예제 #1
def getbounds():
    # Init my variables that i am going to be using
    dbUtils = DbUtils()
    top = ""
    right = ""
    bottom = ""
    left = ""
    edges = []

    # Get my bounds from the server
    boundData = dbUtils.getBounds()

    # parse my boundData and set each row to a longitute and latitude in a list of dictionaries.
    for r in boundData:
        # get longitude out
        tempStrings = str(r).split()
        tempStrings[0] = tempStrings[0][8:]
        # get latitude out
        index = tempStrings[1].find(")")
        tempStrings[1] = tempStrings[1][0:index]
        # add that to a dictionary
        a = {"lon": tempStrings[0], "lat": tempStrings[1]}
        # add the dictionary to a list

    # Check the latitudes for a top and bottom
    if float(edges[0]["lat"]) > float(edges[1]["lat"]):
        top = edges[0]["lat"]
        bottom = edges[1]["lat"]
        top = edges[1]["lat"]
        bottom = edges[0]["lat"]

    # Check longitude for a left and right
    if float(edges[0]["lon"]) < float(edges[1]["lon"]):
        left = edges[0]["lon"]
        right = edges[1]["lon"]
        right = edges[0]["lon"]
        left = edges[1]["lon"]

    # Create my json dictionary
    bounds = {"top": top, "bottom": bottom, "left": left, "right": right}

    # return the json to the user
    return jsonify(bounds)