def models_id(environ, **kwargs): """ API Call for getting specific model and associated deltas; Method: GET Output: application/json Examples: https://server-host/sitefe/v1/models/([-_A-Za-z0-9]+)/ # Returns list of all models; """ modTime = getModTime(kwargs['headers']) modelID = kwargs['mReg'].groups()[0] outmodels = DELTABACKEND.getmodel(modelID, **kwargs) model = outmodels if isinstance(outmodels, dict) else outmodels[0] if modTime > model['insertdate']: print 'Model with ID %s was not updated so far. Time request comparison requested' % modelID kwargs['http_respond'].ret_304( 'application/json', kwargs['start_response'], ('Last-Modified', httpdate(model['insertdate']))) return [] current = { "id": model['uid'], "creationTime": convertTSToDatetime(model['insertdate']), "href": "%s/%s" % (environ['SCRIPT_URI'], model['uid']) } if not kwargs['urlParams']['summary']: current['model'] = encodebase64( DELTABACKEND.getmodel(model['uid'], content=True, **kwargs), kwargs['urlParams']['encode']) print 'Requested a specific model with id %s' % modelID kwargs['http_respond'].ret_200( 'application/json', kwargs['start_response'], [('Last-Modified', httpdate(model['insertdate']))]) return current
def deltas_id(environ, **kwargs): """ API Call associated with specific delta Method: GET Output: application/json Examples: https://server-host/sitefe/v1/deltas/([-_A-Za-z0-9]+) # Will return info about specific delta """ # METHOD DELETE!!!!! TODO if environ['REQUEST_METHOD'].upper() == 'DELETE': kwargs['http_respond'].ret_405('application/json', kwargs['start_response'], ('Location', '/')) print('DELETE Method is not supported yet. Return 405') return [ getCustomOutMsg(errMsg="Method %s is not supported in %s" % environ['REQUEST_METHOD'].upper(), errCode=405) ] modTime = getModTime(kwargs['headers']) print('Delta Status query for %s' % kwargs['mReg'][0]) delta = DELTABACKEND.getdelta(kwargs['mReg'][0], **kwargs) if not delta: kwargs['http_respond'].ret_204( 'application/json', kwargs['start_response'], [('Last-Modified', httpdate(getUTCnow()))]) print('Return empty list. There are no deltas on the system') return [] if modTime > delta['updatedate']: print( 'Delta with ID %s was not updated so far. Time request comparison requested' % kwargs['mReg'][0]) kwargs['http_respond'].ret_304( 'application/json', kwargs['start_response'], ('Last-Modified', httpdate(delta['updatedate']))) return [] if kwargs['urlParams']['oldview']: kwargs['http_respond'].ret_200( 'application/json', kwargs['start_response'], [('Last-Modified', httpdate(delta['updatedate']))]) return [delta] current = {} current = { "id": delta['uid'], "lastModified": convertTSToDatetime(delta['updatedate']), "state": delta['state'], "href": "%s" % environ['SCRIPT_URI'], "modelId": delta['modelid'] } if not kwargs['urlParams']['summary']: current['addition'] = encodebase64(delta['addition'], kwargs['urlParams']['encode']) current['reduction'] = encodebase64(delta['reduction'], kwargs['urlParams']['encode']) print('Returning delta %s information. Few details: ModelID: %s, State: %s, LastModified: %s' % \ (current["id"], current["modelId"], current["state"], current["lastModified"])) kwargs['http_respond'].ret_200( 'application/json', kwargs['start_response'], [('Last-Modified', httpdate(delta['updatedate']))]) return [current]
def addNewDelta(self, uploadContent, environ, **kwargs): """ Add new delta """ dbobj = getVal(self.dbI, **kwargs) hashNum = uploadContent['id'] if dbobj.get('deltas', search=[['uid', hashNum]], limit=1): # This needs to be supported as it can be re-initiated again. TODO msg = 'Something weird has happened... Check server logs; Same ID is already in DB' kwargs['http_respond'].ret_409('application/json', kwargs['start_response'], None) return getCustomOutMsg(errMsg=msg, errCode=409) tmpfd = NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) tmpfd.close() self.getmodel(uploadContent['modelId'], **kwargs) outContent = { "ID": hashNum, "InsertTime": getUTCnow(), "UpdateTime": getUTCnow(), "Content": uploadContent, "State": "accepting", "modelId": uploadContent['modelId'] } self.siteDB.saveContent(, outContent) out = self.policer[kwargs['sitename']].acceptDelta( outDict = { 'id': hashNum, 'lastModified': convertTSToDatetime(outContent['UpdateTime']), 'href': "%s/%s" % (environ['SCRIPT_URI'], hashNum), 'modelId': out['modelId'], 'state': out['State'], 'reduction': out['ParsedDelta']['reduction'], 'addition': out['ParsedDelta']['addition'] } print 'Delta was %s. Returning info %s' % (out['State'], outDict) if out['State'] in ['accepted']: kwargs['http_respond'].ret_201( 'application/json', kwargs['start_response'], [('Last-Modified', httpdate(out['UpdateTime'])), ('Location', outDict['href'])]) return outDict else: kwargs['http_respond'].ret_500('application/json', kwargs['start_response'], None) if 'Error' in out.keys(): errMsg = "" for key in ['errorNo', 'errorType', 'errMsg']: if key in out['Error'].keys(): errMsg += " %s: %s" % (key, out['Error'][key]) return getCustomOutMsg(errMsg=errMsg, exitCode=500)
def deltas(environ, **kwargs): """ API Call associated with deltas Method: GET Output: application/json Examples: https://server-host/sitefe/v1/deltas/ # Will return info about all deltas Method: POST Output: application/json Examples: https://server-host/sitefe/v1/deltas/ # Will add new delta and returns it's ID """ # ====================================================== # GET if environ['REQUEST_METHOD'].upper() == 'GET': modTime = getModTime(kwargs['headers']) outdeltas = DELTABACKEND.getdelta(None, **kwargs) if kwargs['urlParams']['oldview']: print 'Return All deltas. 200 OK' kwargs['http_respond'].ret_200('application/json', kwargs['start_response'], None) return outdeltas outM = {"deltas": []} if not outdeltas: kwargs['http_respond'].ret_204( 'application/json', kwargs['start_response'], [('Last-Modified', httpdate(getUTCnow()))]) print 'Return empty list. There are no deltas on the system' return [] updateTimestamp = 0 for delta in outdeltas: if modTime > delta['updatedate']: continue updateTimestamp = updateTimestamp if updateTimestamp > delta[ 'updatedate'] else delta['updatedate'] current = { "id": delta['uid'], "lastModified": convertTSToDatetime(delta['updatedate']), "state": delta['state'], "href": "%s/%s" % (environ['SCRIPT_URI'], delta['uid']), "modelId": delta['modelid'] } if not kwargs['urlParams']['summary']: # Doing here not encode, because we are decoding. So it is opposite. current["addition"] = decodebase64( delta['addition'], not kwargs['urlParams']['encode']) current["reduction"] = decodebase64( delta['reduction'], not kwargs['urlParams']['encode']) outM["deltas"].append(current) if not outM["deltas"]: kwargs['http_respond'].ret_304( 'application/json', kwargs['start_response'], ('Last-Modified', httpdate(modTime))) return [] kwargs['http_respond'].ret_200( 'application/json', kwargs['start_response'], [('Last-Modified', httpdate(updateTimestamp))]) print 'Return Last Delta. 200 OK' return outM["deltas"] # ====================================================== # POST out = {} postRequest = False if environ['REQUEST_METHOD'].upper() == 'POST': postRequest = is_post_request(environ) if not postRequest: if is_application_json(environ): out = get_json_post_form(environ) else: kwargs['http_respond'].ret_400('application/json', kwargs['start_response'], None) customErr = getCustomOutMsg( errMsg= 'You did POST method, but provided CONTENT_TYPE is not correct', errCode=400) print 'Return 400. More details: %s' % customErr return customErr if not out: out = get_post_form(environ) newDelta = {} for key in out.keys(): newDelta[key] = out.get(key, "") for key in ['modelId', 'id']: if not newDelta[key]: customErr = getCustomOutMsg( errMsg='You did POST method, %s is not specified' % key, errCode=400) print 'Wrong delta: %s. Parsed:%s Error: %s' % (out, newDelta, customErr) kwargs['http_respond'].ret_400('application/json', kwargs['start_response'], None) return customErr if not newDelta['reduction'] and not newDelta['addition']: customErr = getCustomOutMsg( errMsg= 'You did POST method, but nor reduction, nor addition is present', errCode=400) print 'Wrong delta: %s. Parsed:%s Error: %s' % (out, newDelta, customErr) kwargs['http_respond'].ret_400('application/json', kwargs['start_response'], None) return customErr return DELTABACKEND.addNewDelta(newDelta, environ, **kwargs)
def models(environ, **kwargs): """ Returns a collection of available model resources within the Resource Manager Method: GET Output: application/json Examples: https://server-host/sitefe/v1/models/ # Returns list of all models; """ # Get IF_MODIFIED_SINCE modification time in timestamp modTime = getModTime(kwargs['headers']) outmodels = DELTABACKEND.getmodel(**kwargs) if not outmodels: kwargs['http_respond'].ret_500('application/json', kwargs['start_response'], None) print 'LastModel does not exist in dictionary. First time run? See documentation' return getCustomOutMsg(errMsg="No models are available...", errCode=500) outmodels = [outmodels] if isinstance(outmodels, dict) else outmodels outM = {"models": []} current = { "id": outmodels[0]['uid'], "creationTime": convertTSToDatetime(outmodels[0]['insertdate']), "href": "%s/%s" % (environ['SCRIPT_URI'], outmodels[0]['uid']) } print outmodels[0]['insertdate'], modTime, getUTCnow() if outmodels[0]['insertdate'] < modTime: print '%s and %s' % (outmodels[0]['insertdate'], modTime) kwargs['http_respond'].ret_304( 'application/json', kwargs['start_response'], ('Last-Modified', httpdate(outmodels[0]['insertdate']))) return [] kwargs['http_respond'].ret_200( 'application/json', kwargs['start_response'], [('Last-Modified', httpdate(outmodels[0]['insertdate']))]) if kwargs['urlParams']['oldview']: print 'Requested oldview model output. Return 200' return outmodels elif kwargs['urlParams']['current']: if not kwargs['urlParams']['summary']: current['model'] = encodebase64( DELTABACKEND.getmodel(outmodels[0]['uid'], content=True, **kwargs), kwargs['urlParams']['encode']) outM['models'].append(current) print 'Requested only current model. Return 200. Last Model %s' % outmodels[ 0]['uid'] return [current] elif not kwargs['urlParams']['current']: for model in outmodels: tmpDict = { "id": model['uid'], "creationTime": convertTSToDatetime(model['insertdate']), "href": "%s/%s" % (environ['SCRIPT_URI'], model['uid']) } if not kwargs['urlParams']['summary']: tmpDict['model'] = encodebase64( DELTABACKEND.getmodel(model['uid'], content=True, **kwargs), kwargs['urlParams']['encode']) outM['models'].append(tmpDict) print 'Returning all models known to the system. Return 200' return outM['models']