예제 #1
class TestConnectionHandling(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        print("Set Up Test")
        self.instance = DatabaseHandler()

    def test_getListOfSlots(self):
        print("Testing getting list of upcoming slots")
        firstDivisionId = 1
        slots = self.instance.getListOfSlotsOfUpcomingRound(firstDivisionId)
        for slot in slots:
            start = minutesToTime(slot.start)
            end = minutesToTime(slot.end)
            location = slot.locationId
            print(str(start[0]) + ":" + str(start[1]) + " - " + str(end[0]) + ":" + str(end[1]) + " ; " + str(location))
    def test_getListOfAllTeams(self):
        print("testing getting list of all teams")
        firstDivisionId = 1
        teams = self.instance.getListOfAllTeams(firstDivisionId)
        for team in teams:
            print(team.name + ", " + team.acronym + ", " + str(team.teamId))

    def test_getListOfGames(self):
        print("testing gettingListOfPlayedGames")
        firstDivisionId = 1
        gameStates = [GameState.COMPLETED, GameState.RUNNING]
        self.instance.getListOfGames(firstDivisionId, gameStates)

    def tearDownClass(self):
        print("Destruct test")
예제 #2
class DataAPI(object):
    """ DataAPI provides access to the data source where schedule information is stored  """
    def __init__(self, forceDBToBeUsed: str = ""):
        """ get DataHandler and initiate connection with data source"""
        self.databaseHandler = DatabaseHandler(forceDBToBeUsed=forceDBToBeUsed)

    def __del__(self):
        """ disconnect from data source"""
        del self.databaseHandler

    def getSwissDrawDivisions(self):
        return self.databaseHandler.getSwissDrawDivisions()

    def getFinalizeGameTime(self, division_id: int, round_number: int) -> int:
        return self.databaseHandler.getFinalzeGameTime(division_id,

    def getRoundNumberToBeOptimized(
        divisionId: int,
        roundStates: List[GameState] = (RoundState.PREDICTION,
    ) -> int:
        return self.databaseHandler.getRoundNumberToBeOptimized(
            divisionId, roundStates)

    def getListOfAllTeams(self, divisionId) -> List[Team]:
        """" getListOfAllTeams  gets all Teams (of division) stored in data source
         getListOfAllTeams(self, divisionId = None)
        divisionId : int, optional            
            if no divisionId is given swiss draw division will be used (max one division in database)
            passing negative values will lead to all division Slots as result

            a list of all Teams (of a division)
        return self.databaseHandler.getListOfAllTeams(divisionId)

    def getListOfSlotsOfUpcomingRound(self, divisionId) -> List[Slot]:
        """" getListOfUpcomingSlots returns a list of all slots beeing in next round
        getListOfSlotsOfUpcomingRound(self, divisionId = None)

        If the argument `division` isn't passed in, the default division is used.

        divisionId : int, optional
            if no divisionId is given, an Value Exception will be raised

            a list of Slots taking place in next round in division with divisionId
        return self.databaseHandler.getListOfSlotsOfUpcomingRound(divisionId)

    def getListOfGames(self,
                       gameStates: List[GameState],
                       locationId: int = None) -> List[Game]:
        """ getListOfGame gets a list of games stored in data source
        getListOfGames(self, gameState = GameState.COMPLETED, locationId:int = None, divisionId = None)

        If the argument `gameState` isn't passed in, the default played status is used.

        gameState : int, optional            
            NOT_YET_STARTED if Game is not yet played
            COMPLETED if Game is already played
            RUNNING if Game is currently running.
        locationId : int, optional            
            if no locationId is given games of all locataions will be returned
        divisionId : int, optional            
            if no divisionId is given swiss draw division will be used (max one division in database)
            passing negeive values will lead to all division Slots as result

            a list of games either played or not played yet
        #gameStates = [GameState.COMPLETED, GameState.RUNNING]
        return self.databaseHandler.getListOfGames(divisionId, gameStates,

    def getListOfLocations(self) -> List[Location]:
        """ getListOfGame gets a list of games stored in data source
        getListOfGames(self, gameState = GameState.COMPLETED, locationId:int = None, divisionId = None)

        If the argument `gameState` isn't passed in, the default played status is used.

        gameState : int, optional            
            NOT_YET_STARTED if Game is not yet played
            COMPLETED if Game is already played
            RUNNING if Game is currently running.
        locationId : int, optional            
            if no locationId is given games of all locataions will be returned
        divisionId : int, optional            
            if no divisionId is given swiss draw division will be used (max one division in database)
            passing negeive values will lead to all division Slots as result

            a list of games either played or not played yet
        return self.databaseHandler.getListOfLocations()

    def insertNextGame(self, game: Game, gamestate: GameState, debug: int = 0):
        """" insertNextGame inserts a game in db
        insertNextGame(self, game:Game = None, debug:int = 0)

        If the argument `debug` isn't passed in, the default is no debug

        game : Game, optional
            game from type Game. Will be inserted in db
        debug : int, optional            
            if no debug is given it will be in productive mode

            True if inserted
            False if not
        return self.databaseHandler.insertNextGame(game, gamestate, debug)

    def insertNextGames(self,
                        games: [Game],
                        gamestate: GameState,
                        debug: int = 0):
        """" insertNextGame inserts a game in db
        insertNextGame(self, game:Game = None, debug:int = 0)

        If the argument `debug` isn't passed in, the default is no debug

        game : Game, optional
            game from type Game. Will be inserted in db
        debug : int, optional
            if no debug is given it will be in productive mode

            True if inserted
            False if not
        return self.databaseHandler.insertNextGames(games, gamestate, debug)

    def insertRanking(self,
                      ranked_teamlist: [Team],
                      round_number: int,
                      division_id: int,
                      debug: int = 0):
        """" insertRanking inserts a ranking for a specific round
                insertRanking(self, ranked_teamlist: [Team], round_number: int):

                If the argument `debug` isn't passed in, the default is no debug

                ranked_teamlist : List of Teams
                    ranked_teamlist from type [Team]. Will be inserted in db.
                    ranked_teamlist is a sorted List of Teams. Best team first, worst team last
                debug : int, optional
                    if no debug is given it will be in productive mode

                    True if inserted
                    False if not
        return self.databaseHandler.insertRanking(ranked_teamlist,
                                                  round_number, division_id,

    def setRoundState(self,
                      round_number: int,
                      division_id: int,
                      roundState: RoundState,
                      debug: int = 0) -> None:
        self.databaseHandler.setRoundState(round_number, division_id,
                                           roundState, debug)

    def setResult(self, matchupId: int, resultA: int, resultB: int) -> None:
        self.databaseHandler.setResult(matchupId, resultA, resultB)

    def setGameState(self, game_id: int, game_state: int) -> None:
        self.databaseHandler.setGameState(game_id, game_state)