예제 #1
class Service( object ):

  SVC_VALID_ACTIONS = { 'RPC' : 'export',
                        'FileTransfer': 'transfer',
                        'Message' : 'msg',
                        'Connection' : 'Message' }
  SVC_SECLOG_CLIENT = SecurityLogClient()

  def __init__( self, serviceData ):
    self._svcData = serviceData
    self._name = serviceData[ 'modName' ]
    self._startTime = Time.dateTime()
    self._validNames = [ serviceData[ 'modName' ]  ]
    if serviceData[ 'loadName' ] not in self._validNames:
      self._validNames.append( serviceData[ 'loadName' ] )
    self._cfg = ServiceConfiguration( list( self._validNames ) )
    if serviceData[ 'standalone' ]:
      self._monitor = gMonitor
      self._monitor = MonitoringClient()
    self.__monitorLastStatsUpdate = time.time()
    self._stats = { 'queries' : 0, 'connections' : 0 }
    self._authMgr = AuthManager( "%s/Authorization" % PathFinder.getServiceSection( serviceData[ 'loadName' ] ) )
    self._transportPool = getGlobalTransportPool()
    self.__cloneId = 0
    self.__maxFD = 0

  def setCloneProcessId( self, cloneId ):
    self.__cloneId = cloneId
    self._monitor.setComponentName( "%s-Clone:%s" % ( self._name, cloneId ) )

  def _isMetaAction( self, action ):
    referedAction = Service.SVC_VALID_ACTIONS[ action ]
    if referedAction in Service.SVC_VALID_ACTIONS:
      return referedAction
    return False

  def initialize( self ):
    #Build the URLs
    self._url = self._cfg.getURL()
    if not self._url:
      return S_ERROR( "Could not build service URL for %s" % self._name )
    gLogger.verbose( "Service URL is %s" % self._url )
    #Load handler
    result = self._loadHandlerInit()
    if not result[ 'OK' ]:
      return result
    self._handler = result[ 'Value' ]
    #Initialize lock manager
    self._lockManager = LockManager( self._cfg.getMaxWaitingPetitions() )
    self._threadPool = ThreadPool( max( 1, self._cfg.getMinThreads() ),
                                   max( 0, self._cfg.getMaxThreads() ),
                                   self._cfg.getMaxWaitingPetitions() )
    self._msgBroker = MessageBroker( "%sMSB" % self._name, threadPool = self._threadPool )
    #Create static dict
    self._serviceInfoDict = { 'serviceName' : self._name,
                              'serviceSectionPath' : PathFinder.getServiceSection( self._name ),
                              'URL' : self._cfg.getURL(),
                              'messageSender' : MessageSender( self._name, self._msgBroker ),
                              'validNames' : self._validNames,
                              'csPaths' : [ PathFinder.getServiceSection( svcName ) for svcName in self._validNames ]
    #Call static initialization function
      self._handler[ 'class' ]._rh__initializeClass( dict( self._serviceInfoDict ),
                                                     self._monitor )
      if self._handler[ 'init' ]:
        for initFunc in self._handler[ 'init' ]:
          gLogger.verbose( "Executing initialization function" )
            result = initFunc( dict( self._serviceInfoDict ) )
          except Exception as excp:
            gLogger.exception( "Exception while calling initialization function", lException = excp )
            return S_ERROR( "Exception while calling initialization function: %s" % str( excp ) )
          if not isReturnStructure( result ):
            return S_ERROR( "Service initialization function %s must return S_OK/S_ERROR" % initFunc )
          if not result[ 'OK' ]:
            return S_ERROR( "Error while initializing %s: %s" % ( self._name, result[ 'Message' ] ) )
    except Exception as e:
      errMsg = "Exception while initializing %s" % self._name
      gLogger.exception( e )
      gLogger.exception( errMsg )
      return S_ERROR( errMsg )

    #Load actions after the handler has initialized itself
    result = self._loadActions()
    if not result[ 'OK' ]:
      return result
    self._actions = result[ 'Value' ]

    gThreadScheduler.addPeriodicTask( 30, self.__reportThreadPoolContents )

    return S_OK()

  def __searchInitFunctions( self, handlerClass, currentClass = None ):
    if not currentClass:
      currentClass = handlerClass
    initFuncs = []
    ancestorHasInit = False
    for ancestor in currentClass.__bases__:
      initFuncs += self.__searchInitFunctions( handlerClass, ancestor )
      if 'initializeHandler' in dir( ancestor ):
        ancestorHasInit = True
    if ancestorHasInit:
      initFuncs.append( super( currentClass, handlerClass ).initializeHandler )
    if currentClass == handlerClass and 'initializeHandler' in dir( handlerClass ):
      initFuncs.append( handlerClass.initializeHandler )
    return initFuncs

  def _loadHandlerInit( self ):
    handlerClass = self._svcData[ 'classObj' ]
    handlerName = handlerClass.__name__
    handlerInitMethods = self.__searchInitFunctions( handlerClass )
      handlerInitMethods.append( getattr( self._svcData[ 'moduleObj' ], "initialize%s" % handlerName ) )
    except AttributeError:
      gLogger.verbose( "Not found global initialization function for service" )

    if handlerInitMethods:
      gLogger.info( "Found %s initialization methods" % len( handlerInitMethods ) )

    handlerInfo = {}
    handlerInfo[ "name" ] = handlerName
    handlerInfo[ "module" ] = self._svcData[ 'moduleObj' ]
    handlerInfo[ "class" ] = handlerClass
    handlerInfo[ "init" ] = handlerInitMethods

    return S_OK( handlerInfo )

  def _loadActions( self ):

    handlerClass = self._handler[ 'class' ]

    authRules = {}
    typeCheck = {}
    methodsList = {}
    for actionType in Service.SVC_VALID_ACTIONS:
      if self._isMetaAction( actionType ):
      authRules[ actionType ] = {}
      typeCheck[ actionType ] = {}
      methodsList[ actionType ] = []
    handlerAttributeList = dir( handlerClass )
    for actionType in Service.SVC_VALID_ACTIONS:
      if self._isMetaAction( actionType ):
      methodPrefix = '%s_' % Service.SVC_VALID_ACTIONS[ actionType ]
      for attribute in handlerAttributeList:
        if attribute.find( methodPrefix ) != 0:
        exportedName = attribute[ len( methodPrefix ) : ]
        methodsList[ actionType ].append( exportedName )
        gLogger.verbose( "+ Found %s method %s" % ( actionType, exportedName ) )
        #Create lock for method
        self._lockManager.createLock( "%s/%s" % ( actionType, exportedName ),
                                       self._cfg.getMaxThreadsForMethod( actionType, exportedName ) )
        #Look for type and auth rules
        if actionType == 'RPC':
          typeAttr = "types_%s" % exportedName
          authAttr = "auth_%s" % exportedName
          typeAttr = "types_%s_%s" % ( Service.SVC_VALID_ACTIONS[ actionType ], exportedName )
          authAttr = "auth_%s_%s" % ( Service.SVC_VALID_ACTIONS[ actionType ], exportedName )
        if typeAttr in handlerAttributeList:
          obj = getattr( handlerClass, typeAttr )
          gLogger.verbose( "|- Found type definition %s: %s" % ( typeAttr, str( obj ) ) )
          typeCheck[ actionType ][ exportedName ] = obj
        if authAttr in handlerAttributeList:
          obj = getattr( handlerClass, authAttr )
          gLogger.verbose( "|- Found auth rules %s: %s" % ( authAttr, str( obj ) ) )
          authRules[ actionType ][ exportedName ] = obj

    for actionType in Service.SVC_VALID_ACTIONS:
      referedAction = self._isMetaAction( actionType )
      if not referedAction:
      gLogger.verbose( "Action %s is a meta action for %s" % ( actionType, referedAction ) )
      authRules[ actionType ] = []
      for method in authRules[ referedAction ]:
        for prop in authRules[ referedAction ][ method ]:
          if prop not in authRules[ actionType ]:
            authRules[ actionType ].append( prop )
      gLogger.verbose( "Meta action %s props are %s" % ( actionType, authRules[ actionType ] ) )

    return S_OK( { 'methods' : methodsList, 'auth' : authRules, 'types' : typeCheck } )

  def _initMonitoring( self ):
    #Init extra bits of monitoring
    self._monitor.setComponentType( MonitoringClient.COMPONENT_SERVICE )
    self._monitor.setComponentName( self._name )
    self._monitor.setComponentLocation( self._cfg.getURL() )
    self._monitor.registerActivity( "Connections", "Connections received", "Framework", "connections", MonitoringClient.OP_RATE )
    self._monitor.registerActivity( "Queries", "Queries served", "Framework", "queries", MonitoringClient.OP_RATE )
    self._monitor.registerActivity( 'CPU', "CPU Usage", 'Framework', "CPU,%", MonitoringClient.OP_MEAN, 600 )
    self._monitor.registerActivity( 'MEM', "Memory Usage", 'Framework', 'Memory,MB', MonitoringClient.OP_MEAN, 600 )
    self._monitor.registerActivity( 'PendingQueries', "Pending queries", 'Framework', 'queries', MonitoringClient.OP_MEAN )
    self._monitor.registerActivity( 'ActiveQueries', "Active queries", 'Framework', 'threads', MonitoringClient.OP_MEAN )
    self._monitor.registerActivity( 'RunningThreads', "Running threads", 'Framework', 'threads', MonitoringClient.OP_MEAN )
    self._monitor.registerActivity( 'MaxFD', "Max File Descriptors", 'Framework', 'fd', MonitoringClient.OP_MEAN )

    self._monitor.setComponentExtraParam( 'DIRACVersion', DIRAC.version )
    self._monitor.setComponentExtraParam( 'platform', DIRAC.getPlatform() )
    self._monitor.setComponentExtraParam( 'startTime', Time.dateTime() )
    for prop in ( ( "__RCSID__", "version" ), ( "__doc__", "description" ) ):
        value = getattr( self._handler[ 'module' ], prop[0] )
      except Exception as e:
        gLogger.exception( e )
        gLogger.error( "Missing property", prop[0] )
        value = 'unset'
      self._monitor.setComponentExtraParam( prop[1], value )
    for secondaryName in self._cfg.registerAlsoAs():
      gLogger.info( "Registering %s also as %s" % ( self._name, secondaryName ) )
      self._validNames.append( secondaryName )
    return S_OK()

  def __reportThreadPoolContents( self ):
    self._monitor.addMark( 'PendingQueries', self._threadPool.pendingJobs() )
    self._monitor.addMark( 'ActiveQueries', self._threadPool.numWorkingThreads() )
    self._monitor.addMark( 'RunningThreads', threading.activeCount() )
    self._monitor.addMark( 'MaxFD', self.__maxFD )
    self.__maxFD = 0

  def getConfig( self ):
    return self._cfg

  #End of initialization functions

  def handleConnection( self, clientTransport ):
    self._stats[ 'connections' ] += 1
    self._monitor.setComponentExtraParam( 'queries', self._stats[ 'connections' ] )
    self._threadPool.generateJobAndQueueIt( self._processInThread,
                                             args = ( clientTransport, ) )

  #Threaded process function
  def _processInThread( self, clientTransport ):
    self.__maxFD = max( self.__maxFD, clientTransport.oSocket.fileno() )
      monReport = self.__startReportToMonitoring()
    except Exception:
      monReport = False
        result = clientTransport.handshake()
        if not result[ 'OK' ]:
      #Add to the transport pool
      trid = self._transportPool.add( clientTransport )
      if not trid:
      #Receive and check proposal
      result = self._receiveAndCheckProposal( trid )
      if not result[ 'OK' ]:
        self._transportPool.sendAndClose( trid, result )
      proposalTuple = result[ 'Value' ]
      #Instantiate handler
      result = self._instantiateHandler( trid, proposalTuple )
      if not result[ 'OK' ]:
        self._transportPool.sendAndClose( trid, result )
      handlerObj = result[ 'Value' ]
      #Execute the action
      result = self._processProposal( trid, proposalTuple, handlerObj )
      #Close the connection if required
      if result[ 'closeTransport' ] or not result[ 'OK' ]:
        if not result[ 'OK' ]:
          gLogger.error( "Error processing proposal", result[ 'Message' ] )
        self._transportPool.close( trid )
      return result
      if monReport:
        self.__endReportToMonitoring( *monReport )

  def _createIdentityString( self, credDict, clientTransport = None ):
    if 'username' in credDict:
      if 'group' in credDict:
        identity = "[%s:%s]" % ( credDict[ 'username' ], credDict[ 'group' ] )
        identity = "[%s:unknown]" % credDict[ 'username' ]
      identity = 'unknown'
    if clientTransport:
      addr = clientTransport.getRemoteAddress()
      if addr:
        addr = "{%s:%s}" % ( addr[0], addr[1] )
    if 'DN' in credDict:
      identity += "(%s)" % credDict[ 'DN' ]
    return identity

  def _receiveAndCheckProposal( self, trid ):
    clientTransport = self._transportPool.get( trid )
    #Get the peer credentials
    credDict = clientTransport.getConnectingCredentials()
    #Receive the action proposal
    retVal = clientTransport.receiveData( 1024 )
    if not retVal[ 'OK' ]:
      gLogger.error( "Invalid action proposal", "%s %s" % ( self._createIdentityString( credDict,
                                                                                        clientTransport ),
                                                            retVal[ 'Message' ] ) )
      return S_ERROR( "Invalid action proposal" )
    proposalTuple = retVal[ 'Value' ]
    gLogger.debug( "Received action from client", "/".join( list( proposalTuple[1] ) ) )
    #Check if there are extra credentials
    if proposalTuple[2]:
      clientTransport.setExtraCredentials( proposalTuple[2] )
    #Check if this is the requested service
    requestedService = proposalTuple[0][0]
    if requestedService not in self._validNames:
      return S_ERROR( "%s is not up in this server" % requestedService )
    #Check if the action is valid
    requestedActionType = proposalTuple[1][0]
    if requestedActionType not in Service.SVC_VALID_ACTIONS:
      return S_ERROR( "%s is not a known action type" % requestedActionType )
    #Check if it's authorized
    result = self._authorizeProposal( proposalTuple[1], trid, credDict )
    if not result[ 'OK' ]:
      return result
    #Proposal is OK
    return S_OK( proposalTuple )

  def _authorizeProposal( self, actionTuple, trid, credDict ):
    #Find CS path for the Auth rules
    referedAction = self._isMetaAction( actionTuple[0] )
    if referedAction:
      csAuthPath = "%s/Default" % actionTuple[0]
      hardcodedMethodAuth = self._actions[ 'auth' ][ actionTuple[0] ]
      if actionTuple[0] == 'RPC':
        csAuthPath = actionTuple[1]
        csAuthPath = "/".join( actionTuple )
      #Find if there are hardcoded auth rules in the code
      hardcodedMethodAuth = False
      if actionTuple[0] in self._actions[ 'auth' ]:
        hardcodedRulesByType = self._actions[ 'auth' ][ actionTuple[0] ]
        if actionTuple[0] == "FileTransfer":
          methodName = actionTuple[1][0].lower() + actionTuple[1][1:]
          methodName = actionTuple[1]

        if methodName in hardcodedRulesByType:
          hardcodedMethodAuth = hardcodedRulesByType[ methodName ]
    #Auth time!
    if not self._authMgr.authQuery( csAuthPath, credDict, hardcodedMethodAuth ):
      #Get the identity string
      identity = self._createIdentityString( credDict )
      fromHost = "unknown host"
      tr = self._transportPool.get( trid )
      if tr:
        fromHost = '/'.join( [ str( item ) for item in tr.getRemoteAddress() ] )
      gLogger.warn( "Unauthorized query", "to %s:%s by %s from %s" % ( self._name,
                                                               "/".join( actionTuple ),
                                                               identity, fromHost ) )
      result = S_ERROR( "Unauthorized query" )
      result = S_OK()

    #Security log
    tr = self._transportPool.get( trid )
    if not tr:
      return S_ERROR( "Client disconnected" )
    sourceAddress = tr.getRemoteAddress()
    identity = self._createIdentityString( credDict )
    Service.SVC_SECLOG_CLIENT.addMessage( result[ 'OK' ], sourceAddress[0], sourceAddress[1], identity,
                                      self._name, "/".join( actionTuple ) )
    return result

  def _instantiateHandler( self, trid, proposalTuple = None ):
    Generate an instance of the handler for a given service
    #Generate the client params
    clientParams = { 'serviceStartTime' : self._startTime }
    if proposalTuple:
      clientParams[ 'clientSetup' ] = proposalTuple[0][1]
      if len( proposalTuple[0] ) < 3:
        clientParams[ 'clientVO' ] = gConfig.getValue( "/DIRAC/VirtualOrganization", "unknown" )
        clientParams[ 'clientVO' ] = proposalTuple[0][2]
    clientTransport = self._transportPool.get( trid )
    if clientTransport:
      clientParams[ 'clientAddress' ] = clientTransport.getRemoteAddress()
    #Generate handler dict with per client info
    handlerInitDict = dict( self._serviceInfoDict )
    for key in clientParams:
      handlerInitDict[ key ] = clientParams[ key ]
    #Instantiate and initialize
      handlerInstance = self._handler[ 'class' ]( handlerInitDict, trid )
    except Exception as e:
      gLogger.exception( "Server error while loading handler: %s" % str( e ) )
      return S_ERROR( "Server error while loading handler" )
    return S_OK( handlerInstance )

  def _processProposal( self, trid, proposalTuple, handlerObj ):
    #Notify the client we're ready to execute the action
    retVal = self._transportPool.send( trid, S_OK() )
    if not retVal[ 'OK' ]:
      return retVal

    messageConnection = False
    if proposalTuple[1] == ( 'Connection', 'new' ):
      messageConnection = True

    if messageConnection:

      if self._msgBroker.getNumConnections() > self._cfg.getMaxMessagingConnections():
        result = S_ERROR( "Maximum number of connections reached. Try later" )
        result[ 'closeTransport' ] = True
        return result

      #This is a stable connection
      self._msgBroker.addTransportId( trid, self._name,
                                       receiveMessageCallback = self._mbReceivedMsg,
                                       disconnectCallback = self._mbDisconnect,
                                       listenToConnection = False )

    result = self._executeAction( trid, proposalTuple, handlerObj )
    if result[ 'OK' ] and messageConnection:
      self._msgBroker.listenToTransport( trid )
      result = self._mbConnect( trid, handlerObj )
      if not result[ 'OK' ]:
        self._msgBroker.removeTransport( trid )

    result[ 'closeTransport' ] = not messageConnection or not result[ 'OK' ]
    return result

  def _mbConnect( self, trid, handlerObj = None ):
    if not handlerObj:
      result = self._instantiateHandler( trid )
      if not result[ 'OK' ]:
        return result
      handlerObj = result[ 'Value' ]
    return handlerObj._rh_executeConnectionCallback( 'connected' )

  def _executeAction( self, trid, proposalTuple, handlerObj ):
      return handlerObj._rh_executeAction( proposalTuple )
    except Exception as e:
      gLogger.exception( "Exception while executing handler action" )
      return S_ERROR( "Server error while executing action: %s" % str( e ) )

  def _mbReceivedMsg( self, trid, msgObj ):
    result = self._authorizeProposal( ( 'Message', msgObj.getName() ),
                                      self._transportPool.get( trid ).getConnectingCredentials() )
    if not result[ 'OK' ]:
      return result
    result = self._instantiateHandler( trid )
    if not result[ 'OK' ]:
      return result
    handlerObj = result[ 'Value' ]
    return handlerObj._rh_executeMessageCallback( msgObj )

  def _mbDisconnect( self, trid ):
    result = self._instantiateHandler( trid )
    if not result[ 'OK' ]:
      return result
    handlerObj = result[ 'Value' ]
    return handlerObj._rh_executeConnectionCallback( 'drop' )

  def __startReportToMonitoring( self ):
    self._monitor.addMark( "Queries" )
    now = time.time()
    stats = os.times()
    cpuTime = stats[0] + stats[2]
    if now - self.__monitorLastStatsUpdate < 0:
      return ( now, cpuTime )
    # Send CPU consumption mark
    wallClock = now - self.__monitorLastStatsUpdate
    self.__monitorLastStatsUpdate = now
    # Send Memory consumption mark
    membytes = MemStat.VmB( 'VmRSS:' )
    if membytes:
      mem = membytes / ( 1024. * 1024. )
      self._monitor.addMark( 'MEM', mem )
    return ( now, cpuTime )

  def __endReportToMonitoring( self, initialWallTime, initialCPUTime ):
    wallTime = time.time() - initialWallTime
    stats = os.times()
    cpuTime = stats[0] + stats[2] - initialCPUTime
    percentage = cpuTime / wallTime * 100.
    if percentage > 0:
      self._monitor.addMark( 'CPU', percentage )
예제 #2
class Service(object):

  SVC_VALID_ACTIONS = {'RPC': 'export',
                       'FileTransfer': 'transfer',
                       'Message': 'msg',
                       'Connection': 'Message'}
  SVC_SECLOG_CLIENT = SecurityLogClient()

  def __init__(self, serviceData):
      Init the variables for the service

      :param serviceData: dict with modName, standalone, loadName, moduleObj, classObj. e.g.:
        {'modName': 'Framework/serviceName',
        'standalone': True,
        'loadName': 'Framework/serviceName',
        'moduleObj': <module 'serviceNameHandler' from '/home/DIRAC/FrameworkSystem/Service/serviceNameHandler.pyo'>,
        'classObj': <class 'serviceNameHandler.serviceHandler'>}

        Standalone is true if there is only one service started
        If it's false, every service is linked to a different MonitoringClient
    self._svcData = serviceData
    self._name = serviceData['modName']
    self._startTime = Time.dateTime()
    self._validNames = [serviceData['modName']]
    if serviceData['loadName'] not in self._validNames:
    self._cfg = ServiceConfiguration(list(self._validNames))
    if serviceData['standalone']:
      self._monitor = gMonitor
      self._monitor = MonitoringClient()
    self.__monitorLastStatsUpdate = time.time()
    self._stats = {'queries': 0, 'connections': 0}
    self._authMgr = AuthManager("%s/Authorization" % PathFinder.getServiceSection(serviceData['loadName']))
    self._transportPool = getGlobalTransportPool()
    self.__cloneId = 0
    self.__maxFD = 0

  def setCloneProcessId(self, cloneId):
    self.__cloneId = cloneId
    self._monitor.setComponentName("%s-Clone:%s" % (self._name, cloneId))

  def _isMetaAction(self, action):
    referedAction = Service.SVC_VALID_ACTIONS[action]
    if referedAction in Service.SVC_VALID_ACTIONS:
      return referedAction
    return False

  def initialize(self):
    # Build the URLs
    self._url = self._cfg.getURL()
    if not self._url:
      return S_ERROR("Could not build service URL for %s" % self._name)
    gLogger.verbose("Service URL is %s" % self._url)
    # Load handler
    result = self._loadHandlerInit()
    if not result['OK']:
      return result
    self._handler = result['Value']
    # Initialize lock manager
    self._lockManager = LockManager(self._cfg.getMaxWaitingPetitions())
    self._threadPool = ThreadPool(max(1, self._cfg.getMinThreads()),
                                  max(0, self._cfg.getMaxThreads()),
    self._msgBroker = MessageBroker("%sMSB" % self._name, threadPool=self._threadPool)
    # Create static dict
    self._serviceInfoDict = {'serviceName': self._name,
                             'serviceSectionPath': PathFinder.getServiceSection(self._name),
                             'URL': self._cfg.getURL(),
                             'messageSender': MessageSender(self._name, self._msgBroker),
                             'validNames': self._validNames,
                             'csPaths': [PathFinder.getServiceSection(svcName) for svcName in self._validNames]
    # Call static initialization function
      if self._handler['init']:
        for initFunc in self._handler['init']:
          gLogger.verbose("Executing initialization function")
            result = initFunc(dict(self._serviceInfoDict))
          except Exception as excp:
            gLogger.exception("Exception while calling initialization function", lException=excp)
            return S_ERROR("Exception while calling initialization function: %s" % str(excp))
          if not isReturnStructure(result):
            return S_ERROR("Service initialization function %s must return S_OK/S_ERROR" % initFunc)
          if not result['OK']:
            return S_ERROR("Error while initializing %s: %s" % (self._name, result['Message']))
    except Exception as e:
      errMsg = "Exception while initializing %s" % self._name
      return S_ERROR(errMsg)

    # Load actions after the handler has initialized itself
    result = self._loadActions()
    if not result['OK']:
      return result
    self._actions = result['Value']

    gThreadScheduler.addPeriodicTask(30, self.__reportThreadPoolContents)

    return S_OK()

  def __searchInitFunctions(self, handlerClass, currentClass=None):
    if not currentClass:
      currentClass = handlerClass
    initFuncs = []
    ancestorHasInit = False
    for ancestor in currentClass.__bases__:
      initFuncs += self.__searchInitFunctions(handlerClass, ancestor)
      if 'initializeHandler' in dir(ancestor):
        ancestorHasInit = True
    if ancestorHasInit:
      initFuncs.append(super(currentClass, handlerClass).initializeHandler)
    if currentClass == handlerClass and 'initializeHandler' in dir(handlerClass):
    return initFuncs

  def _loadHandlerInit(self):
    handlerClass = self._svcData['classObj']
    handlerName = handlerClass.__name__
    handlerInitMethods = self.__searchInitFunctions(handlerClass)
      handlerInitMethods.append(getattr(self._svcData['moduleObj'], "initialize%s" % handlerName))
    except AttributeError:
      gLogger.verbose("Not found global initialization function for service")

    if handlerInitMethods:
      gLogger.info("Found %s initialization methods" % len(handlerInitMethods))

    handlerInfo = {}
    handlerInfo["name"] = handlerName
    handlerInfo["module"] = self._svcData['moduleObj']
    handlerInfo["class"] = handlerClass
    handlerInfo["init"] = handlerInitMethods

    return S_OK(handlerInfo)

  def _loadActions(self):

    handlerClass = self._handler['class']

    authRules = {}
    typeCheck = {}
    methodsList = {}
    for actionType in Service.SVC_VALID_ACTIONS:
      if self._isMetaAction(actionType):
      authRules[actionType] = {}
      typeCheck[actionType] = {}
      methodsList[actionType] = []
    handlerAttributeList = dir(handlerClass)
    for actionType in Service.SVC_VALID_ACTIONS:
      if self._isMetaAction(actionType):
      methodPrefix = '%s_' % Service.SVC_VALID_ACTIONS[actionType]
      for attribute in handlerAttributeList:
        if attribute.find(methodPrefix) != 0:
        exportedName = attribute[len(methodPrefix):]
        gLogger.verbose("+ Found %s method %s" % (actionType, exportedName))
        # Create lock for method
        self._lockManager.createLock("%s/%s" % (actionType, exportedName),
                                     self._cfg.getMaxThreadsForMethod(actionType, exportedName))
        # Look for type and auth rules
        if actionType == 'RPC':
          typeAttr = "types_%s" % exportedName
          authAttr = "auth_%s" % exportedName
          typeAttr = "types_%s_%s" % (Service.SVC_VALID_ACTIONS[actionType], exportedName)
          authAttr = "auth_%s_%s" % (Service.SVC_VALID_ACTIONS[actionType], exportedName)
        if typeAttr in handlerAttributeList:
          obj = getattr(handlerClass, typeAttr)
          gLogger.verbose("|- Found type definition %s: %s" % (typeAttr, str(obj)))
          typeCheck[actionType][exportedName] = obj
        if authAttr in handlerAttributeList:
          obj = getattr(handlerClass, authAttr)
          gLogger.verbose("|- Found auth rules %s: %s" % (authAttr, str(obj)))
          authRules[actionType][exportedName] = obj

    for actionType in Service.SVC_VALID_ACTIONS:
      referedAction = self._isMetaAction(actionType)
      if not referedAction:
      gLogger.verbose("Action %s is a meta action for %s" % (actionType, referedAction))
      authRules[actionType] = []
      for method in authRules[referedAction]:
        for prop in authRules[referedAction][method]:
          if prop not in authRules[actionType]:
      gLogger.verbose("Meta action %s props are %s" % (actionType, authRules[actionType]))

    return S_OK({'methods': methodsList, 'auth': authRules, 'types': typeCheck})

  def _initMonitoring(self):
    # Init extra bits of monitoring
        "Connections received",
    self._monitor.registerActivity("Queries", "Queries served", "Framework", "queries", MonitoringClient.OP_RATE)
    self._monitor.registerActivity('CPU', "CPU Usage", 'Framework', "CPU,%", MonitoringClient.OP_MEAN, 600)
    self._monitor.registerActivity('MEM', "Memory Usage", 'Framework', 'Memory,MB', MonitoringClient.OP_MEAN, 600)
        "Pending queries",
    self._monitor.registerActivity('ActiveQueries', "Active queries", 'Framework', 'threads', MonitoringClient.OP_MEAN)
        "Running threads",
    self._monitor.registerActivity('MaxFD', "Max File Descriptors", 'Framework', 'fd', MonitoringClient.OP_MEAN)

    self._monitor.setComponentExtraParam('DIRACVersion', DIRAC.version)
    self._monitor.setComponentExtraParam('platform', DIRAC.getPlatform())
    self._monitor.setComponentExtraParam('startTime', Time.dateTime())
    for prop in (("__RCSID__", "version"), ("__doc__", "description")):
        value = getattr(self._handler['module'], prop[0])
      except Exception as e:
        gLogger.error("Missing property", prop[0])
        value = 'unset'
      self._monitor.setComponentExtraParam(prop[1], value)
    for secondaryName in self._cfg.registerAlsoAs():
      gLogger.info("Registering %s also as %s" % (self._name, secondaryName))
    return S_OK()

  def __reportThreadPoolContents(self):
    self._monitor.addMark('PendingQueries', self._threadPool.pendingJobs())
    self._monitor.addMark('ActiveQueries', self._threadPool.numWorkingThreads())
    self._monitor.addMark('RunningThreads', threading.activeCount())
    self._monitor.addMark('MaxFD', self.__maxFD)
    self.__maxFD = 0

  def getConfig(self):
    return self._cfg

  # End of initialization functions

  def handleConnection(self, clientTransport):
      This method may be called by ServiceReactor.
      The method stacks openened connection in a queue, another thread
      read this queue and handle connection.

      :param clientTransport: Object wich describe opened connection (PlainTransport or SSLTransport)
    self._stats['connections'] += 1
    self._monitor.setComponentExtraParam('queries', self._stats['connections'])
                                           args=(clientTransport, ))

  # Threaded process function
  def _processInThread(self, clientTransport):
    This method handles a RPC, FileTransfer or Connection.
    Connection may be opened via ServiceReactor.__acceptIncomingConnection

    - Do the SSL/TLS Handshake (if dips is used) and extract credentials
    - Get the action called by the client
    - Check if the client is authorized to perform ation
      - If not, connection is closed
    - Instanciate the RequestHandler (RequestHandler contain all methods callable)

    (Following is not directly in this method but it describe what happen at
    #Execute the action)
    - Notify the client we're ready to execute the action (via _processProposal)
      and call RequestHandler._rh_executeAction()
    - Receive arguments/file/something else (depending on action) in the RequestHandler
    - Executing the action asked by the client

    :param clientTransport: Object who describe the opened connection (SSLTransport or PlainTransport)

    :return: S_OK with "closeTransport" a boolean to indicate if th connection have to be closed
            e.g. after RPC, closeTransport=True

    self.__maxFD = max(self.__maxFD, clientTransport.oSocket.fileno())
      monReport = self.__startReportToMonitoring()
    except Exception:
      monReport = False
      # Handshake
        result = clientTransport.handshake()
        if not result['OK']:
      except BaseException:
      # Add to the transport pool
      trid = self._transportPool.add(clientTransport)
      if not trid:
      # Receive and check proposal
      result = self._receiveAndCheckProposal(trid)
      if not result['OK']:
        self._transportPool.sendAndClose(trid, result)
      proposalTuple = result['Value']
      # Instantiate handler
      result = self._instantiateHandler(trid, proposalTuple)
      if not result['OK']:
        self._transportPool.sendAndClose(trid, result)
      handlerObj = result['Value']
      # Execute the action
      result = self._processProposal(trid, proposalTuple, handlerObj)
      # Close the connection if required
      if result['closeTransport'] or not result['OK']:
        if not result['OK']:
          gLogger.error("Error processing proposal", result['Message'])
      return result
      if monReport:

  def _createIdentityString(self, credDict, clientTransport=None):
    if 'username' in credDict:
      if 'group' in credDict:
        identity = "[%s:%s]" % (credDict['username'], credDict['group'])
        identity = "[%s:unknown]" % credDict['username']
      identity = 'unknown'
    if clientTransport:
      addr = clientTransport.getRemoteAddress()
      if addr:
        addr = "{%s:%s}" % (addr[0], addr[1])
    if 'DN' in credDict:
      identity += "(%s)" % credDict['DN']
    return identity

  def _receiveAndCheckProposal(self, trid):
    clientTransport = self._transportPool.get(trid)
    # Get the peer credentials
    credDict = clientTransport.getConnectingCredentials()
    # Receive the action proposal
    retVal = clientTransport.receiveData(1024)
    if not retVal['OK']:
      gLogger.error("Invalid action proposal", "%s %s" % (self._createIdentityString(credDict,
      return S_ERROR("Invalid action proposal")
    proposalTuple = retVal['Value']
    gLogger.debug("Received action from client", "/".join(list(proposalTuple[1])))
    # Check if there are extra credentials
    if proposalTuple[2]:
    # Check if this is the requested service
    requestedService = proposalTuple[0][0]
    if requestedService not in self._validNames:
      return S_ERROR("%s is not up in this server" % requestedService)
    # Check if the action is valid
    requestedActionType = proposalTuple[1][0]
    if requestedActionType not in Service.SVC_VALID_ACTIONS:
      return S_ERROR("%s is not a known action type" % requestedActionType)
    # Check if it's authorized
    result = self._authorizeProposal(proposalTuple[1], trid, credDict)
    if not result['OK']:
      return result
    #Proposal is OK
    return S_OK(proposalTuple)

  def _authorizeProposal(self, actionTuple, trid, credDict):
    # Find CS path for the Auth rules
    referedAction = self._isMetaAction(actionTuple[0])
    if referedAction:
      csAuthPath = "%s/Default" % actionTuple[0]
      hardcodedMethodAuth = self._actions['auth'][actionTuple[0]]
      if actionTuple[0] == 'RPC':
        csAuthPath = actionTuple[1]
        csAuthPath = "/".join(actionTuple)
      # Find if there are hardcoded auth rules in the code
      hardcodedMethodAuth = False
      if actionTuple[0] in self._actions['auth']:
        hardcodedRulesByType = self._actions['auth'][actionTuple[0]]
        if actionTuple[0] == "FileTransfer":
          methodName = actionTuple[1][0].lower() + actionTuple[1][1:]
          methodName = actionTuple[1]

        if methodName in hardcodedRulesByType:
          hardcodedMethodAuth = hardcodedRulesByType[methodName]
    # Auth time!
    if not self._authMgr.authQuery(csAuthPath, credDict, hardcodedMethodAuth):
      # Get the identity string
      identity = self._createIdentityString(credDict)
      fromHost = "unknown host"
      tr = self._transportPool.get(trid)
      if tr:
        fromHost = '/'.join([str(item) for item in tr.getRemoteAddress()])
      gLogger.warn("Unauthorized query", "to %s:%s by %s from %s" % (self._name,
                                                                     identity, fromHost))
      result = S_ERROR(ENOAUTH, "Unauthorized query")
      result = S_OK()

    # Security log
    tr = self._transportPool.get(trid)
    if not tr:
      return S_ERROR("Client disconnected")
    sourceAddress = tr.getRemoteAddress()
    identity = self._createIdentityString(credDict)
    Service.SVC_SECLOG_CLIENT.addMessage(result['OK'], sourceAddress[0], sourceAddress[1], identity,
                                         self._name, "/".join(actionTuple))
    return result

  def _instantiateHandler(self, trid, proposalTuple=None):
    Generate an instance of the handler for a given service
    # Generate the client params
    clientParams = {'serviceStartTime': self._startTime}
    if proposalTuple:
      clientParams['clientSetup'] = proposalTuple[0][1]
      if len(proposalTuple[0]) < 3:
        clientParams['clientVO'] = gConfig.getValue("/DIRAC/VirtualOrganization", "unknown")
        clientParams['clientVO'] = proposalTuple[0][2]
    clientTransport = self._transportPool.get(trid)
    if clientTransport:
      clientParams['clientAddress'] = clientTransport.getRemoteAddress()
    # Generate handler dict with per client info
    handlerInitDict = dict(self._serviceInfoDict)
    for key in clientParams:
      handlerInitDict[key] = clientParams[key]
    #Instantiate and initialize
      handlerInstance = self._handler['class'](handlerInitDict, trid)
    except Exception as e:
      gLogger.exception("Server error while loading handler: %s" % str(e))
      return S_ERROR("Server error while loading handler")
    return S_OK(handlerInstance)

  def _processProposal(self, trid, proposalTuple, handlerObj):
    # Notify the client we're ready to execute the action
    retVal = self._transportPool.send(trid, S_OK())
    if not retVal['OK']:
      return retVal

    messageConnection = False
    if proposalTuple[1] == ('Connection', 'new'):
      messageConnection = True

    if messageConnection:

      if self._msgBroker.getNumConnections() > self._cfg.getMaxMessagingConnections():
        result = S_ERROR("Maximum number of connections reached. Try later")
        result['closeTransport'] = True
        return result

      # This is a stable connection
      self._msgBroker.addTransportId(trid, self._name,

    result = self._executeAction(trid, proposalTuple, handlerObj)
    if result['OK'] and messageConnection:
      result = self._mbConnect(trid, handlerObj)
      if not result['OK']:

    result['closeTransport'] = not messageConnection or not result['OK']
    return result

  def _mbConnect(self, trid, handlerObj=None):
    if not handlerObj:
      result = self._instantiateHandler(trid)
      if not result['OK']:
        return result
      handlerObj = result['Value']
    return handlerObj._rh_executeConnectionCallback('connected')

  def _executeAction(self, trid, proposalTuple, handlerObj):
      return handlerObj._rh_executeAction(proposalTuple)
    except Exception as e:
      gLogger.exception("Exception while executing handler action")
      return S_ERROR("Server error while executing action: %s" % str(e))

  def _mbReceivedMsg(self, trid, msgObj):
    result = self._authorizeProposal(('Message', msgObj.getName()),
    if not result['OK']:
      return result
    result = self._instantiateHandler(trid)
    if not result['OK']:
      return result
    handlerObj = result['Value']
    return handlerObj._rh_executeMessageCallback(msgObj)

  def _mbDisconnect(self, trid):
    result = self._instantiateHandler(trid)
    if not result['OK']:
      return result
    handlerObj = result['Value']
    return handlerObj._rh_executeConnectionCallback('drop')

  def __startReportToMonitoring(self):
    now = time.time()
    stats = os.times()
    cpuTime = stats[0] + stats[2]
    if now - self.__monitorLastStatsUpdate < 0:
      return (now, cpuTime)
    # Send CPU consumption mark
    wallClock = now - self.__monitorLastStatsUpdate
    self.__monitorLastStatsUpdate = now
    # Send Memory consumption mark
    membytes = MemStat.VmB('VmRSS:')
    if membytes:
      mem = membytes / (1024. * 1024.)
      self._monitor.addMark('MEM', mem)
    return (now, cpuTime)

  def __endReportToMonitoring(self, initialWallTime, initialCPUTime):
    wallTime = time.time() - initialWallTime
    stats = os.times()
    cpuTime = stats[0] + stats[2] - initialCPUTime
    percentage = cpuTime / wallTime * 100.
    if percentage > 0:
      self._monitor.addMark('CPU', percentage)