def evaluate(self): """ Before use, call at least `setArgs` and, alternatively, `setCommand` or `setCommandName`. Invoking `super(PolicyCLASS, self).evaluate` will invoke the command (if necessary) as it is provided and returns the results. """ if self.knownInfo: result = self.knownInfo else: if not self.command: # use standard Command from DIRAC.ResourceStatusSystem.Command.CommandCaller import CommandCaller cc = CommandCaller() self.command = cc.setCommandObject(self.commandName) clientsInvoker = ClientsInvoker() clientsInvoker.setCommand(self.command) self.command.setArgs(self.args) result = clientsInvoker.doCommand() if not self.infoName: result = result['Result'] else: if self.infoName in result.keys(): result = result[self.infoName] else: raise RSSException, "missing 'infoName' in result" return result
def _innerCall(self, c, a):#, clientIn = None): """ command call """ clientsInvoker = ClientsInvoker() c.setArgs(a) # c.setClient(clientIn) clientsInvoker.setCommand(c) res = clientsInvoker.doCommand() return res #############################################################################
def initialize( self ): """ ClientsCacheFeeder initialization """ try: self.rsDB = ResourceStatusDB() self.rmDB = ResourceManagementDB() self.clientsInvoker = ClientsInvoker() VOExtension = getExt() configModule = __import__( VOExtension + "DIRAC.ResourceStatusSystem.Policy.Configurations", globals(), locals(), ['*'] ) commandsList_ClientsCache = copy.deepcopy( configModule.Commands_ClientsCache ) commandsList_AccountingCache = copy.deepcopy( configModule.Commands_AccountingCache ) self.commandObjectsList_ClientsCache = [] self.commandObjectsList_AccountingCache = [] cc = CommandCaller() RPCWMSAdmin = RPCClient( "WorkloadManagement/WMSAdministrator" ) RPCAccounting = RPCClient( "Accounting/ReportGenerator" ) for command in commandsList_ClientsCache: cObj = cc.setCommandObject( command ) cc.setCommandClient( command, cObj, RPCWMSAdmin = RPCWMSAdmin, RPCAccounting = RPCAccounting ) self.commandObjectsList_ClientsCache.append( ( command, cObj ) ) for command in commandsList_AccountingCache: cObj = cc.setCommandObject( command ) cc.setCommandClient( command, cObj, RPCAccounting = RPCAccounting ) try: cArgs = command[2] except IndexError: cArgs = () self.commandObjectsList_AccountingCache.append( ( command, cObj, cArgs ) ) return S_OK() except Exception: errorStr = "ClientsCacheFeeder initialization" gLogger.exception( errorStr ) return S_ERROR( errorStr )
def _innerCall(self, c, a): #, clientIn = None): """ command call """ clientsInvoker = ClientsInvoker() c.setArgs(a) # c.setClient(clientIn) clientsInvoker.setCommand(c) res = clientsInvoker.doCommand() return res #############################################################################
def evaluate(self): ''' Before use, call at least `setArgs` and, alternatively, `setCommand` or `setCommandName`. Invoking `super(PolicyCLASS, self).evaluate` will invoke the command (if necessary) as it is provided and returns the results. ''' if self.knownInfo: result = self.knownInfo else: if not self.command: # use standard Command cc = CommandCaller() self.command = cc.setCommandObject(self.commandName) clientsInvoker = ClientsInvoker() clientsInvoker.setCommand(self.command) self.command.setArgs(self.args) result = clientsInvoker.doCommand() if not self.infoName: result = result['Result'] else: if self.infoName in result.keys(): result = result[self.infoName] else: gLogger.error('missing "infoName" in result') return None return result ################################################################################ #EOF#EOF#EOF#EOF#EOF#EOF#EOF#EOF#EOF#EOF#EOF#EOF#EOF#EOF#EOF#EOF#EOF#EOF#EOF#EOF
def evaluate( self ): ''' Before use, call at least `setArgs` and, alternatively, `setCommand` or `setCommandName`. Invoking `super(PolicyCLASS, self).evaluate` will invoke the command (if necessary) as it is provided and returns the results. ''' if self.knownInfo: result = self.knownInfo else: if not self.command: # use standard Command cc = CommandCaller() self.command = cc.setCommandObject( self.commandName ) clientsInvoker = ClientsInvoker() clientsInvoker.setCommand( self.command ) self.command.setArgs( self.args ) result = clientsInvoker.doCommand() if not self.infoName: result = result[ 'Result' ] else: if self.infoName in result.keys(): result = result[ self.infoName ] else: gLogger.error( 'missing "infoName" in result' ) return None return result ################################################################################ #EOF#EOF#EOF#EOF#EOF#EOF#EOF#EOF#EOF#EOF#EOF#EOF#EOF#EOF#EOF#EOF#EOF#EOF#EOF#EOF
class ClientsCacheFeeder( AgentModule ): ############################################################################# def initialize( self ): """ ClientsCacheFeeder initialization """ try: self.rsDB = ResourceStatusDB() self.rmDB = ResourceManagementDB() self.clientsInvoker = ClientsInvoker() VOExtension = getExt() configModule = __import__( VOExtension + "DIRAC.ResourceStatusSystem.Policy.Configurations", globals(), locals(), ['*'] ) commandsList_ClientsCache = copy.deepcopy( configModule.Commands_ClientsCache ) commandsList_AccountingCache = copy.deepcopy( configModule.Commands_AccountingCache ) self.commandObjectsList_ClientsCache = [] self.commandObjectsList_AccountingCache = [] cc = CommandCaller() RPCWMSAdmin = RPCClient( "WorkloadManagement/WMSAdministrator" ) RPCAccounting = RPCClient( "Accounting/ReportGenerator" ) for command in commandsList_ClientsCache: cObj = cc.setCommandObject( command ) cc.setCommandClient( command, cObj, RPCWMSAdmin = RPCWMSAdmin, RPCAccounting = RPCAccounting ) self.commandObjectsList_ClientsCache.append( ( command, cObj ) ) for command in commandsList_AccountingCache: cObj = cc.setCommandObject( command ) cc.setCommandClient( command, cObj, RPCAccounting = RPCAccounting ) try: cArgs = command[2] except IndexError: cArgs = () self.commandObjectsList_AccountingCache.append( ( command, cObj, cArgs ) ) return S_OK() except Exception: errorStr = "ClientsCacheFeeder initialization" gLogger.exception( errorStr ) return S_ERROR( errorStr ) ############################################################################# def execute( self ): """ The main ClientsCacheFeeder execution method """ try: now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() for co in self.commandObjectsList_ClientsCache: try: self.clientsInvoker.setCommand( co[1] ) res = self.clientsInvoker.doCommand() for key in res.keys(): if 'ID' in res[key].keys(): for value in res[key].keys(): if value != 'ID': self.rmDB.addOrModifyClientsCacheRes( key.split()[1], co[0][1].split( '_' )[0], value, res[key][value], res[key]['ID'] ) else: for value in res[key].keys(): self.rmDB.addOrModifyClientsCacheRes( key, co[0][1].split( '_' )[0], value, res[key][value] ) except: gLogger.exception( "Exception when executing " + co[0][1] ) continue for co in self.commandObjectsList_AccountingCache: if co[0][3] == 'Hourly': if now.minute >= 10: continue elif co[0][3] == 'Daily': if now.hour >= 1: continue try: co[1].setArgs( co[2] ) self.clientsInvoker.setCommand( co[1] ) res = self.clientsInvoker.doCommand() plotType = res.keys()[0] for name in res[plotType].keys(): plotName = co[0][1].split( '_' )[0] + '_' + str( co[2][0] ) self.rmDB.addOrModifyAccountingCacheRes( name, plotType, plotName, res[plotType][name] ) except: gLogger.exception( "Exception when executing " + co[0][1] ) continue return S_OK() except Exception: errorStr = "ClientsCacheFeeder execution" gLogger.exception( errorStr ) return S_ERROR( errorStr )
def initialize(self): # Attribute defined outside __init__ # pylint: disable-msg=W0201 try: self.rmClient = ResourceManagementClient() self.clientsInvoker = ClientsInvoker() commandsListClientsCache = [ ('ClientsCache_Command', 'JobsEffSimpleEveryOne_Command'), ('ClientsCache_Command', 'PilotsEffSimpleEverySites_Command'), ('ClientsCache_Command', 'DTEverySites_Command'), ('ClientsCache_Command', 'DTEveryResources_Command') ] commandsListAccountingCache = [ ('AccountingCache_Command', 'TransferQualityByDestSplitted_Command', (2, ), 'Always'), ('AccountingCache_Command', 'FailedTransfersBySourceSplitted_Command', (2, ), 'Always'), ('AccountingCache_Command', 'TransferQualityByDestSplittedSite_Command', (24, ), 'Hourly'), ('AccountingCache_Command', 'SuccessfullJobsBySiteSplitted_Command', (24, ), 'Hourly'), ('AccountingCache_Command', 'FailedJobsBySiteSplitted_Command', (24, ), 'Hourly'), ('AccountingCache_Command', 'SuccessfullPilotsBySiteSplitted_Command', (24, ), 'Hourly'), ('AccountingCache_Command', 'FailedPilotsBySiteSplitted_Command', (24, ), 'Hourly'), ('AccountingCache_Command', 'SuccessfullPilotsByCESplitted_Command', (24, ), 'Hourly'), ('AccountingCache_Command', 'FailedPilotsByCESplitted_Command', (24, ), 'Hourly'), ('AccountingCache_Command', 'RunningJobsBySiteSplitted_Command', (24, ), 'Hourly'), ('AccountingCache_Command', 'RunningJobsBySiteSplitted_Command', (168, ), 'Hourly'), ('AccountingCache_Command', 'RunningJobsBySiteSplitted_Command', (720, ), 'Daily'), ('AccountingCache_Command', 'RunningJobsBySiteSplitted_Command', (8760, ), 'Daily'), ] commandsVOBOXAvailability = ( 'VOBOXAvailabilityCommand', 'VOBOXAvailabilityCommand', ) commandsSpaceTokenOccupancy = ( 'SpaceTokenOccupancyCommand', 'SpaceTokenOccupancyCommand', ) self.commandObjectsListClientsCache = [] self.commandObjectsListAccountingCache = [] self.commandObjectsVOBOXAvailability = [] self.commandObjectsSpaceTokenOccupancy = [] cc = CommandCaller() # We know beforehand which APIs are we going to need, so we initialize them # first, making everything faster. knownAPIs = [ 'ResourceStatusClient', 'WMSAdministrator', 'ReportGenerator', 'JobsClient', 'PilotsClient', 'GOCDBClient', 'ReportsClient' ] knownAPIs = initAPIs(knownAPIs, {}) for command in commandsListClientsCache: cObj = cc.setCommandObject(command) for apiName, apiInstance in knownAPIs.items(): cc.setAPI(cObj, apiName, apiInstance) self.commandObjectsListClientsCache.append((command, cObj)) for command in commandsListAccountingCache: cObj = cc.setCommandObject(command) for apiName, apiInstance in knownAPIs.items(): cc.setAPI(cObj, apiName, apiInstance) cArgs = command[2] self.commandObjectsListAccountingCache.append( (command, cObj, cArgs)) for cArgs in self.__getVOBOXAvailabilityCandidates(): cObj = cc.setCommandObject(commandsVOBOXAvailability) self.commandObjectsVOBOXAvailability.append( (commandsVOBOXAvailability, cObj, cArgs)) for cArgs in self.__getSpaceTokenOccupancyCandidates(): cObj = cc.setCommandObject(commandsSpaceTokenOccupancy) self.commandObjectsSpaceTokenOccupancy.append( (commandsSpaceTokenOccupancy, cObj, cArgs)) return S_OK() except Exception: errorStr = "CacheFeederAgent initialization" self.log.exception(errorStr) return S_ERROR(errorStr)
class CacheFeederAgent(AgentModule): ''' The CacheFeederAgent feeds the cache tables for the client and the accounting. It runs periodically a set of commands, and stores it's results on the tables. ''' # Too many public methods # pylint: disable-msg=R0904 def initialize(self): # Attribute defined outside __init__ # pylint: disable-msg=W0201 try: self.rmClient = ResourceManagementClient() self.clientsInvoker = ClientsInvoker() commandsListClientsCache = [ ('ClientsCache_Command', 'JobsEffSimpleEveryOne_Command'), ('ClientsCache_Command', 'PilotsEffSimpleEverySites_Command'), ('ClientsCache_Command', 'DTEverySites_Command'), ('ClientsCache_Command', 'DTEveryResources_Command') ] commandsListAccountingCache = [ ('AccountingCache_Command', 'TransferQualityByDestSplitted_Command', (2, ), 'Always'), ('AccountingCache_Command', 'FailedTransfersBySourceSplitted_Command', (2, ), 'Always'), ('AccountingCache_Command', 'TransferQualityByDestSplittedSite_Command', (24, ), 'Hourly'), ('AccountingCache_Command', 'SuccessfullJobsBySiteSplitted_Command', (24, ), 'Hourly'), ('AccountingCache_Command', 'FailedJobsBySiteSplitted_Command', (24, ), 'Hourly'), ('AccountingCache_Command', 'SuccessfullPilotsBySiteSplitted_Command', (24, ), 'Hourly'), ('AccountingCache_Command', 'FailedPilotsBySiteSplitted_Command', (24, ), 'Hourly'), ('AccountingCache_Command', 'SuccessfullPilotsByCESplitted_Command', (24, ), 'Hourly'), ('AccountingCache_Command', 'FailedPilotsByCESplitted_Command', (24, ), 'Hourly'), ('AccountingCache_Command', 'RunningJobsBySiteSplitted_Command', (24, ), 'Hourly'), ('AccountingCache_Command', 'RunningJobsBySiteSplitted_Command', (168, ), 'Hourly'), ('AccountingCache_Command', 'RunningJobsBySiteSplitted_Command', (720, ), 'Daily'), ('AccountingCache_Command', 'RunningJobsBySiteSplitted_Command', (8760, ), 'Daily'), ] commandsVOBOXAvailability = ( 'VOBOXAvailabilityCommand', 'VOBOXAvailabilityCommand', ) commandsSpaceTokenOccupancy = ( 'SpaceTokenOccupancyCommand', 'SpaceTokenOccupancyCommand', ) self.commandObjectsListClientsCache = [] self.commandObjectsListAccountingCache = [] self.commandObjectsVOBOXAvailability = [] self.commandObjectsSpaceTokenOccupancy = [] cc = CommandCaller() # We know beforehand which APIs are we going to need, so we initialize them # first, making everything faster. knownAPIs = [ 'ResourceStatusClient', 'WMSAdministrator', 'ReportGenerator', 'JobsClient', 'PilotsClient', 'GOCDBClient', 'ReportsClient' ] knownAPIs = initAPIs(knownAPIs, {}) for command in commandsListClientsCache: cObj = cc.setCommandObject(command) for apiName, apiInstance in knownAPIs.items(): cc.setAPI(cObj, apiName, apiInstance) self.commandObjectsListClientsCache.append((command, cObj)) for command in commandsListAccountingCache: cObj = cc.setCommandObject(command) for apiName, apiInstance in knownAPIs.items(): cc.setAPI(cObj, apiName, apiInstance) cArgs = command[2] self.commandObjectsListAccountingCache.append( (command, cObj, cArgs)) for cArgs in self.__getVOBOXAvailabilityCandidates(): cObj = cc.setCommandObject(commandsVOBOXAvailability) self.commandObjectsVOBOXAvailability.append( (commandsVOBOXAvailability, cObj, cArgs)) for cArgs in self.__getSpaceTokenOccupancyCandidates(): cObj = cc.setCommandObject(commandsSpaceTokenOccupancy) self.commandObjectsSpaceTokenOccupancy.append( (commandsSpaceTokenOccupancy, cObj, cArgs)) return S_OK() except Exception: errorStr = "CacheFeederAgent initialization" self.log.exception(errorStr) return S_ERROR(errorStr) ################################################################################ def __getVOBOXAvailabilityCandidates(self): ''' Gets the candidates to execute the command ''' # This is horrible, future me, change this. request_management_urls = gConfig.getValue( '/Systems/RequestManagement/Development/URLs/allURLS', []) configuration_urls = gConfig.getServersList() framework_urls = gConfig.getValue( '/DIRAC/Framework/SystemAdministrator', []) elementsToCheck = request_management_urls + configuration_urls + framework_urls # This may look stupid, but the Command is expecting a tuple return [(el, ) for el in elementsToCheck] def __getSpaceTokenOccupancyCandidates(self): ''' Gets the candidates to execute the command ''' elementsToCheck = [] spaceEndpoints = CS.getSpaceTokenEndpoints() spaceTokens = CS.getSpaceTokens() for site, siteDict in spaceEndpoints.items(): if not isinstance(siteDict, dict): continue if not siteDict.has_key('Endpoint'): continue for spaceToken in spaceTokens: elementsToCheck.append(( siteDict['Endpoint'], spaceToken, )) return elementsToCheck def execute(self): try: now = datetime.utcnow() #VOBOX for co in self.commandObjectsVOBOXAvailability: commandName = co[0][1].split('_')[0]'Executed %s with %s' % (commandName, str(co[2]))) co[1].setArgs(co[2]) self.clientsInvoker.setCommand(co[1]) res = self.clientsInvoker.doCommand()['Result'] if not res['OK']: self.log.warn(str(res['Message'])) continue res = res['Value'] serviceUp = res['serviceUpTime'] machineUp = res['machineUpTime'] site = res['site'] system = res['system'] resQuery = self.rmClient.addOrModifyVOBOXCache( site, system, serviceUp, machineUp, now) if not resQuery['OK']: self.log.error(str(resQuery['Message'])) #SpaceTokenOccupancy for co in self.commandObjectsSpaceTokenOccupancy: commandName = co[0][1].split('_')[0]'Executed %s with %s' % (commandName, str(co[2]))) co[1].setArgs(co[2]) self.clientsInvoker.setCommand(co[1]) res = self.clientsInvoker.doCommand()['Result'] if not res['OK']: self.log.warn(res['Message']) continue site, token = co[2] res = res['Value'] total = res['total'] guaranteed = res['guaranteed'] free = res['free'] resQuery = self.rmClient.addOrModifySpaceTokenOccupancyCache( site, token, total, guaranteed, free, now) if not resQuery['OK']: self.log.error(str(resQuery['Message'])) for co in self.commandObjectsListClientsCache: commandName = co[0][1].split('_')[0]'Executed %s' % commandName) try: self.clientsInvoker.setCommand(co[1]) res = self.clientsInvoker.doCommand()['Result'] if not res['OK']: self.log.warn(res['Message']) continue res = res['Value'] if not res or res is None:' returned empty...') continue self.log.debug(res) for key in res.keys(): clientCache = () if 'ID' in res[key].keys(): for value in res[key].keys(): if value != 'ID': clientCache = (key.split()[1], commandName, res[key]['ID'], value, res[key][value], None, None) resQuery = self.rmClient.addOrModifyClientCache( *clientCache) if not resQuery['OK']: self.log.error(resQuery['Message']) else: for value in res[key].keys(): clientCache = (key, commandName, None, value, res[key][value], None, None) resQuery = self.rmClient.addOrModifyClientCache( *clientCache) if not resQuery['OK']: self.log.error(resQuery['Message']) except: self.log.exception("Exception when executing " + co[0][1]) continue now = datetime.utcnow().replace(microsecond=0) for co in self.commandObjectsListAccountingCache: if co[0][3] == 'Hourly': if now.minute >= 10: continue elif co[0][3] == 'Daily': if now.hour >= 1: continue commandName = co[0][1].split('_')[0] plotName = commandName + '_' + str(co[2][0])'Executed %s with args %s %s' % (commandName, co[0][2], co[0][3])) try: co[1].setArgs(co[2]) self.clientsInvoker.setCommand(co[1]) res = self.clientsInvoker.doCommand()['Result'] if not res['OK']: self.log.warn(res['Message']) continue res = res['Value'] if not res or res is None:' returned empty...') continue self.log.debug(res) plotType = res.keys()[0] if not res[plotType]:' returned empty...') self.log.debug(res) for name in res[plotType].keys(): #name, plotType, plotName, result, dateEffective, lastCheckTime accountingClient = (name, plotType, plotName, str(res[plotType][name]), None, None) resQuery = self.rmClient.addOrModifyAccountingCache( *accountingClient) if not resQuery['OK']: self.log.error(resQuery['Message']) except: self.log.exception("Exception when executing " + commandName) continue return S_OK() except Exception: errorStr = "CacheFeederAgent execution" self.log.exception(errorStr) return S_ERROR(errorStr) ################################################################################ #EOF#EOF#EOF#EOF#EOF#EOF#EOF#EOF#EOF#EOF#EOF#EOF#EOF#EOF#EOF#EOF#EOF#EOF#EOF#EOF
def initialize( self ): # Attribute defined outside __init__ # pylint: disable-msg=W0201 try: self.rmClient = ResourceManagementClient() self.clientsInvoker = ClientsInvoker() commandsListClientsCache = [ ( 'ClientsCache_Command', 'JobsEffSimpleEveryOne_Command' ), ( 'ClientsCache_Command', 'PilotsEffSimpleEverySites_Command' ), ( 'ClientsCache_Command', 'DTEverySites_Command' ), ( 'ClientsCache_Command', 'DTEveryResources_Command' ) ] commandsListAccountingCache = [ ( 'AccountingCache_Command', 'TransferQualityByDestSplitted_Command', ( 2, ), 'Always' ), ( 'AccountingCache_Command', 'FailedTransfersBySourceSplitted_Command', ( 2, ), 'Always' ), ( 'AccountingCache_Command', 'TransferQualityByDestSplittedSite_Command', ( 24, ), 'Hourly' ), ( 'AccountingCache_Command', 'SuccessfullJobsBySiteSplitted_Command', ( 24, ), 'Hourly' ), ( 'AccountingCache_Command', 'FailedJobsBySiteSplitted_Command', ( 24, ), 'Hourly' ), ( 'AccountingCache_Command', 'SuccessfullPilotsBySiteSplitted_Command', ( 24, ), 'Hourly' ), ( 'AccountingCache_Command', 'FailedPilotsBySiteSplitted_Command', ( 24, ), 'Hourly' ), ( 'AccountingCache_Command', 'SuccessfullPilotsByCESplitted_Command' , ( 24, ), 'Hourly' ), ( 'AccountingCache_Command', 'FailedPilotsByCESplitted_Command', ( 24, ), 'Hourly' ), ( 'AccountingCache_Command', 'RunningJobsBySiteSplitted_Command', ( 24, ), 'Hourly' ), ( 'AccountingCache_Command', 'RunningJobsBySiteSplitted_Command', ( 168, ), 'Hourly' ), ( 'AccountingCache_Command', 'RunningJobsBySiteSplitted_Command', ( 720, ), 'Daily' ), ( 'AccountingCache_Command', 'RunningJobsBySiteSplitted_Command', ( 8760, ), 'Daily' ), ] commandsVOBOXAvailability = ( 'VOBOXAvailabilityCommand', 'VOBOXAvailabilityCommand', ) commandsSpaceTokenOccupancy = ( 'SpaceTokenOccupancyCommand', 'SpaceTokenOccupancyCommand', ) self.commandObjectsListClientsCache = [] self.commandObjectsListAccountingCache = [] self.commandObjectsVOBOXAvailability = [] self.commandObjectsSpaceTokenOccupancy = [] cc = CommandCaller() # We know beforehand which APIs are we going to need, so we initialize them # first, making everything faster. knownAPIs = [ 'ResourceStatusClient', 'WMSAdministrator', 'ReportGenerator', 'JobsClient', 'PilotsClient', 'GOCDBClient', 'ReportsClient' ] knownAPIs = initAPIs( knownAPIs, {} ) for command in commandsListClientsCache: cObj = cc.setCommandObject( command ) for apiName, apiInstance in knownAPIs.items(): cc.setAPI( cObj, apiName, apiInstance ) self.commandObjectsListClientsCache.append( ( command, cObj ) ) for command in commandsListAccountingCache: cObj = cc.setCommandObject( command ) for apiName, apiInstance in knownAPIs.items(): cc.setAPI( cObj, apiName, apiInstance ) cArgs = command[ 2 ] self.commandObjectsListAccountingCache.append( ( command, cObj, cArgs ) ) for cArgs in self.__getVOBOXAvailabilityCandidates(): cObj = cc.setCommandObject( commandsVOBOXAvailability ) self.commandObjectsVOBOXAvailability.append( ( commandsVOBOXAvailability, cObj, cArgs ) ) for cArgs in self.__getSpaceTokenOccupancyCandidates(): cObj = cc.setCommandObject( commandsSpaceTokenOccupancy ) self.commandObjectsSpaceTokenOccupancy.append( ( commandsSpaceTokenOccupancy, cObj, cArgs ) ) return S_OK() except Exception: errorStr = "CacheFeederAgent initialization" self.log.exception( errorStr ) return S_ERROR( errorStr )
class CacheFeederAgent( AgentModule ): ''' The CacheFeederAgent feeds the cache tables for the client and the accounting. It runs periodically a set of commands, and stores it's results on the tables. ''' # Too many public methods # pylint: disable-msg=R0904 def initialize( self ): # Attribute defined outside __init__ # pylint: disable-msg=W0201 try: self.rmClient = ResourceManagementClient() self.clientsInvoker = ClientsInvoker() commandsListClientsCache = [ ( 'ClientsCache_Command', 'JobsEffSimpleEveryOne_Command' ), ( 'ClientsCache_Command', 'PilotsEffSimpleEverySites_Command' ), ( 'ClientsCache_Command', 'DTEverySites_Command' ), ( 'ClientsCache_Command', 'DTEveryResources_Command' ) ] commandsListAccountingCache = [ ( 'AccountingCache_Command', 'TransferQualityByDestSplitted_Command', ( 2, ), 'Always' ), ( 'AccountingCache_Command', 'FailedTransfersBySourceSplitted_Command', ( 2, ), 'Always' ), ( 'AccountingCache_Command', 'TransferQualityByDestSplittedSite_Command', ( 24, ), 'Hourly' ), ( 'AccountingCache_Command', 'SuccessfullJobsBySiteSplitted_Command', ( 24, ), 'Hourly' ), ( 'AccountingCache_Command', 'FailedJobsBySiteSplitted_Command', ( 24, ), 'Hourly' ), ( 'AccountingCache_Command', 'SuccessfullPilotsBySiteSplitted_Command', ( 24, ), 'Hourly' ), ( 'AccountingCache_Command', 'FailedPilotsBySiteSplitted_Command', ( 24, ), 'Hourly' ), ( 'AccountingCache_Command', 'SuccessfullPilotsByCESplitted_Command' , ( 24, ), 'Hourly' ), ( 'AccountingCache_Command', 'FailedPilotsByCESplitted_Command', ( 24, ), 'Hourly' ), ( 'AccountingCache_Command', 'RunningJobsBySiteSplitted_Command', ( 24, ), 'Hourly' ), ( 'AccountingCache_Command', 'RunningJobsBySiteSplitted_Command', ( 168, ), 'Hourly' ), ( 'AccountingCache_Command', 'RunningJobsBySiteSplitted_Command', ( 720, ), 'Daily' ), ( 'AccountingCache_Command', 'RunningJobsBySiteSplitted_Command', ( 8760, ), 'Daily' ), ] commandsVOBOXAvailability = ( 'VOBOXAvailabilityCommand', 'VOBOXAvailabilityCommand', ) commandsSpaceTokenOccupancy = ( 'SpaceTokenOccupancyCommand', 'SpaceTokenOccupancyCommand', ) self.commandObjectsListClientsCache = [] self.commandObjectsListAccountingCache = [] self.commandObjectsVOBOXAvailability = [] self.commandObjectsSpaceTokenOccupancy = [] cc = CommandCaller() # We know beforehand which APIs are we going to need, so we initialize them # first, making everything faster. knownAPIs = [ 'ResourceStatusClient', 'WMSAdministrator', 'ReportGenerator', 'JobsClient', 'PilotsClient', 'GOCDBClient', 'ReportsClient' ] knownAPIs = initAPIs( knownAPIs, {} ) for command in commandsListClientsCache: cObj = cc.setCommandObject( command ) for apiName, apiInstance in knownAPIs.items(): cc.setAPI( cObj, apiName, apiInstance ) self.commandObjectsListClientsCache.append( ( command, cObj ) ) for command in commandsListAccountingCache: cObj = cc.setCommandObject( command ) for apiName, apiInstance in knownAPIs.items(): cc.setAPI( cObj, apiName, apiInstance ) cArgs = command[ 2 ] self.commandObjectsListAccountingCache.append( ( command, cObj, cArgs ) ) for cArgs in self.__getVOBOXAvailabilityCandidates(): cObj = cc.setCommandObject( commandsVOBOXAvailability ) self.commandObjectsVOBOXAvailability.append( ( commandsVOBOXAvailability, cObj, cArgs ) ) for cArgs in self.__getSpaceTokenOccupancyCandidates(): cObj = cc.setCommandObject( commandsSpaceTokenOccupancy ) self.commandObjectsSpaceTokenOccupancy.append( ( commandsSpaceTokenOccupancy, cObj, cArgs ) ) return S_OK() except Exception: errorStr = "CacheFeederAgent initialization" self.log.exception( errorStr ) return S_ERROR( errorStr ) ################################################################################ def __getVOBOXAvailabilityCandidates( self ): ''' Gets the candidates to execute the command ''' # This is horrible, future me, change this. request_management_urls = gConfig.getValue( '/Systems/RequestManagement/Development/URLs/allURLS', [] ) configuration_urls = gConfig.getServersList() framework_urls = gConfig.getValue( '/DIRAC/Framework/SystemAdministrator', [] ) elementsToCheck = request_management_urls + configuration_urls + framework_urls # This may look stupid, but the Command is expecting a tuple return [ ( el, ) for el in elementsToCheck ] def __getSpaceTokenOccupancyCandidates( self ): ''' Gets the candidates to execute the command ''' elementsToCheck = [] spaceEndpoints = CS.getSpaceTokenEndpoints() spaceTokens = CS.getSpaceTokens() for site,siteDict in spaceEndpoints.items(): if not isinstance( siteDict, dict ): continue if not siteDict.has_key( 'Endpoint' ): continue for spaceToken in spaceTokens: elementsToCheck.append( ( siteDict[ 'Endpoint' ], spaceToken, ) ) return elementsToCheck def execute( self ): try: now = datetime.utcnow() #VOBOX for co in self.commandObjectsVOBOXAvailability: commandName = co[0][1].split( '_' )[0] 'Executed %s with %s' % ( commandName, str( co[2] ) ) ) co[1].setArgs( co[2] ) self.clientsInvoker.setCommand( co[1] ) res = self.clientsInvoker.doCommand()[ 'Result' ] if not res[ 'OK' ]: self.log.warn( str( res[ 'Message' ] ) ) continue res = res[ 'Value' ] serviceUp = res[ 'serviceUpTime' ] machineUp = res[ 'machineUpTime' ] site = res[ 'site' ] system = res[ 'system' ] resQuery = self.rmClient.addOrModifyVOBOXCache( site, system, serviceUp, machineUp, now ) if not resQuery[ 'OK' ]: self.log.error( str( resQuery[ 'Message' ] ) ) #SpaceTokenOccupancy for co in self.commandObjectsSpaceTokenOccupancy: commandName = co[0][1].split( '_' )[0] 'Executed %s with %s' % ( commandName, str( co[2] ) ) ) co[1].setArgs( co[2] ) self.clientsInvoker.setCommand( co[1] ) res = self.clientsInvoker.doCommand()[ 'Result' ] if not res[ 'OK' ]: self.log.warn( res[ 'Message' ] ) continue site, token = co[ 2 ] res = res[ 'Value' ] total = res[ 'total' ] guaranteed = res[ 'guaranteed' ] free = res[ 'free' ] resQuery = self.rmClient.addOrModifySpaceTokenOccupancyCache( site, token, total, guaranteed, free, now ) if not resQuery[ 'OK' ]: self.log.error( str( resQuery[ 'Message' ] ) ) for co in self.commandObjectsListClientsCache: commandName = co[0][1].split( '_' )[0] 'Executed %s' % commandName ) try: self.clientsInvoker.setCommand( co[1] ) res = self.clientsInvoker.doCommand()['Result'] if not res['OK']: self.log.warn( res['Message'] ) continue res = res[ 'Value' ] if not res or res is None:' returned empty...') continue self.log.debug( res ) for key in res.keys(): clientCache = () if 'ID' in res[key].keys(): for value in res[key].keys(): if value != 'ID': clientCache = ( key.split()[1], commandName, res[key]['ID'], value, res[key][value], None, None ) resQuery = self.rmClient.addOrModifyClientCache( *clientCache ) if not resQuery[ 'OK' ]: self.log.error( resQuery[ 'Message' ] ) else: for value in res[key].keys(): clientCache = ( key, commandName, None, value, res[key][value], None, None ) resQuery = self.rmClient.addOrModifyClientCache( *clientCache ) if not resQuery[ 'OK' ]: self.log.error( resQuery[ 'Message' ] ) except: self.log.exception( "Exception when executing " + co[0][1] ) continue now = datetime.utcnow().replace( microsecond = 0 ) for co in self.commandObjectsListAccountingCache: if co[0][3] == 'Hourly': if now.minute >= 10: continue elif co[0][3] == 'Daily': if now.hour >= 1: continue commandName = co[0][1].split( '_' )[0] plotName = commandName + '_' + str( co[2][0] ) 'Executed %s with args %s %s' % ( commandName, co[0][2], co[0][3] ) ) try: co[1].setArgs( co[2] ) self.clientsInvoker.setCommand( co[1] ) res = self.clientsInvoker.doCommand()['Result'] if not res['OK']: self.log.warn( res['Message'] ) continue res = res[ 'Value' ] if not res or res is None:' returned empty...') continue self.log.debug( res ) plotType = res.keys()[ 0 ] if not res[ plotType ]:' returned empty...') self.log.debug( res ) for name in res[ plotType ].keys(): #name, plotType, plotName, result, dateEffective, lastCheckTime accountingClient = ( name, plotType, plotName, str(res[plotType][name]), None, None ) resQuery = self.rmClient.addOrModifyAccountingCache( *accountingClient ) if not resQuery[ 'OK' ]: self.log.error( resQuery[ 'Message' ] ) except: self.log.exception( "Exception when executing " + commandName ) continue return S_OK() except Exception: errorStr = "CacheFeederAgent execution" self.log.exception( errorStr ) return S_ERROR( errorStr ) ################################################################################ #EOF#EOF#EOF#EOF#EOF#EOF#EOF#EOF#EOF#EOF#EOF#EOF#EOF#EOF#EOF#EOF#EOF#EOF#EOF#EOF
def initialize(self): """ ClientsCacheFeederAgent initialization """ try: self.rsDB = ResourceStatusDB() self.rmDB = ResourceManagementDB() self.clientsInvoker = ClientsInvoker() commandsList_ClientsCache = [ ('ClientsCache_Command', 'JobsEffSimpleEveryOne_Command'), ('ClientsCache_Command', 'PilotsEffSimpleEverySites_Command'), ('ClientsCache_Command', 'DTEverySites_Command'), ('ClientsCache_Command', 'DTEveryResources_Command') ] commandsList_AccountingCache = [ ('AccountingCache_Command', 'TransferQualityByDestSplitted_Command', (2, ), 'Always'), ('AccountingCache_Command', 'FailedTransfersBySourceSplitted_Command', (2, ), 'Always'), ('AccountingCache_Command', 'TransferQualityByDestSplittedSite_Command', (24, ), 'Hourly'), ('AccountingCache_Command', 'SuccessfullJobsBySiteSplitted_Command', (24, ), 'Hourly'), ('AccountingCache_Command', 'FailedJobsBySiteSplitted_Command', (24, ), 'Hourly'), ('AccountingCache_Command', 'SuccessfullPilotsBySiteSplitted_Command', (24, ), 'Hourly'), ('AccountingCache_Command', 'FailedPilotsBySiteSplitted_Command', (24, ), 'Hourly'), ('AccountingCache_Command', 'SuccessfullPilotsByCESplitted_Command', (24, ), 'Hourly'), ('AccountingCache_Command', 'FailedPilotsByCESplitted_Command', (24, ), 'Hourly'), ('AccountingCache_Command', 'RunningJobsBySiteSplitted_Command', (24, ), 'Hourly'), ('AccountingCache_Command', 'RunningJobsBySiteSplitted_Command', (168, ), 'Hourly'), ('AccountingCache_Command', 'RunningJobsBySiteSplitted_Command', (720, ), 'Daily'), ('AccountingCache_Command', 'RunningJobsBySiteSplitted_Command', (8760, ), 'Daily'), ] self.commandObjectsList_ClientsCache = [] self.commandObjectsList_AccountingCache = [] cc = CommandCaller() RPCWMSAdmin = RPCClient("WorkloadManagement/WMSAdministrator") RPCAccounting = RPCClient("Accounting/ReportGenerator") for command in commandsList_ClientsCache: cObj = cc.setCommandObject(command) cc.setCommandClient(command, cObj, RPCWMSAdmin=RPCWMSAdmin, RPCAccounting=RPCAccounting) self.commandObjectsList_ClientsCache.append((command, cObj)) for command in commandsList_AccountingCache: cObj = cc.setCommandObject(command) cc.setCommandClient(command, cObj, RPCAccounting=RPCAccounting) try: cArgs = command[2] except IndexError: cArgs = () self.commandObjectsList_AccountingCache.append( (command, cObj, cArgs)) return S_OK() except Exception: errorStr = "ClientsCacheFeederAgent initialization" gLogger.exception(errorStr) return S_ERROR(errorStr)
class ClientsCacheFeederAgent(AgentModule): ############################################################################# def initialize(self): """ ClientsCacheFeederAgent initialization """ try: self.rsDB = ResourceStatusDB() self.rmDB = ResourceManagementDB() self.clientsInvoker = ClientsInvoker() commandsList_ClientsCache = [ ('ClientsCache_Command', 'JobsEffSimpleEveryOne_Command'), ('ClientsCache_Command', 'PilotsEffSimpleEverySites_Command'), ('ClientsCache_Command', 'DTEverySites_Command'), ('ClientsCache_Command', 'DTEveryResources_Command') ] commandsList_AccountingCache = [ ('AccountingCache_Command', 'TransferQualityByDestSplitted_Command', (2, ), 'Always'), ('AccountingCache_Command', 'FailedTransfersBySourceSplitted_Command', (2, ), 'Always'), ('AccountingCache_Command', 'TransferQualityByDestSplittedSite_Command', (24, ), 'Hourly'), ('AccountingCache_Command', 'SuccessfullJobsBySiteSplitted_Command', (24, ), 'Hourly'), ('AccountingCache_Command', 'FailedJobsBySiteSplitted_Command', (24, ), 'Hourly'), ('AccountingCache_Command', 'SuccessfullPilotsBySiteSplitted_Command', (24, ), 'Hourly'), ('AccountingCache_Command', 'FailedPilotsBySiteSplitted_Command', (24, ), 'Hourly'), ('AccountingCache_Command', 'SuccessfullPilotsByCESplitted_Command', (24, ), 'Hourly'), ('AccountingCache_Command', 'FailedPilotsByCESplitted_Command', (24, ), 'Hourly'), ('AccountingCache_Command', 'RunningJobsBySiteSplitted_Command', (24, ), 'Hourly'), ('AccountingCache_Command', 'RunningJobsBySiteSplitted_Command', (168, ), 'Hourly'), ('AccountingCache_Command', 'RunningJobsBySiteSplitted_Command', (720, ), 'Daily'), ('AccountingCache_Command', 'RunningJobsBySiteSplitted_Command', (8760, ), 'Daily'), ] self.commandObjectsList_ClientsCache = [] self.commandObjectsList_AccountingCache = [] cc = CommandCaller() RPCWMSAdmin = RPCClient("WorkloadManagement/WMSAdministrator") RPCAccounting = RPCClient("Accounting/ReportGenerator") for command in commandsList_ClientsCache: cObj = cc.setCommandObject(command) cc.setCommandClient(command, cObj, RPCWMSAdmin=RPCWMSAdmin, RPCAccounting=RPCAccounting) self.commandObjectsList_ClientsCache.append((command, cObj)) for command in commandsList_AccountingCache: cObj = cc.setCommandObject(command) cc.setCommandClient(command, cObj, RPCAccounting=RPCAccounting) try: cArgs = command[2] except IndexError: cArgs = () self.commandObjectsList_AccountingCache.append( (command, cObj, cArgs)) return S_OK() except Exception: errorStr = "ClientsCacheFeederAgent initialization" gLogger.exception(errorStr) return S_ERROR(errorStr) ############################################################################# def execute(self): """ The main ClientsCacheFeederAgent execution method """ try: now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() for co in self.commandObjectsList_ClientsCache: try: self.clientsInvoker.setCommand(co[1]) res = self.clientsInvoker.doCommand() for key in res.keys(): if 'ID' in res[key].keys(): for value in res[key].keys(): if value != 'ID': self.rmDB.addOrModifyClientsCacheRes( key.split()[1], co[0][1].split('_')[0], value, res[key][value], res[key]['ID']) else: for value in res[key].keys(): self.rmDB.addOrModifyClientsCacheRes( key, co[0][1].split('_')[0], value, res[key][value]) except: gLogger.exception("Exception when executing " + co[0][1]) continue for co in self.commandObjectsList_AccountingCache: if co[0][3] == 'Hourly': if now.minute >= 10: continue elif co[0][3] == 'Daily': if now.hour >= 1: continue try: co[1].setArgs(co[2]) self.clientsInvoker.setCommand(co[1]) res = self.clientsInvoker.doCommand() plotType = res.keys()[0] for name in res[plotType].keys(): plotName = co[0][1].split('_')[0] + '_' + str(co[2][0]) self.rmDB.addOrModifyAccountingCacheRes( name, plotType, plotName, res[plotType][name]) except: gLogger.exception("Exception when executing " + co[0][1]) continue return S_OK() except Exception: errorStr = "ClientsCacheFeederAgent execution" gLogger.exception(errorStr) return S_ERROR(errorStr)
def initialize( self ): """ ClientsCacheFeederAgent initialization """ try: self.rsDB = ResourceStatusDB() self.rmDB = ResourceManagementDB() self.clientsInvoker = ClientsInvoker() commandsList_ClientsCache = [ ( 'ClientsCache_Command', 'JobsEffSimpleEveryOne_Command' ), ( 'ClientsCache_Command', 'PilotsEffSimpleEverySites_Command' ), ( 'ClientsCache_Command', 'DTEverySites_Command' ), ( 'ClientsCache_Command', 'DTEveryResources_Command' ) ] commandsList_AccountingCache = [ ( 'AccountingCache_Command', 'TransferQualityByDestSplitted_Command', ( 2, ), 'Always' ), ( 'AccountingCache_Command', 'FailedTransfersBySourceSplitted_Command', ( 2, ), 'Always' ), ( 'AccountingCache_Command', 'TransferQualityByDestSplittedSite_Command', ( 24, ), 'Hourly' ), ( 'AccountingCache_Command', 'SuccessfullJobsBySiteSplitted_Command', ( 24, ), 'Hourly' ), ( 'AccountingCache_Command', 'FailedJobsBySiteSplitted_Command', ( 24, ), 'Hourly' ), ( 'AccountingCache_Command', 'SuccessfullPilotsBySiteSplitted_Command', ( 24, ), 'Hourly' ), ( 'AccountingCache_Command', 'FailedPilotsBySiteSplitted_Command', ( 24, ), 'Hourly' ), ( 'AccountingCache_Command', 'SuccessfullPilotsByCESplitted_Command', ( 24, ), 'Hourly' ), ( 'AccountingCache_Command', 'FailedPilotsByCESplitted_Command', ( 24, ), 'Hourly' ), ( 'AccountingCache_Command', 'RunningJobsBySiteSplitted_Command', ( 24, ), 'Hourly' ), ( 'AccountingCache_Command', 'RunningJobsBySiteSplitted_Command', ( 168, ), 'Hourly' ), ( 'AccountingCache_Command', 'RunningJobsBySiteSplitted_Command', ( 720, ), 'Daily' ), ( 'AccountingCache_Command', 'RunningJobsBySiteSplitted_Command', ( 8760, ), 'Daily' ), ] self.commandObjectsList_ClientsCache = [] self.commandObjectsList_AccountingCache = [] cc = CommandCaller() RPCWMSAdmin = RPCClient( "WorkloadManagement/WMSAdministrator" ) RPCAccounting = RPCClient( "Accounting/ReportGenerator" ) for command in commandsList_ClientsCache: cObj = cc.setCommandObject( command ) cc.setCommandClient( command, cObj, RPCWMSAdmin = RPCWMSAdmin, RPCAccounting = RPCAccounting ) self.commandObjectsList_ClientsCache.append( ( command, cObj ) ) for command in commandsList_AccountingCache: cObj = cc.setCommandObject( command ) cc.setCommandClient( command, cObj, RPCAccounting = RPCAccounting ) try: cArgs = command[2] except IndexError: cArgs = () self.commandObjectsList_AccountingCache.append( ( command, cObj, cArgs ) ) return S_OK() except Exception: errorStr = "ClientsCacheFeederAgent initialization" gLogger.exception( errorStr ) return S_ERROR( errorStr )
class ClientsCacheFeederAgent( AgentModule ): ############################################################################# def initialize( self ): """ ClientsCacheFeederAgent initialization """ try: self.rsDB = ResourceStatusDB() self.rmDB = ResourceManagementDB() self.clientsInvoker = ClientsInvoker() commandsList_ClientsCache = [ ( 'ClientsCache_Command', 'JobsEffSimpleEveryOne_Command' ), ( 'ClientsCache_Command', 'PilotsEffSimpleEverySites_Command' ), ( 'ClientsCache_Command', 'DTEverySites_Command' ), ( 'ClientsCache_Command', 'DTEveryResources_Command' ) ] commandsList_AccountingCache = [ ( 'AccountingCache_Command', 'TransferQualityByDestSplitted_Command', ( 2, ), 'Always' ), ( 'AccountingCache_Command', 'FailedTransfersBySourceSplitted_Command', ( 2, ), 'Always' ), ( 'AccountingCache_Command', 'TransferQualityByDestSplittedSite_Command', ( 24, ), 'Hourly' ), ( 'AccountingCache_Command', 'SuccessfullJobsBySiteSplitted_Command', ( 24, ), 'Hourly' ), ( 'AccountingCache_Command', 'FailedJobsBySiteSplitted_Command', ( 24, ), 'Hourly' ), ( 'AccountingCache_Command', 'SuccessfullPilotsBySiteSplitted_Command', ( 24, ), 'Hourly' ), ( 'AccountingCache_Command', 'FailedPilotsBySiteSplitted_Command', ( 24, ), 'Hourly' ), ( 'AccountingCache_Command', 'SuccessfullPilotsByCESplitted_Command', ( 24, ), 'Hourly' ), ( 'AccountingCache_Command', 'FailedPilotsByCESplitted_Command', ( 24, ), 'Hourly' ), ( 'AccountingCache_Command', 'RunningJobsBySiteSplitted_Command', ( 24, ), 'Hourly' ), ( 'AccountingCache_Command', 'RunningJobsBySiteSplitted_Command', ( 168, ), 'Hourly' ), ( 'AccountingCache_Command', 'RunningJobsBySiteSplitted_Command', ( 720, ), 'Daily' ), ( 'AccountingCache_Command', 'RunningJobsBySiteSplitted_Command', ( 8760, ), 'Daily' ), ] self.commandObjectsList_ClientsCache = [] self.commandObjectsList_AccountingCache = [] cc = CommandCaller() RPCWMSAdmin = RPCClient( "WorkloadManagement/WMSAdministrator" ) RPCAccounting = RPCClient( "Accounting/ReportGenerator" ) for command in commandsList_ClientsCache: cObj = cc.setCommandObject( command ) cc.setCommandClient( command, cObj, RPCWMSAdmin = RPCWMSAdmin, RPCAccounting = RPCAccounting ) self.commandObjectsList_ClientsCache.append( ( command, cObj ) ) for command in commandsList_AccountingCache: cObj = cc.setCommandObject( command ) cc.setCommandClient( command, cObj, RPCAccounting = RPCAccounting ) try: cArgs = command[2] except IndexError: cArgs = () self.commandObjectsList_AccountingCache.append( ( command, cObj, cArgs ) ) return S_OK() except Exception: errorStr = "ClientsCacheFeederAgent initialization" gLogger.exception( errorStr ) return S_ERROR( errorStr ) ############################################################################# def execute( self ): """ The main ClientsCacheFeederAgent execution method """ try: now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() for co in self.commandObjectsList_ClientsCache: try: self.clientsInvoker.setCommand( co[1] ) res = self.clientsInvoker.doCommand() for key in res.keys(): if 'ID' in res[key].keys(): for value in res[key].keys(): if value != 'ID': self.rmDB.addOrModifyClientsCacheRes( key.split()[1], co[0][1].split( '_' )[0], value, res[key][value], res[key]['ID'] ) else: for value in res[key].keys(): self.rmDB.addOrModifyClientsCacheRes( key, co[0][1].split( '_' )[0], value, res[key][value] ) except: gLogger.exception( "Exception when executing " + co[0][1] ) continue for co in self.commandObjectsList_AccountingCache: if co[0][3] == 'Hourly': if now.minute >= 10: continue elif co[0][3] == 'Daily': if now.hour >= 1: continue try: co[1].setArgs( co[2] ) self.clientsInvoker.setCommand( co[1] ) res = self.clientsInvoker.doCommand() plotType = res.keys()[ 0 ] for name in res[ plotType ].keys(): plotName = co[0][1].split( '_' )[0] + '_' + str( co[2][0] ) self.rmDB.addOrModifyAccountingCacheRes( name, plotType, plotName, res[plotType][name] ) except: gLogger.exception( "Exception when executing " + co[ 0 ][ 1 ] ) continue return S_OK() except Exception: errorStr = "ClientsCacheFeederAgent execution" gLogger.exception( errorStr ) return S_ERROR( errorStr )