['iRodsUser'] = irodsUser
    resultDict['iRodsGroup'] = irodsGroup
    resultDict['iRodsHome'] = irodsHome
    resultDict['iRodsPassword'] = irodsPassword
    return S_OK( resultDict )
예제 #3
 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
     super(FileCatalogHandler, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
     sessionData = self.getSessionData()
     self.user = sessionData['user'].get('username', '')
     self.group = sessionData['user'].get('group', '')
     self.vo = getVOForGroup(self.group)
     self.fc = FileCatalog(vo=self.vo)
예제 #4
    def configureFromSection(self, mySection):
      reload from CS
        self.pilot = gConfig.getValue(mySection + "/PilotScript", self.pilot)
        self.installVersion = gConfig.getValue(mySection + "/Version", self.installVersion)
        self.extraPilotOptions = gConfig.getValue(mySection + "/ExtraPilotOptions", self.extraPilotOptions)
        self.install = gConfig.getValue(mySection + "/InstallScript", self.install)
        self.extraModules = gConfig.getValue(mySection + "/ExtraPilotModules", []) + self.extraModules
        self.installProject = gConfig.getValue(mySection + "/Project", self.installProject)
        self.installation = gConfig.getValue(mySection + "/Installation", self.installation)
        self.maxJobsInFillMode = gConfig.getValue(mySection + "/MaxJobsInFillMode", self.maxJobsInFillMode)
        self.targetGrids = gConfig.getValue(mySection + "/TargetGrids", self.targetGrids)

        self.enableListMatch = gConfig.getValue(mySection + "/EnableListMatch", self.enableListMatch)
        self.listMatchDelay = gConfig.getValue(mySection + "/ListMatchDelay", self.listMatchDelay)
        self.errorClearTime = gConfig.getValue(mySection + "/ErrorClearTime", self.errorClearTime)
        self.errorTicketTime = gConfig.getValue(mySection + "/ErrorTicketTime", self.errorTicketTime)
        self.errorMailAddress = gConfig.getValue(mySection + "/ErrorMailAddress", self.errorMailAddress)
        self.alarmMailAddress = gConfig.getValue(mySection + "/AlarmMailAddress", self.alarmMailAddress)
        self.mailFromAddress = gConfig.getValue(mySection + "/MailFromAddress", self.mailFromAddress)
        self.privatePilotFraction = gConfig.getValue(mySection + "/PrivatePilotFraction", self.privatePilotFraction)

        virtualOrganization = gConfig.getValue(mySection + "/VirtualOrganization", "")
        if not virtualOrganization:
            virtualOrganization = getVOForGroup("NonExistingGroup")
            if not virtualOrganization:
                virtualOrganization = self.virtualOrganization
        self.virtualOrganization = virtualOrganization
예제 #5
  def web_getLaunchpadSetupWithLFNs(self):
    """ Method obtain launchpad setup with pre-selected LFNs as input data parameter,
        the caller js client will use setup to open an new Launchpad
    # On the fly file catalog for advanced launchpad
    if not hasattr(self, 'fc'):
      userData = self.getSessionData()
      group = str(userData["user"]["group"])
      vo = getVOForGroup(group)
      self.fc = FileCatalog(vo=vo)

    self.set_header('Content-type', 'text/plain')
    arguments = self.request.arguments
    gLogger.always("submit: incoming arguments %s to getLaunchpadSetupWithLFNs" % arguments)
    lfnList = str(arguments['path'][0]).split(',')

    # Modified for Eiscat
    # Checks if the experiments folder in lfn list has a rtg_def.m file at some subfolder
    gLogger.always("submit: checking if some rtg_def.m", arguments)
    processed = []
    metaDict = {'type': 'info'}
    for lfn in lfnList:
      pos_relative = lfn.find("/")
      pos_relative = lfn.find("/", pos_relative + 1)
      pos_relative = lfn.find("/", pos_relative + 1)
      pos_relative = lfn.find("/", pos_relative + 1)
      pos_relative = lfn.find("/", pos_relative + 1)
      experiment_lfn = lfn[0:pos_relative]
      if experiment_lfn in processed:
      gLogger.always( "checking rtg_def.m in %s" % experiment_lfn )
      result = self.fc.findFilesByMetadata( metaDict, path=str(experiment_lfn) )
      if not result['OK'] or not result['Value']:
         gLogger.error( "Failed to get type info from $s, %s" % (experiment_lfn,result[ "Message" ]) )
      for candidate_lfn in result['Value']:
        if candidate_lfn.find('rtg_def.m') > 0:
    # End modified

    ptlfn = ''
    for lfn in lfnList:
      ptlfn += (', ' + lfn) if ptlfn else lfn

    params = self.defaultParams.copy()
    params["InputData"] = [1, ptlfn]

    obj = Operations(vo=vo)
    predefinedSets = {}
    launchpadSections = obj.getSections("Launchpad")
    if launchpadSections['OK']:
      for section in launchpadSections["Value"]:
        predefinedSets[section] = {}
        sectionOptions = obj.getOptionsDict("Launchpad/" + section)
        if sectionOptions['OK']:
          predefinedSets[section] = sectionOptions["Value"]

    self.write({"success": "true", "result": params, "predefinedSets": predefinedSets})
예제 #6
  def configureFromSection( self, mySection ):
      reload from CS
    self.pilot = gConfig.getValue( mySection + '/PilotScript'          , self.pilot )
    self.installVersion = gConfig.getValue( mySection + '/Version'         , self.installVersion )
    self.extraPilotOptions = gConfig.getValue( mySection + '/ExtraPilotOptions'    , self.extraPilotOptions )
    self.install = gConfig.getValue( mySection + '/InstallScript'        , self.install )
    self.extraModules = gConfig.getValue( mySection + '/ExtraPilotModules'        , [] ) + self.extraModules
    self.installProject = gConfig.getValue( mySection + '/Project'        , self.installProject )
    self.installation = gConfig.getValue( mySection + '/Installation'        , self.installation )
    self.maxJobsInFillMode = gConfig.getValue( mySection + '/MaxJobsInFillMode'    , self.maxJobsInFillMode )
    self.targetGrids = gConfig.getValue( mySection + '/TargetGrids'    , self.targetGrids )

    self.enableListMatch = gConfig.getValue( mySection + '/EnableListMatch'      , self.enableListMatch )
    self.listMatchDelay = gConfig.getValue( mySection + '/ListMatchDelay'       , self.listMatchDelay )
    self.errorClearTime = gConfig.getValue( mySection + '/ErrorClearTime'       , self.errorClearTime )
    self.errorTicketTime = gConfig.getValue( mySection + '/ErrorTicketTime'      , self.errorTicketTime )
    self.errorMailAddress = gConfig.getValue( mySection + '/ErrorMailAddress'     , self.errorMailAddress )
    self.alarmMailAddress = gConfig.getValue( mySection + '/AlarmMailAddress'     , self.alarmMailAddress )
    self.mailFromAddress = gConfig.getValue( mySection + '/MailFromAddress'      , self.mailFromAddress )
    self.privatePilotFraction = gConfig.getValue( mySection + '/PrivatePilotFraction' , self.privatePilotFraction )

    virtualOrganization = gConfig.getValue( mySection + '/VirtualOrganization' , '' )
    if not virtualOrganization:
      virtualOrganization = getVOForGroup( 'NonExistingGroup' )
      if not virtualOrganization:
        virtualOrganization = self.virtualOrganization
    self.virtualOrganization = virtualOrganization
예제 #7
 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs ):
   super( FileCatalogHandler, self ).__init__( *args, **kwargs )
   sessionData = self.getSessionData()
   self.user = sessionData['user'].get( 'username', '' )
   self.group = sessionData['user'].get( 'group', '' )
   self.vo = getVOForGroup( self.group )
   self.fc = FileCatalog( vo = self.vo )
예제 #8
  def configureFromSection( self, mySection ):
      reload from CS
    self.pilot = gConfig.getValue( mySection + '/PilotScript'          , self.pilot )
    self.installVersion = gConfig.getValue( mySection + '/DIRACVersion'         , self.installVersion )
    self.extraPilotOptions = gConfig.getValue( mySection + '/ExtraPilotOptions'    , self.extraPilotOptions )
    self.install = gConfig.getValue( mySection + '/InstallScript'        , self.install )
    self.installInstallation = gConfig.getValue( mySection + '/Installation'        , self.installInstallation )
    self.maxJobsInFillMode = gConfig.getValue( mySection + '/MaxJobsInFillMode'    , self.maxJobsInFillMode )

    self.enableListMatch = gConfig.getValue( mySection + '/EnableListMatch'      , self.enableListMatch )
    self.listMatchDelay = gConfig.getValue( mySection + '/ListMatchDelay'       , self.listMatchDelay )
    self.errorClearTime = gConfig.getValue( mySection + '/ErrorClearTime'       , self.errorClearTime )
    self.errorTicketTime = gConfig.getValue( mySection + '/ErrorTicketTime'      , self.errorTicketTime )
    self.errorMailAddress = gConfig.getValue( mySection + '/ErrorMailAddress'     , self.errorMailAddress )
    self.alarmMailAddress = gConfig.getValue( mySection + '/AlarmMailAddress'     , self.alarmMailAddress )
    self.mailFromAddress = gConfig.getValue( mySection + '/MailFromAddress'      , self.mailFromAddress )
    self.genericPilotDN = gConfig.getValue( mySection + '/GenericPilotDN'       , self.genericPilotDN )
    self.genericPilotGroup = gConfig.getValue( mySection + '/GenericPilotGroup'    , self.genericPilotGroup )
    self.privatePilotFraction = gConfig.getValue( mySection + '/PrivatePilotFraction' , self.privatePilotFraction )

    virtualOrganization = gConfig.getValue( mySection + '/VirtualOrganization' , '' )
    if not virtualOrganization:
      virtualOrganization = getVOForGroup( 'NonExistingGroup' )
      if not virtualOrganization:
        virtualOrganization = self.virtualOrganization
    self.virtualOrganization = virtualOrganization
예제 #9
    def __init__(self,
        """ Constructor

        :param object rpcClient: SandboxStore service client (None by default)
        :param object transferClient: client to upload/download sandboxes (None by default)
        :param object smdb: SandboxMetadataDB object, or
                            True if SandboxMetadataDB is to be instantiated for direct access or
                            False if no direct access to the SandboxMetadataDB is done (default)


        self.__serviceName = "WorkloadManagement/SandboxStore"
        self.__rpcClient = rpcClient
        self.__transferClient = transferClient
        self.__kwargs = kwargs
        self.__vo = None
        SandboxStoreClient.__smdb = smdb
        if 'delegatedGroup' in kwargs:
            self.__vo = getVOForGroup(kwargs['delegatedGroup'])
        if SandboxStoreClient.__smdb is True:
                from DIRAC.WorkloadManagementSystem.DB.SandboxMetadataDB import SandboxMetadataDB
                SandboxStoreClient.__smdb = SandboxMetadataDB()
                result = SandboxStoreClient.__smdb._getConnection()  # pylint: disable=protected-access
                if not result['OK']:
                    SandboxStoreClient.__smdb = False
            except (ImportError, RuntimeError, AttributeError):
                SandboxStoreClient.__smdb = False
예제 #10
  def __getUserDetails( self ):
    """ Get details on user account
    credentials = self.getRemoteCredentials()
    if credentials: 
      diracUser = credentials.get( "username" )
      diracGroup = credentials.get( "group" )
    if not ( diracUser and diracGroup ):
      return S_ERROR( 'Failed to get DIRAC user name and/or group' )
    vo = getVOForGroup( diracGroup )
    diracHome = ''
    if vo:
      diracHome = '/%s/user/%s/%s' % ( vo, diracUser[0], diracUser )
    cfgPath = self.serviceInfoDict[ 'serviceSectionPath' ]
    gLogger.debug( "cfgPath: %s" % cfgPath )
    irodsUser = gConfig.getValue( "%s/UserCredentials/%s/iRodsUser" % ( cfgPath , diracUser ) , diracUser )  
    irodsHome = gConfig.getValue( "%s/UserCredentials/%s/iRodsHome" % ( cfgPath , diracUser ) , '' ) 
    irodsGroup = gConfig.getValue( "%s/UserCredentials/%s/iRodsGroup" % ( cfgPath , diracUser ) , '' ) 
    irodsPassword = gConfig.getValue( "%s/UserCredentials/%s/iRodsPassword" % ( cfgPath , diracUser ) , '' ) 

    resultDict = {}
    resultDict['DIRACUser'] = diracUser
    resultDict['DIRACGroup'] = diracGroup
    resultDict['DIRACHome'] = diracHome
    resultDict['iRodsUser'] = irodsUser
    resultDict['iRodsGroup'] = irodsGroup
    resultDict['iRodsHome'] = irodsHome
    resultDict['iRodsPassword'] = irodsPassword
    return S_OK( resultDict )
예제 #11
    def __init__(self,

        self.__serviceName = "WorkloadManagement/SandboxStore"
        self.__rpcClient = rpcClient
        self.__transferClient = transferClient
        self.__kwargs = kwargs
        self.__vo = None
        SandboxStoreClient.__smdb = smdb
        if 'delegatedGroup' in kwargs:
            self.__vo = getVOForGroup(kwargs['delegatedGroup'])
        if SandboxStoreClient.__smdb is None:
                from DIRAC.WorkloadManagementSystem.DB.SandboxMetadataDB import SandboxMetadataDB
                SandboxStoreClient.__smdb = SandboxMetadataDB()
                result = SandboxStoreClient.__smdb._getConnection()  # pylint: disable=protected-access
                if not result['OK']:
                    SandboxStoreClient.__smdb = False
            except (ImportError, RuntimeError, AttributeError):
                SandboxStoreClient.__smdb = False
예제 #12
 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
   super(JobLaunchpadHandler, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
   sessionData = self.getSessionData()
   for opt, value in (self.getAppSettings().get("Options") or {}).items():
     self.defaultParams[opt] = value.replace(', ', ',').split(',')
   self.user = sessionData['user'].get('username', '')
   self.group = sessionData['user'].get('group', '')
   self.vo = getVOForGroup(self.group)
예제 #13
    def vo(self):
        """:returns: return vo of the usergroup """
        if self._vo:
            return self._vo

        if self.userGroup:
            self._vo = getVOForGroup(self.userGroup)

        return self._vo
예제 #14
  def vo(self):
    """:returns: return vo of the usergroup """
    if self._vo:
      return self._vo

    if self.userGroup:
      self._vo = getVOForGroup(self.userGroup)

    return self._vo
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs ):
        super( TransferAccountingHandler, self ).__init__( *args, **kwargs )
        sessionData = self.getSessionData()
        self.user = sessionData['user'].get( 'username', '' )
        self.group = sessionData['user'].get( 'group', '' )
        self.vo = getVOForGroup( self.group )
        self.fc = FileCatalog( vo = self.vo )

예제 #16
    def getGroupScopes(self, group):
        """Get group scopes

        :param str group: DIRAC group

        :return: list
        idPScope = getGroupOption(group, "IdPRole")
        if not idPScope:
            idPScope = "wlcg.groups:/%s/%s" % (getVOForGroup(group),
        return S_OK(scope_to_list(idPScope))
예제 #17
    def getGroupScopes(self, group):
        """Get group scopes

        :param str group: DIRAC group

        :return: list
        idPScope = getGroupOption(group, "IdPRole")
        if not idPScope:
            idPScope = "eduperson_entitlement?value=urn:mace:egi.eu:group:%s:role=%s#aai.egi.eu" % (
        return S_OK(scope_to_list(idPScope))
예제 #18
파일: Job.py 프로젝트: zhangxiaomei/DIRAC
  def __init__( self, script = None, stdout = 'std.out', stderr = 'std.err' ):
    """Instantiates the Workflow object and some default parameters.
    self.log = gLogger
    self.section = COMPONENT_NAME
    self.dbg = False
    if gConfig.getValue( self.section + '/LogLevel', 'DEBUG' ) == 'DEBUG':
      self.dbg = True

    self.stepCount = 0
    self.owner = 'NotSpecified'
    self.name = 'Name'
    self.type = 'User'
    self.priority = 1
    vo = ''
    ret = getProxyInfo( disableVOMS = True )
    if ret['OK'] and 'group' in ret['Value']:
      vo = getVOForGroup( ret['Value']['group'] )
    self.group = vo
    self.site = 'ANY' #ANY
    #self.setup = 'Development'
    self.origin = 'DIRAC'
    self.stdout = stdout
    self.stderr = stderr
    self.logLevel = 'info'
    self.executable = '$DIRACROOT/scripts/dirac-jobexec' # to be clarified
    self.addToInputSandbox = []
    self.addToOutputSandbox = []
    self.addToInputData = []
    self.systemConfig = 'ANY'
    self.reqParams = {'MaxCPUTime':   'other.NAME>=VALUE',
                      'MinCPUTime':   'other.NAME<=VALUE',
                      'Site':         'other.NAME=="VALUE"',
                      'Platform':     'other.NAME=="VALUE"',
                      #'BannedSites':  '!Member(other.Site,BannedSites)', #doesn't work unfortunately
                      'BannedSites':  'other.Site!="VALUE"',
                      'SystemConfig': 'Member("VALUE",other.CompatiblePlatforms)'}
    ##Add member to handle Parametric jobs
    self.parametric = {}
    self.script = script
    if not script:
      self.workflow = Workflow()
      self.workflow = Workflow( script )

    #Global error dictionary
    self.errorDict = {}
예제 #19
파일: Job.py 프로젝트: closier/DIRAC
  def __init__( self, script = None, stdout = 'std.out', stderr = 'std.err' ):
    """Instantiates the Workflow object and some default parameters.
    self.log = gLogger
    self.section = COMPONENT_NAME
    self.dbg = False
    if gConfig.getValue( self.section + '/LogLevel', 'DEBUG' ) == 'DEBUG':
      self.dbg = True

    self.stepCount = 0
    self.owner = 'NotSpecified'
    self.name = 'Name'
    self.type = 'User'
    self.priority = 1
    vo = ''
    ret = getProxyInfo( disableVOMS = True )
    if ret['OK'] and 'group' in ret['Value']:
      vo = getVOForGroup( ret['Value']['group'] )
    self.group = vo
    self.site = 'ANY' #ANY
    #self.setup = 'Development'
    self.origin = 'DIRAC'
    self.stdout = stdout
    self.stderr = stderr
    self.logLevel = 'info'
    self.executable = '$DIRACROOT/scripts/dirac-jobexec' # to be clarified
    self.addToInputSandbox = []
    self.addToOutputSandbox = []
    self.addToInputData = []
    self.systemConfig = 'ANY'
    self.reqParams = {'MaxCPUTime':   'other.NAME>=VALUE',
                      'MinCPUTime':   'other.NAME<=VALUE',
                      'Site':         'other.NAME=="VALUE"',
                      'Platform':     'other.NAME=="VALUE"',
                      #'BannedSites':  '!Member(other.Site,BannedSites)', #doesn't work unfortunately
                      'BannedSites':  'other.Site!="VALUE"',
                      'SystemConfig': 'Member("VALUE",other.CompatiblePlatforms)'}
    ##Add member to handle Parametric jobs
    self.parametric = {}
    self.script = script
    if not script:
      self.workflow = Workflow()
      self.workflow = Workflow( script )

    #Global error dictionary
    self.errorDict = {}
예제 #20
파일: Job.py 프로젝트: Eo300/DIRAC
  def __init__(self, script=None, stdout='std.out', stderr='std.err'):
    """Instantiates the Workflow object and some default parameters.

    super(Job, self).__init__()

    self.stepCount = 0
    self.owner = 'NotSpecified'
    self.name = 'Name'
    self.type = 'User'
    self.priority = 1
    vo = ''
    ret = getProxyInfo(disableVOMS=True)
    if ret['OK'] and 'group' in ret['Value']:
      vo = getVOForGroup(ret['Value']['group'])
    self.group = vo
    self.site = None
    # self.setup = 'Development'
    self.origin = 'DIRAC'
    self.stdout = stdout
    self.stderr = stderr
    self.logLevel = 'info'
    self.executable = '$DIRACROOT/scripts/dirac-jobexec'  # to be clarified
    # $DIRACROOT is set by the JobWrapper at execution time
    self.addToInputSandbox = []
    self.addToOutputSandbox = []
    self.addToInputData = []
    # #Add member to handle Parametric jobs
    self.numberOfParameters = 0
    self.parameterSeqs = {}
    self.wfArguments = {}
    self.parametricWFArguments = {}

    # loading the function that will be used to determine the platform (it can be VO specific)
    res = ObjectLoader().loadObject("ConfigurationSystem.Client.Helpers.Resources", 'getDIRACPlatforms')
    if not res['OK']:
    self.getDIRACPlatforms = res['Value']

    self.script = script
    if not script:
      self.workflow = Workflow()
      self.workflow = Workflow(script)
    self._siteSet = set(getSites().get('Value', []))
예제 #21
파일: Job.py 프로젝트: DIRACGrid/DIRAC
  def __init__(self, script=None, stdout='std.out', stderr='std.err'):
    """Instantiates the Workflow object and some default parameters.

    super(Job, self).__init__()

    self.stepCount = 0
    self.owner = 'NotSpecified'
    self.name = 'Name'
    self.type = 'User'
    self.priority = 1
    vo = ''
    ret = getProxyInfo(disableVOMS=True)
    if ret['OK'] and 'group' in ret['Value']:
      vo = getVOForGroup(ret['Value']['group'])
    self.group = vo
    self.site = None
    # self.setup = 'Development'
    self.origin = 'DIRAC'
    self.stdout = stdout
    self.stderr = stderr
    self.logLevel = 'info'
    self.executable = '$DIRACROOT/scripts/dirac-jobexec'  # to be clarified
    # $DIRACROOT is set by the JobWrapper at execution time
    self.addToInputSandbox = []
    self.addToOutputSandbox = []
    self.addToInputData = []
    # #Add member to handle Parametric jobs
    self.numberOfParameters = 0
    self.parameterSeqs = {}
    self.wfArguments = {}
    self.parametricWFArguments = {}

    # loading the function that will be used to determine the platform (it can be VO specific)
    res = ObjectLoader().loadObject("ConfigurationSystem.Client.Helpers.Resources", 'getDIRACPlatforms')
    if not res['OK']:
    self.getDIRACPlatforms = res['Value']

    self.script = script
    if not script:
      self.workflow = Workflow()
      self.workflow = Workflow(script)
    self._siteSet = set(getSites().get('Value', []))
예제 #22
파일: Job.py 프로젝트: ahaupt/DIRAC
  def __init__( self, script = None, stdout = 'std.out', stderr = 'std.err' ):
    """Instantiates the Workflow object and some default parameters.

    super( Job, self ).__init__()

    self.dbg = False
    if gConfig.getValue( self.section + '/LogLevel', 'DEBUG' ) == 'DEBUG':
      self.dbg = True

    self.stepCount = 0
    self.owner = 'NotSpecified'
    self.name = 'Name'
    self.type = 'User'
    self.priority = 1
    vo = ''
    ret = getProxyInfo( disableVOMS = True )
    if ret['OK'] and 'group' in ret['Value']:
      vo = getVOForGroup( ret['Value']['group'] )
    self.group = vo
    self.site = 'ANY' #ANY
    #self.setup = 'Development'
    self.origin = 'DIRAC'
    self.stdout = stdout
    self.stderr = stderr
    self.logLevel = 'info'
    self.executable = '$DIRACROOT/scripts/dirac-jobexec' # to be clarified
    self.addToInputSandbox = []
    self.addToOutputSandbox = []
    self.addToInputData = []
    ##Add member to handle Parametric jobs
    self.numberOfParameters = 0
    self.parameterSeqs = {}
    self.wfArguments = {}
    self.parametricWFArguments = {}

    self.script = script
    if not script:
      self.workflow = Workflow()
      self.workflow = Workflow( script )
예제 #23
  def __init__(self, rpcClient=None, transferClient=None, **kwargs):

    self.__serviceName = "WorkloadManagement/SandboxStore"
    self.__rpcClient = rpcClient
    self.__transferClient = transferClient
    self.__kwargs = kwargs
    self.__vo = None
    if 'delegatedGroup' in kwargs:
      self.__vo = getVOForGroup(kwargs['delegatedGroup'])
    if SandboxStoreClient.__smdb is None:
        from DIRAC.WorkloadManagementSystem.DB.SandboxMetadataDB import SandboxMetadataDB
        SandboxStoreClient.__smdb = SandboxMetadataDB()
        result = SandboxStoreClient.__smdb._getConnection()  # pylint: disable=protected-access
        if not result['OK']:
          SandboxStoreClient.__smdb = False
      except (ImportError, RuntimeError, AttributeError):
        SandboxStoreClient.__smdb = False
예제 #24
def parseSwitches():
    Parses the arguments passed by the user

  args = Script.getPositionalArgs()

  if not len(args) == 2:

  params = {}
  params['ce'] = None
  params['site'] = None
  params['host'] = None
  params['vo'] = None
  params['info'] = args[0]
  ret = getProxyInfo(disableVOMS=True)

  if ret['OK'] and 'group' in ret['Value']:
    params['vo'] = getVOForGroup(ret['Value']['group'])
    Script.gLogger.error('Could not determine VO')

  if params['info'] in ['ce', 'ce-state', 'ce-cluster', 'ce-vo']:
    params['ce'] = args[1]
  elif params['info']in ['site', 'site-se']:
    params['site'] = args[1]
    Script.gLogger.error('Wrong argument value')

  for unprocSw in Script.getUnprocessedSwitches():
    if unprocSw[0] in ("H", "host"):
      params['host'] = unprocSw[1]
    if unprocSw[0] in ("V", "vo"):
      params['vo'] = unprocSw[1]

  return params
예제 #25
def parseSwitches():
    Parses the arguments passed by the user

    args = Script.getPositionalArgs()

    if not len(args) == 2:

    params = {}
    params['ce'] = None
    params['site'] = None
    params['host'] = None
    params['vo'] = None
    params['info'] = args[0]
    ret = getProxyInfo(disableVOMS=True)

    if ret['OK'] and 'group' in ret['Value']:
        params['vo'] = getVOForGroup(ret['Value']['group'])
        Script.gLogger.error('Could not determine VO')

    if params['info'] in ['ce', 'ce-state', 'ce-cluster', 'ce-vo']:
        params['ce'] = args[1]
    elif params['info'] in ['site', 'site-se']:
        params['site'] = args[1]
        Script.gLogger.error('Wrong argument value')

    for unprocSw in Script.getUnprocessedSwitches():
        if unprocSw[0] in ("H", "host"):
            params['host'] = unprocSw[1]
        if unprocSw[0] in ("V", "vo"):
            params['vo'] = unprocSw[1]

    return params
예제 #26
파일: Job.py 프로젝트: petricm/DIRAC
    def __init__(self, script=None, stdout="std.out", stderr="std.err"):
        """Instantiates the Workflow object and some default parameters.

        super(Job, self).__init__()

        self.dbg = False
        if gConfig.getValue(self.section + "/LogLevel", "DEBUG") == "DEBUG":
            self.dbg = True

        # gConfig.getValue('Tier0SE-tape','SEName')
        self.stepCount = 0
        self.owner = "NotSpecified"
        self.name = "Name"
        self.type = "User"
        self.priority = 1
        vo = ""
        ret = getProxyInfo(disableVOMS=True)
        if ret["OK"] and "group" in ret["Value"]:
            vo = getVOForGroup(ret["Value"]["group"])
        self.group = vo
        self.site = "ANY"  # ANY
        # self.setup = 'Development'
        self.origin = "DIRAC"
        self.stdout = stdout
        self.stderr = stderr
        self.logLevel = "info"
        self.executable = "$DIRACROOT/scripts/dirac-jobexec"  # to be clarified
        self.addToInputSandbox = []
        self.addToOutputSandbox = []
        self.addToInputData = []
        ##Add member to handle Parametric jobs
        self.parametric = {}
        self.script = script
        if not script:
            self.workflow = Workflow()
            self.workflow = Workflow(script)
예제 #27
파일: Job.py 프로젝트: ptakha/DIRAC-1
  def __init__( self, script = None, stdout = 'std.out', stderr = 'std.err' ):
    """Instantiates the Workflow object and some default parameters.

    super( Job, self ).__init__()

    self.dbg = False
    if gConfig.getValue( self.section + '/LogLevel', 'DEBUG' ) == 'DEBUG':
      self.dbg = True

    self.stepCount = 0
    self.owner = 'NotSpecified'
    self.name = 'Name'
    self.type = 'User'
    self.priority = 1
    vo = ''
    ret = getProxyInfo( disableVOMS = True )
    if ret['OK'] and 'group' in ret['Value']:
      vo = getVOForGroup( ret['Value']['group'] )
    self.group = vo
    self.site = 'ANY' #ANY
    #self.setup = 'Development'
    self.origin = 'DIRAC'
    self.stdout = stdout
    self.stderr = stderr
    self.logLevel = 'info'
    self.executable = '$DIRACROOT/scripts/dirac-jobexec' # to be clarified
    self.addToInputSandbox = []
    self.addToOutputSandbox = []
    self.addToInputData = []
    ##Add member to handle Parametric jobs
    self.parametric = {}
    self.script = script
    if not script:
      self.workflow = Workflow()
      self.workflow = Workflow( script )
예제 #28
def input_path_to_lfn(input_path):

    res = getProxyInfo(False, False)
    if not res['OK']:
        gLogger.error("Failed to get client proxy information.",
    proxyInfo = res['Value']
    if proxyInfo['secondsLeft'] == 0:
        gLogger.error("Proxy expired")
    username = proxyInfo['username']
    vo = ''
    if 'group' in proxyInfo:
        vo = getVOForGroup(proxyInfo['group'])

    folder_name = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(input_path))
    lfn = '/%s/user/%s/%s/jsub/' % (
        vo, username[0],
        username) + folder_name + '/' + os.path.basename(input_path)
    gLogger.debug('input path = %s' % input_path)
    gLogger.debug('lfn translation = %s' % lfn)

    return (lfn)
예제 #29
def main():
    days = 0
    months = 0
    years = 0
    wildcard = None
    baseDir = ''
    emptyDirsFlag = False
    Script.registerSwitch("D:", "Days=",
                          "Match files older than number of days [%s]" % days)
        "M:", "Months=",
        "Match files older than number of months [%s]" % months)
        "Y:", "Years=", "Match files older than number of years [%s]" % years)
    Script.registerSwitch("w:", "Wildcard=",
                          "Wildcard for matching filenames [All]")
        "b:", "BaseDir=",
        "Base directory to begin search (default /[vo]/user/[initial]/[username])"
    Script.registerSwitch("e", "EmptyDirs",
                          "Create a list of empty directories")


    for switch in Script.getUnprocessedSwitches():
        if switch[0] == "D" or switch[0].lower() == "days":
            days = int(switch[1])
        if switch[0] == "M" or switch[0].lower() == "months":
            months = int(switch[1])
        if switch[0] == "Y" or switch[0].lower() == "years":
            years = int(switch[1])
        if switch[0].lower() == "w" or switch[0].lower() == "wildcard":
            wildcard = '*' + switch[1]
        if switch[0].lower() == "b" or switch[0].lower() == "basedir":
            baseDir = switch[1]
        if switch[0].lower() == "e" or switch[0].lower() == "emptydirs":
            emptyDirsFlag = True

    import DIRAC
    from DIRAC import gLogger
    from DIRAC.ConfigurationSystem.Client.Helpers.Registry import getVOForGroup
    from DIRAC.Core.Security.ProxyInfo import getProxyInfo
    from DIRAC.Resources.Catalog.FileCatalog import FileCatalog
    from datetime import datetime, timedelta
    import sys
    import os
    import time
    import fnmatch
    fc = FileCatalog()

    def isOlderThan(cTimeStruct, days):
        timeDelta = timedelta(days=days)
        maxCTime = datetime.utcnow() - timeDelta
        if cTimeStruct < maxCTime:
            return True
        return False

    withMetadata = False
    if days or months or years:
        withMetadata = True
    totalDays = 0
    if years:
        totalDays += 365 * years
    if months:
        totalDays += 30 * months
    if days:
        totalDays += days

    res = getProxyInfo(False, False)
    if not res['OK']:
        gLogger.error("Failed to get client proxy information.",
    proxyInfo = res['Value']
    if proxyInfo['secondsLeft'] == 0:
        gLogger.error("Proxy expired")
    username = proxyInfo['username']
    vo = ''
    if 'group' in proxyInfo:
        vo = getVOForGroup(proxyInfo['group'])
    if not baseDir:
        if not vo:
            gLogger.error('Could not determine VO')
        baseDir = '/%s/user/%s/%s' % (vo, username[0], username)

    baseDir = baseDir.rstrip('/')

    gLogger.notice('Will search for files in %s%s' %
                   (baseDir, (' matching %s' % wildcard) if wildcard else ''))
    activeDirs = [baseDir]

    allFiles = []
    emptyDirs = []

    while len(activeDirs) > 0:
        currentDir = activeDirs.pop()
        res = fc.listDirectory(currentDir, withMetadata, timeout=360)
        if not res['OK']:
            gLogger.error("Error retrieving directory contents",
                          "%s %s" % (currentDir, res['Message']))
        elif currentDir in res['Value']['Failed']:
                "Error retrieving directory contents",
                "%s %s" % (currentDir, res['Value']['Failed'][currentDir]))
            dirContents = res['Value']['Successful'][currentDir]
            subdirs = dirContents['SubDirs']
            files = dirContents['Files']
            if not subdirs and not files:
                gLogger.notice('%s: empty directory' % currentDir)
                for subdir in sorted(subdirs, reverse=True):
                    if (not withMetadata) or isOlderThan(
                            subdirs[subdir]['CreationDate'], totalDays):
                for filename in sorted(files):
                    fileOK = False
                    if (not withMetadata) or isOlderThan(
                        if wildcard is None or fnmatch.fnmatch(
                                filename, wildcard):
                            fileOK = True
                    if not fileOK:
                allFiles += sorted(files)

                if len(files) or len(subdirs):
                        "%s: %d files%s, %d sub-directories" %
                        (currentDir, len(files), ' matching'
                         if withMetadata or wildcard else '', len(subdirs)))

    outputFileName = '%s.lfns' % baseDir.replace('/%s' % vo,
                                                 '%s' % vo).replace('/', '-')
    outputFile = open(outputFileName, 'w')
    for lfn in sorted(allFiles):
        outputFile.write(lfn + '\n')
    gLogger.notice('%d matched files have been put in %s' %
                   (len(allFiles), outputFileName))

    if emptyDirsFlag:
        outputFileName = '%s.emptydirs' % baseDir.replace(
            '/%s' % vo, '%s' % vo).replace('/', '-')
        outputFile = open(outputFileName, 'w')
        for dir in sorted(emptyDirs):
            outputFile.write(dir + '\n')
        gLogger.notice('%d empty directories have been put in %s' %
                       (len(emptyDirs), outputFileName))

예제 #30
  totalDays += 30 * months
if days:
  totalDays += days

res = getProxyInfo( False, False )
if not res['OK']:
  gLogger.error( "Failed to get client proxy information.", res['Message'] )
  DIRAC.exit( 2 )
proxyInfo = res['Value']
if proxyInfo['secondsLeft'] == 0:
  gLogger.error( "Proxy expired" )
  DIRAC.exit( 2 )
username = proxyInfo['username']
vo = ''
if 'group' in proxyInfo:
  vo = getVOForGroup( proxyInfo['group'] )
if not baseDir:
  if not vo:
    gLogger.error( 'Could not determine VO' )
  baseDir = '/%s/user/%s/%s' % ( vo, username[0], username )

baseDir = baseDir.rstrip( '/' )

gLogger.info( 'Will search for files in %s' % baseDir )
activeDirs = [baseDir]

allFiles = []
emptyDirs = []
while len( activeDirs ) > 0:
  currentDir = activeDirs.pop()
예제 #31
# These variables are defined by the setup fixture
local_path = putDir = createDir = putFile = isFile = listDir = getFile = rmDir = None
getDir = removeFile = filesInFolderAandB = fileAdlers = fileSizes = None
se = None

    res = getProxyInfo()
    if not res["OK"]:
        gLogger.error("Failed to get client proxy information.",
    proxyInfo = res["Value"]
    username = proxyInfo["username"]
    vo = ""
    if "group" in proxyInfo:
        vo = getVOForGroup(proxyInfo["group"])

    DESTINATION_PATH = "/%s/user/%s/%s/gfaltests" % (vo, username[0], username)

except Exception as e:  # pylint: disable=broad-except

# local path containing test files. There should be a folder called Workflow containing
# (the files can be simple textfiles)
# FolderA
# -FolderAA
# --FileAA
# -FileA
# FolderB
# -FileB
예제 #32
records.append(('Setup', gConfig.getValue('/DIRAC/Setup', 'Unknown')))
records.append(('ConfigurationServer', gConfig.getValue('/DIRAC/Configuration/Servers', [])))
records.append(('Installation path', DIRAC.rootPath))

if os.path.exists(os.path.join(DIRAC.rootPath, DIRAC.getPlatform(), 'bin', 'mysql')):
  records.append(('Installation type', 'server'))
  records.append(('Installation type', 'client'))

records.append(('Platform', DIRAC.getPlatform()))

ret = getProxyInfo(disableVOMS=True)
if ret['OK']:
  if 'group' in ret['Value']:
    vo = getVOForGroup(ret['Value']['group'])
    vo = getVOForGroup('')
  if not vo:
    vo = "None"
  records.append(('VirtualOrganization', vo))
  if 'identity' in ret['Value']:
    records.append(('User DN', ret['Value']['identity']))
  if 'secondsLeft' in ret['Value']:
    records.append(('Proxy validity, secs', {'Value': str(ret['Value']['secondsLeft']), 'Just': 'L'}))

if gConfig.getValue('/DIRAC/Security/UseServerCertificate', True):
  records.append(('Use Server Certificate', 'Yes'))
  records.append(('Use Server Certificate', 'No'))
if gConfig.getValue('/DIRAC/Security/SkipCAChecks', False):
예제 #33
                str(gConfig.getValue('/DIRAC/Configuration/Servers', []))))
records.append(('Installation path', DIRAC.rootPath))

if os.path.exists(
        os.path.join(DIRAC.rootPath, DIRAC.getPlatform(), 'bin', 'mysql')):
    records.append(('Installation type', 'server'))
    records.append(('Installation type', 'client'))

records.append(('Platform', DIRAC.getPlatform()))

ret = getProxyInfo(disableVOMS=True)
if ret['OK']:
    if 'group' in ret['Value']:
            ('VirtualOrganization', getVOForGroup(ret['Value']['group'])))
        records.append(('VirtualOrganization', getVOForGroup('')))
    if 'identity' in ret['Value']:
        records.append(('User DN', ret['Value']['identity']))
    if 'secondsLeft' in ret['Value']:
            ('Proxy validity, secs', str(ret['Value']['secondsLeft'])))

if gConfig.getValue('/DIRAC/Security/UseServerCertificate', True):
    records.append(('Use Server Certificate', 'Yes'))
    records.append(('Use Server Certificate', 'No'))
if gConfig.getValue('/DIRAC/Security/SkipCAChecks', False):
    records.append(('Skip CA Checks', 'Yes'))
예제 #34
def _checkFilesToStage( seToLFNs, onlineLFNs, offlineLFNs, absentLFNs,
                        checkOnlyTapeSEs = None, jobLog = None,
                        proxyUserName = None,
                        proxyUserGroup = None,
                        executionLock = None ):
  Checks on SEs whether the file is NEARLINE or ONLINE
  onlineLFNs, offlineLFNs and absentLFNs are modified to contain the files found online
  If checkOnlyTapeSEs is True, disk replicas are not checked
  As soon as a replica is found Online for a file, no further check is made
  # Only check on storage if it is a tape SE
  if jobLog is None:
    logger = gLogger
    logger = jobLog
  if checkOnlyTapeSEs is None:
    # Default value is True
    checkOnlyTapeSEs = True

  failed = {}
  for se, lfnsInSEList in seToLFNs.iteritems():
    # If we have found already all files online at another SE, no need to check the others
    # but still we want to set the SE as Online if not a TapeSE
    vo = getVOForGroup( proxyUserGroup )
    seObj = StorageElement( se, vo = vo )
    status = seObj.getStatus()
    if not status['OK']:
      return status
    tapeSE = status['Value']['TapeSE']
    diskSE = status['Value']['DiskSE']
    # If requested to check only Tape SEs and the file is at a diskSE, we guess it is Online...
    filesToCheck = []
    for lfn in lfnsInSEList:
      # If the file had already been found accessible at an SE, only check that this one is on disk
      diskIsOK = checkOnlyTapeSEs or ( lfn in onlineLFNs )
      if diskIsOK and diskSE:
        onlineLFNs.setdefault( lfn, [] ).append( se )
      elif not diskIsOK or ( tapeSE and ( lfn not in onlineLFNs ) ):
        filesToCheck.append( lfn )
    if not filesToCheck:

    # We have to use a new SE object because it caches the proxy!
    with UserProxy(proxyUserName=proxyUserName,
                   executionLock=executionLock) as proxyResult:
      if proxyResult['OK']:
        fileMetadata = StorageElement(se, vo=vo).getFileMetadata(filesToCheck)
        fileMetadata = proxyResult

    if not fileMetadata['OK']:
      failed[se] = dict.fromkeys( filesToCheck, fileMetadata['Message'] )
      if fileMetadata['Value']['Failed']:
        failed[se] = fileMetadata['Value']['Failed']
      # is there at least one replica online?
      for lfn, mDict in fileMetadata['Value']['Successful'].iteritems():
        # SRM returns Cached, but others may only return Accessible
        if mDict.get( 'Cached', mDict['Accessible'] ):
          onlineLFNs.setdefault( lfn, [] ).append( se )
        elif tapeSE:
          # A file can be staged only at Tape SE
          offlineLFNs.setdefault( lfn, [] ).append( se )
          # File not available at a diskSE... we shall retry later

  # Doesn't matter if some files are Offline if they are also online
  for lfn in set( offlineLFNs ) & set( onlineLFNs ):
    offlineLFNs.pop( lfn )

  # If the file was found staged, ignore possible errors, but print out errors
  for se, failedLfns in failed.items():
    logger.error( "Errors when getting files metadata", 'at %s' % se )
    for lfn, reason in failedLfns.items():
      if lfn in onlineLFNs:
        logger.warn( reason, 'for %s, but there is an online replica' % lfn )
        failed[se].pop( lfn )
        logger.error( reason, 'for %s, no online replicas' % lfn )
        if cmpError( reason, errno.ENOENT ):
          absentLFNs.setdefault( lfn, [] ).append( se )
          failed[se].pop( lfn )
    if not failed[se]:
      failed.pop( se )
  # Find the files that do not exist at SE
  if failed:
    logger.error( "Error getting metadata", "for %d files" % len( set( lfn for lfnList in failed.itervalues() for lfn in lfnList ) ) )

  for lfn in absentLFNs:
    seList = absentLFNs[lfn]
    # FIXME: it is not possible to return here an S_ERROR(), return the message only
    absentLFNs[lfn] = S_ERROR( errno.ENOENT, "File not at %s" % ','.join( seList ) )['Message']
  # Format the error for absent files
  return S_OK()
예제 #35
 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs ):
   super( JobLaunchpadHandler, self ).__init__( *args, **kwargs )
   sessionData = self.getSessionData()
   self.user = sessionData['user'].get( 'username', '' )
   self.group = sessionData['user'].get( 'group', '' )
   self.vo = getVOForGroup( self.group )
예제 #36
def main():
    dm = DataManager()

    fileTupleBuffer = []

    res = getProxyInfo( False, False )
    if not res['OK']:
        gLogger.error( "Failed to get client proxy information.", res['Message'] )
        DIRAC.exit( 2 ) 
    proxyInfo = res['Value']
    if proxyInfo['secondsLeft'] == 0:
        gLogger.error( "Proxy expired" )
        DIRAC.exit( 2 ) 
    username = proxyInfo['username']
    vo = ''
    if 'group' in proxyInfo:
        vo = getVOForGroup( proxyInfo['group'] )

    counter = 0
    for f in files:
        counter += 1

        if not f.startswith('/cefs'):
#            gLogger.error('File must be under "/cefs"')
#            continue

	    #if the file to reg is not under /cefs, use put and register
#            lfn = '/cepc/user/%s/%s/jsub/'%(username[0],username) + folder_name + '/' + os.path.basename(f)
            lfn = '/cepc/user/%s/%s/jsub/'%(username[0],username) + folder_name + '/' + os.path.basename(f)
#            dirname = os.path.dirname(local_f)
#            os.system('mkdir -p %s'%(dirname))
#            os.system('cp %s %s' %(f,local_f))
            lfn = '/cepc/lustre-ro' + os.path.abspath(f)

        result = fcc.isFile(lfn)
        if result['OK'] and lfn in result['Value']['Successful'] and result['Value']['Successful'][lfn]:

        size = os.path.getsize(f)
        adler32 = fileAdler(f)
        guid = makeGuid()
        fileTuple = (lfn, local_f, size, _se, guid, adler32)
        gLogger.debug('Register to lfn: %s' % lfn)
        gLogger.debug('fileTuple: %s' % (fileTuple,))

        if len(fileTupleBuffer) >= _bufferSize:
            if do_put_and_register:
                result = dm.putAndRegister(lfn, local_f, _se, guid, overwrite=overwrite)
                result = dm.registerFile(fileTupleBuffer)
            print('register result', result)
#            if not result['OK']:
#                gLogger.error('Register file failed')
#                return 1
            del fileTupleBuffer[:]
            gLogger.debug('%s files registered' % counter)

    if fileTupleBuffer:
        if do_put_and_register:
            result = dm.putAndRegister(lfn, local_f, _se, guid, overwrite=overwrite)
            result = dm.registerFile(fileTupleBuffer)
        print('register result', result)
#        if not result['OK']:
#            gLogger.error('Register file failed')
#            return 1
        del fileTupleBuffer[:]

    gLogger.info('Totally %s files registered' % counter)
    return 0
예제 #37
records.append(('Setup', gConfig.getValue('/DIRAC/Setup', 'Unknown')))
records.append(('ConfigurationServer', gConfig.getValue('/DIRAC/Configuration/Servers', [])))
records.append(('Installation path', DIRAC.rootPath))

if os.path.exists(os.path.join(DIRAC.rootPath, DIRAC.getPlatform(), 'bin', 'mysql')):
  records.append(('Installation type', 'server'))
  records.append(('Installation type', 'client'))

records.append(('Platform', DIRAC.getPlatform()))

ret = getProxyInfo(disableVOMS=True)
if ret['OK']:
  if 'group' in ret['Value']:
    vo = getVOForGroup(ret['Value']['group'])
    vo = getVOForGroup('')
  if not vo:
    vo = "None"
  records.append(('VirtualOrganization', vo))
  if 'identity' in ret['Value']:
    records.append(('User DN', ret['Value']['identity']))
  if 'secondsLeft' in ret['Value']:
    records.append(('Proxy validity, secs', {'Value': str(ret['Value']['secondsLeft']), 'Just': 'L'}))

if gConfig.getValue('/DIRAC/Security/UseServerCertificate', True):
  records.append(('Use Server Certificate', 'Yes'))
  records.append(('Use Server Certificate', 'No'))
if gConfig.getValue('/DIRAC/Security/SkipCAChecks', False):
예제 #38
    def setOutputData(self, lfns, OutputPath='', OutputSE=['']):
        """Helper function, used in preference to Job.setOutputData() for ILC.
           For specifying output data to be registered in Grid storage.  If a list
           of OutputSEs are specified the job wrapper will try each in turn until
           Example usage:
           >>> job = Job()
           >>> job.setOutputData(['Ntuple.root'])
           @param lfns: Output data file or files
           @type lfns: Single string or list of strings ['','']
           @param OutputSE: Optional parameter to specify the Storage
           @param OutputPath: Optional parameter to specify the Path in the Storage, postpented to /vo/user/u/username/
           Element to store data or files, e.g. CERN-tape
           @type OutputSE: string or list
           @type OutputPath: string
        kwargs = {'lfns': lfns, 'OutputSE': OutputSE, 'OutputPath': OutputPath}
        if type(lfns) == list and len(lfns):
            outputDataStr = ';'.join(lfns)
            description = 'List of output data files'
            self._addParameter(self.workflow, 'UserOutputData', 'JDL',
                               outputDataStr, description)
        elif type(lfns) == type(" "):
            description = 'Output data file'
            self._addParameter(self.workflow, 'UserOutputData', 'JDL', lfns,
            return self._reportError(
                'Expected file name string or list of file names for output data',

        if OutputSE:
            description = 'User specified Output SE'
            if type(OutputSE) in types.StringTypes:
                OutputSE = [OutputSE]
            elif type(OutputSE) != types.ListType:
                return self._reportError(
                    'Expected string or list for OutputSE', **kwargs)
            OutputSE = ';'.join(OutputSE)
            self._addParameter(self.workflow, 'UserOutputSE', 'JDL', OutputSE,

        if OutputPath:
            description = 'User specified Output Path'
            if not type(OutputPath) in types.StringTypes:
                return self._reportError('Expected string for OutputPath',
            # Remove leading "/" that might cause problems with os.path.join
            while OutputPath[0] == '/':
                OutputPath = OutputPath[1:]
            while OutputPath.count("//"):
                OutputPath.replace('//', '/')

            vo = getVOForGroup(self.proxyinfo['Value']['group'])
            vostring = '/%s/user' % vo
            if OutputPath.count(vostring):
                return self._reportError(
                    'Output path contains %s which is not what you want' %
                    vostring, **kwargs)
            self._addParameter(self.workflow, 'UserOutputPath', 'JDL',
                               OutputPath, description)

        return S_OK()
예제 #39
from DIRAC.ConfigurationSystem.Client.CSAPI import CSAPI
from DIRAC.ConfigurationSystem.Client.Helpers.Registry import getVOForGroup
from DIRAC.Core.Security.ProxyInfo import getProxyInfo
from DIRAC.FrameworkSystem.Client.ProxyManagerClient import gProxyManager
from DIRAC.FrameworkSystem.Client.NotificationClient import NotificationClient
from DIRAC.ResourceStatusSystem.Client.ResourceStatusClient import ResourceStatusClient
from DIRAC.ResourceStatusSystem.Client.ResourceStatus import ResourceStatus
from DIRAC.ResourceStatusSystem.Client.SiteStatus import SiteStatus
from DIRAC.WorkloadManagementSystem.Client.JobManagerClient import JobManagerClient
from DIRAC.WorkloadManagementSystem.Client.WMSAdministratorClient import WMSAdministratorClient
from DIRAC.WorkloadManagementSystem.Client.PilotManagerClient import PilotManagerClient

voName = ""
ret = getProxyInfo(disableVOMS=True)
if ret["OK"] and "group" in ret["Value"]:
    voName = getVOForGroup(ret["Value"]["group"])

COMPONENT_NAME = "/Interfaces/API/DiracAdmin"

class DiracAdmin(API):
    """Administrative functionalities"""

    def __init__(self):
        """Internal initialization of the DIRAC Admin API."""
        super(DiracAdmin, self).__init__()

        self.csAPI = CSAPI()

        self.dbg = False
예제 #40
  def selectJob( self, resourceDescription ):
    """ Main job selection function to find the highest priority job
        matching the resource capacity

    startTime = time.time()

    # Check and form the resource description dictionary
    resourceDict = {}
    if type( resourceDescription ) in StringTypes:
      classAdAgent = ClassAd( resourceDescription )
      if not classAdAgent.isOK():
        return S_ERROR( 'Illegal Resource JDL' )
      gLogger.verbose( classAdAgent.asJDL() )

      for name in gTaskQueueDB.getSingleValueTQDefFields():
        if classAdAgent.lookupAttribute( name ):
          if name == 'CPUTime':
            resourceDict[name] = classAdAgent.getAttributeInt( name )
            resourceDict[name] = classAdAgent.getAttributeString( name )

      for name in gTaskQueueDB.getMultiValueMatchFields():
        if classAdAgent.lookupAttribute( name ):
          resourceDict[name] = classAdAgent.getAttributeString( name )

      # Check if a JobID is requested
      if classAdAgent.lookupAttribute( 'JobID' ):
        resourceDict['JobID'] = classAdAgent.getAttributeInt( 'JobID' )

      if classAdAgent.lookupAttribute( 'DIRACVersion' ):
        resourceDict['DIRACVersion'] = classAdAgent.getAttributeString( 'DIRACVersion' )

      if classAdAgent.lookupAttribute( 'VirtualOrganization' ):
        resourceDict['VirtualOrganization'] = classAdAgent.getAttributeString( 'VirtualOrganization' )

      for name in gTaskQueueDB.getSingleValueTQDefFields():
        if resourceDescription.has_key( name ):
          resourceDict[name] = resourceDescription[name]

      for name in gTaskQueueDB.getMultiValueMatchFields():
        if resourceDescription.has_key( name ):
          resourceDict[name] = resourceDescription[name]

      if resourceDescription.has_key( 'JobID' ):
        resourceDict['JobID'] = resourceDescription['JobID']

      if resourceDescription.has_key( 'DIRACVersion' ):
        resourceDict['DIRACVersion'] = resourceDescription['DIRACVersion']

      if resourceDescription.has_key( 'VirtualOrganization' ):
        resourceDict['VirtualOrganization'] = resourceDescription['VirtualOrganization']

    # Check the pilot DIRAC version
    if self.checkPilotVersion:
      if not 'DIRACVersion' in resourceDict:
        return S_ERROR( 'Version check requested and not provided by Pilot' )

      # Check if the matching Request provides a VirtualOrganization
      if 'VirtualOrganization' in resourceDict:
        voName = resourceDict['VirtualOrganization']
      # Check if the matching Request provides an OwnerGroup
      elif 'OwnerGroup' in resourceDict:
        voName = getVOForGroup( resourceDict['OwnerGroup'] )
      # else take the default VirtualOrganization for the installation
        voName = getVOForGroup( '' )

      self.pilotVersion = gConfig.getValue( '/Operations/%s/%s/Versions/PilotVersion' % ( voName, self.setup ), '' )
      if self.pilotVersion and resourceDict['DIRACVersion'] != self.pilotVersion:
        return S_ERROR( 'Pilot version does not match the production version %s:%s' % \
                       ( resourceDict['DIRACVersion'], self.pilotVersion ) )

    # Get common site mask and check the agent site
    result = gJobDB.getSiteMask( siteState = 'Active' )
    if result['OK']:
      maskList = result['Value']
      return S_ERROR( 'Internal error: can not get site mask' )

    if not 'Site' in resourceDict:
      return S_ERROR( 'Missing Site Name in Resource JDL' )

    siteName = resourceDict['Site']
    if resourceDict['Site'] not in maskList:
      if 'GridCE' in resourceDict:
        del resourceDict['Site']
        return S_ERROR( 'Site not in mask and GridCE not specified' )

    resourceDict['Setup'] = self.serviceInfoDict['clientSetup']

    if DEBUG:
      print "Resource description:"
      for key, value in resourceDict.items():
        print key.rjust( 20 ), value

    # Check if Job Limits are imposed onto the site
    extraConditions = {}
    if self.siteJobLimits:
      result = self.getExtraConditions( siteName )
      if result['OK']:
        extraConditions = result['Value']
    if extraConditions:
      gLogger.info( 'Job Limits for site %s are: %s' % ( siteName, str( extraConditions ) ) )

    result = gTaskQueueDB.matchAndGetJob( resourceDict, extraConditions = extraConditions )

    if DEBUG:
      print result

    if not result['OK']:
      return result
    result = result['Value']
    if not result['matchFound']:
      return S_ERROR( 'No match found' )

    jobID = result['jobId']
    resAtt = gJobDB.getJobAttributes( jobID, ['OwnerDN', 'OwnerGroup', 'Status'] )
    if not resAtt['OK']:
      return S_ERROR( 'Could not retrieve job attributes' )
    if not resAtt['Value']:
      return S_ERROR( 'No attributes returned for job' )
    if not resAtt['Value']['Status'] == 'Waiting':
      gLogger.error( 'Job %s matched by the TQ is not in Waiting state' % str( jobID ) )
      result = gTaskQueueDB.deleteJob( jobID )

    result = gJobDB.setJobStatus( jobID, status = 'Matched', minor = 'Assigned' )
    result = gJobLoggingDB.addLoggingRecord( jobID,
                                           status = 'Matched',
                                           minor = 'Assigned',
                                           source = 'Matcher' )

    result = gJobDB.getJobJDL( jobID )
    if not result['OK']:
      return S_ERROR( 'Failed to get the job JDL' )

    resultDict = {}
    resultDict['JDL'] = result['Value']
    resultDict['JobID'] = jobID

    matchTime = time.time() - startTime
    gLogger.info( "Match time: [%s]" % str( matchTime ) )
    gMonitor.addMark( "matchTime", matchTime )

    # Get some extra stuff into the response returned
    resOpt = gJobDB.getJobOptParameters( jobID )
    if resOpt['OK']:
      for key, value in resOpt['Value'].items():
        resultDict[key] = value
    resAtt = gJobDB.getJobAttributes( jobID, ['OwnerDN', 'OwnerGroup'] )
    if not resAtt['OK']:
      return S_ERROR( 'Could not retrieve job attributes' )
    if not resAtt['Value']:
      return S_ERROR( 'No attributes returned for job' )

    resultDict['DN'] = resAtt['Value']['OwnerDN']
    resultDict['Group'] = resAtt['Value']['OwnerGroup']
    return S_OK( resultDict )
예제 #41
from DIRAC.Core.Security.ProxyInfo                           import getProxyInfo
from DIRAC.ConfigurationSystem.Client.Helpers.Registry       import getVOForGroup

Script.setUsageMessage( '\n'.join( [ __doc__.split( '\n' )[1],
                                     '  %s [option|cfgfile] ... Site' % Script.scriptName, ] ) )
Script.parseCommandLine( ignoreErrors = True )
args = Script.getPositionalArgs()

infoDict = {}

infoDict['Setup'] = gConfig.getValue( '/DIRAC/Setup', 'Unknown' )
infoDict['ConfigurationServer'] = gConfig.getValue( '/DIRAC/Configuration/Servers', [] )
ret = getProxyInfo( disableVOMS = True )
if ret['OK'] and 'group' in ret['Value']:
  infoDict['VirtualOrganization'] = getVOForGroup( ret['Value']['group'] )
  infoDict['VirtualOrganization'] = getVOForGroup( '' )
  import gfalthr
  infoDict['gfal version'] = gfalthr.gfal_version()

  import lcg_util
  infoDict['lcg_util version'] = lcg_util.lcg_util_version()
예제 #42
    def getGroupedPilotSummary(self, selectDict, columnList):
        The simplified pilot summary based on getPilotSummaryWeb method. It calculates pilot efficiency
        based on the same algorithm as in the Web version, basically takes into account Done and
        Aborted pilots only from the last day. The selection is done entirely in SQL.

        :param dict selectDict: A dictionary to pass additional conditions to select statements, i.e.
                                it allows to define start time for Done and Aborted Pilots. Unused.
        :param list columnList: A list of column to consider when grouping to calculate efficiencies.
                           e.g. ['GridSite', 'DestinationSite'] is used to calculate efficiencies
                           for sites and  CEs. If we want to add an OwnerGroup it would be:
                           ['GridSite', 'DestinationSite', 'OwnerGroup'].
        :return: S_OK/S_ERROR with a dict containing the ParameterNames and Records lists.

        # TODO:
        #  add startItem and maxItems to the argument list
        #  limit output to  finalDict['Records'] = records[startItem:startItem + maxItems]
        table = PivotedPilotSummaryTable(columnList)
        sqlQuery = table.buildSQL()

        self.log.debug("SQL query : ")
        self.log.debug("\n" + sqlQuery)
        res = self._query(sqlQuery)
        if not res["OK"]:
            return res

        rows = []
        columns = table.getColumnList()
            groupIndex = columns.index("OwnerGroup")
            # should probably change a column name to VO here as well to avoid confusion
        except ValueError:
            groupIndex = None
        result = {"ParameterNames": columns}
        multiple = False
        # If not grouped by CE:
        if "CE" not in columns:
            multiple = True

        for row in res["Value"]:
            lrow = list(row)
            if groupIndex:
                lrow[groupIndex] = getVOForGroup(row[groupIndex])
            if multiple:
            for index, value in enumerate(row):
                if isinstance(value, decimal.Decimal):
                    lrow[index] = float(value)
            # get the value of the Total column
            if "Total" in columnList:
                total = lrow[columnList.index("Total")]
                total = 0
            if "PilotJobEff" in columnList:
                eff = lrow[columnList.index("PilotJobEff")]
                eff = 0.0
            lrow.append(self._getElementStatus(total, eff))
        # If not grouped by CE and more then 1 CE in the result:
        if multiple:
            columns.append("CE")  # 'DestinationSite' re-mapped to 'CE' already
        result["Records"] = rows
        result["TotalRecords"] = len(rows)
        return S_OK(result)
예제 #43
def _checkFilesToStage(seToLFNs,
  Checks on SEs whether the file is NEARLINE or ONLINE
  onlineLFNs, offlineLFNs and absentLFNs are modified to contain the files found online
  If checkOnlyTapeSEs is True, disk replicas are not checked
  As soon as a replica is found Online for a file, no further check is made
    # Only check on storage if it is a tape SE
    if jobLog is None:
        logger = gLogger
        logger = jobLog
    if checkOnlyTapeSEs is None:
        # Default value is True
        checkOnlyTapeSEs = True

    failed = {}
    for se, lfnsInSEList in seToLFNs.items():
        # If we have found already all files online at another SE, no need to check the others
        # but still we want to set the SE as Online if not a TapeSE
        vo = getVOForGroup(proxyUserGroup)
        seObj = StorageElement(se, vo=vo)
        status = seObj.getStatus()
        if not status['OK']:
            return status
        tapeSE = status['Value']['TapeSE']
        diskSE = status['Value']['DiskSE']
        # If requested to check only Tape SEs and the file is at a diskSE, we guess it is Online...
        filesToCheck = []
        for lfn in lfnsInSEList:
            # If the file had already been found accessible at an SE, only check that this one is on disk
            diskIsOK = checkOnlyTapeSEs or (lfn in onlineLFNs)
            if diskIsOK and diskSE:
                onlineLFNs.setdefault(lfn, []).append(se)
            elif not diskIsOK or (tapeSE and (lfn not in onlineLFNs)):
        if not filesToCheck:

        # We have to use a new SE object because it caches the proxy!
        with UserProxy(proxyUserName=proxyUserName,
                       executionLock=executionLock) as proxyResult:
            if proxyResult['OK']:
                fileMetadata = StorageElement(
                    se, vo=vo).getFileMetadata(filesToCheck)
                fileMetadata = proxyResult

        if not fileMetadata['OK']:
            failed[se] = dict.fromkeys(filesToCheck, fileMetadata['Message'])
            if fileMetadata['Value']['Failed']:
                failed[se] = fileMetadata['Value']['Failed']
            # is there at least one replica online?
            for lfn, mDict in fileMetadata['Value']['Successful'].items():
                # SRM returns Cached, but others may only return Accessible
                if mDict.get('Cached', mDict['Accessible']):
                    onlineLFNs.setdefault(lfn, []).append(se)
                elif tapeSE:
                    # A file can be staged only at Tape SE
                    offlineLFNs.setdefault(lfn, []).append(se)
                    # File not available at a diskSE... we shall retry later

    # Doesn't matter if some files are Offline if they are also online
    for lfn in set(offlineLFNs) & set(onlineLFNs):

    # If the file was found staged, ignore possible errors, but print out errors
    for se, failedLfns in list(failed.items()):
        logger.error("Errors when getting files metadata", 'at %s' % se)
        for lfn, reason in list(failedLfns.items()):
            if lfn in onlineLFNs:
                            'for %s, but there is an online replica' % lfn)
                logger.error(reason, 'for %s, no online replicas' % lfn)
                if cmpError(reason, errno.ENOENT):
                    absentLFNs.setdefault(lfn, []).append(se)
        if not failed[se]:
    # Find the files that do not exist at SE
    if failed:
            "Error getting metadata", "for %d files" %
            len(set(lfn for lfnList in failed.values() for lfn in lfnList)))

    for lfn in absentLFNs:
        seList = absentLFNs[lfn]
        # FIXME: it is not possible to return here an S_ERROR(), return the message only
        absentLFNs[lfn] = S_ERROR(errno.ENOENT, "File not at %s" %
    # Format the error for absent files
    return S_OK()
예제 #44
    '  %s [option|cfgfile] ... Site' % Script.scriptName,
args = Script.getPositionalArgs()

infoDict = {}

infoDict['Setup'] = gConfig.getValue('/DIRAC/Setup', 'Unknown')
infoDict['ConfigurationServer'] = gConfig.getValue(
    '/DIRAC/Configuration/Servers', [])
ret = getProxyInfo(disableVOMS=True)
if ret['OK'] and 'group' in ret['Value']:
    infoDict['VirtualOrganization'] = getVOForGroup(ret['Value']['group'])
    infoDict['VirtualOrganization'] = getVOForGroup('')

    import gfalthr
    infoDict['gfal version'] = gfalthr.gfal_version()

    import lcg_util
    infoDict['lcg_util version'] = lcg_util.lcg_util_version()
예제 #45
                                     '  Site:     Name of the Site (ie: CERN-PROD)'] ) )

Script.parseCommandLine( ignoreErrors = True )
args = Script.getPositionalArgs()

if not len( args ) == 1:

site = args[0]

host = None
voName = None
ret = getProxyInfo( disableVOMS = True )
if ret['OK'] and 'group' in ret['Value']:
  voName = getVOForGroup( ret['Value']['group'] )

for unprocSw in Script.getUnprocessedSwitches():
  if unprocSw[0] in ( "H", "host" ):
    host = unprocSw[1]
  if unprocSw[0] in ( "V", "vo" ):
    voName = unprocSw[1]

if not voName:
  Script.gLogger.error( 'Could not determine VO' )

from DIRAC import exit as DIRACExit
from DIRAC.Interfaces.API.DiracAdmin                         import DiracAdmin
diracAdmin = DiracAdmin()
예제 #46
    def web_getLaunchpadSetupWithLFNs(self):
        #on the fly file catalog for advanced launchpad
        if not hasattr(self, 'fc'):
            userData = self.getSessionData()
            group = str(userData["user"]["group"])
            vo = getVOForGroup(group)
            self.fc = FileCatalog(vo=vo)

        self.set_header('Content-type', 'text/plain')
        lfnList = []
        arguments = self.request.arguments
            "submit: incoming arguments %s to getLaunchpadSetupWithLFNs" %
        lfnStr = str(arguments['path'][0])
        lfnList = lfnStr.split(',')
        #checks if the experiments folder in lfn list has a rtg_def.m file at some subfolder
        gLogger.always("submit: checking if some rtg_def.m" % arguments)
        processed = []
        metaDict = {'type': 'info'}
        for lfn in lfnStr.split(','):
            pos_relative = lfn.find("/")
            pos_relative = lfn.find("/", pos_relative + 1)
            pos_relative = lfn.find("/", pos_relative + 1)
            pos_relative = lfn.find("/", pos_relative + 1)
            pos_relative = lfn.find("/", pos_relative + 1)
            experiment_lfn = lfn[0:pos_relative]
            if experiment_lfn in processed:
            gLogger.always("checking rtg_def.m in %s" % experiment_lfn)
            result = self.fc.findFilesByMetadata(metaDict,
            print "result"
            print result
            if not result['OK'] or not result['Value']:
                gLogger.error("Failed to get type info from $s, %s" %
                              (experiment_lfn, result["Message"]))
            for candidate_lfn in result['Value']:
                if candidate_lfn.find('rtg_def.m') > 0:

        totalfn = len(lfnList)
        ptlfn = ''
        current = 1
        for lfn in lfnList:
            ptlfn = ptlfn + lfn
            if current < totalfn:
                ptlfn = ptlfn + ', '
            current = current + 1

        defaultParams = {
            "JobName": [1, 'Eiscat'],
            "Executable": [1, "/bin/ls"],
            "Arguments": [1, "-ltrA"],
            "OutputSandbox": [1, "std.out, std.err"],
            "InputData": [1, ptlfn],
            "OutputData": [0, ""],
            "OutputSE": [1, "EISCAT-disk"],
            "OutputPath": [0, ""],
            "CPUTime": [0, "86400"],
            "Site": [0, ""],
            "BannedSite": [0, ""],
            "Platform": [0, "Linux_x86_64_glibc-2.5"],
            "Priority": [0, "5"],
            "StdError": [0, "std.err"],
            "StdOutput": [0, "std.out"],
            "Parameters": [0, "0"],
            "ParameterStart": [0, "0"],
            "ParameterStep": [0, "1"]

        delimiter = gConfig.getValue("/Website/Launchpad/ListSeparator", ',')
        options = self.__getOptionsFromCS(delimiter=delimiter)
        #     platform = self.__getPlatform()
        #     if platform and options:
        #       if not options.has_key("Platform"):
        #         options[ "Platform" ] = platform
        #       else:
        #         csPlatform = list(options[ "Platform" ])
        #         allPlatforms = csPlatform + platform
        #         platform = uniqueElements(allPlatforms)
        #         options[ "Platform" ] = platform
        gLogger.debug("Options from CS: %s" % options)
        override = gConfig.getValue("/Website/Launchpad/OptionsOverride",
        gLogger.info("end __getLaunchpadOpts")

        #    Updating the default values from OptionsOverride configuration branch,

        for key in options:
            if key not in defaultParams:
                defaultParams[key] = [0, ""]
            defaultParams[key][1] = options[key][0]
            "Default params + override from /Website/Launchpad/OptionsOverride -> %s"
            % defaultParams)

        #    Reading of the predefined sets of launchpad parameters values

        obj = Operations()
        predefinedSets = {}

        launchpadSections = obj.getSections("Launchpad")
        import pprint
        if launchpadSections['OK']:
            for section in launchpadSections["Value"]:
                predefinedSets[section] = {}
                sectionOptions = obj.getOptionsDict("Launchpad/" + section)
                if sectionOptions['OK']:
                    predefinedSets[section] = sectionOptions["Value"]

            "success": "true",
            "result": defaultParams,
            "predefinedSets": predefinedSets
예제 #47
if years:
    totalDays += 365 * years
if months:
    totalDays += 30 * months
if days:
    totalDays += days

res = getProxyInfo(False, False)
if not res['OK']:
    gLogger.error("Failed to get client proxy information.", res['Message'])
proxyInfo = res['Value']
username = proxyInfo['username']
vo = ''
if 'group' in proxyInfo:
    vo = getVOForGroup(proxyInfo['group'])
if not baseDir:
    if not vo:
        gLogger.error('Could not determine VO')
    baseDir = '/%s/user/%s/%s' % (vo, username[0], username)

baseDir = baseDir.rstrip('/')

gLogger.info('Will search for files in %s' % baseDir)
activeDirs = [baseDir]

allFiles = []
allDirs = []
emptyDirs = []
while len(activeDirs) > 0:
예제 #48

args = Script.getPositionalArgs()

if not len(args) == 1:

site = args[0]

host = None
voName = None
ret = getProxyInfo(disableVOMS=True)
if ret["OK"] and "group" in ret["Value"]:
    voName = getVOForGroup(ret["Value"]["group"])

for unprocSw in Script.getUnprocessedSwitches():
    if unprocSw[0] in ("H", "host"):
        host = unprocSw[1]
    if unprocSw[0] in ("V", "vo"):
        voName = unprocSw[1]

if not voName:
    Script.gLogger.error("Could not determine VO")

from DIRAC.Interfaces.API.DiracAdmin import DiracAdmin

diracAdmin = DiracAdmin()
예제 #49
def main():
    import os

    import DIRAC
    from DIRAC import gConfig
    from DIRAC.Core.Security.ProxyInfo import getProxyInfo
    from DIRAC.ConfigurationSystem.Client.Helpers.Registry import getVOForGroup
    from DIRAC.Core.Utilities.PrettyPrint import printTable

    def version(arg):

    def platform(arg):

    Script.registerSwitch("v", "version",
                          "print version of current DIRAC installation",
    Script.registerSwitch("p", "platform",
                          "print platform of current DIRAC installation",

    records = []

    records.append(("Setup", gConfig.getValue("/DIRAC/Setup", "Unknown")))
            "/DIRAC/Security/Authorization/issuer option is absent"),
                                     "None found")))
    records.append(("Installation path", DIRAC.rootPath))

    if os.path.exists(
            os.path.join(DIRAC.rootPath, DIRAC.getPlatform(), "bin", "mysql")):
        records.append(("Installation type", "server"))
        records.append(("Installation type", "client"))

    records.append(("Platform", DIRAC.getPlatform()))

    ret = getProxyInfo(disableVOMS=True)
    if ret["OK"]:
        if "group" in ret["Value"]:
            vo = getVOForGroup(ret["Value"]["group"])
            vo = getVOForGroup("")
        if not vo:
            vo = "None"
        records.append(("VirtualOrganization", vo))
        if "identity" in ret["Value"]:
            records.append(("User DN", ret["Value"]["identity"]))
        if "secondsLeft" in ret["Value"]:
            records.append(("Proxy validity, secs", {
                "Value": str(ret["Value"]["secondsLeft"]),
                "Just": "L"

    if gConfig.getValue("/DIRAC/Security/UseServerCertificate", True):
        records.append(("Use Server Certificate", "Yes"))
        records.append(("Use Server Certificate", "No"))
    if gConfig.getValue("/DIRAC/Security/UseTokens",
                        "false").lower() in ("y", "yes", "true"):
        records.append(("Use tokens", "Yes"))
        records.append(("Use tokens", "No"))
    if gConfig.getValue("/DIRAC/Security/SkipCAChecks", False):
        records.append(("Skip CA Checks", "Yes"))
        records.append(("Skip CA Checks", "No"))

    records.append(("DIRAC version", DIRAC.version))

    fields = ["Option", "Value"]

    printTable(fields, records, numbering=False)
예제 #50
records.append( ('Setup', gConfig.getValue( '/DIRAC/Setup', 'Unknown' ) ) )
records.append( ('ConfigurationServer', str( gConfig.getValue( '/DIRAC/Configuration/Servers', [] ) ) ) )
records.append( ('Installation path', DIRAC.rootPath ) )

if os.path.exists( os.path.join( DIRAC.rootPath, DIRAC.getPlatform(), 'bin', 'mysql' ) ):
  records.append( ('Installation type', 'server' ) )
  records.append( ('Installation type', 'client' ) )

records.append( ( 'Platform', DIRAC.getPlatform() ) )

ret = getProxyInfo( disableVOMS = True )
if ret['OK']:
  if 'group' in ret['Value']:
    records.append( ('VirtualOrganization', getVOForGroup( ret['Value']['group'] ) ) )
    records.append( ('VirtualOrganization', getVOForGroup( '' ) ) )
  if 'identity' in ret['Value']:
    records.append( ('User DN', ret['Value']['identity'] ) )
  if 'secondsLeft' in ret['Value']:
    records.append( ('Proxy validity, secs', str( ret['Value']['secondsLeft'] ) ) )
if gConfig.getValue( '/DIRAC/Security/UseServerCertificate', True ):
  records.append( ('Use Server Certificate', 'Yes' ) )
  records.append( ('Use Server Certificate', 'No' ) )
if gConfig.getValue( '/DIRAC/Security/SkipCAChecks', False ):
  records.append( ('Skip CA Checks', 'Yes' ) )
  records.append( ('Skip CA Checks', 'No' ) )