def resample_naiive(self): print_locks("Entering lock resample_naiive") self.state_lock.acquire() print_locks("Entered lock resample_naiive") start_time = time.time() # Use np.random.choice to re-sample # YOUR CODE HERE assert len(self.particles) == len(self.weights) M = len(self.particles) #print("RESAMLING WEIGHTS: ") best_weight_indices = [ x for x in reversed(sorted(range(M), key=lambda i: self.weights[i])) ][0:20] self.particle_indices = np.random.choice(M, size=M, replace=True, p=self.weights) self.particles[:, :] = self.particles[self.particle_indices, :] #print("Post-resmaple particle shape", self.particles.shape) #print("====") #print("") self.weights[:] = (1.0 / M) print_locks("Exiting lock resample_naiive") print_benchmark("resample_naiive", start_time, time.time()) self.state_lock.release()
def visualize(self): def make_pose_from_xy_theta(xytheta): pose = Pose() pose.position.x = xytheta[0] pose.position.y = xytheta[1] pose.position.z = 0 orien = tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, xytheta[2]) pose.orientation.x = orien[0] pose.orientation.y = orien[1] pose.orientation.z = orien[2] pose.orientation.w = orien[3] return pose print_locks("Entering lock visualize") self.state_lock.acquire() print_locks("Entered lock visualize") start_time = time.time() laser = self.sensor_model.last_laser # no deepcopy particles = np.copy(self.particles) weights = np.copy(self.weights) print_locks("Exiting lock visualize (computation will continue)") self.state_lock.release() # compute pose pose = self.expected_pose(particles, weights) # (1) Publishes a tf between the map and the laser. Necessary for visualizing the laser scan in the map self.publish_tf(pose) # (2) Publishes the most recent laser measurement. Note that the frame_id of this message should be the child_frame_id of the tf from (1) laser.header.frame_id = "/laser" #"laser" self.pub_laser.publish(laser) # /scan /map /map # (3) Publishes a PoseStamped message indicating the expected pose of the car pose_msg = PoseStamped() pose_msg.header.stamp = pose_msg.header.frame_id = '/map' pose_msg.pose = make_pose_from_xy_theta(pose) self.pose_pub.publish(pose_msg) #PoseStamped(pose) # (4) Publishes a subsample of the particles (use self.MAX_VIZ_PARTICLES). # Sample so that particles with higher weights are more likely to be sampled. particle_indices = np.random.choice(self.MAX_PARTICLES, size=self.MAX_VIZ_PARTICLES, replace=False, p=weights) sampled_particles = particles[particle_indices, :] particles_msg = PoseArray() particles_msg.header.stamp = particles_msg.header.frame_id = '/map' particles_msg.poses = [ make_pose_from_xy_theta(sampled_particles[i]) for i in range(len(sampled_particles)) ] self.particle_pub.publish(particles_msg) print_locks("Finished visualize") print_benchmark("visualize", start_time, time.time())
def lidar_cb(self, msg): # # comment back in to no-op # self.last_laser = msg # self.do_resample = True # return print_locks("Entering lock lidar_cb") self.state_lock.acquire() print_locks("Entered lock lidar_cb") start_time = time.time() # Compute the observation # obs is a a two element tuple # obs[0] is the downsampled ranges # obs[1] is the downsampled angles # Each element of obs must be a numpy array of type np.float32 (this is a requirement for GPU processing) # Use self.LASER_RAY_STEP as the downsampling step # Keep efficiency in mind, including by caching certain things that won't change across future iterations of this callback # obs_ranges = np.array(msg.ranges[0::self.LASER_RAY_STEP], dtype=np.float32) # obs_angles = np.array( \ # np.arange(0, len(msg.ranges), self.LASER_RAY_STEP, dtype=np.float32) * msg.angle_increment + msg.angle_min, \ # dtype=np.float32) # obs = [obs_ranges, obs_angles] obs = [[], []] for i in range(0, len(msg.ranges), self.LASER_RAY_STEP): obs[0].append(msg.ranges[i]) obs[1].append(msg.angle_min + i * msg.angle_increment) obs = [ np.array(obs[0], dtype=np.float32), np.array(obs[1], dtype=np.float32) ] #prior = np.array(self.weights, dtype=np.float32) weights, weights_squashed = self.apply_sensor_model( self.particles, obs, self.weights) #print("WEIGHTS", np.percentile(weights, [0, 25, 50, 75, 100])) self.weights_unsquashed[:] = weights self.weights[:] = weights_squashed / np.sum(weights_squashed) #after = np.array(self.weights, dtype=np.float32) #print("PRIOR", [x for x in reversed(sorted(prior))][0:20]) #print("AFTER", [x for x in reversed(sorted(after))][0:20]) #print("DELTA", [x for x in reversed(sorted(after - prior))][0:20]) self.last_laser = msg self.do_resample = True print_locks("Exiting lock lidar_cb") print_benchmark("lidar_cb", start_time, time.time()) self.state_lock.release()
def motion_cb(self, msg): print_locks("Entering lock motion_cb") self.state_lock.acquire() print_locks("Entered lock motion_cb") start_time = time.time() x, y = msg.pose.pose.position.x, msg.pose.pose.position.y theta = Utils.quaternion_to_angle(msg.pose.pose.orientation) #print("have", x, y, theta) self.inner.update([x, y, theta]) print_locks("Releasing lock motion_cb") print_benchmark("odometry motion_cb", start_time, time.time()) self.state_lock.release()
def resample_low_variance(self, lock_taken=False): if not lock_taken: print_locks("Entering lock resample_low_variance") self.state_lock.acquire() print_locks("Entered lock resample_low_variance") start_time = time.time() M = len(self.particles) r = np.random.uniform(0.0, 1.0 / M) weights_cdf = np.cumsum(self.weights) search_ws = r + np.arange(M, dtype=float) / float(M) search_ws, ignore = np.modf(search_ws) #fractional, int particle_indices = np.searchsorted(weights_cdf, search_ws) self.particles[:, :] = self.particles[particle_indices, :] self.weights[:] = 1.0 / M # for i in range(M): # ind = numpy.searchsorted(weights_cdf, r) # # sanity, don't understand searchsorted propss # ind = max(min(M - 1, ind), 0) # # w = self.weights[ind] # r += 1.0 / M # r = r - math.floor(r) # M = len(self.particles) # r = np.random.uniform(0.0, 1.0) # Draw random number in the range [0, 1/M] # U = r - (1.0 / M) # particle_index = 0 # weight_total = self.weights[0] # self.particle_indices = np.zeros(M, dtype=int) # # for new_particle_index in range(M): # U += (1.0 / M) # while U > weight_total: # particle_index += 1 # weight_total += self.weights[particle_index % M] # particle_index = particle_index % M # self.particle_indices[new_particle_index] = particle_index # # self.particles[:, :] = self.particles[self.particle_indices, :] # self.weights[:] = (1.0 / M) if not lock_taken: print_locks("Exiting lock resample_low_variance") self.state_lock.release() print_benchmark("resample_low_variance", start_time, time.time())
def motion_cb(self, msg): print_locks("Entering lock motion_cb") self.state_lock.acquire() print_locks("Entered lock motion_cb") start_time = time.time() # if no servo info, skip if self.last_servo_cmd is None: print("Releasing lock motion_cb early (no servo command)") self.state_lock.release() return # if no prev timestamp, then play as if dt is 0 if self.last_vesc_stamp is None: self.last_vesc_stamp = msg.header.stamp dt = (msg.header.stamp - self.last_vesc_stamp).to_sec() self.last_vesc_stamp = msg.header.stamp # Convert raw msgs to controls # Note that control = (raw_msg_val - offset_param) / gain_param curr_speed = float( float(msg.state.speed) - float(self.SPEED_TO_ERPM_OFFSET)) / float( self.SPEED_TO_ERPM_GAIN) curr_steering_angle = float( float(self.last_servo_cmd) - float(self.STEERING_TO_SERVO_OFFSET)) / float( self.STEERING_TO_SERVO_GAIN) # print("Velocity ", curr_speed) # print("Steering Angle: ", curr_steering_angle, " -- ", self.last_servo_cmd, " -- ", self.STEERING_TO_SERVO_OFFSET) # print("Delta Time: ", dt) self.inner.update([curr_speed, curr_steering_angle, dt]) print_locks("Releasing lock motion_cb") print_benchmark("kinematic motion_cb", start_time, time.time()) self.state_lock.release()
def monte_carlo_localization(self, weights_unsquashed): print_locks("Entering lock monte") self.state_lock.acquire() print_locks("Entered lock monte") start_time = time.time() new_particles = np.zeros(self.particles.shape) M = len(self.weights) w_avg = (1.0 / M) * weights_unsquashed.sum() #w_avg = -math.log10(w_avg_) self.weight_fast = (1.0 - ALPHA1) * self.weight_fast + ALPHA1 * w_avg self.weight_slow = (1.0 - ALPHA2) * self.weight_slow + ALPHA2 * w_avg prob_new_particle = max(0.0, 1.0 - self.weight_fast / self.weight_slow) print(w_avg, "fast", self.weight_fast, "slow", self.weight_slow, "ratio", self.weight_fast / self.weight_slow, "p", prob_new_particle) if prob_new_particle == 0.0: self.resample_low_variance(True) print_locks("Exiting lock monte (A!)") self.state_lock.release() return print("party time!") random_kept = np.random.rand(M) > prob_new_particle ok_thres = np.percentile(self.weights, 0.1) force_kept = self.weights > ok_thres kept = np.logical_or(random_kept, force_kept) choice = 1.0 - np.array(kept, dtype=float) variance_particle_indices = np.random.choice(M, size=M, replace=True, p=self.weights) variance_particles = self.particles[variance_particle_indices] new_particles_indices = np.random.randint( 0, self.map_free_space.shape[0] - 1, M) new_particles = np.zeros((M, 3)) new_particles[:, 0] = self.map_free_space[new_particles_indices, 0] new_particles[:, 1] = self.map_free_space[new_particles_indices, 1] new_particles[:, 2] = np.random.uniform(0, 2 * np.pi, M) self.particles[:, :] = new_particles * choice[:, np. newaxis] + variance_particles * ( 1.0 - choice )[:, np.newaxis] self.weights[:] = (1.0 / M) """ for m in range(M): if prob_new_particle <= np.random.rand(): ind = random.randint(0, len(self.map_free_space) - 1) new_particles[m][0] = self.map_free_space[ind][0] new_particles[m][1] = self.map_free_space[ind][1] new_particles[m][2] = np.random.uniform(0, 2*np.pi) else: particle_index = np.random.choice(M, size=None, replace=True, p=self.weights) new_particles[m] = self.particles[particle_index] self.particles[:,:] = new_particles self.weights[:] = (1.0 / M) """ print_locks("Exiting lock monte") self.state_lock.release() print_benchmark("resample_monte", start_time, time.time())