def __checkDestination( self ): if not self.params.destination: self.params.destination = tempfile.mkdtemp( 'DIRACTarball' ) gLogger.notice( "Will generate tarball in %s" % self.params.destination ) mkDir(self.params.destination) return S_OK()
def __prepareSecurityDetails(self): """ Obtains the connection details for the client """ try: credDict = self.getRemoteCredentials() clientDN = credDict['DN'] clientUsername = credDict['username'] clientGroup = credDict['group'] gLogger.debug( "Getting proxy for %s@%s (%s)" % ( clientUsername, clientGroup, clientDN ) ) res = gProxyManager.downloadVOMSProxy( clientDN, clientGroup ) if not res['OK']: return res chain = res['Value'] proxyBase = "%s/proxies" % BASE_PATH mkDir(proxyBase) proxyLocation = "%s/proxies/%s-%s" % ( BASE_PATH, clientUsername, clientGroup ) gLogger.debug("Obtained proxy chain, dumping to %s." % proxyLocation) res = gProxyManager.dumpProxyToFile( chain, proxyLocation ) if not res['OK']: return res gLogger.debug("Updating environment.") os.environ['X509_USER_PROXY'] = res['Value'] return res except Exception, error: exStr = "__getConnectionDetails: Failed to get client connection details." gLogger.exception( exStr, '', error ) return S_ERROR(exStr)
def __networkToFile( self, fileHelper, destFileName = False ): """ Dump incoming network data to temporal file """ tfd = None if not destFileName: try: tfd, destFileName = tempfile.mkstemp( prefix = "DSB." ) tfd.close() except Exception as e: gLogger.error( "%s" % repr( e ).replace( ',)', ')' ) ) return S_ERROR( "Cannot create temporary file" ) destFileName = os.path.realpath( destFileName ) mkDir( os.path.dirname( destFileName ) ) try: if tfd is not None: fd = tfd else: fd = open( destFileName, "wb" ) result = fileHelper.networkToDataSink( fd, maxFileSize = self.__maxUploadBytes ) fd.close() except Exception as e: gLogger.error( "Cannot open to write destination file", "%s: %s" % ( destFileName, repr( e ).replace( ',)', ')' ) ) ) return S_ERROR( "Cannot open to write destination file" ) if not result[ 'OK' ]: return result return S_OK( destFileName )
def initializeStorageElementProxyHandler( serviceInfo ): """ handler initialisation """ global BASE_PATH, HTTP_FLAG, HTTP_PORT, HTTP_PATH cfgPath = serviceInfo['serviceSectionPath'] BASE_PATH = gConfig.getValue( "%s/BasePath" % cfgPath, BASE_PATH ) if not BASE_PATH: gLogger.error( 'Failed to get the base path' ) return S_ERROR( 'Failed to get the base path' ) BASE_PATH = os.path.abspath( BASE_PATH )'The base path obtained is %s. Checking its existence...' % BASE_PATH) mkDir(BASE_PATH) HTTP_FLAG = gConfig.getValue( "%s/HttpAccess" % cfgPath, False ) if HTTP_FLAG: HTTP_PATH = '%s/httpCache' % BASE_PATH HTTP_PATH = gConfig.getValue( "%s/HttpCache" % cfgPath, HTTP_PATH ) mkDir( HTTP_PATH ) HTTP_PORT = gConfig.getValue( "%s/HttpPort" % cfgPath, 9180 )'Creating HTTP server thread, port:%d, path:%s' % ( HTTP_PORT, HTTP_PATH ) ) _httpThread = HttpThread( HTTP_PORT, HTTP_PATH ) return S_OK()
def createLocalDirectory(directory): """ Create local directory """ mkDir(directory) if not os.path.exists(directory): return S_ERROR('Directory creation failed') return S_OK('Created directory successfully')
def __writeSub(self, executable, nJobs): """ Create the Sub File for submission """ self.log.debug("Working directory: %s " % self.workingDirectory) # We randomize the location of the pilotoutput and log, because there are just too many of them pre1 = makeGuid()[:3] pre2 = makeGuid()[:3] mkDir(os.path.join(self.workingDirectory, pre1, pre2)) initialDirPrefix = "%s/%s" % (pre1, pre2) self.log.debug("InitialDir: %s" % os.path.join(self.workingDirectory, initialDirPrefix)) self.log.debug("ExtraSubmitString:\n### \n %s \n###" % self.extraSubmitString) fd, name = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.sub', prefix='HTCondorCE_', dir=self.workingDirectory) subFile = os.fdopen(fd, 'w') executable = os.path.join(self.workingDirectory, executable) localScheddOptions = """ ShouldTransferFiles = YES WhenToTransferOutput = ON_EXIT_OR_EVICT """ if self.useLocalSchedd else "" targetUniverse = "grid" if self.useLocalSchedd else "vanilla" sub = """ executable = %(executable)s universe = %(targetUniverse)s use_x509userproxy = true output = $(Cluster).$(Process).out error = $(Cluster).$(Process).err log = $(Cluster).$(Process).log environment = "HTCONDOR_JOBID=$(Cluster).$(Process)" initialdir = %(initialDir)s grid_resource = condor %(ceName)s %(ceName)s:9619 transfer_output_files = "" %(localScheddOptions)s kill_sig=SIGTERM %(extraString)s Queue %(nJobs)s """ % dict(executable=executable, nJobs=nJobs, ceName=self.ceName, extraString=self.extraSubmitString, initialDir=os.path.join(self.workingDirectory, initialDirPrefix), localScheddOptions=localScheddOptions, targetUniverse=targetUniverse, ) subFile.write(sub) subFile.close() return name
def createJobWrapper(jobID, jobParams, resourceParams, optimizerParams, extraOptions='', defaultWrapperLocation='DIRAC/WorkloadManagementSystem/JobWrapper/', log=gLogger, logLevel='INFO'): """ This method creates a job wrapper filled with the CE and Job parameters to execute the job. Main user is the JobAgent """ arguments = {'Job': jobParams, 'CE': resourceParams, 'Optimizer': optimizerParams} log.verbose('Job arguments are: \n %s' % (arguments)) siteRoot = gConfig.getValue('/LocalSite/Root', os.getcwd()) log.debug('SiteRootPythonDir is:\n%s' % siteRoot) workingDir = gConfig.getValue('/LocalSite/WorkingDirectory', siteRoot) mkDir('%s/job/Wrapper' % (workingDir)) diracRoot = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)))) jobWrapperFile = '%s/job/Wrapper/Wrapper_%s' % (workingDir, jobID) if os.path.exists(jobWrapperFile): log.verbose('Removing existing Job Wrapper for %s' % (jobID)) os.remove(jobWrapperFile) with open(os.path.join(diracRoot, defaultWrapperLocation), 'r') as fd: wrapperTemplate = if 'LogLevel' in jobParams: logLevel = jobParams['LogLevel']'Found Job LogLevel JDL parameter with value: %s' % (logLevel)) else:'Applying default LogLevel JDL parameter with value: %s' % (logLevel)) dPython = sys.executable realPythonPath = os.path.realpath(dPython) log.debug('Real python path after resolving links is: ', realPythonPath) dPython = realPythonPath # Making real substitutions # wrapperTemplate = wrapperTemplate.replace( "@JOBARGS@", str( arguments ) ) wrapperTemplate = wrapperTemplate.replace("@SITEPYTHON@", str(siteRoot)) jobWrapperJsonFile = jobWrapperFile + '.json' with, 'w', encoding='utf8') as jsonFile: json.dump(unicode(arguments), jsonFile, ensure_ascii=False) with open(jobWrapperFile, "w") as wrapper: wrapper.write(wrapperTemplate) jobExeFile = '%s/job/Wrapper/Job%s' % (workingDir, jobID) jobFileContents = \ """#!/bin/sh %s %s %s -o LogLevel=%s -o /DIRAC/Security/UseServerCertificate=no """ % (dPython, jobWrapperFile, extraOptions, logLevel) with open(jobExeFile, 'w') as jobFile: jobFile.write(jobFileContents) return S_OK(jobExeFile)
def __init__( self, rrdLocation, graphLocation ): """ Initialize RRDManager """ self.rrdLocation = rrdLocation self.graphLocation = graphLocation self.log = gLogger.getSubLogger( "RRDManager" ) self.rrdExec = gConfig.getValue( "%s/RRDExec" % getServiceSection( "Framework/Monitoring" ), "rrdtool" ) for path in ( self.rrdLocation, self.graphLocation ): mkDir( path )
def isOK(self): if not self.cliParams.releasesToBuild: gLogger.error("Missing releases to build!") Script.showHelp() return False if not self.cliParams.destination: self.cliParams.destination = tempfile.mkdtemp('DiracDist') else: mkDir(self.cliParams.destination) gLogger.notice("Will generate tarballs in %s" % self.cliParams.destination) return True
def __runSystemDefaults(jobID, vo): """ Creates the environment for running the job and returns the path for the other functions. """ tempdir = str(vo) + "job" + str(jobID) + "temp" mkDir(tempdir) basepath = os.getcwd() return basepath + os.path.sep + tempdir + os.path.sep
def am_initialize(self, *initArgs): """ Common initialization for all the agents. This is executed every time an agent (re)starts. This is called by the AgentReactor, should not be overridden. """ agentName = self.am_getModuleParam('fullName') result = self.initialize(*initArgs) if not isReturnStructure(result): return S_ERROR("initialize must return S_OK/S_ERROR") if not result['OK']: return S_ERROR("Error while initializing %s: %s" % (agentName, result['Message'])) mkDir(self.am_getControlDirectory()) workDirectory = self.am_getWorkDirectory() mkDir(workDirectory) # Set the work directory in an environment variable available to subprocesses if needed os.environ['AGENT_WORKDIRECTORY'] = workDirectory self.__moduleProperties['shifterProxy'] = self.am_getOption('shifterProxy') if self.am_monitoringEnabled(): self.monitor.enable() if len(self.__moduleProperties['executors']) < 1: return S_ERROR("At least one executor method has to be defined") if not self.am_Enabled(): return S_ERROR("Agent is disabled via the configuration") self.log.notice("=" * 40) self.log.notice("Loaded agent module %s" % self.__moduleProperties['fullName']) self.log.notice(" Site: %s" % DIRAC.siteName()) self.log.notice(" Setup: %s" % gConfig.getValue("/DIRAC/Setup")) self.log.notice(" Base Module version: %s " % __RCSID__) self.log.notice(" Agent version: %s" % self.__codeProperties['version']) self.log.notice(" DIRAC version: %s" % DIRAC.version) self.log.notice(" DIRAC platform: %s" % DIRAC.getPlatform()) pollingTime = int(self.am_getOption('PollingTime')) if pollingTime > 3600: self.log.notice(" Polling time: %s hours" % (pollingTime / 3600.)) else: self.log.notice(" Polling time: %s seconds" % self.am_getOption('PollingTime')) self.log.notice(" Control dir: %s" % self.am_getControlDirectory()) self.log.notice(" Work dir: %s" % self.am_getWorkDirectory()) if self.am_getOption('MaxCycles') > 0: self.log.notice(" Cycles: %s" % self.am_getMaxCycles()) else: self.log.notice(" Cycles: unlimited") if self.am_getWatchdogTime() > 0: self.log.notice(" Watchdog interval: %s" % self.am_getWatchdogTime()) else: self.log.notice(" Watchdog interval: disabled ") self.log.notice("=" * 40) self.__initialized = True return S_OK()
def transfer_fromClient( self, fileID, token, fileSize, fileHelper ): """ Method to receive file from clients. fileID is the local file name in the SE. fileSize can be Xbytes or -1 if unknown. token is used for access rights confirmation. """ if not self.__checkForDiskSpace( BASE_PATH, fileSize ): return S_ERROR( 'Not enough disk space' ) file_path = self.__resolveFileID( fileID ) try: mkDir(os.path.dirname( file_path )) fd = open( file_path, "wb" ) except Exception, error: return S_ERROR( "Cannot open to write destination file %s: %s" % ( file_path, str( error ) ) )
def run(self): while True: secMsg = self.__messagesQueue.get() msgTime = secMsg[ 0 ] path = "%s/%s/%02d" % ( self.__basePath, msgTime.year, msgTime.month ) mkDir( path ) logFile = "%s/" % ( path, msgTime.year, msgTime.month, ) if not os.path.isfile( logFile ): fd = open( logFile, "w" ) fd.write( "Time, Success, Source IP, Source Port, source Identity, destinationIP, destinationPort, destinationService, action\n" ) else: fd = open( logFile, "a" ) fd.write( "%s\n" % ", ".join( [ str( item ) for item in secMsg ] ) ) fd.close()
def initializeHandler( cls, serviceInfo ): cls.__db = MonitoringDB() reportSection = serviceInfo[ 'serviceSectionPath' ] dataPath = gConfig.getValue( "%s/DataLocation" % reportSection, "data/monitoringPlots" ) "Data will be written into %s" % dataPath ) mkDir( dataPath ) try: testFile = "%s/moni.plot.test" % dataPath with open( testFile, "w" ) as _fd: os.unlink( testFile ) except IOError as err: gLogger.fatal( "Can't write to %s" % dataPath, err ) return S_ERROR( "Data location is not writable: %s" % repr( err ) ) gDataCache.setGraphsLocation( dataPath ) return S_OK()
def initializeHandler(cls, serviceInfo): cls.__db = MonitoringDB() reportSection = serviceInfo['serviceSectionPath'] dataPath = gConfig.getValue("%s/DataLocation" % reportSection, "data/monitoringPlots")"Data will be written into %s" % dataPath) mkDir(dataPath) try: testFile = "%s/moni.plot.test" % dataPath with open(testFile, "w") as _: os.unlink(testFile) except IOError as err: gLogger.fatal("Can't write to %s" % dataPath, err) return S_ERROR("Data location is not writable: %s" % repr(err)) gDataCache.setGraphsLocation(dataPath) return S_OK()
def am_initialize(self, *initArgs): agentName = self.am_getModuleParam('fullName') result = self.initialize(*initArgs) if not isReturnStructure(result): return S_ERROR("initialize must return S_OK/S_ERROR") if not result['OK']: return S_ERROR("Error while initializing %s: %s" % (agentName, result['Message'])) mkDir(self.am_getControlDirectory()) workDirectory = self.am_getWorkDirectory() mkDir(workDirectory) # Set the work directory in an environment variable available to subprocesses if needed os.environ['AGENT_WORKDIRECTORY'] = workDirectory self.__moduleProperties['shifterProxy'] = self.am_getOption( 'shifterProxy') if self.am_monitoringEnabled(): self.monitor.enable() if len(self.__moduleProperties['executors']) < 1: return S_ERROR("At least one executor method has to be defined") if not self.am_Enabled(): return S_ERROR("Agent is disabled via the configuration") self.log.notice("=" * 40) self.log.notice("Loaded agent module %s" % self.__moduleProperties['fullName']) self.log.notice(" Site: %s" % DIRAC.siteName()) self.log.notice(" Setup: %s" % gConfig.getValue("/DIRAC/Setup")) self.log.notice(" Base Module version: %s " % __RCSID__) self.log.notice(" Agent version: %s" % self.__codeProperties['version']) self.log.notice(" DIRAC version: %s" % DIRAC.version) self.log.notice(" DIRAC platform: %s" % DIRAC.getPlatform()) pollingTime = int(self.am_getOption('PollingTime')) if pollingTime > 3600: self.log.notice(" Polling time: %s hours" % (pollingTime / 3600.)) else: self.log.notice(" Polling time: %s seconds" % self.am_getOption('PollingTime')) self.log.notice(" Control dir: %s" % self.am_getControlDirectory()) self.log.notice(" Work dir: %s" % self.am_getWorkDirectory()) if self.am_getOption('MaxCycles') > 0: self.log.notice(" Cycles: %s" % self.am_getMaxCycles()) else: self.log.notice(" Cycles: unlimited") self.log.notice("=" * 40) self.__initialized = True return S_OK()
def __backupCurrentConfiguration( self, backupName ): configurationFilename = "%s.cfg" % self.getName() configurationFile = os.path.join( DIRAC.rootPath, "etc", configurationFilename ) today = backupPath = os.path.join( self.getBackupDir(), str( today.year ), "%02d" % today.month ) mkDir(backupPath) backupFile = os.path.join( backupPath, configurationFilename.replace( ".cfg", "" % backupName ) ) if os.path.isfile( configurationFile ): "Making a backup of configuration in %s" % backupFile ) try: with zipfile.ZipFile( backupFile, "w", zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED ) as zf: zf.write( configurationFile, "%s.backup.%s" % ( os.path.split( configurationFile )[1], backupName ) ) except Exception: gLogger.exception() gLogger.error( "Cannot backup configuration data file", "file %s" % backupFile ) else: gLogger.warn( "CS data file does not exist", configurationFile )
def __backupCurrentConfiguration(self, backupName): configurationFilename = "%s.cfg" % self.getName() configurationFile = os.path.join(DIRAC.rootPath, "etc", configurationFilename) today = backupPath = os.path.join(self.getBackupDir(), str(today.year), "%02d" % today.month) mkDir(backupPath) backupFile = os.path.join(backupPath, configurationFilename.replace(".cfg", "" % backupName)) if os.path.isfile(configurationFile):"Making a backup of configuration in %s" % backupFile) try: with zipfile.ZipFile(backupFile, "w", zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) as zf: zf.write(configurationFile, "%s.backup.%s" % (os.path.split(configurationFile)[1], backupName)) except Exception: gLogger.exception() gLogger.error("Cannot backup configuration data file", "file %s" % backupFile) else: gLogger.warn("CS data file does not exist", configurationFile)
def getShifterProxy(shifterType, fileName=False): """ This method returns a shifter's proxy :param str shifterType: ProductionManager / DataManager... :param str fileName: file name :return: S_OK(dict)/S_ERROR() """ if fileName: mkDir(os.path.dirname(fileName)) opsHelper = Operations() userName = opsHelper.getValue(cfgPath('Shifter', shifterType, 'User'), '') if not userName: return S_ERROR("No shifter User defined for %s" % shifterType) result = Registry.getDNForUsername(userName) if not result['OK']: return result userDN = result['Value'][0] result = Registry.findDefaultGroupForDN(userDN) if not result['OK']: return result defaultGroup = result['Value'] userGroup = opsHelper.getValue(cfgPath('Shifter', shifterType, 'Group'), defaultGroup) vomsAttr = Registry.getVOMSAttributeForGroup(userGroup) if vomsAttr:"Getting VOMS [%s] proxy for shifter %s@%s (%s)" % (vomsAttr, userName, userGroup, userDN)) result = gProxyManager.downloadVOMSProxyToFile(userDN, userGroup, filePath=fileName, requiredTimeLeft=86400, cacheTime=86400) else:"Getting proxy for shifter %s@%s (%s)" % (userName, userGroup, userDN)) result = gProxyManager.downloadProxyToFile(userDN, userGroup, filePath=fileName, requiredTimeLeft=86400, cacheTime=86400) if not result['OK']: return result chain = result['chain'] fileName = result['Value'] return S_OK({'DN': userDN, 'username': userName, 'group': userGroup, 'chain': chain, 'proxyFile': fileName})
def getShifterProxy(shifterType, fileName=False): """ This method returns a shifter's proxy :param shifterType: ProductionManager / DataManager... """ if fileName: mkDir(os.path.dirname(fileName)) opsHelper = Operations() userName = opsHelper.getValue(cfgPath('Shifter', shifterType, 'User'), '') if not userName: return S_ERROR("No shifter User defined for %s" % shifterType) result = CS.getDNForUsername(userName) if not result['OK']: return result userDN = result['Value'][0] result = CS.findDefaultGroupForDN(userDN) if not result['OK']: return result defaultGroup = result['Value'] userGroup = opsHelper.getValue(cfgPath('Shifter', shifterType, 'Group'), defaultGroup) vomsAttr = CS.getVOMSAttributeForGroup(userGroup) if vomsAttr:"Getting VOMS [%s] proxy for shifter %s@%s (%s)" % (vomsAttr, userName, userGroup, userDN)) result = gProxyManager.downloadVOMSProxyToFile(userDN, userGroup, filePath=fileName, requiredTimeLeft=86400, cacheTime=86400) else:"Getting proxy for shifter %s@%s (%s)" % (userName, userGroup, userDN)) result = gProxyManager.downloadProxyToFile(userDN, userGroup, filePath=fileName, requiredTimeLeft=86400, cacheTime=86400) if not result['OK']: return result chain = result['chain'] fileName = result['Value'] return S_OK({'DN': userDN, 'username': userName, 'group': userGroup, 'chain': chain, 'proxyFile': fileName})
def __prepareFileForHTTP( self, lfn, key ): """ Prepare proxied file for HTTP """ global HTTP_PATH res = self.__prepareSecurityDetails() if not res['OK']: return res # Clear the local cache getFileDir = "%s/%s" % ( HTTP_PATH, key ) mkDir(getFileDir) # Get the file to the cache from DIRAC.DataManagementSystem.Client.DataManager import DataManager dataMgr = DataManager() result = dataMgr.getFile( lfn, destinationDir = getFileDir ) result['CachePath'] = getFileDir return result
def __writeSub( self, executable, nJobs ): """ Create the Sub File for submission """ workingDirectory = self.ceParameters['WorkingDirectory'] initialDir = os.path.dirname( workingDirectory ) self.log.debug( "Working directory: %s " % workingDirectory ) ##We randomize the location of the pilotoutput and log, because there are just too many of them pre1 = makeGuid()[:3] pre2 = makeGuid()[:3] mkDir( os.path.join( initialDir, pre1, pre2 ) ) initialDirPrefix = "%s/%s" %( pre1, pre2 ) self.log.debug( "InitialDir: %s" % os.path.join(initialDir,initialDirPrefix) ) fd, name = tempfile.mkstemp( suffix = '.sub', prefix = 'HTCondorCE_', dir = workingDirectory ) subFile = os.fdopen( fd, 'w' ) executable = os.path.join( workingDirectory, executable ) sub = """ executable = %(executable)s universe = grid use_x509userproxy = true output = $(Cluster).$(Process).out error = $(Cluster).$(Process).err log = $(Cluster).$(Process).log environment = "HTCONDOR_JOBID=$(Cluster).$(Process)" initialdir = %(initialDir)s grid_resource = condor %(ceName)s %(ceName)s:9619 ShouldTransferFiles = YES WhenToTransferOutput = ON_EXIT_OR_EVICT kill_sig=SIGTERM Queue %(nJobs)s """ % dict( executable=executable, nJobs=nJobs, ceName=self.ceName, initialDir=os.path.join(initialDir,initialDirPrefix), ) subFile.write( sub ) subFile.close() return name
def __moveToFinalLocation( self, localFilePath, sbPath ): if self.__useLocalStorage: hdFilePath = self.__sbToHDPath( sbPath ) result = S_OK( ( self.__localSEName, sbPath ) ) if os.path.isfile( hdFilePath ): "There was already a sandbox with that name, skipping copy", sbPath ) else: hdDirPath = os.path.dirname( hdFilePath ) mkDir(hdDirPath) try: os.rename( localFilePath, hdFilePath ) except OSError as e: errMsg = "Cannot move temporal file to final path" gLogger.error( errMsg, repr( e ).replace( ',)', ')' ) ) result = S_ERROR( errMsg ) else: result = self.__copyToExternalSE( localFilePath, sbPath ) return result
def __moveToFinalLocation(self, localFilePath, sbPath): if self.__useLocalStorage: hdFilePath = self.__sbToHDPath(sbPath) result = S_OK((self.__localSEName, sbPath)) if os.path.isfile(hdFilePath):"There was already a sandbox with that name, skipping copy", sbPath) else: hdDirPath = os.path.dirname(hdFilePath) mkDir(hdDirPath) try: os.rename(localFilePath, hdFilePath) except OSError as e: errMsg = "Cannot move temporal file to final path" gLogger.error(errMsg, repr(e).replace(",)", ")")) result = S_ERROR(errMsg) else: result = self.__copyToExternalSE(localFilePath, sbPath) return result
def transfer_fromClient( self, fileID, token, fileSize, fileHelper ): """ Method to receive file from clients. fileID is the local file name in the SE. fileSize can be Xbytes or -1 if unknown. token is used for access rights confirmation. """ if not self.__checkForDiskSpace( BASE_PATH, fileSize ): return S_ERROR('Not enough disk space') file_path = "%s/%s" % ( BASE_PATH, fileID ) mkDir( os.path.dirname( file_path ) ) result = fileHelper.getFileDescriptor( file_path, 'w' ) if not result['OK']: return S_ERROR('Failed to get file descriptor') fileDescriptor = result['Value'] result = fileHelper.networkToFD(fileDescriptor) if not result['OK']: return S_ERROR('Failed to put file %s' % fileID ) return result
def export_createDirectory(self, dir_path): """ Creates the directory on the storage """ path = self.__resolveFileID(dir_path)"StorageElementHandler.createDirectory: Attempting to create %s." % path) if os.path.exists(path): if os.path.isfile(path): errStr = "Supplied path exists and is a file" gLogger.error("StorageElementHandler.createDirectory: %s." % errStr, path) return S_ERROR(errStr)"StorageElementHandler.createDirectory: %s already exists." % path) return S_OK() # Need to think about permissions. try: mkDir(path) return S_OK() except Exception as x: errStr = "Exception creating directory." gLogger.error("StorageElementHandler.createDirectory: %s" % errStr, repr(x)) return S_ERROR(errStr)
def __prepareFile(self, se, pfn): """ proxied prepare file """ res = self.__prepareSecurityDetails() if not res['OK']: return res # Clear the local ache base = gConfig.getValue( "Systems/DataManagement/boincInstance/Services/StorageElementProxy/BasePath" ) getFileDir = "%s/getFile" % base mkDir(getFileDir) # Get the file to the cache storageElement = StorageElement(se) res = returnSingleResult( storageElement.getFile(pfn, localPath=getFileDir)) if not res['OK']: gLogger.error("prepareFile: Failed to get local copy of file.", res['Message']) return res return res
def __init__(self): CLI.__init__(self) self.connected = False self.masterURL = "unset" self.writeEnabled = False self.modifiedData = False self.rpcClient = None self.do_connect() if self.connected: self.modificator = Modificator(self.rpcClient) else: self.modificator = Modificator() self.indentSpace = 20 self.backupFilename = "dataChanges" # store history histfilename = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) historyFile = os.path.expanduser("~/.dirac/%s.history" % histfilename[0:-3]) mkDir(os.path.dirname(historyFile)) if os.path.isfile(historyFile): readline.read_history_file(historyFile) readline.set_history_length(1000) atexit.register(readline.write_history_file, historyFile)
def __init__( self, host = None ): CLI.__init__( self ) # Check if Port is given = None self.port = None self.prompt = '[%s]> ' % colorize( "no host", "yellow" ) if host: self.__setHost( host ) self.cwd = '' self.previous_cwd = '' self.homeDir = '' self.runitComponents = [ "service", "agent", "executor", "consumer" ] # store history histfilename = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) historyFile = os.path.expanduser( "~/.dirac/%s.history" % histfilename[0:-3]) mkDir(os.path.dirname(historyFile)) if os.path.isfile( historyFile ): readline.read_history_file( historyFile ) readline.set_history_length(1000) atexit.register( readline.write_history_file, historyFile )
def __loadConfigurationData(self): mkDir(os.path.join(DIRAC.rootPath, "etc", "csbackup")) gConfigurationData.loadConfigurationData() if gConfigurationData.isMaster(): bBuiltNewConfiguration = False if not gConfigurationData.getName(): DIRAC.abort(10, "Missing name for the configuration to be exported!") gConfigurationData.exportName() sVersion = gConfigurationData.getVersion() if sVersion == "0":"There's no version. Generating a new one") gConfigurationData.generateNewVersion() bBuiltNewConfiguration = True if self.sURL not in gConfigurationData.getServers(): gConfigurationData.setServers(self.sURL) bBuiltNewConfiguration = True gConfigurationData.setMasterServer(self.sURL) if bBuiltNewConfiguration: gConfigurationData.writeRemoteConfigurationToDisk()
def __init__( self ): CLI.__init__( self ) self.connected = False self.masterURL = "unset" self.writeEnabled = False self.modifiedData = False self.rpcClient = None self.do_connect() if self.connected: self.modificator = Modificator ( self.rpcClient ) else: self.modificator = Modificator() self.indentSpace = 20 self.backupFilename = "dataChanges" # store history histfilename = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) historyFile = os.path.expanduser( "~/.dirac/%s.history" % histfilename[0:-3]) mkDir(os.path.dirname(historyFile)) if os.path.isfile( historyFile ): readline.read_history_file( historyFile ) readline.set_history_length(1000) atexit.register( readline.write_history_file, historyFile )
def initializeHandler(cls, serviceInfo): multiPath = PathFinder.getDatabaseSection("Accounting/MultiDB") cls.__acDB = MultiAccountingDB(multiPath, readOnly=True) # Get data location reportSection = serviceInfo["serviceSectionPath"] dataPath = gConfig.getValue("%s/DataLocation" % reportSection, "data/accountingGraphs") dataPath = dataPath.strip() if "/" != dataPath[0]: dataPath = os.path.realpath(f"{rootPath}/{dataPath}")"Data will be written into {dataPath}") mkDir(dataPath) try: testFile = "%s/acc.jarl.test" % dataPath with open(testFile, "w"): pass os.unlink(testFile) except IOError: gLogger.fatal("Can't write to %s" % dataPath) return S_ERROR("Data location is not writable") gDataCache.setGraphsLocation(dataPath) return S_OK()
def initializeStorageElementHandler(serviceInfo): """ Initialize Storage Element global settings """ global BASE_PATH global USE_TOKENS global MAX_STORAGE_SIZE BASE_PATH = getServiceOption(serviceInfo, "BasePath", BASE_PATH) if not BASE_PATH: gLogger.error('Failed to get the base path') return S_ERROR('Failed to get the base path') mkDir(BASE_PATH) USE_TOKENS = getServiceOption(serviceInfo, "%UseTokens", USE_TOKENS) MAX_STORAGE_SIZE = convertSizeUnits(getServiceOption(serviceInfo, "MaxStorageSize", MAX_STORAGE_SIZE), 'MB', 'B')'Starting DIRAC Storage Element')'Base Path: %s' % BASE_PATH)'Max size: %d Bytes' % MAX_STORAGE_SIZE)'Use access control tokens: ' + str(USE_TOKENS)) return S_OK()
def initialize(self): """ agent initialisation """ self.am_setOption('PollingTime', 43200) if self.am_getOption('DirectDB', False): self.__stDB = StorageUsageDB() # self.bkClient = BookkeepingClient()#the necessary method is still not available in Bookk. client else: self.__stDB = RPCClient('DataManagement/DataUsage') timeout = 600 self.__bkClient = BookkeepingClient() self.__dataUsageClient = DataUsageClient() self.__workDirectory = self.am_getOption("WorkDirectory") mkDir(self.__workDirectory)"Working directory is %s" % self.__workDirectory) # by default, collects raw records from Popularity table inserted in the last day self.timeInterval = self.am_getOption( 'timeIntervalForPopularityRecords', 1) self.queryTimeout = self.am_getOption('queryTimeout', 3600) self.cacheMetadata = {} self.limitForCommit = self.am_getOption("LimitForCommit", 1000) return S_OK()
def transfer_fromClient(self, fileID, token, fileSize, fileHelper): """ Method to receive file from clients. fileID is the local file name in the SE. fileSize can be Xbytes or -1 if unknown. token is used for access rights confirmation. """ result = self.__checkForDiskSpace(fileSize) if not result['OK']: return S_ERROR('Failed to get available free space') elif not result['Value']: return S_ERROR('Not enough disk space') file_path = self.__resolveFileID(fileID) if "NoCheckSum" in token: fileHelper.disableCheckSum() try: mkDir(os.path.dirname(file_path)) with open(file_path, "wb") as fd: return fileHelper.networkToDataSink(fd, maxFileSize=(MAX_STORAGE_SIZE)) except Exception as error: return S_ERROR("Cannot open to write destination file %s: %s" % (file_path, str(error)))
def initializeSecurityLoggingHandler(serviceInfo): global gSecurityFileLog serviceCS = serviceInfo["serviceSectionPath"] dataPath = gConfig.getValue("%s/DataLocation" % serviceCS, "data/securityLog") dataPath = dataPath.strip() if "/" != dataPath[0]: dataPath = os.path.realpath("%s/%s" % (gConfig.getValue("/LocalSite/InstancePath", rootPath), dataPath))"Data will be written into %s" % dataPath) mkDir(dataPath) try: testFile = "%s/seclog.jarl.test" % dataPath fd = file(testFile, "w") fd.close() os.unlink(testFile) except IOError: gLogger.fatal("Can't write to %s" % dataPath) return S_ERROR("Data location is not writable") # Define globals gSecurityFileLog = SecurityFileLog(dataPath) SecurityLogClient().setLogStore(gSecurityFileLog) return S_OK()
def initializeHandler(cls, serviceInfo): multiPath = PathFinder.getDatabaseSection("Accounting/MultiDB") cls.__acDB = MultiAccountingDB(multiPath, readOnly=True) # Get data location reportSection = serviceInfo['serviceSectionPath'] dataPath = gConfig.getValue("%s/DataLocation" % reportSection, "data/accountingGraphs") dataPath = dataPath.strip() if "/" != dataPath[0]: dataPath = os.path.realpath("%s/%s" % (gConfig.getValue('/LocalSite/InstancePath', rootPath), dataPath))"Data will be written into %s" % dataPath) mkDir(dataPath) try: testFile = "%s/acc.jarl.test" % dataPath fd = file(testFile, "w") fd.close() os.unlink(testFile) except IOError: gLogger.fatal("Can't write to %s" % dataPath) return S_ERROR("Data location is not writable") gDataCache.setGraphsLocation(dataPath) gMonitor.registerActivity("plotsDrawn", "Drawn plot images", "Accounting reports", "plots", gMonitor.OP_SUM) gMonitor.registerActivity("reportsRequested", "Generated reports", "Accounting reports", "reports", gMonitor.OP_SUM) return S_OK()
def initializeHandler( cls, serviceInfo ): multiPath = PathFinder.getDatabaseSection( "Accounting/MultiDB" ) cls.__acDB = MultiAccountingDB( multiPath, readOnly = True ) #Get data location reportSection = serviceInfo[ 'serviceSectionPath' ] dataPath = gConfig.getValue( "%s/DataLocation" % reportSection, "data/accountingGraphs" ) dataPath = dataPath.strip() if "/" != dataPath[0]: dataPath = os.path.realpath( "%s/%s" % ( gConfig.getValue( '/LocalSite/InstancePath', rootPath ), dataPath ) ) "Data will be written into %s" % dataPath ) mkDir( dataPath ) try: testFile = "%s/acc.jarl.test" % dataPath fd = file( testFile, "w" ) fd.close() os.unlink( testFile ) except IOError: gLogger.fatal( "Can't write to %s" % dataPath ) return S_ERROR( "Data location is not writable" ) gDataCache.setGraphsLocation( dataPath ) gMonitor.registerActivity( "plotsDrawn", "Drawn plot images", "Accounting reports", "plots", gMonitor.OP_SUM ) gMonitor.registerActivity( "reportsRequested", "Generated reports", "Accounting reports", "reports", gMonitor.OP_SUM ) return S_OK()
def initializeStorageElementHandler(serviceInfo): """Initialize Storage Element global settings""" global BASE_PATH global USE_TOKENS global MAX_STORAGE_SIZE BASE_PATH = getServiceOption(serviceInfo, "BasePath", "") if not BASE_PATH: gLogger.error("Failed to get the base path") return S_ERROR("Failed to get the base path") mkDir(BASE_PATH) USE_TOKENS = getServiceOption(serviceInfo, "UseTokens", USE_TOKENS) MAX_STORAGE_SIZE = convertSizeUnits( getServiceOption(serviceInfo, "MaxStorageSize", MAX_STORAGE_SIZE), "MB", "B")"Starting DIRAC Storage Element")"Base Path: %s" % BASE_PATH)"Max size: %d Bytes" % MAX_STORAGE_SIZE)"Use access control tokens: " + str(USE_TOKENS)) return S_OK()
def initializeSecurityLoggingHandler(serviceInfo): global gSecurityFileLog serviceCS = serviceInfo["serviceSectionPath"] dataPath = gConfig.getValue("%s/DataLocation" % serviceCS, "data/securityLog") dataPath = dataPath.strip() if "/" != dataPath[0]: dataPath = os.path.realpath("%s/%s" % (gConfig.getValue("/LocalSite/InstancePath", rootPath), dataPath))"Data will be written into %s" % dataPath) mkDir(dataPath) try: testFile = "%s/seclog.jarl.test" % dataPath with open(testFile, "w"): pass os.unlink(testFile) except IOError: gLogger.fatal("Can't write to %s" % dataPath) return S_ERROR("Data location is not writable") # Define globals gSecurityFileLog = SecurityFileLog(dataPath) SecurityLogClient().setLogStore(gSecurityFileLog) return S_OK()
def downloadSandbox(self, sbLocation, destinationDir="", inMemory=False, unpack=True): """ Download a sandbox file and keep it in bundled form """ if sbLocation.find("SB:") != 0: return S_ERROR("Invalid sandbox URL") sbLocation = sbLocation[3:] sbSplit = sbLocation.split("|") if len(sbSplit) < 2: return S_ERROR("Invalid sandbox URL") seName = sbSplit[0] sePFN = "|".join(sbSplit[1:]) try: tmpSBDir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="TMSB.") except IOError as e: return S_ERROR("Cannot create temporary file: %s" % repr(e)) se = StorageElement(seName, vo=self.__vo) result = returnSingleResult(se.getFile(sePFN, localPath=tmpSBDir)) if not result['OK']: return result sbFileName = os.path.basename(sePFN) result = S_OK() tarFileName = os.path.join(tmpSBDir, sbFileName) if inMemory: try: with open(tarFileName, 'r') as tfile: data = except IOError as e: return S_ERROR('Failed to read the sandbox archive: %s' % repr(e)) finally: os.unlink(tarFileName) os.rmdir(tmpSBDir) return S_OK(data) # If destination dir is not specified use current working dir # If its defined ensure the dir structure is there if not destinationDir: destinationDir = os.getcwd() else: mkDir(destinationDir) if not unpack: result['Value'] = tarFileName return result try: sandboxSize = 0 with, mode="r") as tf: for tarinfo in tf: tf.extract(tarinfo, path=destinationDir) sandboxSize += tarinfo.size # FIXME: here we return the size, but otherwise we always return the location: inconsistent # FIXME: looks like this size is used by the JobWrapper result['Value'] = sandboxSize except IOError as e: result = S_ERROR("Could not open bundle: %s" % repr(e)) try: os.unlink(tarFileName) os.rmdir(tmpSBDir) except OSError as e: gLogger.warn("Could not remove temporary dir %s: %s" % (tmpSBDir, repr(e))) return result
def setBenderModule(self, benderVersion, modulePath, inputData=None, numberOfEvents=-1): """Specifies Bender module to be executed. Any additional files should be specified in the job input sandbox. Input data for Bender should be specified here (can be string or list). Example usage: >>> job = LHCbJob() >>> job.setBenderModule('v8r3','BenderExample.PhiMC', inputData=['LFN:/lhcb/production/DC06/phys-v2-lumi2/00001758/DST/00001758_00000001_5.dst'],numberOfEvents=100) :param benderVersion: Bender Project Version :type benderVersion: string :param modulePath: Import path to module e.g. BenderExample.PhiMC :type modulePath: string :param inputData: Input data for application :type inputData: single LFN or list of LFNs :param numberOfEvents: Number of events to process e.g. -1 :type numberOfEvents: integer """ kwargs = { 'benderVersion': benderVersion, 'modulePath': modulePath, 'inputData': inputData, 'numberOfEvents': numberOfEvents } if not isinstance(benderVersion, str): return self._reportError('Bender version should be a string', __name__, **kwargs) if not isinstance(modulePath, str): return self._reportError('Bender module path should be a string', __name__, **kwargs) if not isinstance(numberOfEvents, int): try: numberOfEvents = int(numberOfEvents) except ValueError: return self._reportError( 'Number of events should be an integer or convertible to an integer', __name__, **kwargs) if not inputData: return S_ERROR("Need input data for Bender applications") if isinstance(inputData, str): inputData = [inputData] if not isinstance(inputData, list): return self._reportError( 'Input data should be specified as a list or a string', __name__, **kwargs) poolCatName = 'xmlcatalog_file:pool_xml_catalog.xml' benderScript = ['#!/usr/bin/env python'] benderScript.append('from Gaudi.Configuration import FileCatalog') benderScript.append('FileCatalog (Catalogs = ["%s"] )' % poolCatName) benderScript.append('import %s as USERMODULE' % modulePath) benderScript.append('USERMODULE.configure()') benderScript.append('gaudi = USERMODULE.appMgr()') benderScript.append('evtSel = gaudi.evtSel()') benderScript.append(' ( %s ) ' % inputData) benderScript.append(' %s )\n' % numberOfEvents) guid = makeGuid() tmpdir = '/tmp/' + guid self.log.verbose('Created temporary directory for submission %s' % (tmpdir)) mkDir(tmpdir) with open('%s/' % tmpdir, 'w') as fopen: self.log.verbose('Bender script is: %s/' % tmpdir) fopen.write('\n'.join(benderScript)) # should try all components of the PYTHONPATH before giving up... userModule = '' % (modulePath.split('.')[-1]) self.log.verbose('Looking for user module with name: %s' % userModule) if os.path.exists(userModule): self.addToInputSandbox.append(userModule) self.setInputData(inputData) self.setApplicationScript('Bender', benderVersion, '%s/' % tmpdir, logFile='Bender%s.log' % benderVersion) return S_OK(benderScript)
def __writeSub(self, executable, nJobs): """ Create the Sub File for submission """ self.log.debug("Working directory: %s " % self.workingDirectory) ##We randomize the location of the pilotoutput and log, because there are just too many of them pre1 = makeGuid()[:3] pre2 = makeGuid()[:3] mkDir(os.path.join(self.workingDirectory, pre1, pre2)) initialDirPrefix = "%s/%s" % (pre1, pre2) self.log.debug("InitialDir: %s" % os.path.join(self.workingDirectory, initialDirPrefix)) self.log.debug("ExtraSubmitString:\n### \n %s \n###" % self.extraSubmitString) fd, name = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.sub', prefix='HTCondorCE_', dir=self.workingDirectory) subFile = os.fdopen(fd, 'w') executable = os.path.join(self.workingDirectory, executable) localScheddOptions = """ ShouldTransferFiles = YES WhenToTransferOutput = ON_EXIT_OR_EVICT """ if self.useLocalSchedd else "" targetUniverse = "grid" if self.useLocalSchedd else "vanilla" sub = """ executable = %(executable)s universe = %(targetUniverse)s use_x509userproxy = true output = $(Cluster).$(Process).out error = $(Cluster).$(Process).err log = $(Cluster).$(Process).log environment = "HTCONDOR_JOBID=$(Cluster).$(Process)" initialdir = %(initialDir)s grid_resource = condor %(ceName)s %(ceName)s:9619 transfer_output_files = "" %(localScheddOptions)s kill_sig=SIGTERM %(extraString)s Queue %(nJobs)s """ % dict( executable=executable, nJobs=nJobs, ceName=self.ceName, extraString=self.extraSubmitString, initialDir=os.path.join(self.workingDirectory, initialDirPrefix), localScheddOptions=localScheddOptions, targetUniverse=targetUniverse, ) subFile.write(sub) subFile.close() return name
def runDiracConfigure(params): Script.registerSwitch("S:", "Setup=", "Set <setup> as DIRAC setup", params.setSetup) Script.registerSwitch("e:", "Extensions=", "Set <extensions> as DIRAC extensions", params.setExtensions) Script.registerSwitch("C:", "ConfigurationServer=", "Set <server> as DIRAC configuration server", params.setServer) Script.registerSwitch("I", "IncludeAllServers", "include all Configuration Servers", params.setAllServers) Script.registerSwitch("n:", "SiteName=", "Set <sitename> as DIRAC Site Name", params.setSiteName) Script.registerSwitch("N:", "CEName=", "Determiner <sitename> from <cename>", params.setCEName) Script.registerSwitch("V:", "VO=", "Set the VO name", params.setVO) Script.registerSwitch("W:", "gateway=", "Configure <gateway> as DIRAC Gateway for the site", params.setGateway) Script.registerSwitch("U", "UseServerCertificate", "Configure to use Server Certificate", params.setServerCert) Script.registerSwitch("H", "SkipCAChecks", "Configure to skip check of CAs", params.setSkipCAChecks) Script.registerSwitch("D", "SkipCADownload", "Configure to skip download of CAs", params.setSkipCADownload) Script.registerSwitch( "M", "SkipVOMSDownload", "Configure to skip download of VOMS info", params.setSkipVOMSDownload ) Script.registerSwitch("v", "UseVersionsDir", "Use versions directory", params.setUseVersionsDir) Script.registerSwitch("A:", "Architecture=", "Configure /Architecture=<architecture>", params.setArchitecture) Script.registerSwitch("L:", "LocalSE=", "Configure LocalSite/LocalSE=<localse>", params.setLocalSE) Script.registerSwitch( "F", "ForceUpdate", "Force Update of cfg file (i.e. dirac.cfg) (otherwise nothing happens if dirac.cfg already exists)", params.forceUpdate, ) Script.registerSwitch("O:", "output=", "output configuration file", params.setOutput) Script.parseCommandLine(ignoreErrors=True) if not params.logLevel: params.logLevel = DIRAC.gConfig.getValue(cfgInstallPath("LogLevel"), "") if params.logLevel: DIRAC.gLogger.setLevel(params.logLevel) else: DIRAC.gConfig.setOptionValue(cfgInstallPath("LogLevel"), params.logLevel) if not params.gatewayServer: newGatewayServer = DIRAC.gConfig.getValue(cfgInstallPath("Gateway"), "") if newGatewayServer: params.setGateway(newGatewayServer) if not params.configurationServer: newConfigurationServer = DIRAC.gConfig.getValue(cfgInstallPath("ConfigurationServer"), "") if newConfigurationServer: params.setServer(newConfigurationServer) if not params.includeAllServers: newIncludeAllServer = DIRAC.gConfig.getValue(cfgInstallPath("IncludeAllServers"), False) if newIncludeAllServer: params.setAllServers(True) if not params.setup: newSetup = DIRAC.gConfig.getValue(cfgInstallPath("Setup"), "") if newSetup: params.setSetup(newSetup) if not params.siteName: newSiteName = DIRAC.gConfig.getValue(cfgInstallPath("SiteName"), "") if newSiteName: params.setSiteName(newSiteName) if not params.ceName: newCEName = DIRAC.gConfig.getValue(cfgInstallPath("CEName"), "") if newCEName: params.setCEName(newCEName) if not params.useServerCert: newUserServerCert = DIRAC.gConfig.getValue(cfgInstallPath("UseServerCertificate"), False) if newUserServerCert: params.setServerCert(newUserServerCert) if not params.skipCAChecks: newSkipCAChecks = DIRAC.gConfig.getValue(cfgInstallPath("SkipCAChecks"), False) if newSkipCAChecks: params.setSkipCAChecks(newSkipCAChecks) if not params.skipCADownload: newSkipCADownload = DIRAC.gConfig.getValue(cfgInstallPath("SkipCADownload"), False) if newSkipCADownload: params.setSkipCADownload(newSkipCADownload) if not params.useVersionsDir: newUseVersionsDir = DIRAC.gConfig.getValue(cfgInstallPath("UseVersionsDir"), False) if newUseVersionsDir: params.setUseVersionsDir(newUseVersionsDir) # Set proper Defaults in configuration (even if they will be properly overwrite by gComponentInstaller instancePath = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(DIRAC.rootPath)) rootPath = os.path.join(instancePath, "pro") DIRAC.gConfig.setOptionValue(cfgInstallPath("InstancePath"), instancePath) DIRAC.gConfig.setOptionValue(cfgInstallPath("RootPath"), rootPath) if not params.architecture: newArchitecture = DIRAC.gConfig.getValue(cfgInstallPath("Architecture"), "") if newArchitecture: params.setArchitecture(newArchitecture) if not params.vo: newVO = DIRAC.gConfig.getValue(cfgInstallPath("VirtualOrganization"), "") if newVO: params.setVO(newVO) if not params.extensions: newExtensions = DIRAC.gConfig.getValue(cfgInstallPath("Extensions"), "") if newExtensions: params.setExtensions(newExtensions) DIRAC.gLogger.notice("Executing: %s " % (" ".join(sys.argv))) DIRAC.gLogger.notice('Checking DIRAC installation at "%s"' % DIRAC.rootPath) if params.update: if params.outputFile: DIRAC.gLogger.notice("Will update the output file %s" % params.outputFile) else: DIRAC.gLogger.notice("Will update %s" % DIRAC.gConfig.diracConfigFilePath) if params.setup: DIRAC.gLogger.verbose("/DIRAC/Setup =", params.setup) if params.vo: DIRAC.gLogger.verbose("/DIRAC/VirtualOrganization =", params.vo) if params.configurationServer: DIRAC.gLogger.verbose("/DIRAC/Configuration/Servers =", params.configurationServer) if params.siteName: DIRAC.gLogger.verbose("/LocalSite/Site =", params.siteName) if params.architecture: DIRAC.gLogger.verbose("/LocalSite/Architecture =", params.architecture) if params.localSE: DIRAC.gLogger.verbose("/LocalSite/localSE =", params.localSE) if not params.useServerCert: DIRAC.gLogger.verbose("/DIRAC/Security/UseServerCertificate =", "no") # Being sure it was not there before Script.localCfg.deleteOption("/DIRAC/Security/UseServerCertificate") Script.localCfg.addDefaultEntry("/DIRAC/Security/UseServerCertificate", "no") else: DIRAC.gLogger.verbose("/DIRAC/Security/UseServerCertificate =", "yes") # Being sure it was not there before Script.localCfg.deleteOption("/DIRAC/Security/UseServerCertificate") Script.localCfg.addDefaultEntry("/DIRAC/Security/UseServerCertificate", "yes") host = DIRAC.gConfig.getValue(cfgInstallPath("Host"), "") if host: DIRAC.gConfig.setOptionValue(cfgPath("DIRAC", "Hostname"), host) if params.skipCAChecks: DIRAC.gLogger.verbose("/DIRAC/Security/SkipCAChecks =", "yes") # Being sure it was not there before Script.localCfg.deleteOption("/DIRAC/Security/SkipCAChecks") Script.localCfg.addDefaultEntry("/DIRAC/Security/SkipCAChecks", "yes") else: # Necessary to allow initial download of CA's if not params.skipCADownload: DIRAC.gConfig.setOptionValue("/DIRAC/Security/SkipCAChecks", "yes") if not params.skipCADownload: Script.enableCS() try: dirName = os.path.join(DIRAC.rootPath, "etc", "grid-security", "certificates") mkDir(dirName) except Exception: DIRAC.gLogger.exception() DIRAC.gLogger.fatal("Fail to create directory:", dirName) DIRAC.exit(-1) try: bdc = BundleDeliveryClient() result = bdc.syncCAs() if result["OK"]: result = bdc.syncCRLs() except Exception as e: DIRAC.gLogger.error("Failed to sync CAs and CRLs: %s" % str(e)) Script.localCfg.deleteOption("/DIRAC/Security/SkipCAChecks") if params.ceName or params.siteName: # This is used in the pilot context, we should have a proxy, or a certificate, and access to CS if params.useServerCert: # Being sure it was not there before Script.localCfg.deleteOption("/DIRAC/Security/UseServerCertificate") Script.localCfg.addDefaultEntry("/DIRAC/Security/UseServerCertificate", "yes") Script.enableCS() # Get the site resource section gridSections = DIRAC.gConfig.getSections("/Resources/Sites/") if not gridSections["OK"]: DIRAC.gLogger.warn("Could not get grid sections list") grids = [] else: grids = gridSections["Value"] # try to get siteName from ceName or Local SE from siteName using Remote Configuration for grid in grids: siteSections = DIRAC.gConfig.getSections("/Resources/Sites/%s/" % grid) if not siteSections["OK"]: DIRAC.gLogger.warn("Could not get %s site list" % grid) sites = [] else: sites = siteSections["Value"] if not params.siteName: if params.ceName: for site in sites: res = DIRAC.gConfig.getSections("/Resources/Sites/%s/%s/CEs/" % (grid, site), []) if not res["OK"]: DIRAC.gLogger.warn("Could not get %s CEs list" % site) if params.ceName in res["Value"]: params.siteName = site break if params.siteName: DIRAC.gLogger.notice("Setting /LocalSite/Site = %s" % params.siteName) Script.localCfg.addDefaultEntry("/LocalSite/Site", params.siteName) DIRAC.__siteName = False if params.ceName: DIRAC.gLogger.notice("Setting /LocalSite/GridCE = %s" % params.ceName) Script.localCfg.addDefaultEntry("/LocalSite/GridCE", params.ceName) if not params.localSE and params.siteName in sites: params.localSE = getSEsForSite(params.siteName) if params.localSE["OK"] and params.localSE["Value"]: params.localSE = ",".join(params.localSE["Value"]) DIRAC.gLogger.notice("Setting /LocalSite/LocalSE =", params.localSE) Script.localCfg.addDefaultEntry("/LocalSite/LocalSE", params.localSE) break if params.gatewayServer: DIRAC.gLogger.verbose("/DIRAC/Gateways/%s =" % DIRAC.siteName(), params.gatewayServer) Script.localCfg.addDefaultEntry("/DIRAC/Gateways/%s" % DIRAC.siteName(), params.gatewayServer) # Create the local cfg if it is not yet there if not params.outputFile: params.outputFile = DIRAC.gConfig.diracConfigFilePath params.outputFile = os.path.abspath(params.outputFile) if not os.path.exists(params.outputFile): configDir = os.path.dirname(params.outputFile) mkDir(configDir) params.update = True DIRAC.gConfig.dumpLocalCFGToFile(params.outputFile) if params.includeAllServers: # We need user proxy or server certificate to continue in order to get all the CS URLs if not params.useServerCert: Script.enableCS() result = getProxyInfo() if not result["OK"]: DIRAC.gLogger.notice("Configuration is not completed because no user proxy is available") DIRAC.gLogger.notice("Create one using dirac-proxy-init and execute again with -F option") return 1 else: Script.localCfg.deleteOption("/DIRAC/Security/UseServerCertificate") # When using Server Certs CA's will be checked, the flag only disables initial download # this will be replaced by the use of SkipCADownload Script.localCfg.addDefaultEntry("/DIRAC/Security/UseServerCertificate", "yes") Script.enableCS() DIRAC.gConfig.setOptionValue("/DIRAC/Configuration/Servers", ",".join(DIRAC.gConfig.getServersList())) DIRAC.gLogger.verbose("/DIRAC/Configuration/Servers =", ",".join(DIRAC.gConfig.getServersList())) if params.useServerCert: # always removing before dumping Script.localCfg.deleteOption("/DIRAC/Security/UseServerCertificate") Script.localCfg.deleteOption("/DIRAC/Security/SkipCAChecks") Script.localCfg.deleteOption("/DIRAC/Security/SkipVOMSDownload") if params.update: DIRAC.gConfig.dumpLocalCFGToFile(params.outputFile) # ## LAST PART: do the vomsdir/vomses magic # This has to be done for all VOs in the installation if params.skipVOMSDownload: return 0 result = Registry.getVOMSServerInfo() if not result["OK"]: return 1 error = "" vomsDict = result["Value"] for vo in vomsDict: voName = vomsDict[vo]["VOMSName"] vomsDirPath = os.path.join(DIRAC.rootPath, "etc", "grid-security", "vomsdir", voName) vomsesDirPath = os.path.join(DIRAC.rootPath, "etc", "grid-security", "vomses") for path in (vomsDirPath, vomsesDirPath): mkDir(path) vomsesLines = [] for vomsHost in vomsDict[vo].get("Servers", {}): hostFilePath = os.path.join(vomsDirPath, "%s.lsc" % vomsHost) try: DN = vomsDict[vo]["Servers"][vomsHost]["DN"] CA = vomsDict[vo]["Servers"][vomsHost]["CA"] port = vomsDict[vo]["Servers"][vomsHost]["Port"] if not DN or not CA or not port: DIRAC.gLogger.error("DN = %s" % DN) DIRAC.gLogger.error("CA = %s" % CA) DIRAC.gLogger.error("Port = %s" % port) DIRAC.gLogger.error("Missing Parameter for %s" % vomsHost) continue with open(hostFilePath, "wt") as fd: fd.write("%s\n%s\n" % (DN, CA)) vomsesLines.append('"%s" "%s" "%s" "%s" "%s" "24"' % (voName, vomsHost, port, DN, voName)) DIRAC.gLogger.notice("Created vomsdir file %s" % hostFilePath) except Exception: DIRAC.gLogger.exception("Could not generate vomsdir file for host", vomsHost) error = "Could not generate vomsdir file for VO %s, host %s" % (voName, vomsHost) try: vomsesFilePath = os.path.join(vomsesDirPath, voName) with open(vomsesFilePath, "wt") as fd: fd.write("%s\n" % "\n".join(vomsesLines)) DIRAC.gLogger.notice("Created vomses file %s" % vomsesFilePath) except Exception: DIRAC.gLogger.exception("Could not generate vomses file") error = "Could not generate vomses file for VO %s" % voName if params.useServerCert: Script.localCfg.deleteOption("/DIRAC/Security/UseServerCertificate") # When using Server Certs CA's will be checked, the flag only disables initial download # this will be replaced by the use of SkipCADownload Script.localCfg.deleteOption("/DIRAC/Security/SkipCAChecks") if error: return 1 return 0
DIRAC.gConfig.setOptionValue( cfgPath( "DIRAC", "Hostname" ), host ) if skipCAChecks: DIRAC.gLogger.verbose( '/DIRAC/Security/SkipCAChecks =', 'yes' ) #Being sure it was not there before Script.localCfg.deleteOption( '/DIRAC/Security/SkipCAChecks' ) Script.localCfg.addDefaultEntry( '/DIRAC/Security/SkipCAChecks', 'yes' ) else: # Necessary to allow initial download of CA's if not skipCADownload: DIRAC.gConfig.setOptionValue( '/DIRAC/Security/SkipCAChecks', 'yes' ) if not skipCADownload: Script.enableCS() try: dirName = os.path.join( DIRAC.rootPath, 'etc', 'grid-security', 'certificates' ) mkDir(dirName) except: DIRAC.gLogger.exception() DIRAC.gLogger.fatal( 'Fail to create directory:', dirName ) DIRAC.exit( -1 ) try: from DIRAC.FrameworkSystem.Client.BundleDeliveryClient import BundleDeliveryClient bdc = BundleDeliveryClient() result = bdc.syncCAs() if result[ 'OK' ]: result = bdc.syncCRLs() except: DIRAC.gLogger.exception( 'Could not import BundleDeliveryClient' ) pass if not skipCAChecks: Script.localCfg.deleteOption( '/DIRAC/Security/SkipCAChecks' )
def main(): global logLevel global setup global configurationServer global includeAllServers global gatewayServer global siteName global useServerCert global skipCAChecks global skipCADownload global useVersionsDir global architecture global localSE global ceName global vo global update global outputFile global skipVOMSDownload global extensions Script.disableCS() Script.registerSwitch("S:", "Setup=", "Set <setup> as DIRAC setup", setSetup) Script.registerSwitch("e:", "Extensions=", "Set <extensions> as DIRAC extensions", setExtensions) Script.registerSwitch("C:", "ConfigurationServer=", "Set <server> as DIRAC configuration server", setServer) Script.registerSwitch("I", "IncludeAllServers", "include all Configuration Servers", setAllServers) Script.registerSwitch("n:", "SiteName=", "Set <sitename> as DIRAC Site Name", setSiteName) Script.registerSwitch("N:", "CEName=", "Determiner <sitename> from <cename>", setCEName) Script.registerSwitch("V:", "VO=", "Set the VO name", setVO) Script.registerSwitch("W:", "gateway=", "Configure <gateway> as DIRAC Gateway for the site", setGateway) Script.registerSwitch("U", "UseServerCertificate", "Configure to use Server Certificate", setServerCert) Script.registerSwitch("H", "SkipCAChecks", "Configure to skip check of CAs", setSkipCAChecks) Script.registerSwitch("D", "SkipCADownload", "Configure to skip download of CAs", setSkipCADownload) Script.registerSwitch("M", "SkipVOMSDownload", "Configure to skip download of VOMS info", setSkipVOMSDownload) Script.registerSwitch("v", "UseVersionsDir", "Use versions directory", setUseVersionsDir) Script.registerSwitch("A:", "Architecture=", "Configure /Architecture=<architecture>", setArchitecture) Script.registerSwitch("L:", "LocalSE=", "Configure LocalSite/LocalSE=<localse>", setLocalSE) Script.registerSwitch( "F", "ForceUpdate", "Force Update of cfg file (i.e. dirac.cfg) (otherwise nothing happens if dirac.cfg already exists)", forceUpdate) Script.registerSwitch("O:", "output=", "output configuration file", setOutput) Script.setUsageMessage('\n'.join([ __doc__.split('\n')[1], '\nUsage:', ' %s [options] ...\n' % Script.scriptName ])) Script.parseCommandLine(ignoreErrors=True) args = Script.getExtraCLICFGFiles() if not logLevel: logLevel = DIRAC.gConfig.getValue(cfgInstallPath('LogLevel'), '') if logLevel: DIRAC.gLogger.setLevel(logLevel) else: DIRAC.gConfig.setOptionValue(cfgInstallPath('LogLevel'), logLevel) if not gatewayServer: newGatewayServer = DIRAC.gConfig.getValue(cfgInstallPath('Gateway'), '') if newGatewayServer: setGateway(newGatewayServer) if not configurationServer: newConfigurationServer = DIRAC.gConfig.getValue( cfgInstallPath('ConfigurationServer'), '') if newConfigurationServer: setServer(newConfigurationServer) if not includeAllServers: newIncludeAllServer = DIRAC.gConfig.getValue( cfgInstallPath('IncludeAllServers'), False) if newIncludeAllServer: setAllServers(True) if not setup: newSetup = DIRAC.gConfig.getValue(cfgInstallPath('Setup'), '') if newSetup: setSetup(newSetup) if not siteName: newSiteName = DIRAC.gConfig.getValue(cfgInstallPath('SiteName'), '') if newSiteName: setSiteName(newSiteName) if not ceName: newCEName = DIRAC.gConfig.getValue(cfgInstallPath('CEName'), '') if newCEName: setCEName(newCEName) if not useServerCert: newUserServerCert = DIRAC.gConfig.getValue( cfgInstallPath('UseServerCertificate'), False) if newUserServerCert: setServerCert(newUserServerCert) if not skipCAChecks: newSkipCAChecks = DIRAC.gConfig.getValue( cfgInstallPath('SkipCAChecks'), False) if newSkipCAChecks: setSkipCAChecks(newSkipCAChecks) if not skipCADownload: newSkipCADownload = DIRAC.gConfig.getValue( cfgInstallPath('SkipCADownload'), False) if newSkipCADownload: setSkipCADownload(newSkipCADownload) if not useVersionsDir: newUseVersionsDir = DIRAC.gConfig.getValue( cfgInstallPath('UseVersionsDir'), False) if newUseVersionsDir: setUseVersionsDir(newUseVersionsDir) # Set proper Defaults in configuration (even if they will be properly overwrite by gComponentInstaller instancePath = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(DIRAC.rootPath)) rootPath = os.path.join(instancePath, 'pro') DIRAC.gConfig.setOptionValue(cfgInstallPath('InstancePath'), instancePath) DIRAC.gConfig.setOptionValue(cfgInstallPath('RootPath'), rootPath) if not architecture: newArchitecture = DIRAC.gConfig.getValue( cfgInstallPath('Architecture'), '') if newArchitecture: setArchitecture(newArchitecture) if not vo: newVO = DIRAC.gConfig.getValue(cfgInstallPath('VirtualOrganization'), '') if newVO: setVO(newVO) if not extensions: newExtensions = DIRAC.gConfig.getValue(cfgInstallPath('Extensions'), '') if newExtensions: setExtensions(newExtensions) DIRAC.gLogger.notice('Executing: %s ' % (' '.join(sys.argv))) DIRAC.gLogger.notice('Checking DIRAC installation at "%s"' % DIRAC.rootPath) if update: if outputFile: DIRAC.gLogger.notice('Will update the output file %s' % outputFile) else: DIRAC.gLogger.notice('Will update %s' % DIRAC.gConfig.diracConfigFilePath) if setup: DIRAC.gLogger.verbose('/DIRAC/Setup =', setup) if vo: DIRAC.gLogger.verbose('/DIRAC/VirtualOrganization =', vo) if configurationServer: DIRAC.gLogger.verbose('/DIRAC/Configuration/Servers =', configurationServer) if siteName: DIRAC.gLogger.verbose('/LocalSite/Site =', siteName) if architecture: DIRAC.gLogger.verbose('/LocalSite/Architecture =', architecture) if localSE: DIRAC.gLogger.verbose('/LocalSite/localSE =', localSE) if not useServerCert: DIRAC.gLogger.verbose('/DIRAC/Security/UseServerCertificate =', 'no') # Being sure it was not there before Script.localCfg.deleteOption('/DIRAC/Security/UseServerCertificate') Script.localCfg.addDefaultEntry('/DIRAC/Security/UseServerCertificate', 'no') else: DIRAC.gLogger.verbose('/DIRAC/Security/UseServerCertificate =', 'yes') # Being sure it was not there before Script.localCfg.deleteOption('/DIRAC/Security/UseServerCertificate') Script.localCfg.addDefaultEntry('/DIRAC/Security/UseServerCertificate', 'yes') host = DIRAC.gConfig.getValue(cfgInstallPath("Host"), "") if host: DIRAC.gConfig.setOptionValue(cfgPath("DIRAC", "Hostname"), host) if skipCAChecks: DIRAC.gLogger.verbose('/DIRAC/Security/SkipCAChecks =', 'yes') # Being sure it was not there before Script.localCfg.deleteOption('/DIRAC/Security/SkipCAChecks') Script.localCfg.addDefaultEntry('/DIRAC/Security/SkipCAChecks', 'yes') else: # Necessary to allow initial download of CA's if not skipCADownload: DIRAC.gConfig.setOptionValue('/DIRAC/Security/SkipCAChecks', 'yes') if not skipCADownload: Script.enableCS() try: dirName = os.path.join(DIRAC.rootPath, 'etc', 'grid-security', 'certificates') mkDir(dirName) except BaseException: DIRAC.gLogger.exception() DIRAC.gLogger.fatal('Fail to create directory:', dirName) DIRAC.exit(-1) try: bdc = BundleDeliveryClient() result = bdc.syncCAs() if result['OK']: result = bdc.syncCRLs() except Exception as e: DIRAC.gLogger.error('Failed to sync CAs and CRLs: %s' % str(e)) if not skipCAChecks: Script.localCfg.deleteOption('/DIRAC/Security/SkipCAChecks') if ceName or siteName: # This is used in the pilot context, we should have a proxy, or a certificate, and access to CS if useServerCert: # Being sure it was not there before Script.localCfg.deleteOption( '/DIRAC/Security/UseServerCertificate') Script.localCfg.addDefaultEntry( '/DIRAC/Security/UseServerCertificate', 'yes') Script.enableCS() # Get the site resource section gridSections = DIRAC.gConfig.getSections('/Resources/Sites/') if not gridSections['OK']: DIRAC.gLogger.warn('Could not get grid sections list') grids = [] else: grids = gridSections['Value'] # try to get siteName from ceName or Local SE from siteName using Remote Configuration for grid in grids: siteSections = DIRAC.gConfig.getSections('/Resources/Sites/%s/' % grid) if not siteSections['OK']: DIRAC.gLogger.warn('Could not get %s site list' % grid) sites = [] else: sites = siteSections['Value'] if not siteName: if ceName: for site in sites: res = DIRAC.gConfig.getSections( '/Resources/Sites/%s/%s/CEs/' % (grid, site), []) if not res['OK']: DIRAC.gLogger.warn('Could not get %s CEs list' % site) if ceName in res['Value']: siteName = site break if siteName: DIRAC.gLogger.notice('Setting /LocalSite/Site = %s' % siteName) Script.localCfg.addDefaultEntry('/LocalSite/Site', siteName) DIRAC.__siteName = False if ceName: DIRAC.gLogger.notice('Setting /LocalSite/GridCE = %s' % ceName) Script.localCfg.addDefaultEntry('/LocalSite/GridCE', ceName) if not localSE and siteName in sites: localSE = getSEsForSite(siteName) if localSE['OK'] and localSE['Value']: localSE = ','.join(localSE['Value']) DIRAC.gLogger.notice('Setting /LocalSite/LocalSE =', localSE) Script.localCfg.addDefaultEntry( '/LocalSite/LocalSE', localSE) break if gatewayServer: DIRAC.gLogger.verbose('/DIRAC/Gateways/%s =' % DIRAC.siteName(), gatewayServer) Script.localCfg.addDefaultEntry( '/DIRAC/Gateways/%s' % DIRAC.siteName(), gatewayServer) # Create the local cfg if it is not yet there if not outputFile: outputFile = DIRAC.gConfig.diracConfigFilePath outputFile = os.path.abspath(outputFile) if not os.path.exists(outputFile): configDir = os.path.dirname(outputFile) mkDir(configDir) update = True DIRAC.gConfig.dumpLocalCFGToFile(outputFile) if includeAllServers: # We need user proxy or server certificate to continue in order to get all the CS URLs if not useServerCert: Script.enableCS() result = getProxyInfo() if not result['OK']: DIRAC.gLogger.notice( 'Configuration is not completed because no user proxy is available' ) DIRAC.gLogger.notice( 'Create one using dirac-proxy-init and execute again with -F option' ) sys.exit(1) else: Script.localCfg.deleteOption( '/DIRAC/Security/UseServerCertificate') # When using Server Certs CA's will be checked, the flag only disables initial download # this will be replaced by the use of SkipCADownload Script.localCfg.addDefaultEntry( '/DIRAC/Security/UseServerCertificate', 'yes') Script.enableCS() DIRAC.gConfig.setOptionValue('/DIRAC/Configuration/Servers', ','.join(DIRAC.gConfig.getServersList())) DIRAC.gLogger.verbose('/DIRAC/Configuration/Servers =', ','.join(DIRAC.gConfig.getServersList())) if useServerCert: # always removing before dumping Script.localCfg.deleteOption('/DIRAC/Security/UseServerCertificate') Script.localCfg.deleteOption('/DIRAC/Security/SkipCAChecks') Script.localCfg.deleteOption('/DIRAC/Security/SkipVOMSDownload') if update: DIRAC.gConfig.dumpLocalCFGToFile(outputFile) # ## LAST PART: do the vomsdir/vomses magic # This has to be done for all VOs in the installation if skipVOMSDownload: # We stop here sys.exit(0) result = Registry.getVOMSServerInfo() if not result['OK']: sys.exit(1) error = '' vomsDict = result['Value'] for vo in vomsDict: voName = vomsDict[vo]['VOMSName'] vomsDirPath = os.path.join(DIRAC.rootPath, 'etc', 'grid-security', 'vomsdir', voName) vomsesDirPath = os.path.join(DIRAC.rootPath, 'etc', 'grid-security', 'vomses') for path in (vomsDirPath, vomsesDirPath): mkDir(path) vomsesLines = [] for vomsHost in vomsDict[vo].get('Servers', {}): hostFilePath = os.path.join(vomsDirPath, "%s.lsc" % vomsHost) try: DN = vomsDict[vo]['Servers'][vomsHost]['DN'] CA = vomsDict[vo]['Servers'][vomsHost]['CA'] port = vomsDict[vo]['Servers'][vomsHost]['Port'] if not DN or not CA or not port: DIRAC.gLogger.error('DN = %s' % DN) DIRAC.gLogger.error('CA = %s' % CA) DIRAC.gLogger.error('Port = %s' % port) DIRAC.gLogger.error('Missing Parameter for %s' % vomsHost) continue with open(hostFilePath, "wt") as fd: fd.write("%s\n%s\n" % (DN, CA)) vomsesLines.append('"%s" "%s" "%s" "%s" "%s" "24"' % (voName, vomsHost, port, DN, voName)) DIRAC.gLogger.notice("Created vomsdir file %s" % hostFilePath) except Exception: DIRAC.gLogger.exception( "Could not generate vomsdir file for host", vomsHost) error = "Could not generate vomsdir file for VO %s, host %s" % ( voName, vomsHost) try: vomsesFilePath = os.path.join(vomsesDirPath, voName) with open(vomsesFilePath, "wt") as fd: fd.write("%s\n" % "\n".join(vomsesLines)) DIRAC.gLogger.notice("Created vomses file %s" % vomsesFilePath) except Exception: DIRAC.gLogger.exception("Could not generate vomses file") error = "Could not generate vomses file for VO %s" % voName if useServerCert: Script.localCfg.deleteOption('/DIRAC/Security/UseServerCertificate') # When using Server Certs CA's will be checked, the flag only disables initial download # this will be replaced by the use of SkipCADownload Script.localCfg.deleteOption('/DIRAC/Security/SkipCAChecks') if error: sys.exit(1) sys.exit(0)
def __getJobOutput(self, jobID, outTypes): """Get job outputs: output, error and logging files from HTCondor :param str jobID: job identifier :param list outTypes: output types targeted (output, error and/or logging) """ _job, pathToResult, condorID = condorIDAndPathToResultFromJobRef(jobID) iwd = os.path.join(self.workingDirectory, pathToResult) try: mkDir(iwd) except OSError as e: errorMessage = "Failed to create the pilot output directory" self.log.exception(errorMessage, iwd) return S_ERROR(e.errno, "%s (%s)" % (errorMessage, iwd)) if not self.useLocalSchedd: cmd = [ "condor_transfer_data", "-pool", "%s:9619" % self.ceName, "-name", self.ceName, condorID ] result = executeGridCommand(self.proxy, cmd, self.gridEnv) self.log.verbose(result) # Getting 'logging' without 'error' and 'output' is possible but will generate command errors # We do not check the command errors if we only want 'logging' if "error" in outTypes or "output" in outTypes: errorMessage = "Failed to get job output from htcondor" if not result["OK"]: self.log.error(errorMessage, result["Message"]) return result # Even if result is OK, the actual exit code of cmd can still be an error if result["OK"] and result["Value"][0] != 0: outMessage = result["Value"][1].strip() errMessage = result["Value"][2].strip() varMessage = outMessage + " " + errMessage self.log.error(errorMessage, varMessage) return S_ERROR("%s: %s" % (errorMessage, varMessage)) outputsSuffix = {"output": "out", "error": "err", "logging": "log"} outputs = {} for output, suffix in outputsSuffix.items(): resOut = findFile(self.workingDirectory, "%s.%s" % (condorID, suffix), pathToResult) if not resOut["OK"]: # Return an error if the output type was targeted, else we continue if output in outTypes: self.log.error("Failed to find", "%s for condor job %s" % (output, jobID)) return resOut continue outputfilename = resOut["Value"] try: # If the output type is not targeted, then we directly remove the file if output in outTypes: with open(outputfilename) as outputfile: outputs[output] = # If a local schedd is used, we cannot retrieve the outputs again if we delete them if not self.useLocalSchedd: os.remove(outputfilename) except IOError as e: self.log.error("Failed to open", "%s file: %s" % (output, str(e))) return S_ERROR("Failed to get pilot %s" % output) return S_OK(outputs)
def __writeSub(self, executable, nJobs, location, processors): """ Create the Sub File for submission. :param str executable: name of the script to execute :param int nJobs: number of desired jobs :param str location: directory that should contain the result of the jobs :param int processors: number of CPU cores to allocate """ self.log.debug("Working directory: %s " % self.workingDirectory) mkDir(os.path.join(self.workingDirectory, location)) self.log.debug("InitialDir: %s" % os.path.join(self.workingDirectory, location)) self.log.debug("ExtraSubmitString:\n### \n %s \n###" % self.extraSubmitString) fd, name = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.sub', prefix='HTCondorCE_', dir=self.workingDirectory) subFile = os.fdopen(fd, 'w') executable = os.path.join(self.workingDirectory, executable) # This is used to remove outputs from the remote schedd # Used in case a local schedd is not used periodicRemove = "periodic_remove = " periodicRemove += "(JobStatus == 4) && " periodicRemove += "(time() - EnteredCurrentStatus) > (%s * 24 * 3600)" % self.daysToKeepRemoteLogs localScheddOptions = """ ShouldTransferFiles = YES WhenToTransferOutput = ON_EXIT_OR_EVICT """ if self.useLocalSchedd else periodicRemove targetUniverse = "grid" if self.useLocalSchedd else "vanilla" sub = """ executable = %(executable)s universe = %(targetUniverse)s use_x509userproxy = true output = $(Cluster).$(Process).out error = $(Cluster).$(Process).err log = $(Cluster).$(Process).log environment = "HTCONDOR_JOBID=$(Cluster).$(Process)" initialdir = %(initialDir)s grid_resource = condor %(ceName)s %(ceName)s:9619 transfer_output_files = "" +xcount = %(processors)s %(localScheddOptions)s kill_sig=SIGTERM %(extraString)s Queue %(nJobs)s """ % dict( executable=executable, nJobs=nJobs, processors=processors, ceName=self.ceName, extraString=self.extraSubmitString, initialDir=os.path.join(self.workingDirectory, location), localScheddOptions=localScheddOptions, targetUniverse=targetUniverse, ) subFile.write(sub) subFile.close() return name
def getJobOutput(self, jobID, _localDir=None): """ TODO: condor can copy the output automatically back to the submission, so we just need to pick it up from the proper folder """ self.log.verbose("Getting job output for jobID: %s " % jobID) _job, pathToResult, condorID = condorIDAndPathToResultFromJobRef(jobID) # FIXME: the WMSAdministrator does not know about the # SiteDirector WorkingDirectory, it might not even run on the # same machine # workingDirectory = self.ceParameters.get( 'WorkingDirectory', DEFAULT_WORKINGDIRECTORY ) if not self.useLocalSchedd: iwd = None # TOREMOVE: once v7r0 will mainly be used, remove the following block that was only useful # when path to output was not deterministic status, stdout_q = commands.getstatusoutput( 'condor_q %s %s -af SUBMIT_Iwd' % (self.remoteScheddOptions, condorID)) self.log.verbose('condor_q:', stdout_q) if status == 0 and self.workingDirectory in stdout_q: iwd = stdout_q pathToResult = iwd # Use the path extracted from the pilotID if iwd is None: iwd = os.path.join(self.workingDirectory, pathToResult) try: mkDir(iwd) except OSError as e: errorMessage = "Failed to create the pilot output directory" self.log.exception(errorMessage, iwd) return S_ERROR(e.errno, '%s (%s)' % (errorMessage, iwd)) cmd = [ 'condor_transfer_data', '-pool', '%s:9619' % self.ceName, '-name', self.ceName, condorID ] result = executeGridCommand(self.proxy, cmd, self.gridEnv) self.log.verbose(result) errorMessage = "Failed to get job output from htcondor" if not result['OK']: self.log.error(errorMessage, result['Message']) return result # Even if result is OK, the actual exit code of cmd can still be an error if result['OK'] and result['Value'][0] != 0: varMessage = result['Value'][1].strip() self.log.error(errorMessage, varMessage) return S_ERROR('%s: %s' % (errorMessage, varMessage)) output = '' error = '' resOut = findFile(self.workingDirectory, '%s.out' % condorID, pathToResult) if not resOut['OK']: self.log.error("Failed to find output file for condor job", jobID) return resOut outputfilename = resOut['Value'][0] resErr = findFile(self.workingDirectory, '%s.err' % condorID, pathToResult) if not resErr['OK']: self.log.error("Failed to find error file for condor job", jobID) return resErr errorfilename = resErr['Value'][0] try: with open(outputfilename) as outputfile: output = except IOError as e: self.log.error("Failed to open outputfile", str(e)) return S_ERROR("Failed to get pilot output") try: with open(errorfilename) as errorfile: error = except IOError as e: self.log.error("Failed to open errorfile", str(e)) return S_ERROR("Failed to get pilot error") return S_OK((output, error))