예제 #1
class TransferCommand(Command):
    Transfer "master" Command
    def __init__(self, args=None, clients=None):

        super(TransferCommand, self).__init__(args, clients)

        if 'ReportsClient' in self.apis:
            self.rClient = self.apis['ReportsClient']
            self.rClient = ReportsClient()

        if 'ReportGenerator' in self.apis:
            self.rgClient = self.apis['ReportGenerator']
            self.rgClient = RPCClient('Accounting/ReportGenerator')

        self.rClient.rpcClient = self.rgClient

        if 'ResourceManagementClient' in self.apis:
            self.rmClient = self.apis['ResourceManagementClient']
            self.rmClient = ResourceManagementClient()

    def _storeCommand(self, results):
      Stores the results of doNew method on the database.    

        for result in results:

            resQuery = self.rmClient.addOrModifyTransferCache(
                result['SourceName'], result['DestinationName'],
                result['Metric'], result['Value'])
            if not resQuery['OK']:
                return resQuery
        return S_OK()

    def _prepareCommand(self):
      TransferChannelCommand requires four arguments:
      - hours       : <int>
      - direction   : Source | Destination
      - elementName : <str>
      - metric      : Quality | FailedTransfers
      GGUSTickets are associated with gocDB names, so we have to transform the
      diracSiteName into a gocSiteName.    

        if not 'hours' in self.args:
            return S_ERROR('Number of hours not specified')
        hours = self.args['hours']

        if not 'direction' in self.args:
            return S_ERROR('direction is missing')
        direction = self.args['direction']

        if direction not in ['Source', 'Destination']:
            return S_ERROR('direction is not Source nor Destination')

        if not 'name' in self.args:
            return S_ERROR('"name" is missing')
        name = self.args['name']

        if not 'metric' in self.args:
            return S_ERROR('metric is missing')
        metric = self.args['metric']

        if metric not in ['Quality', 'FailedTransfers']:
            return S_ERROR('metric is not Quality nor FailedTransfers')

        return S_OK((hours, name, direction, metric))

    def doNew(self, masterParams=None):
      Gets the parameters to run, either from the master method or from its
      own arguments.
      For every elementName ( cannot process bulk queries.. ) contacts the 
      accounting client. It reurns dictionaries like { 'X -> Y' : { id: 100%.. } }
      If there are ggus tickets, are recorded and then returned.        

        if masterParams is not None:
            hours, name, direction, metric = masterParams

            params = self._prepareCommand()
            if not params['OK']:
                return params
            hours, name, direction, metric = params['Value']

        toD = datetime.utcnow()
        fromD = toD - timedelta(hours=hours)

        # dictionary with conditions for the accounting
        transferDict = {'OperationType': 'putAndRegister', direction: name}

        if metric == 'FailedTransfers':
            transferDict['FinalStatus'] = ['Failed']

        transferResults = self.rClient.getReport('DataOperation', metric,
                                                 fromD, toD, transferDict,

        if not transferResults['OK']:
            return transferResults
        transferResults = transferResults['Value']

        if not 'data' in transferResults:
            return S_ERROR('Missing data key')
        transferResults = transferResults['data']

        uniformResult = []

        for channel, elementDict in transferResults.items():

                source, destination = channel.split(' -> ')
            except ValueError:

            channelDict = {}
            channelDict['SourceName'] = source
            channelDict['DestinationName'] = destination
            channelDict['Metric'] = metric
            channelDict['Value'] = sum(elementDict.values()) / len(


        storeRes = self._storeCommand(uniformResult)
        if not storeRes['OK']:
            return storeRes

        # Compute mean of all transfer channels
        value = 0
        for channelDict in uniformResult:
            value += channelDict['Value']

        if uniformResult:
            value = float(value) / len(uniformResult)
            value = None

        return S_OK({'Mean': value, 'Name': name})

    def doCache(self):
      Method that reads the cache table and tries to read from it. It will 
      return a list of dictionaries if there are results.

        params = self._prepareCommand()
        if not params['OK']:
            return params
        _hours, name, direction, metric = params['Value']

        sourceName, destinationName = None, None
        if direction == 'Source':
            sourceName = name
        if direction == 'Destination':
            destinationName = name

        result = self.rmClient.selectTransferCache(sourceName, destinationName,
        if not result['OK']:
            return result

        result = [dict(zip(result['Columns'], res)) for res in result['Value']]

        # Compute mean of all transfer channels
        value = 0
        for channelDict in result:
            value += channelDict['Value']

        if result:
            value = float(value) / len(result)
            value = None

        return S_OK({'Mean': value, 'Name': name})

    def doMaster(self):
      Master method, which looks little bit spaguetti code, sorry !
      - It gets all Sites.
      - It gets all StorageElements
      As there is no bulk query, it compares with what we have on the database.
      It queries a portion of them.

        sites = CSHelpers.getSites()
        if not sites['OK']:
            return sites
        sites = sites['Value']

        ses = CSHelpers.getStorageElements()
        if not ses['OK']:
            return ses
        ses = ses['Value']

        elementNames = sites + ses

        #    sourceQuery = self.rmClient.selectTransferCache( meta = { 'columns' : [ 'SourceName' ] } )
        #    if not sourceQuery[ 'OK' ]:
        #      return sourceQuery
        #    sourceQuery = [ element[0] for element in sourceQuery[ 'Value' ] ]
        #    sourceElementsToQuery = list( set( elementNames ).difference( set( sourceQuery ) ) )
        gLogger.info('Processing %s' % ', '.join(elementNames))

        for metric in ['Quality', 'FailedTransfers']:
            for direction in ['Source', 'Destination']:
                # 2 hours of window
                result = self.doNew((2, elementNames, direction, metric))
                if not result['OK']:

        return S_OK(self.metrics)

예제 #2
class TransferCommand( Command ):
    Transfer "master" Command
  def __init__( self, args = None, clients = None ):
    super( TransferCommand, self ).__init__( args, clients )
    if 'ReportsClient' in self.apis:
      self.rClient = self.apis[ 'ReportsClient' ]
      self.rClient = ReportsClient() 

    if 'ReportGenerator' in self.apis:
      self.rgClient = self.apis[ 'ReportGenerator' ]
      self.rgClient = RPCClient( 'Accounting/ReportGenerator' )       
    self.rClient.rpcClient = self.rgClient  

    if 'ResourceManagementClient' in self.apis:
      self.rmClient = self.apis[ 'ResourceManagementClient' ]
      self.rmClient = ResourceManagementClient()
  def _storeCommand( self, results ):
      Stores the results of doNew method on the database.    

    for result in results:
      resQuery = self.rmClient.addOrModifyTransferCache( result[ 'SourceName' ], 
                                                         result[ 'DestinationName' ], 
                                                         result[ 'Metric' ], 
                                                         result[ 'Value' ] )
      if not resQuery[ 'OK' ]:
        return resQuery
    return S_OK()  
  def _prepareCommand( self ):
      TransferChannelCommand requires four arguments:
      - hours       : <int>
      - direction   : Source | Destination
      - elementName : <str>
      - metric      : Quality | FailedTransfers
      GGUSTickets are associated with gocDB names, so we have to transform the
      diracSiteName into a gocSiteName.    

    if not 'hours' in self.args:
      return S_ERROR( 'Number of hours not specified' )
    hours = self.args[ 'hours' ]

    if not 'direction' in self.args:
      return S_ERROR( 'direction is missing' )
    direction = self.args[ 'direction' ]

    if direction not in [ 'Source', 'Destination' ]:
      return S_ERROR( 'direction is not Source nor Destination' )

    if not 'name' in self.args:
      return S_ERROR( '"name" is missing' )
    name = self.args[ 'name' ]

    if not 'metric' in self.args:
      return S_ERROR( 'metric is missing' )
    metric = self.args[ 'metric' ]
    if metric not in [ 'Quality', 'FailedTransfers' ]:
      return S_ERROR( 'metric is not Quality nor FailedTransfers' )

    return S_OK( ( hours, name, direction, metric ) )
  def doNew( self, masterParams = None ):
      Gets the parameters to run, either from the master method or from its
      own arguments.
      For every elementName ( cannot process bulk queries.. ) contacts the 
      accounting client. It reurns dictionaries like { 'X -> Y' : { id: 100%.. } }
      If there are ggus tickets, are recorded and then returned.        
    if masterParams is not None:
      hours, name, direction, metric = masterParams
      params = self._prepareCommand()
      if not params[ 'OK' ]:
        return params
      hours, name, direction, metric = params[ 'Value' ] 
    toD   = datetime.utcnow()    
    fromD = toD - timedelta( hours = hours )
    # dictionary with conditions for the accounting
    transferDict = { 
                     'OperationType' : 'putAndRegister',
                     direction       : name

    if metric == 'FailedTransfers':
      transferDict[ 'FinalStatus' ] = [ 'Failed' ]

    transferResults = self.rClient.getReport( 'DataOperation', metric, fromD, 
                                              toD, transferDict, 'Channel' )
    if not transferResults[ 'OK' ]:
      return transferResults
    transferResults = transferResults[ 'Value' ]
    if not 'data' in transferResults:
      return S_ERROR( 'Missing data key' )
    transferResults = transferResults[ 'data' ]

    uniformResult = []
    for channel, elementDict in transferResults.items():
        source, destination = channel.split( ' -> ' )
      except ValueError:
      channelDict = {}
      channelDict[ 'SourceName' ]      = source
      channelDict[ 'DestinationName' ] = destination
      channelDict[ 'Metric' ]          = metric
      channelDict[ 'Value' ]           = sum( elementDict.values() ) / len( elementDict.values() )
      uniformResult.append( channelDict )
    storeRes = self._storeCommand( uniformResult )
    if not storeRes[ 'OK' ]:
      return storeRes
    # Compute mean of all transfer channels
    value = 0
    for channelDict in uniformResult:
      value += channelDict[ 'Value' ]  

    if uniformResult:
      value = float( value ) / len( uniformResult )
      value = None              
    return S_OK( { 'Mean' : value, 'Name' : name } )  
  def doCache( self ):
      Method that reads the cache table and tries to read from it. It will 
      return a list of dictionaries if there are results.
    params = self._prepareCommand()
    if not params[ 'OK' ]:
      return params
    _hours, name, direction, metric = params[ 'Value' ] 
    sourceName, destinationName = None, None
    if direction == 'Source':
      sourceName = name
    if direction == 'Destination':  
      destinationName = name
    result = self.rmClient.selectTransferCache( sourceName, destinationName, metric )  
    if not result[ 'OK' ]:
      return result
    result = [ dict( zip( result[ 'Columns' ], res ) ) for res in result[ 'Value' ] ]

    # Compute mean of all transfer channels
    value = 0
    for channelDict in result:
      value += channelDict[ 'Value' ]  

    if result:
      value = float( value ) / len( result )
      value = None              
    return S_OK( { 'Mean' : value, 'Name' : name } )  

  def doMaster( self ):
      Master method, which looks little bit spaguetti code, sorry !
      - It gets all Sites.
      - It gets all StorageElements
      As there is no bulk query, it compares with what we have on the database.
      It queries a portion of them.

    sites = CSHelpers.getSites()
    if not sites[ 'OK' ]:
      return sites
    sites = sites[ 'Value' ]
    ses = CSHelpers.getStorageElements()
    if not ses[ 'OK' ]:
      return ses
    ses = ses[ 'Value' ]
    elementNames = sites + ses   

#    sourceQuery = self.rmClient.selectTransferCache( meta = { 'columns' : [ 'SourceName' ] } )
#    if not sourceQuery[ 'OK' ]:
#      return sourceQuery
#    sourceQuery = [ element[0] for element in sourceQuery[ 'Value' ] ]
#    sourceElementsToQuery = list( set( elementNames ).difference( set( sourceQuery ) ) )
    gLogger.info( 'Processing %s' % ', '.join( elementNames ) )
    for metric in [ 'Quality', 'FailedTransfers' ]:
      for direction in [ 'Source', 'Destination' ]: 
        # 2 hours of window
        result = self.doNew( ( 2, elementNames, direction, metric )  ) 
        if not result[ 'OK' ]:
          self.metrics[ 'failed' ].append( result )
    return S_OK( self.metrics )
예제 #3
class TransferCommand(Command):
    Transfer "master" Command

    def __init__(self, args=None, clients=None):

        super(TransferCommand, self).__init__(args, clients)

        if "ReportsClient" in self.apis:
            self.rClient = self.apis["ReportsClient"]
            self.rClient = ReportsClient()

        if "ResourceManagementClient" in self.apis:
            self.rmClient = self.apis["ResourceManagementClient"]
            self.rmClient = ResourceManagementClient()

    def _storeCommand(self, results):
        Stores the results of doNew method on the database.

        for result in results:

            resQuery = self.rmClient.addOrModifyTransferCache(
                result["SourceName"], result["DestinationName"], result["Metric"], result["Value"]
            if not resQuery["OK"]:
                return resQuery
        return S_OK()

    def _prepareCommand(self):
        TransferChannelCommand requires four arguments:
        - hours       : <int>
        - direction   : Source | Destination
        - elementName : <str>
        - metric      : Quality | FailedTransfers

        GGUSTickets are associated with gocDB names, so we have to transform the
        diracSiteName into a gocSiteName.

        if "hours" not in self.args:
            return S_ERROR("Number of hours not specified")
        hours = self.args["hours"]

        if "direction" not in self.args:
            return S_ERROR("direction is missing")
        direction = self.args["direction"]

        if direction not in ["Source", "Destination"]:
            return S_ERROR("direction is not Source nor Destination")

        if "name" not in self.args:
            return S_ERROR('"name" is missing')
        name = self.args["name"]

        if "metric" not in self.args:
            return S_ERROR("metric is missing")
        metric = self.args["metric"]

        if metric not in ["Quality", "FailedTransfers"]:
            return S_ERROR("metric is not Quality nor FailedTransfers")

        return S_OK((hours, name, direction, metric))

    def doNew(self, masterParams=None):
        Gets the parameters to run, either from the master method or from its
        own arguments.

        For every elementName ( cannot process bulk queries.. ) contacts the
        accounting client. It reurns dictionaries like { 'X -> Y' : { id: 100%.. } }

        If there are ggus tickets, are recorded and then returned.

        if masterParams is not None:
            hours, name, direction, metric = masterParams

            params = self._prepareCommand()
            if not params["OK"]:
                return params
            hours, name, direction, metric = params["Value"]

        toD = datetime.utcnow()
        fromD = toD - timedelta(hours=hours)

        # dictionary with conditions for the accounting
        transferDict = {"OperationType": "putAndRegister", direction: name}

        if metric == "FailedTransfers":
            transferDict["FinalStatus"] = ["Failed"]

        transferResults = self.rClient.getReport("DataOperation", metric, fromD, toD, transferDict, "Channel")

        if not transferResults["OK"]:
            return transferResults
        transferResults = transferResults["Value"]

        if "data" not in transferResults:
            return S_ERROR("Missing data key")

        transferResults = {channel: strToIntDict(value) for channel, value in transferResults["data"].items()}

        uniformResult = []

        for channel, elementDict in transferResults.items():

                source, destination = channel.split(" -> ")
            except ValueError:

            channelDict = {}
            channelDict["SourceName"] = source
            channelDict["DestinationName"] = destination
            channelDict["Metric"] = metric
            channelDict["Value"] = int(sum(elementDict.values()) / len(elementDict.values()))


        storeRes = self._storeCommand(uniformResult)
        if not storeRes["OK"]:
            return storeRes

        # Compute mean of all transfer channels
        value = 0
        for channelDict in uniformResult:
            value += channelDict["Value"]

        if uniformResult:
            value = float(value) / len(uniformResult)
            value = None

        return S_OK({"Mean": value, "Name": name})

    def doCache(self):
        Method that reads the cache table and tries to read from it. It will
        return a list of dictionaries if there are results.

        params = self._prepareCommand()
        if not params["OK"]:
            return params
        _hours, name, direction, metric = params["Value"]

        sourceName, destinationName = None, None
        if direction == "Source":
            sourceName = name
        if direction == "Destination":
            destinationName = name

        result = self.rmClient.selectTransferCache(sourceName, destinationName, metric)
        if not result["OK"]:
            return result

        result = [dict(zip(result["Columns"], res)) for res in result["Value"]]

        # Compute mean of all transfer channels
        value = 0
        for channelDict in result:
            value += channelDict["Value"]

        if result:
            value = float(value) / len(result)
            value = None

        return S_OK({"Mean": value, "Name": name})

    def doMaster(self):
        Master method, which looks little bit spaguetti code, sorry !
        - It gets all Sites.
        - It gets all StorageElements

        As there is no bulk query, it compares with what we have on the database.
        It queries a portion of them.

        sites = getSites()
        if not sites["OK"]:
            return sites
        sites = sites["Value"]

        elementNames = sites + DMSHelpers().getStorageElements()

        #    sourceQuery = self.rmClient.selectTransferCache( meta = { 'columns' : [ 'SourceName' ] } )
        #    if not sourceQuery[ 'OK' ]:
        #      return sourceQuery
        #    sourceQuery = [ element[0] for element in sourceQuery[ 'Value' ] ]
        #    sourceElementsToQuery = list( set( elementNames ).difference( set( sourceQuery ) ) )
        self.log.info("Processing %s" % ", ".join(elementNames))

        for metric in ["Quality", "FailedTransfers"]:
            for direction in ["Source", "Destination"]:
                # 2 hours of window
                result = self.doNew((2, elementNames, direction, metric))
                if not result["OK"]:

        return S_OK(self.metrics)