def test_vtk_parallel_reader_3D(self): filename = 'HotKarman3D_template_sizer_1_nu_0.03_k_0.003_VTK_P00_00600000.pvti' wd = os.getcwd() # wd = os.path.dirname(wd) # go level up if 'circleci' in wd: wd = os.path.join(wd, 'tests') filepath = os.path.join(wd, 'sample_data_for_vtk_reader', '3D_multiGPU', filename) vti_reader = VTIFile(filepath, parallel=True) T_num = vti_reader.get("T") [ux_num, uy_num, uz_num] = vti_reader.get("U", is_vector=True) expected_hashes = [ '5849cd96453a0452c80e37d582fca19f', '20f827ffad4ad10aa50839797316a0eb', '3533e058238c125fcf00592c2269e3d4', '25436c02e5c33da5c8da71338248c423' ] zzs = [T_num, ux_num, uy_num, uz_num] hasher = hashlib.md5() for expected_hash, zz in zip(expected_hashes, zzs): hasher.update(zz.copy(order='C')) hash = hasher.hexdigest() assert expected_hash == hash
def get_t_mse(folder, time, x_size): T_mse = np.zeros([len(time), len(x_size)]) for i in range(len(x_size)): for t in range(len(time)): # read data filename_vtk = f'laplace_template_nx_{x_size[i]}_ny_{x_size[i] + 2}_VTK_P00_{time[t]}.vti' filepath_vtk = os.path.join(main_folder, folder, filename_vtk) vti_reader = VTIFile(filepath_vtk) T_num = vti_reader.get("T") U = vti_reader.get("U", is_vector=True) filename_txt = f'laplace_template_nx_{x_size[i]}_ny_{x_size[i] + 2}_TXT_P00_{time[t]}_T.txt' filepath_txt = os.path.join(main_folder, folder, filename_txt) T_num_txt = pd.read_csv(filepath_txt, delimiter=" ") # clip data T_num = np.delete( T_num, 0, axis=0) # delete first row - extra bc (stops periodicity) n_rows, n_columns = T_num.shape T_num = np.delete( T_num, (n_rows - 1), axis=0) # delete last row - extra bc (stops periodicity) # -------- analytical solution --------------- ySIZE, xSIZE = T_num.shape step = 1 my_fun = -4 * x * (x - xSIZE) / (xSIZE * xSIZE) n_fourier = 25 anal_input = InputForLaplace2DAnalytical(xSIZE, ySIZE, step, my_fun, n_fourier) dump_fname = os.path.join(main_folder, f'n_fourier{n_fourier}', f'T_anal_x{xSIZE}y{ySIZE}.npy') if os.path.isfile(dump_fname): print(f'{dump_fname} found, loading results from disc') T_anal = np.load(dump_fname) x_grid = np.linspace(0, xSIZE, xSIZE, endpoint=False) + 0.5 y_grid = np.linspace(0, ySIZE, ySIZE, endpoint=False) + 0.5 xx, yy = np.meshgrid(x_grid, y_grid) else: print(f'{dump_fname} not found, starting calculations') xx, yy, T_anal = analytical_laplace_2d(anal_input), T_anal) T_mse[t, i] = np.sum( (T_anal - T_num) * (T_anal - T_num)) / len(T_anal) # print(f"T_mse={T_mse} for grid {x_size[i]} x {x_size[i]} [lu]") return T_mse
def read_data_from_LBM(case_folder): oldest = find_oldest_iteration(case_folder) filename_vtk = get_vti_from_iteration(case_folder, oldest, extension='.pvti') filepath_vtk = os.path.join(case_folder, filename_vtk) vti_reader = VTIFile(filepath_vtk, parallel=True) T_num = vti_reader.get("T") [ux_num, uy_num, uz_num] = vti_reader.get("U", is_vector=True) ny, nx, nz = T_num.shape uz_num_slice = uz_num[:, :, 1] # T_num_slice = T_num[:, :, 1] # # y = np.linspace(start=0, stop=1, num=ny, endpoint=False) return uz_num_slice
def read_data_from_LBM(case_folder): if solver == 'walberla': oldest = find_oldest_iteration(case_folder, extension='.vti') # walberla filename_vtk = get_vti_from_iteration( case_folder, oldest, extension='.vti', prefix='simulation_step_') # walberla filepath_vtk = os.path.join(case_folder, filename_vtk) vti_reader = VTIFile(filepath_vtk, parallel=False) # walberla elif solver == 'TCLB': oldest = find_oldest_iteration(case_folder) # TCLB filename_vtk = get_vti_from_iteration(case_folder, oldest, extension='.pvti') # TCLB filepath_vtk = os.path.join(case_folder, filename_vtk) vti_reader = VTIFile(filepath_vtk, parallel=True) # TCLB else: raise Exception("Choose solver [\'TCLB\' or \'walberla\'] ") T_num = vti_reader.get("T") T_num_slice = T_num[:, :, 1] #[ux_num, uy_num, uz_num] = vti_reader.get("U", is_vector=True) # ny, nx, nz = T_num.shape # uz_num_slice = uz_num[:, :, 1] # y = np.linspace(start=0, stop=1, num=ny, endpoint=False) return T_num_slice
def get_t_mse(folder): n = len(gauges) T_mse = np.zeros(n) T_L2 = np.zeros(n) for g in range(n): filepath_vtk = os.path.join( folder, f'k_outer_{k_outer}_size_{lattices[g]}lu', f'k_outer_{k_outer}_size_{lattices[g]}lu_VTK_P00_00500000.vti') vti_reader = VTIFile(filepath_vtk) T_num = vti_reader.get("T") ySIZE, xSIZE = T_num.shape assert ySIZE == xSIZE == lattices[g] assert xSIZE % 1 == 0 r0 = gauges[g] * (8 / 2) # inner radius r2 = gauges[g] * (30 / 2) # outer radius abb_correction = 0.5 if 'abb_scheme' in filepath_vtk: r0 -= abb_correction r2 += abb_correction r1 = gauges[g] * (20 / 2) # interface between layers x0 = lattices[g] / 2 # center of the pipe y0 = lattices[g] / 2 # ----------------------- compute anal solution --------------------------- pwp = PipeWithinPipeDirichlet(r0, r1, r2, k_inner, k_outer, T0=0, T2=1) x_grid = np.linspace(0, xSIZE, xSIZE, endpoint=False) + 0.5 y_grid = np.linspace(0, ySIZE, ySIZE, endpoint=False) + 0.5 xx, yy = np.meshgrid(x_grid, y_grid) T_anal = np.zeros((ySIZE, xSIZE)) for i in range(ySIZE): # print(f"=== Doing i/ny: {i}/{ny} ===") for j in range(xSIZE): # print(f"Doing i/ny: {i}/{ny} \t j/nx: {j}/{nx}") r = pwp.get_r_from_xy(xx[i][j], yy[i][j], x0, y0) T_anal[i][j] = pwp.get_temperature_r(r) # if r < r0 or r > r2: # T_anal[i][j] = 0 # T_num[i][j] = 0 # 2d clip T_anal = T_anal[:, int(xSIZE / 2)] T_num = T_num[:, int(xSIZE / 2)] T_L2[g] = np.sqrt( np.sum((T_anal - T_num) * (T_anal - T_num)) / np.sum(T_anal * T_anal)) # Eq. 4.57 T_mse[g] = np.sum((T_anal - T_num) * (T_anal - T_num)) / len(T_anal) print(f"T_mse={T_mse[g]:.2e} for grid {xSIZE} x {xSIZE} [lu]") print(f"T_L2={T_L2[g]:.2e} for grid {xSIZE} x {xSIZE} [lu]") return T_L2
def test_vtk_reader_2D(self): # real_path = os.path.realpath(__file__) # dir_path = os.path.dirname(real_path) # print(f'dir_path{dir_path}') wd = os.getcwd() # print(f"wd{wd}") # wd = os.path.dirname(wd) # go level up filename = 'laplace_benchmark_d2q9_VTK_P00_00050010.vti' if 'circleci' in wd: wd = os.path.join(wd, 'tests') filepath = os.path.join(wd, 'sample_data_for_vtk_reader', filename) print(f"filepath{filepath}") vti_reader = VTIFile(filepath) T = vti_reader.get("T") U = vti_reader.get("U", is_vector=True) # convert to pandas format data = T pdT = pd.DataFrame( data=data[1:, 1:], # values index=data[1:, 0], # 1st column as index columns=data[0, 1:]) # 1st row as the column names pdT2 = pd.DataFrame(data) assert T.size > 0 assert U[0].size > 0 assert U[1].size > 0 assert U[2].size > 0 assert pdT.size > 0 assert pdT2.size > 0 filepath = os.path.join( wd, 'sample_data_for_vtk_reader', 'laplace_benchmark_d2q9_TXT_P00_00050010_T.txt') T_read_by_pd = pd.read_csv(filepath, delimiter=" ", header=None) np.testing.assert_allclose(pdT2 - T_read_by_pd, 0, rtol=1e-14, atol=1e-14)
def read_ux(folder): folder = strip_folder_name(folder) case_folder = os.path.join(main_folder, folder) oldest = find_oldest_iteration(case_folder) filename_vtk = get_vti_from_iteration(case_folder, oldest) filepath_vtk = os.path.join(case_folder, filename_vtk) vti_reader = VTIFile(filepath_vtk) (u_num_x, _, _) = vti_reader.get("U", is_vector=True) ux_slice = u_num_x[:, 1, 1] return ux_slice
def get_t_err(main_folder, collision_type): n = len(conductivities) T_mse = np.zeros(n) T_L2 = np.zeros(n) time_spot = None for g in range(n): folder = os.path.join( main_folder, f"{collision_type}_ux_{ux}_k_{conductivities[g]}_sigma_{Sigma02}_size_{lattice_size}lu" ) oldest = find_oldest_iteration(folder) time_spot = int(oldest) filename_vtk = f'{collision_type}_ux_{ux}_k_{conductivities[g]}_sigma_{Sigma02}_size_{lattice_size}lu_VTK_P00_{oldest}.vti' filepath_vtk = os.path.join(folder, filename_vtk) vti_reader = VTIFile(filepath_vtk) T_num = vti_reader.get("T") T_num_slice = T_num[:, :, 1] ySIZE, xSIZE = T_num_slice.shape assert ySIZE == xSIZE == lattice_size dump_file_path = os.path.join( main_folder, f'dumps', f'ux_{ux}_k_{conductivities[g]}_sigma_{Sigma02}_size_{lattice_size}_time_spot_{oldest}.npy' ) gha = GaussianHillAnal(C0, X0, Sigma02, float(conductivities[g]), Matrix([0, 0]), D=2) xx, yy, T_anal = prepare_anal_data_ADE_Gaussion_Hill_2D( gha, ux, oldest, lattice_size, lattice_size, dump_file_path, shall_recalculate_results=False) T_err_field = T_anal - T_num_slice T_L2[g] = calc_L2(T_anal, T_num_slice) T_mse[g] = calc_mse(T_anal, T_num_slice) # print(f"T_mse={T_mse[g]:.2e} for grid {xSIZE} x {xSIZE} [lu]") print(f"T_L2={T_L2[g]:.2e} for k = {conductivities[g]}") return T_L2, time_spot
def read_data_from_LBM(case_folder): oldest = find_oldest_iteration(case_folder) filename_vtk = get_vti_from_iteration(case_folder, oldest, extension='.pvti') filepath_vtk = os.path.join(case_folder, filename_vtk) vti_reader = VTIFile(filepath_vtk, parallel=True) # match ='Pr_?(\d{1,4})_', file, re.IGNORECASE) # Pr = float( T_num = vti_reader.get("T") name_for_plot = re.sub(r"VTK_P00_", '', filename_vtk) name_for_plot = re.sub(r".pvti", '', filename_vtk) return T_num, name_for_plot
def read_data_from_LBM(case_folder, iteration_of_interest): # iteration_of_interest = find_oldest_iteration(case_folder) filename_vtk = get_vti_from_iteration(case_folder, iteration_of_interest, extension='.vti') filepath_vtk = os.path.join(case_folder, filename_vtk) vti_reader = VTIFile(filepath_vtk, parallel=False) fs_num = vti_reader.get("FractionSuspected") # [ux_num, uy_num, uz_num] = vti_reader.get("U", is_vector=True) # ny, nx, nz = T_num.shape # uz_num_slice = uz_num[:, :, 1] fs_num_slice = fs_num[int(fs_num.shape[0]/2), :] # y = np.linspace(start=0, stop=1, num=ny, endpoint=False) return fs_num_slice
def read_data_from_LBM_for_cntr_plot(size): # filename_vtk = f'HotKarman3D_template_sizer_{sizer}_nu_0.03_k_0.003_VTK_P00_01000000.pvti' filename_vtk = f'HotKarman3D_template_sizer_{size}_Re{Re}_Pr{Pr}_VTK_P00_00980000.pvti' filepath_pvti = os.path.join(main_folder, f'keepU_sizer_{size}_Re{Re}_Pr{Pr}', filename_vtk) vti_reader = VTIFile(filepath_pvti, parallel=True) T_num = vti_reader.get("T") [ux_num, uy_num, uz_num] = vti_reader.get("U", is_vector=True) ny, nx, nz = T_num.shape ux_num_slice = ux_num[:, :, 1] T_num_slice = T_num[:, :, 1] x_grid = np.linspace(start=0, stop=nx, num=nx, endpoint=False) y_grid = np.linspace(start=0, stop=ny, num=ny, endpoint=False) z_grid = np.linspace(start=0, stop=nz, num=nz, endpoint=False) xx, yy = np.meshgrid(x_grid, y_grid) return T_num_slice, ux_num_slice, xx, yy
def read_Tnum_data(nx): # --------------- prepare paths --------------- filename_vtk = f'laplace_template_nx_{nx}_ny_{nx + 2}_VTK_P00_00250000.vti' filepath_vtk = os.path.join(folder, filename_vtk) vti_reader = VTIFile(filepath_vtk) # filename_txt = f'laplace_template_nx_{nx}_ny_{nx + 2}_TXT_P00_00250000_T.txt' # filepath_txt = os.path.join(folder, filename_txt) # T_num_txt = pd.read_csv(filepath_txt, delimiter=" ", header=None) T_num = vti_reader.get("T") # U = vti_reader.get("U", vector=True) # --------------- read vti --------------- T_num = np.delete( T_num, 0, axis=0) # delete first row - extra bc (stops periodicity) n_rows, n_columns = T_num.shape T_num = np.delete( T_num, (n_rows - 1), axis=0) # delete last row - extra bc (stops periodicity) return T_num
from DataIO.VTIFile import VTIFile import os import pandas as pd wd = os.getcwd() wd = os.path.dirname(wd) # go level up filename = 'laplace_benchmark_d2q9_VTK_P00_00050010.vti' filepath = os.path.join(wd, 'tests', 'sample_data_for_vtk_reader', filename) vti_reader = VTIFile(filepath) T = vti_reader.get("T") (Ux, Uy, Uz) = vti_reader.get("U", is_vector=True) # convert to pandas format data = T pdT = pd.DataFrame( data=data[1:, 1:], # values index=data[1:, 0], # 1st column as index columns=data[0, 1:]) # 1st row as the column names pdT2 = pd.DataFrame(data) print('bye')
def get_t_err(main_folder, collision_type): n = len(str_conductivities) T_mse = np.zeros(n) T_L2 = np.zeros(n) for g in range(n): folder = os.path.join( main_folder, f"{collision_type}_ux_{ux:.2e}_k_{str_conductivities[g]}_iterations_{iterations[g]}_sigma_{Sigma02}_size_{lattice_size}lu" ) oldest = find_oldest_iteration(folder) filename_vtk = f'{collision_type}_ux_{ux:.2e}_k_{str_conductivities[g]}_iterations_{iterations[g]}_sigma_{Sigma02}_size_{lattice_size}lu_VTK_P00_{oldest}.vti' filepath_vtk = os.path.join(folder, filename_vtk) vti_reader = VTIFile(filepath_vtk) T_num = vti_reader.get("T") T_num_slice = T_num[:, :, 1] ySIZE, xSIZE = T_num_slice.shape assert ySIZE == xSIZE == lattice_size dump_file_path = os.path.join( main_folder, f'dumps', f'ux_{ux}_k_{str_conductivities[g]}_iterations_{iterations[g]}_sigma_{Sigma02}_size_{lattice_size}_time_SI_{time_SI}.npy' ) assert lattice_size == domain_size_SI gha = GaussianHillAnal2D(C0, X0, Sigma02, conductivities[g]) xx, yy, T_anal = prepare_anal_data_ADE_Gaussion_Hill( gha, ux, iterations[g], lattice_size, lattice_size, dump_file_path, shall_recalculate_results=False, reference_level=10.) T_err_field = T_anal - T_num_slice # alternatively # gha2 = GaussianHillAnal2D(C0, X0, Sigma02, conductivity_SI) # ux_SI = conductivity_SI/conductivities[g]*ux # xx, yy, T_anal2 = prepare_anal_data_ADE_Gaussion_Hill(gha2, ux_SI, time_SI, lattice_size, lattice_size, # dump_file_path, # shall_recalculate_results=True, # reference_level=10.) # T_err_field2 = T_anal2 - T_num_slice # xx = peel_the_skin_v2(xx, int(0.25 * lattice_size), int(0.75 * lattice_size)) # yy = peel_the_skin_v2(yy, int(0.25 * lattice_size), int(0.75 * lattice_size)) # T_anal = peel_the_skin_v2(T_anal, int(0.25*lattice_size), int(0.75*lattice_size)) # T_num_slice = peel_the_skin_v2(T_num_slice, int(0.25 * lattice_size), int(0.75 * lattice_size)) # T_err_field = T_anal - T_num_slice T_L2[g] = calc_L2(T_anal, T_num_slice) T_mse[g] = calc_mse(T_anal, T_num_slice) # print(f"T_mse={T_mse[g]:.2e} for grid {xSIZE} x {xSIZE} [lu]") print( f"{collision_type} T_L2={T_L2[g]:.5e} for k = {conductivities[g]}" ) print( "------------------------------------ PLOT err field------------------------------------" ) fig_name = f'{plot_dir}/acoustic_scaling_GaussianHill_{collision_type}_ux={ux:.0e}_k_{str_conductivities[g]}_iterations_{iterations[g]}_sig={Sigma02}_time_SI={time_SI}_lattice={lattice_size}[lu]_err_field_contour.png' plot_err_field(T_err_field, xx, yy, fig_name) return T_L2
# bc_scheme = 'abb_scheme' bc_scheme = 'eq_scheme' home = pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid()).pw_dir # filename_vtk = f'ruraWrurze_cht_VTK_P00_00500000.vti' # main_folder = os.path.join(home, 'DATA_FOR_PLOTS', 'ruraWrurzeBenchmark_const_k', bc_scheme, f'ruraWrurze_cht_{int(gauge * lattice_size)}lu') k_outer = 0.01 # 0.001 filename_vtk = f'k_outer_{k_outer}_size_{int(gauge * lattice_size)}lu_VTK_P00_00500000.vti' main_folder = os.path.join( home, 'DATA_FOR_PLOTS', 'batch_ruraWrurze_variable_k', bc_scheme, f'k_outer_{k_outer}_size_{int(gauge * lattice_size)}lu') filepath_vtk = os.path.join(main_folder, filename_vtk) vti_reader = VTIFile(filepath_vtk) T_num = vti_reader.get("T") # ----------------------- calc dimensions ----------------------- ySIZE, xSIZE = T_num.shape assert ySIZE == xSIZE == int(gauge * lattice_size) r0 = gauge * (8 / 2) # inner radius r2 = gauge * (30 / 2) # outer radius # abb_correction = 0.5 # if bc_scheme =='abb_scheme': # r0 += abb_correction # r2 -= abb_correction r1 = gauge * (20 / 2) # interface between layers
# sizer 2 = LB mesh: 2000x300x6 -- sample 300 y points from toolbox # sizer 4 = LB mesh: 4000x600x12 -- sample 600 y points from toolbox # filename_vtk = f'HotKarman3D_template_sizer_{sizer}_nu_0.03_k_0.003_VTK_P00_00600000.pvti' # filepath_pvti = os.path.join(main_folder, f'lbm_template_sizer_{sizer}_nu_0.03_k_0.003', filename_vtk) Re = 10 Pr = 10 # filename_vtk = f'HotKarman3D_template_sizer_{sizer}_nu_0.03_k_0.003_VTK_P00_01000000.pvti' filename_vtk = f'HotKarman3D_template_sizer_{sizer}_Re{Re}_Pr{Pr}_VTK_P00_00980000.pvti' filepath_pvti = os.path.join(main_folder, f'keepU_sizer_{sizer}_Re{Re}_Pr{Pr}', filename_vtk) vti_reader = VTIFile(filepath_pvti, parallel=True) T_num = vti_reader.get("T") [ux_num, uy_num, uz_num] = vti_reader.get("U", is_vector=True) ny, nx, nz = T_num.shape ux_num_slice = ux_num[:, :, 1] T_num_slice = T_num[:, :, 1] # Read data from toolbox filepath_csv = os.path.join( main_folder, 'from_toolbox', f'Temperature_{int(150*sizer)}_clmax_{clmax}_Re_{Re}_Pr_{Pr}.csv') T_toolbox = np.loadtxt(filepath_csv, delimiter=',', skiprows=1) filepath_csv = os.path.join( main_folder, 'from_toolbox', f'ux_{int(150*sizer)}_clmax_{clmax}_Re_{Re}_Pr_{Pr}.csv')
lattice_size = 32 filename_vtk = f'laplace_template_nx_{lattice_size}_ny_{lattice_size + 2}_VTK_P00_00250000.vti' home = pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid()).pw_dir main_folder = os.path.join(home, 'DATA_FOR_PLOTS', 'LaplaceBenchmark') folder = os.path.join(main_folder, 'eq_sin_scheme_laplace_template') # folder = os.path.join(main_folder, 'eq_x2_scheme_laplace_template') # folder = os.path.join(main_folder, 'abb_sin_scheme_laplace_template') # folder = os.path.join(main_folder, 'abb_x2_laplace_template_corr05') filepath_vtk = os.path.join(folder, filename_vtk) vti_reader = VTIFile(filepath_vtk) T_num = vti_reader.get("T") U = vti_reader.get("U", is_vector=True) # ---------------------- clip buffer bc -------------------- T_num = np.delete( T_num, 0, axis=0) # obligatory delete first row - wall bc (stops periodicity) n_rows, n_columns = T_num.shape T_num = np.delete(T_num, (n_rows - 1), axis=0) # delete last row - extra heater bc # ---------------------- calculate solution -------------------- xx, yy, T_anal = prepare_anal_data_new(*T_num.shape, folder, shall_recalculate_results=True)
def get_t_err(main_folder, collision_type): case_name = f'{collision_type}_ux_{ux:.2e}_k_{conductivity:.2e}_iterations_{iterations}_sigma2_{Sigma02}_size_{lattice_size}lu' folder = os.path.join(main_folder, case_name) oldest = find_oldest_iteration(folder) # filename_vtk = f'sample_VTK_P00_{oldest}.vti' filename_vtk = f'{case_name}_VTK_P00_{oldest}.vti' filepath_vtk = os.path.join(folder, filename_vtk) vti_reader = VTIFile(filepath_vtk) T_num = vti_reader.get("T") ySIZE, xSIZE, zSIZE = T_num.shape assert ySIZE == xSIZE == zSIZE == lattice_size # dump_file_path = os.path.join(main_folder, f'dumps', f'sample.npy') assert lattice_size == domain_size_SI dump_file_path = os.path.join( main_folder, f'dumps', f'ux_{ux:.2e}_k_{conductivity:.2e}_iterations_{iterations}_sigma2_{Sigma02}_size_{lattice_size}lu.npy' ) gha = GaussianHillAnal(C0, X0, Sigma02, conductivity, Matrix([0, 0, 0]), D=3.) xx, yy, zz, T_anal = prepare_anal_data_ADE_Gaussion_Hill_3D( gha, ux, iterations, lattice_size, lattice_size, lattice_size, dump_file_path, shall_recalculate_results=False, reference_level=reference_level) # T_num = T_num[:, :, 127] # T_anal = T_anal[:, :, 0] T_err_field = T_anal - T_num T_L2 = calc_L2_per_element(T_anal, T_num) T_L2_sum = calc_L2(T_anal, T_num) T_mse_sum = calc_mse(T_anal, T_num) # print(f"T_mse={T_mse[g]:.2e} for grid {xSIZE} x {xSIZE} [lu]") # print(f"{collision_type} T_L2={T_L2[g]:.5e} for k = {conductivities[g]}") print( "------------------------------------ PLOT err field------------------------------------" ) # half_size = int(lattice_size/2) # T_slice = T_err_field[:half_size, :half_size, :half_size] plot_err_field_vedo(xx, yy, zz, T_err_field, fig_name=f'{case_name}_err_field.vti') plot_err_field_vedo(xx, yy, zz, T_anal, fig_name=f'{case_name}_anal_field.vti') plot_err_field_vedo(xx, yy, zz, T_num, fig_name=f'{case_name}_num_field.vti') # plot_err_field(xx, yy, zz, T_err_field, fig_name) return T_L2
def get_t_err(folder, collision_type): n = len(gauges) T_mse = np.zeros(n) T_L2 = np.zeros(n) for g in range(n): main_folder = os.path.join( folder, 'DATA_FOR_PLOTS', 'batch_ruraWrurze_NeumannBC', f'{collision_type}_k_{k}_size_{lattices[g]}lu') oldest = find_oldest_iteration(main_folder) filename_vtk = f'{collision_type}_k_{k}_size_{lattices[g]}lu_VTK_P00_{oldest}.vti' filepath_vtk = os.path.join(main_folder, filename_vtk) vti_reader = VTIFile(filepath_vtk) T_num = vti_reader.get("T") T_num_slice = T_num[:, :, 1] ySIZE, xSIZE = T_num_slice.shape assert ySIZE == xSIZE == lattices[g] assert xSIZE % 1 == 0 r0 = gauges[g] * (8 / 2) # inner radius r2 = gauges[g] * (30 / 2) # outer radius # abb_correction = 0.5 # r0 += abb_correction x0 = lattices[g] / 2 # center of the pipe y0 = lattices[g] / 2 # ----------------------- compute anal solution --------------------------- pwp = PipeWithinPipeNeumann(r0, r2, J0 / float(k), T2) x_grid = np.linspace(0, xSIZE, xSIZE, endpoint=False) + 0.5 y_grid = np.linspace(0, ySIZE, ySIZE, endpoint=False) + 0.5 xx, yy = np.meshgrid(x_grid, y_grid) T_anal = np.zeros((ySIZE, xSIZE)) for i in range(ySIZE): # print(f"=== Doing i/ny: {i}/{ny} ===") for j in range(xSIZE): # print(f"Doing i/ny: {i}/{ny} \t j/nx: {j}/{nx}") r = pwp.get_r_from_xy(xx[i][j], yy[i][j], x0, y0) T_anal[i][j] = pwp.get_temperature_r(r) # nan_mask = np.argwhere(np.isnan(T_anal)) not_nan_mask = ~np.isnan(T_anal) T_anal_masked = T_anal[not_nan_mask] T_num_slice_masked = T_num_slice[not_nan_mask] T_mse[g] = np.sum( (T_anal_masked - T_num_slice_masked) * (T_anal_masked - T_num_slice_masked)) / len(T_anal_masked) T_L2[g] = np.sqrt( np.sum((T_anal_masked - T_num_slice_masked) * (T_anal_masked - T_num_slice_masked)) / np.sum(T_anal_masked * T_anal_masked)) # Eq. 4.57 print(f"T_mse={T_mse[g]:.2e} for grid {xSIZE} x {xSIZE} [lu]") print(f"T_L2={T_L2[g]:.2e} for grid {xSIZE} x {xSIZE} [lu]") return T_L2