def main(): Script.registerSwitch("e", "extended", "Show extended info") Script.parseCommandLine(ignoreErrors=True) from DIRAC import exit as DIRACExit from DIRAC.Interfaces.API.DiracAdmin import DiracAdmin diracAdmin = DiracAdmin() exitCode = 0 errorList = [] extendedInfo = False for unprocSw in Script.getUnprocessedSwitches(): if unprocSw[0] in ("e", "extended"): extendedInfo = True if not extendedInfo: result = diracAdmin.csListHosts() for host in result["Value"]: print(" %s" % host) else: result = diracAdmin.csDescribeHosts() print(diracAdmin.pPrint.pformat(result["Value"])) for error in errorList: print("ERROR %s: %s" % error) DIRACExit(exitCode)
def main(): Script.registerSwitch( "v:", "vo=", "Location of pilot version in CS /Operations/<vo>/Pilot/Version" " (default value specified in CS under /DIRAC/DefaultSetup)", ) # Registering arguments will automatically add their description to the help menu Script.registerArgument("version: pilot version you want to update to") Script.parseCommandLine(ignoreErrors=False) # parseCommandLine show help when mandatory arguments are not specified or incorrect argument version = Script.getPositionalArgs(group=True) vo = None for switch in Script.getUnprocessedSwitches(): if switch[0] == "v" or switch[0] == "vo": vo = switch[1] from DIRAC import S_OK, S_ERROR from DIRAC import gConfig, gLogger from DIRAC.ConfigurationSystem.Client.CSAPI import CSAPI def updatePilot(version, vo): """ Update in the CS the pilot version used, If only one version present in CS it's overwritten. If two versions present, the new one is added and the last removed :param version: version vArBpC of pilot you want to use :param vo: Location of pilot version in CS /Operations/<vo>/Pilot/Version """ setup = vo if not vo: setup = gConfig.getValue("/DIRAC/DefaultSetup") if not setup: return S_ERROR("No value set for /DIRAC/DefaultSetup in CS") pilotVersion = gConfig.getValue("Operations/%s/Pilot/Version" % setup, []) if not pilotVersion: return S_ERROR("No pilot version set under Operations/%s/Pilot/Version in CS" % setup) pilotVersion.pop() pilotVersion.insert(0, version) api = CSAPI() api.setOption("Operations/%s/Pilot/Version" % setup, ", ".join(pilotVersion)) result = api.commit() if not result["OK"]: gLogger.fatal("Could not commit new version of pilot!") return result newVersion = gConfig.getValue("Operations/%s/Pilot/Version" % setup) return S_OK("New version of pilot set to %s" % newVersion) result = updatePilot(version, vo) if not result["OK"]: gLogger.fatal(result["Message"]) DIRAC.exit(1) gLogger.notice(result["Value"]) DIRAC.exit(0)
def main(): Script.localCfg.addDefaultEntry("LogLevel", "fatal") fileName = "" def setFilename(args): global fileName fileName = args return DIRAC.S_OK() raw = False def setRaw(args): global raw raw = True return DIRAC.S_OK() Script.registerSwitch("f:", "file=", "Dump Configuration data into <file>", setFilename) Script.registerSwitch("r", "raw", "Do not make any modification to the data", setRaw) Script.parseCommandLine() from DIRAC import gConfig, gLogger result = gConfig.dumpCFGAsLocalCache(fileName, raw) if not result["OK"]: print("Error: %s" % result["Message"]) sys.exit(1) if not fileName: print(result["Value"]) sys.exit(0)
def processScriptSwitches(): global vo, dry, doCEs, hostURL, onecore Script.registerSwitch("V:", "vo=", "Virtual Organization") Script.registerSwitch("D", "dry", "Dry run") Script.registerSwitch("C", "ce", "Process Computing Elements") Script.registerSwitch("H:", "host=", "use this url for information querying") Script.registerSwitch( "", "onecore", "Add Single Core Queues for each MultiCore Queue, set RequiredTag for those Queues" ) Script.parseCommandLine(ignoreErrors=True) vo = "" dry = False doCEs = False hostURL = None onecore = False for sw in Script.getUnprocessedSwitches(): if sw[0] in ("V", "vo"): vo = sw[1] if sw[0] in ("D", "dry"): dry = True if sw[0] in ("C", "ce"): doCEs = True if sw[0] in ("H", "host"): hostURL = sw[1] if sw[0] in ("onecore",): onecore = True
def registerSwitches(): """ Registers all switches that can be used while calling the script from the command line interface. """ switches = ( ("element=", "Element family to be Synchronized ( Site, Resource, Node )"), ("tableType=", "A valid table type (Status, Log, History)"), ("name=", "ElementName (comma separated list allowed); None if default"), ( "statusType=", "A valid StatusType argument (it admits a comma-separated list of statusTypes); None if default", ), ("status=", "A valid Status argument ( Active, Probing, Degraded, Banned, Unknown, Error ); None if default" ), ("elementType=", "ElementType narrows the search; None if default"), ("reason=", "Decision that triggered the assigned status"), ("lastCheckTime=", "Time-stamp setting last time the status & status were checked"), ("tokenOwner=", "Owner of the token ( to specify only with select/delete queries"), ("VO=", "Virtual organisation; None if default"), ) for switch in switches: Script.registerSwitch("", switch[0], switch[1])
def main(): original = False Script.registerSwitch("O", "Original", "Gets the original JDL") # Registering arguments will automatically add their description to the help menu Script.registerArgument(["JobID: DIRAC Job ID"]) sws, args = Script.parseCommandLine(ignoreErrors=True) for switch in sws: if switch[0] == "Original" or switch[0] == "O": original = True from DIRAC.Interfaces.API.Dirac import Dirac, parseArguments dirac = Dirac() exitCode = 0 errorList = [] for job in parseArguments(args): result = dirac.getJobJDL(job, original=original, printOutput=True) if not result["OK"]: errorList.append((job, result["Message"])) exitCode = 2 for error in errorList: print("ERROR %s: %s" % error) DIRAC.exit(exitCode)
def main(): Script.registerSwitch("D:", "Dir=", "Store the output in this directory") # Registering arguments will automatically add their description to the help menu Script.registerArgument(["JobID: DIRAC Job ID"]) sws, args = Script.parseCommandLine(ignoreErrors=True) from DIRAC.Interfaces.API.Dirac import Dirac, parseArguments dirac = Dirac() exitCode = 0 errorList = [] outputDir = "" for sw, v in sws: if sw in ("D", "Dir"): outputDir = v for job in parseArguments(args): result = dirac.getJobOutputData(job, destinationDir=outputDir) if result["OK"]: print("Job %s output data retrieved" % (job)) else: errorList.append((job, result["Message"])) exitCode = 2 for error in errorList: print("ERROR %s: %s" % error) DIRAC.exit(exitCode)
def registerSwitchesAndParseCommandLine(self): """Register the default plus additional parameters and parse options. :param list options: list of three tuple for options to add to the script :param list flags: list of three tuple for flags to add to the script :param str opName """ for short, longOption, doc in self.options: Script.registerSwitch(short + ":" if short else "", longOption + "=", doc) for short, longOption, doc in self.flags: Script.registerSwitch(short, longOption, doc) self.switches[longOption] = False Script.parseCommandLine() if Script.getPositionalArgs(): Script.showHelp(exitCode=1) for switch in Script.getUnprocessedSwitches(): for short, longOption, doc in self.options: if switch[0] == short or switch[0].lower() == longOption.lower( ): sLog.verbose("Found switch %r with value %r" % (longOption, switch[1])) self.switches[longOption] = switch[1] break for short, longOption, doc in self.flags: if switch[0] == short or switch[0].lower() == longOption.lower( ): self.switches[longOption] = True break self.checkSwitches() self.switches["DryRun"] = not self.switches.get("Execute", False) self.switches["SourceSE"] = self.switches.get("SourceSE", "").split(",")
def main(): Script.registerSwitch( "", "Site=", "Site for which protocols are to be set (mandatory)") # Registering arguments will automatically add their description to the help menu Script.registerArgument(["Protocol: SE access protocol"], mandatory=False) switches, args = Script.parseCommandLine(ignoreErrors=True) site = None for switch in switches: if switch[0].lower() == "site": site = switch[1] if not site or not args: Script.showHelp(exitCode=1) from DIRAC.Interfaces.API.DiracAdmin import DiracAdmin diracAdmin = DiracAdmin() exitCode = 0 result = diracAdmin.setSiteProtocols(site, args, printOutput=True) if not result["OK"]: print("ERROR: %s" % result["Message"]) exitCode = 2 DIRAC.exit(exitCode)
def main(): Script.registerSwitch("", "Full", " Print full list of requests") Script.parseCommandLine() from DIRAC.RequestManagementSystem.Client.ReqClient import ReqClient fullPrint = False for switch in Script.getUnprocessedSwitches(): if switch[0] == "Full": fullPrint = True reqClient = ReqClient() for server, rpcClient in reqClient.requestProxies().items(): DIRAC.gLogger.always("Checking request cache at %s" % server) reqCache = rpcClient.listCacheDir() if not reqCache["OK"]: DIRAC.gLogger.error("Cannot list request cache", reqCache) continue reqCache = reqCache["Value"] if not reqCache: DIRAC.gLogger.always("No request in cache") else: if fullPrint: DIRAC.gLogger.always("List of requests", reqCache) else: DIRAC.gLogger.always("Number of requests in the cache", len(reqCache)) DIRAC.exit(0)
def main(): Script.registerSwitch("a", "All", " Also show inactive replicas") # Registering arguments will automatically add their description to the help menu Script.registerArgument( ["LFN: Logical File Name or file containing LFNs"]) switches, lfns = Script.parseCommandLine(ignoreErrors=True) active = True for switch in switches: opt = switch[0].lower() if opt in ("a", "all"): active = False from DIRAC.Interfaces.API.Dirac import Dirac dirac = Dirac() exitCode = 0 if len(lfns) == 1: try: with open(lfns[0], "r") as f: lfns = except Exception: pass result = dirac.getReplicas(lfns, active=active, printOutput=True) if not result["OK"]: print("ERROR: ", result["Message"]) exitCode = 2 DIRAC.exit(exitCode)
def registerCLISwitches(self): """ add options to dirac option parser """ Script.registerSwitch( "a", "all", "Delete the local and all uploaded proxies (the nuclear option)", self.setDeleteAll ) Script.registerSwitch("v:", "vo=", "Delete uploaded proxy for vo name given", self.addVO)
def main(): global overwrite Script.registerSwitch("f", "force", "Force overwrite of existing file", setOverwrite) Script.parseCommandLine(ignoreErrors=True) args = Script.getPositionalArgs() if len(args) < 1 or len(args) > 4: Script.showHelp(exitCode=1) from DIRAC.DataManagementSystem.Client.DataManager import DataManager from DIRAC import gLogger import DIRAC exitCode = 0 lfns = [] if len(args) == 1: inputFileName = args[0] if os.path.exists(inputFileName): inputFile = open(inputFileName, "r") for line in inputFile: line = line.rstrip() items = line.split() items[0] = items[0].replace("LFN:", "").replace("lfn:", "") lfns.append(getDict(items)) inputFile.close() else: gLogger.error("Error: LFN list '%s' missing." % inputFileName) exitCode = 4 else: lfns.append(getDict(args)) dm = DataManager() for lfn in lfns: if not os.path.exists(lfn["localfile"]): gLogger.error("File %s must exist locally" % lfn["localfile"]) exitCode = 1 continue if not os.path.isfile(lfn["localfile"]): gLogger.error("%s is not a file" % lfn["localfile"]) exitCode = 2 continue gLogger.notice("\nUploading %s" % lfn["lfn"]) res = dm.putAndRegister(lfn["lfn"], lfn["localfile"], lfn["SE"], lfn["guid"], overwrite=overwrite) if not res["OK"]: exitCode = 3 gLogger.error("Error: failed to upload %s to %s: %s" % (lfn["lfn"], lfn["SE"], res)) continue else: gLogger.notice("Successfully uploaded file to %s" % lfn["SE"]) DIRAC.exit(exitCode)
def registerSwitchesAndParseCommandLine(self): """Register the default plus additional parameters and parse options. :param list options: list of three tuple for options to add to the script :param list flags: list of three tuple for flags to add to the script :param str opName """ for short, longOption, doc in self.options: Script.registerSwitch(short + ":" if short else "", longOption + "=", doc) for short, longOption, doc in self.flags: Script.registerSwitch(short, longOption, doc) self.switches[longOption] = False Script.parseCommandLine() if Script.getPositionalArgs(): Script.showHelp(exitCode=1) ops = Operations() if not ops.getValue("DataManagement/ArchiveFiles/Enabled", False): sLog.error( 'The "ArchiveFiles" operation is not enabled, contact your administrator!' ) DIRAC.exit(1) for _short, longOption, _doc in self.options: defaultValue = ops.getValue( "DataManagement/ArchiveFiles/%s" % longOption, None) if defaultValue: sLog.verbose( "Found default value in the CS for %r with value %r" % (longOption, defaultValue)) self.switches[longOption] = defaultValue for _short, longOption, _doc in self.flags: defaultValue = ops.getValue( "DataManagement/ArchiveFiles/%s" % longOption, False) if defaultValue: sLog.verbose( "Found default value in the CS for %r with value %r" % (longOption, defaultValue)) self.switches[longOption] = defaultValue for switch in Script.getUnprocessedSwitches(): for short, longOption, doc in self.options: if switch[0] == short or switch[0].lower() == longOption.lower( ): sLog.verbose("Found switch %r with value %r" % (longOption, switch[1])) self.switches[longOption] = switch[1] break for short, longOption, doc in self.flags: if switch[0] == short or switch[0].lower() == longOption.lower( ): self.switches[longOption] = True break self.checkSwitches() self.switches["DryRun"] = not self.switches.get("Execute", False) self.switches["SourceSE"] = self.switches.get("SourceSE", "").split(",")
def main(): unit = "GB" Script.registerSwitch("u:", "Unit=", " Unit to use [default %s] (MB,GB,TB,PB)" % unit) # Registering arguments will automatically add their description to the help menu Script.registerArgument(("LocalFile: Path to local file containing LFNs", "LFN: Logical File Name")) Script.registerArgument(["LFN: Logical File Name"], mandatory=False) unprSwitches, args = Script.parseCommandLine(ignoreErrors=False) for switch in unprSwitches: if switch[0].lower() == "u" or switch[0].lower() == "unit": unit = switch[1] scaleDict = { "MB": 1000 * 1000.0, "GB": 1000 * 1000 * 1000.0, "TB": 1000 * 1000 * 1000 * 1000.0, "PB": 1000 * 1000 * 1000 * 1000 * 1000.0, } if unit not in scaleDict.keys(): gLogger.error("Unit must be one of MB,GB,TB,PB") DIRAC.exit(2) scaleFactor = scaleDict[unit] lfns = [] for inputFileName in args: if os.path.exists(inputFileName): inputFile = open(inputFileName, "r") string = inputFile.close() lfns.extend([lfn.strip() for lfn in string.splitlines()]) else: lfns.append(inputFileName) from DIRAC.Resources.Catalog.FileCatalog import FileCatalog res = FileCatalog().getFileSize(lfns) if not res["OK"]: gLogger.error("Failed to get size of data", res["Message"]) DIRAC.exit(-2) for lfn, reason in res["Value"]["Failed"].items(): gLogger.error("Failed to get size for %s" % lfn, reason) totalSize = 0 totalFiles = 0 for lfn, size in res["Value"]["Successful"].items(): totalFiles += 1 totalSize += size gLogger.notice("-" * 30) gLogger.notice("%s|%s" % ("Files".ljust(15), ("Size (%s)" % unit).rjust(15))) gLogger.notice("-" * 30) gLogger.notice( "%s|%s" % (str(totalFiles).ljust(15), str("%.1f" % (totalSize / scaleFactor)).rjust(15))) gLogger.notice("-" * 30) DIRAC.exit(0)
def main(): Script.disableCS() Script.registerSwitch("t:", "type=", "Installation type. 'server' by default.", setInstallType) Script.parseCommandLine(ignoreErrors=True) # Collect all the requested python modules to install reqDict = {} for entry in os.listdir(rootPath): if len(entry) < 5 or entry.find("DIRAC") != len(entry) - 5: continue reqFile = os.path.join(rootPath, entry, "releases.cfg") try: with open(reqFile, "r") as extfd: reqCFG = CFG().loadFromBuffer( except Exception: gLogger.verbose("%s not found" % reqFile) continue reqList = reqCFG.getOption( "/RequiredExternals/%s" % instType.capitalize(), []) if not reqList: gLogger.verbose( "%s does not have requirements for %s installation" % (entry, instType)) continue for req in reqList: reqName = False reqCond = "" for cond in ("==", ">="): iP = cond.find(req) if iP > 0: reqName = req[:iP] reqCond = req[iP:] break if not reqName: reqName = req if reqName not in reqDict: reqDict[reqName] = (reqCond, entry) else: gLogger.notice("Skipping %s, it's already requested by %s" % (reqName, reqDict[reqName][1])) if not reqDict: gLogger.notice("No extra python module requested to be installed") sys.exit(0) for reqName in reqDict: package = "%s%s" % (reqName, reqDict[reqName][0]) gLogger.notice("Requesting installation of %s" % package) status, output = pipInstall(package) if status != 0: gLogger.error(output) else: gLogger.notice("Successfully installed %s" % package)
def main(): Script.registerSwitch("f:", "File=", "Writes job ids to file <value>") Script.registerSwitch("r:", "UseJobRepo=", "Use the job repository") # Registering arguments will automatically add their description to the help menu Script.registerArgument(["JDL: Path to JDL file"]) sws, args = Script.parseCommandLine(ignoreErrors=True) from DIRAC.Interfaces.API.Dirac import Dirac unprocessed_switches = sws use_repo = False repo_name = "" for sw, value in unprocessed_switches: if sw.lower() in ["r", "usejobrepo"]: use_repo = True repo_name = value repo_name = repo_name.replace(".cfg", ".repo") dirac = Dirac(use_repo, repo_name) exitCode = 0 errorList = [] jFile = None for sw, value in unprocessed_switches: if sw.lower() in ("f", "file"): if os.path.isfile(value): print("Appending job ids to existing logfile: %s" % value) if not os.access(value, os.W_OK): print("Existing logfile %s must be writable by user." % value) jFile = open(value, "a") for jdl in args: result = dirac.submitJob(jdl) if result["OK"]: print("JobID = %s" % (result["Value"])) if jFile is not None: # parametric jobs if isinstance(result["Value"], list): jFile.write("\n".join(str(p) for p in result["Value"])) jFile.write("\n") else: jFile.write(str(result["Value"]) + "\n") else: errorList.append((jdl, result["Message"])) exitCode = 2 if jFile is not None: jFile.close() for error in errorList: print("ERROR %s: %s" % error) DIRAC.exit(exitCode)
def main(): host = None Script.registerSwitch("H:", "host=", " Target host") Script.parseCommandLine(ignoreErrors=False) for switch in Script.getUnprocessedSwitches(): if switch[0].lower() == "h" or switch[0].lower() == "host": host = switch[1] from DIRAC.FrameworkSystem.Client.SystemAdministratorClientCLI import SystemAdministratorClientCLI cli = SystemAdministratorClientCLI(host) cli.cmdloop()
def main(): Script.registerSwitch("p:", "property=", "Add property to the user <name>=<value>") Script.registerSwitch("f", "force", "create the user if it doesn't exist") # Registering arguments will automatically add their description to the help menu Script.registerArgument(" user: User name") Script.registerArgument(" DN: DN of the User") Script.registerArgument(["group: Add the user to the group"]) Script.parseCommandLine(ignoreErrors=True) from DIRAC.Interfaces.API.DiracAdmin import DiracAdmin diracAdmin = DiracAdmin() exitCode = 0 forceCreation = False errorList = [] userProps = {} for unprocSw in Script.getUnprocessedSwitches(): if unprocSw[0] in ("f", "force"): forceCreation = True elif unprocSw[0] in ("p", "property"): prop = unprocSw[1] pl = prop.split("=") if len(pl) < 2: errorList.append(( "in arguments", "Property %s has to include a '=' to separate name from value" % prop)) exitCode = 255 else: pName = pl[0] pValue = "=".join(pl[1:]) print("Setting property %s to %s" % (pName, pValue)) userProps[pName] = pValue userName, userProps["DN"], userProps["Groups"] = Script.getPositionalArgs( group=True) if not diracAdmin.csModifyUser( userName, userProps, createIfNonExistant=forceCreation): errorList.append(("modify user", "Cannot modify user %s" % userName)) exitCode = 255 else: result = diracAdmin.csCommitChanges() if not result["OK"]: errorList.append(("commit", result["Message"])) exitCode = 255 for error in errorList: print("ERROR %s: %s" % error) DIRAC.exit(exitCode)
def main(): global includeMasterCS Script.registerSwitch("n", "noMasterCS", "do not include master CS", setNoMasterCS) Script.parseCommandLine() from DIRAC import gLogger, exit as DIRACExit from DIRAC.WorkloadManagementSystem.Utilities.PilotCStoJSONSynchronizer import PilotCStoJSONSynchronizer ps = PilotCStoJSONSynchronizer() gLogger.verbose("Parameters for this sync:") gLogger.verbose("repo=" + ps.pilotRepo) gLogger.verbose("VO repo=" + ps.pilotVORepo) gLogger.verbose("projectDir=" + ps.projectDir) gLogger.verbose("pilotScriptsPath=" + ps.pilotScriptPath) gLogger.verbose("pilotVOScriptsPath=" + ps.pilotVOScriptPath) gLogger.verbose("pilotRepoBranch=" + ps.pilotRepoBranch) gLogger.verbose("pilotVORepoBranch=" + ps.pilotVORepoBranch) # pilot.json res = ps.getCSDict(includeMasterCS=includeMasterCS) if not res["OK"]: DIRACExit(1) pilotDict = res["Value"] print(json.dumps(pilotDict, indent=4, sort_keys=True)) # just print here as formatting is important with open("pilot.json", "w") as jf: json.dump(pilotDict, jf) # pilot files res = ps.syncScripts() if not res["OK"]: DIRACExit(1) gLogger.always(res["Value"]) tarPath, tarFiles = res["Value"] allFiles = [tarPath] + tarFiles + ["pilot.json"] # checksums checksumDict = {} for pFile in allFiles: filename = os.path.basename(pFile) with open(pFile, "rb") as fp: checksumDict[filename] = hashlib.sha512( cksPath = "checksums.sha512" with open(cksPath, "wt") as chksums: for filename, chksum in sorted(checksumDict.items()): # same as the output from sha512sum commands chksums.write("%s %s\n" % (chksum, filename)) allFiles = allFiles + [cksPath] print(allFiles)
def main(): Script.registerSwitch("e", "extended", "Show extended info") # Registering arguments will automatically add their description to the help menu Script.registerArgument(["Group: Only users from this group (default: all)"], default=["all"], mandatory=False) Script.parseCommandLine(ignoreErrors=True) args = Script.getPositionalArgs(group=True) import DIRAC from DIRAC.Interfaces.API.DiracAdmin import DiracAdmin diracAdmin = DiracAdmin() exitCode = 0 errorList = [] extendedInfo = False for unprocSw in Script.getUnprocessedSwitches(): if unprocSw[0] in ("e", "extended"): extendedInfo = True def printUsersInGroup(group=False): result = diracAdmin.csListUsers(group) if result["OK"]: if group: print("Users in group %s:" % group) else: print("All users registered:") for username in result["Value"]: print(" %s" % username) def describeUsersInGroup(group=False): result = diracAdmin.csListUsers(group) if result["OK"]: if group: print("Users in group %s:" % group) else: print("All users registered:") result = diracAdmin.csDescribeUsers(result["Value"]) print(diracAdmin.pPrint.pformat(result["Value"])) for group in args: if "all" in args: group = False if not extendedInfo: printUsersInGroup(group) else: describeUsersInGroup(group) for error in errorList: print("ERROR %s: %s" % error) DIRAC.exit(exitCode)
def main(): Script.registerSwitch("f:", "File=", "Get status for jobs with IDs from the file") Script.registerSwitch("g:", "JobGroup=", "Get status for jobs in the given group") # Registering arguments will automatically add their description to the help menu Script.registerArgument(["JobID: DIRAC Job ID"], mandatory=False) sws, args = Script.parseCommandLine(ignoreErrors=True) from DIRAC import exit as DIRACExit from DIRAC.Core.Utilities.Time import toString, date, day from DIRAC.Interfaces.API.Dirac import Dirac, parseArguments dirac = Dirac() exitCode = 0 jobs = [] for key, value in sws: if key.lower() in ("f", "file"): if os.path.exists(value): jFile = open(value) jobs += jFile.close() elif key.lower() in ("g", "jobgroup"): jobDate = toString(date() - 30 * day) # Choose jobs no more than 30 days old result = dirac.selectJobs(jobGroup=value, date=jobDate) if not result["OK"]: print("Error:", result["Message"]) DIRACExit(-1) jobs += result["Value"] if len(args) < 1 and not jobs: Script.showHelp(exitCode=1) if len(args) > 0: jobs += parseArguments(args) result = dirac.getJobStatus(jobs) if result["OK"]: for job in result["Value"]: print("JobID=" + str(job), end=" ") for status in result["Value"][job].items(): print("%s=%s;" % status, end=" ") print() else: exitCode = 2 print("ERROR: %s" % result["Message"]) DIRACExit(exitCode)
def main(): Script.registerSwitch("f:", "File=", "Get output for jobs with IDs from the file") Script.registerSwitch("g:", "JobGroup=", "Get output for jobs in the given group") # Registering arguments will automatically add their description to the help menu Script.registerArgument(["JobID: DIRAC Job ID"], mandatory=False) sws, args = Script.parseCommandLine(ignoreErrors=True) import DIRAC from DIRAC.Interfaces.API.Dirac import Dirac, parseArguments from DIRAC.Core.Utilities.Time import toString, date, day dirac = Dirac() jobs = [] for sw, value in sws: if sw.lower() in ("f", "file"): if os.path.exists(value): jFile = open(value) jobs += jFile.close() elif sw.lower() in ("g", "jobgroup"): group = value jobDate = toString(date() - 30 * day) result = dirac.selectJobs(jobGroup=value, date=jobDate) if not result["OK"]: if "No jobs selected" not in result["Message"]: print("Error:", result["Message"]) DIRAC.exit(-1) else: jobs += result["Value"] for arg in parseArguments(args): jobs.append(arg) if not jobs: print("Warning: no jobs selected") Script.showHelp() DIRAC.exit(0) result = dirac.deleteJob(jobs) if result["OK"]: print("Deleted jobs %s" % ",".join([str(j) for j in result["Value"]])) exitCode = 0 else: print(result["Message"]) exitCode = 2 DIRAC.exit(exitCode)
def main(): Script.registerSwitch("C:", "CPUNormalizationFactor=", "CPUNormalizationFactor, in case it is known") Script.parseCommandLine(ignoreErrors=True) CPUNormalizationFactor = 0.0 for unprocSw in Script.getUnprocessedSwitches(): if unprocSw[0] in ("C", "CPUNormalizationFactor"): CPUNormalizationFactor = float(unprocSw[1]) from DIRAC.WorkloadManagementSystem.Client.CPUNormalization import getCPUTime cpuTime = getCPUTime(CPUNormalizationFactor) # I hate this kind of output... PhC print("CPU time left determined as", cpuTime) DIRAC.exit(0)
def registerCLISwitches(self): """Register CLI switches""" Script.registerSwitch( "v:", "valid=", "Valid HH:MM for the proxy. By default is 24 hours", self.setProxyLifeTime) Script.registerSwitch("l", "limited", "Get a limited proxy", self.setLimited) Script.registerSwitch("u:", "out=", "File to write as proxy", self.setProxyLocation) Script.registerSwitch( "a", "voms", "Get proxy with VOMS extension mapped to the DIRAC group", self.automaticVOMS) Script.registerSwitch("m:", "vomsAttr=", "VOMS attribute to require", self.setVOMSAttr)
def main(): global listOfFailedFiles Script.registerSwitch("D", "sync", "Make target directory identical to source") Script.registerSwitch("j:", "parallel=", "Multithreaded download and upload") # Registering arguments will automatically add their description to the help menu Script.registerArgument( ( "LFN: Logical File Name (Path to directory)", "Path: Local path to the file (Path to directory)", ) ) Script.registerArgument( ( "Path: Local path to the file (Path to directory)", "LFN: Logical File Name (Path to directory)", ) ) Script.registerArgument(" SE: DIRAC Storage Element", mandatory=False) Script.parseCommandLine(ignoreErrors=False) args = Script.getPositionalArgs() if len(args) > 3: Script.showHelp() sync = False parallel = 1 for switch in Script.getUnprocessedSwitches(): if switch[0].lower() == "s" or switch[0].lower() == "sync": sync = True if switch[0].lower() == "j" or switch[0].lower() == "parallel": parallel = int(switch[1]) listOfFailedFiles = Manager().list() # This is the execution returnValue = run(args, sync, parallel) if listOfFailedFiles: gLogger.error("Some file operations failed:\n\t", "\n\t".join(listOfFailedFiles)) DIRAC.exit(1) if not returnValue["OK"]: gLogger.fatal(returnValue["Message"]) DIRAC.exit(1) else: gLogger.notice(returnValue["Value"]) DIRAC.exit(0)
def registerSwitches(): """ Registers all switches that can be used while calling the script from the command line interface. """ switches = ( ("element=", "Element family to be Synchronized ( Site, Resource or Node )"), ("elementType=", "ElementType narrows the search; None if default"), ("name=", "ElementName; None if default"), ("tokenOwner=", "Owner of the token; None if default"), ("statusType=", "StatusType; None if default"), ("status=", "Status; None if default"), ("VO=", "Virtual organisation; None if default"), ) for switch in switches: Script.registerSwitch("", switch[0], switch[1])
def main(): Script.registerSwitch("t", "test", "Only test. Don't commit changes") # Registering arguments will automatically add their description to the help menu Script.registerArgument( "UserCfg: Cfg FileName with Users as sections containing" "DN, Groups, and other properties as options") Script.parseCommandLine(ignoreErrors=True) args = Script.getExtraCLICFGFiles() from DIRAC.Interfaces.API.DiracAdmin import DiracAdmin diracAdmin = DiracAdmin() exitCode = 0 testOnly = False errorList = [] for unprocSw in Script.getUnprocessedSwitches(): if unprocSw[0] in ("t", "test"): testOnly = True try: usersCFG = CFG().loadFromFile(args[0]) except Exception as e: errorList.append("file open", "Can't parse file %s: %s" % (args[0], str(e))) errorCode = 1 else: if not diracAdmin.csSyncUsersWithCFG(usersCFG): errorList.append(("modify users", "Cannot sync with %s" % args[0])) exitCode = 255 if not exitCode and not testOnly: result = diracAdmin.csCommitChanges() if not result["OK"]: errorList.append(("commit", result["Message"])) exitCode = 255 for error in errorList: print("ERROR %s: %s" % error) DIRAC.exit(exitCode)
def registerSwitches(): """ Registers all switches that can be used while calling the script from the command line interface. """ switches = ( ("downtimeID=", "ID of the downtime"), ("element=", "Element (Site, Service) affected by the downtime"), ("name=", "Name of the element"), ("startDate=", "Starting date of the downtime"), ("endDate=", "Ending date of the downtime"), ("severity=", "Severity of the downtime (Warning, Outage)"), ("description=", "Description of the downtime"), ("link=", "URL of the downtime announcement"), ("ongoing", 'To force "select" to return the ongoing downtimes'), ) for switch in switches: Script.registerSwitch("", switch[0], switch[1])
def main(): # Instantiate the params class cliParams = Params() # Register accepted switches and their callbacks Script.registerSwitch("r", "showRaw", "show raw result from the query", cliParams.setRawResult) Script.registerSwitch("p:", "numPings=", "Number of pings to do (by default 1)", cliParams.setNumOfPingsToDo) Script.registerArgument(["System: system names"]) # Parse the command line and initialize DIRAC switches, servicesList = Script.parseCommandLine(ignoreErrors=False) # Get the list of services servicesList = Script.getPositionalArgs() # Do something! gLogger.notice("Ping %s!" % ", ".join(servicesList))