def __init__(self, name): = Flask(name)"/api/state", "api/state", self._wrap_endpoint(ChessServer.serve_state))"/api/new", "api/new", self._wrap_endpoint(ChessServer.serve_new_game))"/api/move", "api/move", self._wrap_endpoint(ChessServer.serve_move))"/", "serve_client_r", self._wrap_endpoint(ChessServer.serve_client))"/<path:path>", "serve_client", self._wrap_endpoint(ChessServer.serve_client)) self._gamestate = GameState() net = NeuralNetAPI() # Loading network player_agents = { "raw_net": RawNetAgent(net), "mcts": MCTSAgent( net, virtual_loss=3, threads=BATCH_SIZE, cpuct=CPUCT, dirichlet_epsilon=DIRICHLET_EPSILON ), } self.agent = player_agents["raw_net"] # Setting up agent
class CrazyAra: # Too many instance attributes (25/7) """Main""" def __init__(self): enable_color_logging() # Constants self.min_search_time = 100 self.max_search_time = 10e10 self.inc_factor = 7 self.inc_div = 8 self.min_moves_left = self.moves_left_increment = 10 # Used to reduce the movetime in the opening self.max_bad_pos_value = -0.10 # When pos eval [-1.0 to 1.0] is equal or worst than this then extend time # this is the assumed "maximum" blitz game length for calculating a constant movetime # after 80% of this game length a new time management starts which is based on movetime left self.blitz_game_length = 50 # use less time in the opening defined by "max_move_num_to_reduce_movetime" by using the constant move time self.mv_time_opening_portion = 0.7 # this variable is intended to increase variance in the moves played by using a different amount of time each # move self.random_mv_time_portion = 0.1 # enable this variable if you want to see debug messages in certain environments, like the api self.enable_lichess_debug_msg = self.setup_done = False self.client = { "name": "CrazyAra", "version": "0.4.0", "authors": "Johannes Czech, Moritz Willig, Alena Beyer" } self.mcts_agent = ( self.rawnet_agent ) = self.ab_agent = self.gamestate = self.bestmove_value = self.move_time = self.score = None self.engine_played_move = 0 self.log_file_path = "CrazyAra-log.txt" self.score_file_path = "score-log.txt" self.settings = { "UCI_Variant": "crazyhouse", "search_type": "mcts", # mcts, alpha_beta "ab_depth": 5, # depth to reach for alpha_beta "ab_candidate_moves": 7, # candidate moves to consider for ab-search, clipped according to NN policy # set the context in which the neural networks calculation will be done # choose 'gpu' using the settings if there is one available "context": "cpu", "use_raw_network": False, "threads": 8, "batch_size": 8, "neural_net_services": 1, "playouts_empty_pockets": 8192, "playouts_filled_pockets": 8192, "centi_cpuct": 250, "centi_dirichlet_epsilon": 25, "centi_dirichlet_alpha": 20, "centi_u_init_divisor": 100, "max_search_depth": 40, "centi_temperature": 7, "temperature_moves": 0, "opening_guard_moves": 0, "centi_clip_quantil": 0, "virtual_loss": 3, "centi_q_value_weight": 70, "threshold_time_for_raw_net_ms": 100, "move_overhead_ms": 300, "moves_left": 40, "extend_time_on_bad_position": True, "max_move_num_to_reduce_movetime": 4, "enhance_checks": False, "enhance_captures": False, "use_pruning": False, "use_future_q_values": False, "use_time_management": True, "verbose": False, "model_architecture_dir": "default", "model_weights_dir": "default" } try: self.log_file = open(self.log_file_path, "w") except IOError: self.log_file = None # print out the error message print( "info string An error occurred while trying to open the self.log_file %s" % self.log_file_path) traceback.print_exc() self.intro = """\ _ _.. / ._ _. _ /\ ._ _. .' _ `\ \_ | (_| /_ \/ /--\ | (_| / /e)-,\ / / | ,_ | __ __ __ __ / '-(-.)/ bw 8 /__////__////__////__//// .'--. \ ` 7 ////__////__////__////__/ / `\ | 6 /__////__////__////__//// /` | / /`\.-. 5 ////__////__////__////__/ .' ; / \_/__/ 4 /__////__////__////__//// .'`-'_ /_.'))).-` \ 3 ////__////__////__////__/ / -'_.'---;`'-))).-'`\_/ 2 /__////__////__////__//// (__.'/ /` .'` 1 ////__////__////__////__/ (_.'/ /` /` a b c d e f g h _|.' /` jgs.-` __.'| Developers: Johannes Czech, Moritz Willig, Alena Beyer .-'|| | Source-Code: QueensGambit/CrazyAra (GPLv3-License) \_`/ Inspiration: A0-paper by Silver, Hubert, Schrittwieser et al. ASCII-Art: Joan G. Stark, Chappell, Burton """ @staticmethod def eprint(*args, **kwargs): """ Wrapper of print() using stderr""" print(*args, file=sys.stderr, **kwargs) def print_if_debug(self, string): """ Print lichess debug message on the log""" if self.enable_lichess_debug_msg: self.eprint("[debug] " + string) def log_print(self, text: str): """ Print all log messages on the log file""" print(text) self.print_if_debug(text) self.log(text) def write_score_to_file(self, score: str): """Send the score to score.txt""" with open(self.score_file_path, "w") as selected_file: selected_file.write(score) selected_file.truncate() def log(self, text: str): """ Sends the text to the log file""" if self.log_file: self.log_file.write("> %s\n" % text) self.log_file.flush() def setup_network(self): """ Load the libraries and the weights of the neural network :return: """ if not self.setup_done: from DeepCrazyhouse.src.domain.crazyhouse.game_state import GameState from DeepCrazyhouse.src.domain.agent.neural_net_api import NeuralNetAPI from DeepCrazyhouse.src.domain.agent.player.raw_net_agent import RawNetAgent from DeepCrazyhouse.src.domain.agent.player.mcts_agent import MCTSAgent self.param_validity_check( ) # check for valid parameter setup and do auto-corrections if possible nets = [] for _ in range(self.settings["neural_net_services"]): nets.append( NeuralNetAPI( ctx=self.settings["context"], batch_size=self.settings["batch_size"], model_architecture_dir=self. settings["model_architecture_dir"], model_weights_dir=self.settings["model_weights_dir"])) self.rawnet_agent = RawNetAgent( nets[0], temperature=self.settings["centi_temperature"] / 100, temperature_moves=self.settings["temperature_moves"], ) self.mcts_agent = MCTSAgent( nets, cpuct=self.settings["centi_cpuct"] / 100, playouts_empty_pockets=self.settings["playouts_empty_pockets"], playouts_filled_pockets=self. settings["playouts_filled_pockets"], max_search_depth=self.settings["max_search_depth"], dirichlet_alpha=self.settings["centi_dirichlet_alpha"] / 100, q_value_weight=self.settings["centi_q_value_weight"] / 100, dirichlet_epsilon=self.settings["centi_dirichlet_epsilon"] / 100, virtual_loss=self.settings["virtual_loss"], threads=self.settings["threads"], temperature=self.settings["centi_temperature"] / 100, temperature_moves=self.settings["temperature_moves"], verbose=self.settings["verbose"], min_movetime=self.min_search_time, batch_size=self.settings["batch_size"], enhance_checks=self.settings["enhance_checks"], enhance_captures=self.settings["enhance_captures"], use_future_q_values=self.settings["use_future_q_values"], use_pruning=self.settings["use_pruning"], use_time_management=self.settings["use_time_management"], opening_guard_moves=self.settings["opening_guard_moves"], u_init_divisor=self.settings["centi_u_init_divisor"] / 100, ) self.ab_agent = AlphaBetaAgent( nets[0], depth=self.settings["ab_depth"], nb_candidate_moves=self.settings["ab_candidate_moves"], include_check_moves=False, ) self.gamestate = GameState() self.setup_done = True def validity_with_threads(self, optname: str): """ Checks for consistency with the number of threads with the given parameter :param optname: Option name :return: """ if self.settings[optname] > self.settings["threads"]: self.log_print( "info string The given batch_size %d is higher than the number of threads %d. " "The maximum legal batch_size is the same as the number of threads (here: %d) " % (self.settings[optname], self.settings["threads"], self.settings["threads"])) self.settings[optname] = self.settings["threads"] self.log_print("info string The batch_size was reduced to %d" % self.settings[optname]) if self.settings["threads"] % self.settings[optname] != 0: self.log_print( "info string You requested an illegal combination of threads %d and batch_size %d." " The batch_size must be a divisor of the number of threads" % (self.settings["threads"], self.settings[optname])) divisor = self.settings["threads"] // self.settings[optname] self.settings[optname] = self.settings["threads"] // divisor self.log_print("info string The batch_size was changed to %d" % self.settings[optname]) def param_validity_check(self): """ Handles some possible issues when giving an illegal batch_size and number of threads combination. :return: """ self.validity_with_threads("batch_size") self.validity_with_threads("neural_net_services") def perform_action(self, cmd_list): # Probably needs refactoring """ Computes the 'best move' according to the engine and the given settings. After the search is done it will print out ' bestmove e2e4' for example on std-out. :return: """ # Too many local variables (21/15) - Too many branches (25/12) - Too many statements (71/50) movetime_ms = self.min_search_time if len(cmd_list) >= 5: if cmd_list[1] == "wtime" and cmd_list[3] == "btime": wtime = int(cmd_list[2]) btime = int(cmd_list[4]) winc = binc = 0 if "winc" in cmd_list: winc = int(cmd_list[6]) if "binc" in cmd_list: binc = int(cmd_list[8]) if self.gamestate.is_white_to_move(): my_time = wtime my_inc = winc else: my_time = btime my_inc = binc if self.move_time is None: self.move_time = (my_time + self.blitz_game_length * my_inc) / self.blitz_game_length # TC with period (traditional) like 40/60 or 40 moves in 60 sec repeating if "movestogo" in cmd_list: tc_type = "traditional" if "winc" in cmd_list and "binc" in cmd_list: moves_left = int(cmd_list[10]) else: moves_left = int(cmd_list[6]) # If we are close to the period limit, save extra time to avoid time forfeit if moves_left <= 3: moves_left += 1 else: tc_type = "blitz" moves_left = self.settings["moves_left"] moves_left = self.adjust_moves_left(moves_left, tc_type, self.bestmove_value) if tc_type == "blitz" and self.engine_played_move < self.blitz_game_length * 0.8: movetime_ms = ( self.move_time + (np.random.rand() - 0.5) * self.random_mv_time_portion * self.move_time) if self.engine_played_move < self.settings[ "max_move_num_to_reduce_movetime"]: # avoid spending too much time in the opening movetime_ms *= self.mv_time_opening_portion else: movetime_ms = max( my_time / moves_left + self.inc_factor * my_inc // self.inc_div - self.settings["move_overhead_ms"], self.min_search_time, ) # movetime in UCI protocol, go movetime x, search exactly x ms # UCI protocol: elif len(cmd_list) == 3 and cmd_list[1] == "movetime": movetime_ms = max( int(cmd_list[2]) - self.settings["move_overhead_ms"], self.min_search_time) self.mcts_agent.update_movetime(movetime_ms) self.log_print("info string Time for this move is %dms" % movetime_ms) self.log_print("info string Requested pos: %s" % self.gamestate) # assign search depth try: # we try to extract the search depth from the cmd list self.mcts_agent.set_max_search_depth( int(cmd_list[cmd_list.index("depth") + 1])) movetime_ms = self.max_search_time # increase the movetime to maximum to make sure to reach the given depth self.mcts_agent.update_movetime(movetime_ms) except ValueError: pass # the given command wasn't found in the command list # disable noise for short move times if movetime_ms < 1000: self.mcts_agent.dirichlet_epsilon = 0.1 elif movetime_ms < 7000: # reduce noise for very short move times self.mcts_agent.dirichlet_epsilon = 0.2 if self.settings["search_type"] == "alpha_beta": value, selected_move, _, _, centipawn, depth, nodes, time_elapsed_s, nps, pv = self.ab_agent.perform_action( self.gamestate) elif self.settings["search_type"] == "mcts": if self.settings["use_raw_network"] or movetime_ms <= self.settings[ "threshold_time_for_raw_net_ms"]: self.log_print( "info string Using raw network for fast mode...") value, selected_move, _, _, centipawn, depth, nodes, time_elapsed_s, nps, pv = self.rawnet_agent.perform_action( self.gamestate) else: value, selected_move, _, _, centipawn, depth, nodes, time_elapsed_s, nps, pv = self.mcts_agent.perform_action( self.gamestate) self.score = "score cp %d depth %d nodes %d time %d nps %d pv %s" % ( centipawn, depth, nodes, time_elapsed_s, nps, pv, ) if self.enable_lichess_debug_msg: try: self.write_score_to_file(self.score) except IOError: traceback.print_exc() self.log_print("info %s" % self.score) # print out the search information # Save the bestmove value [-1.0 to 1.0] to modify the next movetime self.bestmove_value = float(value) self.engine_played_move += 1 # apply CrazyAra's selected move the global gamestate if self.gamestate.get_pythonchess_board().is_legal(selected_move): # apply the last move CrazyAra played self._apply_move(selected_move) else: raise Exception("all_ok is false! - crazyara_last_move") self.log_print("bestmove %s" % selected_move.uci()) def setup_gamestate(self, cmd_list): # Too many branches (13/12) """ Prepare the gamestate according to the user's wishes. :param cmd_list: Input-command lists arguments :return: """ position_type = cmd_list[1] if "moves" in cmd_list: # position startpos moves e2e4 g8f6 if position_type == "startpos": mv_list = cmd_list[3:] else: # position fen rn2N2k/pp5p/3pp1pN/3p4/3q1P2/3P1p2/PP3PPP/RN3RK1/Qrbbpbb b - - 3 27 moves d4f2 f1f2 mv_list = cmd_list[9:] # try to apply opponent last move to the board state if mv_list: # the move the opponent just played is the last move in the list opponent_last_move = chess.Move.from_uci(mv_list[-1]) if self.gamestate.get_pythonchess_board().is_legal( opponent_last_move): # apply the last move the opponent played self._apply_move(opponent_last_move) mv_compatible = True else: self.log_print( "info string all_ok is false! - opponent_last_move %s" % opponent_last_move) mv_compatible = False else: mv_compatible = False if not mv_compatible: self.log_print( "info string The given last two moves couldn't be applied to the previous board-state." ) self.log_print( "info string Rebuilding the game from scratch...") # create a new game state from scratch if position_type == "startpos": self.new_game() else: fen = " ".join(cmd_list[2:8]) self.gamestate.set_fen(fen) for move in mv_list: self._apply_move(chess.Move.from_uci(move)) else: self.log_print("info string Move Compatible") else: if position_type == "fen": fen = " ".join(cmd_list[2:8]) self.gamestate.set_fen(fen) self.mcts_agent.update_transposition_table( (self.gamestate.get_transposition_key(), )) # log_print("info string Added %s - count %d" % (gamestate.get_board_fen(), # mcts_agent.transposition_table[gamestate.get_transposition_key()])) def _apply_move(self, selected_move: chess.Move): """ Applies the given move on the gamestate and updates the transposition table of the environment :param selected_move: Move in python chess format :return: """ self.gamestate.apply_move(selected_move) self.mcts_agent.update_transposition_table( (self.gamestate.get_transposition_key(), )) # log_print("info string Added %s - count %d" % (gamestate.get_board_fen(), # mcts_agent.transposition_table[ # gamestate.get_transposition_key()])) def new_game(self): """Group everything related to start the game""" self.log_print("info string >> New Game") self.gamestate.new_game() self.mcts_agent.transposition_table = collections.Counter() self.mcts_agent.time_buffer_ms = 0 self.mcts_agent.dirichlet_epsilon = self.settings[ "centi_dirichlet_epsilon"] / 100 def set_options(self, cmd_list): # Too many branches (16/12) """ Updates the internal options as requested by the use via the uci-protocoll An example call could be: "setoption name nb_threads value 1" :param cmd_list: List of received of commands :return: """ # make sure there exists enough items in the given command list like "setoption name nb_threads value 1" if len(cmd_list) >= 5: if cmd_list[1] != "name" or cmd_list[3] != "value": self.log_print( "info string The given setoption command wasn't understood" ) self.log_print( 'info string An example call could be: "setoption name threads value 4"' ) else: option_name = cmd_list[2] if option_name not in self.settings: self.log_print( "info string The given option %s wasn't found in the settings list" % option_name) else: if option_name in [ "UCI_Variant", "search_type", "context", "use_raw_network", "extend_time_on_bad_position", "verbose", "enhance_checks", "enhance_captures", "use_pruning", "use_future_q_values", "use_time_management", "model_architecture_dir", "model_weights_dir", ]: value = cmd_list[4] else: value = int(cmd_list[4]) if option_name == "use_raw_network": self.settings["use_raw_network"] = value == "true" elif option_name == "extend_time_on_bad_position": self.settings[ "extend_time_on_bad_position"] = value == "true" elif option_name == "verbose": self.settings["verbose"] = value == "true" elif option_name == "enhance_checks": self.settings["enhance_checks"] = value == "true" elif option_name == "enhance_captures": self.settings["enhance_captures"] = value == "true" elif option_name == "use_pruning": self.settings["use_pruning"] = value == "true" elif option_name == "use_future_q_values": self.settings["use_future_q_values"] = value == "true" elif option_name == "use_time_management": self.settings["use_time_management"] = value == "true" else: self.settings[ option_name] = value # by default all options are treated as integers # Guard threads limits if option_name == "threads": self.settings[option_name] = min( 4096, max(1, self.settings[option_name])) self.log_print("info string Updated option %s to %s" % (option_name, value)) def adjust_moves_left(self, moves_left, tc_type, prev_bm_value): """ We can reduce the movetime early in the opening as the NN may be able to handle it well. Or when the position is bad we can increase the movetime especially if there are enough time left. To increase/decrease the movetime, we decrease/increase the moves_left. movetime = time_left/moves_left :param moves_left: Moves left for the next period for traditional or look ahead moves for blitz :param tc_type: Can be blitz (60+1) or traditional (40/60) :param prev_bm_value: The value of the previous bestmove. value is in the range [-1 to 1] :return: moves_left """ # Don't spend too much time in the opening, we increase the moves_left # so that the movetime is reduced. engine_played_move is the actual moves # made by the engine excluding the book moves input from a GUI. if self.engine_played_move < self.settings[ "max_move_num_to_reduce_movetime"]: moves_left += self.moves_left_increment # Increase movetime by reducing the moves left if our prev bestmove value is below 0.0 elif self.settings[ "extend_time_on_bad_position"] and prev_bm_value and prev_bm_value <= self.max_bad_pos_value: if tc_type == "blitz": # The more the bad position is, the more that we extend the search time moves_left -= abs(prev_bm_value) * self.settings["moves_left"] moves_left = max(moves_left, self.min_moves_left) # Else if TC is traditional, we extend with more time if we have more time left elif moves_left > 4: moves_left -= moves_left // 8 return moves_left def uci_reply(self): """Group UCI log info's""" self.log_print("id name %s %s" % (self.client["name"], self.client["version"])) self.log_print("id author %s" % self.client["authors"]) # tell the GUI all possible options self.log_print( "option name UCI_Variant type combo default crazyhouse var crazyhouse" ) self.log_print( "option name search_type type combo default %s var mcts var alpha_beta" % self.settings["search_type"]) self.log_print( "option name ab_depth type spin default %d min 1 max 40" % self.settings["ab_depth"]) self.log_print( "option name ab_candidate_moves type spin default %d min 1 max 4096" % self.settings["ab_candidate_moves"]) self.log_print( "option name context type combo default %s var cpu var gpu" % self.settings["context"]) self.log_print( "option name use_raw_network type check default %s" % ("false" if not self.settings["use_raw_network"] else "true")) self.log_print( "option name threads type spin default %d min 1 max 4096" % self.settings["threads"]) self.log_print( "option name batch_size type spin default %d min 1 max 4096" % self.settings["batch_size"]) self.log_print( "option name neural_net_services type spin default %d min 1 max 10" % self.settings["neural_net_services"]) self.log_print( "option name playouts_empty_pockets type spin default %d min 56 max 8192" % self.settings["playouts_empty_pockets"]) self.log_print( "option name playouts_filled_pockets type spin default %d min 56 max 8192" % self.settings["playouts_filled_pockets"]) self.log_print( "option name centi_cpuct type spin default %d min 1 max 500" % self.settings["centi_cpuct"]) self.log_print( "option name centi_dirichlet_epsilon type spin default %d min 0 max 100" % self.settings["centi_dirichlet_epsilon"]) self.log_print( "option name centi_dirichlet_alpha type spin default %d min 0 max 100" % self.settings["centi_dirichlet_alpha"]) self.log_print( "option name centi_u_init_divisor type spin default %d min 1 max 100" % self.settings["centi_u_init_divisor"]) self.log_print( "option name max_search_depth type spin default %d min 1 max 100" % self.settings["max_search_depth"]) self.log_print( "option name centi_temperature type spin default %d min 0 max 100" % self.settings["centi_temperature"]) self.log_print( "option name temperature_moves type spin default %d min 0 max 99999" % self.settings["temperature_moves"]) self.log_print( "option name opening_guard_moves type spin default %d min 0 max 99999" % self.settings["opening_guard_moves"]) self.log_print( "option name centi_clip_quantil type spin default 0 min 0 max 100") self.log_print( "option name virtual_loss type spin default 3 min 0 max 10") self.log_print( "option name centi_q_value_weight type spin default %d min 0 max 100" % self.settings["centi_q_value_weight"]) self.log_print( "option name threshold_time_for_raw_net_ms type spin default %d min 1 max 300000" % self.settings["threshold_time_for_raw_net_ms"]) self.log_print( "option name move_overhead_ms type spin default %d min 0 max 60000" % self.settings["move_overhead_ms"]) self.log_print( "option name moves_left type spin default %d min 10 max 320" % self.settings["moves_left"]) self.log_print( "option name extend_time_on_bad_position type check default %s" % ("false" if not self.settings["extend_time_on_bad_position"] else "true")) self.log_print( "option name max_move_num_to_reduce_movetime type spin default %d min 0 max 120" % self.settings["max_move_num_to_reduce_movetime"]) self.log_print( "option name enhance_checks type check default %s" % ("false" if not self.settings["enhance_checks"] else "true")) self.log_print( "option name enhance_captures type check default %s" % ("false" if not self.settings["enhance_captures"] else "true")) self.log_print( "option name use_pruning type check default %s" % ("false" if not self.settings["use_pruning"] else "true")) self.log_print( "option name use_future_q_values type check default %s" % ("false" if not self.settings["use_future_q_values"] else "true")) self.log_print( "option name use_time_management type check default %s" % ("false" if not self.settings["use_time_management"] else "true")) self.log_print("option name verbose type check default %s" % ("false" if not self.settings["verbose"] else "true")) self.log_print( "option name model_architecture_dir type string default %s" % self.settings["model_architecture_dir"]) self.log_print("option name model_weights_dir type string default %s" % self.settings["model_weights_dir"]) self.log_print("uciok") # verify that all options have been sent def main(self): """ Main waiting loop for processing command line inputs""" self.eprint(self.intro) while True: line = input() self.print_if_debug("waiting ...") self.print_if_debug(line) # wait for an std-in input command if line: cmd_list = line.rstrip().split( " ") # split the line to a list which makes parsing easier main_cmd = cmd_list[ 0] # extract the first command from the list for evaluation self.log(line) # write the given command to the log-file try: if main_cmd == "uci": self.uci_reply() elif main_cmd == "isready": self.setup_network() self.log_print("readyok") elif main_cmd == "ucinewgame": self.bestmove_value = None self.engine_played_move = 0 self.new_game() elif main_cmd == "position": self.setup_gamestate(cmd_list) elif main_cmd == "setoption": self.set_options(cmd_list) elif main_cmd == "go": self.perform_action(cmd_list) elif main_cmd in ("quit", "exit"): if self.log_file: self.log_file.close() return 0 else: # give the user a message that the command was ignored print("info string Unknown command: %s" % line) except Exception: # all possible exceptions # log the error message to the log-file and exit the script traceback_text = traceback.format_exc() self.log_print(traceback_text) return -1
def setup_network(self): """ Load the libraries and the weights of the neural network :return: """ if not self.setup_done: from DeepCrazyhouse.src.domain.crazyhouse.game_state import GameState from DeepCrazyhouse.src.domain.agent.neural_net_api import NeuralNetAPI from DeepCrazyhouse.src.domain.agent.player.raw_net_agent import RawNetAgent from DeepCrazyhouse.src.domain.agent.player.mcts_agent import MCTSAgent self.param_validity_check( ) # check for valid parameter setup and do auto-corrections if possible nets = [] for _ in range(self.settings["neural_net_services"]): nets.append( NeuralNetAPI( ctx=self.settings["context"], batch_size=self.settings["batch_size"], model_architecture_dir=self. settings["model_architecture_dir"], model_weights_dir=self.settings["model_weights_dir"])) self.rawnet_agent = RawNetAgent( nets[0], temperature=self.settings["centi_temperature"] / 100, temperature_moves=self.settings["temperature_moves"], ) self.mcts_agent = MCTSAgent( nets, cpuct=self.settings["centi_cpuct"] / 100, playouts_empty_pockets=self.settings["playouts_empty_pockets"], playouts_filled_pockets=self. settings["playouts_filled_pockets"], max_search_depth=self.settings["max_search_depth"], dirichlet_alpha=self.settings["centi_dirichlet_alpha"] / 100, q_value_weight=self.settings["centi_q_value_weight"] / 100, dirichlet_epsilon=self.settings["centi_dirichlet_epsilon"] / 100, virtual_loss=self.settings["virtual_loss"], threads=self.settings["threads"], temperature=self.settings["centi_temperature"] / 100, temperature_moves=self.settings["temperature_moves"], verbose=self.settings["verbose"], min_movetime=self.min_search_time, batch_size=self.settings["batch_size"], enhance_checks=self.settings["enhance_checks"], enhance_captures=self.settings["enhance_captures"], use_future_q_values=self.settings["use_future_q_values"], use_pruning=self.settings["use_pruning"], use_time_management=self.settings["use_time_management"], opening_guard_moves=self.settings["opening_guard_moves"], u_init_divisor=self.settings["centi_u_init_divisor"] / 100, ) self.ab_agent = AlphaBetaAgent( nets[0], depth=self.settings["ab_depth"], nb_candidate_moves=self.settings["ab_candidate_moves"], include_check_moves=False, ) self.gamestate = GameState() self.setup_done = True
class ChessServer: """ Helper for handling the game server""" def __init__(self, name): = Flask(name)"/api/state", "api/state", self._wrap_endpoint(ChessServer.serve_state))"/api/new", "api/new", self._wrap_endpoint(ChessServer.serve_new_game))"/api/move", "api/move", self._wrap_endpoint(ChessServer.serve_move))"/", "serve_client_r", self._wrap_endpoint(ChessServer.serve_client))"/<path:path>", "serve_client", self._wrap_endpoint(ChessServer.serve_client)) self._gamestate = GameState() net = NeuralNetAPI() # Loading network player_agents = { "raw_net": RawNetAgent(net), "mcts": MCTSAgent( net, virtual_loss=3, threads=BATCH_SIZE, cpuct=CPUCT, dirichlet_epsilon=DIRICHLET_EPSILON ), } self.agent = player_agents["raw_net"] # Setting up agent # self.agent = player_agents["mcts"] def _wrap_endpoint(self, func): """TODO: docstring""" def wrapper(kwargs): return func(self, **kwargs) return lambda **kwargs: wrapper(kwargs) def run(self): """ Run the flask server""" @staticmethod def serve_client(path=None): """Find the client server path""" if path is None: path = "index.html" return send_from_directory("./client", path) def serve_state(self): """TODO: docstring""" return self.serialize_game_state() def serve_new_game(self): """TODO: docstring""" logging.debug("staring new game()") self.perform_new_game() return self.serialize_game_state() def serve_move(self): """ Groups the move requests and data to the server and the response from it""" # read move data drop_piece = request.args.get("drop") from_square = request.args.get("from") to_square = request.args.get("to") promotion_piece = request.args.get("promotion") from_square_idx = get_square_index_from_name(from_square) to_square_idx = get_square_index_from_name(to_square) if (from_square_idx is None and drop_piece is None) or to_square_idx is None: return self.serialize_game_state("board name is invalid") promotion = drop = None if drop_piece: from_square_idx = to_square_idx if not drop_piece in chess.PIECE_SYMBOLS: return self.serialize_game_state("drop piece name is invalid") drop = chess.PIECE_SYMBOLS.index(drop_piece) if promotion_piece: if not promotion_piece in chess.PIECE_SYMBOLS: return self.serialize_game_state("promotion piece name is invalid") promotion = chess.PIECE_SYMBOLS.index(promotion_piece) move = chess.Move(from_square_idx, to_square_idx, promotion, drop) # perform move try: self.perform_move(move) except ValueError as err: logging.error("ValueError %s", err) return self.serialize_game_state(err.args[0]) # calculate agent response if not self.perform_agent_move(): return self.serialize_game_state("Black has no more moves to play", True) return self.serialize_game_state() def perform_new_game(self): """Initialize a new game on the server""" self._gamestate = GameState() def perform_move(self, move): """ Apply the move on the game and check if the legality of it""" logging.debug("perform_move(): %s", move) # check if move is valid if move not in list(self._gamestate.board.legal_moves): raise ValueError("The given move %s is invalid for the current position" % move) self._gamestate.apply_move(move) if self._gamestate.is_won(): logging.debug("Checkmate") return False return None def perform_agent_move(self): """TODO: docstring""" if self._gamestate.is_won(): logging.debug("Checkmate") return False value, move, _, _ = self.agent.perform_action(self._gamestate) if not self._gamestate.is_white_to_move(): value = -value logging.debug("Value %.4f", value) if move is None: logging.error("None move proposed!") return False self.perform_move(move) return True def serialize_game_state(self, message=None, finished=None): """ Encodes the game state to a .json file""" if message is None: message = "" board_str = "" + self._gamestate.board.__str__() pocket_str = "" + self._gamestate.board.pockets[1].__str__() + "|" + self._gamestate.board.pockets[0].__str__() state = {"board": board_str, "pocket": pocket_str, "message": message} if finished: state["finished"] = finished return json.dumps(state)
def perform_new_game(self): """Initialize a new game on the server""" self._gamestate = GameState()
def _run_single_playout(self, parent_node: Node, pipe_id=0, depth=1, chosen_nodes=None): """ This function works recursively until a leaf or terminal node is reached. It ends by back-propagating the value of the new expanded node or by propagating the value of a terminal state. :param state: Current game-state for the evaluation. This state differs between the treads :param parent_node: Current parent-node of the selected node. In the first expansion this is the root node. :param depth: Current depth for the evaluation. Depth is increased by 1 for every recursive call :param chosen_nodes: List of moves which have been taken in the current path. For each selected child node this list is expanded by one move recursively. :param chosen_nodes: List of all nodes that this thread has explored with respect to the root node :return: -value: The inverse value prediction of the current board state. The flipping by -1 each turn is needed because the point of view changes each half-move depth: Current depth reach by this evaluation mv_list: List of moves which have been selected """ # Probably is better to be refactored # Too many arguments (6/5) - Too many local variables (27/15) - Too many branches (28/12) - # Too many statements (86/50) if chosen_nodes is None: # select a legal move on the chess board chosen_nodes = [] node, move, child_idx = self._select_node(parent_node) if move is None: raise Exception("Illegal tree setup. A 'None' move was selected which shouldn't be possible") # update the visit counts to this node # temporarily reduce the attraction of this node by applying a virtual loss / # the effect of virtual loss will be undone if the playout is over parent_node.apply_virtual_loss_to_child(child_idx, self.virtual_loss) # append the selected move to the move list chosen_nodes.append(child_idx) # append the chosen child idx to the chosen_nodes list if node is None: state = GameState(deepcopy(parent_node.board)) # get the board from the parent node state.apply_move(move) # apply the selected move on the board # get the transposition-key which is used as an identifier for the board positions in the look-up table transposition_key = state.get_transposition_key() # check if the addressed fen exist in the look-up table # note: It's important to use also the halfmove-counter here, otherwise the system can create an infinite # feed-back-loop key = transposition_key + (state.get_fullmove_number(),) use_tran_table = True node_verified = False if use_tran_table and key in self.node_lookup: # if self.check_for_duplicate(transposition_key, chosen_nodes) is False: node = self.node_lookup[key] # get the node from the look-up list if node.n_sum > parent_node.n_sum: # make sure that you don't connect to a node with lower visits node_verified = True if node_verified: with parent_node.lock: # setup a new connection from the parent to the child parent_node.child_nodes[child_idx] = node # logging.debug('found key: %s' % state.get_board_fen()) # get the prior value from the leaf node which has already been expanded value = node.initial_value else: # expand and evaluate the new board state (the node wasn't found in the look-up table) # its value will be back-propagated through the tree and flipped after every layer my_pipe = self.my_pipe_endings[pipe_id] # receive a free available pipe if self.send_batches: my_pipe.send(state.get_state_planes()) # this pipe waits for the predictions of the network inference service [value, policy_vec] = my_pipe.recv() else: state_planes = state.get_state_planes() self.batch_state_planes[pipe_id] = state_planes my_pipe.send(pipe_id) result_channel = my_pipe.recv() value = np.array(self.batch_value_results[result_channel]) policy_vec = np.array(self.batch_policy_results[result_channel]) is_leaf = is_won = False # initialize is_leaf by default to false and check if the game is won # check if the current player has won the game # (we don't need to check for is_lost() because the game is already over # if the current player checkmated his opponent) if state.is_check(): if state.is_won(): is_won = True if is_won: value = -1 is_leaf = True legal_moves = [] p_vec_small = None # establish a mate in one connection in order to stop exploring different alternatives parent_node.set_check_mate_node_idx(child_idx) # get the value from the leaf node (the current function is called recursively) # check if you can claim a draw - its assumed that the draw is always claimed elif ( self.can_claim_threefold_repetition(transposition_key, chosen_nodes) or state.get_pythonchess_board().can_claim_fifty_moves() is True ): value = 0 is_leaf = True legal_moves = [] p_vec_small = None else: legal_moves = state.get_legal_moves() # get the current legal move of its board state if not legal_moves: # stalemate occurred which is very rare for crazyhouse value = 0 is_leaf = True legal_moves = [] p_vec_small = None # raise Exception("No legal move is available for state: %s" % state) else: try: # extract a sparse policy vector with normalized probabilities p_vec_small = get_probs_of_move_list( policy_vec, legal_moves, is_white_to_move=state.is_white_to_move(), normalize=True ) except KeyError: raise Exception("Key Error for state: %s" % state) # clip the visit nodes for all nodes in the search tree except the director opp. move clip_low_visit = self.use_pruning and depth != 1 # and depth > 4 new_node = Node( state.get_pythonchess_board(), value, p_vec_small, legal_moves, is_leaf, transposition_key, clip_low_visit, ) # create a new node if depth == 1: # disable uncertain moves from being visited by giving them a very bad score if not is_leaf and self.use_pruning: if self.root_node_prior_policy[child_idx] < 1e-3 and value * -1 < self.root_node.initial_value: with parent_node.lock: value = 99 # for performance reasons only apply check enhancement on depth 1 for now chess_board = state.get_pythonchess_board() if self.enhance_checks: self._enhance_checks(chess_board, legal_moves, p_vec_small) if self.enhance_captures: self._enhance_captures(chess_board, legal_moves, p_vec_small) if not self.use_pruning: self.node_lookup[key] = new_node # include a reference to the new node in the look-up table with parent_node.lock: parent_node.child_nodes[child_idx] = new_node # add the new node to its parent elif node.is_leaf: # check if we have reached a leaf node value = node.initial_value else: # get the value from the leaf node (the current function is called recursively) value, depth, chosen_nodes = self._run_single_playout(node, pipe_id, depth + 1, chosen_nodes) # revert the virtual loss and apply the predicted value by the network to the node parent_node.revert_virtual_loss_and_update(child_idx, self.virtual_loss, -value) # invert the value prediction for the parent of the above node layer because the player's changes every turn return -value, depth, chosen_nodes
def evaluate_board_state(self, state: GameState): # Probably is better to be refactored """ Analyzes the current board state. This is the main method which get called by the uci interface or analysis request. :param state: Actual game state to evaluate for the MCTS :return: """ # Too many local variables (28/15) - Too many branches (25/12) - Too many statements (75/50) self.t_start_eval = time() # store the time at which the search started if not self.net_pred_services[0].running: # check if the net prediction service has already been started for net_pred_service in self.net_pred_services: # start the prediction daemon thread net_pred_service.start() legal_moves = state.get_legal_moves() # list of all possible legal move in the current board position if not legal_moves: # consistency check raise Exception("The given board state has no legal move available") key = state.get_transposition_key() + ( state.get_fullmove_number(), ) # check first if the the current tree can be reused if not self.use_pruning and key in self.node_lookup: chess_board = state.get_pythonchess_board() self.root_node = self.node_lookup[key] # if key in self.node_lookup: if self.enhance_captures: self._enhance_captures(chess_board, legal_moves, self.root_node.policy_prob) # enhance checks for all direct child nodes for child_node in self.root_node.child_nodes: if child_node: self._enhance_captures(child_node.board, child_node.legal_moves, child_node.policy_prob) if self.enhance_checks: self._enhance_checks(chess_board, legal_moves, self.root_node.policy_prob) # enhance checks for all direct child nodes for child_node in self.root_node.child_nodes: if child_node: self._enhance_checks(child_node.board, child_node.legal_moves, child_node.policy_prob) logging.debug( "Reuse the search tree. Number of nodes in search tree: %d", self.root_node.nb_total_expanded_child_nodes, ) self.total_nodes_pre_search = deepcopy(self.root_node.n_sum) else: logging.debug("Starting a brand new search tree...") self.root_node = None self.total_nodes_pre_search = 0 if len(legal_moves) == 1: # check for fast way out max_depth_reached = 1 # if there's only a single legal move you only must go 1 depth if self.root_node is None: # conduct all necessary steps for fastest way out self._expand_root_node_single_move(state, legal_moves) # increase the move time buffer # subtract half a second as a constant for possible delay self.time_buffer_ms += max(self.movetime_ms - 500, 0) else: if self.root_node is None: self._expand_root_node_multiple_moves(state, legal_moves) # run a single expansion on the root node # opening guard if state.get_fullmove_number() <= self.opening_guard_moves: # 100: #7: #10: self.root_node.q_value[self.root_node.policy_prob < 5e-2] = -9999 # elif len(legal_moves) > 50: # self.root_node.q_value[self.root_node.policy_prob < 1e-3] = -9999 # conduct the mcts-search based on the given settings max_depth_reached = self._run_mcts_search(state) t_elapsed = time() - self.t_start_eval print("info string move overhead is %dms" % (t_elapsed * 1000 - self.movetime_ms)) # receive the policy vector based on the MCTS search p_vec_small = self.root_node.get_mcts_policy(self.q_value_weight) # , xth_n_max=xth_n_max, is_root=True) if self.use_future_q_values: # use q-future value to update the q-values of direct child nodes q_future, indices = self.get_last_q_values(min_nb_visits=5, max_depth=5) #25) # self.root_node.q_value = 0.5 * self.root_node.q_value + 0.5 * q_future # TODO: make this matrix vector form if max_depth_reached >= 5: for idx in indices: self.root_node.q_value[idx] = min(self.root_node.q_value[idx], q_future[idx]) p_vec_small = self.root_node.get_mcts_policy(self.q_value_weight) # if self.use_pruning is False: self.node_lookup[key] = self.root_node # store the current root in the lookup table best_child_idx = p_vec_small.argmax() # select the q-value according to the mcts best child value value = self.root_node.q_value[best_child_idx] # value = orig_q[best_child_idx] lst_best_moves, _ = self.get_calculated_line() str_moves = self._mv_list_to_str(lst_best_moves) node_searched = int(self.root_node.n_sum - self.total_nodes_pre_search) # show the best calculated line time_e = time() - self.t_start_eval # In uci the depth is given using half-moves notation also called plies if len(legal_moves) != len(p_vec_small): raise Exception( "Legal move list %s with length %s is incompatible to policy vector %s" " with shape %s for board state %s and nodes legal move list: %s" % (legal_moves, len(legal_moves), p_vec_small, p_vec_small.shape, state, self.root_node.legal_moves) ) # define the remaining return variables centipawns = value_to_centipawn(value) depth = max_depth_reached nodes = node_searched time_elapsed_s = time_e * 1000 # avoid division by 0 if time_e > 0.0: nps = node_searched / time_e else: # return a high constant in otherwise nps = 999999999 pv = str_moves if self.verbose: score = "score cp %d depth %d nodes %d time %d nps %d pv %s" % ( centipawns, depth, nodes, time_elapsed_s, nps, pv, )"info string %s", score) return value, legal_moves, p_vec_small, centipawns, depth, nodes, time_elapsed_s, nps, pv