예제 #1
파일: VOMS.py 프로젝트: cj501885963/DIRAC
 def vomsInfoAvailable( self ):
   Is voms info available?
   if not Os.which("voms-proxy-info"):
     return S_ERROR("Missing voms-proxy-info")
   cmd = 'voms-proxy-info -h'
   result = shellCall( self._secCmdTimeout, cmd )
   if not result['OK']:
     return False
   status, _output, _error = result['Value']
   if status:
     return False
   return True
예제 #2
 def vomsInfoAvailable(self):
 Is voms info available?
     if not Os.which("voms-proxy-info"):
         return S_ERROR(DErrno.EVOMS, "Missing voms-proxy-info")
     cmd = 'voms-proxy-info -h'
     result = shellCall(self._secCmdTimeout, cmd)
     if not result['OK']:
         return False
     status, _output, _error = result['Value']
     if status:
         return False
     return True
예제 #3
    def vomsInfoAvailable(self):
    Is voms info available?

        vpInfoCmd = ''
        for vpInfo in ('voms-proxy-info', 'voms-proxy-info2'):
            if Os.which(vpInfo):
                vpInfoCmd = vpInfo

        if not vpInfoCmd:
            return S_ERROR(DErrno.EVOMS, "Missing voms-proxy-info")
        cmd = '%s -h' % vpInfoCmd
        result = shellCall(self._secCmdTimeout, cmd)
        if not result['OK']:
            return False
        status, _output, _error = result['Value']
        if status:
            return False
        return True
예제 #4
파일: VOMS.py 프로젝트: DIRACGrid/DIRAC
    def vomsInfoAvailable(self):
        Is voms info available?

        vpInfoCmd = ""
        for vpInfo in ("voms-proxy-info", "voms-proxy-info2"):
            if Os.which(vpInfo):
                vpInfoCmd = vpInfo

        if not vpInfoCmd:
            return S_ERROR(DErrno.EVOMS, "Missing voms-proxy-info")
        cmd = "%s -h" % vpInfoCmd
        result = shellCall(self._secCmdTimeout, cmd)
        if not result["OK"]:
            return False
        status, _output, _error = result["Value"]
        if status:
            return False
        return True
예제 #5
파일: VOMS.py 프로젝트: DIRACGrid/DIRAC
  def vomsInfoAvailable(self):
    Is voms info available?

    vpInfoCmd = ''
    for vpInfo in ('voms-proxy-info', 'voms-proxy-info2'):
      if Os.which(vpInfo):
        vpInfoCmd = vpInfo

    if not vpInfoCmd:
      return S_ERROR(DErrno.EVOMS, "Missing voms-proxy-info")

    cmd = '%s -h' % vpInfoCmd
    result = shellCall(self._secCmdTimeout, cmd)
    if not result['OK']:
      return False
    status, _output, _error = result['Value']
    if status:
      return False
    return True
예제 #6
파일: VOMS.py 프로젝트: thom991/DIRAC
  def setVOMSAttributes(self, proxy, attribute=None, vo=None):
    """ Sets voms attributes to a proxy
    if not vo:
      return S_ERROR(DErrno.EVOMS, "No vo specified, and can't get default in the configuration")

    retVal = multiProxyArgument(proxy)
    if not retVal['OK']:
      return retVal
    proxyDict = retVal['Value']
    chain = proxyDict['chain']
    proxyLocation = proxyDict['file']

    secs = chain.getRemainingSecs()['Value'] - 300
    if secs < 0:
      return S_ERROR(DErrno.EVOMS, "Proxy length is less that 300 secs")
    hours = int(secs / 3600)
    mins = int((secs - hours * 3600) / 60)

    retVal = self._generateTemporalFile()
    if not retVal['OK']:
      return retVal
    newProxyLocation = retVal['Value']

    cmdArgs = []
    if chain.isLimitedProxy()['Value']:
    cmdArgs.append('-cert "%s"' % proxyLocation)
    cmdArgs.append('-key "%s"' % proxyLocation)
    cmdArgs.append('-out "%s"' % newProxyLocation)
    if attribute and attribute != 'NoRole':
      cmdArgs.append('-voms "%s:%s"' % (vo, attribute))
      cmdArgs.append('-voms "%s"' % vo)
    cmdArgs.append('-valid "%s:%s"' % (hours, mins))
    tmpDir = False
    vomsesPath = self.getVOMSESLocation()
    if vomsesPath:
      cmdArgs.append('-vomses "%s"' % vomsesPath)
    if chain.isRFC().get('Value'):
    cmdArgs.append('-timeout %u' % self._servTimeout)

    vpInitCmd = ''
    for vpInit in ('voms-proxy-init', 'voms-proxy-init2'):
      if Os.which(vpInit):
        vpInitCmd = vpInit

    if not vpInitCmd:
      return S_ERROR(DErrno.EVOMS, "Missing voms-proxy-init")

    cmd = '%s %s' % (vpInitCmd, " ".join(cmdArgs))
    result = shellCall(self._secCmdTimeout, cmd)
    if tmpDir:


    if not result['OK']:
      return S_ERROR(DErrno.EVOMS, 'Failed to call voms-proxy-init: %s' % result['Message'])

    status, output, error = result['Value']

    if status:
      return S_ERROR(
          DErrno.EVOMS, 'Failed to set VOMS attributes. Command: %s; StdOut: %s; StdErr: %s' %
          (cmd, output, error))

    newChain = X509Chain()
    retVal = newChain.loadProxyFromFile(newProxyLocation)
    if not retVal['OK']:
      return S_ERROR(DErrno.EVOMS, "Can't load new proxy: %s" % retVal['Message'])

    return S_OK(newChain)
예제 #7
  def getVOMSProxyInfo( self, proxy, option = False ):
    """ Returns information about a proxy certificate (both grid and voms).
        Available information is:
          1. Full (grid)voms-proxy-info output
          2. Proxy Certificate Timeleft in seconds (the output is an int)
          3. DN
          4. voms group (if any)
        @type  proxy: a string
        @param proxy: the proxy certificate location.
        @type  option: a string
        @param option: None is the default value. Other option available are:
          - timeleft
          - actimeleft
          - identity
          - fqan
          - all
        @rtype:   tuple
        @return:  status, output, error, pyerror.

    validOptions = ['actimeleft', 'timeleft', 'identity', 'fqan', 'all']
    if option:
      if option not in validOptions:
        S_ERROR( 'Non valid option %s' % option )

    retVal = File.multiProxyArgument( proxy )
    if not retVal[ 'OK' ]:
      return retVal
    proxyDict = retVal[ 'Value' ]
    # chain = proxyDict[ 'chain' ]
    proxyLocation = proxyDict[ 'file' ]
    if not Os.which("voms-proxy-info"):
      return S_ERROR("Missing voms-proxy-info")
    cmd = 'voms-proxy-info -file %s' % proxyLocation
    if option:
      cmd += ' -%s' % option

    result = shellCall( self._secCmdTimeout, cmd )

    if proxyDict[ 'tempFile' ]:
      self._unlinkFiles( proxyLocation )

    if not result['OK']:
      return S_ERROR( 'Failed to call voms-proxy-info' )

    status, output, error = result['Value']
    # FIXME: if the local copy of the voms server certificate is not up to date the command returns 0.
    # the stdout needs to be parsed.
    if status:
      gLogger.warn( 'Failed to execute:', cmd )
      gLogger.warn( 'Exit code:', status )
      gLogger.warn( 'StdOut' , output )
      gLogger.warn( 'StdErr' , error )
      if error.find( 'VOMS extension not found' ) == -1 and \
         not error.find( 'WARNING: Unable to verify signature! Server certificate possibly not installed.' ) == 0:
        return S_ERROR( 'Failed to get proxy info. Command: %s; StdOut: %s; StdErr: %s' % ( cmd, output, error ) )

    if option == 'fqan':
      if output:
        output = output.split( '/Role' )[0]
        output = '/lhcb'

    return S_OK( output )
예제 #8
    def getVOMSProxyInfo(self, proxy, option=False):
        """ Returns information about a proxy certificate (both grid and voms).
        Available information is:
          1. Full (grid)voms-proxy-info output
          2. Proxy Certificate Timeleft in seconds (the output is an int)
          3. DN
          4. voms group (if any)
        @type  proxy: a string
        @param proxy: the proxy certificate location.
        @type  option: a string
        @param option: None is the default value. Other option available are:
          - timeleft
          - actimeleft
          - identity
          - fqan
          - all
        @rtype:   tuple
        @return:  status, output, error, pyerror.

        validOptions = ['actimeleft', 'timeleft', 'identity', 'fqan', 'all']
        if option:
            if option not in validOptions:
                S_ERROR('Non valid option %s' % option)

        retVal = File.multiProxyArgument(proxy)
        if not retVal['OK']:
            return retVal
        proxyDict = retVal['Value']
        # chain = proxyDict[ 'chain' ]
        proxyLocation = proxyDict['file']
        if not Os.which("voms-proxy-info"):
            return S_ERROR("Missing voms-proxy-info")
        cmd = 'voms-proxy-info -file %s' % proxyLocation
        if option:
            cmd += ' -%s' % option

        result = shellCall(self._secCmdTimeout, cmd)

        if proxyDict['tempFile']:

        if not result['OK']:
            return S_ERROR('Failed to call voms-proxy-info')

        status, output, error = result['Value']
        # FIXME: if the local copy of the voms server certificate is not up to date the command returns 0.
        # the stdout needs to be parsed.
        if status:
            gLogger.warn('Failed to execute:', cmd)
            gLogger.warn('Exit code:', status)
            gLogger.warn('StdOut', output)
            gLogger.warn('StdErr', error)
            if error.find( 'VOMS extension not found' ) == -1 and \
               not error.find( 'WARNING: Unable to verify signature! Server certificate possibly not installed.' ) == 0:
                return S_ERROR(
                    'Failed to get proxy info. Command: %s; StdOut: %s; StdErr: %s'
                    % (cmd, output, error))

        if option == 'fqan':
            if output:
                output = output.split('/Role')[0]
                output = '/lhcb'

        return S_OK(output)