예제 #1
    def encoder_decoder(self, inputs):
        encoded = self.encoder.encoder(inputs, self.target_layer)
        model = Decoder()
        decoded, _ = model.decoder(encoded, self.target_layer)
        decoded_encoded = self.encoder.encoder(decoded, self.target_layer)

        return encoded, decoded, decoded_encoded
예제 #2
 def encoder_decoder(self, inputs):
     encoded = self.encoder.encoder(inputs, self.target_layer)  #特征提取
     model = Decoder()  #生成图像model
     decoded, _ = model.decoder(encoded, self.target_layer)  #生成图像
     # 再对生成图像,进行特征提取
     decoded_encoded = self.encoder.encoder(decoded, self.target_layer)
     # 返回值为 a.提取的特征 b.由特征生成的图片 c.由生成图片提取的特征
     return encoded, decoded, decoded_encoded
예제 #3
    def encoder_decoder(self, inputs):
        encoder_decoder function:
        encoded: feature map obtained by processing the original image with the encoder
        decoded: reconstructed image obtained by processing the original image with both the encoder and decoder
        decoded_encoded: feature map obtained by processing the reconstructed image with the encoder
        encoded = self.encoder.encoder(inputs, self.target_layer)
        model = Decoder()
        decoded, _ = model.decoder(encoded, self.target_layer)
        decoded_encoded = self.encoder.encoder(decoded, self.target_layer)

        return encoded, decoded, decoded_encoded
예제 #4
class WCT_test_single_layer:
    def __init__(self, target_layer, content_path, style_path, alpha,
                 pretrained_vgg, output_path, decoder_weights):
        self.target_layer = target_layer
        self.content_path = content_path
        self.style_path = style_path
        self.output_path = output_path
        self.alpha = alpha
        self.encoder = Vgg19(pretrained_vgg)
        self.decoder = Decoder()
        self.decoder_weights = decoder_weights

    def test(self):
        content = tf.placeholder('float', [1, 304, 304, 3])
        style = tf.placeholder('float', [1, 304, 304, 3])

        content_encode = self.encoder.encoder(content, self.target_layer)
        style_encode = self.encoder.encoder(style, self.target_layer)

        #blended = wct_tf(content_encode,style_encode,self.alpha)
        #blended = Adain(content_encode,style_encode)
        #blended = style_swap(content_encode, style_encode, 3, 2)
        blended = wct_style_swap(content_encode, style_encode, self.alpha)

        stylized = self.decoder.decoder(blended, self.target_layer)
        saver = tf.train.Saver()

        with tf.Session() as sess:
            saver.restore(sess, self.decoder_weights)
            img_c = image.load_img(self.content_path,
                                   target_size=(304, 304, 3))
            img_c = image.img_to_array(img_c)
            img_c = np.expand_dims(img_c, axis=0)

            img_s = image.load_img(self.style_path, target_size=(304, 304, 3))
            img_s = image.img_to_array(img_s)
            img_s = np.expand_dims(img_s, axis=0)

            feed_dict = {content: img_c, style: img_s}

            result, e = sess.run([stylized, content_encode],
            result = result[0][0]
            result = np.clip(result, 0, 255) / 255.
            imsave(self.output_path, result)
예제 #5
class WCT_test_all_layer:
    # 测试模型初始化,导入命令行参数
    def __init__(self, content_path, style_path, alpha_wct, alpha_swap,
                 pretrained_vgg, output_path):
        self.content_path = content_path  # 内容图片路径
        self.style_path = style_path  # 风格图片路径
        self.output_path = output_path  # 融合后图片输出路径
        self.alpha_wct = alpha_wct  # wct方法内容与风格图片比重
        self.alpha_swap = alpha_swap  #wct_swap方法内容与风格图片比重
        self.encoder = Vgg19(pretrained_vgg)  # 导入VGG19 模型
        self.decoder = Decoder()  # 导入Decoder 反卷积
        # 导入Decoder模型参数
        self.decoder_weights = [
            'models/decoder_1.ckpt', 'models/decoder_2.ckpt',
            'models/decoder_3.ckpt', 'models/decoder_4.ckpt'

    def test(self):
        # 加载content图像,并转成数组,同时进行扩维度(-,h,w,c)
        img_c = Image.open(self.content_path)
        img_c = np.array(img_c)
        img_c = np.expand_dims(img_c, axis=0)

        # 加载style图像,并转成数组,同时进行扩维度(-,h,w,c)
        img_s = Image.open(self.style_path)
        img_s = np.array(img_s)
        img_s = np.expand_dims(img_s, axis=0)
        # 定义尺寸为  内容图片大小的  占位符变量
        content = tf.placeholder('float', shape=img_c.shape)
        # 定义尺寸为  风格图片大小的  占位符变量
        style = tf.placeholder('float', shape=img_s.shape)

        wct_tf_alpha = self.alpha_wct  #wct方法比重
        wct_swap_alpha = self.alpha_swap  #swap方法比重

        # 加入relu4_1的style特征,使用wct方法加入
        content_encode_4 = self.encoder.encoder(content,
                                                'relu4')  # relu4_1的content特征
        style_encode_4 = self.encoder.encoder(style,
                                              'relu4')  # relu4_1的style特征
        blended_4 = wct_tf(content_encode_4, style_encode_4,
                           wct_tf_alpha)  # wct方法生成融合的特征图
        stylized_4, var_list4 = self.decoder.decoder(blended_4,
                                                     'relu4')  # 还原成图片,同时记录变量

        content_encode_3 = self.encoder.encoder(stylized_4,
                                                'relu3')  # relu3_1的content特征
        style_encode_3 = self.encoder.encoder(style,
                                              'relu3')  # relu3_1的style特征
        blended_3 = wct_style_swap(content_encode_3, style_encode_3,
                                   wct_swap_alpha)  # wct_style_swap方法生成融合的特征图
        stylized_3, var_list3 = self.decoder.decoder(blended_3,
                                                     'relu3')  # 还原成图片,同时记录变量

        # 加入relu2_1的style特征,使用wct方法加入
        content_encode_2 = self.encoder.encoder(stylized_3,
                                                'relu2')  # relu2_1的content特征
        style_encode_2 = self.encoder.encoder(style,
                                              'relu2')  # relu2_1的style特征
        blended_2 = wct_tf(content_encode_2, style_encode_2,
                           wct_tf_alpha)  # wct方法生成融合的特征图
        stylized_2, var_list2 = self.decoder.decoder(blended_2,
                                                     'relu2')  # 还原成图片,同时记录变量

        # 加入relu1_1的style特征,使用wct方法加入
        content_encode_1 = self.encoder.encoder(stylized_2,
                                                'relu1')  # relu2_1的content特征
        style_encode_1 = self.encoder.encoder(style,
                                              'relu1')  # relu2_1的style特征
        blended_1 = wct_tf(content_encode_1, style_encode_1,
                           wct_tf_alpha)  # wct方法生成融合的特征图
        stylized_1, var_list1 = self.decoder.decoder(blended_1,
                                                     'relu1')  # 还原成图片,同时记录变量
        # 保存模型
        saver1 = tf.train.Saver(var_list1)
        saver2 = tf.train.Saver(var_list2)
        saver3 = tf.train.Saver(var_list3)
        saver4 = tf.train.Saver(var_list4)
        # 初始化会话,并开始测试过程
        with tf.Session() as sess:
            # 变量初始化
            # 从训练好的模型中加载 参数
            saver1.restore(sess, self.decoder_weights[0])  # 加载decoder_1的权重
            saver2.restore(sess, self.decoder_weights[1])  # 加载decoder_2的权重
            saver3.restore(sess, self.decoder_weights[2])  # 加载decoder_3的权重
            saver4.restore(sess, self.decoder_weights[3])  # 加载decoder_4的权重
            # 分别喂入内容图片和风格图片
            feed_dict = {content: img_c, style: img_s}
            # 产生结果
            result = sess.run(stylized_1, feed_dict=feed_dict)
            # 图片输出前的处理
            result = result[0]
            # 数据处理使用的  float 变到0-1之间,正确表达图片信息
            result = np.clip(result, 0, 255) / 255.
            # 存储图片
            imsave(self.output_path, result)
예제 #6
class WCT_test_all_layer:
    def __init__(self, content_path, style_path, alpha, pretrained_vgg,
        self.content_path = content_path
        self.style_path = style_path
        self.output_path = output_path
        self.alpha = alpha
        self.encoder = Vgg19(pretrained_vgg)
        self.decoder = Decoder()
        self.decoder_weights = [
            'models/decoder_1.ckpt', 'models/decoder_2.ckpt',
            'models/decoder_3.ckpt', 'models/decoder_4.ckpt'

    def test(self):
        content = tf.placeholder('float', [1, 304, 304, 3])
        style = tf.placeholder('float', [1, 304, 304, 3])

        content_encode_4 = self.encoder.encoder(content, 'relu4')
        style_encode_4 = self.encoder.encoder(style, 'relu4')
        blended_4 = wct_tf(content_encode_4, style_encode_4, self.alpha)
        stylized_4, var_list4 = self.decoder.decoder(blended_4, 'relu4')

        content_encode_3 = self.encoder.encoder(stylized_4, 'relu3')
        style_encode_3 = self.encoder.encoder(style, 'relu3')
        blended_3 = wct_tf(content_encode_3, style_encode_3, self.alpha)
        stylized_3, var_list3 = self.decoder.decoder(blended_3, 'relu3')

        content_encode_2 = self.encoder.encoder(stylized_3, 'relu2')
        style_encode_2 = self.encoder.encoder(style, 'relu2')
        blended_2 = wct_tf(content_encode_2, style_encode_2, self.alpha)
        stylized_2, var_list2 = self.decoder.decoder(blended_2, 'relu2')

        content_encode_1 = self.encoder.encoder(stylized_2, 'relu1')
        style_encode_1 = self.encoder.encoder(style, 'relu1')
        blended_1 = wct_tf(content_encode_1, style_encode_1, self.alpha)
        stylized_1, var_list1 = self.decoder.decoder(blended_1, 'relu1')
        saver1 = tf.train.Saver(var_list1)
        saver2 = tf.train.Saver(var_list2)
        saver3 = tf.train.Saver(var_list3)
        saver4 = tf.train.Saver(var_list4)

        with tf.Session() as sess:
            saver1.restore(sess, self.decoder_weights[0])
            saver2.restore(sess, self.decoder_weights[1])
            saver3.restore(sess, self.decoder_weights[2])
            saver4.restore(sess, self.decoder_weights[3])
            img_c = image.load_img(self.content_path,
                                   target_size=(304, 304, 3))
            img_c = image.img_to_array(img_c)
            img_c = np.expand_dims(img_c, axis=0)

            img_s = image.load_img(self.style_path, target_size=(304, 304, 3))
            img_s = image.img_to_array(img_s)
            img_s = np.expand_dims(img_s, axis=0)

            feed_dict = {content: img_c, style: img_s}

            result = sess.run(stylized_1, feed_dict=feed_dict)
            result = result[0]
            result = np.clip(result, 0, 255) / 255.

            imsave(self.output_path, result)
예제 #7
class style_transfer:
    Style Transfer Class: 
    this class is the main algorithm of our project;
    generates stylized images given content and style images
    def __init__(self, content_path, style_path, alpha, pretrained_vgg,
        Style Transfer Initialization
        content_path: path to content images
        style_path: path to style images
        alpha: range=[0, 1]; parameter to control ratio of content vs. stylized images
        pretrained_vgg: path to pre-trained vgg weights
        output_path: path to store result images
        self.content_path = content_path
        self.style_path = style_path
        self.output_path = output_path
        self.alpha = alpha
        self.encoder = Vgg19(pretrained_vgg)
        self.decoder = Decoder()
        # load decoder weights from saved models: give names of models to use
        self.decoder_weights = [
            'models/relu1_1w_2k', 'models/relu2_1w_2k', 'models/relu3_1w_1w',
        ]  #,'models/relu5_8w_2w']

    def test(self):
        Test function: generate stylized images using 5 levels (5 encoder-decoder pairs)

        content = tf.placeholder('float', [1, 304, 304, 3])
        style = tf.placeholder('float', [1, 304, 304, 3])

        # implementation of multi-level stylization: first level is encoder-decoder 5, last level is encoder-decoder 1
        # original paper named this "coarse-to-fine stylization"

        #         content_encode_5 = self.encoder.encoder(content,'relu5')
        #         style_encode_5 = self.encoder.encoder(style,'relu5')
        #         blended_5 = wct_tf(content_encode_5,style_encode_5,self.alpha)
        #         stylized_5 ,var_list5= self.decoder.decoder(blended_5,'relu5')

        content_encode_4 = self.encoder.encoder(content, 'relu4')
        style_encode_4 = self.encoder.encoder(style, 'relu4')
        blended_4 = wct_tf(content_encode_4, style_encode_4, self.alpha)
        stylized_4, var_list4 = self.decoder.decoder(blended_4, 'relu4')

        content_encode_3 = self.encoder.encoder(stylized_4, 'relu3')
        style_encode_3 = self.encoder.encoder(style, 'relu3')
        blended_3 = wct_tf(content_encode_3, style_encode_3, self.alpha)
        stylized_3, var_list3 = self.decoder.decoder(blended_3, 'relu3')

        content_encode_2 = self.encoder.encoder(stylized_3, 'relu2')
        style_encode_2 = self.encoder.encoder(style, 'relu2')
        blended_2 = wct_tf(content_encode_2, style_encode_2, self.alpha)
        stylized_2, var_list2 = self.decoder.decoder(blended_2, 'relu2')

        content_encode_1 = self.encoder.encoder(stylized_2, 'relu1')
        style_encode_1 = self.encoder.encoder(style, 'relu1')
        blended_1 = wct_tf(content_encode_1, style_encode_1, self.alpha)
        stylized_1, var_list1 = self.decoder.decoder(blended_1, 'relu1')

        saver1 = tf.train.Saver(var_list1)
        saver2 = tf.train.Saver(var_list2)
        saver3 = tf.train.Saver(var_list3)
        saver4 = tf.train.Saver(var_list4)
        #saver5 = tf.train.Saver(var_list5)

        with tf.Session() as sess:

            # restore decoder weights from models
            saver1.restore(sess, self.decoder_weights[0])
            saver2.restore(sess, self.decoder_weights[1])
            saver3.restore(sess, self.decoder_weights[2])
            saver4.restore(sess, self.decoder_weights[3])

            # load content image using PIL package: if image is in greyscale, convert it to RGB; then resize image
            target_size = (304, 304, 3)
            content_img = pil_image.open(self.content_path)
            if content_img.mode != 'RGB':
                content_img = img.convert('RGB')
            hw_tuple = (target_size[1], target_size[0])
            if content_img.size != hw_tuple:
                content_img = content_img.resize(hw_tuple)

            # convert image to numpy array
            content_img = np.asarray(content_img)
            content_img = np.expand_dims(content_img, axis=0)

            # load style image using PIL package: if image is in greyscale, convert it to RGB; then resize image
            target_size = (304, 304, 3)
            style_img = pil_image.open(self.style_path)
            if style_img.mode != 'RGB':
                style_img = img.convert('RGB')
            hw_tuple = (target_size[1], target_size[0])
            if style_img.size != hw_tuple:
                style_img = style_img.resize(hw_tuple)

            # convert image to numpy array
            style_img = np.asarray(style_img)
            style_img = np.expand_dims(style_img, axis=0)

            feed_dict = {content: content_img, style: style_img}

            # generate result images
            result = sess.run(stylized_1, feed_dict=feed_dict)
            result = result[0]
            result = np.clip(result, 0, 255) / 255.

            imsave(self.output_path, result)
            print('Style Transfer Completed')