예제 #1
파일: Charts.py 프로젝트: mrozekma/spades
	def __init__(self, placeholder, round):
		Chart.__init__(self, placeholder)

		self.chart.type = 'column'
		self.title.text = ''
		self.xAxis.categories = ["Trick %d" % (i + 1) for i in range(13)]
		# self.yAxis = [
			# {'title': {'text': 'Tricks'}, 'min': 0, 'max': 13, 'tickInterval': 1},
			# {'title': {'text': 'Bids'}, 'opposite': True, 'min': 0, 'max': 13},
		# ]
		with self.yAxis as axis:
			axis.title.text = 'Tricks'
			axis.min = 0
			axis.max = 13
			axis.tickInterval = 1

			axis.plotLines = plotLines = []
			clrs = ['red', 'green']
			import sys
			for team in round.game.teams:
					'label': {'text': annotatedTeamName(round.game, team)},
					'width': 2,
					'color': clrs.pop(0),
					'value': sum(bidValue(round.bidsByPlayer.get(player, 0)) for player in team),
			if plotLines[0]['value'] == plotLines[1]['value']:
				plotLines[0]['label']['text'] = 'Both teams'
		self.tooltip.enabled = False
		self.plotOptions.column.stacking = 'normal'

		# Not sure if there's a nice use for flags
		# Was planning to mark when players made their bid, but it doesn't look good and the team bids are obvious from the plotlines
		# flagSeries = {
			# 'type': 'flags',
			# 'data': [],
			# 'color': '#4572a7',
			# 'shape': 'flag',
			# 'onSeries': '',
			# 'showInLegend': False,
			# 'shape': 'squarepin',
		# }

		winners = [trick.winner if trick else None for trick in round.tricks]
		taken = {player: [0] for player in round.game.players}
		for winner in winners:
			for player, l in taken.iteritems():
				l.append(l[-1] + (1 if player == winner else 0))
		for l in taken.values():
		self.series = [{
			'name': player,
			'stack': "Team %d" % (i%2 + 1),
			'color': "#%02x%02x%02x" % getPlayerColor(player),
			'data': taken[player],
		} for i, player in enumerate(round.game.players)]
예제 #2
파일: game.py 프로젝트: mrozekma/spades
def printResults(round, team):
	game = round.game
	bid = sum(bidValue(round.bidsByPlayer[player]) for player in team)
	taken = sum(len(round.tricksByWinner[player]) for player in team)

	if taken >= bid:
		change = 10 * bid
		print "<li>%s bid %d, made it with %d (+%d)" % (annotatedTeamName(game, team), bid, taken, 10 * bid)
		print "<ul>"
		if taken > bid:
			change += taken - bid
			prevBags = sum(r.bags[team] for r in round.previousRounds) % game.bagLimit
			print "<li>Took %s, up to %d (+%d)</li>" % (pluralize(taken - bid, 'bag', 'bags'), prevBags + taken - bid, taken - bid)
			if prevBags + taken - bid >= game.bagLimit:
				change -= 10 * game.bagLimit
				print "<li>Bagged out (-%d)</li>" % (10 * game.bagLimit)
		change = -10 * bid
		print "<li>%s bid %d, set with %d (-%d)" % (annotatedTeamName(game, team), bid, taken, 10 * bid)
		print "<ul>"
	for player in team:
		bid = round.bidsByPlayer[player]
		if bid in ('nil', 'blind'):
			playerTaken = len(round.tricksByWinner[player])
			desc = 'blind nil' if bid == 'blind' else 'nil'
			thisChange = 10 * game.bagLimit * (2 if bid == 'blind' else 1) * (1 if playerTaken == 0 else -1)
			if playerTaken == 0:
				print "<li>%s made %s (%d)</li>" % (player, desc, thisChange)
				print "<li>%s took %d, failed %s (%d)" % (player, playerTaken, desc, thisChange)
			change += thisChange
	if change == 0:
		print "<li>No score change, still at %d points</li>" % round.score[team]
		print "<li>%s %s, %s to %d</li>" % (('Gained' if change > 0 else 'Lost'), pluralize(abs(change), 'point', 'points'), ('up' if change > 0 else 'down'), round.score[team])
	print "</ul></li>"
예제 #3
파일: players.py 프로젝트: mrozekma/spades
def player(handler, player, q = None):
	allGames = getGames().values()
	games = filter(lambda game: player in game.players, allGames)
	if len(games) == 0:
		ErrorBox.die("Player not found", "No player named <b>%s</b> has played in a recorded game" % clean(player))

	print "<img class=\"avatar\" src=\"/players/%s/avatar\">" % player

	if q is not None:
		print WarningBox("Ignoring query (unimplemented): <b>%s</b>" % clean(q))

	counts = OrderedDict((cat, 0) for cat in ('games', 'rounds', 'tricks', 'nils', 'blind_nils', 'nil_defenses'))
	wins = {cat: 0 for cat in counts}
	cards = {card: 0 for card in ordering}
	leads = {card: 0 for card in ordering}
	for game in games:
		if game.finished:
			counts['games'] += 1
			if player in (game.winner or []):
				wins['games'] += 1
		partner = game.partners[player]
		for round in game.rounds:
			if not round.finished:
			counts['rounds'] += 1
			bid = round.bidsByPlayer[player]
			partnerBid = round.bidsByPlayer[partner]
			taken, partnerTaken = 0, 0
			for trick in round.tricks:
				if trick is not None:
					counts['tricks'] += 1
					play = trick.playsByPlayer[player]
					if play is not None:
						cards[play] += 1
						if trick.leader == player:
							leads[play] += 1
					if trick.winner == player:
						taken += 1
						wins['tricks'] += 1
					elif trick.winner == partner:
						partnerTaken += 1
			# "Won" if player's nil was successful or the player didn't go nil and the team made their bid
			if bid in ('nil', 'blind'):
				cat = {'nil': 'nils', 'blind': 'blind_nils'}[bid]
				counts[cat] += 1
				if taken == 0:
					wins[cat] += 1
					wins['rounds'] += 1
			elif taken + partnerTaken >= bid + bidValue(partnerBid):
				wins['rounds'] += 1
			if partnerBid in ('nil', 'blind'):
				counts['nil_defenses'] += 1
				if partnerTaken == 0:
					wins['nil_defenses'] += 1

	print "<a name=\"counts\"/>"
	print "<h2><a href=\"#counts\">Counts</a></h2>"
	print "A round counts as a win if you bid nil and make it, or bid non-nil and don't go bust. A trick counts as a win only when you take it. Never let your partner win tricks, it hurts your stats.<br><br>"
	print "<table class=\"counts\">"
	for cat, count in counts.iteritems():
		print "<tr>"
		print "<td>"
		if cat == 'games':
			print "<img data-toggle=\"game-list\" src=\"/static/images/expand.png\">&nbsp;",
		print "%s" % ' '.join(word.title() for word in cat.split('_'))
		print "</td>"
		print "<td class=\"progresscell\">"
		print ProgressBar(wins[cat], count)
		if cat == 'games':
			print "<table id=\"game-list\">"
			print "<tr><th>Result</th><th>Opponent</th><th>Score</th><th>When</th><th>&nbsp;</th></tr>"
			for game in sorted(games, key = lambda game: game.end or datetime.now()):
				if not game.finished:
				name = os.path.splitext(game.logFilename)[0]
				won = (player in (game.winner or []))
				partner = game.partners[player]
				myTeam, otherTeam = game.teams
				if player not in myTeam:
					myTeam, otherTeam = otherTeam, myTeam
				print "<tr><td><img src=\"/static/images/icons/%s.png\">&nbsp;%s</td> <td>%s</td><td>%d to %d</td><td>%s</td><td><a class=\"fancy mini\" href=\"/games/%s/history\">game history</a> <a class=\"fancy mini\" href=\"?q=game:%s\">focus stats on this game</a></td></tr>" % ('success' if won else 'error', 'Won' if won else 'Lost', annotatedTeamName(game, otherTeam), game.score[myTeam], game.score[otherTeam], game.end.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), name, name)
			print "</table>"
		print "</td>"
		print "</tr>"
	print "</table>"

	print "<a name=\"frequencies\"/>"
	print "<h2><a href=\"#frequencies\">Frequencies</a></h2>"
	print "<a name=\"bids\"/>"
	print "<h3><a href=\"#bids\">Bids</a></h3>"
	bids = {i: {'count': 0, 'made': 0} for i in range(14)}
	for game in games:
		partner = game.partners[player]
		for round in game.rounds:
			if not round.finished:
			bid = bidValue(round.bidsByPlayer[player])
			partnerBid = bidValue(round.bidsByPlayer[partner])
			taken = len(round.tricksByWinner[player])
			partnerTaken = len(round.tricksByWinner[partner])
			bids[bid]['count'] += 1
			# Going to count a bid as "made" if you made nil, you alone made your bid (even if going bust as a team), or the team made its collective bid
			if (taken == 0) if (bid == 0) else (taken >= bid or taken + partnerTaken >= bid + partnerBid):
				bids[bid]['made'] += 1
	BidSuccessChart('bid-success-chart', bids).emplace(handler)

	print "<a name=\"partners\"/>"
	print "<h3><a href=\"#partners\">Partners</a></h3>"
	partners = {}
	for game in games:
		partner = game.partners[player]
		if partner is None:
		if partner not in partners:
			partners[partner] = {'games': 0, 'wins': 0}
		partners[partner]['games'] += 1
		if player in (game.winner or []):
			partners[partner]['wins'] += 1
	print "<table class=\"partners\">"
	print "<tr><th>&nbsp;</th><th>Wins</th></tr>"
	for partner in sorted(partners):
		info = partners[partner]
		print "<tr>"
		print "<td><a href=\"/players/%s\"><img src=\"/players/%s/avatar\"></a></td>" % (partner, partner)
		print "<td class=\"progresscell\">%s</div>" % ProgressBar(info['wins'], info['games'], partner, "/players/%s" % partner)
		print "</tr>"
	print "</table>"
	PartnersChart('partners-chart', partners).emplace(handler)

	def printCardCounts(title, data):
		print "<a name=\"freq-%s\"/>" % title.lower()
		print "<h3><a href=\"freq-%s\">%s</a></h3>" % (title.lower(), title)
		for count in sorted(list(set(data.values())), reverse = True):
			print "<div class=\"freq-cards\">"
			print "<div class=\"count\">%d</div>" % count
			theseCards = [card for card, c in data.iteritems() if c == count]
			theseCards.sort(key = ordering.index)
			for card in theseCards:
				print "<img src=\"/card/%s\">" % card
			print "</div>"
	printCardCounts('Cards', cards)
	printCardCounts('Leads', leads)