def ldapTag(ce,vo):
    # returns the list of tags that are associated with this CE
    res = ldapsearchBDII( filt = "(&(objectClass=GlueSubCluster)(GlueChunkKey=GlueClusterUniqueID=%s))"%ce, attr = "GlueHostApplicationSoftwareRuntimeEnvironment")
    tags = []
    if res['OK'] and len(res['Value'])!=0:
        tagdict = res['Value'][-1]
        if tagdict['attr'].has_key('GlueHostApplicationSoftwareRunTimeEnvironment'):
            tags = [tag for tag in tagdict['attr']['GlueHostApplicationSoftwareRunTimeEnvironment'] if vo in tag]
    return tags
예제 #2
def ldapCEs(vo):
    # returns the list of CEs that are associated with the correct VO
    res = ldapsearchBDII(
        filt="(&(objectClass=GlueCE)(GlueCEAccessControlBaseRule=VO:%s))" % vo,
    celist = [
        for i, value in enumerate(res['Value']) if res['OK']
    return celist
예제 #3
 def getCEStatus( self ):
   """ Method to return information on running and pending jobs.
   vo = ''
   result = getVOfromProxyGroup()
   if result['OK']:
     vo = result['Value']
   else: # A backup solution which may work
     vo = self.ceParameters['VO']
   voFilters = '(GlueCEAccessControlBaseRule=VOMS:/%s/*)' % vo
   voFilters += '(GlueCEAccessControlBaseRule=VOMS:/%s)' % vo
   voFilters += '(GlueCEAccessControlBaseRule=VO:%s)' % vo
   filt = '(&(GlueCEUniqueID=%s*)(|%s))' % ( self.ceHost, voFilters )
   result = ldapsearchBDII( filt, attr=None, host=None, base=None )
   ces = result['Value']
   filt = '(&(objectClass=GlueVOView)(|%s))' % ( voFilters )
   dn = ces[0]['dn']
   result = ldapsearchBDII( filt, attr=None, host=None, base = dn )
   stats = result['Value'][0]['attr']
   result['RunningJobs'] = int(stats["GlueCEStateRunningJobs"])
   result['WaitingJobs'] = int(stats["GlueCEStateTotalJobs"])
   result['SubmittedJobs'] = 0
   return result
예제 #4
def ldapTag(ce, vo):
    # returns the list of tags that are associated with this CE
    res = ldapsearchBDII(
        % ce,
    tags = []
    if res['OK'] and len(res['Value']) != 0:
        tagdict = res['Value'][-1]
        if tagdict['attr'].has_key(
            tags = [
                tag for tag in tagdict['attr']
                ['GlueHostApplicationSoftwareRunTimeEnvironment'] if vo in tag
    return tags
예제 #5
    def getOccupancy(self, **kwargs):
        """Returns the space information given by BDII
        Total and Free space are taken from GlueSATotalOnlineSize and GlueSAFreeOnlineSize, respectively.

        :returns: S_OK with dict (keys: Total, Free)
        sTokenDict = {"Total": 0, "Free": 0}
        BDIIAttr = ["GlueSATotalOnlineSize", "GlueSAFreeOnlineSize"]

        filt = "(&(GlueSAAccessControlBaseRule=VO:%s)(GlueChunkKey=GlueSEUniqueID=%s))" % (self.vo,
        ret = ldapsearchBDII(filt, BDIIAttr, host=self.bdii)
        if not ret["OK"]:
            return ret
        for value in ret["Value"]:
            if "attr" in value:
                attr = value["attr"]
                sTokenDict["Total"] = float(attr.get(BDIIAttr[0], 0)) * 1024 * 1024 * 1024
                sTokenDict["Free"] = float(attr.get(BDIIAttr[1], 0)) * 1024 * 1024 * 1024
        return S_OK(sTokenDict)
예제 #6
파일: 프로젝트: DIRACGrid/DIRAC
def __getGlue2ExecutionEnvironmentInfo(host, executionEnvironments):
    """Find all the executionEnvironments.

    :param str host: BDII host to query
    :param list executionEnvironments: list of the execution environments to get some information from
    :returns: result of the ldapsearch for all executionEnvironments, Glue2 schema
    listOfValues = []
    # break up to avoid argument list too long, it started failing at about 1900 entries
    for exeEnvs in breakListIntoChunks(executionEnvironments, 1000):
        exeFilter = ""
        for execEnv in exeEnvs:
            exeFilter += "(GLUE2ResourceID=%s)" % execEnv
        filt = "(&(objectClass=GLUE2ExecutionEnvironment)(|%s))" % exeFilter
        response = ldapsearchBDII(filt=filt, attr=None, host=host, base="o=glue", selectionString="GLUE2")
        if not response["OK"]:
            return response
        if not response["Value"]:
            sLog.error("No information found for %s" % executionEnvironments)
        listOfValues += response["Value"]
    if not listOfValues:
        return S_ERROR("No information found for executionEnvironments")
    return S_OK(listOfValues)
예제 #7
파일: 프로젝트: marianne013/DIRAC
def __ldapsearchBDII(*args, **kwargs):
  """ wrap `DIRAC.Core.Utilities.Grid.ldapsearchBDII` to avoid circular import """
  from DIRAC.Core.Utilities.Grid import ldapsearchBDII
  return ldapsearchBDII(*args, **kwargs)
예제 #8
def __ldapsearchBDII(*args, **kwargs):
    """ wrap `DIRAC.Core.Utilities.Grid.ldapsearchBDII` to avoid circular import """
    from DIRAC.Core.Utilities.Grid import ldapsearchBDII
    return ldapsearchBDII(*args, **kwargs)
예제 #9
파일: 프로젝트: DIRACGrid/DIRAC
def getGlue2CEInfo(vo, host=None):
    """call ldap for GLUE2 and get information

    :param str vo: Virtual Organisation
    :param str host: host to query for information
    :returns: result structure with result['Value'][siteID]['CEs'][ceID]['Queues'][queueName]. For
                 each siteID, ceID, queueName all the GLUE2 parameters are retrieved

    # get all Policies allowing given VO
    filt = "(&(objectClass=GLUE2Policy)(|(GLUE2PolicyRule=VO:%s)(GLUE2PolicyRule=vo:%s)))" % (vo, vo)
    polRes = ldapsearchBDII(filt=filt, attr=None, host=host, base="o=glue", selectionString="GLUE2")

    if not polRes["OK"]:
        return S_ERROR("Failed to get policies for this VO")
    polRes = polRes["Value"]

    sLog.notice("Found %s policies for this VO %s" % (len(polRes), vo))
    # get all shares for this policy
    # create an or'ed list of all the shares and then call the search
    listOfSitesWithPolicies = set()
    shareFilter = ""
    for policyValues in polRes:
        # skip entries without GLUE2DomainID in the DN because we cannot associate them to a site
        if "GLUE2DomainID" not in policyValues["attr"]["dn"]:
        shareID = policyValues["attr"].get("GLUE2MappingPolicyShareForeignKey", None)
        policyID = policyValues["attr"]["GLUE2PolicyID"]
        siteName = policyValues["attr"]["dn"].split("GLUE2DomainID=")[1].split(",", 1)[0]
        if shareID is None:  # policy not pointing to ComputingInformation
            sLog.debug("Policy %s does not point to computing information" % (policyID,))
        sLog.verbose("%s policy %s pointing to %s " % (siteName, policyID, shareID))
        sLog.debug("Policy values:\n%s" % pformat(policyValues))
        shareFilter += "(GLUE2ShareID=%s)" % shareID

    filt = "(&(objectClass=GLUE2Share)(|%s))" % shareFilter
    shareRes = ldapsearchBDII(filt=filt, attr=None, host=host, base="o=glue", selectionString="GLUE2")
    if not shareRes["OK"]:
        sLog.error("Could not get share information", shareRes["Message"])
        return shareRes
    shareInfoLists = {}
    for shareInfo in shareRes["Value"]:
        if "GLUE2DomainID" not in shareInfo["attr"]["dn"]:
        if "GLUE2ComputingShare" not in shareInfo["objectClass"]:
            sLog.debug("Share %r is not a ComputingShare: \n%s" % (shareID, pformat(shareInfo)))
        sLog.debug("Found computing share:\n%s" % pformat(shareInfo))
        siteName = shareInfo["attr"]["dn"].split("GLUE2DomainID=")[1].split(",", 1)[0]
        shareInfoLists.setdefault(siteName, []).append(shareInfo["attr"])

    siteInfo = __getGlue2ShareInfo(host, shareInfoLists)
    if not siteInfo["OK"]:
        sLog.error("Could not get CE info for", "%s: %s" % (shareID, siteInfo["Message"]))
        return siteInfo
    siteDict = siteInfo["Value"]
    sLog.debug("Found Sites:\n%s" % pformat(siteDict))
    sitesWithoutShares = set(siteDict) - listOfSitesWithPolicies
    if sitesWithoutShares:
        sLog.error("Found some sites without any shares", pformat(sitesWithoutShares))
        sLog.notice("Found information for all known sites")

    # remap siteDict to assign CEs to known sites,
    # in case their names differ from the "gocdb name" in the CS.
    newSiteDict = {}
    ceSiteMapping = getCESiteMapping().get("Value", {})
    # pylint thinks siteDict is a tuple, so we cast
    for siteName, infoDict in dict(siteDict).items():
        for ce, ceInfo in infoDict.get("CEs", {}).items():
            ceSiteName = ceSiteMapping.get(ce, siteName)
            gocSiteName = getGOCSiteName(ceSiteName).get("Value", siteName)
            newSiteDict.setdefault(gocSiteName, {}).setdefault("CEs", {})[ce] = ceInfo

    return S_OK(newSiteDict)
def ldapCEs(vo): 
    # returns the list of CEs that are associated with the correct VO
    res = ldapsearchBDII( filt = "(&(objectClass=GlueCE)(GlueCEAccessControlBaseRule=VO:%s))"%vo, attr = "GlueCEUniqueID", host = None, base = None)
    celist = [res['Value'][i]['attr']['GlueCEUniqueID'].split(":")[0] for i,value in enumerate(res['Value']) if res['OK']]
    return celist