def createEndpoint(cls, uniqueID):

        result = cls.virtualMachineDB.getEndpointFromInstance(uniqueID)
        if not result["OK"]:
            return result
        site, endpoint = result["Value"].split("::")

        result = getVMTypeConfig(site, endpoint)
        if not result["OK"]:
            return result
        ceParams = result["Value"]
        ceFactory = EndpointFactory()
        return ceFactory.getCEObject(parameters=ceParams)
    def stopInstance(cls, site, endpoint, nodeID):

        result = getVMTypeConfig(site, endpoint)
        if not result["OK"]:
            return result
        ceParams = result["Value"]
        ceFactory = EndpointFactory()
        result = ceFactory.getCEObject(parameters=ceParams)
        if not result["OK"]:
            return result

        ce = result["Value"]
        return ce.stopVM(nodeID)
    def getCEInstances(cls, siteList=None, ceList=None, vo=None):

        result = getVMTypes(siteList=siteList, ceList=ceList, vo=vo)
        if not result["OK"]:
            return result
        imageDict = result["Value"]
        ceList = []
        for site in imageDict:
            for ce in imageDict[site]:
                result = EndpointFactory().getCE(site, ce)
                if not result["OK"]:
                ceList.append((site, ce, result["Value"]))

        nodeDict = {}
        for site, ceName, ce in ceList:
            result = ce.getVMNodes()
            if not result["OK"]:
            for node in result["Value"]:
                if not"DIRAC"):
                ip = node.public_ips[0] if node.public_ips else "None"
                nodeState = (
                    node.state.upper() if not isinstance(node.state, six.integer_types) else STATE_MAP[node.state]
                nodeDict[] = {
                    "Site": site,
                    "CEName": ceName,
                    "PublicIP": ip,
                    "State": nodeState,
        return S_OK(nodeDict)
예제 #4
    def __getCE(self):
        """Get cloud Endpoint object"""

        result = EndpointFactory().getCE(, self.endpoint, self.vmType)
        if not result["OK"]:
        ce = result["Value"]

        # Add extra parameters if any
        extraParams = {}
        if self.project:
            extraParams["Project"] = self.project
        if self.user:
            extraParams["User"] = self.user
        if self.password:
            extraParams["Password"] = self.password

        if extraParams:

        return ce
예제 #5
    def getEndpoints(self, resourceDict):
        """Get the list of relevant CEs and their descriptions"""

        self.vmTypeDict = {}
        ceFactory = EndpointFactory()

        result = getPilotBootstrapParameters(vo=self.vo, runningPod=self.runningPod)
        if not result["OK"]:
            return result
        opParameters = result["Value"]

        for site in resourceDict:
            for ce in resourceDict[site]:
                ceDict = resourceDict[site][ce]
                ceTags = ceDict.get("Tag", [])
                if isinstance(ceTags, six.string_types):
                    ceTags = fromChar(ceTags)
                ceMaxRAM = ceDict.get("MaxRAM", None)
                qDict = ceDict.pop("VMTypes")
                for vmType in qDict:
                    vmTypeName = "%s_%s" % (ce, vmType)
                    self.vmTypeDict[vmTypeName] = {}
                    self.vmTypeDict[vmTypeName]["ParametersDict"] = qDict[vmType]
                    self.vmTypeDict[vmTypeName]["ParametersDict"]["VMType"] = vmType
                    self.vmTypeDict[vmTypeName]["ParametersDict"]["Site"] = site
                    self.vmTypeDict[vmTypeName]["ParametersDict"]["Setup"] = gConfig.getValue("/DIRAC/Setup", "unknown")
                    self.vmTypeDict[vmTypeName]["ParametersDict"]["CPUTime"] = 99999999

                    vmTypeTags = self.vmTypeDict[vmTypeName]["ParametersDict"].get("Tag")
                    if vmTypeTags and isinstance(vmTypeTags, six.string_types):
                        vmTypeTags = fromChar(vmTypeTags)
                        self.vmTypeDict[vmTypeName]["ParametersDict"]["Tag"] = vmTypeTags
                    if ceTags:
                        if vmTypeTags:
                            allTags = list(set(ceTags + vmTypeTags))
                            self.vmTypeDict[vmTypeName]["ParametersDict"]["Tag"] = allTags
                            self.vmTypeDict[vmTypeName]["ParametersDict"]["Tag"] = ceTags

                    maxRAM = self.vmTypeDict[vmTypeName]["ParametersDict"].get("MaxRAM")
                    maxRAM = ceMaxRAM if not maxRAM else maxRAM
                    if maxRAM:
                        self.vmTypeDict[vmTypeName]["ParametersDict"]["MaxRAM"] = maxRAM

                    ceWholeNode = ceDict.get("WholeNode", "true")
                    wholeNode = self.vmTypeDict[vmTypeName]["ParametersDict"].get("WholeNode", ceWholeNode)
                    if wholeNode.lower() in ("yes", "true"):
                        self.vmTypeDict[vmTypeName]["ParametersDict"].setdefault("Tag", [])

                    platform = ""
                    if "Platform" in self.vmTypeDict[vmTypeName]["ParametersDict"]:
                        platform = self.vmTypeDict[vmTypeName]["ParametersDict"]["Platform"]
                    elif "Platform" in ceDict:
                        platform = ceDict["Platform"]
                    if platform and platform not in self.platforms:

                    if "Platform" not in self.vmTypeDict[vmTypeName]["ParametersDict"] and platform:
                        result = Resources.getDIRACPlatform(platform)
                        if result["OK"]:
                            self.vmTypeDict[vmTypeName]["ParametersDict"]["Platform"] = result["Value"][0]

                    ceVMTypeDict = dict(ceDict)
                    ceVMTypeDict["CEName"] = ce
                    ceVMTypeDict["VO"] = self.vo
                    ceVMTypeDict["VMType"] = vmType
                    ceVMTypeDict["RunningPod"] = self.runningPod
                    ceVMTypeDict["CSServers"] = gConfig.getValue("/DIRAC/Configuration/Servers", [])

                    # Allow a resource-specifc CAPath to be set (as some clouds have their own CAs)
                    # Otherwise fall back to the system-wide default(s)
                    if "CAPath" not in ceVMTypeDict:
                        ceVMTypeDict["CAPath"] = gConfig.getValue(
                            "/DIRAC/Security/CAPath", "/opt/dirac/etc/grid-security/certificates/cas.pem"

                    # Generate the CE object for the vmType or pick the already existing one
                    # if the vmType definition did not change
                    vmTypeHash = self.__generateVMTypeHash(ceVMTypeDict)
                    if vmTypeName in self.vmTypeCECache and self.vmTypeCECache[vmTypeName]["Hash"] == vmTypeHash:
                        vmTypeCE = self.vmTypeCECache[vmTypeName]["CE"]
                        result = ceFactory.getCEObject(parameters=ceVMTypeDict)
                        if not result["OK"]:
                            return result
                        self.vmTypeCECache.setdefault(vmTypeName, {})
                        self.vmTypeCECache[vmTypeName]["Hash"] = vmTypeHash
                        self.vmTypeCECache[vmTypeName]["CE"] = result["Value"]
                        vmTypeCE = self.vmTypeCECache[vmTypeName]["CE"]

                    self.vmTypeDict[vmTypeName]["CE"] = vmTypeCE
                    self.vmTypeDict[vmTypeName]["CEName"] = ce
                    self.vmTypeDict[vmTypeName]["CEType"] = ceDict["CEType"]
                    self.vmTypeDict[vmTypeName]["Site"] = site
                    self.vmTypeDict[vmTypeName]["VMType"] = vmType
                    self.vmTypeDict[vmTypeName]["Platform"] = platform
                    self.vmTypeDict[vmTypeName]["MaxInstances"] = ceDict["MaxInstances"]
                    if not self.vmTypeDict[vmTypeName]["CE"].isValid():
                        self.log.error("Failed to instantiate CloudEndpoint for %s" % vmTypeName)

                    if site not in self.sites:

        return S_OK()