예제 #1
    def addLoggingRecord(self,
        """ Add a new entry to the JobLoggingDB table. One, two or all the three status
        components can be specified. Optionaly the time stamp of the status can
        be provided in a form of a string in a format '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' or
        as datetime.datetime object. If the time stamp is not provided the current
        UTC time is used. 

        event = 'status/minor/app=%s/%s/%s' % (status, minor, application)
        self.gLogger.info("Adding record for job " + str(jobID) + ": '" +
                          event + "' from " + source)

        if not date:
            # Make the UTC datetime string and float
            _date = Time.dateTime()
            epoc = time.mktime(_date.timetuple(
            )) + _date.microsecond / 1000000. - MAGIC_EPOC_NUMBER
            time_order = round(epoc, 3)
                if type(date) in StringTypes:
                    # The date is provided as a string in UTC
                    _date = Time.fromString(date)
                    epoc = time.mktime(_date.timetuple(
                    )) + _date.microsecond / 1000000. - MAGIC_EPOC_NUMBER
                    time_order = round(epoc, 3)
                elif type(date) == Time._dateTimeType:
                    _date = date
                    epoc = time.mktime(_date.timetuple(
                    )) + _date.microsecond / 1000000. - MAGIC_EPOC_NUMBER
                    time_order = round(epoc, 3)
                    self.gLogger.error('Incorrect date for the logging record')
                    _date = Time.dateTime()
                    epoc = time.mktime(_date.timetuple()) - MAGIC_EPOC_NUMBER
                    time_order = round(epoc, 3)
                self.gLogger.exception('Exception while date evaluation')
                _date = Time.dateTime()
                epoc = time.mktime(_date.timetuple()) - MAGIC_EPOC_NUMBER
                time_order = round(epoc, 3)

        cmd = "INSERT INTO LoggingInfo (JobId, Status, MinorStatus, ApplicationStatus, " + \
              "StatusTime, StatusTimeOrder, StatusSource) VALUES (%d,'%s','%s','%s','%s',%f,'%s')" % \

        return self._update(cmd)
예제 #2
  def addLoggingRecord(self,
    """ Add a new entry to the JobLoggingDB table. One, two or all the three status
        components can be specified. Optionaly the time stamp of the status can
        be provided in a form of a string in a format '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' or
        as datetime.datetime object. If the time stamp is not provided the current
        UTC time is used. 
    event = 'status/minor/app=%s/%s/%s' % (status,minor,application)
    self.gLogger.info("Adding record for job "+str(jobID)+": '"+event+"' from "+source)
    if not date:
      # Make the UTC datetime string and float
      _date = Time.dateTime()
      epoc = time.mktime(_date.timetuple())+_date.microsecond/1000000. - MAGIC_EPOC_NUMBER
      time_order = round(epoc,3)      
        if type(date) in StringTypes:
          # The date is provided as a string in UTC 
          _date = Time.fromString(date)
          epoc = time.mktime(_date.timetuple())+_date.microsecond/1000000. - MAGIC_EPOC_NUMBER
          time_order = round(epoc,3)  
        elif type(date) == Time._dateTimeType:
          _date = date
          epoc = time.mktime(_date.timetuple())+_date.microsecond/1000000. - MAGIC_EPOC_NUMBER
          time_order = round(epoc,3)  
          self.gLogger.error('Incorrect date for the logging record')
          _date = Time.dateTime()
          epoc = time.mktime(_date.timetuple()) - MAGIC_EPOC_NUMBER
          time_order = round(epoc,3)  
        self.gLogger.exception('Exception while date evaluation')
        _date = Time.dateTime()
        epoc = time.mktime(_date.timetuple()) - MAGIC_EPOC_NUMBER
        time_order = round(epoc,3)     

    cmd = "INSERT INTO LoggingInfo (JobId, Status, MinorStatus, ApplicationStatus, " + \
          "StatusTime, StatusTimeOrder, StatusSource) VALUES (%d,'%s','%s','%s','%s',%f,'%s')" % \
    return self._update( cmd )
예제 #3
 def setLastUpdate(self, time=''):
     """ Set the last update to the current data and time
     if not time:
         time = str(Time.dateTime())
     self.LastUpdate = time
     return S_OK()
예제 #4
  def initialize( self, request ):
    """ Set default values to attributes,parameters
    if type( request ) == types.NoneType:
      # Set some defaults
      for name in self.attributeNames:
        self.attributes[name] = 'Unknown'
      self.attributes['CreationTime'] = str( Time.dateTime() )
      self.attributes['Status'] = "New"
      result = getProxyInfo()
      if result['OK']:
        proxyDict = result[ 'Value' ]
        self.attributes['OwnerDN'] = proxyDict[ 'identity' ]
        if 'group' in proxyDict:
          self.attributes['OwnerGroup'] = proxyDict[ 'group' ]
      self.attributes['DIRACSetup'] = gConfig.getValue( '/DIRAC/Setup', 'Unknown' )
    elif type( request ) == types.InstanceType:
      for attr in self.attributeNames:
        self.attributes[attr] = request.attributes[attr]

    # initialize request from an XML string
    if type( request ) in types.StringTypes:
      for name in self.attributeNames:
        self.attributes[name] = 'Unknown'
      self.parseRequest( request )

    # Initialize request from another request
    elif type( request ) == types.InstanceType:
      self.subRequests = copy.deepcopy( request.subrequests )
예제 #5
 def setCreationTime(self, time=''):
     """ Set the creation time to the current data and time
     if not time:
         time = str(Time.dateTime())
     self.CreationTime = time
     return S_OK()
예제 #6
 def __init__(self):
     # These are the subrequest attributes
     self.RequestType = ''
     self.Status = 'Waiting'
     self.SubRequestID = 0
     self.Operation = ''
     self.SourceSE = ''
     self.TargetSE = ''
     self.CreationTime = str(Time.dateTime())
     self.SubmissionTime = str(Time.dateTime())
     self.LastUpdate = str(Time.dateTime())
     self.Error = ''
     self.Catalog = ''
     self.Arguments = ''
     self.Files = []
     self.Datasets = []
예제 #7
 def setLastUpdate(self,time=''):
   """ Set the last update to the current data and time
   if not time:
     time = str(Time.dateTime())
   self.LastUpdate = time  
   return S_OK()
예제 #8
 def setCreationTime(self,time=''):
   """ Set the creation time to the current data and time
   if not time:
     time = str(Time.dateTime())
   self.CreationTime = time
   return S_OK()
예제 #9
 def __init__(self):
   # These are the subrequest attributes
   self.RequestType = ''
   self.Status = 'Waiting'
   self.SubRequestID = 0
   self.Operation = ''
   self.SourceSE = ''
   self.TargetSE = ''
   self.CreationTime = str(Time.dateTime())
   self.SubmissionTime = str(Time.dateTime())
   self.LastUpdate = str(Time.dateTime())
   self.Error = ''
   self.Catalog = ''
   self.Arguments = ''
   self.Files = []
   self.Datasets = []
예제 #10
  def execute( self ):
    """Main Agent code:
      1.- Query TaskQueueDB for existing TQs
      2.- Add their Priorities
      3.- Submit pilots


    self.directorDict = getResourceDict()
    #Add all submit pools
    self.directorDict[ 'SubmitPool' ] = self.am_getOption( "SubmitPools" ) 
    #Add all DIRAC platforms if not specified otherwise
    if not 'Platform' in self.directorDict:
      result = gConfig.getOptionsDict( '/Resources/Computing/OSCompatibility' )
      if result['OK']:
        self.directorDict['Platform'] = result['Value'].keys()

    rpcMatcher = RPCClient( "WorkloadManagement/Matcher" )
    result = rpcMatcher.getMatchingTaskQueues( self.directorDict )
    if not result['OK']:
      self.log.error( 'Could not retrieve TaskQueues from TaskQueueDB', result['Message'] )
      return result
    taskQueueDict = result['Value']

    self.log.info( 'Found %s TaskQueues' % len( taskQueueDict ) )

    if not taskQueueDict:
      self.log.info( 'No TaskQueue to Process' )
      return S_OK()

    prioritySum = 0
    waitingJobs = 0
    for taskQueueID in taskQueueDict:
      taskQueueDict[taskQueueID]['TaskQueueID'] = taskQueueID
      prioritySum += taskQueueDict[taskQueueID]['Priority']
      waitingJobs += taskQueueDict[taskQueueID]['Jobs']

    self.log.info( 'Sum of Priorities %s' % prioritySum )

    if waitingJobs == 0:
      self.log.info( 'No waiting Jobs' )
      return S_OK( 'No waiting Jobs' )
    if prioritySum <= 0:
      return S_ERROR( 'Wrong TaskQueue Priorities' )

    self.pilotsPerPriority = self.am_getOption( 'pilotsPerIteration' ) / prioritySum
    self.pilotsPerJob = self.am_getOption( 'pilotsPerIteration' ) / waitingJobs

    self.submittedPilots = 0
    self.toSubmitPilots = 0
    waitingStatusList = ['Submitted', 'Ready', 'Scheduled', 'Waiting']
    timeLimitToConsider = Time.toString( Time.dateTime() - Time.hour * self.am_getOption( "maxPilotWaitingHours" ) )

    for taskQueueID in taskQueueDict:
      self.log.verbose( 'Processing TaskQueue', taskQueueID )

      result = pilotAgentsDB.countPilots( { 'TaskQueueID': taskQueueID,
                                            'Status': waitingStatusList},
                                          None, timeLimitToConsider )
      if not result['OK']:
        self.log.error( 'Fail to get Number of Waiting pilots', result['Message'] )
        waitingPilots = 0
        waitingPilots = result['Value']
        self.log.verbose( 'Waiting Pilots for TaskQueue %s:' % taskQueueID, waitingPilots )

      result = self.submitPilotsForTaskQueue( taskQueueDict[taskQueueID], waitingPilots )

      if result['OK']:
        self.toSubmitPilots += result['Value']

    self.log.info( 'Number of pilots to be Submitted %s' % self.toSubmitPilots )

    # Now wait until all Jobs in the Default ThreadPool are proccessed
    if 'Default' in self.pools:
      # only for those in "Default' thread Pool
      # for pool in self.pools:

    self.log.info( 'Number of pilots Submitted %s' % self.submittedPilots )

    return S_OK()
예제 #11
  def _submitPilots( self, workDir, taskQueueDict, pilotOptions, pilotsToSubmit,
                     ceMask, submitPrivatePilot, privateTQ, proxy, pilotsPerJob ):
      This method does the actual pilot submission to the Grid RB
      The logic is as follows:
      - If there are no available RB it return error
      - If there is no VOMS extension in the proxy, return error
      - It creates a temp directory
      - Prepare a JDL
        it has some part common to gLite and LCG (the payload description)
        it has some part specific to each middleware
    taskQueueID = taskQueueDict['TaskQueueID']
    # ownerDN = taskQueueDict['OwnerDN']
    credDict = proxy.getCredentials()['Value']
    ownerDN = credDict['identity']
    ownerGroup = credDict[ 'group' ]

    if not self.resourceBrokers:
      # Since we can exclude RBs from the list, it may become empty
      return S_ERROR( ERROR_RB )

    # Need to get VOMS extension for the later interactions with WMS
    ret = gProxyManager.getVOMSAttributes( proxy )
    if not ret['OK']:
      self.log.error( ERROR_VOMS, ret['Message'] )
      return S_ERROR( ERROR_VOMS )
    if not ret['Value']:
      return S_ERROR( ERROR_VOMS )
    vomsGroup = ret['Value'][0]

    workingDirectory = tempfile.mkdtemp( prefix = 'TQ_%s_' % taskQueueID, dir = workDir )
    self.log.verbose( 'Using working Directory:', workingDirectory )

    # Write JDL
    retDict = self._prepareJDL( taskQueueDict, workingDirectory, pilotOptions, pilotsPerJob,
                                ceMask, submitPrivatePilot, privateTQ )
    jdl = retDict['JDL']
    pilotRequirements = retDict['Requirements']
    rb = retDict['RB']
    if not jdl:
        shutil.rmtree( workingDirectory )
      return S_ERROR( ERROR_JDL )

    # Check that there are available queues for the Job:
    if self.enableListMatch:
      availableCEs = []
      now = Time.dateTime()
      availableCEs = self.listMatchCache.get( pilotRequirements )
      if availableCEs == False:
        availableCEs = self._listMatch( proxy, jdl, taskQueueID, rb )
        if availableCEs != False:
          self.log.verbose( 'LastListMatch', now )
          self.log.verbose( 'AvailableCEs ', availableCEs )
          self.listMatchCache.add( pilotRequirements, self.listMatchDelay * 60,
                                   value = availableCEs )                      # it is given in minutes
      if not availableCEs:
          shutil.rmtree( workingDirectory )
        return S_ERROR( ERROR_CE + ' TQ: %d' % taskQueueID )

    # Now we are ready for the actual submission, so

    self.log.verbose( 'Submitting Pilots for TaskQueue', taskQueueID )
    submitRet = self._submitPilot( proxy, pilotsPerJob, jdl, taskQueueID, rb )
      shutil.rmtree( workingDirectory )
    if not submitRet:
      return S_ERROR( 'Pilot Submission Failed for TQ %d ' % taskQueueID )
    # pilotReference, resourceBroker = submitRet

    submittedPilots = 0

    if pilotsPerJob != 1 and len( submitRet ) != pilotsPerJob:
      # Parametric jobs are used
      for pilotReference, resourceBroker in submitRet:
        pilotReference = self._getChildrenReferences( proxy, pilotReference, taskQueueID )
        submittedPilots += len( pilotReference )
        pilotAgentsDB.addPilotTQReference( pilotReference, taskQueueID, ownerDN,
                      ownerGroup, resourceBroker, self.gridMiddleware,
                      pilotRequirements )
      for pilotReference, resourceBroker in submitRet:
        pilotReference = [pilotReference]
        submittedPilots += len( pilotReference )
        pilotAgentsDB.addPilotTQReference( pilotReference, taskQueueID, ownerDN,
                      ownerGroup, resourceBroker, self.gridMiddleware, pilotRequirements )

    # add some sleep here
    time.sleep( 0.1 * submittedPilots )

    if pilotsToSubmit > pilotsPerJob:
      # Additional submissions are necessary, need to get a new token and iterate.
      pilotsToSubmit -= pilotsPerJob
      result = gProxyManager.requestToken( ownerDN, ownerGroup, max( pilotsToSubmit, self.maxJobsInFillMode ) )
      if not result[ 'OK' ]:
        self.log.error( ERROR_TOKEN, result['Message'] )
        result = S_ERROR( ERROR_TOKEN )
        result['Value'] = submittedPilots
        return result
      ( token, numberOfUses ) = result[ 'Value' ]
      for option in pilotOptions:
        if option.find( '-o /Security/ProxyToken=' ) == 0:
          pilotOptions.remove( option )
      pilotOptions.append( '-o /Security/ProxyToken=%s' % token )
      pilotsPerJob = max( 1, min( pilotsPerJob, int( numberOfUses / self.maxJobsInFillMode ) ) )
      result = self._submitPilots( workDir, taskQueueDict, pilotOptions,
                                   pilotsToSubmit, ceMask,
                                   submitPrivatePilot, privateTQ,
                                   proxy, pilotsPerJob )
      if not result['OK']:
        if 'Value' not in result:
          result['Value'] = 0
        result['Value'] += submittedPilots
        return result
      submittedPilots += result['Value']

    return S_OK( submittedPilots )
예제 #12
    def execute(self):
        """Main Agent code:
      1.- Query TaskQueueDB for existing TQs
      2.- Add their Priorities
      3.- Submit pilots


        self.directorDict = getResourceDict()
        # Add all submit pools
        self.directorDict["SubmitPool"] = self.am_getOption("SubmitPools")
        # Add all DIRAC platforms if not specified otherwise
        if not "Platform" in self.directorDict:
            result = getDIRACPlatforms()
            if result["OK"]:
                self.directorDict["Platform"] = result["Value"]

        rpcMatcher = RPCClient("WorkloadManagement/Matcher")
        result = rpcMatcher.getMatchingTaskQueues(self.directorDict)
        if not result["OK"]:
            self.log.error("Could not retrieve TaskQueues from TaskQueueDB", result["Message"])
            return result
        taskQueueDict = result["Value"]

        self.log.info("Found %s TaskQueues" % len(taskQueueDict))

        if not taskQueueDict:
            self.log.info("No TaskQueue to Process")
            return S_OK()

        prioritySum = 0
        waitingJobs = 0
        for taskQueueID in taskQueueDict:
            taskQueueDict[taskQueueID]["TaskQueueID"] = taskQueueID
            prioritySum += taskQueueDict[taskQueueID]["Priority"]
            waitingJobs += taskQueueDict[taskQueueID]["Jobs"]

        self.log.info("Sum of Priorities %s" % prioritySum)

        if waitingJobs == 0:
            self.log.info("No waiting Jobs")
            return S_OK("No waiting Jobs")
        if prioritySum <= 0:
            return S_ERROR("Wrong TaskQueue Priorities")

        self.pilotsPerPriority = self.am_getOption("pilotsPerIteration") / prioritySum
        self.pilotsPerJob = self.am_getOption("pilotsPerIteration") / waitingJobs

        self.submittedPilots = 0
        self.toSubmitPilots = 0
        waitingStatusList = ["Submitted", "Ready", "Scheduled", "Waiting"]
        timeLimitToConsider = Time.toString(Time.dateTime() - Time.hour * self.am_getOption("maxPilotWaitingHours"))

        for taskQueueID in taskQueueDict:
            self.log.verbose("Processing TaskQueue", taskQueueID)

            result = pilotAgentsDB.countPilots(
                {"TaskQueueID": taskQueueID, "Status": waitingStatusList}, None, timeLimitToConsider
            if not result["OK"]:
                self.log.error("Fail to get Number of Waiting pilots", result["Message"])
                waitingPilots = 0
                waitingPilots = result["Value"]
                self.log.verbose("Waiting Pilots for TaskQueue %s:" % taskQueueID, waitingPilots)

            result = self.submitPilotsForTaskQueue(taskQueueDict[taskQueueID], waitingPilots)

            if result["OK"]:
                self.toSubmitPilots += result["Value"]

        self.log.info("Number of pilots to be Submitted %s" % self.toSubmitPilots)

        # Now wait until all Jobs in the Default ThreadPool are proccessed
        if "Default" in self.pools:
            # only for those in "Default' thread Pool
            # for pool in self.pools:

        self.log.info("Number of pilots Submitted %s" % self.submittedPilots)

        return S_OK()
예제 #13
    def execute(self):
        """Main Agent code:
      1.- Query TaskQueueDB for existing TQs
      2.- Add their Priorities
      3.- Submit pilots


        self.directorDict = getResourceDict()
        #Add all submit pools
        self.directorDict['SubmitPool'] = self.am_getOption("SubmitPools")

        rpcMatcher = RPCClient("WorkloadManagement/Matcher")
        result = rpcMatcher.getMatchingTaskQueues(self.directorDict)
        if not result['OK']:
            self.log.error('Could not retrieve TaskQueues from TaskQueueDB',
            return result
        taskQueueDict = result['Value']

        self.log.info('Found %s TaskQueues' % len(taskQueueDict))

        if not taskQueueDict:
            self.log.info('No TaskQueue to Process')
            return S_OK()

        prioritySum = 0
        waitingJobs = 0
        for taskQueueID in taskQueueDict:
            taskQueueDict[taskQueueID]['TaskQueueID'] = taskQueueID
            prioritySum += taskQueueDict[taskQueueID]['Priority']
            waitingJobs += taskQueueDict[taskQueueID]['Jobs']

        self.log.info('Sum of Priorities %s' % prioritySum)

        if waitingJobs == 0:
            self.log.info('No waiting Jobs')
            return S_OK('No waiting Jobs')
        if prioritySum <= 0:
            return S_ERROR('Wrong TaskQueue Priorities')

        self.pilotsPerPriority = self.am_getOption(
            'pilotsPerIteration') / prioritySum
        self.pilotsPerJob = self.am_getOption(
            'pilotsPerIteration') / waitingJobs

        self.submittedPilots = 0
        self.toSubmitPilots = 0
        waitingStatusList = ['Submitted', 'Ready', 'Scheduled', 'Waiting']
        timeLimitToConsider = Time.toString(
            Time.dateTime() -
            Time.hour * self.am_getOption("maxPilotWaitingHours"))

        for taskQueueID in taskQueueDict:
            self.log.verbose('Processing TaskQueue', taskQueueID)

            result = pilotAgentsDB.countPilots(
                    'TaskQueueID': taskQueueID,
                    'Status': waitingStatusList
                }, None, timeLimitToConsider)
            if not result['OK']:
                self.log.error('Fail to get Number of Waiting pilots',
                waitingPilots = 0
                waitingPilots = result['Value']
                    'Waiting Pilots for TaskQueue %s:' % taskQueueID,

            result = self.submitPilotsForTaskQueue(taskQueueDict[taskQueueID],

            if result['OK']:
                self.toSubmitPilots += result['Value']

        self.log.info('Number of pilots to be Submitted %s' %

        # Now wait until all Jobs in the Default ThreadPool are proccessed
        if 'Default' in self.pools:
            # only for those in "Default' thread Pool
            # for pool in self.pools:

        self.log.info('Number of pilots Submitted %s' % self.submittedPilots)

        return S_OK()
예제 #14
  def _submitPilots( self, workDir, taskQueueDict, pilotOptions, pilotsToSubmit,
                     ceMask, submitPrivatePilot, privateTQ, proxy, pilotsPerJob ):
      This method does the actual pilot submission to the Grid RB
      The logic is as follows:
      - If there are no available RB it return error
      - If there is no VOMS extension in the proxy, return error
      - It creates a temp directory
      - Prepare a JDL
        it has some part common to gLite and LCG (the payload description)
        it has some part specific to each middleware
    taskQueueID = taskQueueDict['TaskQueueID']
    # ownerDN = taskQueueDict['OwnerDN']
    ownerDN = proxy.getCredentials()['Value']['identity']

    if not self.resourceBrokers:
      # Since we can exclude RBs from the list, it may become empty
      return S_ERROR( ERROR_RB )

    # Need to get VOMS extension for the later interactions with WMS
    ret = gProxyManager.getVOMSAttributes( proxy )
    if not ret['OK']:
      self.log.error( ERROR_VOMS, ret['Message'] )
      return S_ERROR( ERROR_VOMS )
    if not ret['Value']:
      return S_ERROR( ERROR_VOMS )
    vomsGroup = ret['Value'][0]

    workingDirectory = tempfile.mkdtemp( prefix = 'TQ_%s_' % taskQueueID, dir = workDir )
    self.log.verbose( 'Using working Directory:', workingDirectory )

    # Write JDL
    retDict = self._prepareJDL( taskQueueDict, workingDirectory, pilotOptions, pilotsPerJob,
                                ceMask, submitPrivatePilot, privateTQ )
    jdl = retDict['JDL']
    pilotRequirements = retDict['Requirements']
    rb = retDict['RB']
    if not jdl:
        shutil.rmtree( workingDirectory )
      return S_ERROR( ERROR_JDL )

    # Check that there are available queues for the Job:
    if self.enableListMatch:
      availableCEs = []
      now = Time.dateTime()
      availableCEs = self.listMatchCache.get( pilotRequirements )
      if availableCEs == False:
        availableCEs = self._listMatch( proxy, jdl, taskQueueID, rb )
        if availableCEs != False:
          self.log.verbose( 'LastListMatch', now )
          self.log.verbose( 'AvailableCEs ', availableCEs )
          self.listMatchCache.add( pilotRequirements, self.listMatchDelay * 60,
                                   value = availableCEs )                      # it is given in minutes
      if not availableCEs:
          shutil.rmtree( workingDirectory )
        return S_ERROR( ERROR_CE + ' TQ: %d' % taskQueueID )

    # Now we are ready for the actual submission, so

    self.log.verbose( 'Submitting Pilots for TaskQueue', taskQueueID )
    submitRet = self._submitPilot( proxy, pilotsPerJob, jdl, taskQueueID, rb )
      shutil.rmtree( workingDirectory )
    if not submitRet:
      return S_ERROR( 'Pilot Submission Failed for TQ %d ' % taskQueueID )
    # pilotReference, resourceBroker = submitRet

    submittedPilots = 0

    if pilotsPerJob != 1 and len( submitRet ) != pilotsPerJob:
      # Parametric jobs are used
      for pilotReference, resourceBroker in submitRet:
        pilotReference = self._getChildrenReferences( proxy, pilotReference, taskQueueID )
        submittedPilots += len( pilotReference )
        pilotAgentsDB.addPilotTQReference( pilotReference, taskQueueID, ownerDN,
                      vomsGroup, resourceBroker, self.gridMiddleware,
                      pilotRequirements )
      for pilotReference, resourceBroker in submitRet:
        pilotReference = [pilotReference]
        submittedPilots += len( pilotReference )
        pilotAgentsDB.addPilotTQReference( pilotReference, taskQueueID, ownerDN,
                      vomsGroup, broker = resourceBroker, gridType = self.gridMiddleware,
                      requirements = pilotRequirements )

    # add some sleep here
    time.sleep( 0.1 * submittedPilots )

    if pilotsToSubmit > pilotsPerJob:
      # Additional submissions are necessary, need to get a new token and iterate.
      pilotsToSubmit -= pilotsPerJob
      ownerDN = self.genericPilotDN
      ownerGroup = self.genericPilotGroup
      result = gProxyManager.requestToken( ownerDN, ownerGroup, max( pilotsToSubmit, self.maxJobsInFillMode ) )
      if not result[ 'OK' ]:
        self.log.error( ERROR_TOKEN, result['Message'] )
        return S_ERROR( ERROR_TOKEN )
      ( token, numberOfUses ) = result[ 'Value' ]
      for option in pilotOptions:
        if option.find( '-o /Security/ProxyToken=' ) == 0:
          pilotOptions.remove( option )
      pilotOptions.append( '-o /Security/ProxyToken=%s' % token )
      pilotsPerJob = min( pilotsPerJob, int( numberOfUses / self.maxJobsInFillMode ) )
      result = self._submitPilots( workDir, taskQueueDict, pilotOptions,
                                   pilotsToSubmit, ceMask,
                                   submitPrivatePilot, privateTQ,
                                   proxy, pilotsPerJob )
      if not result['OK']:
        result['Value'] = submittedPilots
        return result
      submittedPilots += result['Value']

    return S_OK( submittedPilots )