예제 #1
 def __init__(self):
     self.__automaticUpdate = False
     self.__lastUpdateTime = 0
     self.__url = False
     self.__refreshEnabled = True
     self.__timeout = 60
     self.__callbacks = {'newVersion': []}
     self.__triggeredRefreshLock = LockRing.LockRing().getLock()
예제 #2
class Operations(object):
    """ Operations class

      The /Operations CFG section is maintained in a cache by an Operations object

    __cache = {}
    __cacheVersion = 0
    __cacheLock = LockRing.LockRing().getLock()

    def __init__(self, vo=False, group=False, setup=False):
        """ c'tor

        Setting some defaults
        self.__uVO = vo
        self.__uGroup = group
        self.__uSetup = setup
        self.__vo = False
        self.__setup = False

    def __discoverSettings(self):
        """ Discovers the vo and the setup
        # Set the VO
        globalVO = CSGlobals.getVO()
        if globalVO:
            self.__vo = globalVO
        elif self.__uVO:
            self.__vo = self.__uVO
        elif self.__uGroup:
            self.__vo = Registry.getVOForGroup(self.__uGroup)
            if not self.__vo:
                self.__vo = False
            result = getVOfromProxyGroup()
            if result['OK']:
                self.__vo = result['Value']
        # Set the setup
        self.__setup = False
        if self.__uSetup:
            self.__setup = self.__uSetup
            self.__setup = CSGlobals.getSetup()

    def __getCache(self):
            currentVersion = gConfigurationData.getVersion()
            if currentVersion != Operations.__cacheVersion:
                Operations.__cache = {}
                Operations.__cacheVersion = currentVersion

            cacheKey = (self.__vo, self.__setup)
            if cacheKey in Operations.__cache:
                return Operations.__cache[cacheKey]

            mergedCFG = CFG()

            for path in self.__getSearchPaths():
                pathCFG = gConfigurationData.mergedCFG[path]
                if pathCFG:
                    mergedCFG = mergedCFG.mergeWith(pathCFG)

            Operations.__cache[cacheKey] = mergedCFG

            return Operations.__cache[cacheKey]
            except thread.error:

    def __getSearchPaths(self):
        paths = ["/Operations/Defaults", "/Operations/%s" % self.__setup]
        if not self.__vo:
            globalVO = CSGlobals.getVO()
            if not globalVO:
                return paths
            self.__vo = CSGlobals.getVO()
        paths.append("/Operations/%s/Defaults" % self.__vo)
        paths.append("/Operations/%s/%s" % (self.__vo, self.__setup))
        return paths

    def getValue(self, optionPath, defaultValue=None):
        return self.__getCache().getOption(optionPath, defaultValue)

    def __getCFG(self, sectionPath):
        cacheCFG = self.__getCache()
        section = cacheCFG.getRecursive(sectionPath)
        if not section:
            return S_ERROR("%s in Operations does not exist" % sectionPath)
        sectionCFG = section['value']
        if isinstance(sectionCFG, six.string_types):
            return S_ERROR("%s in Operations is not a section" % sectionPath)
        return S_OK(sectionCFG)

    def getSections(self, sectionPath, listOrdered=False):
        result = self.__getCFG(sectionPath)
        if not result['OK']:
            return result
        sectionCFG = result['Value']
        return S_OK(sectionCFG.listSections(listOrdered))

    def getOptions(self, sectionPath, listOrdered=False):
        result = self.__getCFG(sectionPath)
        if not result['OK']:
            return result
        sectionCFG = result['Value']
        return S_OK(sectionCFG.listOptions(listOrdered))

    def getOptionsDict(self, sectionPath):
        result = self.__getCFG(sectionPath)
        if not result['OK']:
            return result
        sectionCFG = result['Value']
        data = {}
        for opName in sectionCFG.listOptions():
            data[opName] = sectionCFG[opName]
        return S_OK(data)

    def getPath(self, option, vo=False, setup=False):
    Generate the CS path for an option:

      - if vo is not defined, the helper's vo will be used for multi VO installations
      - if setup evaluates False (except None) -> The helpers setup will  be used
      - if setup is defined -> whatever is defined will be used as setup
      - if setup is None -> Defaults will be used

    :param option: path with respect to the Operations standard path
    :type option: string

        for path in self.__getSearchPaths():
            optionPath = os.path.join(path, option)
            value = gConfig.getValue(optionPath, 'NoValue')
            if value != "NoValue":
                return optionPath
        return ''
예제 #3
 def __init__(self):
     self._triggeredRefreshLock = LockRing.LockRing().getLock()
예제 #4
class Operations(object):

    __cache = {}
    __cacheVersion = 0
    __cacheLock = LockRing.LockRing().getLock()

    def __init__(self, vo=False, group=False, setup=False):
        self.__uVO = vo
        self.__uGroup = group
        self.__uSetup = setup
        self.__vo = False
        self.__setup = False

    def __discoverSettings(self):
        #Set the VO
        globalVO = CSGlobals.getVO()
        if globalVO:
            self.__vo = globalVO
        elif self.__uVO:
            self.__vo = self.__uVO
            self.__vo = Registry.getVOForGroup(self.__uGroup)
            if not self.__vo:
                self.__vo = False
        #Set the setup
        self.__setup = False
        if self.__uSetup:
            self.__setup = self.__uSetup
            self.__setup = CSGlobals.getSetup()

    def __getCache(self):
            currentVersion = gConfigurationData.getVersion()
            if currentVersion != Operations.__cacheVersion:
                Operations.__cache = {}
                Operations.__cacheVersion = currentVersion

            cacheKey = (self.__vo, self.__setup)
            if cacheKey in Operations.__cache:
                return Operations.__cache[cacheKey]

            mergedCFG = CFG.CFG()

            for path in self.__getSearchPaths():
                pathCFG = gConfigurationData.mergedCFG[path]
                if pathCFG:
                    mergedCFG = mergedCFG.mergeWith(pathCFG)

            Operations.__cache[cacheKey] = mergedCFG

            return Operations.__cache[cacheKey]
            except thread.error:

    def setVO(self, vo):
        """ False to auto detect VO
        self.__uVO = vo

    def setGroup(self, group):
        """ False to auto detect VO
        self.__uGroup = group

    def setSetup(self, setup):
        """ False to auto detect
        self.__uSetup = setup

    def __getSearchPaths(self):
        paths = ["/Operations/Defaults", "/Operations/%s" % self.__setup]
        if not self.__vo:
            globalVO = CSGlobals.getVO()
            if not globalVO:
                return paths
            self.__vo = CSGlobals.getVO()
        paths.append("/Operations/%s/Defaults" % self.__vo)
        paths.append("/Operations/%s/%s" % (self.__vo, self.__setup))
        return paths

    def getValue(self, optionPath, defaultValue=None):
        return self.__getCache().getOption(optionPath, defaultValue)

    def __getCFG(self, sectionPath):
        cacheCFG = self.__getCache()
        section = cacheCFG.getRecursive(sectionPath)
        if not section:
            return S_ERROR("%s in Operations does not exist" % sectionPath)
        sectionCFG = section['value']
        if type(sectionCFG) in (types.StringType, types.UnicodeType):
            return S_ERROR("%s in Operations is not a section" % sectionPath)
        return S_OK(sectionCFG)

    def getSections(self, sectionPath, listOrdered=False):
        result = self.__getCFG(sectionPath)
        if not result['OK']:
            return result
        sectionCFG = result['Value']
        return S_OK(sectionCFG.listSections(listOrdered))

    def getOptions(self, sectionPath, listOrdered=False):
        result = self.__getCFG(sectionPath)
        if not result['OK']:
            return result
        sectionCFG = result['Value']
        return S_OK(sectionCFG.listOptions(listOrdered))

    def getOptionsDict(self, sectionPath):
        result = self.__getCFG(sectionPath)
        if not result['OK']:
            return result
        sectionCFG = result['Value']
        data = {}
        for opName in sectionCFG.listOptions():
            data[opName] = sectionCFG[opName]
        return S_OK(data)

    def generatePath(self, option, vo=False, setup=False):
    Generate the CS path for an option
    if vo is not defined, the helper's vo will be used for multi VO installations
    if setup evaluates False (except None) -> The helpers setup will  be used
    if setup is defined -> whatever is defined will be used as setup
    if setup is None -> Defaults will be used
        path = "/Operations"
        if not CSGlobals.getVO():
            if not vo:
                vo = self.__vo
            if vo:
                path += "/%s" % vo
        if not setup and setup != None:
            if not setup:
                setup = self.__setup
        if setup:
            path += "/%s" % setup
            path += "/Defaults"
        return "%s/%s" % (path, option)
예제 #5
class Operations(object):
    """Operations class

    The /Operations CFG section is maintained in a cache by an Operations object

    __cache = {}
    __cacheVersion = 0
    __cacheLock = LockRing.LockRing().getLock()

    def __init__(self, vo=False, group=False, setup=False):

        Setting some defaults
        self.__uVO = vo
        self.__uGroup = group
        self.__uSetup = setup
        self.__vo = False
        self.__setup = False

    def __discoverSettings(self):
        """Discovers the vo and the setup"""
        # Set the VO
        globalVO = CSGlobals.getVO()
        if globalVO:
            self.__vo = globalVO
        elif self.__uVO:
            self.__vo = self.__uVO
        elif self.__uGroup:
            self.__vo = Registry.getVOForGroup(self.__uGroup)
            if not self.__vo:
                self.__vo = False
            result = getVOfromProxyGroup()
            if result["OK"]:
                self.__vo = result["Value"]
        # Set the setup
        self.__setup = False
        if self.__uSetup:
            self.__setup = self.__uSetup
            self.__setup = CSGlobals.getSetup()

    def __getCache(self):
            currentVersion = gConfigurationData.getVersion()
            if currentVersion != Operations.__cacheVersion:
                Operations.__cache = {}
                Operations.__cacheVersion = currentVersion

            cacheKey = (self.__vo, self.__setup)
            if cacheKey in Operations.__cache:
                return Operations.__cache[cacheKey]

            mergedCFG = CFG()

            for path in self.__getSearchPaths():
                pathCFG = gConfigurationData.mergedCFG[path]
                if pathCFG:
                    mergedCFG = mergedCFG.mergeWith(pathCFG)

            Operations.__cache[cacheKey] = mergedCFG

            return Operations.__cache[cacheKey]
            except _thread.error:

    def __getSearchPaths(self):
        paths = ["/Operations/Defaults", "/Operations/%s" % self.__setup]
        if not self.__vo:
            globalVO = CSGlobals.getVO()
            if not globalVO:
                return paths
            self.__vo = CSGlobals.getVO()
        paths.append("/Operations/%s/Defaults" % self.__vo)
        paths.append("/Operations/%s/%s" % (self.__vo, self.__setup))
        return paths

    def getValue(self, optionPath, defaultValue=None):
        return self.__getCache().getOption(optionPath, defaultValue)

    def __getCFG(self, sectionPath):
        cacheCFG = self.__getCache()
        section = cacheCFG.getRecursive(sectionPath)
        if not section:
            return S_ERROR(ESECTION, "%s in Operations does not exist" % sectionPath)
        sectionCFG = section["value"]
        if isinstance(sectionCFG, str):
            return S_ERROR("%s in Operations is not a section" % sectionPath)
        return S_OK(sectionCFG)

    def getSections(self, sectionPath, listOrdered=False):
        result = self.__getCFG(sectionPath)
        if not result["OK"]:
            return result
        sectionCFG = result["Value"]
        return S_OK(sectionCFG.listSections(listOrdered))

    def getOptions(self, sectionPath, listOrdered=False):
        result = self.__getCFG(sectionPath)
        if not result["OK"]:
            return result
        sectionCFG = result["Value"]
        return S_OK(sectionCFG.listOptions(listOrdered))

    def getOptionsDict(self, sectionPath):
        result = self.__getCFG(sectionPath)
        if not result["OK"]:
            return result
        sectionCFG = result["Value"]
        data = {}
        for opName in sectionCFG.listOptions():
            data[opName] = sectionCFG[opName]
        return S_OK(data)

    def getPath(self, option, vo=False, setup=False):
        Generate the CS path for an option:

          - if vo is not defined, the helper's vo will be used for multi VO installations
          - if setup evaluates False (except None) -> The helpers setup will  be used
          - if setup is defined -> whatever is defined will be used as setup
          - if setup is None -> Defaults will be used

        :param option: path with respect to the Operations standard path
        :type option: string

        for path in self.__getSearchPaths():
            optionPath = os.path.join(path, option)
            value = gConfig.getValue(optionPath, "NoValue")
            if value != "NoValue":
                return optionPath
        return ""

    def getMonitoringBackends(self, monitoringType=None):
        Chooses the type of backend to use (Monitoring and/or Accounting) depending on the MonitoringType.
        If a flag for the monitoringType specified is set, it will enable monitoring according to it,
        otherwise it will use the `Default` value (Accounting set as default).

        :param string MonitoringType: monitoring type to specify
        if monitoringType and self.getValue(f"MonitoringBackends/{monitoringType}"):
            return self.getValue("MonitoringBackends/%s" % monitoringType)
            return self.getValue("MonitoringBackends/Default", ["Accounting"])